The rite of passage is the brotherhood of the riddle of the association. US student fraternities: how the American elite is forged

Student communities (fraternities, fraternity) of Americans I've been around for 300 years! The name "brotherhood" reflects the essence of these associations more than just the faceless word "community".

Brotherhoods (and sisterhoods) is an absolutely incredible, special atmosphere of relationships, real family or even a clan, belonging to which can affect - and does! - on the future life college or university graduate.

Becoming a member of a sisterhood or brotherhood means confirming your position in society, declaring to the whole world that you are the best of the best, the color of the nation and, in general, you need to look closely.

The article tells about the history of the creation of student communities in the United States, their traditions, whether cinema stereotypes correspond to the real morals that reign in the fraternities of America.

The history of the emergence of college fraternities in America

The tradition of creating student communities appeared in the United States along with the first universities. They were called "Latin societies", because the abbreviations from Latin letters. The first such organization was the Flat Hat Club (F.H.C.), whose most famous member was the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, although in one of his letters published in November 2010 by The New-York Times, he called membership in the society meaningless.

The other oldest Latin fraternity was the Please Don't Ask (P.D.A.) intellectual elite, several times unsuccessfully tried to break through the future American political figure John Hiff.

On December 5, 1776, at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, he created the first "Greek" student society, Phi Betta Kappa, of which he assumed the presidency.

Since then, the use of a combination of two or three Greek letters as the name of communities has been a tradition. In this regard, the phrases "student fraternity" and "Greek society" have become synonymous. Often the abbreviation hides the secret motto of the brotherhood.

The first "sisterhood", called the Adelphic Society (today Alpha Delta Pi), appeared only in mid-nineteenth century, in 1851, at Georgia Wesleyan College. And from the beginning of the twentieth century, many men's societies began to accept women into their ranks. And if initially "sisterhoods" were created as opposed to "brotherhoods", today they sometimes unite, so now the term "brotherhood" is freely used both in relation to organizations of boys and girls.

Rite of passage in student fraternities

To be inducted into a community, one must first be approved by the members of that community. Talented athletes, excellent students, future leaders are those to whom interest is shown. But all these qualities instantly fade if there are no wealthy parents behind the candidate. Who you are and who your family are are the most important criteria for joining the student elite. An important role is played by the ability of a potential candidate to pay membership fees, which range from $ 2,000 per semester and beyond, the amount includes accommodation in a special, “Greek”, hostel and meals.

Becoming a "sister" is somewhat more difficult. In addition to all of the above, a successful candidate must have an attractive appearance.

But back to the rite of passage itself. Each community holds a so-called "hell week" - a hellish week, during which candidates for membership undergo a series of tests. Some of them are quite acceptable: an interview, a demonstration of knowledge of the history of the community, its traditions and values, checking that the candidate meets all the requirements. But among others, there are also extremely wild tasks that are more like torture: walk naked around the campus, pour yourself sour milk, spend the night on the cold floor in the basement in your underwear.

There is a legend that during the initiation into the members of the Yale Skull and Bones community, candidates had to drink blood and tell the audience about their sexual preferences. Cruel rites are considered the most dangerous and frightening part of the "Greek" life, being the cause of terrible incidents, which sometimes even end in death.

So, in 2008, during an initiation into the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, an 18-year-old freshman from California Polytechnic University Carson Starkey died. Carson was forced to drink several bottles of strong alcohol, among which was 95-degree Everclear.

The young man fainted, and the members of the club decided not to take him to the hospital, so as not to incur problems. After the incident, the "brotherhood" was closed. But similar stories continue to appear in the American press.

Their Morals: Life in America's Student Fraternities

Over the past few years, the hype around student communities has not subsided in the American media: homophobic, misogynistic and racist antics, cases of hooliganism, alcohol poisoning, beatings, drug trafficking, rape - this, according to Complex correspondent Ian Cervantes, is far from full list what the members of the "Greek houses" repair. Bloomberg News journalists David Glovin and John Hechinger note that since 2005 more than sixty people, mostly students, have died in incidents involving fraternities.

Such incidents have become a constant practice, and the parents of the affected students prefer not to sue the university, but with the society itself. In the early 90s, an association of three student fraternities created the Franternity Risk Management Trust, an insurance fund designed to cover the costs of incoming lawsuits. Today, 33 fraternities work with the foundation.

To control the situation, the communities themselves create for themselves certain rules. For example, on the campuses of most "sisterhoods" it is forbidden to drink alcohol. However, this law is easy to get around by going to a party with the "brothers" in the neighborhood. Also, in 44 states, hazing (in our opinion, hazing) is prohibited at the legislative level in student communities. But ritual humiliations and wild customs still exist, only secretly.

Today, journalists and analysts predict the death of student communities due to a decrease in trust, and many universities are taking steps futile attempts close them on their territory - usually Greek houses exist autonomously from universities, being independent organizations, or in the event of another scandal they enlist the support of their influential graduates.

Why is it so important to be in a "brotherhood"

According to The Atlantic journalist Maria Konnikova, 18 of the 44 presidents of the United States were in fraternities. William Howard Taft, Secretary of Defense under Truman Robert Lovett, media tycoon Henry Luce, both Bushes, current Secretary of State John Kerry - all were members of the already mentioned Yale University Skull and Bones Society, and even Jen Psaki, known in Russia for her pearls, studied in that Yale University, was a member of the Chi Omega sorority.

The statistics relating to this issue are, in principle, very tempting - 42% of all US senators and the heads of 85% of large companies in the states were in "brotherhoods".

Professor Alan DeSantis, in his book Inside the Greek W: Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, and the Pursuit of Pleasure, notes that only 8.5% of US students are in fraternities, and they are the first contenders to rise to the top of power. So who would turn down the opportunity to be among the future political and economic elite?

In the modern view, a member of the community is the ideal student. He is successful in his studies, he attends the loudest parties, participates in organizing best events at the university, familiar with interesting people. An image that fits perfectly into the notorious " american dream". Membership in the student community is even indicated in the resume when looking for a job, and the company will be more favorable to such a candidate.

A member of the "Greek house" will never disappear. After all, one of the basic rules of any student society is to “pull up” your own. " former brothers" can not be.

Earlier on this page there was a selection of photos "Where to sleep the poor American student”, published on August 7, 2011. Let's quote these cool pictures about American and other students once again.

Transformation into a superman is possible only through the growth of magical religious power. That is why among the natives of North America we find so many similarities between the initiations associated with the achievement of puberty and the rites of entry into secret societies or shaman brotherhoods. The fact is that the goal of each of them is the mastery of sacred power, which is confirmed by the acquisition of one or more Guardian Spirits, witchcraft or strange behavior Kind of like cannibalism. Each time the initiation plays out the same mystery of death followed by resurrection as a being of a higher order. AT North America The influence of shamanism on the scenarios of other initiations is especially noticeable, because the shaman is, first of all, a person endowed with extraordinary abilities, in a certain sense, an example of a religious person. A sorcerer, shaman, mystic is a specialist in the field of the sacred, he is an exemplary example for other people, stimulates their desire to strengthen their magical, religious powers and increase social prestige through new initiations. Perhaps we find here an explanation for the emergence of secret societies and "male unions" not only in North America, but also in the rest of the world.

Morphology of the "Secret Men's Unions" (Männerbunde) extremely complex, and we cannot dwell on their structure and history. As for their origin, the most common hypothesis is Frobenius, accepted by the historical-cultural school. Secret men's societies, or "Societies of masks", arose in the period of matriarchy; their task was to terrify women into believing that the masks were demons and ancestral spirits, and thereby free themselves from the economic, social and religious superiority of women established by the matriarchy. This hypothesis does not seem to us profound. The Mask Society may have played a role in the struggle for male supremacy, but it is hard to believe that the religious phenomenon of the secret society could have serious consequences for the fate of matriarchy. On the contrary, one can state a very clear connection between the rites of growing up and the trials of initiation into the secret societies of men. Throughout Oceania, for example, initiations for boys and initiations that give access to secret male societies include the same ritual. symbolic death when swallowed by a sea monster, followed by resurrection: this is proof that all initiation rites historically originated from one center. Similar phenomena are found in West Africa - secret societies are derived from growing up rites. And the list of examples could go on.

It seems to us that in the phenomenon of a secret society lies the need to more fully participate in the sacred side of being, the feeling of a specific side of sacredness, accessible to each of both sexes. That is why initiations into secret societies are so similar to the rites of growing up - the same trials, the same symbolism of death and resurrection, the same touch on the traditional and secret knowledge. For the scenario of initiation is something without which the most complete experience of the sacred is impossible. However, some new elements can be seen in the secret societies of masks. The most significant of them: the important role of mystery, the cruelty of trials, the predominance of the cult of the Ancestors (personified in masks) and the absence of the Supreme Being in these rites. We have already noted the gradual decline in the importance of the Supreme Being in the Australian rites of passage. This is a phenomenon common to secret societies: the place of the heavenly Supreme Being was taken by the Demiurge God, or the mystical Ancestor, or the Enlightener Hero. But, as we shall see, in some initiations into secret societies the old rites and symbols are still adhered to; we think that this proves the original religious significance Supreme Celestial Beings who were supplanted by other Deities or demigods over time.

The socio-religious phenomenon of secret male cults and brotherhoods was especially prevalent in Melanesia and Africa. In our previous work, we have given several examples on African material, especially the initiation into the secret cult of Ngoua among the Kuta tribes, as well as the rites of entry into the secret societies of Manja, Banda and Bakhimba. Let's recall the main ones. In Bakhimba, initiation lasts from two to five years, and the main rite is the death and resurrection of the initiate. The latter is severely scourged, he drinks a narcotic drink, the so-called "drink of death", then one of the old men grabs his arm and circles him around him, and he falls to the ground. Then everyone shouts: “Oh, the name is dead!” - and the initiate is brought into the sacred enclosure, which is called the "yard of the resurrection." There he is undressed, laid naked in a hole dug in the shape of a cross, and left for several days. Having endured various tortures and sworn an oath to keep absolutely everything a secret, the neophyte eventually resurrects.

Only clan chiefs are eligible to join the Ngouan Kuga Society. Applicants are beaten with a whip, rubbed with the leaves of burning plants and smeared on the body and hair with vegetable juice that causes unbearable itching. All these ritual tortures are somewhat reminiscent of the dismemberment during the initiation of shaman's disciples, which we will talk about in the next chapter. Another test "consists in the fact that the adept is forced to climb a tree five or six meters high and drink medicine at the top." When he returns to the village, the women greet him with weeping: they mourn him as if he were dead. Among other Kuta tribes, the neophyte is severely beaten in order to "kill" his old name and be able to give him another, new one.

The neophyte learns about the origin of the secret brotherhoods Manja and Banda, who bear the name of Ngakola, from the myth that is told to him at the time of initiation. Once upon a time there lived a monster named Ngakola in the forest. he had black body covered with long hair. It could kill a person and immediately resurrect him, but more perfect. The monster addressed the people: "Send me people, I will swallow them, and then I will return them to you renewed." Everyone followed his advice, but since Ngakola returned only half of those he swallowed, the people killed him. This myth served as the basis for the rite, in which the sacred flat stone taken from the stomach of Ngakola plays an important role. The neophyte is led into a hut, which symbolizes the body of the monster. Here he hears the gloomy voice of Ngakola, here he is tortured. He is told that he is in the stomach of a monster, which will now begin to digest him. The rest of the newcomers at this time sing in chorus: "Take our insides, Ngakola, take our liver." After passing the rest of the trials, the neophyte hears the leader of the initiation announce that Ngakola, who has eaten him, is bringing him back.

The myth of Ngakola is reminiscent of the Australian myth of the semi-divine Monster, who was killed by people for returning only a part of those who were swallowed, and after death became the center of a secret cult, which consisted of symbolic death and rebirth. We meet here the symbolism of death when swallowing a neophyte falling into the stomach of a monster, a symbolism that occupies such great place in rites of passage.

Similar scenarios exist in West Africa. AT late XIX century in the Lower Congo, in connection with the epidemic, it was customary to found societies "ndembo". The death and resurrection of neophytes during the initiation gave reason to think that in the case of incurable diseases, this rite can be effective. In the depths of the forest, a palisade was erected, called "led". Entrance to it was strictly forbidden for the uninitiated. The initiation was preceded by a divine "call". Those wishing to become members of the Ndembo suddenly fell like the dead in crowded places, for example, in the center of the village. They were immediately sent to the forest and taken behind the palisade.

Student communities in the United States have been around for three centuries. And it's not just interest clubs. In the so-called "brotherhoods" and "sisterhoods" are the best of the best, the color of the nation and its future.

History of appearance

The tradition of creating student communities appeared in the United States along with the first universities. They were called "Latin societies" because the abbreviations of Latin letters were used as the name. The first such organization was the Flat Hat Club (F.H.C.), whose most famous member was the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, although in one of his letters published in November 2010 by The New-York Times, he called membership in the society meaningless.

The other oldest Latin fraternity was the Please Don't Ask (P.D.A.) group. The future American politician John Hiff tried several times unsuccessfully to break into both fraternities, which united the young intellectual elite.

On December 5, 1776, at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, he created the first "Greek" student society, Phi Betta Kappa, of which he assumed the presidency.

Since then, the use of a combination of two or three Greek letters as the name of communities has been a tradition. In this regard, the phrases "student fraternity" and "Greek society" have become synonymous. Often the abbreviation hides the secret motto of the brotherhood.

The first "sisterhood", called the Adelphic Society (today Alpha Delta Pi), appeared only in the middle of the 19th century, in 1851, at Georgia Wesleyan College. And from the beginning of the twentieth century, many men's societies began to accept women into their ranks. And if initially "sisterhoods" were created as opposed to "brotherhoods", today they sometimes unite, so now the term "brotherhood" is freely used both in relation to organizations of boys and girls.

Rite of passage

To be inducted into a community, one must first be approved by the members of that community. Talented athletes, excellent students, future leaders are those to whom interest is shown. But all these qualities instantly fade if there are no wealthy parents behind the candidate. Who you are and who your family are are the most important criteria for joining the student elite. An important role is played by the ability of a potential candidate to pay membership fees, which range from $ 2,000 per semester and beyond, the amount includes accommodation in a special, “Greek”, hostel and meals.

Becoming a "sister" is somewhat more difficult. In addition to all of the above, a successful candidate must have an attractive appearance.

But back to the rite of passage itself. Each community holds a so-called "hell week" - a hellish week, during which candidates for membership undergo a series of tests. Some of them are quite acceptable: an interview, a demonstration of knowledge of the history of the community, its traditions and values, checking that the candidate meets all the requirements. But among others, there are extremely wild tasks that are more like torture: walk naked around the campus, pour sour milk on yourself, spend the night on the cold floor in the basement in your underwear.

There is a legend that during the initiation into the Yale Skull and Bones community, candidates had to drink blood and tell the audience about their sexual preferences. Cruel rites are considered the most dangerous and frightening part of the "Greek" life, being the cause of terrible incidents, which sometimes even end in death.

So, in 2008, during an initiation into the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, an 18-year-old freshman from California Polytechnic University Carson Starkey died. Carson was forced to drink several bottles of strong alcohol, among which was 95-degree Everclear.

The young man fainted, and the members of the club decided not to take him to the hospital, so as not to incur problems. After the incident, the "brotherhood" was closed. But such stories continue to appear in the American press.

Their manners

Over the past few years, the hype around student communities in the American media has not subsided: homophobic, misogynistic and racist antics, cases of hooliganism, alcohol poisoning, beatings, drug trafficking, rape - this, according to Complex correspondent Ian Cervantes, is far from a complete list of what repaired by members of the "Greek houses". Bloomberg News journalists David Glovin and John Hechinger note that since 2005 more than sixty people, mostly students, have died in incidents involving fraternities.

Such incidents have become a constant practice, and the parents of the affected students prefer not to sue the university, but with the society itself. In the early 90s, an association of three student fraternities created the Franternity Risk Management Trust, an insurance fund designed to cover the costs of incoming lawsuits. Today, 33 fraternities work with the foundation.

To control the situation, the communities themselves create certain rules for themselves. For example, on the campuses of most "sisterhoods" it is forbidden to drink alcohol. However, this law is easy to get around by going to a party with the "brothers" in the neighborhood. Also, in 44 states, hazing (in our opinion, hazing) is prohibited at the legislative level in student communities. But ritual humiliations and wild customs still exist, only secretly.

Today, journalists and analysts predict the death of student communities due to a decrease in trust, and many universities are making futile attempts to close them on their territory - usually Greek houses exist independently from universities, being independent organizations, or in the event of another scandal they enlist the support of their influential graduates.

Why is it so important to be in "brotherhood"?

According to The Atlantic journalist Maria Konnikova, 18 of the 44 presidents of the United States were in fraternities. William Howard Taft, Secretary of Defense under Truman Robert Lovett, media tycoon Henry Luce, both Bushes, current Secretary of State John Kerry - all were members of the already mentioned Yale University Skull and Bones Society, and even Jen Psaki, known in Russia for her pearls, studied in that Yale University, was a member of the Chi Omega sorority.

The statistics relating to this issue are, in principle, very tempting - 42% of all US senators and the heads of 85% of large companies in the states were in "brotherhoods".

Professor Alan DeSantis, in his book Inside the Greek W: Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, and the Pursuit of Pleasure, notes that only 8.5% of US students are in fraternities, and they are the first contenders to rise to the top of power. So who would turn down the opportunity to be among the future political and economic elite?

In the modern view, a member of the community is the ideal student. He is successful in his studies, he attends the loudest parties, participates in organizing the best events at the university, knows interesting people. An image that fits perfectly into the notorious "American dream". Membership in the student community is even indicated in the resume when looking for a job, and the company will be more favorable to such a candidate.

A member of the "Greek house" will never disappear. After all, one of the basic rules of any student society is to “pull up” your own. There are no "former brothers".

What is a dedication?

Answer the question "What is initiation?" simple enough. Initiation is a transition from one level of development of the Magician to another. But such a definition is rather amorphous and too ambiguous to understand this issue.

Today there are two points of view regarding the importance and necessity of initiation - modern and traditional.

The modern point of view is based on the concept of initiation as a kind of act of giving yourself confidence in your abilities. Here one can clearly see the influence of the psychological paradigm of magic, which is based on the explanation of the ritual, as an action aimed at relaxation, concentration on the goal and auto-suggestion of self-confidence. This and similar points of view are supported by people who do not have serious ideas about magic.

The traditional point of view on initiation is based on understanding the essence of the ritual that unites the Magician and the invoked forces (Deity or Spirit).

Magical initiation is an integral part of the traditional training in the magical arts and serves not only as a significant event that marks the transition to a new level, but also as a kind of transformational event for the Magician. In other words, a magical initiation is a ritual that is designed to influence the Magician himself, change him and reconfigure him. An obligatory element of magical initiation is the acceptance of certain obligations, which can be given by the initiator or the Deity who directs the ritual.

It is not uncommon for magical initiation to be accompanied by some trials. As part of the initiation ritual, the Magician is asked to answer a question or perform some action that is beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person. Speaking of magical initiation in this vein, it can be argued that it reveals the power of the Magician. But it also has another side - social. The magician, passing the initiation, becomes part of the community of initiates, the same Mages like him, who have passed the tests, assumed obligations and have the Force. At the same time, gaining experience inaccessible ordinary person, The magician undergoing initiation withdraws from society ordinary people becoming unlike either them or the former self.

How is initiation transmitted?

The transmission of initiation always occurs from teacher to student. The teacher, conducting the initiation ritual, opens the path for the student, he introduces his student to the Deities and Spirits, reinforcing his status with his authority earned over the years and the authority of his predecessors (teachers).

The presentation by the teacher of the initiate to the Deities and Spirits is similar to how one introduces his protégé to people who have a high social status. In order to introduce your protégé and bring it out into the world, you need not only a strong desire to do it, but also to have a certain status in society, and to have a personal acquaintance. Otherwise, the representation will mean nothing - "no one knows represents no one needs."

In the understanding of the traditional teaching of magic, initiation is passed down the lines of disciplic succession. With initiation, not only strength is revealed, but also the opportunity is acquired to turn to the experience and strength of predecessors.

Types of initiations in the tradition of the Brotherhood of Fire (School of Fire Magic)

Initiatory rituals are divided into several groups, each of which corresponds to a different level of initiation. The rituals themselves are aimed at connecting with the God of the Sun and the Goddess of the Moon, establishing energy connection with the Deities and the restructuring of perception. An initiation or initiation ritual allows a person to have more magical power and gain access to the knowledge of the Fire Mages of past generations. However, according to the teachings of Fire Magic, Magic power A magician depends not only on his knowledge, experience and the number of initiations (although this undoubtedly affects), but also on his goals and moral guidelines.

Mages of the Brotherhood of Fire often unite in "circles" - small localized associations. The circle can cover both 1 city and the whole region. The purpose of associations is to work together and help each other.

In the initiatory tradition of the Brotherhood of Fire, in addition to the ritual of self-initiation, there are 3 rituals of initiation of the Path:

1st ritual is aimed at presenting to the Deities and Spirits, and establishing a connection with them. During the first initiation, the Magician receives the first magical name and his own key to understanding the path of his development and destiny.

After passing the 1st initiation, the Magician is considered to have set foot on the Path. At this stage, it is important to pay special attention to daily ritual practices and seasonal rituals at your altar.

2nd ritual is aimed at establishing a connection with the God and Goddess of the Earth, and involves passing the test of Death. The magician plunges into a deep trance state and goes on a journey in the form of the Spirit. On the journey, he communicates with the Ancestor of All Living Things, who reveals to him the secrets of the Force and gives her blessing in return for obligations.

At this stage, the Force will guide the Magician, revealing the inner essence of many phenomena. Magical practice will be improved, it is recommended to supplement it with the performance of rituals at the Places of Power. The Force will make the Magician active both externally and internally, and therefore it is important to direct oneself towards the realization of a deed that reflects the 4th ministry of the Mage of Fire.

3rd ritual aimed at establishing a connection with the God of the Sun and the Goddess of the Moon. At this stage, the Magician may have several trials, which are announced to him through the oracle. After passing the 3rd initiation ritual, the Fire Mage becomes a full follower of the Path.

Having stood on the Path and strengthened on it, the Mage of Fire, revealing the Force in himself, realizes his highest destiny. Magic practice on this stage diverse, since the initiate already has considerable knowledge of various magical arts.

At any of the stages after the 1st initiation, the Fire Mage can apply through his School to the Brotherhood of Fire and, having passed the appropriate tests and rituals, become part of it. The Brotherhood of Fire is also called the San family, which is the 8th family serving the Sun God. Initiation into the San family opens the Way to the special rituals of the 7 families of Spirits.

With the next ritual, the Fire Mage, who feels his destiny in teaching other Fire Mages, is initiated into the Teacher and Guardian of the Way. The initiation ritual of the Masters is also divided into several stages.

In addition to the central line of initiation, there are also specific initiations associated with certain areas of the magical craft, for example, such as: rune magic, the art of "Sol Vas In" *, combat magic, healing, and so on. Thus, the Mage of Fire, who wants to deeply study the magic of runes, in the process of his training, can go through 5 initiations related to different levels knowledge this direction. There are also 5 initiations associated with the art of "Sol Vas In", each of which allows you to control different energy channels.

* Sol Vas In - the art of channeling the energy of the Sun God, the Moon Goddess and the Three Keepers of Fire.

You can ask questions about Fire Magic on the forum - "Questions about Fire Magic"
(registration required to post).

Chapter 3 "ENTERING THE BROTHERHOOD". ELANIA'S STORY" from Rebekah Brown's book "He Came to Set the Weary Free"

Invitation to the "youth camp" of Satanists

I met a new friend in the church youth group. Her name was Sandy. She went to the same school as me. Like me, she was also seventeen. Sandy was a student in a satanic cult, and it was she who was the next link connecting Satan's plans with my life.

Sandy became my only friend. I didn't go to church to hear about God, but simply to get to know the youth. Sandy and I worked on youth programs together, we were also together at school, we did homework together and walked together too.

Sandy was beautiful. She was richer than me, dressed well and, in general, was popular. But in friendship with me, this did not bother her at all. It seemed to me that Sandy was friends with me just out of pity, but I didn’t know then that she was a Satanist from the “brotherhood”. A little later, after the incident with the footballer, Sandy remarked to me that I had a special power that others did not have, and that she knew where I could learn to have such power even more.

“Listen,” she said. - I know you're lonely. But I know what can help you. The church we go to doesn't care about you, and God doesn't need you either. If He didn't care, you wouldn't be born this way.

She suggested that I go to a "youth camp" with a group that she and her family belonged to. She called it "church camp." He was in a small town, not far from their city. All this happened in the summer. School was already over, and since I had nothing to do anyway, I agreed. I told my parents that I was going to a “church camp,” but they didn’t really care what I was doing. I was a little afraid, but still I wanted to go, because I thought that I had finally found a true friend and maybe this was the answer to my loneliness and the solution to the question of a strange power inside me. Sandy told me about the camp four days before we left. She described him as beautiful place where they will accept me, where they need and wait for me, where my strength is needed and where it will be possible to improve it. I can become great, famous or rich, in general, I can get what I want. When she spoke about this, I felt how this strength rose and strengthened inside me. The only thing Sandy didn't do was mention the word "cult" and tell the truth about it. Here I have to stop and tell a little about this cult.

Satanic "Brotherhood"

This group, which calls itself "the brotherhood", is made up of people who are under the direct control of Satan and worship him. It is a fast growing and dangerous cult. It has two main centers in the USA. One is on west coast, in the Los Angeles and San Francisco area, the second - in the central part, where I lived. They are divided into local groups or small communities. These communities range from 5-10 people to several thousand. This is the same cult that Hal Linsay writes about in "Satan Lives and Works on Planet Earth" and Mike Warnance's "Satan the Salesman" and is an offshoot of the group operating in England that Doreen Irvine wrote about in "Free from Witchcraft" . This cult is very secret, there are no files on the members of the group. Even the contracts that are signed with Satan in the blood of the members who join the cult are then burned by the high priests and priestesses (lesser representatives of the cult do not know about this). These Satanists fill all walks of life, from the poor to the rich. They have a good education, they work in the police, and in the government, and in business, there are both men and women, some even in the ranks of Christian listeners. Many of them attend local churches and are exemplary citizens, participating in state politics. All this is done as a cover. They live double life seducing those around you. “And it is not surprising: because Satan himself takes the form of an Angel of light, and therefore it is not a great thing if his servants also take the form of servants of truth; but their end will be according to their deeds.” 1 Corinthians 11:14,15

At their meetings, they sit by codes and do not use names, therefore, when meeting on the street, they do not know each other's names. Satan and demons often discipline them. Human sacrifices are practiced twice a year and animal sacrifices monthly. Human sacrifices are made mainly by the illegitimate babies of the cult members, who were observed and delivered by doctors from among the "brotherhood", so the mother was never seen in the clinic. The birth of a child is not registered and, of course, death is also not registered. Other victims are either kidnapped, or they are cult members who are punished, or volunteers who want to commit suicide. Many of the cult members are cold-blooded, highly skilled assassins.

Each community is led by a High Priest and Priestess. These people achieve their position by pleasing Satan with various cults and by acquiring great power through witchcraft. Among the members group is coming constant struggle for positions. The "brotherhood" has an elite society of sorceresses who call themselves "Sisters of the Light" or "Enlightened Ones". There are several occult groups in the US that call themselves "The Enlightened", but many of them are not part of the "brotherhood".

Satanic group "Enlightened"

There is also one group called the Enlightened Ones, made up of people sent from England. It is very strong and dangerous people, and they are directly related to the "brotherhood". Members of this group participate in human sacrifice quite often. The Sisters of Light first came to the US from Europe in the late 18th century. In Europe, they appeared in a dark past, but, in general, their roots go back quite deeply, starting with Egypt and Babylon. At that time, the sorceresses were strong enough to even perform three of the ten plagues of Egypt in the time of Moses ( Exodus 7 ch.). These witches are very strong even now. They are able to cause disease and kill without touching the victim, even at a distance of a thousand miles. All this is done with the help of demons. They think they control the demons, when in fact the opposite is true - Satan and the demons are using them.

Incredible atrocities are perpetrated within this cult by humans controlled by demons from within. These people lose all manifestations of love, compassion, etc. and turn into scary creatures that almost do not look like a person. Some of this will be covered later in this book. The rapid growth of the "brotherhood" is a sign that we live in recent times and in the direct fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. I entered this cult immediately. I was very happy when Sandy and I arrived at the camp. In this state, you miss a lot of what you see and hear. First, we were taken to the room where we were supposed to live, and we were made to feel that we were welcome here.

Meeting of the "Sisters of the Light"

This camp was large and had many facilities: museums, libraries, houses that housed clairvoyants, hypnotists, palmists, card readers, Budu experts, and so on. Some of these people lived there all year round. It was the place where the cult met the newcomers. We attended several classes where we were taught how to develop and use the power we had.

Sandy took me to the first meeting of the Sisters of the Light. A little later, I learned that they had been watching me very carefully all my childhood, from the very moment Helen sold Grace my blood. Sandy took me with her to one big satanic church. We arrived two hours before the start of the service. The sun was setting, so the whole church was dark, only in the center of the church on a platform were thirteen candles burning in a circle. They cast wavering light on the thirteen figures seated on the floor in front of each candle.

Coming closer, I saw that they were women, all dressed in the same white robes with hoods on their heads. They sat on the well polished floor with their backs straight and their arms folded across their chests. Each of them fully focused their gaze on the candle flame opposite. The candles were about 60 cm high and 10 cm in diameter. They were made of black wax, and each stood on a long, narrow sheet of paper covered in small letters. These women did not have any jewelry, even their clothes did not have any ornaments. They sat absolutely still, non-stop murmuring in low voices prayers to Satan. There was such a force that both captivated and frightened me at the same time. As I sat and watched this two-hour ceremony, I felt this powerful and inexplicable force moving within me.

The next evening, I noticed that I was irresistibly drawn to see this ceremony again. Through Sandy, I learned that they were the Sisters of Light. All the other members of the cult referred to them as "mothers", and only a few of them knew that these women were an elite group. The "sisters" never revealed who they were, and men were forbidden from being part of this group. However, they were the main driving force this cult. This secret was strictly kept even within the cult itself. They did not tolerate weakness in any of their members, any weak one was immediately destroyed. There were only a few young women among them.

On the second evening after the ceremony, one of these women approached me. She said that they noticed my interest, that they knew about the power that is in me, and that they would very much like me to join them. preparatory program. She was very kind and easy to deal with me and said that their group could teach me not only to increase, but also to expand my strength, and no one but them would do it better. I swallowed the bait along with the hook. In the beginning, I was told about the privileges that I might have. Skillfully using my power, I can have everything and achieve everything I want. They were the first to say that this power is from Satan and not from God, and that only Satan is the true god. I was taught to meditate and pray. They said that if I wish for something, I only need to light a candle and place a paper with requests under it. But I shouldn't be selfish. Therefore, the petition should contain not only my name, but also someone else's. Moreover, it doesn’t matter for the rise or fall of this person, I will pray, if only someone else’s name was on the list along with mine.

"Offer" to join the cult

Towards the end of my stay in the camp, I suddenly discovered that all good nature is just a mask, and my participation in all this is no longer a game, and besides, it is not voluntary. When I met with Sandy to talk about leaving, she said that the Sisters of the Light were offering me and some other "specially gifted" special program, but before leaving, the high priest and priestess want to talk to me and are waiting for me in the church. Me and a few other people went there.

As soon as we entered, armed guards immediately stood at the door, and we were ordered to come and stand in front of a small group in the center of the church. The high priest approached us and said that we were chosen to become members of the “brotherhood”. This means that at tomorrow night's meeting we will have to sign contracts with Satan with our blood.

When I asked what the terms of the contract were, I was told that I had to give my body, soul, and spirit to “our great father Satan” in order to receive many “blessings” from him in return. We were also told that if we disagreed, they would make some "efforts" to change our minds. When I replied that I would not sign this contract under any circumstances, the high priestess interrupted me, saying that I had no choice. I looked her straight in the eyes and shouted:

- Go to hell! You are a bitch! You are all idiots! I will never do it!

Immediately behind me, a huge security guard armed with a machine gun appeared, grabbed my hands, twisted them back and pulled me up with such force that it seemed to me as if he had broken them off. He said that I should kneel before the priestess and ask her forgiveness for my rudeness, otherwise he would beat me until I submitted. In rage, I screamed:

- You can start, I will not bow to a woman!

Preparations for the initiation

He punched me with all his might. I didn’t remember anything else until I woke up on a wooden floor in a completely empty room measuring one and a half meters by one and a half meters. A small observation window was made in the door, overlooking the corridor. It was absolutely dark. I stayed in this room for a day, which seemed to me an eternity. Sleep was not allowed. Every now and then the speaker turned on, through which I was constantly told that all honor, glory and worship are only to Satan, that I should ask his forgiveness, that he alone is the god of the universe, that my family is being watched and, if I do not agree with the rules and do not sign a contract, then all my relatives will be tortured and killed. All this time I did not receive any food or water.

The next evening, the guards took me to another room, where two women from the “sisters of the light” helped me take a bath, put on me, right on my naked body, a floor-length white satin robe with a hood and long loose sleeves, girded with a white rope. There were no ornaments on the mantle. Having dressed me, the women told me to humble myself and stop resisting, since I still cannot escape my fate, and by giving myself to “my father Satan”, I will receive wonderful “blessings”.

Cult initiation meeting

So that I would not see where we were going, I was taken to the service in a closed car, since the meeting was not in the camp, but in another place. Getting out of the car, I noticed that the building had no windows and was in the forest. It looked like a warehouse somewhere on a farm. Inside, fresh straw lay on the wooden floor. The building was illuminated by many candles fixed on the walls. There were three candles in a group: black, red and white. There were 200 or 300 people sitting on wooden benches facing the center of the hall, where a wooden platform was installed, around one and a half meter pillars with torches stood. In the middle of the platform stood an altar of gray stone. He stood on a stand with wheels (to make it easier to clean). The altar was covered in dark smudges - these are traces of the blood of victims, both animals and people, constantly brought on it.

On the one hand, fatigue and fear fought within me, and on the other hand, joy, when the movement of force inside me answered the extraordinary strength that I felt in this room. The fragrant smell of incense filled the room. I think there was a drug added to the incense, as I got dizzy very soon.

There was complete silence, only hooded and robed figures staring at the empty stage. As the high priest and priestess silently stepped onto the platform, small bells rang out in the hands of those present at some invisible signal.

The priests were dressed in identical robes of black satin, the same cut as mine, but with a red border around the edge of the robe, sleeves and around the hood, girded with a golden rope. Like everyone else, their feet were bare. Both of them held a meter-long scepter in their hands. The high priestess had a golden scepter. At its upper end was attached an inverted cross, to which a snake crawls along the scepter. The high priest had the same scepter, but of silver. The scepters were carried reverently on bent arms. Their presence brought with it a power that I had never experienced before.

Compulsion to initiation

There were many heavily armed guards inside and outside the building. I suddenly realized that this was the first time I was in a real cult meeting. Before that, everything was a game, a demonstration show.
After opening remarks, two guards led me forward straight to the altar. I and a few others were introduced to those present as new members "hungry" to join the cult. High priest immediately focused all his attention on me. He said:

— Brothers and sisters of Satan, we present to you this girl, her name is Korej (this is my new name). We introduce her to you because she asked to be one of us. Now we are talking to our Lord and God, the Lord of the whole universe and the destroyer Satan. This child, Sister Korage, we give you to make of her what you wish. We promised her because you gave us that right.

They gave me a knife to cut my finger, but I refused. Then one of the guards hit me on the back with a whip so that I writhed in pain. Despite the pain, I stubbornly refused to obey. With a wave of her hand, the high priestess stopped the guard to stop beating me, and in an icy voice said that there were more effective ways show me my mistake.

I watched in amazement as she and the priest sat down different sides pentagram (five-pointed star) painted on the floor in the middle of the stage. In the center of the circle in which the pentagram was placed, black candles stood in each of the five corners. With one wave of her hand, the priestess lit all the candles at once, without touching them, and began to cast spells, the priest joined her, and at the signal of the bell, all those sitting in the hall. Suddenly, the pentagram began to fill with hissing, smoke, and flickering light. The room smelled strongly of burning sulfur. In the center of the circle, surrounded by flames, a huge demon appeared in physical form, about three meters high. Baring and swaying from side to side, he looked straight at me. The high priestess (Grace) turned to me and said that if I disobeyed and did not sign the contract, I would be handed over to the demon and he would torture me until he killed me. That was enough!

Contract signing

And although I experienced such fear as I had never experienced before, at the same time, I unbearably wanted to have the same power that Grace had. I decided to become as strong as she was in order to take revenge on these people who tormented me. When I signaled that I agreed to sign the contract, two women came up to me and put on me a black one over a white robe. It was exactly the same cut and design as the white one, but it was made of cotton and meant that I was no longer a beginner. Taking the knife that was offered to me and cutting my finger deeply, I dipped my pen in my blood and signed a contract saying that I gave my flesh, soul and spirit to Satan.

As soon as I signed the contract, at the same moment my body, like an electric shock, was shaken from head to toe. It was so powerful that I could not resist and fell to the floor. Barely coming to my senses, I struggled to get to my feet, seeing that Grace, casting spells, was summoning another demon. He came up to me and said that he would live inside of me. Before I could say anything, he reached out and grabbed my shoulders. At the same moment, an incredible heat pierced my entire body. The smell of sulfur was again felt, and I, having lost consciousness, was unconscious until the moment when they roughly stuffed me into the car to go to the camp. I was exhausted to the limit. Due to lack of sleep, beatings, lack of food and water, I was very dizzy, so I did not quite clearly realize the importance of everything that happened to me.

In order for the beatings and abrasions to heal, I had to stay in the camp for another week. Returning home and feeling like the most strong man on earth, I knew that I had a power that surpassed the power of many, many people. It seemed to me that no one and nothing would destroy me. But how wrong I was!

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