Endured to the end. About the devoted servants of the Royal Family. royal servants

About the life of a domestic servant in Russian Empire beginning of the 20th century. October 17th, 2016

In the magazine "Ogonyok", No. 47 of November 23, 1908, the arguments of Ms. Severova were published ( pseudonym Natalia Nordman, unmarried wife of Ilya Repin) about the life of a domestic servant in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

That's how it was...

“Recently,” recalls Ms. Severova, “a young girl came to me for hire.
- Why are you without a place? I asked sternly.
- I just got back from the hospital! The month lay.
- From the hospital? What diseases were you treated for?
- Yes, and there were no special illnesses - only the legs were swollen and the whole back was broken, which means from the stairs, the gentlemen lived on the 5th floor. Also heads spinning, and knocks, and knocks happened. The janitor took me straight from the place to the hospital and took me. The doctor said severe overwork!
- Why are you moving stones there?

She was embarrassed for a long time, but finally I managed to find out exactly how she spent the day in the last place. Get up at 6. “There is no alarm clock, so you wake up every minute from 4 o’clock, you are afraid to oversleep.” A hot breakfast should be in time by 8 o'clock, 2 cadets with them to the corps. “You chop cue balls, but you peck with your nose. You put the samovar, they also need to clean their clothes and boots. The cadets will leave, the gentleman will go to the service to “celebrate”, also put a samovar, boots, clean clothes, for hot rolls, and run to the corner for a newspaper.

“The master, the lady and three young ladies will leave to celebrate - boots, galoshes, clean the dress, behind some hems, believe me, you stand for an hour, dust, even sand in your teeth; at twelve o'clock to make them coffee - you carry it to the beds. In the meantime, clean the rooms, fill the lamps, smooth out something. By two o'clock breakfast is hot, run to the shop, put soup for dinner.

As soon as they have breakfast, the Cadets go home, and even with their comrades they knock, they ask for food, tea, they send for cigarettes, only the Cadets are full, the master goes, he asks for fresh tea, and then the guests come up, run for sweet rolls, and then for a lemon, right away not to speak, sometimes I fly off 5 times in a row, for which my chest, it used to be, ache not to breathe.

Here, look, the sixth hour. So you gasp, cook dinner, cover. The lady scolds why she was late. At dinner, how many times they will send down to the shop - either cigarettes, or seltzer, or beer. After dinner, there is a mountain of dishes in the kitchen, and then put a samovar, or even coffee, whoever asks, and sometimes the guests will sit down to play cards, prepare a snack. By 12 o’clock you don’t hear your feet, you hit the stove, just fall asleep - a call, one young lady returned home, just fall asleep, a cadet from the ball, and so all night, and then get up at six - cue balls to chop.

“Crossing over 8–10 p. the threshold of our house, they become our property, their day and night belong to us; sleep, food, amount of work - it all depends on us"
“After listening to this story,” writes Ms. Severova, “I realized that this young girl was too zealous about her duties, which lasted 20 hours a day, or she was too soft of a character and did not know how to be rude and snarl.
Having grown up in the village, in the same hut with calves and chickens, a young girl comes to Petersburg and is hired by one servant to the masters. The dark kitchen, next to the drainpipes, is the scene of her life. Here she sleeps, combs her hair at the same table where she cooks, cleans skirts and boots on it, refills the lamps.

“Domestic servants are counted in tens, hundreds of thousands, and meanwhile the law has not yet done anything for them. You can really say - the law is not written about her.

“Our back stairs and back yards inspire disgust, and it seems to me that the uncleanliness and carelessness of the servants (“you run, you run, there’s no time to sew on buttons for yourself”) are in most cases forced shortcomings.

On an empty stomach, serve for life with my own hands delicious food, inhale their aroma, be present while the gentlemen “eat” them, savor and praise (“they eat under escort, they cannot swallow without us”), well, how can you not try to steal a piece at least later, do not lick the plate with your tongue, do not put candy in pocket, do not take a sip from the neck of the wine.

When we order, our young maid should serve our husbands and sons to wash, bring tea to their bed, make their beds, help them get dressed. Often the servant is left with them all alone in the apartment and at night, upon their return from drinking, takes off their boots and puts them to bed. She must do all this, but woe to her if we meet her with a fireman on the street.
And woe to her even more if she announces to us about the free behavior of our son or husband.

“It is known that the capital domestic servant deeply and almost completely corrupted. Women's, for the most part unmarried youth, arriving in masses from the villages and entering the service of the St. Petersburg "gentlemen" as cooks, maids, laundresses, etc., are quickly and irrevocably involved in debauchery and the whole environment, and countless, unceremonious ladies' men, starting with the "master" and footman, and ending with the guards dandy-soldier, powerful janitor, etc. Is it? tempered in chastity, the vestal would have resisted such a continuous and heterogeneous temptation from all sides! It can be positively said, therefore, that the largest part of the female servants in St. Petersburg (in total, there are about 60 tons of them) are entirely prostitutes, in terms of behavior. (V. Mikhnevich, "Historical Etudes of Russian Life", St. Petersburg, 1886).

Ms. Severova ends her reasoning with a prophecy: “... 50 years ago, servants were called “domestic bastards”, “smerds”, and were also called that in official papers. The current name "people" is also becoming obsolete, and in 20 years it will seem wild and impossible. “If we are ‘people’, then who are you? one young maid asked me, looking expressively into my eyes.

This article was written 16 years ago for the magazine " Paris Match”, which should be released in Russia, but never came out due to the crisis. Since then, much has changed: glorified as saints, the children of the tsar’s servant Ivan Sednev departed to another world, the Russian Church Abroad, which canonized the warrior John back in 1981, reunited with the Moscow Patriarchate, but still few people in their homeland know about the amazing fate and the feat of Ivan Sednev, a simple Russian peasant who remained faithful to the Sovereign, his Family and the oath to the end.

The night of flight from the dusty capital to the northeast - and the old train, passing the stations and half-stations sleeping in the damp greenery, reaching Uglich, will leave two cars at the tiny station and disappear.

Dawn. The deaf province wakes up in the ringing morning. Two-story houses, chickens run across the street. The car jumps over bumps. Wooden pedestal with a poster "Days of Tsarevich Dimitri". On the way to the dam, we pass the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, built on the site where blood came out of the road when the remains of the murdered prince were taken away from Uglich.

We are heading to the village of Sverchkovo, where more than a century ago Ivan Sednev was born, the servant of the last Russian Tsar, who followed him into exile and disappeared without a trace in the summer of 1918. In Sverchkovo, on a high river bank, his house still stands, where families of Ivan's descendants gather every year. In the summer in these parts, life is happy and serene and differs little from what the inhabitants of a small cozy town with an alarming history led here almost a hundred years ago. Nature also remained the same - in the rivers, Korozhechna and Volga, pike perches splash, in the swamps - placers of berries, mushrooms in the forests. On Saturdays, the haze over the surrounding villages heralds the bath day, and only the dam built by the prisoners in prewar years stands as a monument Soviet times. Here, at the lock, from the moment of its construction, Ivan Sednev's son Dmitry worked all his life. We are going to him.

The street is still asleep. The path from the house leads to a cliff, from where a steep wooden ladder abruptly goes down - there, on the quiet lazy water, a boat built by Dmitry Sednev sways. He goes fishing on it. Dmitry Ivanovich is eighty-three. His sisters, Lelya and Lucy, claim that Dmitry is very similar to his father. Dmitry himself does not remember him.

We leaf through the family album - miraculously preserved photos. “After all, we had a confiscation,” Dmitry Ivanovich says slowly and pours more tea, “when they did a search, they rummaged everywhere. Moreover, they searched their own, - the village ones. Photos, dad's awards, everything was taken away. We had a watch, a gift from Princess Olga Nikolaevna, and they melted it down. It was impossible to keep, - Dmitry Ivanovich falls silent. The fingers holding the knob of the stick clench, he looks out the window and continues bitterly: - When we returned here from Tsarskoe Selo, my mother gathered us together and said: guys, if only you were alive! Have endured a lot. Mom was imprisoned on a denunciation. "Royal" - that's what they called us. And it's not like we wise minnows were afraid of everything. But I didn’t want to repeat it - that’s enough, we survived. But during the search, my mother hid these photos behind the wallpaper, or put them somewhere else, I won’t lie, but they survived ... "

On yellowish cards - Grand Duchess Olga, a house in Tsarskoye Selo with a window marked with a cross: the Sednev family lived here until the summer of 1917

On the yellowish cards is Grand Duchess Olga, a house in Tsarskoye Selo with a window marked with a cross: the Sednev family lived here until the summer of 1917. "Do you imagine?" - says Dmitry Ivanovich. This is his favorite saying. He experienced a lot, this handsome gray-haired old man who carried through his whole life the burden of the loss of his father and the stigma of "the son of a royal servant."

Ivan and Marya

And this story began like this. Sailors were called up from Uglich for the tsarist fleet - Dmitry Ivanovich explains this fact in a special article by local guys - and when the time came for Ivan Sednev to serve, a handsome young man with an open face ended up on the Baltic "Northern Star". “But already from there he was taken to the Shtandart, the yacht of Tsar Nicholas, can you imagine?” Dmitry Ivanovich pauses expectantly. So Ivan Sednev became a lackey for the Grand Duchesses.

Arriving on a visit, Ivan Sednev married the beautiful Maria looked after by her relatives. The village girl was destined for a fate that makes her dizzy from watching the turns. A peasant woman who lived at the royal court: Grand Duchess Olga was the goddaughter of her children.

Here Maria looks from a photograph of those times - a strict Petersburg lady. She had to run through the whole distraught Russia with three small children, returning home to Sverchkovo, endure all the troubles, become the chairman of the collective farm, serve time on a denunciation. A widow at thirty, she never remarried. She couldn’t and didn’t want to talk about her husband with her children, if they asked, she would cut off: “Don’t disturb!”


The children of Ivan and Marya - Mitya, Lelya and Lusya - stubbornly call the revolution a mess. Lucy is the eldest, the only one who remembers life in Tsarskoye Selo. In her small Moscow apartment - carefully stored, once taken out of Tsarskoye Selo. All her life, Lyudmila Ivanovna has been waiting for her to tell about her father.

“Dad was very good in character - that's how Dmitry Ivanovich is. I remember how we were waiting for him from the service and everyone asked my mother: “Did you make ice cream?”, Because dad loved ice cream very much. Once dad comes and says: "Olga Nikolaevna - the Grand Duchess - they expressed their desire to be our goddaughter to Olya." Then Mityusha was born, and she became his goddaughter.”

And then the "mess" began. “We were very afraid,” recalls Lyudmila Ivanovna, “they were waiting for the Cossacks: they said that they would go home and cut everyone out. Papa was left in the palace. We went to him, dad came out to the gate, and we talked. “Don’t worry,” he said, “nothing will happen to me.” And then he told me to leave. And we left. I was almost seven years old, so I remember how we arrived in Uglich and went to the village - where there is a pine tree and a descent to the river. The rye was then ripening, so we went with the rye.

Ivan's debt

His family never saw Ivan Sednev again. They knew: he died with the royal family, but they still waited

His family never saw Ivan Sednev again. They knew that he died along with the royal family, but they still waited. Ivan's nephew, cook Lenka Sednev, returned to Sverchkovo, released from the merciful Chekists. First of all, I went to my uncle's house. And the heart of Maria Sedneva was confused - Lenka was sure that Ivan was alive, that he was at home. In the autumn of the eighteenth, a letter arrived in Sverchkovo from Ivan from Tobolsk. “There was no year there - only a month, August. We were so happy!” - Dmitry Ivanovich recalls, but his hopes were in vain - the letter came from the other world.

Through Tobolsk royal family they were taken to Yekaterinburg - it took a year for Ivan's letter to reach his home, and when it arrived, he was no longer alive. “He did his duty,” says Dmitry Sednev about his father. - My father's term of service ended in 1922 - he could not help but go with the royal family! He served!

And a month before the execution of the royal family, this is what happened. Sednev and the tsarevich's batman, sailor Nagorny, noticed that the Red Army men were stealing the icons that hung at Alexei's headboard. They were not silent. The next day they were taken away under escort. Where - it is not known: to prison, to the nearest ravine ... No one has ever heard anything about Nagorny or Sednev.

We are sitting with Dmitry Ivanovich in the kitchen of the Sednevsky house, standing over a cliff. The river slumbers in the midday sun. Quiet - the chirping of birds and someone's distant voices. “All these years…were you proud of your father?” I ask and freeze. Dmitry Ivanovich raises his eyebrows. “I grew up without a father. And when I began to realize this, it was hard for me ... Everyone has fathers, and I have no one to turn to. Fatherlessness."

So the story turns out private life. Someone's, crippled, unique and beautiful

Human. The flow of living blood, going through the century - like a bullet right through. If you read books, archival dust will settle on your fingers. Draw the diagrams and you will understand how it all happened. You will restore the dates by day. And then an old man with a snowy head will look with a clear eye and tell about who is for us - a surname in a book, a miraculously preserved photo: “You see, I grew up without a father.” And history will be a private life. Someone's, crippled, unique and beautiful. And everything will fall into place. Here he is, the son of the servant of the last king, across the table, on which, in a glass jar, are wet flowers from his garden. In the next room, the grandson of the sailor Ivan Sednev, Vladislav, the successor of the family, is bassing. Lucy comes every year with her son from Moscow. Across the river, a bath smokes - Lelya melted, Olenka, the goddaughter of the Grand Duchess. Big family. branched tree life.

Crowned Nicholas, coupled with martyr faces, the Queen, Children and servants, coming at the Throne of Christ, grant us enlightenment, illuminating our souls gloom and insensibility, as if we joyfully praise your blessed memory.

Canon of the Royal Martyrs

Everyone betrayed the Tsar and Russia ... Almost everyone, because there were people who fulfilled their duty to the end, to the very death - the duty of the oath, the duty of honor, the duty of love, the duty of faith.
The faithful servants were shot by the executioners "for the company", so as not to leave witnesses. But the cross and the crown of glory are divided by them to the end, and, moreover, completely consciously and voluntarily. These people imagined what they were going to when they refused to leave their August Lords, despised by the whole society and abandoned by the people. Isn't that a feat worthy of emulation?
Heroes of duty, faith and love - Countess A.V. Gendrikova, Prince V.A. Dolgorukov, I.L. simple people: the sailor Nagorny, the valets Volkov and Chemodurov, the lackey Sednev, the maid Demidova - voluntarily followed into prison along with the Royal Family.

E. S. Botkin

It is known that 40 people arrived in Tobolsk with the Royal Family, after the transfer of the Family to Yekaterinburg, their number is reduced to 27:
1) adjutant general I. L. Tatishchev, 2) doctor V. N. Derevenko, 3) mentor of the Heir to the Tsarevich P. A. Zhilyar, 4) teacher of English language S. I. Gibbs, 5) maid of honor Countess A. V. Gendrikova, 6) maid of honor Baroness S. K. Buxgevden, 7) goflektress E. A. Schneider. 8) the nanny of the August Children A. A. Teglev, 9) her assistant E. N. Ersberg, 10) the chamberlain Jungfer M. G. Tutelberg, 11) the valet of the Empress A. A. Volkov, 12) the lackey of the Heir to the Tsarevich S. I. Ivanov, 13) uncle of the Heir to the Tsarevich K. G. Nagorny, 14) footman A. E. Trupp, 15) footman Tyutin, 16) waiter F. Zhuravsky, 17) cook I. M. Kharitonov, 18) cook Kokichev, 19) cook's apprentice A. Sednev, 20) kitchen attendant F. Pyurkovsky, 21) kitchen attendant Terekhov, 22) attendant Smirnov, 23) scribe A. Kirpichnikov, 24) hairdresser A. N. Dmitriev, 25) servant of Countess Gendrikova P. Mezhants, 26 and 27) servants of Mrs. Schneider E. Zhivaya and Maria (surname unknown).
General Tatishchev, Countess Gendrikova, Ms. Schneider and valet Volkov, upon arrival in Yekaterinburg, were sent directly from the train to prison. Everyone else was told that they were "no longer needed" and that they were free.

Within the next few days after arrival, the number of servants imprisoned in the Ipatiev House was almost halved. On May 11/24, valet Chemodurov fell ill and was taken to the prison hospital. On May 15/28, the uncle of the Heir to the Tsarevich, Klimenty Nagorny, and another valiant sailor of the Imperial yacht Shtandart, the lackey of the Grand Duchesses Ivan Sednev, were arrested and sent to prison. Their whole crime consisted in the fact that they did not hide their indignation at the behavior of the commissars and guards and tried to save things that belonged to the Royal Family from plunder.
Since the conclusion Royal Family in Tobolsk and before their martyrdom, the number of people who remained with them gradually decreased. Thus, the Royal Prisoners gradually lost their faithful servants, many of whom, for their devotion to Their Majesties, themselves suffered a martyr's end.
Starting from mid-May, only five people remained with the Royal Family: the life physician E. S. Botkin, the room girl A. S. Demidova, the footman A. E. Trupp, the cook I. M. Kharitonov and the cook's student Leonid Sednev.
In the basement of the Ipatiev house on the night of July 16-17, 1918, four more people were killed along with the Royal Family:
-Botkin Evgeny Sergeevich (1864-1918). Life physician at the person of His Imperial Majesty, professor of medicine, assistant professor of the Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg).
- Troupe Aloysius (Alexey) Egorovich, chamber footman.
- Kharitonov Ivan Mikhailovich, cook.
- Demidova Anna Stepanovna, room girl.

The maid of honor of the Empress Countess Cross on the grave of Countess A. V. Gendrikova
Anastasia Vasilievna Gendrikova and goflektris E. A. Schneider

While in the spring of the seventeenth Blok reveled in the "music of the revolution" and "soldiers' pickets who check documents, which have their own revolutionary chic" (this is on Bright Sunday), on the same Bright Week, Marina Tsvetaeva pleaded: "For the Child - for the Dove - for the Son , / For the young Tsarevich Alexy / Pray, Church Russia!.."
The visible identification of heroes and villains, provoked by the revolution, began. The boatswain Derevenko, who carried the sick prince in his arms and was considered his own in the sovereign's family, went over to the side of the revolutionary mob. Derevenko, who taught the Tsesarevich to walk, played with him, carried him in his arms, protected him for more than ten years, proved himself to be a traitor. And the sailor Klementy Nagorny voluntarily went with the prisoners to Tobolsk, then to Yekaterinburg, where he was shot a month before the murder of the Romanovs.
Among those who went to the cross for the Emperor were the nobles, and the nobleman Dr. E. S. Botkin wrote from Yekaterinburg imprisonment: “I died - I died for my children, for friends, for business ... medical debt to the end". And the nobleman Adjutant General I. L. Tatishchev recalled his decision to go into exile with the Sovereign at the request of the Sovereign: "For such royal goodwill, who and could conscience dare to refuse the Sovereign at such a difficult moment. " Were among The faithful servants of the Tsar's were peasants and petty bourgeois, and the valet of the empress, the peasant Volkov, simply spoke of his loyalty to the Tsar: “It was the most holy pure family!” The family had faithful servants-foreigners and non-Christians - the Englishman Gibbs and the Frenchman Gilliard.

In the service to the Royal Passion-Bearers, the names of other Romanovs are given, as well as their servants who received martyrdom: Grand Duke Sergiy Alexandrovich, killed by terrorists in Moscow in 1905; his wife, Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna, nun Varvara, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and his servant Theodore Remez; princes John, Konstantin, Igor and Vladimir; Grand Duke Mikhail, brother of the Tsar and Heir to the Throne, as well as his secretary, Nikolai Johnson, who were killed in Perm in July 1918; and, finally, the Grand Dukes Pavel, Dmitry and George, who were killed in 1919 in Petrograd.


A special place is occupied by the question of the glorification of the faithful royal servants who suffered along with the Royal Family. At one time, the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad glorified them. I would like to hope that in connection with the unification of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church Abroad and the restoration of Eucharistic communion, the faithful tsar's servants who suffered for "their friends" will be revered here in Russia. A common feat together raises to Heaven ...

20 years after the murder of the Royal Family and Their servants, in 1938, at the Butovo training ground near Moscow, the martyr Vasily Ivanov, now glorified in the host of new martyrs and confessors of Russia, was shot, whose life has one peculiarity: martyr Vasily, like the royal servants in July 1918- th, suffered for the Tsar-Martyr Nicholas. .


The article was published on the website of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Biryulyovo under the heading "New Martyrs" (http://www.st-nikolas.orthodoxy.ru) without indicating the author. - Approx. ed. Website "Our Era".

Adjutant General I. L. Tatishchev and Prince V. A. Dolgorukov were shot in Yekaterinburg on July 10, 1918. Countess A. V. Gendrikova, goflectress E. A. Schneider and valet A. A. Volkov in the days after the murder of the Royal Family were transported to Perm and killed on the night of August 20/September 3-4, 1918. Valet Volkov managed to escape from the place of execution (sewage fields near Perm). - Approx. ed. Website "Our Era".

(obsolete) servants in a noble, rich house

Alternative descriptions

In Russia until 1917 - servants

The common name for a servant in a landowner's house

Human face letter

Cyrillic letter

. "human" letter of the Slavic alphabet

The play by Vasily Shukshin "Energetic ..."

A play by the Russian writer A. N. Ostrovsky “Own ..., let's settle”

A series of essays by V. Gilyarovsky "Slums ..."

Novel American writer S. Anderson "Marching..."

Sons of men

Tale Russian writer M. Zoshchenko

They live...!

masters on earth


. "poor...", Dostoevsky

. "homo sapiens"

Everyone... brothers

Descendants of monkeys according to Darwin

. "human" letter of the Slavs

The play "Own ..., let's settle"

A film about mutants "...-X"

Raikin: "... and mannequins"

Old Russian letter "L"

. "..., Where are you? Ay! (cry of the hero S. Farada)

. "l" of our great-grandparents

. "... and dummies" (Raikin's film)

. "l" from Cyrillic

The distant past of the letter "L"


Living Cyrillic letter

. "with age ... they do less stupid things - not the same opportunities"

. "..., Where are you? Ay! (cry in "Sorcerers")

They die for metal

. "... perish for metal" (Mephistopheles)

. "... in black" (film)

Cyrillic letter (L)

Letter of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet

. "... in black" (film)

. "... perish for metal" (Mephistopheles)

. "... where are you? Aw!" (cry in "Sorcerers")

. "... where are you? Aw!" (Cry of the hero S. Farada)

. "... and dummies" (Raikin's film)

. "L" from Cyrillic

. "L" of our great-grandparents

. "Human" letter of the Slavs

. "Poor...", Dostoevsky

. "Homo sapiens"

The distant past of the letter "L"

M. pl. the person people m. collect. humans, the human race; people, world, society, everything and everyone; a servant in the house, as a servant is called a man. We are all people, but not all people, that is, the human race, but without human dignity. People talk, rumors go around. To listen to people on the shoulders of a donkey to shoulder (from a fable). Here people are a rogue. No one to take, no people, workers. him in the house there are worthless little people, a thief and a drunkard. Eastern people used and in one h. person. What kind of person are you? In public, even death is red. It is easy to be in public (arch.). The king needs people (or: servants). It's nice how people are nice to people. God is God, and people are people. God and people know, and God and the world know. God alone has seen, but people know. For (on) whom God, for (on) that and good people. God and good people give. If not for God and not good people! all people, yes, every person in his own way. We drink, we eat like people; why are we not human? We drink like people, but for what God does not have mercy, we do not know. Al in people there are no people? People something, people exactly people! There are many people, but no one. Lots of people, but no people. In the world not without good people. in Samoyeds not without people. people live across the river. behind the mountains people. I'll go, I'll look at good people. People to look and show themselves. Look at people and show yourself. Get out to the people. They come out through people into people. If people are taken out, that's how they live. Let's be patient, and we will be people. God will find and bring to people. Old and stubborn neither to people nor to us. Kind Ivan, and to people, and to us: thin Ivan, neither to people, nor to us. Ilya is at home, but a pig is in people. Not to God, not to people, not to us peasants. Ananya's people, but you won't find a house (and a scoundrel's house). There will be rye in the field, there will be lies in people. People lied, but we didn't tell the truth. Ask people what's going on at home! Live for yourself (that is, live for yourself in such a way that it would be good for people too). What people have, then they are not averse to us (we are not averse to that either). What lives in people, then we will not blow. We are no worse than humans. I don’t lie at home, but I don’t stand among people, that is, I work and sit. What's in people, so we have. What for people, then for us (about profits, etc.). we are not worse than people . What people are, so are we. Just a lot, but in people. What I save at home, I won’t go to the people. Do you drink wine? I drink to people (they will bring me, so I will drink). people drink, and at home does not pour. It was not at that time that the mother gave birth. Without gathering the mind, let people in! We would have to go downhill, and carry people uphill. People dear, and the wolf side. People at home, whatever you want, but in people what they give. If they don’t bake at home, they won’t give it to people either. He is not afraid of God, nor is he ashamed of people. You can't surprise people, even if you kill yourself. You will kill yourself, but you will not please people. Peas and turnips in the field, a widow and a girl among people! strangers (on a foreign side) for three years you will be known as a devil. what will people say about this (about us)? After that, do not seem to people, but the guys will laugh. To joke, to make people laugh. Make jokes, make people laugh. Teach a wife without children, and children without people. Do not brag yourself, as people will praise. Do not brag about the beggar's bag, how people will give (whether they will give more). Why boast about something that is not good for people. Trouble (slander) does not walk through the forest, but through people. People used to be smarter, but now they are happier. Give your wife to the people, and live like that yourself. The yard is full of holes, people are talking, but they are not ordered to go out (muzzle). People are God's dogs (talk). people fool laughter; your fool shame (woe). At home, as you like, but in people, as they say. What people have, then we do. to people the Mother of God (icon), and to kam Lithuania and Lithuania (all Lithuania) People the name of the 13th letter, see. Lyudin m. Lyudin ryaz. single number from people, person; old-fashioned, citizen, inhabitant, free man (not a peasant); current: a commoner or a man from the mob, a peasant. Lyudina m. contemptuous. A person is not a person. People pl. old people, expression of humility. Crowded, full of people, crowded. Crowded land, city; crowded street; crowded gathering, artel. The market is crowded. You guys are very crowded. It became crowded with people for the holidays. Sev. east plentifully, a lot, marvelously. Crowded piglets, dogs, deer: crowded with money, firewood; the rains poured heavily. Crowded noise, a lot of voices. Crowded, crowded, heavily populated. Population crowdedness; population, in relation to the number, congestion of people, speaking of the large number of them. Crowd, fill with people. The edge is getting crowded, for example. from immigrants, or from the reproduction of people in place. The market is getting crowded, people are arriving (opposite to be deserted). Humanity cf. crowdedness, crowdedness, the presence of people. With people and in the forest, it’s not scary. You can do everything with humanity. Human, pertaining to people. Human speech, rumor. Human good, common to all. Human table, for servants; hut, human servants' quarters in the manor's yard. Human, decent to a person in general; benevolent; polite. This is not a human touch. Live like a human being, like a human being, as it is fitting for a person. On Vyatka pron. hatches, hatches: plainly, carefully, carefully, attentively. God's judgment is not human judgment. Human judgment, not God's. You can't overhear human (dashing) speeches. Our misfortune is not like a human one (closer to the heart; or unforgiven). In Lutsk, everything is not human: there is water around, and in the middle there is trouble. Humanity, humanness. property, human condition; good, meek, hospitable disposition; humanity, humanity; propriety, decency in appearance, by skill in a good society. To make people psk. meet, get to know, meet people. A man-cutter, a man-killer, a man-eater, a man-killer, a man-eater, a man-eater, etc. who cuts, kills, destroys, starves or devours people. Cannibal, in addition to the savage cannibal, is also called a predatory fish shark, sea ​​dog or dog, sharka, Squalus. Cannibalism, gluttony cf. the custom of some savages to eat human flesh. The father-in-law says: they bring us a bear; the mother-in-law says: they lead the cannibal; brothers-in-law say: they bring us netkahu; sisters-in-law say: we are not spinning, etc. attacks on the young, song

The play "Own ..., let's settle"

A play by the Russian writer A. N. Ostrovsky "Own ..., let's settle"

Raikin: "... and mannequins"

The novel by the American writer S. Anderson "Marching..."

Old Russian letter "L"

Film about mutants "...-X"

. "human" letter of the Slavic alphabet

Vasily Shukshin's play "Energetic..."

A series of essays by V. Gilyarovsky "Slums ..."

They live....

. "with age ... they do less stupid things - not the same opportunities"

Cyrillic letter

The distant past of the letter "L"

. "Yes, there were ... in our time" (verse)

How bright stars the holy royal martyrs shine in the church sky. There were many who despised them, persecuted and tormented them during their lifetime; those who honor and love now - probably even more. But there were very few who showed them their love during their humiliation, and even fewer those who themselves decided to share their cross with them. Their names should be inscribed in golden letters in our memory.

First test of loyalty

Anna Stepanovna Demidov In February 1917, a revolution took place in Russia. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, a "real orgy of cowardice" began in those days among the emperor's inner circle. Some hurriedly left the palace, others ripped off the imperial initials from their shoulder straps. The son of Dr. Yevgeny Botkin, Gleb, later recalled: “People who just a few days ago flaunted their monarchical convictions now assured everyone of their loyalty to the revolution and showered insults on the emperor and empress, spoke of His Majesty “Colonel Romanov” or simply “Nikolai” ". However, among those close to him there were those who remained faithful to their sovereign, oath, duty of honor and faith.

On March 8, 1917, the empress was informed of her arrest, as well as that all courtiers and servants were free to leave the royal family. Two days were given to make a decision. Cook Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, despite the fact that he had a large family, he immediately declared that he would remain with the emperor. The assistant to the uncle of the Tsarevich did the same Klementy Grigorievich Nagorny.

Countess Anastasia Vasilievna Gendrikova in last days February, she went to Kislovodsk to visit her seriously ill sister, however, having learned about the events that had taken place in Petrograd, she hastily returned to Tsarskoye Selo. She arrived at the Alexander Palace only a few hours before it became a prison. In her diary, she wrote: "Thank God, I managed to arrive in time to be with them."

Marshal Prince Vasily Alexandrovich Dolgorukov The next day, March 9, the sovereign returned to Tsarskoye Selo. He was accompanied the only one a man from all his numerous retinue - the prince marshal Vasily Alexandrovich Dolgorukov. Colonel E. S. Kobylinskiy, who met them at the station, later said: “I cannot forget one phenomenon that I observed at that time. In the train with the sovereign, many people of the retinue rode. When the sovereign got out of the carriage, these faces fell onto the platform and began to quickly, quickly scatter into different sides looking around, apparently imbued with a sense of fear that they would be recognized. The emperor quickly got out of the car, without looking at anyone, walked along the platform and got into the court car that was waiting for him. Only one faithful Prince Dolgorukov followed him, sitting next to him in the car...

“If the king had more such nobles…”

In the first half of July 1917, at a meeting of the Provisional Government, a decision was made to transfer the royal family to Tobolsk.

"The future no longer frightens, no longer worries"

Two days before her departure, Anastasia Gendrikova made the following entry in her diary: “The future no longer frightens, does not bother. I feel and trust so much (and so I experienced it myself) that as the sufferings of Christ increase in us, our consolation will also increase through Christ.».

Count Ilya Leonidovich Tatishchev Together with the royal family, Chief Marshal of the Highest Court Count P.K. Benkendorf was supposed to go, but due to his wife's illness, he could not go to Tobolsk exile. The sovereign offered to accompany him to Major General K. A. Naryshkin, to which he asked to give him 24 hours to think. Hearing this, the emperor refused his further services and made a similar offer to Count Tatishchev, to which he immediately gladly agreed. Later, Ilya Leonidovich explained the motives of his act in the following way: “It would be inhumanly black ingratitude for all the blessings of an ideally good sovereign to even think about such a proposal; should have been regarded as happiness. General Vinberg later wrote: “If the Russian Tsar had more such nobles as Tatishchev, then not only would the revolution not have been able to exert its destructive effect on our Motherland, but the revolution itself would not have happened.” It seems that these words can be applied to all other faithful royal servants.

Each of the subjects, as best he could, tried to help the royal sufferers. Vasily Alexandrovich Dolgorukov, together with Dr. Botkin, repeatedly petitioned that the royal prisoners be given a freer regime and allowed them to walk around the city. The prince repeatedly applied for financial assistance to his stepfather, Count P.K. Benckendorff. The cook Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, when he began to feel a lack of funds, began to go to rich merchants and ask for goods on credit. Klementy Grigorievich Nagorny, who by that time had become, instead of A. E. Derevenko, the uncle of the Tsarevich, did a lot for Alexei Nikolaevich: he participated in all his games and undertakings, was constantly on duty with him during bouts of his illness, wore, if necessary, on hands. Anna Stepanovna Demidova, as before, tirelessly served the Empress.

"The Lord protects from despair..."

After the Bolsheviks seized power, the content of prisoners, although not immediately, deteriorated significantly. The royal family was allocated (from their own capital!) 4,200 rubles for the whole family per month (for comparison: before that, family expenses were about 20-25 thousand rubles a month).

However, the arrested tried to endure the difficulties of their position with great dignity, patience and humility. O internal state members of the royal family can be evidenced by the letters of the empress of that period. So, in one of them she wrote about the joy and silence with which God fills her soul: “Isn't this a miracle! Isn't this the closeness of God? After all, endless grief - everything that I love suffers, there is no account of all the dirt and suffering, and the Lord does not allow despondency: He protects from despair, gives strength.

Countess Anastasia Vasilievna Gendrikova From the letters and memoirs of contemporaries it is clear that the servants, especially Dr. Evgeny Botkin and Countess Anastasia Gendrikova, tried to maintain at that time a peaceful disposition of the soul and a cheerful, even joyful spirit. “Gendrikova tries to be joyful,” Prince Dolgorukov wrote to his mother. “Gendrikova is rather calm, and the devastation of her house in Petrograd did not impress her much,” he said in another letter.

Meanwhile, on April 22, Extraordinary Commissar of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Yakovlev arrived from Moscow in order to take the family out of Tobolsk. Since the heir was at that time seriously ill, three grand duchesses and several servants remained with him. The Sovereign, Empress and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna were forced to leave Tobolsk. Prince Dolgorukov, Dr. Botkin, valet Chemadurov, lackey Sednev, and Anna Demidova also set out with them on an unknown path. Gibbs' testimony has been preserved that it was not easy for Anna Stepanovna to take such a step. On the evening before leaving, she innocently confessed to him: “Oh, Mr. Gibbs! I'm so afraid of the Bolsheviks. I don't even know what they'll do to us." However, she found the strength in herself to overcome this fear and share the fate of the royal sufferers until the very end of martyrdom.

On April 30, after repeated route changes, the train finally arrived in Yekaterinburg, and Prince Dolgorukov was immediately separated from the others and sent to arrest house No. 2 (now the building of the Central City Clinical Hospital No. 1).

The beginning of the interchange

Tsarevich Alexei with sailor Nagorny. Mogilev, 1910. Soon, on May 20, other members of the royal family left Tobolsk on the steamer Rus. Together with them, among other faithful servants, went Count I.L. Tatishchev, Countess A.V. Gendrikova, uncle of Tsarevich K.G. Nagorny, cook I.M. Kharitonov.

It is known that on the ship, Commissar N. Rodionov locked the Tsarevich in the cabin at night, against which Klementy Grigorievich strongly protested. The Bolsheviks simply hated the sailor Nagorny. Sailor Pavel Khokhryakov was most opposed to him. “It could not have been otherwise,” Colonel Kobylinsky later noted, “one is the “beauty and pride of the Russian revolution,” and the other is a man devoted to the Family who deeply loved Alexei Nikolaevich and is loved by him. That's why he died..."

On May 23, the Grand Duchesses, Alexei Nikolaevich and everyone who accompanied them arrived in the red capital of the Urals. According to the decision of the Ural Regional Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies, General Tatishchev, Countess Gendrikova, Mrs. Schneider and valet Volkov were arrested and sent directly from the train to the arrest house. Countess Gendrikova and Mrs. Schneider were placed in a common hospital cell - both women were sick. Next to the arrest house was the Simeonovskaya church-school that was still functioning at that time. Prisoners were taken to it every Sunday, and imprisoned priests also served there. Divine services were held reverently and solemnly, many wept.

Klementy Grigoryevich Nagorny, along with a few servants, was admitted to the royal family. Until the end, he remained a caring servant and brave bodyguard of the young Tsarevich. Defending the interests of Alexei Nikolaevich, he demanded that he leave not one, but two pairs of boots, so that the boy could change his shoes if they got wet; overcoming his own fatigue, with zeal and love he served the Tsarevich day and night when he was ill. When the assistant to the commandant of the Ipatiev house, Moshkin, wanted to take away the golden chain with crosses and icons hanging over the bed of the heir, Klementy, together with Ivan Sednev, stopped the thief. Moshkin did not forgive them for this: just four days after the arrival of the royal children in Yekaterinburg, both servants were arrested and imprisoned. On June 28 they were shot with a group of hostages. Shortly before that, on June 10, Vasily Alexandrovich Dolgorukov and Ilya Leonidovich Tatishchev were killed.

Ipatiev house

The servants were offered to leave the arrested, but no one agreed to this.

The Bolsheviks again offered the royal servants who remained in the Ipatiev house to leave the arrested, but no one agreed to this. Chekist I. I. Rodzinsky later said: “In general, at one time after the transfer to Yekaterinburg, there was an idea to separate them all from them, in particular, even the daughters were offered to leave. But everyone refused.

Living conditions in Ipatiev's house were incomparably more difficult than in Tobolsk. The building was surrounded by two high wooden fences, the windows were smeared with whitewash. The guards behaved rudely and unbridled. At any time they had access to all rooms, and in the bedroom of the Grand Duchesses, the door was even removed. In general, the young princesses were constantly mocked in every possible way: they pestered them with the most indecent jokes, “accompanied” them when they went to the restroom and back, and cursed obscenely in their presence.

Food was delivered to the royal prisoners from the dining room, often out of time and once a day. There were cases when they brought only what was left of the commissars and soldiers. Meals were held at a table without a tablecloth, sometimes five spoons were served for seven people. Sometimes, during dinner, some Red Army soldier would come up, put a spoon into a bowl of soup and say: “After all, they still don’t feed you anything.” Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, the court cook, did his best to rectify the situation. He managed to repair the previously smoking stove and began to cook, as far as possible, nutritious and tasty food.

Everyone felt like one big family.

In the conditions of imprisonment, everyone felt like one big family - they worked together, ate and rested together. We also prayed together. According to the testimonies of the former guards of the Ipatiev House, all the prisoners got up at about 8-9 in the morning, "gathered in one room and sang prayers there."

On the threshold of the Kingdom of Heaven

Dr. Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin In such a difficult situation, only faith, as Pierre Gilliard wrote, “greatly supported the courage of the prisoners. They retained in themselves that miraculous faith, which already in Tobolsk aroused the astonishment of those around them and gave them so much strength and so much clarity in suffering. They have almost broken with the local world.

On behalf of the members of the august family, Dr. Botkin turned to the commandant Avdeev with a request to perform divine services, but for all the time only five services were obtained. Clerics of Yekaterinburg's Catherine's Cathedral were invited to perform them. The last service took place on July 14, 1918 - two days before the assassination. When the deacon sang “Rest in peace with the saints,” the emperor, and after him all those present, knelt down.

The servants were martyred along with the royal family

The servants remained faithful to the holy royal martyrs to the end, and together with them accepted a martyr's death. On the night of July 16-17, on the eve of the feast of St. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, they were all brutally murdered in the basement of the Ipatiev House.

Countess Anastasia Vasilievna Gendrikova and goflectress Ekaterina Adolfovna Schneider soon accepted a painful death: they were killed in Perm on the night of September 4th. “Anastasia Vasilievna Gendrikova, as a deeply religious person, was not afraid of death and was ready for it,” wrote General M.K. Diterikhs. - The diaries and letters left by her testify to complete humility before the will of God and to the readiness to accept the crown intended by the Most High Creator, no matter how heavy it may be. She confidently believed in the light afterlife and on the Resurrection on the last day, and in this power of faith she drew vitality, peace of mind.

The devoted servants of the royal martyrs kept love and loyalty to the royal family in their hearts to the end. Having shared with her all the sorrows and hardships of imprisonment, especially becoming close to royal martyrs during that period, they were imbued with their high spiritual mood. Thanks to this, we believe, and now they also rejoice brightly with them in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Natalya Stukova,
employee of the Alexander Nevsky Novo-Tikhvin Monastery
and the commission for the canonization of saints of the Yekaterinburg Metropolis


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