An effective payroll system is another step towards the success of your company. L.Somov

Building Tipswage systems in organizations, the impact of the remuneration system on the efficiency of the organization.
Your business budget depends on many factors. Income, expenses, all sorts of forced and unforced costs, taxes and fees - all this forms the net profit of the organization, and maximizing it is the task of every entrepreneur who strives for success. The simplest profit maximization scheme is as follows: increase income, optimize costs. Optimize - not just reduce, but make it optimal for the development and prosperity of the business. In this article, we will talk about one of the most important items of expenditure for any enterprise - wages.

No serious organization can do without employees who perform certain functions. The success of the company's activities is ultimately formed from the success of the activities of each employee individually. However, it is unlikely that you will find a really good specialist who will work for free. This is most likely something from the realm of fantasy. Therefore, any employee must be paid wages. But what wages, in what volume, in what form, in what currency, after all? These are all questions every employer should be asking themselves.

The answers to these questions are not easy to find. In this article, we will try to tell you about some of the subtleties and rules for remuneration of employees of enterprises. However, it should be borne in mind that the development of a truly optimal remuneration scheme is possible only when the personnel consultant has a complete understanding of the specifics of work in your enterprise, of the employees who perform certain duties.

So, when considering the wage system that you will establish in your enterprise, you should be guided by the following fundamental provisions:
- wages should stimulate the employee to work;
- the amount of wages should be commensurate with the benefits that the employee of the enterprise brings, and vary depending on how useful the employee's work was in each paid period of time;
- the form of remuneration should be predominantly monetary in nature, which does not exclude the possibility of bonuses in kind.

So, the issue of stimulating employees to more productive and efficient work is faced by every leader.

However, despite the importance of this issue, most managers - implement certain standard methods of stimulation, not caring about their adaptation to the conditions of their enterprise. The system of remuneration is one of the most effective means of stimulating employees.

Agree, it would hardly be appropriate to use the samewage systems in a grocery store and in an industrial plant. But this is an exaggerated example. In fact, the remuneration system as a tool for stimulating employees can be fundamentally different even at two seemingly similar enterprises.

Let's take an example. There are two stores, one of which sells furniture (shop A), the other - wallpaper, coatings, various building materials (shop B). It would seem that we have before us two trading enterprises selling products similar in purpose. Indeed, as a rule, people buy furniture when they move into new apartments, houses or after renovation. At the same time, new building materials, wallpaper, linoleum, carpets, etc. are also purchased. Both stores use a system of rewarding sellers in the form of a percentage of sales as a sales incentive. In both stores, financial turnover is approximately the same, however, transactions in store A are made less frequently (after all, fewer people buy new furniture) than in store B. Store A has fewer employees, and the requirements for their qualifications are higher than in store B. Selling furniture is a more complicated job than selling less expensive building materials, which consists only in selling products from behind the counter.

Now let's figure out how profitable it is to use "percentage" bonuses in store A and store B. In a furniture store, this system is effective, since the number of transactions that he concludes largely depends on the qualifications of the seller, on his ability to present the product. Since the number of customers in a furniture store is small, and the seller's income largely depends on the volume of deals made, competition between sellers is high, and this, in turn, increases their productivity. As a result, in store A, "percentage" bonuses effectively stimulate the work of sellers and increase sales.

In store B, the situation is reversed. There are a lot of sellers, but none of them sit idle and wait for customers, since the attendance of this store is high and demand is also consistently high. The seller is not required to play the role of a consultant, it is enough for him to pack (if necessary) and release the goods the buyer needs. As a result, spending the same time at the counter, two sellers sell approximately the same amount of goods. Even in the case of their bonuses depending on the volume of sales, the latter is unlikely to increase for one or another seller. As a result, you will most likely not be able to increase sales by using a percentage bonus in Store B. Therefore, it is better to establish a stable wage rate, which will depend on the amount of time worked by the seller.

This simple example, which we obviously did not complicate with various subtleties and mathematical calculations, shows how difficult it is to choose the rightwage system .

Note that there are not many payroll systems. The most common: temporary (hourly, weekly, etc.), piecework, combined (using elements of several wage systems), in the form of a percentage of the profit brought to the employer, depending on the standard, in the form of a stable salary, regardless of the amount of work done and hours worked.

Each of these wage systems has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it cannot be said that piecework is better than hourly, or vice versa. It all depends on the specific situation in which the personnel consultant must understand and offer the most advantageous option.

Above, we have described the effectiveness and inefficiency of using interestwage systems . However, we talked about bonuses in the form of interest, implying that sellers receive official salaries. It was
combined wages. Now let us once again turn to the percentage of wages, but in a different situation, when we are talking only about percentages of the volume of sales (transactions concluded).

As a rule, agents (trade, insurance, etc.) receive such wages. Most employers think that this form of paying agents is the most efficient. It seemed that it could be easier and more convenient - how much you sold, so much you got, everything is honest and everyone is happy. However, this is not the case. Let's say you have recruited agents who will sell your products (goods, services). Are you sure that these agents are really real professionals?

The fact is that today it is very difficult to find a truly good agent, moreover, it is unlikely that such an agent will agree to work only for interest - he will require a certain salary. Okay, you say, even if my agents aren't that good at selling my products, what do I have to lose? After all, I do not pay them a salary, and their salary depends only on how much profit they brought me. This is a very common misconception. If your agents take too long to sell products without success, you will lose time, which, as you know, costs money. During this time, your competitors can capture the sales market through more efficient sales systems.

In addition, working inefficiently, agents will use the resources of your office all this time: telephone, office equipment, etc. All this will only bring damage to your organization.

In this situation, the issue can be partially resolved by changingwage system . If the agent works inefficiently, then his percentage will gradually fall over the course of, for example, a month. If he does not sell anything in the first week, then next week he will receive not 20%, but only 15% for a completed transaction, if he does not close a deal next week, then in the third week of his work he will receive 10% for a successful sale , etc. If he does not sell anything this month, he will be fired. Thus, in this case, the employee’s work will be stimulated not by an increase in pay in case of success, but by a decrease in pay in case of failure.

A very effective system of remuneration of an employee, depending on the standard. The standard is the expected result of the work that the employee should be guided by and on the basis of which his remuneration will be calculated. An example of such a payroll might look like this:

The sales benchmark is 100 units per month. In fact, the seller sold 90 units per month. We calculate the effectiveness of the seller: 90 x 100%: 100 = 90%. At the same time, it is possible to make a progressive wage scale. Suppose there is a certain wage rate. It can be focused on the number of units sold, for example, for each unit sold, the seller receives 200 rubles. Or the rate of payment can be assigned depending on the time of work: 500 rubles for 8 hours of work.

Using the standard system, the remuneration scheme takes the following form: with performance from 10% to 40%, the remuneration rate is reduced by 50%. That is, having sold only 38 units out of 100 planned units of production, the seller will receive not 7600 rubles (38 units x 200 rubles / unit), but only 3800 (38 units x (200 rubles / unit - 50%)). That is, with low performance, the seller receives half as much for each unit of goods sold than with high performance.

With an increase in the efficiency of the employee, the rate will decrease by a smaller percentage. So, with work efficiency from 90% to 100%, the employee's pay rate will not decrease. And if he can overfulfill the plan and his performance exceeds 100%, then the payment rate can be increased, for example, by 20%, and pay him for each unit sold not 200 rubles, but 240 rubles.

However, even with such a system of remuneration, there is one minus. It is very difficult to determine the very standard on which the performance of an employee depends. Here you need to carefully and carefully plan the optimal result to which you will orient the employee. By the way, HR consultants can help you with this. Having studied the statistics of your company, they will calculate the reference level, which will form the basis of the wage system.

Summarizing the above, let us once again draw your attention to the fact that there are no bad or good wage systems, just as there is no ideal wage system in which both the employer and the employee will be 100% satisfied.

However, at each specific enterprise, it is possible to develop an optimal payroll scheme. This, in turn, can significantly reduce your labor costs, and on the other hand, increase the efficiency of your employees.

But we do not advise you to thoughtlessly adopt certain methods of remuneration from your competitors or partners. Just as no two people are exactly the same, no two organizations are exactly the same. Each has its own characteristics and differences from others, depending on which the remuneration system should be developed. The best solution in this situation is to contact professional personnel consultants who will help you solve the problem of wages.

Gennady Ratner Head of Marketing Laboratory, LaMa Consulting Group

It's easy if you know how...

Introduction. If someone is to blame, then what to do? ...

Improving work efficiency, high motivation of employees is one of the main tasks of any company.

"The ability to manage people is a commodity that can be bought just like we buy sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for this skill than for anything else in the world,"- said one of the greatest managers of the past, John Rockefeller.

As a result of many subjective and objective circumstances, the lack of this skill is one of the main reasons for the unstable, to put it mildly, work of many domestic companies.

The world has not yet come up with a better mechanism for managing personnel than methods of material incentives. And no matter how much Western and our pro-Western experts hammer into us about the primacy of non-material incentives over the payment of "live" money, 80-90% of the incentives for highly productive work in a developing market economy are wage. Such results were shown by the study, which was conducted in Ukraine from October 20 to November 20, 2003 by SEVEN Consulting and Training Center.

New approaches to incentives involve abandoning traditional time-based systems or payment by difficulty factor, etc., as well as their replacement with wages, consisting of two components: base rate and additional incentive payments, depending on the individual results and / or the efficiency of the unit / company.

The search and implementation of an effective motivation scheme primarily depends on the competence of the HR manager and top managers of the company, on their theoretical training and practical skills. Ignorance of the fundamental principles of incentives is quite common.

Someone assigns rates based on the capabilities (?!) of his enterprise, others pay depending on the market price of manufactured products (I know of such). I personally know the leaders of small and medium-sized businesses who, in terms of remuneration, try to adhere to the tariff scales recommended for budgetary organizations.

The head of one of the Crimean production and commercial firms (“I have two higher educations ...”) pays his sales managers (transactions are carried out in Russia, Kazakhstan, etc.; the range of goods is very diverse, and the level of buyer firms constantly varies) "salaries" - regardless of sales results. And at the same time, he endlessly complains that he can produce much more than they sell ...

Here it’s time to recall what was popular in the past (and for many workers today): "They think they pay us... So let them think that we work for them!" Such an approach to remuneration, according to competent specialists in personnel management, is either a manifestation of voluntarism or thoughtlessness.

Drew's Law of Professional Practice:
Whoever pays the least complains the most.

Ukraine and other post-Soviet states are unique countries in the sense that at the national level we develop inter-industry salary and hourly rates that do not take into account the individual needs of an individual company.

The traditional wage system, which we inherited from the planned economy, is the only one that has not undergone any cardinal changes since the 1930s.

Usually employees are not so much dissatisfied with the size of the salary, but with it. injustice, the lack of its connection with the results of their work, chaos in the ratio of salaries of specialists from different departments, a sharp difference in the salaries of similar specialists at enterprises in the same region. Hence - the turnover of personnel, the instability of teams, the loss of the enterprise in the training of constantly renewing personnel, etc.

The most acute problems of material incentives manifest themselves in small and medium enterprises, where almost all workers are "multi-machine", that is, they sometimes perform several functions of a different nature, are responsible for solving several tasks at once.

They are well aware of the market situation with the payment of similar specialists and want to receive fair and justified, in their opinion, wages for their work.

In many countries of Western Europe, as well as in the United States, the motivational aspects of personnel management of companies and firms have become of great importance. These methods and experience can be transferred - and are successfully transferred - to domestic soil.

Now, along with the processes of economic growth and relative stabilization in the economies of the post-Soviet countries, we have also seen a significant turning point in this area.

Judging by the numerous publications in Ukrainian and Russian business publications, the developers of modern wage systems, with all the variety of approaches, are unanimous in the fact that:

  1. The salary system is hopelessly outdated and does not correspond to the realities of today.
  2. Direction of the incentive system must comply with the tactics and strategy of managing the enterprise, its divisions and personnel. The prioritization of various tasks should be carried out not by administrative methods (periodic "pumping"), but should be of an objective economic nature.
  3. Incentive payments should be closely linked with individual and collective results.
  4. Their value should be for the employee essential and meaningful.
  5. Wage growth relative to the growth of labor productivity (sales performance) should be adjustable in accordance with planning tasks.
  6. The incentive system should be recognized by employees as understandable and fair.

In recent years, both in the West and in many enterprises of the CIS, these tasks have been successfully solved flexible tariff-free wage systems.

Flexible - because the system can be transformed for almost any task of operational planning and stimulation.

Tariff-free - because the basic wage parameters - rates, salaries, tariffs, minimum wages are determined on the basis of the labor market situation in the region, the nature, goals and objectives of the business, the personnel policy of the company's management.

For a company operating in market conditions, all salary parameters regulated by law (except for its minimum level) can only be advisory in nature.

From various flexible systems (payment by commissions, bonuses to "stars", participation in ownership, etc.) pay for measurable results(monetary and physical indicators, the amount of labor invested) are most popular.

In practice, such systems have proven their advantage over traditional schemes, since the close relationship between an employee's salary and his performance brings dividends to both him and the company.

According to some information, flexible systems increase profitability by 5-50%, and employee income by 3-30%.

The worker gets the opportunity to earn more money on the condition of good work, but - only when the company achieves high final results which he can influence and for which he is responsible.

The firm, on the other hand, gets motivated employees: people try to do more to earn more, and those who cannot compete are replaced by new employees with a suitable philosophy.

The concept of flexible pay is increasingly displaces the need to adjust for cost of living, inflation etc., and hence the planned increase in base rates.

In the West, flexible payment schemes for top managers have been used for many decades. A relatively new trend is the extension of this practice to ordinary workers. For example, in the US, they are used by 72% of companies. A professional approach to this form of payment, according to the Association of American Managers, reduces employee turnover by 70-75%.

Financial incentive programs in recent years have become quite complex systems that take into account many factors, patterns and variables.

One of them, which absorbed all the best of the known methods of stimulation, is today well known as "LaMa-Sopot".

Operational Planning and Remuneration System

Planning the employee's salary structure.

Salary (SW) is defined as:

  • Payment of the cost labor expendedRRT(time deposit);
  • Payment Results (results) of laborRFI(piecework contribution).

Based on this, the salary of each employee is planned according to four main parameters:

  1. Bid- planned (contractual) salary.
  2. Ratio two parts Rates: RRT and RFI.
  3. Variable Components salaries that make up RFI:
    • PAP- for fulfillment personal plans;
    • ZPO- for the results of the work your division(Department);
    • ZPS- for the results of the work related service or the entire organization
  4. Minimum wages - RFP min.

Bid is set taking into account the value of the employee in the target labor market.

In essence, the bet it's a skill pay, i.e. for the knowledge, skill, personal qualities and potential of the employee, and not just for the position held.

Its value should be sufficient to attract an employee of the required qualification and training to the company.

Simultaneously with maintaining a competitive market rate, it is necessary to comply with certain job ratios within the company.

When ranking Bets, you need to set between them not only the surebet range (from minimum to maximum), but also the size of the overlap from rank to rank.

In the "ladder" of Stakes, one should not allow, for example, that a subordinate could receive insignificantly less, at the level, and even more so, more than the boss.

Growth in salary (transition through "steps" from rank to rank) should be significant so that the employee has an incentive for career growth.

Share of salary for Outcomes (RFI) as part of the Rate depends on the degree of influence of the employee's position on the Results of the implementation of the main indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise, its divisions or personal plans. Moreover, the greater the significance of the functions, the greater the share.

ZP value min in the "SOPOT" system is reduced to the role of only limiter a decrease in the level of wages with the most unfavorable combinations of various Outcomes, a decrease in wages for the quality of work (more on this below), i.e. ZP min does not allow the accrual of actual wages below the established minimum.

The value of the minimum wage individual, depends on the status of the employee, his value to the organization and should not only provide the employee with social protection, but also keep the right specialists from wanting to look for a new job.

Usually, SP level min. is set at 50-70% of the Rate.

Every employee the combination of parameters and salary components is individual corresponds to his functional duties and indicators on which he must have a real impact and for which he is responsible.

Payment for the implementation of personal plans (the PAP component) - individual piecework wages - is the most effective component of incentives.

It is based on the direct result of labor: the employee receives a planned salary for 100% completion of a task (a set of tasks) and additional earnings for overfulfillment of the plan.

The same form of labor incentives includes the so-called percentage of sales, which today, unfortunately (more on this below), is used in the payment of sales personnel.

The group performance incentive schemes (components of the ZPO and ZPS) are oriented towards to the interests and needs of the organization. The most expedient is such a scheme in which the group works as one team, performing interrelated tasks (team work "in one pot"). In these situations, it is quite difficult to measure the individual contribution of each.

Salary department head should also depend on the results of the implementation of the plan of the department, since this is the main indicator of the success of its work.

In addition to the considered forms of incentives, performance-based pay can be used. the entire organization or an adjacent unit (ZPS).

Finagle's Rule:
Teamwork is always important.
It allows you to put the blame on someone else.

Consider salary schemes using typical positions as an example:

Head of the linear - commodity-producing division: Part of the RFP (70-80%) depends on the results of his Department (ZPO), part (20-30%) - on the results of the work of the entire company or department, the results of which he influences (ZPS). This provides feedback between departments, which has a significant impact on increasing the level of corporate responsibility for results.

The same scheme can be at the head of marketing department: the relationship of his salary with the results of the sales department or the entire company. Similarly - at the chief mechanic: The RFP can be tied not only to the performance of its service (performance of planned maintenance work, commissioning of new capacities), but also to the results of the work of the production or workshop serviced by its sections.

Chief accountant, accountant:
The task of personnel in such positions is to perform mainly purely technological functions (just like office managers, heads of functional departments, system administrators, etc.). Therefore, the salary should depend, as a rule, either only on the hours worked (time-based payment of the PTA), or part of the Rate (20-30%) - on the results of the work of one's division, the entire company, or an adjacent division.

Sales managers, workers of the main specialties:
Their salary, as a rule, depends on individual (personal) results (IPP). However, many enterprises, users of the "SOPOT" system, establish the dependence of part of the salary (15-25%) on the results of their department (workshop).

The use of group/team/corporate incentives greatly increases the effect of flexible wages. This method forces employees to give personal goals. in accordance with the interests of your unit and / or the entire organization. Which, in turn, helps to form a strong team of like-minded people, encourages employees to spare no effort to help their colleagues.

According to the American Management Association, productivity increases by 3-26%, employee complaints are reduced by 83%, absenteeism by 84%, and lost time incidents by 69%.

The experience of implementing flexible systems shows that already at the stage of specifying the parameters of collective and individual plans, a process improvement of intra-company planning.

Criteria for plans and prioritization

It should be noted that the traditional incentive scheme for one criterion- for example, only for the volume of sales, - became ineffective, since in the conditions of rapidly developing competition, a variety of marketing techniques, etc., many, sometimes no less important criteria for their work are not taken into account in the performance of sales managers:

  • retention of old customers;
  • in parallel with traditional sales - the development of new markets, work with new customers;
  • realization of today's priority types of goods-services;
  • decrease in receivables, etc.

Paying for sales volume alone would seem to pose no risk to the employer. On the other hand, it is easier and more profitable for the seller to work only where there can be a greater income, and he simply ignores other, sometimes more important, but less profitable tasks under any plausible pretext. That's when the question arises: "Who manages the business in the company?! Employer? Doubtful ...".

Plan according to goals, pay according to results

To implement this fundamental principle of incentives in flexible systems, including in "SOPOT", it is possible to schedule the seller not only several tasks, but also prioritize (significance factors, specific weights).

Now even overfulfilled plan for the amount of transactions, the manager can lose in salary due to failure to complete other tasks, including small but business-critical sales in a new market.

Efficiency priority planning can be shown with an example:

Let's say, with Total equal to 100% = 140 thousand, the salary will be equal to CU 1400.

regular sales,
thousand cu
new sales,
thousand cu
regular sales,
thousand cu
new sales,
thousand c.u.
100 120 40 20 100 80 40 60
Previously: the amount of sales was 120 + 20 = 140
PPL = CU 1400
Previously: the amount of sales was 80 + 60 = 140
PPL = CU 1400
Now: Priorities Set but Not ConsideredNow: priorities are set and taken into account
K = 0.2K = 0.8K = 0.2K = 0.8
And 1 = 120% x 0.2 = 24%And 2 = 50% x 0.8 = 40%And 1 = 80% x 0.2 = 16%And 2 = 150% x 0.8 = 120%
IR = 24% + 40% = 64%
PPL = CU 896 (-504 CU)
IR = 16% + 120% = 136%
PPL = CU 1904 (+504 CU)

The method is extremely effective not only as a payroll management tool, but also as a tool for improving performance and personnel management at all levels: from ordinary performers to top management.

With this approach, the manager gets the opportunity to effectively manage the commodity, marketing, financial policy of the enterprise, and not give it to the performers. At the same time, employees who take into account the priority areas of sales as much as possible get a real opportunity to increase your earnings.

Literally two or three months after the start of work in the new conditions, sales managers note a significant increase in the quality of planning for sellers, maintaining a customer base, etc.

"Percentage of sales" - overcoming clichés

Since we have touched upon the system of incentives for sellers, and this position is present in almost all areas of business, we must also mention one more important misconception that we inherited from the "wild" market of the 90s.

I mean the tradition of paying managers percentage of sales.

At one time - in the early 90s - it was quite justified. In recent years, however, it has become increasingly difficult to keep the scheme intact. There have already been enough discussions on this topic in the press and on the Internet: all of them are devoted to the questions of how and with what to replace this obsolete form of remuneration calculation.

It would seem that the desire to pay as a percentage (from turnover in trade or from profit in production) is quite logical. Yes, and the scheme is generally simple.

However, both leaders and managers are constantly faced with the disadvantages of this method of stimulation, and they are so significant that there is a need to consider them in more detail.

  1. The percentage is set subjectively, according to market analogues, without sufficient reference to the company's business processes.
  2. The volume of sales and the complexity of transactions, as a rule, have nothing in common. With practically the same amount of time and effort turnover can vary significantly:
    • Large transactions exorbitantly and undeservedly raise the salary;
    • With small sales, the manager also undeservedly loses in earnings, and the management has to artificially increase the percentage, adjust it to the planned salary;
    • With seasonal fluctuations in sales the salary also does not correspond to the work expended: at the peak of sales it is undeservedly high, in unfair periods it is unfairly small.
  3. Sellers paying with interest are reluctant to take on small sales, work with new clients, fearing that they will not be able to bargain with the head of a percentage "worthy" of their qualifications.
  4. It is also wrong to put the dependence of salary on income because the size of the income of enterprises in the same area differs by several times or even an order of magnitude!
  5. What to do if the sales were to a certain extent prepared not by the seller, but by the manager?
  6. It is impossible not to take into account the following: the employee always has maximum overfulfillment bar which he, working in a certain way or method, will not overcome, no matter how much he is paid. And if the entrepreneur can determine with sufficient accuracy limits the possible range of fulfillment of planned tasks by the employee mainly due to his own efforts, then above this level, an increase in productivity is no longer so much a merit of the employee (and sometimes not his merit at all).

So it is necessary limit the maximum salary level and introduce the principle of profitability salaries (ahead of the growth rate of the Results relative to the growth rate of wages is a well-known axiom of management).

This is a requirement not only of the financial manager of the company, who plans, among other things, the maximum level of payroll.

This is the understanding that paying for the unearned corrupts the staff, and in a short time destroys any system of material incentives.

The listed disadvantages of paying by interest (and only the main ones are given, but by no means all of them) are sufficient to draw a conclusion:

"Paying with a percentage of sales, profits, etc., has no useful relation to the motivation of employees"(A. Kavtreva, TRIZ-chance firm).

The solution, as already mentioned, is in optimal task scheduling and payment in accordance with the result of achieving the goals set for the employee, be it a sales manager or a production worker.

Grossman's law:
Complex problems always have simple ones,
easy to understand WRONG solutions.

Payroll math

The concept of the "SOPOT" system takes into account the ideas and principles of domestic and Western experts, as well as many years of experience of the authors in the development and implementation of wage systems in industrial production and in the advertising and publishing business.

So when defining planned performance level recommendations were used Robert I. Nolan, president of the company of the same name:

  • 70% productivity is the minimum allowable level, below which it is inappropriate to pay a salary to an employee. Working with lesser results for the company is simply not profitable: the salary paid, the costs of maintaining the workplace, losses from the planned but not completed, etc. are not compensated by the income brought by them.
  • 100% performance is taken as the starting point. An "average worker" with appropriate qualifications can perform tasks without undue stress (that is, "according to Taylor" - he is able to work like that all the time). And for 100% of the result, receive, respectively, 100% of the planned salary (Rate).
  • 120% productivity is the level that the manager is guided by for material incentives. The "average worker" can show such a result with a significant effort of his strength. Practice shows that in our country such a level is achieved in various industries by the vast majority of workers. Only a few fall short of it.
  • 135% performance is achieved at maximum voltage and only by very good specialists.

Of course, this gradation is largely approximate and varies from industry to industry - depending on the type of business, nature of work, quality of planning, etc., but the trend remains unchanged.

Rowan system provides for a minimum level of not 70%, but 50%, but the maximum achievable level of wages for any high score limited to 200%.

This is achieved variable bonus percentage for exceeding the plan. In essence, this is a piece- regressive form of pay.

It is applied when the norms are established not by timing or calculation, but enlarged: according to the analysis of past work, periods, according to the experience of the manager, based on the study of market conditions (sales planning), etc.

The advantages of this approach are significant:

With a significant increase in the result, not conditioned by the efforts of the worker, there is no need to retroactively reduce wages or adjust the task: the growth rate of wages lags behind the growth rate of the result. Therefore, in the Rowan system, for 200% of the plan, the employee will receive only 150% of the rate, and then - for any result, as mentioned above, - no more than two Rates.

The developers of the SOPOT system took the most rational from both systems, and most importantly, they created own model of salary growth dynamics.

Unlike rigid Rowan parameters (min. Total and max. CV = 50% and 200%), the ratio of growth dynamics of Total and CV is based on on a flexible - exponential dependence.

This made it possible, in accordance with the objectives of stimulation, both at the corporate and individual levels, to implement not only any traditional, but also new forms of payment:

  • Time-based
  • Time-bonus
  • Piecework
  • Piecework-bonus (when the plan is overfulfilled)
  • Piecework-bonus (if there is a threat of non-fulfillment of the plan through no fault of the employee: when developing new sales markets, new equipment and technology, etc. - the know-how of the author)
  • chord(for result " done - not done")

Forms of remuneration and the dynamics of wage growth - relative to the growth of the Total

Piecework and piecework-regressive forms (constant / variable percentage of sales):
the main, most common forms of payment.

In the working range of the plan (usually from about 95-97% to 110-120%) - direct piecework, i.e., the percentage of the implementation of the comprehensive plan; outside (both ways) the usual range of totals - piece-regressive.

The accrual algorithm guarantees the profitability of payment: labor productivity growth outpaces wage growth. This means that outside the real range of the plan 1 percent increase in the Total should account for 0.5-0.8 percent increase in salary.

Piecework-PREMIUM form of payment in case of OVER-FULFILLMENT of the plan
to stimulate a large amount of important work.
Premium Percentage - variable.

Different dynamics of wage growth relative to the Results (the form of the exponent and its coordinates) is set in a wide range.

Maximum achievable level We recommend planning, as a rule, at the level of the employee’s labor productivity (and, in case of a linear dependence, his salary as well):

  • with technically justified standards - 120-135%,
  • with enlarged standards - 150-200%.

Everything beyond this is the "merit" of external, independent of the efforts of the employee factors: errors and rationing errors, the use of new equipment and technology, a new market situation, etc.

Moreover, within 110-120% (see salary growth curves), wages should grow in direct ratio efficiency, and above - exponentially inhibition of the growth of wages relative to the total. The greater the percentage of overfulfillment, the greater the percentage of backlog of the RFP.

The SOPOT system provides for the possibility of monitoring and managing payroll profitability when using department payroll:
- with different forms of remuneration of individual workers (piecework regressive and bonus) and different results of their work, when for some the growth of wages is ahead of the growth of the total, while for others it lags behind, in general, for the unit, the level of profitability of wages should be maintained in a given range. This is one of the main performance indicators of the unit.

This payment algorithm allows:

  • to raise the salaries of conscientious and productive workers, to get rid of negligent and lazy people by economic rather than administrative methods;
  • significantly reduce the dependence of wages on external factors that the employee does not influence, especially during periods of decline in sales, production, etc., that is, for the fulfillment of planned TASKS, he should receive the payment he actually earned.

With equal plans the difference in performance and, accordingly, in the salary of different employees(due to professionalism, activity) can be in the range of up to 15-20%. If above - the manager needs to find errors in individual planning, marketing or work / sales technologies.

The practice of implementing the SOPOT system shows:

  • During the development and improvement of the planning system salary growth relative to the results is quite dynamic.
  • And then, in the long run:
    • well-performing - Rates (the basis for calculating the final salary) are increased;
    • The dynamics of salary growth, in accordance with the realities of past periods, is becoming more and more optimal both for the tasks of stimulation and for the tasks of business development.

Collective (brigade) form of organization and stimulation of labor

It is expedient to work as a team not only in purely production structures: the practice of using a flexible system shows successful results of teamwork in the advertising and publishing business, in engineering and sales services of enterprises, in departments of technical supply, etc.

The positive aspects of team work are the desire to help each other, a more friendly atmosphere; when working with a client - the absence of conflicts within the department due to the struggle for him.

There are examples of organizing work according to this principle of the advertising department of a regional publishing house.

Team earnings according to the results of work are distributed among employees in proportion to the time worked by each and the share of his planned salary in the payroll of the brigade(the share plays the role of the coefficient of labor participation). When performing a task lesser the salary of the team members rises adequate participation of everyone in the collective Outcome. Working in a team does not exclude the performance by an employee of tasks separate from the team for a separate remuneration. Moreover, if an individual task is more priority, it can be respectively rank regarding brigade results. The final salary will depend on the labor contribution to the team result, and on the completion of a personal task.

Price's law:
Until everyone wants it, no one will get it.

Quality of work and wages
or How to deal with a "headache" as a leader
from delays, mistakes of subordinates,
endless "I forgot", "... I won't do it again", etc.

An important tool for personnel management is stimulating the quality of work at all levels - from top managers to ordinary performers of functional services.

Having formed a set of rules and regulations, a list of the most repeated violations and mistakes, having coordinated it with the heads of departments (and maybe with all the staff), you need to firmly say to everyone: "Since we have agreed so, let's do it!".

This list usually includes:

  • Regulatory requirements for all employees of the organization (labor discipline and corporate culture, general safety requirements, etc.).
  • Requirements regarding managerial and executive discipline specific unit(quality of planning, reporting).
  • Division specific professional and functional standards (for sellers - working with clients and maintaining a client base, for advertising designers - their own, for journalists - their own, etc.).

The main thing here is that the list should really reflect only those problems with discipline and quality that are of a regular nature and take into account the specifics of the unit. Otherwise, it will be another stillborn instruction.

When applying material sanctions, the manager must take into account the status of the employee, and the possible consequences of violations, and the reaction of the culprit to the negative situation that has arisen.

As practice shows, the organization of labor quality control leads to a sharp increase in performance and production discipline. in the first month after the implementation of the system.

Jacob's law:
It is human nature to err
but blaming mistakes on others is even more typical.

Summarizing the concept of a flexible system implemented in the SOPOT system, we can state with full confidence:

  1. The described methods of interrelation of systems of planning and remuneration are fully consistent with the most modern requirements for effective material incentives.
  2. It is possible to modernize any existing wage system in the enterprise into a more modern and efficient one without serious consequences and quickly.

Problems of implementing flexible systems

There are a number of significant reasons why flexible payment systems are making their way with such a creak:

  • Firstly, information about them does not reach business owners and top managers.
  • Secondly, the development of algorithms, software and the process of transition from outdated, but familiar payment schemes to effective, but new ones, requires great knowledge and skills. And you will not find such specialists in personnel services during the day with fire.
  • Thirdly, salary modernization affects the interests, including those who are called upon to initiate such changes in the company. Therefore, as a rule, no one wants to cut the branch on which you sit.

It comes to the point that the participants of seminars on the problems of financial incentives, fearing infringement of their interests, and not wanting to do something new, sometimes filter and dose information to their leaders about the system presented to them so that as a result its essence is distorted beyond recognition.

"SOPOT" system is a complex solution of salary tasks

  1. Versatility
    The system is used for operational planning of work and personnel management in various sectors of the economy: in industry and trade, in the service sector and in the media business.
  2. Minimization of the impact on the final salary of external factors that do not depend on the efforts of the staff
    Payroll is calculated based on the results of the implementation of planned targets, and not on sales volumes that have lost their relevance and other business parameters that are little dependent on the manager.
  3. Improving methods of intra-company planning
    The ability to plan and report simultaneously on several parameters with their prioritization. Sales management and incentives for the effectiveness of the implementation of a comprehensive plan are completely in the hands of the Manager.
  4. Economically sound relationship between results and wages
    The payroll algorithm provides for the ability to manage the payroll profitability of both departments and the enterprise as a whole. This, in turn, provides additional benefits:
    • The manager is insured against negative consequences (undeserved payments of remuneration) in case of enlarged planning, in cases of errors in planning, etc.
    • If the plan is overfulfilled, savings in the salary fund (due to the difference in the growth rates of results and salaries) can go to the reserve fund for decent remuneration of personnel in unfavorable periods.
    • The head of the department gets the opportunity, within the framework of his authority, to use part of the savings for material incentives for his staff.
  5. Planning rates in the fork of the average market of similar specialists in the region
    The method guarantees (in combination with paragraphs 2,3,4!) personnel competitiveness, in which the capable and hardworking earn more than the personnel of competing firms, and the losers and idlers earn less.
  6. Improving labor and technological discipline, reducing non-production losses, improving the moral climate in the team
    The system of corporate norms and rules, control over their observance and the possibility of financial sanctions for violations is an effective and exceptionally fair tool for the manager to increase labor productivity and maintain discipline in the unit.
  7. Simplicity and manufacturability of software
    • The software is designed for a user of any level, provides for installation both at one workplace and a network version for several departments.
    • All necessary information for the user is given in the Help of each window of the Program.
    • It is possible to enter into the SOPOT system (according to the agreed TOR) parameters from the database of other management systems.

Grid's Third Law:
The machine program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do.

The law of unreliability:
It is human nature to err, but only a computer can completely confuse.

Appendix No. 1. Remuneration of a journalist

"The belief that work
a journalist cannot be measured,
is obsolete and illogical."

Harry Lokefire,
professor of journalism
University of Groningen (Holland).

Journalists need to know what they are paid for

The problem of a fair and understandable salary for the employee is easily resolved when labor can be somehow "weighed", agreed on payment for a unit of "weight", and then multiplied and - to the cashier.

And what to do if labor is impossible or difficult to simply take and "weigh"? For example, the work of journalists ...

Those who believe that the most important thing is the evaluation of the newspaper by readers are right. However, this is largely determined by circulation, and personally for journalists it has not direct, blurry relationship.

Owners and publishers are trying to find answers to questions:

  • How to measure the quality of journalistic materials and the entire publication?
  • How to improve the content of your own publication and increase its circulation?
  • How to determine what each of the employees should learn?
  • How to improve the discipline and quality of work of editorial staff?

According to research by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN), for this, many newspapers widely use systems for assessing the quality and productivity of journalists and editorial offices, which allows them to produce better and cheaper newspapers, encourage employees to improve their skills, and pay them more adequately.

In a creative and unpredictable editorial environment, seasoned journalists are well aware that editorial evaluation systems exist only to help them produce a better newspaper with less effort, improve the economic performance of the publication and, as a result, increase their wages. Douglas MacGregor said it well: "The agricultural approach is more reasonable: create a good climate, provide appropriate "feeding" and imagine people growing by themselves. That's when they will surprise you."

Many editors quite rightly believe that assessing the quality and significance of the content of the newspaper is only their prerogative. And indeed: who better than an editor will determine how accurately and competently his employee works, whether he knows the needs of his readers and whether his opinion coincides with the opinion of readers? What about the credibility and accuracy of the presentation of facts? Are the strips always prepared by the journalist on time? How common are delays? How often do you have to return stories to reporters because they don't meet newspaper standards? And there is much more for the editor to evaluate. And already on the basis of these estimates, you can somehow decide on a fair payment.

But! A journalist must also know both the principle of evaluation and the principle of payment. And to find out not post-factum - when everything has already happened, but in advance, in order to decide what the editor wants from him, what is needed to get the maximum marks and convert them into banknotes.

How can an editor engage creatives?
commercial edition

First, convince journalists that measurements and estimates are practical, acceptable and useful.

Secondly, develop procedures for helping employees who have shortcomings, eliminate the causes of inefficient work. Find the "carrot and stick" method of paying for each evaluation criterion you, the editor, set for a journalist.

Thirdly, it is desirable to have a group of assistant appraisers (editorial board): this will help to significantly increase the objectivity of the assessments. No, judge for yourself.

Editorial evaluations can significantly improve work efficiency, as they allow the editor to evaluate workflows, identify points of stress and waste of time.

The positive results from the use of editorial evaluation systems published by Western publishers are impressive:

  • Brazil's Estado de S. Paulo has halved the time it takes to produce strips.
  • Turun Sanomat has reduced the cost of producing a page of its newspaper by 20%.
  • The newspaper Il Messaggero increased productivity by 50%.

Option 1. By goals and objectives

Essence: This method assumes that the planned remuneration consists of two parts - constant (salary, i.e., the minimum guaranteed level) and variable, payment for the quality of the creative component, depending on the evaluation of criteria differentiated by significance.

Criteria are nothing more than creative goals / objectives by which a journalist will be judged. They can be determined both by the editorial policy and the requirements for the work of a particular employee.

For one journalist, the goals and objectives may be to improve accuracy in working with information and the importance of the topics raised, for another - efficiency, exclusivity of information and the ability to meet deadlines.

At the beginning of each paid period, the editor/supervisor orients the employee on what goals/tasks/results he will be evaluated against. The number of goals for the period is up to three or four. At the same time, they must be measurable and be part of the overall system of editorial work efficiency.

Pros: The employee develops constantly as a professional. The method requires him to constantly search - "what else to improve?". The goal is specific and clear before work begins.

Cons: The method requires a serious attitude and constancy. The personal participation of the editor/supervisor and his time costs are required. Documentation / fixation of both goals and their implementation is required. The need to prepare reports dictates the need to automate the entire process of planning, accounting and payroll.

Option 2. By rubric cost

Essence: This option involves the submission of information in the publication for long periods - six months or more. Each section has its own strict requirements.

That is, the work of a journalist is evaluated already at the stage of accepting his material for the strip, and if it is published, it is evaluated according to the "price list" - so much.

    Note: In foreign and some domestic editions, this method is very common and there is competition for a place in certain headings.

Accordingly, if you constantly lose the competition for a place with your materials, then after a while you will simply be fired.

Pros: Very simple, transparent and understandable scheme.

Cons: This method dictates the need to bring order to journalistic politics. It requires a professional approach on the part of the journalists themselves, producing editors, executive secretaries, quality control over the materials accepted by the newspaper. When paying, only the quality of materials is taken into account. Although, can all this be considered "cons"? ...

Option 3. Comprehensive - in terms of goals, objectives,
the volume of materials and the cost of headings

Essence: The planned payment is divided into parts: one is for achieving certain creative goals / results, the other is a fee for the amount of materials. The creative component is paid depending on the quality of the completed goals/tasks. These goals are reviewed regularly. The fee (payment for volume) is determined by the editor as the cost of a unit of measurement (number of characters, lines, stripes, etc.) multiplied by the total volume for the month.

The cost of a unit can be different (article, column constant, news). However, it must be borne in mind that the assessment of the work of journalists by the number of submitted lines does not cover all aspects of the creative work of a journalist, does not give an accurate knowledge of the amount of labor spent on the material. For example, a reporter doing fact-finding over the phone may outrun a colleague doing complex investigative reporting in line count. Therefore, it is not always advisable to judge the effectiveness and success of their activities by the amount of material. In any case, this indicator should not be the prevailing one in the salary of a journalist.

The complex method is more productive and versatile, because it evaluates both the creative component of the materials, and the volume, and cost of headings. Moreover, it allows you to implement various salary schemes that meet the most diverse expectations of the editor.

In line with this concept, a System of operational planning and remuneration of journalists "SOPOT-editor".

The payment scheme for each journalist is selected depending on his conditional specialization in the publication.

Specialization of journalists and payment schemes:

  1. "Golden Feather"- an author whose quality of materials is guaranteed, i.e. there is no need to evaluate them. RFP = Volume fee (quantity).
  2. columnist— an author who constantly prepares a constant volume of small but valuable materials. ZP = Payment for "creativity" = Rate for "creativity" x Evaluation of its criteria.
  3. The reporter- the author of materials, the value of which primarily depends on relevance, sensationalism and other criteria. RFP = Payment for "creativity" (70% of the Rate) + Fee for the volume (30% of the Rate).
  4. Interpreter- an author who processes information of a volume and quality that does not depend on him (information from the Internet, interviews, etc.). RFP = Payment for "creativity" (30% of the Rate) + Fee for the volume (70% of the Rate). Note: percentages are indicative.

The main criteria for the quality of journalistic material
(can be used from Giles' editorial rating system):

  1. exclusivity
  2. Efficiency
  3. Relevance
  4. The original formulation of the problem
  5. High skill (creativity) of presentation
  6. Initiative in the development of a relevant topic
  7. lucky headline
  8. Topic coverage depth
  9. interestingness
  10. Significance of the issues raised
  11. The quality of presentation of the material, including:
    • Ease of reading and understanding
    • Photo quality and memorability
    • Article organization
    • Observance of important elements of the story
    • Compactness of writing material
    • Word choice
    • Writing style
    • Grammar

For different journalists of different publications, the criteria will most likely be set differently. The main principle that the editor usually follows when assigning certain criteria is:

  • Editorial policy
  • Weaknesses of a journalist

With this in mind, a particular employee is assigned not only individual criteria, but also their weight - significance coefficients. These parameters of the journalistic task are its goals/tasks.

The parameters are set either for the billing period - a month, or for the long term: political / holiday season, year.

In the "SOPOT-editor" system, the Editorial Evaluation of the quality of materials is simple.

The basic indicator of the "initial correctness" of the material is "good", i.e. 4 points. It fixes a high level of quality in the preparation of material that does not require additional editing or correction. Ratings above the base - 5 or 6; below - 3 or 2.

Materials (all or selectively - at the discretion of the editor) for each quality criterion are evaluated by points:

Accounting for each journalist in the current month can be kept in any form, including the following:

Edition _________________________
Journalist _______________________________

Bid= CU 1000

Specialization- Reporter: National, regional economy

Criteria and their significance(the weight):

  • Efficiency = 0,5;
  • Relevance = 0,3;
  • Creativity of presentation = 0,2.

Quantity fee (lines, stripes, …)= CU 10 per …

Monthnewspaper numberMaterialEfficiency
K = 0.5
Pl / fact
K = 0.3
Pl / fact
K = 0.2
Pl / fact
n x 10 c.u.
May41 Again I visited...4/5 4/4 4/3 150
42 There is something to talk about4/6 4/5 4/6 130
43 Again "Curtain"?4/5 4/6 4/4 140
44 Horses at the crossing4/5 4/4 4/6 180
Total 16/21 16/19 16/19 600
June45 Privatization of ferroalloys4/3 4/3 4/2 140
46 New laws, new problems4/4 4/3 4/3 160
47 EES - yes!4/3 4/3 4/4 120
Total 12/10 12/9 12/9 420

At a bet of CU 1,000 and a fee of CU 600 salary can vary between:
ZP optimal \u003d 1000 + 600 \u003d 1600.
ZP max. (all points = 6) = 1500 + 600 = 2100 i.e. + CU 500 - premium for quality above the norm.
RFP min. (all points = 2) = 500 + 600 = 1100, i.e. - CU 500 - loss due to poor quality materials.

One of the important steps was the introduction to the System corporate and professional rules and regulations, compliance with which is taken into account in the calculation of the final salary. This principle allows not only to fix errors, but also to identify the perpetrators. Since many errors arise due to misinterpretation or improper handling of material as it passes through the stages of the workflow, such control methods also allow you to determine problem areas in work processes. Moreover, the analysis of "work on the bugs" in the editions shows: two-thirds of all the errors that appear in the newspaper could well have been avoided...

The set of such Rules can include not only the "Rules of the internal regime", "Requirements of labor discipline", but also professional standards:

  • Compliance with the publishing instructions (spelling, typos, etc.)
  • Indication of sources of information
  • Reliability of information
  • Checking names, addresses
  • Compliance with daily and long-term deadlines, etc.

For non-compliance with the Rules, you can "earn" penalties. At the end of each month, according to the average score of the editorial office and each employee, you can get a complete picture of the results of the team's activities. The editor can increase the interest of journalists in achieving the general tasks of the editorial office (increasing circulation, profitability) by establishing the dependence of part of the salary on the fulfillment of the editorial plan.

This technique is quite successfully used by users of the SOPOT-editor system, not only in relation to the payment of journalists, but also to stimulate other editorial staff: producing editors, layout designers, etc.

Modern approaches to the system of planning and remuneration of the editorial staff enable the publisher to implement the optimal personnel and editorial policy to increase the competitiveness of the publication and sustainable work in the newspaper market.

Annex No. 2. Remuneration of advertising designers.

  • A variety of areas of activity of advertisers and sometimes their complete lack of special knowledge, as well as their high demands on advertising layouts.
  • The "conveyor" for the development of layouts does not leave the designer time to work out the composition, the correct color scheme, the choice and processing of illustrations and font options, not to mention the creation of a creative solution together with the advertising manager.
  • Different levels of professionalism and creativity of designers.
  • The level of management in the advertising department that does not correspond to the tasks, etc.

Nevertheless, judging by the numerous publications in print and on the Internet, there are several main schemes used for material incentives and remuneration for designers.

The simplest scheme is time-based
Regardless of seasonal and other load fluctuations, the designer must make everything that is assigned. And for this he receives his hard "salary". The actual volume of work is usually subject to significant fluctuations: there are periods of both underloading and overloading.

And if in the first case the designer does not ask for a pay cut, then in the second - "pay extra for the processing of working hours ..." In the absence of any standards, he regulates it himself. Here you have to rely on his conscientiousness.

It is clear that the timing scheme primitive and irrational.

More logical payment according to the principle: how much did - for so much received. That is, to pay for the actual amount of work performed (it is almost impossible for a designer to plan a specific amount and range of work in advance).

In this case, you need to somehow measure these volumes.

For example, in this way:
Acceptance from the customer and processing of one ready-made computer layout of the minimum module estimate, say, 50 minutes. = 1 point (numbers are provisional).

Thus, it is possible to score 168 x 60: 50 = 200 points in a month (in 168 hours), having earned your planned salary - Rate. Did more - got more; less is less.

This is a direct piecework payment system.

The scheme can, without fundamentally complicating it, be made more flexible:

Option 1.
The entire bet is tied to the result

    Rate - CU 1000 Each interest is "worth" CU10.
    Then for 200 points - RFP = CU 1000,
  • for 230 points (+ 15%) RFP = CU 1150 (+150)
  • for 170 points (- 15%) RFP = CU 850 (-150).

Option 2 is more liberal.
Part of the Bet is tied to the result, and part is time-based payment.

    The rate is CU 1000, RFP per cut. (WFI) = 70% = CU 700 Each interest is "worth" CU7.
  • for 230 points (+15%) RFP = CU 1105 (+105)
  • for 170 points (- 15%) RFP = CU 895 (-105).

Another popular payment option: if the plan is overfulfilled, the designer's salary increases.

But (!) - at underloading designer during periods of calm (i.e. through no fault of his own) Salary to him remains at the planned level. This can be explained by the shortage of qualified personnel and other objective reasons.

The following payment scheme is quite popular in publishing houses: 70-80% Rates are tied to the volume of layouts, and 20-30% - to the results of the work of the Advertising Department or the results of the work of your manager / group of managers.

In this case, the designer is not only morally, but also financially interested in the success of the advertising space sales managers.

He will make a better layout and tell the manager how best to present (sell) it to the advertiser, correctly justify certain decisions on composition and colors. (This knowledge, by the way, will be useful for the manager himself). This approach contributes to the creation of a creative community of advertising manager and designer.

Taking as a unit of measure small simple layout, can be estimated with sufficient accuracy and complex, large formats. So, some advertisers believe that if the reception and processing finished layout = 1 point, then its independent production = 8-10 points, more complex layouts - 15-20 points.

Thus, to earn a Bet, you need to get 200 points:

  • or by processing 200 ready-made layouts;
  • or 120 ready-made and plus 10 of 8 own points (80 points);
  • or create 10 large creative layouts of 20 points each, etc.

In any case, as in any primary formation of standards, it is necessary to proceed from the ratio spending time developing quality basic layout types and set the scale of their "cost" (with its subsequent optimization).

The quality of advertising layouts

Most satisfied with the quality of layouts, of course, their authors themselves are designers.

And since criticism of layouts from the outside is mostly unprofessional (on the principle of "like / dislike"), designers perceive it painfully ("... anyone can offend an artist ...") and quite rightly do not accept it.

Designers are another matter: in many publishing houses (especially regional ones), advertising layouts are created according to principles known only to them. Their quality by other specialists, especially advertisers, not professionally assessed.

This situation can be corrected not only by raising the professional level of a specialist, but also by developing recommendations and rules used both in the process of creating and for quality control of print advertising.

In these "Rules and typical mistakes ..." sections can be reflected:

  • Composition - arrangement of blocks, illustrations, congestion criteria;
  • RO language, readability of texts;
  • Identification of USP and its place in the layout;
  • Dubbing illustrations with text and vice versa;
  • Font design requirements;
  • The color scheme of the elements and its rationale;
  • Etc. — at least 20 p.p. requirements for the design of the layout - a kind of "framework" for the freedom of the designer's creativity.

Appendix No. 3. Delimitation of powers
decision making

An important role in building an effective personnel management system is played by the optimal distribution of powers between the manager and the subordinate.

The main reasons leaders are reluctant to delegate "down" are:

  • Desire to act rather than manage (lead)
  • Desire to know "all the details"
  • Misconception: "I'll do it better"
  • The desire for total control, etc.

This style of leadership evokes an adequate response from the subordinate: on any issue, including those that are completely within his competence, he will try to get permission for certain actions. This is a kind of insurance: if the result of the decision made brings victory, then this is his victory. If it is a failure, then he will lay part of the responsibility for it on the shoulders of the boss: "I coordinated this with you! (You yourself approved it!)".

Or, on the contrary, the leader constantly interferes, requires justification and reporting on issues that are entirely within the competence of the subordinate. Such petty guardianship leads to the fact that few people work independently in the company, on each issue the subordinates run to the head for "approval-catfish".

In such a mess, the loss of working time of managers is, according to various estimates, from 15 to 40%, not to mention the "efficiency" of this management style.

Method "LaMa-RUS" - one of the options
optimal solution of such problems

The rights to make managerial decisions in the "Head-Subordinate" tandem are proposed to be divided into three levels:

  • By permission of the head - "R"
  • Notifying the head - "U"
  • Self - "C"

        An example of the division of powers in the remuneration system Head of department / Director

        Level of authority of the Head of Sales Department:

  1. Form of remuneration of the department _____________________ R
  2. Nomenclature of the department plan _____________________ R
  3. The values ​​of the plan indicators ____________________ R
  4. Prioritization ____________________________
  5. Indicators of the dynamics of wage growth _____________ C
  6. The results of the implementation of the department plan __________________ С
  7. The value of the Rate is within the payroll plan. ___________ FROM
  8. ZP value min. _______________________________
  9. Salary structure _____________________________
  • Other...

    By formalizing this principle at all levels of management, you can immediately get positive results:

    • Restrain the desire of the leader to act, and not to manage (lead)
    • Free up his time for solving corporate problems
    • Increase the responsibility of personnel for the results of work
    • To develop the independence and creative initiative of the performer

    Ultimately, this is an effective way to increase the potential of managers by realizing their abilities: on the one hand, they feel that the authorities trust their competence, and on the other hand, they satisfy their needs by expanding the zone of independence.

    Rusk's Law of Delegation:
    If attention is paid to delegation of authority,
    responsibility will accumulate below like sediment.


  • "Secrets of motivation of the seller", Vilena Smirnova. — "Peter", 2004.
  • "Organization and remuneration in market conditions", A.V. Kalinin. — "MAUP", 2003.
  • "Personnel Management", P.V. Bug. — M.:, 2002.
  • "An article about salary", A. Kavtreva, - "TRIZ-SHAN",
  • "Practical Marketing - 2", V.V. Kevorkov. — M.:, "RIP-holding", 2002
  • "How to succeed", V. Khrutskoy. — M.:, "Republic"
  • "The system of remuneration of sales-managers. Monetary motive". — "Investgazeta", 10.05.05.
  • "MOST personnel motivation system". — Magazine "Director's Consultant", №4, 2002.
  • "How to measure editorial performance. Strategy report". — WAN World Newspaper Association, May 2002

    On sites:

  • "Sale of advertising space in the newspaper", Bogacheva O.S.
  • "Technology for creating a journalistic work", Kim M.N.
  • "The system of remuneration in the advertising department", O. Nagaitseva
  • "Methods of motivation"
  • "The relationship between the results of the enterprise and the stimulation of the work of personnel"
  • "Variable salary", V. Schukin,
  • "Wages: why pay more?"
  • "Flexible wage systems"

    On the portal:

  • "Methods of material incentives for personnel", D.V. Khlebnikov
  • "Market system of labor motivation", Institute of Economics RAS
  • "Personnel motivation system in Western Europe and the USA", N. Dryakhlov and others.
  • Currently, for qualified employees of companies, an important stimulating factor for successful work is an effective remuneration scheme and a transparent scheme for calculating it.

    There are two main forms of wages:

    Piecework, in which earnings depend on the number of units produced, taking into account their quality, complexity and working conditions;
    - time-based, in which the amount of earnings depends on the actual hours worked and the tariff rate (salary).

    In addition, there is an incentive (additional) payment, which is paid in the event that the employee's performance exceeded the basic norm.

    Variable salary is also not a permanent remuneration and is paid for the results of the work of the unit or the enterprise as a whole.

    Combined wages are considered to be the most effective. it guarantees a certain financial basis that allows the employee to predict his minimum income.

    Each company, depending on the scope of its business, can use the most convenient payment system for it. But developing it, it is necessary to ensure the trust of employees. Often, all operations related to payment cause distrust and suspicion, especially when it comes to the introduction of a fundamentally new payment system. It is necessary to prepare the staff for the changes, because in the future, even the most progressive undertakings will be perceived as "increased exploitation." Therefore, transparency and simplicity are the main conditions for the introduction of wages.

    The main points in creating effective wages

    An effective payment system should take into account the following main points:

    The minimum level of pay that can be offered for work that is attractive to qualified employees from the outside;
    - the minimum level of pay that can be offered to existing employees in order for them to remain in the company;
    - accounting for the length of service of employees;
    - number of pay levels for employees performing identical or similar work;
    - the existence of differences in basic levels of pay among jobs requiring different levels of knowledge, skills, responsibilities and duties;
    - taking into account the growth of the employee's qualifications and changes in the base salary and the use of various regulatory evaluation methods and certifications to set the base levels, ensuring the possibility of periodically changing this level depending on the achievements of the employee and his desire for professional growth and his value to the enterprise;
    - taking into account hazardous and difficult working conditions in the base pay scheme;
    - the existence of policies and regulators that allow you to earn more than the established maximum and less than the established minimum;
    - adaptability of the pay scheme to the cost of living or other changes unrelated to seniority, results, level of responsibility or duties.

    Comprehensive performance indicators

    There are two comprehensive indicators that can be used to create an effective wage system.

    1. The coefficient of labor participation (KTU), which is a generalized quantitative assessment of the personal labor contribution of each employee to the final results of the work of a group of employees and the entire enterprise.
    2. The tariff scale, which is a scale that determines the ratio of wages when performing work by employees of various qualifications.

    In Russian companies, a foreign analogue of the tariff scale is currently widely used -

    Let's see what payment system can be developed for the difficult case of our wholesale company. Here I will make a schematic calculation only but the key points. A detailed technology for developing a piecework wage system is given below.
    First stage. From what and how is the salary calculated
    There are many options for how to pay salaries to sales managers. Some options are extremely inefficient.
    “For example, a fixed salary without interest. In fact, they are paid for the fact that a person comes to work. It doesn't matter if he is doing something or pretending to be an activity. Get the same.
    Another lost option is to pay on shipment. There is no problem if the prerequisite is its full payment. The problem is that most of the time this is not the case. And then it is important to ship as much as possible to the client, and whether he will pay is of no interest to anyone. The result for the company is a huge bad debt.
    Compared to this, paying a percentage of the money brought in is already progress. This is perfectly acceptable if the manager cannot give discounts. But in most cases, they are indispensable. Then the vulnerability of such a system manifests itself. The easiest way for a fighter is to give a discount in order to interest the client. After all, his remuneration decreases significantly less than the company's profit. Strictly speaking, the easiest way to sell to clients is to trade at a loss. But the fighter himself will earn at the same time. And not bad! In our example, the real margin averages only 6% of the price list. If a fighter gives a client a 3% discount, it means that he will lose only 3% of his commissions. For the sake of concluding a deal, they can be sacrificed. The trouble is that the company will lose not 3%, but half of its real profits. What if the fighter gives the client a 10% discount? He will lose 10% commission, and the company will work at a loss of 4% of the transaction amount. And the fighter will still ask her for his commission!
    It is most effective to equalize the interests of the fighter and the interests of the company. The company earns - the fighter earns a share of this. The company loses - the fighter loses the same amount. Therefore, it is more effective to pay the fighters a percentage of the profits received by the company from his contracts.
    Rule. When developing an employee's piecework salary, in most cases one should proceed not from real profit, but from a simplified calculation of "gross" profit, determined by factors that are within the employee's control. The exception is the heads of departments responsible for their real financial success. And that is not all, but only the most conscious.
    In our case, real costs average 94% of the price list. In this case
    gross profit - the amount paid by the client - 94% of the cost according to the price list of goods and services provided to the client.
    It would be incorrect to define the gross profit as 6% of the client's payment. If you give a customer a 6% discount, the gross margin should be zero. In the first version of the calculation, it will be so. The second one will generate an error.
    Next, you need to determine what the goals of the company are and from what to set plans - personal and for the department. There are two simple options and many complex ones. Personally, I am a supporter of everything simple. A complex payment system is useless. A fighter should be able to figure out in his mind how much he will earn on each of his transactions. If he fails to do this, the motivating value of the payment system is close to zero.
    Two simple but effective planning options - from volumes and from gross profit. In this case, the interest is paid in any case from the gross profit. But the size of the interest itself depends on the coefficients for the implementation of the plan.
    Planning from volumes makes sense for manufacturing enterprises. It is also well suited for selling various goods and services. Especially when for different groups of goods and services the income from the sale is equal, and the time and effort spent differ significantly. Possibility of even a different rate of remuneration. Here the logic is as follows: there is something that is harder to sell. We earn less from it. But it needs to be sold. Therefore, we give a higher percentage for these sales. And for sales that are easier and more profitable, the percentage will be less. In general, let any contracts be comparable to those of a sales manager.
    In simpler cases, you can plan from gross profit. Especially when the company's products and services are more or less homogeneous and bring comparable profits. This approach has its vulnerabilities. For example, a fighter who signed a big contract at the beginning of the month can relax until the end of the month. And yet the simplicity and reliability of this system is its absolute merit. Its correspondence to the interests of the company is especially attractive. Here the logic is elementary: the goal of the company is to make a profit. Whoever earns more profit is right.
    In our example, we use planning from gross profit. To get started, you need to answer a few questions.
    How much money per month should one fighter bring in to complete the plan? Let's assume that 3 million per fighter per month is realistic. In any case, the middle peasants give two-thirds of this with small discounts, and the strong fighters exceed the plan - however, at the cost of excessive discounts.
    What size of the average discount is considered acceptable and taken into account when planning? Not all customers need discounts. For simplicity, let's assume that there are half of them. The size of an acceptable discount, for example, 2% - according to the experience of the average peasants. If we give such a discount to half of the customers, we can assume that the average discount will be about 1%.
    What gross profit will a company fighter bring in when fulfilling a personal sales plan?
    Gross profit - 3 LLC LLC (100% - 94% of costs - 1% discount) - 150 LLC.
    This will be the personal plan of the fighters in terms of gross profit. The approximate turnover without discounts will be 150,000: 6% - 2,500,000.
    » How much do we plan to pay the fighter when the plan is fulfilled? Let's say 45,000 a month - just like before.
    Second phase. Determination of salary and interest rate
    The next question is the ratio of the fixed and variable parts of the payment to the fighter. It is believed that in general it is wrong to pay only the permanent part - the "naked" salary. And in the same way, it is wrong to pay only interest - a complete piecework. A "naked" salary does not motivate an employee to do anything at all. In addition to coming to work and creating its visibility. Complete piecework makes the fighter move. But she does not develop loyalty to the company in him at all. The fighters are convinced that since the company does not care about them, then they do not owe it anything.
    It is considered acceptable when the permanent part is 20-80% of total payments. This applies to all employees of the company. As for sales managers, their salary should be less, and interest - most of the total payments.
    In my experience, the salary of the fighters in the implementation of the plan should be from 20-33% of the total amount. In general, the more experienced the fighters and the more difficult the sales, the larger the share of the salary should be. For fighters who specialize in particularly complex and long-term VIP sales, the salary can reach up to half of the total payments.
    Salary has two benefits.
    It strengthens employee loyalty and stability. People often ask: why give a salary to young fighters? After all, it is not known what will come of them. Answer: that's why you give it, in order to find out. Without a salary and without sales, they will not last even one month. They can be "finished off" even by paying for travel in transport. But it takes three months to understand what they are good for. Another thing is that a reduced salary is usually given for a trial period. Your financial risk in hiring a young fighter is limited to his three-month salary. Reducing this risk is the smart thing to do. In addition, an increase in salary after a probationary period stimulates young fighters. They are making extra efforts to complete this deadline as quickly as possible. Maybe after the first month. To do this, they need to make noticeable sales as soon as possible. And you need it too, right?
    ¦ The salary stabilizes the salary with a significant overfulfillment of the plan. Let's look at this with an example. There are two fighters. Both earn 40,000 when they complete the plan. The first sits only on piece-rate payment. The second has a salary of 20,000, the rest is interest. Let's assume that there are no raising or lowering coefficients from the implementation of the plan. What happens if both fighters exceed the plan by 3 times?
    The salary of the first will be 40,000 3 - 120,000. The salary of the second is 20,000 + 20,000 3 - 80,000. The difference is 40,000. Draw your own conclusions.
    In our case, the sales department is mostly experienced fighters and the client base gives a fairly stable sales volume. In this case, it is more profitable to make a larger part of the permanent part - a third of the total payments. The reason is simple: the likelihood that the fighters will significantly overfulfill the plan is quite high. And vice versa: the probability is lower that someone will not cope with the work and the salary will be paid in vain.
    So, the salary of the fighters of OptStroyService* will be equal to: 45,000: 3 - = 15,000. By the way, in Moscow a salary of $500 is quite common.
    The amount of interest in the implementation of a personal sales plan will be 45,000 - 15,000 - 30,000.
    Personal sales plan for gross profit is 150,000 monthly. Then
    base interest rate - 30,000: 150,000 100% - 20% of the gross profit from their contracts.
    Basic payment terms:
    salary - 15,000 + 20% of the gross profit from their contracts.
    Third stage. Sales plans per department
    Ideal - to determine sales plans from the goals and business plan of the company. In reality, another, simpler and more practical option is used more often. It is necessary to develop a plan for the sales department for gross profit. You know how many fighters you have and how many, with a serious effort of strength, each can bring. From this it is easy to calculate how much they will earn all together. The final figure can be increased. First, your fighters may perform a miracle, or something unforeseen and favorable will happen in the market. Secondly, you can increase the number of fighters.
    In our case, 6 fighters. Everyone's personal plan for gross profit is 150,000 monthly. 150 OOO ¦ 6 - 900 OOO. This is the norm for your sales force. Is this a real plan? No matter how!
    Here, one of the mistakes made in the development of the traditional payment system "OptStroyServns" is repeated. It is naive to think that the sum of personal plans of fighters should be equal to the plan of the sales department. At least one fighter will not fulfill a personal plan - and the implementation of the department's plan is disrupted. But the company is counting on its implementation! Therefore, the sum of the personal plans of the fighters should exceed the plan for the department by 10-30%.
    Our payment system is smarter. We have three plans for the sales department. The plan-norm is the level that we consider worthy and achievable for the department. For its implementation, an enhanced bonus is due. The guaranteed level of sales is determined by the plan. Let's put a safety margin of 30% of the amount of personal plans: 900,000: 1.3 - 692,307. Round up to 700,000. I remind you: the payment system should be simple. Soldiers must know it by heart.
    It remains to determine the plan-mar. This is a result on the edge of the possible. More precisely, you guess that it is possible. But you still don't know how it's possible. Here you indicate the level, the achievement of which will be a truly outstanding event. You challenge your fighters: "Show that you are really cool peppers!" Suppose, in our case, the plan-check is 1,500,000. Firstly, this is a beautiful round number. Secondly, it is quite close to the original plans of the company. Thirdly, it is 2.14 times higher than the plan-ship and 1.67 times the plan-norm, which means that this is an objectively serious level. And it is quite possible that it is achievable.
    Fourth stage. Terms of payment for the head of the sales department
    In our small sales department, one manager is the head of the department. He has 5 fighters under him. Everyone is involved in sales, including the head of the department.
    Suppose we plan to pay him 65,000-75,000 monthly. At the same time, we want him to receive a percentage of the sales of all employees subordinate to him and that this percentage be 50-100% of payments from his own sales. This is necessary so that the results of the department are of interest to him no less than the results of his own sales.
    We will start from the conditions of an ordinary fighter. Let's take the average salary.
    70 LLC - 15 LLC (salary) - 30,000 (interest on the implementation of a personal sales plan) - 25,000.
    This is the amount that you need to pay extra to the head of the department from the sales of his subordinates. Of course, if you do not increase his salary. But why give in the form of a salary what can be given in interest? Interest stimulates self-interest, salary does not.
    If personal sales plans are fulfilled by 5 employees of the department, the total gross profit will be 150,000 5 - 750,000. Rounded up to 3%.
    Basic terms of payment for the head of the sales department:
    salary - 15,000 + 20% of the gross profit from his contracts + 3% of the gross profit from sales of his subordinates.
    Additionally, we introduce in the order for bonuses (see below) a reward for "squeezing" other people's contracts. This will increase the interest of the sales manager and other experienced employees.
    Fifth stage. Up and Down Factors
    I remind you that it is not enough to indicate the number of the plan in the bonus order. It is necessary to directly link the amount of payments from each contract with the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the plan. To do this, we introduce two coefficients - the planned coefficient and the bonus coefficient. Payroll is calculated taking into account them: 15,000 + 20% of the gross profit from their contracts planned coefficient bonus factor.
    The planned coefficient depends on the fulfillment by the employee of the personal sales plan: when it is fulfilled and overfulfilled, it must be at least 1. You can introduce additional bonuses for overfulfillment of the personal sales plan. For example, enter a planned coefficient of 1.2 (a 20% bonus) for fulfilling a personal sales plan by 150% or more.
    If the personal sales plan is not fulfilled, reducing planned coefficients are applied, which are set by the "ladder". A fighter who has fulfilled his personal plan by 90% is “cut” not much - by 5% of payments (target coefficient 0.95). A fighter who has not fulfilled his personal sales plan even by half loses much more: he loses 40% of payments (target coefficient 0.6). In the most stringent salary schemes, when the personal sales plan is fulfilled by less than 70%, a planned coefficient of 0 is applied. That is, the employee receives a “bare” salary.
    An example of a "ladder" of planned coefficients is given in the bonus order (see below). You can develop your own "ladder" and flexibly adjust it to the current interests of the company.
    The bonus factor increases the salary of all employees if the department fulfills one of the sales targets. The more serious the plan, the higher the premium. Maximum - 20% for the implementation of the check plan (bonus factor 1.2). Of course, you can also change these coefficients in accordance with the current interests of the company. Just don't forget to calculate how much money you'll get!
    Consider an example. The lagging employee brought in only 50,000 gross profits in a month - 33% of the plan. At the same time, the department fulfilled the plan-ship.
    The employee's salary will be 15,000 + 50,000 20% 0.6 1.1 - -21,600.
    The question arises: why reward him if he did not fulfill his personal sales plan? Yes, I didn't. But he contributed to the fulfillment of the plan of the department. In addition, he will be interested in helping those colleagues who sell more. If he had no sales at all, there would be no award either. So everything is fair.
    Rule. Bonuses from the results of the department enhances the mutual influence of employees and counteracts "squabbling over customers."
    Below is the order on bonuses for sales managers of the OntStroyService company. The form is simplified, but contains all the key information. Such orders are often not officially approved. If everything needs to be written according to the law and the Labor Code, it is better to make a high-quality labor contract (contract). Entrust this to lawyers who specialize in this area and have extensive practical experience. Give them the terms of payment you have developed as source material. Just in case, I remind you that fines and salary reductions are unlikely to be legal. It is much easier to pay the bulk of income in the form of bonuses. In which case, you may partially or completely not accrue the premium. And you will be right.
    about bonuses for sales managers of the company "OptStroyService"
    Moscow February 1, 2006
    In an effort to increase the income of OptStroyService (hereinafter referred to as the Company), plan current costs, intensify work to attract customers and increase incentives for employees
    I ORDER:
    From February 2006, establish monthly personal sales plans for the Company's sales managers (hereinafter referred to as Employees). The implementation of the plan is determined by the volume of gross profit from paid orders for goods and services of the Company received from the clients of this Employee in the reporting (calendar) month.
    Commission payments to the Employee shall be set at 20% of the amount of gross profit, which is equal to the amount of the client's payment minus costs, constituting 94% of the cost of goods and services provided according to the price list. Personal plan for gross profit: 150,000 rubles per month (approximate turnover of 2.5 million rubles per month without discounts).
    The commission accrued to the Employee is multiplied by the planned coefficient in accordance with the fulfillment by the Employee of the personal monthly sales plan (Table A) and by the bonus factor in accordance with the fulfillment by the Company of the monthly gross profit plan (Table B) and are summed up with the salary of this Employee. The employee's salary is 15,000 rubles per month.
    Table A Fulfillment of the personal monthly sales plan Planned ratio Over 100% 1.0 90-99.99% 0.95 70-89.99% 0.9 50-69.99% 0.8 Less than 50% 0.6 Table B
    Type of plan Plan for February-March 2006, rub. Bonus coefficient Plan-max 1,500,000 1.2 Plan-norm 900,000 1.15 Plan-type 700,000 1.1
    Annually, based on sales results in January, for all Employees, as well as for Employees working in the sales department during (until the end of) the second calendar month, the planned coefficient is 1 (one).
    The head of the sales department is additionally paid 3% of the gross profit from sales of all employees of the department.
    One of the Company's experienced employees - an "expert" - may take part in negotiations between an Employee and a client to successfully complete the sale. He is involved at the initiative of the Employee himself or by decision of his manager (who himself can act as an “expert”) if the probability of a successful completion of the sale by the Employee himself is low. The goals of attracting an “expert” are to successfully complete the sale and transfer experience to the Employee (mentoring). In this case, the gross profit from the contract with the client is divided in the ratio: 70% - to the employee leading the client, 30% - to the "expert".
    Director of the Company
    This Order is valid until March 1, 2006.
    Sixth stage. Checking the payment system
    What happens when you complete your personal plan?
    Salary - 15 LLC + 150 LLC 20% - 45 LLC.
    What will happen if the personal plan is underfulfilled by 3 times?
    Salary - 15 LLC +150 LLC: 3 20% 0.6 - 21,000.
    What happens when you overfulfill your personal plan by 3 times?
    Salary - 15,000 + 150,000 3 20% - 105,000.
    With the maximum level of bonuses - the implementation of plans:
    Salary - 15,000 + 150,000 3 ¦ 20% 1.2 - 123,000.
    This is where management decisions need to be made. Frontline Fighter earned you 450,000 Gross Profits. In addition, it happened in an extremely lucky month. Your sales team has earned you over $1,500,000 in gross profit. Needless to say, the result is outstanding! At the same time, are you ready to pay the leader 123,000 (and then raise the plan)? If yes, the check was successful.
    What would your fighters have earned with the previous results?
    Both "leaders" gave their customers too big discounts. As a result, the fighters work either almost “to zero”, or at a loss to the company. Minus: under the new conditions, they will receive little more than their salary. Plus: now they will have a salary of 15,000, which they did not have before, and you will give them a margin of time to adjust the conditions with clients. As a result, everything can end well for them and for the company.
    By the way
    Do not be afraid that their customers will go to competitors. In fact, there are not so many who want to work at a loss. And these philanthropists do not survive long.
    Just in case, establish personal connections with the clients of your record-breaking fighter. Until today, the imbalance between his payments and the interests of the company was too noticeable. There is a high probability that the fighter will not withstand the changes. However, if he is a smart guy, he will earn even more under the new conditions than under the old ones.
    Now let's calculate the wages of middle peasants under the new conditions. Let's start with gross profit. The average monthly turnover is 2,000,000. He makes an average discount of 2%. Costs - 94%.
    Gross profit - 2,000 (100% - 2% - 94%) - 80,000.
    This is 80,000: 150,000 - 53.33% of the personal sales target. In this case, a planned coefficient of 0.8 is applied. The salary of the middle peasants (without bonus coefficient) will be 15,000 + + 80,000 20% 0.8 - 27,800.
    Under the previous conditions, the middle peasants received 30,000. Pluses of the new conditions: firstly, a salary of 15,000. Secondly, they can adjust the conditions for clients and start getting even more than before. I think agree.
    Finally, the wages of the lagging behind.
    Gross profit - 1,000,000 (100% - 2% - 94%) - 40,000.
    This is 40,000: 150,000 - 26.67% of the personal sales plan - a target ratio of 0.6.
    Salary - 15,000 + 40,000 20% 0.6 - 19,800.
    This is much better than with the old scheme of payment. The irony is that now they can get more than the frontliners. And no wonder - after all, their contracts bring real profits to the company!
    If you are generally satisfied with the test results, you can proceed to the next step.
    Seventh stage. Sale of a new payment system to fighters
    Whatever changes we make to the payment system, your fighters will always perceive it negatively. The best way out is to foresee it in advance. Already when you start the sales system, you can make a habit: the payment system changes every month. A clause in the order that limits its validity period works well. Soldiers get used to it easily. And the next changes in the payment system do not bother anyone. In other, unaccustomed companies, such changes turn into a tragedy.
    In the case of OptStroyService, publicity is the best policy. Prepare the ground ahead of time. Gather the fighters. Tell them honestly how things are. Take all the blame for the current situation on yourself. They've had enough to worry about. Ask them for help and support. Let them understand that the company cannot work for a long time at a loss. Say that the reason for everything is the wrong payment system. That the fault lies entirely with you. And now, having discovered the root of evil, you must correct this evil. Take a week or two off to prepare your proposals. ¦ Note
    I hope you guessed by now that the competition to recruit new fighters
    need to run a week before this meeting?
    Involve several fighters from the sales department in the development of a new payment system. Choose those who are ready to support your endeavors and those who will benefit from the changed conditions. At the same time, review all customer data. It is appropriate to personally call all key customers. Just in case.
    It is best to announce the new payment system after the competition: young fighters will start working according to the new system. Don't be in a hurry to announce yourself. Let the fighters from your initiative group talk with their comrades first. Let them show them the new terms of payment for an informal agreement. Even if the "old men" are shocked, this is not yet an order. There is time to adjust. Then hold a general meeting with the "oldies". Listen carefully to all opinions and suggestions. At the same time, demonstrate firmness and confidence in the correctness of the decision made. "Squeeze" the solution to the end. Under the influence of your determination and competition from young fighters, the “old men” will reconcile.
    Then take a step towards them. Enter additional bonuses. Option: “think up” the bonus coefficient right at the meeting. Or add a couple of months of transition period. Show your fighters that you don't want to beat them. Your goal is to win with them.
    Eighth stage. Results of the implementation of the new wage system
    This is what happened at OptStroyService after the introduction of the new payment system.
    The champion fighter retired. Its client base has been preserved. It was divided between the middle peasants and two new employees accepted from the competition.
    The second leader remained. He was able to bring the average discount for his old customers down to 3%. With a turnover of 5 million, these customers bring the company 150,000 gross profits. In addition, he increased turnover by another 2 million through new contracts. 1 million goes without discounts. Another 1 million comes with a markup of 2% of the price list. By the way, this often happens when paying from gross profit. In total, he brings the company 150,000 + 60,000 + 80,000 - 290,000 gross profit, and for himself - 73,000 plus bonuses.
    « There are now 4 middlemen in the company - 2 "old men", 2 newcomers. On average, each brings the company 3 million with an average discount of 1% from the price list. Gross profit - 150,000. Salary - 45,000 plus bonuses.
    ¦ The situation with lagging behind has not changed. Apparently, there are people who do not change. Turnover - 1 million each with an average discount of 2%. Gross profit - 40,000. Salary - 19,800 plus bonuses.
    The main change occurred in the financial situation of the company. Last month, the gross profit for the department was 290,000 + + 150,000 ¦ 4 + 40,000 2 = 970,000.
    More than the plan!
    Now the situation is not the same as before, when the company earned 170,000 per month or lost 10,000. Now there is something to pay off loans. And most importantly - the company is optimistic about the future!

    Remuneration systems, including the size of tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions that deviate from normal, systems of additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature and bonus systems are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulatory acts in accordance with the law, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (and).

    An employee's wages are set in accordance with the wage systems in force for a given employer (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    In the absence of this exception, wages will be paid under the rules of the new wage system only to those employees with whom the relevant agreements have been concluded. Employees who did not agree to change the terms of remuneration, wages should be paid on the same terms. The requirement for the consent of the employee must also be observed in the case when the parties have determined in the employment contract the conditions for remuneration of the employee by referring to the collective agreement, agreement, local regulatory act of the employer. Because the parties agreed on the terms of payment by referring to other documents, such terms do not cease to be the terms of the employment contract, therefore, in order to change them, you must follow the above procedure.

    There are several pay systems that an employer can provide in agreements, contracts or local regulations.

    piecework wage system

    The piecework system of remuneration involves payment for a unit of a product of good quality produced by an employee. It differs from the payment of remuneration under civil law contracts in that, with a piecework system, periodic payment of wages is carried out in an amount not lower than the minimum established by the state (from January 1, 2014 - 5554 rubles per month //), but based on the quantity and quality of the issued product worker. Remuneration under civil law contracts is paid only for the result of labor.

    On a note

    With piecework-regressive wages, the same payment for a unit of output is made up to a certain norm, and in excess of the norm - with a decreasing coefficient.

    There are several subspecies of the piecework wage system.

    • Direct piecework wages means that the same payment is made for each unit of good quality product.
    • At piece-progressive wages, the same payment for a unit of output is made up to a certain norm, and in excess of the norm they are paid at an increased rate. When applying this wage system, the worker's earnings grow faster than his output, so it is introduced for a short time if there is a problem of non-fulfillment of the plan.
    • At piece-regressive wages, the same payment for a unit of output is made up to a certain norm, and in excess of the norm - with a decreasing coefficient. Such a system is introduced for a short time if there is a problem of overproduction.
    • At piece-bonus wages also set the rate of units of production, paid equally. For products produced in excess of this norm, employees are paid a bonus depending on the number of units of production produced in excess of the norm. However, in contrast to the piecework-progressive payment system, products can be paid in the same amount as included in the established norm.
    • At chordal wages are set for the complex of work performed. In this case, during the period of work, employees are also periodically paid wages not lower than the minimum established by the state, but after the complex facility is put into operation, they receive a sum determined at the conclusion of the contract for the performance of a set of works. The lump-sum payment system is expedient in shipbuilding, where the production cycle is long, in construction during urgent construction work, and in urgent repairs of large production units.
    • Indirect piecework wages: an auxiliary worker receives wages depending on the amount of output produced by the pieceworker, whose work he directly served. The use of this payment system is effective for drivers, loaders, crane operators, equipment adjusters.

    The piecework system of remuneration can be individual and collective.

    Individual payment is applied when the work of each worker lends itself to accurate accounting. Each worker receives wages for the number of units of products produced by him of proper quality.

    Collective The nature of the piecework wage system means that the collective as a whole receives wages for the number of units of output it produces, and then the collective determines the wages of each employee using the labor participation coefficient. Collective piecework payment is effective in brigades in the cleaning faces of the coal and mining industries, in logging, in construction brigades, in brigade maintenance, observation and control of large apparatus and mechanisms.

    Time wage system

    The application of this system involves payment per unit of time worked by the employee. As the main criteria for the time-based wage system, the qualifications of the employee and the complexity of the work performed by him are used.

    Depending on what unit of time is used in the time-based wage system, it is possible to allocate hourly, daily and monthly wages, depending on the qualifications and complexity of the work performed by the employee.

    The time-based wage system is effective in providing consulting services.

    Tariff wage system

    Tariff wage systems - wage systems based on the tariff system of differentiation of wages of workers of various categories ().

    Tariff system differentiation of wages of workers of various categories includes tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), tariff scale and tariff coefficients.

    Tariff scale- a set of tariff categories of work (professions, positions) determined using tariff coefficients depending on the complexity of the work and the requirements for the qualifications of employees.

    Tariff category- a value that reflects the complexity of work and the level of qualification of the employee.

    Qualification category- a value that reflects the level of professional training of the employee.

    Billing of works- attribution of types of labor to wage categories or qualification categories depending on the complexity of labor.

    Tariff wage systems - wage systems based on the tariff system of differentiation of wages of workers of various categories (Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) ...

    Tariff remuneration systems are established by agreements, local regulations in accordance with the law, taking into account the unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, the unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and employees or professional standards, as well as taking into account state guarantees for wages ( article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For employees of state and municipal institutions, the recommendations of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations () and the opinions of the relevant trade unions (trade union associations) and employers' associations () are also taken into account.


    In Russian companies, a foreign analogue of the tariff scale is currently widely used - grading, developed by Edward Hay in 1943. In accordance with this system, points are assigned to all positions in the company, depending on which the remuneration of each employee is calculated according to the evaluation tables. In practice, there are 2 approaches.

    • Grading positions or jobs, when a position is evaluated, regardless of which employee holds it. The grade depends on the value and importance of this position for the company. Such a system is used by LUKOIL Overseas Holding Ltd., LUKOIL Perm LLC, Zarubezhneft OJSC, but it can be successfully applied by any medium and large manufacturing and trading companies.
    • Grading of employees, when employees are distributed according to grades personally, taking into account the value of the work performed and the skill level of the employee himself. Such a system exists in IBS and MTI companies, but can be implemented in consulting firms and other small organizations where there are high requirements for the level of education and qualifications of employees.

    Tariff-free wage system

    The tariff-free wage system involves the development of a number of coefficients based on the qualifications of employees, work experience, quality and complexity of work. The coefficients should really reflect the degree of contribution of individual employees to the overall results of the work of the enterprise team. Salary is not fixed and can vary significantly from month to month.

    floating salary system

    With a system of floating salaries, rates are periodically adjusted depending on the productivity of the employee, the performance or non-performance of the task, etc. The salary may change when the head of the organization approves the wage increase coefficient. Then the salary of each employee is determined by multiplying the previous salary by the current month's salary increase factor.

    Commission system of remuneration

    Under the commission system of remuneration, the employee's wages are set as a percentage of the cost of goods, works or services produced by him. Such a system is effective for remuneration of employees of sales departments, foreign economic services, and advertising agencies.


    Chord, mixed, commission, direct, indirect, piece-regressive, daily, monthly, hourly, tariff, floating ... Each organization uses its own remuneration system that reflects the goals and traditions of the company, taking into account the available financial resources, therefore, a universal effective system wages do not exist.

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