Online guitar tutorial for beginners. General principles of playing the electric guitar

Guitar - universal musical instrument, which sounds great, both as an accompaniment and as a solo. The soft and deep timbre of the classics, sonorous and loud acoustics make people fall in love with this music. Many of them once hearing guitar music light up with the idea of ​​learning how to handle the instrument. Those who wish to engage in this business ask the question: “is it possible to learn how to play the guitar yourself?”, “how to learn to play the guitar from scratch at home?” etc. Below we provide answers to these burning questions. So let's go!

But before learning

Answer yourself - "why?". Yes Yes! This is not a joke or an attempt to demotivate you. There are several types of guitars, and each of them is used to perform different genres. musical works. Therefore, before you take up your studies, you need to understand what exactly you want to play on six-string guitar. Let's take a little tour. Usually guitars are divided into two types: classical and acoustic.

The first are soft nylon strings, deep sound and they are suitable for performance classical works, flamenco, ballads, romances and other instrumental compositions. Acoustics is equipped with loud and sonorous metal strings for playing chords and playing accompaniment. Instrumental compositions are also performed on it, but they sound completely different. In general, the difference between the guitars only plays a role if you want to play classical music or play chords. In the first case, ONLY a classical guitar will suit you, in the second case, an acoustic guitar, for other options it is better to go to the store and listen to the difference in sound. So, if you have already decided on the guitar, let's move on.

How long do you need to practice?

The second question that arises for beginner guitarists is “how much does it cost to learn how to play the guitar for beginners?”. There is no single answer. Professional musicians study 6-7 years at school, 3-4 years at a college and 4-6 years at a conservatory. But don't be alarmed, the duration of training depends more on what exactly you want to achieve and how much effort you are willing to spend on the road to the goal.

For example, to learn a very simple song from scratch with chords, 1-2 weeks are enough, for an easy instrumental work it will take about a month. Mastering tricks like barre, slides, flageolets, legato is usually obtained only after 6-12 months of playing. Therefore, if you are looking for the answer to the question “how to quickly learn to play the guitar”, then the only answer is “no way”.

Understand that learning is not an easy process, but often a tedious task, where you have to hammer the same thing for hours in order to achieve a result. But the sound of music coming from under your fingers is worth it, believe me. If you are planning to "seriously" learn to play, then you will need to practice daily for at least 20 minutes for as many days as it takes to learn all the songs and compositions that you want.

Is it difficult to learn how to play the guitar? Undoubtedly, it is both difficult and long, but when you are truly passionate about the process, you will not interfere with the time and effort spent. But if you can't wait to start the game, then we have done for you

General principles of the game

From a technical point of view, guitar playing is the process of holding the strings at the frets with your left hand and plucking them over the rosette (hole in the body) or hitting them with your hand/pick with your right hand.

The first thing to start with is the setting of the hands. That is, the position of the hands that they take during the game. At first glance, it may seem like a trifle, but both the technique and the convenience of the game depend on it. If you miss this moment, which plays a significant role, then after a while your hands will quickly get tired, and some tricks will not work. Therefore, pay attention to the setting of the hands.

The next step is to learn sound production - the hand movements that are made to extract sound. When you have learned to combine your right hand with your left and try to pinch the strings with your left hand and at the same time extract the sound with your right. At this stage, find some special exercises and play them.

You can learn about the correct positioning of hands and sound production on the pages of our website. If you do not find suitable information - write in the comments, we will definitely help you with right lesson! At the same time, it is useful to read information about the structure of the guitar, frets, strings, finger markings, etc. If you have enough enthusiasm, start learning music theory.

How to play chords

When you can already extract sounds from the guitar in different frets - learn chords. Yes, we recommend that you start with common chords and leave the songs aside for now. Look on the Internet for how to play the most common chords on the guitar (A, am, C, D, dm, E, em, G). First, learn to put your fingers on them so that all the strings sound good and do not rattle. Then practice moving from one chord to another, slowly at first and then speed up. Try playing longer chord sequences in a row, the am, C, em, dm sequence sounds nice. When you feel confident, choose an easy song and study a fight or bust to it.

The list of the simplest songs:

  1. Careless angel - Aria.
  2. Eighth grader - Cinema.
  3. Chunga-Changa.
  4. Perfect - Pink.
  5. Love the way you lie - Emineb ft. Rihanna.
  6. Paparazzi - Lady Gaga.

How to play bust

Picking is a way of playing where you take turns pulling the strings in any order. Verses of many songs are built on it (the same carefree angel). There are many options for enumeration, there is no need to learn everything at once. To learn how to fingerpick the guitar, put in any chord and slowly play it several times according to the pattern, when you remember it - gradually speed up, and then play a sequence of several chords. This is the best way to study. Here are the diagrams of the simplest searches:

The bottom line in the picture represents the highest string on the guitar, the bass string.

Learn to fight

It is better to learn to play a fight on the guitar in the same way as busting. You can learn them as needed, or you can immediately sort out a few of the most popular ones. The second option is useful for those who want to try to compose their own songs. The most common fights and their schemes:

The arrows indicate the direction of movement of the hand or pick, the sign "x" indicates the muting of the strings. There are also fights "six", "eight" and many others. From the names it is easy to understand that they determine the number of hits and muffles. There are many variations, the main thing is that the fight fits into the score (six - score by 6, eight by 8, and so on), and so you can experiment and try to make a combination yourself.

How to learn to play instrumental or classical pieces

After the first stage, start studying the simplest etudes and grasshopper-type melodies. But first, master the skill of reading music or tablature.

Notes are a graphic recording of musical works on 5 rulers, where one symbol denotes a sound of a certain height. The difficulties that may arise here are a lot of time spent memorizing notes on the frets of the guitar and on the record. But the plus is that most of the works are recorded with notes and having learned them once, “all doors” will open before you. So playing the guitar by sheet music is cool, though difficult.

Tablature - visual schematic images, which show which fret on which string to hold. The main plus is that they are easy to learn to understand and read them faster than notes. But not all musical compositions can be found in tabs.

Choose a simple melody for yourself and start, slowly, learning it in small parts. First, we achieve ease in playing one part, and then we move on to studying the other, connect them, add another piece, and so on until the end of the melody.

When you have learned several compositions, learn the techniques:

  • legato;
  • barre;
  • harmonic;
  • minced meat;
  • glissando.

Their descriptions are easy to find on our website. Gradually complicate the compositions, we recommend that you download some music archive or a collection of tablature.

The learning process takes place gradually, in small steps. You learn to play songs on the guitar and works are more difficult than the previous ones, and with them new tricks and techniques. Each success brings you joy and pleasure, but before it you have to work hard and make an effort. How much time will it take? Learn while you enjoy it.

Guitar Tutorial

Guitar tutorial for beginners

Well, dear readers, so we come directly to the beginning of your learning to play the six-string guitar.

Now you already know the history of the guitar, its structure and the name of all the components (I hope). The tool is purchased and configured.

Let's just agree on a few things.

  • I made this site to help beginner guitarists get their basic playing skills and maybe discover something new for amateurs.
  • I myself am quite passionate about the art of playing the guitar, and believe me, in the process of learning I made a lot of mistakes.
    So try to be careful guitar lessons which I offer you. There is not a single superfluous word in my course.
    Brevity and clarity even for a child - this is the meaning of this guitar tutorial.
  • Everything I'm going to talk about, I did not come up with. This is just my understanding of the essence of what is happening and the result of the translation of incomprehensible texts of textbooks and tutorials, which I have read a considerable amount.
  • I write articles myself, so if you want to use my material for yourself, then a link to my guitar lessons required. I will do the same.
  • Do not jump from lesson to lesson. I understand that the desire is great, but this will not achieve anything. Be patient, and in a few days we will learn the first piece.
  • In order to fully learn to play the guitar, you will need to devote at least 1-2 hours a day to it.
  • Take your time!!! - Here is the most main mistake which I allowed. As soon as you learn a part of a piece, you just want to play it at the speed of light so that the fire goes through the neck. I beg you, do not fall for this, although, perhaps, this is inevitable - such is human nature;)
  • At the beginning of the lesson, stretch your hands, squeezing them into a fist to increase blood flow. Before playing serious pieces, spend some time on scales and simple pieces.
  • For successful learning, you can use special guitar programs that can be downloaded in the section of the same name.

Well, basically, that's all. The rest you will learn in the process of reading my tutorials. Some lessons will be accompanied by a video for better understanding of the material. Click the link for the FIRST guitar lesson and go!

The guitar is a wonderful instrument whose popularity continues to grow among young people. Everyone can learn to play the guitar... But a logical question arises: " how to learn to play the guitar from scratch at home?".

It's obvious... First, to learn how to play the guitar from scratch at home you have to buy the instrument itself.

But which one? I'm sure you know that there are both classical acoustic guitars and electric guitars. Think about what kind of music you like the most what you want to play.

If you are a fan of not very heavy music, for example, pop or author's, then at home a classical guitar (with nylon strings) or acoustic (with metal strings) will suit you.

If you are into rock, metal or blues- then you better look at the electric guitar (electric guitar). Although in any case, from scratch, I recommend starting to learn how to play the most common acoustic guitar.

Often a beginner cannot afford an expensive and comfortable instrument, but this has its advantages, you can perfectly fill your hand in the learning process and learn all the subtleties of your instrument, which will later have a positive effect on your overall guitar learning.


It is very important that your first guitar meets certain requirements:

  • the guitar should not be very expensive (very expensive, not necessarily good);
  • the size of the guitar and the width of the neck should match your height and the size of your hand (guitars have different sizes);
  • the guitar should be comfortable (take your time, try as many different guitars as possible - you will have a better idea of ​​what is more comfortable for you);
  • The guitar must be in tune - playing a guitar out of tune is ear-killing; ATTENTION! It's best to go shopping with someone who knows how to do well! Have this person check the following:
    • if with light pressure of the fingers on the surface of the neck (and strings) the pitch changes - do not buy!
    • if the strings rattle on some frets - return the guitar to the seller, let him play it himself!
  • REMEMBER! If you decide to start learning right away with playing the electric guitar, this may be too difficult for you, since changing strings and tuning on an electric guitar is much more difficult;


What else do you need to buy immediately:

  • a case for a guitar (for a start, an ordinary inexpensive case is suitable, you can even sew it yourself);
  • a set of spare strings;
  • pick for the game (preferably hard, or medium hardness);
  • / (on the initial stage it is quite possible to do without them, develop your ear!);
  • Guitar strap (in the beginning you will play sitting, playing standing is much more difficult);
  • - you must hear the rhythm (it is very important for any musician to play the rhythm, especially if you are going to play in a band);
  • Guitar amp (amplifier with speaker). The combo does not have to be very powerful, because you are only practicing at home so far. There is still "some time" before the first performances, so spare the neighbors. The 30W combo is great for home jam sessions;
  • You also need to purchase a jack-to-jack cable. Reliable, thick, with good shielding - it's not worth saving on cords, a cheap cord will emit light, which is very annoying;
  • Of course, some gadget (pedal, effect, guitar processor - for majors); Distortion is a classic of the genre, but there are many other interesting and useful gadgets. Nevertheless, at the beginning it is better to rehearse on a clear sound, on a clear sound you can clearly distinguish all the mistakes and flaws when playing the guitar;

What is unison in music?


Before you start "physical exercises", you need to prepare yourself psychologically.

It should be remembered that at the beginning of learning to play the guitar is always difficult.- your fingers will hurt and your hands will go numb from fatigue, but this will pass with time.

It is better to practice less, but systematically, distribute your classes by day of the week + practice at any free time, unless of course there is a mood, you don’t need to force yourself, otherwise you will quickly get bored and you will lose all interest in mastering the guitar.

A common mistake of beginner guitarists who don't know where to start learning how to play the guitar is that they only want to play the songs of their favorite band. I assure you - good guitarist equally cool plays both heavy metal and classics, both yard songs and the most difficult places jazz!

Never try to play too difficult exercises, skill comes with experience and gradually:

It is important that you play confidently and clearly, speed will come with time. The main thing is to fully devote yourself to your favorite business.

You have probably noticed that some people manage to learn how to play the guitar well in a short time, while others spend months and years on it, and at the same time they cannot get rid of many mistakes when playing.

What's the matter? In talent? Partly, yes. But to a greater extent, the skill of a guitarist is not influenced by his talent, but by how he hones his skills and abilities.

After all, even being talented musician, you can lose your former mastery in a short time if you do not work on yourself and do not strive for the best. After all, playing the guitar is not a job.

Even a professional guitarist should not treat his instrument like a miller treats a machine tool. After all, music is primarily an art, and not a way to earn money or gain fame. And art is something beautiful and high.

Before you start learning to play the guitar from scratch at home, a small lyrical digression

Did Pushkin write his poems to get rich? Did Beethoven compose music to become famous? Of course not. All this came to them over time. First of all, these people created art for themselves and for people.

And few of the great musicians put fame and fortune above music. When a musician or composer begins to compose music, he seems to plunge into the innermost depths of his soul. The music that he composes and plays is like the voice of his soul, conveying the emotional state of the musician.

It is unlikely that a musician will be able to write a cheerful and cheerful composition, being in a bad mood, when everything around ceases to matter to him. Music, if it is written sincerely, from the heart, conveys exactly what is in the soul of a person. If words cannot convey this state of mind (or it can, but not quite correctly), then music conveys it in absolute accuracy. She will never lie.

How to hold a mediator correctly

They say that music is the art of sadness and joy without words. This is the whole point. And the main thing is to understand it. If this is not realized, then there will be no success. A musician who treats playing his instrument as a job or a means of gaining fame and money will never be able to connect with his listeners. After all, music is a special language that does not need to be translated. On it, the soul of the musician speaks to the soul of the listener.

Learning to play the guitar, learning to feel the guitar

But to achieve success, it is important not only to understand the essence of music. You need to know how to play it. After all, even the most best composition, played without feeling, will not sound as good as we would like.

Even if all the durations of the notes are sustained, even if all the technical methods are performed: grace notes, flageolets, legato, etc., but if the musician does not feel his instrument, things will be bad. If you treat the guitar like a living being, love it, then you will succeed.

After all, the guitar also feels pain. Yes Yes exactly! The guitar can both sing and cry. The main thing is to achieve full contact with your instrument. Make sure your guitar is always in tune.

After all, playing even a slightly out of tune instrument somehow subconsciously discourages the musician from the desire to play it, even if before this desire was strong. It's like in a relationship - even if there is the slightest distrust of close person, this can lead to dire consequences.

Learning to play the guitar with a metronome

Also, do not be lazy to practice with a metronome. The more often you play to the sound of a metronome, the faster you will develop a sense of rhythm in yourself, and this is perhaps the most important thing in playing technique.

If you can learn different harmonics, grace notes, slides, bends and other tricks over time, then things will be worse with a sense of rhythm. Play so that you are clearly on the beat. And, very importantly, learn to play at a slow pace! Think it's easy?

Set it to 40-45 BPM and try to play some song correctly on quarter or eighth notes. You will most likely be slightly ahead of the metronome. And you need to get rid of it. Many beginner guitarists try to play fast right away. Do you know why? Yes, because they are trying to quickly get rid of problems.

But in this way they will not get rid of them. Moreover, the situation will only worsen. Would a hamster running inside a rotating cylinder find it easier to keep his balance if he ran faster? It is unlikely that he will simply not stand it, he will stumble and fall. A guitarist must be able to play both slow and fast.

Even if he is a fan of speed-metal, this does not change the matter. Even in a composition with a fast tempo, there are often notes of long duration, and they must be sustained. Many fail to do so. Everyone is in a hurry. This has to be dealt with.

Learn to play the guitar without straining

Another important nuance: you must be relaxed during the game. Do not hold the guitar like a sledgehammer - you are not at the factory, and you are not forging swords. You are playing music. And at the same time, it is necessary to get rid of any tension - both emotional and physical. First, don't push too hard on the strings, even when barring.

Types of guitars and their differences

Yes, at first you will face a problem: if you press down the string not enough - it rattles or muffles, if you press it too hard - the note will sound higher than it should. Squeezing the strings, you not only spoil the sound, but also waste strength in your left hand - during a long game, the ligaments in your hand will stretch, and your hand will quickly get tired, and then even hurt. Get the left hand to rest at every opportunity - this is very important.

During chord changes, for example, even tenths of a second, during which the hand is relaxed, will play a big role. Do not squeeze the neck as if you were strangling an enemy by the throat. The same goes for right hand- do not squeeze it into a fist. Concentrate efforts only on those fingers (more precisely, even on the parts of these fingers) with which you hold the pick.

Learning to play the guitar with a mediator

The fact that you squeeze the rest of your fingers will certainly not bring any benefit to anyone, and first of all to yourself. And do not drive the pick too deep - it should be pressed against the extreme phalanges of the fingers. However, it is possible hold the pick as you like, but the main thing is to achieve minimal tension in the hands. But at the same time, the effort should be controlled so as not to drop the mediator.

Being relaxed, you will be able to play fast solos, fast passages. If your hands are tense, you might be able to play it too, but the sound will already be completely different, as if not a person playing, but a robot. All that a robot should have in you is the automaticity of actions, a clear hit on the strings.

The rest must be disposed of. Music is the art of conveying to others what is on your mind. And playing without enthusiasm, concentrating only on and not on the music, you will just seem like a robot - insensitive and cold, unable to feel and share feelings with others.

And so, in order to quickly master the instrument and learn how to play the guitar from scratch at home, listen to a variety of music (and not just your favorite bands) - this greatly expands your musical horizons.

Try to hear how the guitar sounds in the composition, focus on one guitar, namely the rhythm guitar. For example, I have a habit of listening to a song while my hands move unconsciously to the beat, as if I were playing the guitar. One way or another, it contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm.

And the last thing I would like to add to the question of how to learn to play the guitar on your own from scratch - be patient- Only hard training gives a good result. But the result is sure to come! Learn to play the guitar and teach others to play! Forward and with a song!!!

Video - how to learn to play the guitar from scratch

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Performer and teacher vocational education. International and regional competition on the classical guitar and also bronze medalist Expand Delphic Games of Russia. I own classical, acoustic and electric guitars. I play my own works and covers on popular themes, as well as various experiments with the loop station at concerts in the "fingerstyle" style. Despite my young age, I have a teaching experience of 10 years. I have written more than 20 different arrangements for students of various levels of complexity. I know how to establish contact with children of any age. Actively combines concert and pedagogical activity. propagandize healthy lifestyle life. In 2016, he ran an international marathon of 42 km.

Excellent teacher, finds individual approach to the child, knows how to interest, very patient. All reviews (18)

Acoustic guitar Ukulele Guitar Improvisation Electric guitar

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Concert musician. I will teach beginners or "from scratch" on electric or acoustic guitar, I will prompt you with the choice of instrument or equipment (at home Expand there is also a guitar, for those who do not yet have their own instrument). I will continue classes with those who are "already in the subject." We will learn to improvise and finally understand the theory of music. Help with songwriting. I will teach you how to play accompaniment with a groove (which is necessary in any team), and if you are a vocalist, you will be able to accompany yourself and create drafts of new songs. I will also teach beginners how to record your instrument, how to improve the quality of a recording - editing a track, mixing multitracks. Classes are possible both with schoolchildren and adults. I will teach you to play the ukulele quickly and not difficult.

Sergey is exceptionally professional, communicative and punctual. Undertook to teach two children 8-9 years old from scratch. They really like it. I definitely recommend. All reviews (7)

Acoustic guitar Guitar Improvisation Musical notation Rhythm Music theory Electric guitar

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m. Botanical Garden

Sergey Yurievich

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Has been playing since the age of 12. Everyone plays, from V. Tsoi to LimpBizkit, Red Hot Chili Peppers, linkin park and other groups. Will pick up interesting options Expand from classics and modern trends. Worked in a children's music center. Winner of the "Starry Youth of the Planet" festival as part of a guitar ensemble in Orlyonok. I am not conservative, I am in constant creative search and study of new styles of playing the guitar. students. I love my job and enjoy the acquisition of new knowledge and achievements of my students!

First of all, I would like to thank Sergey Yurievich. The child is delighted, is engaged with pleasure, tries. In six months, we learned several songs and popular ones Expand melodies, arrange home concerts. We look forward to long-term cooperation. All reviews (20)

Acoustic guitar Guitar Musical notation Solfeggio Music theory Electric guitar

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A professional teacher, an active musician There will be no abstruse theories. Only practical knowledge. I spend your time exclusively Expand on what you can apply already today Each lesson has maximum efficiency, aimed at the result. Classes are individual. No groups. Your time is dedicated only to you. Personal approach to each student - depending on the initial level and tasks. Only your favorite songs and performers. Play what you like. Live what you do.

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Graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, Department national history 19th - early 20th centuries. I have experience in conducting Expand both individual and group lessons with people different ages, incl. taught history courses preparatory education at Moscow State University (2015-2017) no man's land(Cafe)

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Daniel Alekseevich

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I consider it my main task to put my hands on it, to give a basis musical theory and instill a love for the guitar so that the student can always continue this activity Expand on one's own.

Guitar Music Theory

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Ruslan Shadatovich

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Compiler of the OGE, USE in social science and history. I work as a teacher at a law university (IOGP, constitutional law), Expand 2 higher education I have been preparing for DWI, Olympiads, exams for more than 7 years. Rich experience in specialized work (lawyer's assistant). Students are required to be consistent and desire to get a high score in the exam, my initial goal is to show that my subjects can help in the future, I appreciate your and my time, the material is presented as conveniently and clearly as possible. My main activity is teaching and writing tests. Average score of my graduates: 86 points; higher; 97 points. Classes are preferably conducted via Skype or at home. The first lesson consists of 2 parts: free and paid, the first includes acquaintance, communication, clarification of the objectives of the classes, the approximate level of the student’s preparation, as well as actual testing, the second part (paid) includes analysis of errors and is conducted as an ordinary lesson. I quickly establish contact with students of different age groups. I work according to my own methodology, for each student a program that is convenient for perception is selected. My task is to select only actual facts of the total amount of this information, so I use only my already selected lectures. Since I edit and write tests, I always have topical issues on which state tests are based. The main conditions for classes are subordination, punctuality and payment. Extras: Schedule. There are quite a lot of students, and since I work in one of best universities country, I don’t have much free time, so my task is to optimize my and your time in order to get the most out of my classes without losing efficiency. I take only those who value other people's time to classes. Regarding postponements: if you want to cancel a lesson, do it at least a day in advance, because. for your time, I can put another student who would be happy to work out at this time. With repeated transfers, classes will most likely not be held further, or on your part, as an option, compensation for the allocated time. Here I fully rely on your conscience. Regarding Skype lessons: I can ask for payment at the beginning of the lesson, as I have already encountered unscrupulous students. Unlike a client, I don't have any convenient leverage on a person who refuses to pay. This request applies only to the first 1-3 lessons and only via Skype.

Our son has been studying with Ruslan Shadatovich for a long time. The teacher is very punctual, which he also requires from his students, he quickly finds a language with children (ours in general Expand stutterer, tried many teachers), positive, does a little more than agreed, for which a separate plus. We are satisfied, our son has an A in social studies, we will definitely apply again! All reviews (4)

preparing for admission to music. account establishments Vocal Guitar Improvisation Composition Music notation Voice setting+4 Music theory Piano Electric guitar Pop vocals

Children 4-5 years Children 6-7 years Schoolchildren 1-11 grades Students Adults

m. Medvedkovo

Evgeny Stanislavovich

Private teacher Experience 10 years

from 1 250 rub / hour

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guitar tutor

At the tutor, at the student, remotely

Worked with such artists and groups as: Glukoza, DJ Smash, EF5 group (supporting Maroon5), Zhanna Aguzarova and Expand other. Participated in the filming of television programs Evening Urgant, "Factor A" (season 1 and 2). Now I work in the top Moscow cover band Yuppies, where I have a permanent professional practice. Individual classes are held in a studio with excellent repair. Everything is available necessary equipment and musical instruments, so you do not need to bring your guitar to class. In the guest room you can spend time in comfort. Save your time! Studying with a teacher, you will learn in a short time everything that you could spend years of self-study on!! Many people try to learn to play the guitar on their own. Yes, it is true that some famous musicians learned to play on their own to some extent, but I don't advise you to follow this principle, even if your favorite guitarist was self-taught. If you are 100% sure that you can actually build efficient systems learning and training by yourself, excellent. However, if you're like most of us, doing it yourself is the hardest, most inefficient, stressful, and frustrating way to learn anything. This is a mistake that should be avoided at all costs. Some guitarists think that they will impress others if they say "I taught myself how to play the guitar". Some inexperienced people may think it's cool, but in fact, being self-taught is not a "badge of honour". What do you prefer to impress people with, your game or the meaningless statements about your game? I'm not criticizing self-taught people, I'm just saying that there are no advantages to being self-taught... and no, it's not true that selfeducation makes us more "original". In fact, it is usually the other way around. There are many possibilities and many different ways for learning, so it is extremely important that you do not constantly get distracted by one piece of advice from one person, then another piece of advice from another, then follow recommendations from other sources, etc., etc. Different people can of course offer good ideas, but the fact is that distraction is the main reason many active guitarists don't progress fast enough. These people are always busy following completely different resources, teachers, philosophies, video tutorials, free online lessons, and all this makes them take one step forward, then two steps to the right, then one forward, three to the left, one - back, two - to the right, one - forward and again to the left ... One of my main tasks is to make classes interesting for the student. You need to understand that everyone sets different goals for themselves. If the student is assiduous and ready to work hard, then he can be loaded to the fullest. I don't think you have enough potential to achieve good results as a musician or guitarist. On the other hand, there are people who, after hard work, just want to touch the "beautiful", not related to their main activity, doing it in a relaxed mode. If you start putting pressure on such people musical notation, monotonous and not interesting exercises, then all the desire to play the instrument will disappear instantly. Here it is important to interest, so that the person himself becomes interested in what, why, and how it works. musical theme. Since it motivates a person to further action. One of the advantages of playing music is that it is never too late to start doing this business and achieve good results. There is an opinion that before learning to play the electric guitar, you must first learn to play the classical one. This is a big misconception. These are two related tools, but still with slightly different specifics, different technique, different sound. If you want to play electric guitar, play it right away.

It is difficult to imagine a friendly hike without a fire, warm company and favorite songs. And here there remains one still unsolved (for some) task: “How to learn to play the guitar?” If you are already ripe for this practice, if your hands are ready to play on anything, if your soul is torn from motives familiar from childhood, and fingers are looking for support for melodic enumeration Congratulations, you are ready to learn how to play it.

Of course, a great desire is already half the battle, but you also need a guitar. We hope you know what guitars are:

  • classic;
  • acoustic;
  • electrical.

The tool may have:

  • 6 strings;
  • 7 strings;
  • and even 12 strings.

For beginners, in order to learn how to play the guitar, it will be quite enough to master the classical guitar with six strings. It is advisable, as training, to take nylon strings. They will help keep your fingers intact - and this is very important in the early stages.

So, we decided on the tool, there are still accessories. Since we learn on our own, we must be prepared that no one will tune the guitar every hour. Therefore, we tuner needed. You can also purchase a case to travel safely with your instrument, a left footrest and a plectrum.

How to learn to play the guitar: for beginners

So, you got the desired tool, where to start so that the divine music of real Russian rock flows from it?

Or, more simply, how to learn to play the guitar on your own from scratch? You will definitely need video tutorials for beginners. But this is still no guarantee of success.

Expect some time between your bold statement "I want to play guitar" and the real "I play guitar". Before the chords form into a melody, you you have to learn some basics. But don't worry, all beginner guitarists go through this, the main thing is to devote at least 30 minutes a day to learning. Conduct classes at home regularly, and very soon you will surprise your friends with a pretty decent game.

So, for starters, learn what parts your tool consists of. Now it is your friend, assistant, comrade, adviser and the best outlet in life - so it is simply vital for you to know what the guitar consists of.

Each guitar has body, neck and head. Take a close look at the photo of the structure of the guitar: pay attention to the strings, frets, frets, resonator hole - you will need all this to get the sound. In order to properly hold the instrument, it is very important for you to know where the stand, sidewall, and nut are located.

Correct fit

Before you learn how to play the guitar yourself from scratch, you should understand how to properly hold this thing in your hands. Of course, you need to take the right attitude. And it consists in keep your back straight without leaning or tilting your body back. The left leg is elevated. The base of the guitar rests on the right foot. Next, we will tell you how to learn how to play the guitar yourself from scratch, video lessons will also be at your disposal.

Correct hand position

We have not yet figured out how to extract sound from an instrument. After all, the guitar definitely needs an approach.

Let's take a look at your hands:

  1. The left hand grips the neck tightly.
  2. The right hand is responsible for extracting the pure, ringing sound. To do this, you need to relax her.
  3. Place the elbow of your right hand on the intended line of intersection of the shell and the bridge of your guitar. To do this, it is necessary to draw a conditional line up from the stand to the shell.
  4. Get your fingers ready for fingering.

It is impossible to quickly learn how to play the guitar until you learn the position of the fingers. Each finger has its own position and is responsible for his string. The strings are numbered from bottom to top, in order of falling sound: from highest to lowest. Since we have 5 fingers, and as many as 6 strings, the distribution will be as follows:

Now it's time to find out what is rhythmic pattern of the right hand. talking in simple words, is the way you extract the sound. For example, you touch your thumb (p) on the 6th string. Forefinger(i) bet on the #3 string, middle (m) on second, and ring (a) on first. When doing this, note that your index and thumb form a cross, and thumb still ahead of the rest.

Learning to play on your own: the first exercises

Learn to play the guitar from scratch simple exercises for the right hand:

  1. Let's try bass 3, 2, 1, 2, 3.
  2. Get your fingers ready to play.
  3. Hook your thumb on the 6th string - you get a dull low sound.
  4. And now alternately pull the strings number 3, 2, 1, 2, 3.
  5. Then repeat the plucking, but already hooking the number 5 string with your thumb.

Bass fingering 3, 2, 1. Hook your thumb on the 6th string, and then pull 3 strings together: the third, second and first.

Learning chords

It remains for us to install on the instrument left hand, which will help you extract the chords or sounds that form the pleasant sound of your instrument. At first, it will be a little unusual to clamp the strings located on the fretboard, but as you practice, your fingers will get used to.

  1. Bend your thumb slightly and place it parallel to the frets.
  2. At the same time, the hand should also be kept slightly rounded, placing the fingers closer to the frets.
  3. The pads of the fingers touch the strings only with their upper part, so we recommend that girls cut their nails even before they decide to learn how to play the guitar from scratch at home.

We are already familiar with the string numbering order on the guitar, now learn fret numbering(they are usually denoted by Roman numerals). One fret occupies a place between two iron lines located on the fretboard perpendicular to the strings. They are called fret sills. The frets are numbered starting from the head of the guitar. Beginners usually draw chord diagrams starting from the first three frets (the Am chord in the key of A minor). On the diagrams, the strings are numbered from top to bottom (1, 2, 3…)

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