Dream interpretation black spot on the body. Interpretation of sleep spot in dream books

Why is the spot dreaming

To see stains on your clothes or hands - get ready for an avalanche of minor troubles. If you dreamed of spots on the body or attire of other people, you will be betrayed. According to, to observe spots on your own clothes or hands is a sign that if you are not careful, you will be deceived.

According to the esoteric dream book, to see a spot in a dream on something is the personification of a situation that will be spoiled by an evil or stupid trick. What we are talking about depends on the subject on which you saw spots in a dream. For example, spots on the mirror you looked into mean that the impressions of some joyful event will be hopelessly spoiled.
Medium Hasse believes that the stain on the dress is a dream of anxiety. According to Tsvetkov, a similar plot means that you have a bad conscience.

According to Longo, dream spots are of two types: on clothes or on the body. But in any case, this is considered a bad omen. You will not have enough strength to cope with difficulties and problems, so you will need outside help. To see painful spots on your own body - there is someone in your environment who is trying to harm your health and business with the help of magical texts and attributes. Most likely, he is very jealous of you. If you dreamed of painful spots on the body of another person, you will soon try to change the current unpleasant situation by resorting to unconventional methods.

To see stains on clothes - you will be unbalanced by various troubles, spend a lot of energy and time fighting everyday difficulties. Scrubbing a stain in a dream - you are trying hard to hide your real attitude towards them from others. However, in relation to close people, this approach is not entirely correct, since they sincerely love you. Do you know other ways of interpreting

Coat in spots - means failure in business.

Jacket in spots - means failure in business.

Dress in spots - means failure in business.

Stains on linen - to fame.

Unsuccessfully removing stains means a bad reputation.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream interpretation of the XXI century

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Dream Interpretation - Body

Seeing the naked body of your wife is a great happiness.

A snake wraps around the body - the birth of a noble offspring.

Wings grow on the body and you fly - great happiness.

Sweat appears on the body - portends misfortune, evil.

They are going to put pads on the body, shackles - you will soon get sick.

Continuous streams of water surround the body - portends a court case.

The naked body of a man - portends good luck in fate.

The naked body of his wife portends great happiness.

Insects crawl over a sick body - the disease passes.

Eating the meat of your own dead body is parting.

Having your body completely naked in a dream is a big benefit.

Traveling away from your body is recovery from illness.

Traveling, wandering, separated from your body - portends recovery from illness.

The light of lightning illuminates the body - there will be a happy event.

Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing from illness or disease.

Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing of diseases or ailments.

Snow falls without touching your body - mourning for older family members.

The sun and moon illuminate your body - you will receive an important position.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

The body is burned, and blood flows from it - great happiness.

The body is tied up, entangled with ropes - portends longevity and great happiness.

The body is tied with ropes - great happiness, benefit.

The body is too full or too thin - both equally portend misfortune.

Your body is entangled in a net - a job situation, a government affair.

Interpretation of dreams from

Similar: glare, saw cut, macula, pezina, flokkul, plaque, teak, Inkblot, speck, nezhina, Dirt, impurity, Shame, flaw, radio spot, anti-shine, roseola, scotoma, stigma, chloasma, lasa, lacina, Bald spot, mark, tan, clearing, Divorce, Rust, melasm, freckle, mottled, shameful spot, dark spot, slick, Lack, petechia, whiteness, whiteness, whiteness

Spot in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita:

Spot - resentment, trouble; anxiety

Interpretation in Esoteric dream book Sleep Spot:

  • On something - a situation spoiled by someone's stupid or evil trick. Look at the stains. (For example, on the mirror in which you look - the impressions of a joyful event will be spoiled).
  • Why is the Spot dreaming Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo?

  • In a dream, you can see two types of spots: on the body and on clothes. In both cases, this is a bad sign. To cope with life's difficulties, your efforts will not be enough, you will need outside help. Painful spots seen on the body - there is a person in your environment who is trying to harm your affairs, damage your health using magical attributes and texts. Apparently, he is very jealous of what you have. If you dream of such spots on the body of someone else, the dream means that you, in an effort to change the created unpleasant situation, will resort to unconventional methods. Stains on clothes - all sorts of troubles will take you out of balance. The struggle with life's difficulties will take you a lot of time and effort. Scrub the stain - you are carefully trying to hide your true attitude towards them from others, but this is not entirely correct in relation to loved ones who treat you sincerely.
  • AT Miller's dream book if the Spot is dreaming:

  • If you see stains on your hands and clothes in a dream, then someone will deceive you if you do not show due diligence in reality.
  • If the Spot is dreaming? AT The latest dream book:

  • Birthmark P .: if it appeared - a surprise; remove - to skin disease.
  • Interpretation of sleep Spot in Family dream book:

  • If you saw spots on your hands or clothes in a dream - be careful. Otherwise, someone will definitely deceive you.
  • See the Spot in a dream Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova:

  • new opportunities;
  • on outerwear - failure in business;
  • you can’t get out of linen - a bad reputation. Spots on the dress - an unclean conscience;
  • on linen - fame;
  • questionable relationship.
  • What does it mean to see Spot in a dream Schiller's dream book?

  • on the dress - resentment, trouble.
  • Often we dream of the most incomprehensible and inexplicable things for us. In fact, everything has its own hidden meaning. There are dozens of different dream books that decipher any thing from your dreamy fantasies into information that is understandable to a person. The correct interpretation of these signs will help you understand what fate has prepared for you. You need to carefully and seriously approach the decoding of your nightly travels. Sometimes even such a banal thing as a stain can penetrate your dream. The spot carries very interesting and significant information.

    Seeing a spot in a dream - there are many interpretations of this sign, there are several categories. Some you can observe on yourself and other people, others appear on your things.

    Spot on the body in a dream

    • Dream Interpretation: a birthmark is an indicator of danger approaching you. It is worth paying attention to the place where it was dreamed. The nose, for example, warns of trouble after drinking alcohol. (Cm. )
    • Why dream of a yellow python with spots? Minor difficulties will soon disappear from life. (cm. )
    • The dream of "spots on the face from dirt" is a sign of shame.
    • Seeing a birthmark on the skin of another person in a dream means that troubles will come from other people.
    • White spots in a dream - the appearance in the personal life of a new person, whose intentions will remain a big mystery.
    • Seeing blood stains in a dream symbolizes a lot, here you need to pay attention to your feelings and choose the most appropriate meaning. Blood can be an indicator of activity and inner strength, strong emotions or love. She personifies life as a free flow. It is also a symbol of any suffering, perhaps even mental or physical trauma. Ask yourself if you did something bad for your loved ones. (cm. )
    • Seeing spots on your face in a dream - your life will be in danger.
    • The dream "a birthmark on a person's face" prophesies betrayal on the part of this person. A warning against making mistakes in dealing with this person. It is also necessary to remember the location of the spot, the explanation is similar to a birthmark in oneself - it can also tell you the cause of the conflict.
    • Seeing spots on your face in a dream - great wealth awaits you in the near future.
    • Spots on the body in a dream show the approach of the disease.
    • The dream "red spots on the face" (face reddened from heat or shame) speaks of a dissolute life.
    • Why dream of a birthmark on the face? A symbol of talent and exceptional skill. If the mole is pretty, it means that the owner has certain talents. Signs like these portend your success in achieving your goals.
    • The dream "birthmark on the right hand" is a symbol of good news.
    • Why remove ugly moles? They testify to your heredity in terms of character and upbringing. They interfere with you, a similar sign means that you need to overcome the negativity and move forward with your head up.
    • Dream Interpretation: a terrible mole on the little finger is a symbol of your problems in relationships with friends that are in you. (Cm. )
    • Why dream of a birthmark? The spot where the spot is located indicates an imminent danger.
    • Dream Interpretation: spots - it all depends on the location and type of spot. It can mean a lot: from betrayal to love.
    • If you dreamed of a spot on your chest, this is a sign of depravity and unsuccessful relationships. (cm. )
    • The dream "red spots on the body" is a dream for a new thing, and it is very weighty.
    • Why dream of black spots on the body? The subconscious mind reports getting rid of mental hardships, experiences or other pressing problems.
    • A black spot in a dream is a renunciation of bad mental disorders.
    • The dream "head in spots" speaks of mystery or uncertainty.
    • Seeing spots on the body in a dream is a great success in your favorite business.
    • The dream "head in red spots" says: something expensive will appear in your life.
    • Dream Interpretation: spots on the face are a symbol of danger that will come all of a sudden
    • Why is the spot dreaming? A bad symbol means an approaching shame.
    • Dream Interpretation: spots on the body - the development of talents and opportunities.
    • Black spots, dream book: mean that your soul has been freed from hardships.
    • Dream Interpretation: a blood stain is a symbol of circulating life and love.
    • Why do rats with white spots dream? Someone from your family will do something unpleasant to you.
    • Dream Interpretation: a birthmark on the face is an indicator of danger, if you see it in a person, then he is a traitor.
    • Why dream of birthmarks on the body - symbolizes your achievements or innate ability to work.
    • Dream Interpretation: age spots - in achieving goals, it is worth resorting to non-standard solutions.
    • Why dream spots on the skin? The sign portends danger. (cm. )
    • Dream Interpretation: red spots on the body are a symbol of the culprit of the quarrel.
    • Why dream spots on the face? If the stain is birthmark, then betrayal awaits you.
    • Dream Interpretation: to wipe a stain from a child means the care that you will provide to your loved one.
    • Why dream of red spots on the body? Update in life.
    • Dream Interpretation: a birthmark on the arm portends good news.
    • Why dream: red spots on the face? To increased activity in personal life.
    • Dream Interpretation: a spot on the wall - to monetary gains.
    • Red spots on the face, dream book - mean shame.
    • Why dream of a birthmark on the face? A symbol of talent and exceptional skill.
    • Spots on the body are removed - you should be careful and attentive.
    • Why is the spot dreaming? A bad sign, ailments await in the future.
    • Dream Interpretation: spots on the hands are harbingers of good news.
    • Why dream spots on the legs? Ease in any endeavor.
    • The dream of "stained hands" warns: imminent deception, you should show due attention and caution to the people around you.
    • Why dream of a black spot? A symbol of liberation from bad emotions.
    • Dream Interpretation: spots on the legs - you will have to take precautions to protect your reputation from attacks from colleagues.
    • Why dream of age spots on someone - you will use unconventional methods to solve your problems.
    • The dream of "spots on the skin from burns" says that you consider yourself the culprit of a quarrel or a traitor if burns are all over your body.
    • Why do cadaveric spots dream? Reflection of deep emotional experiences and indignation. The condition of the skin represents a relationship with reality. An ulcer on your body shows how irritated a person is with the environment surrounding him and the events that happen to him.
    • Why dream of blood stains? A symbol of suffering and mental anguish.
    • Dream Interpretation: red spots speak of excessive promiscuity.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    A skirt with spots, a dream book - an unclean conscience, sins for the soul. (cm. )

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

    Stains, splashing or getting dirty in a dream - the danger of problems in business and business. Be slandered.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    An ink stain in a dream is a misfortune that you yourself have caused. An ink stain is a mistake.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    The dream "stain on clothes" predicts the appearance of anxiety in your life.


    Having carefully studied all the interpretations, one can understand that in our life everything is interconnected, and nothing happens just like that. As you can see, even the smallest detail, such as a spot, can tell a lot. It is important to pay attention to the circumstances under which it was dreamed of and to whom it belonged. Our subconscious mind replays certain dreams in our head when we sleep. It reveals our deepest desires and feelings. The interpretation of dreams from the dream book allows us to find out the answers to all the riddles that our brain throws at us.

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