Being humble is good or bad. What makes a humble person attractive?



adj., use Often

Morphology: modest, modest, modestly, modest and modest; more modest; nar. modestly

1. modest they call a person who does not show off his merits, merits and, when communicating with other people, does not like to attract much attention to himself, which is considered a sign of good education.

The entire scientific community was well acquainted with his works, but the professor himself was a modest man and rarely appeared at conferences.

2. modest called a person who does not spend more money on himself than is necessary in Everyday life.

Modest in their needs.


3. modest name something that does not attract much attention.

Modest appearance. | Modest colors of northern nature. | He invariably dressed in a modest gray suit.


4. modest they call that which consists of the most necessary, has no frills.

Modest lunch. | Modest wedding. | Modest furniture. | Modest apartment. | During the years of farming, the modest house of the former chairman of the collective farm turned into a three-story cottage.

simple, common, poor

5. modest call an employee who occupies an ordinary, insignificant position.

A modest employee in the Ministry of the Interior, but what vanity!


6. modest call someone's income if they are small, insignificant.

Modest salary. | Modest income.

7. modest name something that covers a small part of something in common.

Have humble knowledge. | Set yourself a modest challenge. | What we see in museums is only a modest particle of the rich art of the past.

moderate, limited

8. modest call what is not known, popular.

The athlete now stands for a modest Italian club.

modesty noun, and.

modest adj.

modest adj.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitrieva. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "modest" is in other dictionaries:

    Temperant, temperate, moderate, unpretentious, undemanding, meager, well-behaved, decent, orderly. Prot. shameless cf. . See well-behaved, temperate, meek, small, mediocre, decent, bashful, quiet ... Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

    MODEST, moderate in all requirements, humble; meek and undemanding for himself; not putting his personality in front, not dreaming about himself; decent, quiet in circulation; the opposite self-confident, presumptuous, selfish, selfish; proud... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    modest, modest, modest; modest, modest, modest, modest and (rarely) modest. 1. Such that does not seek to show their qualities, dignity, merits, devoid of arrogance and arrogance. Humble person. Modestly (adv.) talk about ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Modest, Vasily Mikhailovich Vasily Mikhailovich Modest (August 26, 1964, Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) Soviet actor, who played Makar Gusev in the movie "The Adventures of Electronics". Fifteen-year-old Odessa guy, who for the role of Makar Gusev ... ... Wikipedia

    MODEST, oh, oh; me, me, me, me and me. 1. Restrained in revealing one's merits, merits, not boastful. The scientist is humble. 2. Restrained, moderate, simple and decent. Humble behavior. Modest appearance. Dress modestly (adv.) ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    modest- humble, brief f. modest, modest, modest, modest and tolerably modest; comp. Art. more modest... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    modest- oh, oh; scro / men, modest /, scro / me 1) Not flaunting his merits, merits, not boastful. Humble person. The artist must be modest, because his light, like the moon, only comes from the sun, but he himself is not the sun (Prishvin). 2)… … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    modest- exceptionally modest extremely modest amazingly modest surprisingly modest ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    modest- Old High German - (h)rama (frame, border). Common Slavic - krom (frame, edge, edge). Czech - skrovny (modest, moderate). Polish - modest. The word "modest" has been known in Russian since the 17th century. The word is borrowed from Polish, where ... ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Semenov

    Modest, modest, modest, blr. shy to calm down, Czech, Slav. skromny modest, Polish. modest - the same. Derived from *krom ; cf. krom pl. loom, which is associated with d.v. n. (h)rama frame, bed, original one who stays in... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

Often modesty is mistaken for weakness and indecision, but when experience proves to people that they were mistaken, then modesty gives new charm, strength and respect to character.

He who searches deeply into his soul so often catches himself in error,

which inevitably becomes modest. He is no longer proud of his

enlightenment, he does not consider himself superior to others.

Almost always, modesty is directly proportional to talent.

Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guardian of virtue.

Modesty as a personality trait - a tendency to show a lack of desire for honors .

An overly modest guy in a pharmacy, terribly embarrassed in line, barely whispers: - I would like this ... a condom. Apothecary: What, what? Speak louder! - Well, in general, Polina, Rosa, Elena, Zina, Evdokia, Ruslana, Valya, Aksinya, Tonya, Ira, Vera. Pharmacist with surprise: - And where are you with one condom for such a crowd?

Girl, do you have a boyfriend? -Not. -You are very modest. Such a beautiful and sweet girl should have a boyfriend? - Yes, I do not mind, my husband is against ...

A person sometimes cannot evade honors, but this in no way speaks of his indiscretion. Maria Skłodowska-Curie the first ever winner twice Nobel Prize. In 1910, she succeeded in isolating pure metallic radium. Thus, a 12-year cycle of life-threatening hard labor was completed. Out of modesty, she did not even patent the results of her research. Maria argued: “Radium should not enrich anyone. This element belongs to the whole world.” During the First World War, Maria headed the radiological service of the Red Cross Society and herself went to front-line hospitals. She learned to drive a car, and, if necessary, became an auto mechanic. In her youth, she courageously endured the cold of the attic, then in a barn unsuitable for a laboratory, she carried out laborious experiments, and during the First World War, with her calmness and modesty, she turned into a soldier. She was revered by the whole world, but she never had a desire for honors and glory.

What does indiscretion look like, that is, a person striving for honors? He focuses attention on himself, behaves in a mannered way, speaks loudly, with pathos and commanding notes in his voice, is brightly dressed, shows envy, etc. Immodestness as a manifestation of pride constantly enters into antagonism with others, and this leads to suffering and pain. When a person does not speak sincerely, with pathos, people consciously or unconsciously oppose his indiscretion. The risk of conflict increases, and that means pain and suffering. The ego of indiscretion clashes with the mass ego of others.

Unlike indiscretion, modesty is always in a state of peace, that is, its mind is calm. Peace is peace of mind, that is, the mind of a peaceful person is not excited by his ego, he is constantly at rest. A modest person, first of all, peaceful person . Not quiet, but peaceful. A quiet person can be far from modest: in still water devils are found.

Not humble person, having lost the “candy” of honors, feels envy. Indiscretion without honors grimaces and comes from envy. Modesty behaves calmly, unpretentiously, always does his duty well, with and without honors. Indiscretion, if beckoned with honors, will fulfill its duties, and it would never occur to her to disinterestedly fulfill her duty. Lack of modesty is a burning desire for honors. Indiscretion is not stable, without remuneration, privileges and honors, it is inoperable. In other words, a lot of problems arise with an immodest person: he does not work stably, conflicts with people, he is not respected. If the team was healthy, then with the advent of indiscretion, envy will corrode it.

Humility is a personality trait that manifests itself about yourself, not about other people . It is different from humility. Humility means victory over anger, a person perceives all incoming information humbly, scold or praise him - he will react equally humbly. Humility - top quality a saintly person, it automatically implies modesty. Humility doesn't have to be humble. If modesty is scolded, insulted, brought to a "white heat", it can not stand it and burst into anger. She is indifferent to glorifications, honors, gifts, but when they insult her human dignity, she, too, can "stand on its hind legs." In other words, humility is the absence of anger, and modesty is the absence of a desire for honor. Humility is a necessary step towards humility.

Humility versus indiscretion able to listen, perceive new . Indiscretion is not able to listen. Active listening implies humility. This personality trait is the opposite of pride, so indiscretion cannot claim it. For example, a young provincial came to Moscow to conquer the scientific world. His main motivation is, for example, obtaining scientific titles and degrees, achieving material well-being, honor and glory. Science for him is not a goal, but a means of enrichment. Angry and hungry, he furiously gnaws at the granite of science. Gradually, having accumulated knowledge, he "settles down" - he becomes a candidate, then a doctor of sciences. With the tail of years, pride, that he knows more than others, grows, his egoism is activated. Gradually, the ego of a person gets close to the mind, and he begins to feel all-knowing, the most intelligent and irreplaceable. This means that modesty is lost, the ability to further develop, improve, progress is lost. When he was humble, he could listen to other people, learn from them. That's when he was happy. But since the motives of his knowledge were exclusively selfish and had the most distant relation to the knowledge of the truth, he himself "cut off his oxygen." Leaving on the baggage of past merits, he puffs up in front of everyone, trying to confirm his importance. Even his "home" he gets his selfishness. An annoyed wife tells him: “You can play a genius in front of students, but in the family behave naturally. March to take out the garbage until you get hit on a stupid bald head. In other words, a person who has lost modesty suffers a fiasco in life.

An example of modesty and at the same time a true scientist was Michael Faraday. He never aspired to wealth or honors, but for his services he was elected an honorary member of more than seventy scientific societies and academies. His work marked the beginning new era in physics, and he did not take a patent for his inventions, repeatedly refusing profitable positions that promised him fabulous incomes. He also refused the nobility, saying at the same time: "Thank you, but I want to be called simply - Michael Faraday."

When a person's mind is polluted by egoism, he is unable to convey his thoughts and knowledge to other people. As said great director K. S. Stanislavsky: “I don’t believe!” When a person is proud, he cannot explain anything to people. He is not understood. Paradox, there is a lot of knowledge, but no sense. Modesty is humble, it adds nothing of itself to the learned truth. If she did scientific discovery- it will be an "added value" to the previous knowledge. The knowledge of modesty will be assimilated by people, for it comes from a pure unselfish mind. Modesty knows how to explain, because she is not nervous when a person does not understand, but continues to patiently state her point of view in a friendly manner.

A true scientist is modest and devoid of pride, he does not need honors and glory. For example, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie, when it came to them world recognition, and did not think to enjoy fame, they were more worried that the provision of the laboratory by the state was delayed from year to year due to lack of money and bureaucratic delays. When the dean of the faculty of natural sciences told Pierre that he wanted to introduce him to the order, the scientist replied: “Please, kindly tell the minister that I have no need for the order, but I really need a laboratory.” And when in 1903 the Curies received from the Royal Society gold medal, then they gave it to their little daughter as a toy. Scientists have not even patented their method of obtaining radium, believing that such a commercial approach to discovery is contrary to the spirit of science.

The ability of humility to listen and hear the other person is extremely important for relationships. If the spouses listen to each other's opinion, then the family is a single whole, which means that it is based on mutual respect. The egoist does not listen to anyone, and no one wants to listen to him. And how important it is for a politician to listen to other people's opinions, to understand and accept the point of view of their advisers.

The test of modesty is praise. Indiscretion, waiting for honors, blurs from praise, stands on a pedestal, bronzes before our eyes. She is not able to hide her reaction to praise, because she so wanted to amuse her pride. A flatterer will always find a corner in the soul of indiscretion. Modesty, on the contrary, is indifferent to praise.

If the vast majority of composers in their lives passionately sought fame, then Debussy - on the contrary. He had never been to the productions of his own operas in his life and rejected the fame that came to him at the end of his life. Well, about his music, he always modestly said: “If God did not love my music, I would not write it ...”

Humility is the opposite of arrogance. Have you ever heard of a modest insolent or impudent modesty? Of course not, because these are two different poles. These two qualities form the scale "Modesty - Insolence", on which a person is at a specific point. When modesty becomes the manifested side of the personality, we consider such a person modest. Humility is undoubtedly a quality of a saintly person. A common person- This is a fraction, in the numerator of which is modesty, and in the denominator - arrogance. Anatole France said: "Everything must be done in moderation, even in modesty." People heeded his advice, reducing the numerator to a minimum. A person goes to modesty consistently: “I am an immodest person. I'm probably a humble person. I am a very humble person. I am undoubtedly the humblest person. I ordinary person". Giuseppe Verdi once said: “When I was eighteen years old, I considered myself great and said:“ I am. When I was twenty-five years old, I began to say: "Me and Mozart."
When I turned forty, I said: "Mozart and me." Now I say: "Mozart". This is the way we go to modesty.

Real, not ostentatious modesty attracts wisdom . For example, a modest girl wants to get married. She will not dress flashy and behave arrogantly. She needs a responsible, reasonable guy who needs not an impudent painted doll, but a modest wife. Like attracts like. An impudent girl will attract the attention of men who are interested in her body, and not inner world. The one who is interested in her mind is a reasonable person, and the one who was attracted only by her body - we will not give him precise definition, and so it is clear. The price of such a marriage is a ruble per bundle on a market day. If a girl defiantly refuses attention (honor) to herself from the other sex, is this modesty or not? No. If she gladly accepts attention, is it modesty or not? Also no. If she does not pay attention to male views, is this modesty or not? Yes, this is modesty, it manifests itself inside a person, and not from outside. Modesty within oneself is inner purity and the ability to preserve and protect this purity. Modesty is a woman's most powerful weapon.

Between reasonableness and modesty there is directly proportional dependence . The mind of a modest person is not burdened with pride, so he sees the objects of the outside world without prejudice and selfishness. Indiscretion has a "dirty" mind. Her ambitious ego turns true knowledge into false, seasoning them with a fair amount of selfishness. The mind of indiscretion is in ignorance, it is completely subject to the whims of an inflated ego.

Modesty not inclined to find flaws in other people . This is the fundamental property of this quality. Modesty justifies a person by thinking: “This is good man". If the flaw is on the surface, modesty says: “It's okay. Little nothings of life. I won’t leave you anyway, because you are good.” Why is this happening? From the fact that modesty has no envy of this person. One can envy the position of another person, the fact that he does not honor me. Envy causes irritation and anger at another person, forcing them to speak about him in black tones. If another person does not honor me, immodesty begins to condemn him, to gossip. She wants respect, but she is not respected. Then she begins to look for flaws in another person. In a word, envy is a sign of lack of modesty.

Modesty lives in harmony with its desires and capabilities, it not pretentious and reserved . She is disgusted by excesses, luxury and pernicious desire. Modesty, going into the store, will buy only what he planned. You can't distract her with any kind of bait. Indiscretion, full of lust, will buy both what is needed and what is not needed. Therefore, modesty will reach the material goal faster than indiscretion.

The external goal is achieved through the realization of the internal goal. What does it mean? The internal goal means to cultivate good personality traits in oneself, and then the external goals are realized automatically. For example, a husband wants his wife and children to respect him. This is an external target. To force oneself to be respected, to give gifts, to reproach - all these are hopeless ways. In "Eugene Onegin" the uncle "forced to respect himself and could not invent better." In our times, they would say “gave oak”, “played in the box”, “glued flippers” or “thrown skates”. It is clear that this option does not suit him either. If he sets an internal goal - to become a responsible person and strives for this goal, the result will not be long in coming. Women respect responsibility in a man. Feeling the changes in the behavior of the father and husband, his relatives will change their attitude towards him for the better.

Modesty does not cultivate the desire to master something in the material world as quickly as possible. Her motto is everything has its time. The unpretentiousness of modesty means to respect the passage of time. She knows that she will have everything in time. “You don’t have to jump out of your pants, so you won’t achieve your goal, I will get everything I deserve,” modesty is sure. Do your job well out of a sense of duty, and the result will come. Therefore, modesty is appeased. She realizes that she needs external purchases as a means to an end. If they are in this moment she can’t afford it, which means she has a different goal. Calmly perceiving this givenness, modesty, at the same time, realizes that she has a different purpose, God has other plans for her. She understands that she has a different happiness, it does not need to be anticipated, it comes from within, not from outside. It does not attach excessive importance to the objects of the external world, so its goals are achieved easily and simply. Indiscretion, striving for the fulfillment of his desires, will spend all his nervous resources, get a heart attack ten times, ruin relations with loved ones, but he will not achieve his goal. Greed hastens indiscretion: “What is the right time for everything? Get it quick."

Modesty is sincerely interested in others, respects the norms of morality and morality accepted in society. It gives freedom from vanity, provides an opportunity to learn from others, adopting their virtues.

For a modest person, one more thing is characteristic positive quality- he not intrusive in communication . If he sees that someone, communicating with him, is not satisfied, he will try to get away from contact. Modesty does not disturb other people by their behavior. Modesty should not be confused with being downtrodden and soft-bodied. On modesty “you won’t ride”, “you won’t sit on her head”. Humility is first and foremost developed self-esteem. Downtroddenness arises from the fear of losing a husband, a job, that others will treat her badly. Modesty cannot be picked up for anything, you can’t sit on her neck, she has her own goal and therefore she can always politely refuse. She will not do anything that disrupts her movement towards her goal. In achieving the goal, modesty shows self-esteem.

Petr Kovalev 2013

The difference between modesty and secrecy is huge! What more in Kurganinsk, you can guess.
A modest person is a person completely devoid of any bragging or boasting. This is a highly moral person who has a true upbringing and at the same time high demands on himself.

A modest person, clearly aware of his obvious advantages, deliberately avoids loud public recognition, nobly and tactfully helping others to show off their unique virtues. Usually humble people they express their opinion with pleasure, benevolence and sincerity, one has only to ask them about it. They are firm, active, consistent and thorough in critical situations. Their position is clear and open.

Sometimes modesty is also confused with timidity and shyness. And in vain, because timidity and shyness determine only the degree of a person's lack of confidence in the correctness of their actions.
The above can in no way be attributed to the concept of a secretive personality, because the secrecy of a person comes from the ability to hide not one's talents and virtues, but one's true beliefs and habits.

A secretive person seems to wear a mask pleasing to the environment, skillfully misleading others about his own tastes, preferences and opinions. He is able to imitate noble feelings, but not experience them. And if a real modest person avoids recognizing his merits out of delicacy and respect for others, then the motives of a secretive person, as a rule, are not so noble.

A secretive person hides not at all out of delicacy and respect for others, but out of deep arrogance, aggression and distrust, and sometimes contempt for others. Sometimes even relatives and friends of a secretive person have no idea about who exactly they have lived next to and continue to live for many, many years. It seems to be quiet and modest, such a family member or neighbor, laconic and complaisant.

It seems to be saying what everyone is used to saying and hearing. But, if you think about it, it is almost impossible to get a completely clear, definite explanation from a secretive person on this or that occasion, and even his actions are sometimes so inexplicable ...

If a secretive person is a leader, then the formulation of tasks in his performance is a real torment for subordinates. The fulfillment of the same task is reminiscent of the game " sea ​​battle". The handwriting of such a person is too intricate. Subordinates spend too much time and effort on solving the "mysteries" of the secretive boss, who is also an avid hustler.

Often a secretive person, due to the structure of his personality, experiences a piercing antipathy for truly modest, contact, hardworking and sincere people. Of course, a secretive leader will express such antipathy implicitly, but in the form of a series of unexpected and much more urgent, important and difficult production needs that have fallen on the head of a modest person. Moreover, lazy and evasive subordinates, with such a distortion labor relations will feel quite comfortable.

The sincerity of a radically secretive person in the family can not be counted on. The nature of such a radical is such that he will definitely find something to hide from the second half. For example, the true size of your salary or some suspicious addictions. Life with a werewolf is unpredictable. And sometimes dangerous.
Therefore, before marriage, young people of both sexes, out of respect for themselves, their parents and their future children, should great attention try to explore who is who your future significant other.

  • Modesty gives freedom - from self-confidence and vanity.
  • Modesty makes it possible - to learn from the people around you, adopting them best qualities.
  • Modesty provides independence - from excessive comfort and luxury.
  • Humility provides an incentive - to achieve more; a humble person believes that before people appreciate him as a person, he must achieve results in his business.

Humility in everyday life

  • Hearing. A person who loves and knows how to listen with sincere interest to the interlocutor is modest.
  • Concessions. Yielding in ordinary everyday situations, a person shows modesty and respect for others.
  • Charity. A person who does charity work and does not advertise it demonstrates whole line virtues; modesty is one of them.
  • family education. By cultivating a sincere interest in the people around them, and suppressing manifestations of selfishness, parents instill modesty in them.

How to achieve modesty

  • Modesty is largely the result of upbringing and the result of a person’s inner work on himself. Modesty is controlled by a person, and it can be cultivated in oneself, avoiding vanity in every possible way.
  • Relations with relatives. Showing respect and reverence for elders, interest in equals and concern for younger ones, a person develops modesty in himself.
  • Interest in the people around you. A modest person is sincerely interested in others; each of them has something to learn. Being interested in people and not sticking out his own “I”, a person learns modesty.
  • Help for those in need. Helping those who need it, and not expecting return in the form of glory, a person shows modesty.
  • Indulgence for mistakes. A modest person does not boast of education and does not point out to others their miscalculations; whether it be ignorance of some literary quotation or the wrong choice cutlery to eat fish.

Golden mean

Vanity, arrogance | total lack of modesty


Self-deprecation | absolute modesty, the flip side of pride

Popular expressions about modesty

Excessive modesty is nothing but hidden pride. - A. Chenier - In 1969 I published a small book on modesty. This groundbreaking work, as far as I know, remained unsurpassed. - Lord Longford - One must beware of bringing modesty to the point of humiliation. - A. Bakikhanov - Achieve modesty if you want to achieve wisdom. Increase modesty if you have already attained wisdom. - E.P. Blavatsky - Be modest - this is the kind of pride that irritates others least of all. - Jules Renard - Reverend Macarius of Optina / Letters of St. Macarius of Optina. About humility, self-reproach and patience of sorrows The Monk Optina Elder Macarius during his lifetime was an example of special modesty and humility. And his letters to the laity are imbued with the same spirit of acquiring true Christian virtues. Fedor Dostoevsky / poor people Dostoevsky's novel "Poor People" is interesting not so much for its social pathos as vividly modest official Makar Devushkin, which the author managed to reveal in all its glory and nobility of his soul, using the form of correspondence between the hero and his beloved.

Modesty is a positive personality trait that manifests itself in relation to oneself, and not in relation to other people. Almost always, modesty is directly proportional to talent. Modesty, unlike indiscretion, knows how to listen, perceive new
Modesty is sincerely interested in others, respects the norms of morality and morality accepted in society.
Modesty gives freedom from vanity, provides an opportunity to learn from others, adopting their virtues. A modest person is characterized by another positive quality - he is not intrusive in communication.

If a Modest person sees that someone is not satisfied when communicating with him, he will try to avoid contact.
Modesty does not disturb other people by their behavior. Modesty should not be confused with being downtrodden and soft-bodied.

Modesty is, above all, a developed sense of self-worth

Another concept parallel to Modesty is Downtroddenness. Downtroddenness arises from the fear of losing something serious. Downtroddenness is an extreme manifestation of modesty. Modesty cannot be used for selfish purposes. Modesty has its own purpose and therefore it can always politely refuse. Modesty adds nothing of itself to learned truth.
Modesty knows how to explain, because modesty does not get nervous when a person does not understand, but continues to patiently state his confident point of view in a friendly manner.

Often in society, the concept is fixed that modesty is weakness and indecision, but experience and facts prove to people that this is a mistake. Humility is Strength and Respect for character.

The one who deeply explores his inner self finds mistakes in himself and willy-nilly becomes Humble. He is no longer proud of his knowledge and does not consider himself superior to others.

Scale of values ​​andextreme manifestations: > > >

Strong man, modest and devoid of Pride, he does not need honors and glory. The ability of modesty to listen and hear the other person is extremely important for relationships in family life. If the spouses know how to listen to each other's opinion, then the family is a single whole, which means that it is based on mutual respect. The egoist does not listen to anyone, and no one wants to listen to him. To reach the state emotional Happiness, Goodness - character property Modesty is extremely important!

Modesty in Esoteric Views

A modest person is, first of all, a peaceful person. However, a peaceful person can be far from modest and, as you know, there are devils in a still pool. Humility is very different from humility. Humility means victory over anger, a person perceives all incoming information humbly, scold or praise him - he will react equally humbly.

Humility is the highest quality of a saintly person; it automatically presupposes modesty. Humility doesn't have to be humble.

Manifestations of Modesty

If modesty is scolded, insulted, Anger can be a manifestation. Modesty is indifferent to glorifications, honors, gifts, but when its human dignity is offended, Modesty can manifest itself in the form of an outburst of Anger.
Humility is generally the absence of anger, and modesty is the absence of a desire for honor. Humility is a necessary step towards humility.

Properties of Indiscretion

If a person cannot evade honors, but this in no way speaks of his indiscretion.
Manifestations of indiscretion are when a person focuses on himself, behaves in a mannered manner, speaks loudly, with pathos and commanding notes in his voice, is dressed brightly, and shows Envy.

Indiscretion as a manifestation of pride constantly comes into conflict with others, and this leads to suffering and pain.

When a person does not speak sincerely, with pathos, people consciously or unconsciously oppose his indiscretion.
Energy negative background in communication with an indiscreet person, as a rule, can be clearly distinguished.
In communication in society or society, the risk of conflict increases, and this is pain and suffering. The ego of indiscretion clashes with the mass ego of others.

Unlike indiscretion, modesty is always in a state of peace, that is, its mind is calm. Peace is peace of mind, that is, the mind of a peaceful person is not excited by his ego, he is constantly at rest.

An immodest person, without showing honors to him, is envious. Indiscretion without honors grimaces and comes from envy. Modesty behaves calmly, unpretentiously, always does his duty well, with and without honors. Indiscretion, if beckoned with honors, will fulfill its duties, and it would never occur to her to disinterestedly fulfill her duty.

Lack of modesty is a burning desire for honors

Indiscretion is not stable, without remuneration, privileges and honors, it is inoperable.
In other words, it is difficult to have a relationship with an immodest person. He does not work stably, conflicts with people, he is not respected. Working in a team with the manifestation of immodesty of one or more employees will corrode envy.

The test of modesty is the praise of the Flatterer

The flatterer will always find a corner in the soul of indiscretion. Indiscretion is manifested by a laudatory statement addressed to a person. Expecting honors and indiscreet person, blurry with praise, unable to hide her reaction. Amuse your Pride - this is what awaits indiscretion.

Modesty, indifferent to praise. Humility is the opposite of arrogance.

These two qualities form a scale of opposites such as Modesty - Insolence When modesty becomes the manifested side of the personality, we consider such a person to be modest. According to the esoteric laws of personality development, Modesty is a quality of a Holy person.

Real, not ostentatious Modesty attracts Modesty. As an example of life - if a modest girl wants to get married, then like attracts like. An impudent girl will attract the attention of men who are interested in her body, and not the inner world.
Modesty manifests itself inside a person - this is inner purity and the ability to preserve and protect this purity.

Modesty is the most powerful weapon of a Woman in the fight for a Man

Modesty is one of the qualities of a strong personality. Strong personality a humble person is not weighed down by Pride. A strong person sees the Events and society of the outside world without prejudice and selfishness.

Humility does not tend to find fault in other people. This is the fundamental property of this quality.

Envy is a sign of lack of modesty

Modesty lives in harmony with its desires and capabilities, it is not pretentious and restrained. She is disgusted by excesses, luxury and pernicious desire. Therefore, modesty will reach the material goal faster than indiscretion. The external goal is achieved through the realization of the internal goal.

The internal goal means to cultivate the best qualities of the personality in oneself, and then the external goals are realized automatically.

As an example: The goal of a husband is to be respected by his wife and children.

Forcing oneself to be respected through external manifestations - giving gifts, showdowns and scandals - will not achieve the Goal.

But if he sets an Inner goal - to transform and become a responsible person and strives for this goal, the result will not be long in coming. Women respect responsibility in a man. Feeling the changes in the behavior of the father and husband, his relatives will change their attitude towards him for the better.

Indiscretion fails to listen

Active listening implies Humility. This personality trait is the opposite of Pride, so indiscretion cannot claim it. Pride grows and activates the Egoism of a person's Personality.

Gradually, the Ego of a person destroys the Consciousness, and he begins to feel omniscient, the most intelligent and irreplaceable. The disease is progressing. This means that modesty is lost, the ability to further develop, improve, progress is lost. When a person and Personality was humble, he could listen to other people, learn from them. That's when he was happy. On the baggage of past merit, a person tries to confirm his importance.

Selfishness Indiscretion and Greed

Character property Greed is manifested as a negative manifestation of indiscretion. A person who has lost modesty suffers life's failures. When a person's consciousness is infected with Egoism, he is unable to convey his thoughts and knowledge to other people. When a person is in Pride, he cannot convey anything to people, they simply do not understand him.

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