Michael Jackson: creative life and biography. Michael Jackson - King of Pop


The whole world mourned the death of Michael Jackson. Many did not believe in this death, suspected that Michael Jackson is not dead, a someone else died instead.

The Order of the Illuminati is involved in this worldwide deception.

Next will be presented an interview from a person who knows the whole truth about the "death" of Michael Joseph Jackson. This man is a secret society insider. In the media (media), this group is commonly referred to as the "Order of the Freemasons".
Found facts will also be provided that Jackson had a doppelgänger…

I know the truth and I will tell it!

I am a member of The Order myself and I know why the Illuminati helped Jackson deceive the world. I want as much as possible more people learned the truth. After all, what Michael Jackson has already managed is a trifle compared to his far-reaching plans, which he is going to implement in this century.

Why did the Illuminati agree to Michael Jackson's plan?
Yes, because no one has ever been able to refuse him. Ask the people closest to him, and they will say: Michael always got his way.

Already 4 years ago, Michael Jackson conceived this plan. His intentions were as serious as ever. It was then, 4 years ago, that he met with a representative of our Order in Naples and offered to help him in the implementation of his plan. The price that Michael Jackson promised for this was beyond anyone's expectations. Our Order does not need money, but the huge amount received for the execution of Michael Jackson's order will allow the Order to work quietly on the solution of the Task, which we have been solving for at least 700 years.

The Order should not be accused of being promiscuous or being too accommodating. Just for money, the Order would not agree to a grandiose deception. However, in the hand of Michael Jackson was not only a sweet gingerbread, but also an iron whip. He hinted very transparently that he would not only generously pay for our consent, but also do everything so that we could not refuse. If the leadership of the Order still refused, Michael Jackson promised to reveal to the whole world the secret that we carefully concealed during all 700 years of the existence of the Order. This would draw the unwanted attention of the Vatican to the activities of the Order. A similar nuisance already happened in the 1940s, when representatives of the German Nazis tried to make an alliance with the Illuminati. Rumors are circulating around the world about the alleged (I emphasize the word, "alleged") Illuminati desire for world domination and the cruelty involved. Hitler's agents tried to play on these legends, attributing other people's sins to the Order.

I have already said that I intend to tell the whole truth about the secrets of the Order. I will also tell you about the whereabouts of the allegedly deceased Michael Jackson. I am aware that my confessions will be followed by revenge from both Michael Jackson and revenge from The Order. I am breaking the silence that the Illuminati have kept for centuries. And I am aware of what can be expected of me. I don't know if Michael Jackson is capable of murder, but given the circumstances that led him to mount a grand conspiracy to deceive all of humanity, I wouldn't be surprised if he's already contemplating ways to take me out. So to speak, book me a ticket for a trip to the Neverland Ranch without a refund.

Neverland - Michael Jackson Villa
Fans of M. Jackson, of course, know that his villa in California is called "Neverland". This is the name of a magical country from a fairy tale " Peter Pan". In this country, children stop growing, which means they stop aging. This beautiful fairy tale has a second, rather scary, meaning. None of the fans of Michael Jackson think about this meaning. Well, tell me, when does the counting of human years stop? That's right, when people die.

Why staged an artificial death of Jackson?
Michael Jackson has been obsessed with the idea since childhood that he died as soon as he was born, and therefore that he is a vampire. This strangely combined with his fear of death, which many of his fans know about. It is known that Michael observed a strict regime, because he dreamed of living at least 150 years. He often feared that he would die early, like the legendary Elvis Presley. by the most in an unusual way Michael's youthfulness was his desire to sleep in special chambers, where high oxygen pressure was maintained.

In fact, one was conditioned by the other. Jackson was afraid of death because he never really lived. As a child, the joy of life was taken away from him. Jackson Sr. stubbornly and systematically pushed his son to success in show business, not allowing him to relax in games with peers and childish pranks. The creation of Neverland Ranch was Michael Jackson's attempt to regain the lost joy of childhood.

Jackson's father not only robbed his son of his childhood. He made his son a kind of "drug addict", instilling in him an obsessive desire for constant success on stage. Therefore, the huge wealth that show business brought to Michael Jackson did not satisfy him. Jackson did not see life, did not feel it. He was an outsider in this world. Such detachment gave rise to Michael's belief in his divinity, and - as a result - in inevitable immortality. He tried to achieve this immortality not only by scientific and technical means, but also by occult means.

Was Michael Jackson a Vampire?
Michael Jackson considered himself a vampire. Everyone knows that he underwent several facial skin grafts. He endured these painful operations not because he was ashamed of being black. He wanted to become like thousands of the living dead, who - he believed - still had not disappeared from the face of our planet.

On December 2, 1983, the Thriller clip was shown on MTV for the first time.

Filmed on the disc of the same name, Thriller is an attempt to shout to the soldiers of the vampire army. Michael hoped that if he became like them on the outside, he would change on the inside. "Thriller" was like an autobiography of Jackson, in which he laughed at death. But subconsciously he was afraid of death and was looking for the secrets of immortality. He hoped that after seeing the film, the living dead would feel his desperation and come to him.

And they came. One of the vampires led Michael Jackson to the Illuminati.
One way or another, this meeting had to take place. Jackson not only spent millions on pleasure. He spent hundreds of millions searching for immortality. These searches were bound to lead him to the Illuminati sooner or later. At one time, Hitler was looking for contacts with the Illuminati in order to build a thousand-year empire with their help. I have already mentioned this. The Illuminati were able to avoid Hitler's bloodhounds. But Jackson had more resources than the demon-possessed Fuhrer.

With money and threats, he achieved that he was admitted to the archives of the Order, which kept the secrets of millennia. He spent many weeks in the Illuminati archives. At this time, his three doubles constantly flashed in public. It was much easier to find doubles for Michael Jackson with his face, assembled from shreds of skin, as if plastic, than for other celebrities. It was this circumstance that prompted Michael Jackson to plan a fake death. It is about this plan that I will now tell.

Michael Jackson doppelganger photo

The truth about the fictitious death of Michael Jackson
Before leaving for a better world, he allowed himself an excessive load, which could well lead to cardiac arrest from the painkiller administered by the attending physician. It is claimed that it was not the real Michael Jackson who died in the hands of the attending physician, but Romanian doppelgänger Dimitri Dragucescu(Dimitrie Draghicescu), who was dragged into one of the biggest intrigues in show business.

Michael Jackson himself at that time calmly boarded a jet plane that took him to the South-East of the United States of America. This Romanian decided to be like two drops of water on the pop legend, for three years he underwent many plastic surgeries. He also learned to copy the manner of speech and style of behavior, not to mention the choreographic abilities. But still it was not the great Michael Jackson, but just his double, who was taken to the hospital.
Think for yourself, the person who called the emergency response service did not answer who is ill, and what is his name. In principle, even if the idol of millions died, then in 911 they would reliably hide this information from outsiders, besides, they have special sensors that react to the degree of excitement of the caller, thereby allowing you to find out about the reliability of the call. At that moment, there were no suspicions, but the person actually died, but it was unlikely that it was Michael Jackson.

Dimitri Dragucescu was mortally ill and knew that sooner or later his turn would come, so he agreed to play the role of the corpse of the Great King. In addition, the real Michael promised a generous reward to the family of the Romanian double, and he simply could not refuse such a luxurious way to leave. In fact, Jackson is alive, and he was absolutely healthy, because all his life he tried to keep himself in amazing shape, which would allow him to live not 50 years, but all 150. Most likely, the planned blackmail was successful, and now Michael Jackson is calm with looks at what is happening from the side with a smile. This man reached such heights in his life that several generations do not reach, he had everything that one could dream of. He was loved by millions, and he paid the same, and the series of scandals that was associated with the name of the singer is nothing more than a way to warm up attention to his person.

Michael Jackson's secret diary
After Michael's death, his close longtime friend allegedly found a diary kept by the singer, in which he repeatedly mentioned a certain plan of death, a staging that he wants to crank out. The diary stated that Jackson wanted to simulate his departure from this world from a heart attack. Also in his diary, Jackson writes that he is tired that his name is associated only with the scandalous details of his life, he is tired of all this hype, and he just wants to leave, relax. He goes on to describe such details that allegedly another King of the stage, Elvis Presley, who had problems with drugs, at one time also staged his death theatrically, although in fact, another person was in his place.

It is quite possible that Jackson decided in this way to get rid of all the problems at once and simply fool the world community. In confirmation of this, there are many facts that clearly show that Michael Jackson could not just disappear in an instant. In his diary, he writes that he is most likely simulating a heart attack that will occur from strong drugs.
He even chose the day when he would reveal himself to the world without breathing. He wanted to choose either Christmas or New Year, but he hesitated. He further wrote that after that a completely different life would come, which would be more beautiful than the one that was before. He understood that he had a million-strong army of fans, which he would lose forever, but he did not know and could not imagine another way to get rid of all the pressing problems at once.

The close friend who found this manuscript was taken aback by the information it contained. He decided to give the diary to friends and relatives of the singer. As he correctly noted, this is not his thing, it does not belong to him. According to people close to Michael, the singer announced his intention to leave in 2008, but then no one took his words seriously. When the case turned out in this way, there was an immediate resonance in the media. This is a veritable fraud project that, if exposed, would be a powerful weapon against the superstar's identity. The legal consequences in this case will be more than serious. When this information was made public, ordinary people happily accepted the fact that Michael Jackson could actually be alive, and that it was a prank. Simple people they love him the way he is in his songs, his work and they don't give a damn about what really happened. They believe that he didn't do it for money, not for insurance, to cover all his debts.

Doppelgänger Jackson's death
On June 25 last year, the world was stunned by the news that overnight eclipsed all others. Pop idol Michael Jackson has died. At first no one believed this conflicting information, some even decided that it was nothing more than a duck or someone's bad joke. Many continued to believe that Jackson was alive and just hiding. Moreover, thousands of witnesses around the world unanimously claimed that they had seen the King of Pop.

In particular, his family behaved extremely suspiciously, on the basis of which, the journalists decided that death of michael jackson is not fiction. Then the whole world knew that death itself popular singer in the real world, really.
After reliable medical confirmation of death, the family of the deceased demanded a second autopsy to find out for sure whether it was really Michael. An autopsy showed that Michael Jackson died from a large dose of the painkiller Diprivan (another name in the medical world is "Propofol"), which was injected into him by his attending physician. An attending physician is found guilty of the death of the world's most popular singer.
The best lawyers tried to drop the charge against the attending physician, but as it turned out, this was absolutely impossible. Nevertheless, some argue that death is nothing more than a very high-quality staging, and in fact, Jackson was an absolutely healthy person who would not have lived up to 50 years, up to 150 years.

Regarding his bankruptcy, this is also nothing more than a fiction, he still had huge financial resources and could afford a lot. It seems that Jackson is quietly sitting somewhere in a secluded place and watching what is happening with a smile on his lips. He achieved even more than he imagined, so why not indulge in such a small prank?
Perhaps he was tired of being popular, because popularity does not relieve loneliness, and apparently, Jackson was an unhappy person. Many did not understand him when he decided to have the operation and changed his skin color, but when the tragedy came to his house, it seemed that everyone who even disliked Michael began to mourn with those who considered him their idol.

When did the Michael Jackson lookalike die?
On June 25, 2009, at the age of 50, a staged death was performed. And on Thursday, September 3, at the Glendale Forest Lawn cemetery in the suburbs of Los Angeles, millions of people around the world watched how the funeral of the “King” took place, so how to regard the fact that he is alive or really went to another world? Nobody knows for sure.

What actually happened will remain a mystery to everyone, the key to which will be extremely difficult to find.

Perhaps this is one great performance, in which the King of Millions played the main role, and I must say he played it perfectly, forcing the whole world to believe in his sudden death. After all, judge for yourself how otherwise such a famous person could disappear without a trace, whose life has recently become the subject of discussion of everything. the globe, a certain stagnation was noticed in creativity, and here there is such a chance that you need to use it as soon as possible. After all, Michael Jackson disappeared immediately after the world tour, doesn't it seem suspicious or even mystical to you?

The golden lid of the coffin was closed, behind it it was not visible who was in the coffin.

Immediately after the announcement of the death of the great singer, all of him soared to the top of the charts, his album began to be sold out with a triple force, knowing about the debts that had accumulated a lot, Jackson and his entourage could well pull off such a scam. All statements about long-term illness and other health problems are nothing more than a myth. Jackson was in great shape and was not going to die, at least not so soon. More such a genius may not appear on the stage, and if he does, how will the world react to him? Will he accept a new, yet unknown singer? Only time will give an answer to this question.

What do you think?

Trailer - That's it

15 Grammy Awards, 13 Guinness World Records, 1 billion albums sold, 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 13 US #1 hits and over 500 prestigious music and philanthropic awards. It's not hard to guess what we're talking about. In 2009, the icon of pop music, the master of incendiary rhythms, the genius of dance, the composer and the main musical provocateur of the 20th century, left us. The one and only Michael Jackson. Music magazine site invites you to remember the highlights of his career.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 to Joseph Jackson and Katherine Skruse. In addition to Michael, the Jacksons had 5 sons: Jackie, Tito, Jermain, Marlon and Randy, as well as 3 daughters: Rebbie, La Toya and Janet. The entire large family huddled in a tiny house with 3 bedrooms. Michael's father, Joseph Jackson, or simply "Joe", was a crane operator. He had a boundless love for music and was even a member of the R&B group The Falcons, however, he never managed to achieve success in this field. But the whole district had heard about his tough temper and harsh principles in raising children. In one of his future interviews, Michael frankly admits that his father brutally beat him for the slightest offense, believing that by doing so he helps him grow up "disciplined." In addition, the failed musician has always tried to morally suppress his children, especially Michael. “My father kept saying that I had a huge, ugly nose, which made me feel like a freak,” Michael recalled in an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 1993. “And one night he climbed into our bedroom with my brothers with scary mask on the face. So he wanted to teach us to close the windows before going to bed. For the next three years, I woke up from nightmares in which I was kidnapped from my own bed ... "

In 1964, Michael joins the Jackson Brothers, the founder of which was the head of the family. Soon the group was renamed The Jackson 5, and the main vocals began to get more and more often 8-year-old Michael. It was then that the first success came to the group. The team became more and more popular thanks to the unique vocals of Jackson Jr.

In a few years, from a provincial collective performing at city holidays, The Jackson turned into superstars with more than 100 million albums sold and fame in all countries from the USA to Japan. The band's most famous song is still the canonical "I'll Be There".

Michael's first solo effort was Off the Wall, produced by 27-time Grammy Award winner Quincy Jones. One of the most beautiful compositions of this multi-platinum record was "She's Out Of My Life". In support of this single, a simple but very touching music video was filmed that won the hearts of a million American girls.

Many music critics called "Off the Wall" a beautiful end to the disco era. More aggressive music began to come into fashion. This trend has not bypassed Michael. He spent more than 2 and a half years in the studio with the producer of his first record. The result of their collaboration was the album "Thriller", the lead single of which was the song "The Girl Is Mine". The composition was the first collaboration between two legends - Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney.

A few months later, Jackson released his second single, "Billie Jean", to the public. Interesting fact: The future global hit was initially dismissed by Quincy Jones as "not good enough". However, Michael's musical instinct did not let him down, and he persuaded the short-sighted producer to give the song a chance.

As a result, the song became one of the most successful singles not only in the career of the King of Pop, but throughout its existence. music industry. The composition took first place in several major music charts at once, including the Billboard Hot 100 and the UK-singles Chart. The next single, "Beat It", was officially released on Valentine's Day, February 14, 1983. The subsequent music video was the first in a string of "Michael Jackson mini-movie clips". And of course, the song easily topped the aforementioned Billboard Hot 100.

The single of the same name became a magnificent end to the “Thriller” era. The extended version of the album's video is approaching the mark of 115 million views on the popular YouTube video hosting.

Without exaggeration, this clip can be called "historical". The legendary choreography of this video spawned a phenomenon called “zombie-dance” (zombie dance), and the images invented by Michael remain relevant, finding their way into the work of many contemporary artists.

In 1985, Michael became one of the authors of the charity single “We Are the World”, which aims to draw public attention to the problem of poverty in Africa. Such world stars as Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and, of course, Michael himself took part in the recording of the composition.

The success of the single exceeded all expectations. Four Grammy Awards, including Best Song of the Year. "We Are The World" became "number one" in more than ten countries, its sales passed the mark of 20 million copies, which made this single one of the best-selling singles in music history. All proceeds from the sale of the song went to help starving African children.

Michael's next big success was "Bad". As many as five singles of this LP managed to take the first line in the “Billboard Hot 100”, which is still an absolute record among male performers. But first things first. The album's first big hit was "Bad".

Many then expressed the opinion that this song was a kind of response to gossip and numerous detractors of Michael. And this version sounds quite convincing, given the interest in the press that year that the topic of "Jackson's changing skin color" was exaggerated.

The album "Bad" struck with its diversity. Incendiary dance hits here quite successfully coexisted with lyrical compositions. One of the most expressive songs of the whole album turned out to be “Man In the Mirror”.

Song after song, Michael became more brash and independent. He experimented with genres and, as it turned out, very successfully. His rock experiment "Dirty Diana" instantly won the top lines of the world music charts.

Jackson never stopped improving his dancing skills. And after the release of the music video for the track “Smooth Criminal”, millions of people were convinced that Michael has no equal in dancing.

The success of the album was phenomenal. Brilliant status in the US and platinum in all European countries has secured "Bad" as one of the most successful records in the world.

In 1988, Michael's autobiography, the book "Moonwalk", is published, which reveals previously unknown and sometimes shocking details of the star's childhood and youth. The memoir became a worldwide bestseller in less than a year, selling over 250,000 copies.

Spiteful critics argued that after such a successful album, Michael is unlikely to record something as talented. But Jackson, breaking all stereotypes, again released a brilliant album. The record "Dangerous" still has a cult status, supported by 50 million copies sold. The album was foreshadowed by a track called "Black Or White". The star guest of the music video for this song was the charming boy from the movie "Home Alone" Macaulay Culkin. "Black Or White" is considered an unspoken anthem for tolerance and equality.

In the music video for another hit by Jackson, the song “Remember the Time”, the role of the emperor was played by the famous comedian, Eddie Murphy. To date, this video has over 33 million views on YouTube.

One of the main hits of the album is the composition "In the Closet". It was after the video for this song world recognition received aspiring model Naomi Campbell.

The album did not do without dance fighters. The track "Jam" became the main hit of the summer of 1992, conquering the dance floors of America and Europe.

The composition "Heal the World", the sixth single of the disc, became a kind of solo remake of the song "We Are the World". The lyrics of the song once again reminded people of the world's problems: wars, famine and AIDS.

In 1993, Michael was at the center of a disgusting scandal - he was accused of child molestation. The parents of a certain Jordan Chandler went to the police with a statement alleging that Jackson sexually harassed a 13-year-old boy. Such monstrous accusations seriously crippled the health of the artist. The result of the case was a settlement agreement, according to which Michael paid the Chandler family $ 22 million. In 2009, 16 years after the proceedings, the same Jordan Chandler admitted in an interview that he slandered the singer under pressure from his father, who later committed suicide. The lawsuit, troubled personal life and censure of the public could not but affect the work of Jackson. In June 1995 he released his most emotional and intense album, HIStory.

The album's lead single was a duet between Michael and his sister Janet, a song called "Scream", the music video for which was the most expensive in history. Its creation cost the singer about $ 7 million.

The album's second single, "You Are Not Alone", set a world record debut at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Over the years, music critics will call it "one of the most inspiring songs of all time."

In November 1995, one of the biggest and most important songs of Jackson's career, "Earth Song", was released. The song once again raised burning topics: deforestation, air pollution, extermination of rare species of animals.

Another acutely social single was the song “They Don’t Care About Us”. It can really be called scandalous, because the lyrics of the song clearly indicated the imperfection of the political system in the United States and the rest of the world. As a result, more than 80 million views on YouTube.

The final, sixth single was the composition "Stranger In Moscow".

In 1997, the remix album “Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix” was released, the title single of which was the song of the same name. In the music video for the track "Blood On the Dance Floor", Jackson showcased his consistently great dancing skills.

Michael's latest work was the album "Invincible". “You Rock the World” was chosen as the first single of the novelty.

Unfortunately, despite the success of the album, Jackson rather quickly curtailed the promotional campaign, limiting himself to three singles. The most favorite song for the fans was "Whatever Happens". The guitar parts in this song were performed by Carlos Santana himself.

Since 2002, Michael has disappeared from TV screens for the first time. Some close associates claimed that during this time period he recorded over a hundred songs for his grand comeback. In the spring of 2009, the first rehearsals of the "This Is It" tour began, which promised to be the most grandiose event in the history of music.

But the dreams of millions of fans were not destined to come true. On June 25, 2009, Michael's heart stopped forever. The official cause of the legend's death was a lethal dose of a drug called propofol. Online media (particularly Twitter) were the first to inform fans of the death of their idol. The news has become a nightmare for many millions of connoisseurs of Jackson's work. His death was the biggest shock to the public since the September 11 attacks. It was decided to honor the memory of the artist by many famous artists, but, perhaps, the troupe of the world-famous Cirque du Soleil did it best of all. In memory of Michael, a whole tour called “Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour” appeared.

Michael Jackson is the greatest artist in the history of mankind. His incredible achievements will forever remain an unattainable bar for all his followers. Of course, his contribution to the development of modern pop music is simply invaluable! He became an idol for most of the mainstream artists of our time, such as Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga. It is impossible to express in words the emotions that cover you while listening to timeless hits. His dance moves became the foundation contemporary choreography. And is it possible to tell the story of modern dance without mentioning Michael's trademark "moonwalk"?! All this makes Michael a unique artist, who never had, never has, and never will. But this is only a part of his merits - albeit a significant one, but still a part.

First of all, he was a man with a huge heart. His charitable foundations did not allow millions of small children living in the backward countries of Africa to die of hunger. In total, for your creative activity he donated more than $300 million to charity, more than any other person on the planet can boast of. But any amount, no matter how large they are, becomes insignificant against the backdrop of how selflessly Jackson lived his life, devoting himself to maintaining world peace.

They say that great people do not live long, because they put all their strength and emotions into creativity. Well, it really is. Michael lived a short but incredibly productive life. Of course, his good name will be remembered for a very, very long time, because such people are not born every day. Contemporaries of Michael Jackson should be infinitely happy that they lived at the same time as the legend.

Rest in peace, King. Everlasting memory.

Michael Jackson died on the night of June 25-26, 2009 in Los Angeles. The news of his untimely death instantly spread throughout the world, shocking not only fans, but also envious people. The name of Jackson by that time had long become a legend, and, despite numerous reports of illnesses, no one expected such a sudden death.

Despite the years of musical silence, in the memory of bloggers, the singer remains a true legend, the king of pop music, the author of numerous hits, spectacular video clips and the famous “moonwalk”, without which few people can imagine the bygone era of the 1980s and their young years.

On the morning of June 25, 2009, Michael collapsed while in a house he was renting in Holmby Hills, West Los Angeles. Jackson's personal physician, cardiologist Conrad Murray, later reported through his lawyer that he went up to the second floor and found Jackson in bed, no longer breathing, but with a weak pulse in the femoral artery. Murray began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). After 5-10 minutes, Murray decided to make a phone call, but there was no landline in the bedroom, and cell phone Murray didn't want to call because he didn't know the address of Jackson's house. While Murray was looking for a security guard to use his phone to call emergency services, 30 minutes passed. At 12:21 p.m. local time, a 911 call was recorded. It was not Murray who called, but a home security worker. Here is a recording of that historic call.

Arriving 3 minutes and 17 seconds after the call, the doctors found Jackson no longer breathing with a cardiac arrest and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for 42 minutes. According to Murray's lawyer, a UCLA doctor ordered the medical team to give a direct injection of adrenaline into Jackson's heart. The lawyer noted that all the time while Jackson was at home, he still had a pulse. Efforts to bring Jackson back to life continued along the way and for an hour after arriving at the University of California Medical Center (UCLA) at 1:14 p.m. The effect was not achieved. Death was pronounced at 14:26 local time.

Thousands of fans of the singer immediately gathered near the hospital. They literally surrounded the porch, filling it with soft toys and flowers and filling everything around with photographs of the singer and candles. Fans also turned out to mourn at the deserted home in Gary, Indiana, where Jackson spent his childhood, and at New York City's massive Times Square downtown.

Most people did not learn the exciting news from the newspapers. People called each other, sent messages, wrote blogs. In terms of the scale of the tragedy, Jackson's death can only be compared with the death of Princess Diana or the assassination of President Kennedy.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was the seventh of nine children in the Jackson family. At the age of four, Michael was already on stage. A little later, he began performing with his older brothers Jackie, Tito, German and Marlon in the group "The Jackson 5", which was invented by their father Joseph. And although Michael was the youngest, it was he who attracted the most attention, sang, danced best of all, knew how to charm the audience and eventually became a real star of the team.

In the late 1960s, The Jackson 5 signed with Motown Records and began to release hot hits one after another throughout the next decade. Simultaneously with the work in the family band, Michael did successful solo projects.

Active Michael was always just not enough. So, in 1978, he starred with the young Diana Ross in feature film The Wizard, an African-American remake of The Wizard of Oz. The film did not become a classic of American cinema, but had great value for Michael, because on the set he met the great music producer Quincy Jones, who worked on the film's musical accompaniment.

It was Quincy who helped Michael Jackson get his next album, 1979's Off The Wall, multi-platinum, turning a singing black handsome boy into a superstar. popular music. The album included the hits Don "t Stop" Til You Get Enough and Rock With You, the disc sold 10 million copies.

In 1982, Jackson broke not only his own record, but also set an unattainable bar for subsequent generations. The Thriller album did not have time to re-release, more than 50 million copies were sold worldwide. Michael Jackson received seven Grammy Awards for this album. Another world record for Thriller is a 37-week chart lead that no one has yet surpassed.

Thriller's sensational success lay in never-before-seen, enchanting and amazingly beautiful music videos for "Billie Jean", "Beat It" and "Thriller". Jackson was the first to make a small film out of a clip, to make video a means of transferring music, to spit on the laws of the genre, setting his own. Michael broke any stereotypes that got in his way. Jackson became the first black guy on American MTV.

Having passed the peak, Michael continued to hold on to a huge height of popularity. The 1987 Bad album sold 25 million copies, and in 1991 Dangerous sold 23 million copies.

In 1993, Michael became famous on the Oprah Winfrey show, which was filmed at his home - at the Land of Eternal Childhood ranch in Santa Yanez, California. The interview lasted 1.5 hours and attracted almost 100 million viewers, becoming the most watched show of the year.

In 1995, Michael released the ambitious and ingenious double album HIStory Past, Present and Future Book I, consisting of 15 greatest hits of the past years and 15 new songs, which are still considered his most touching and soulful compositions. During the year, the album became platinum six times in the United States and is still successfully sold, being the most sought-after double album in the world.

Jackson easily masters new musical genres and techniques, creating a wave ahead of time. In subsequent years, he released the albums "Blood On The Dance floor: HIStory In The Mix", "Invincible", "Number 1 "s", which includes reissued old songs and new compositions, as well as a 44-minute DVD "Michael Jackson - The One" featuring footage from the CBS archives, including his concerts, off-stage footage, and footage from the HIStory tour.

In 1996, Jackson marries nurse Debbie Rowe, who gives him two sons (born in 1997 and 2002) and a daughter (born in 1998). Jackson says that fatherhood is the main dream of his life.

From 2003 to 2005, the whole world is discussing a high-profile court case: Michael Jackson is accused of child molestation. After long meetings and trials, Michael is found not guilty on all counts, but a long tense lawsuit undermines the singer's health, so after the trial he leaves for the island of Bahrain and becomes a hermit.

In March 2009, Michael announced that he was going to play the last series of concerts in London called This is it Tour. A series of 10 concerts at The O2 arena, with a capacity of 20 thousand people, was supposed to start on July 13, 2009 and end on March 6, 2010. However, the demand for tickets exceeded all expectations, and the organizers planned additional performances.

According to the doctors who examined Jackson, the singer's health completely allowed him to conduct such a difficult tour ...

The day after Jackson's death, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) began investigating an unusual and high-profile case. We started talking about new version the cause of the singer's death is murder.

On July 1, 2009, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) joined the investigation. The DEA, having the power to investigate issues normally protected by doctor-patient privilege, could examine all of Jackson's prescription medications. California Attorney General Jerry Brown said the DEA used CURES, a prescription database containing information about all prescribed drugs, doctors, doses and patients, to investigate. On July 9, William Bratton, LAPD chief, said the investigation was focused on murder or accidental overdose, but that full toxicology reports from the coroners should be awaited.

On August 24, 2009, the conclusions of a forensic medical examination were made public - death was due to an overdose of the potent anesthetic propofol. A number of other potent substances (lorazepam, diazepam, midazolam) were also found in the blood.

On August 28, the Los Angeles coroner announced that Michael Jackson's death would be qualified as a homicide. Cardiologist Conrad Murray, Michael's personal physician, was charged with manslaughter.

The case is still gathering new details. According to the latest testimony, when the singer's heart stopped, Murray interrupted the initial resuscitation procedure he had begun in order to hide the drugs that he illegally injected celebrities.

However, what difference does it make now ... Michael Jackson still cannot be revived with new details about his death.

“In the end, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and your loved ones and work hard. What is now will not be tomorrow. Dare. Fight. Improve and cultivate your talent. Be the best at what you do. Learn more about your occupation than anyone alive. Use the tools to present yourself - be it books, or the floor to dance, or water to swim. Wherever it is, it's yours. That's what I always try to remember."

                          Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Indiana (Gary, USA). The talented boy became the seventh son in a family of nine children. When Michael was five years old, his enterprising father created a family ensemble called the Five Jacksons, which included Michael's four older brothers and himself. Over time, it became clear that young Jackson had outstanding musical abilities, thanks to which the ensemble was noticed by well-known producers who offered the lucky Jacksons a serious contract.

The band continued to tour successfully for several years, releasing six hit singles during that time.

However, Michael's ambition suddenly stood in the way of the mega-popularity of the ensemble, who grew up and wanted to become an independent performer, earning money for himself, and not for his father. Continuing to work in the ensemble, he records his first solo album, which falls into the hands of the legendary producer Quincy Jones. He takes Michael under his wing and together they create the great album of the singer "Off the Wall", which quickly scattered in the amount of 10 million copies worldwide. So Michael Jackson becomes an adult superstar and finally leaves the family ensemble.

Michael's Star Trek, his death and funeral arrangements

After a taste of fame, Michael surpasses himself with the release of Thriller, which has sold over 40 million copies and made it the best-selling album of all time. The record plate was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Working with Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson received 8 Grammy awards and worldwide love music critics, after which he was honored with 11 more Grammys.

As a solo artist and member of the Five Jacksons, Michael Jackson has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice.

After becoming the king of pop, the eccentric Michael was repeatedly attacked for his appearance and behavior on stage, but this made him an even more successful and popular musician. Unfortunately, as is often the case with such bright stars, Michael could not stand the fame and everything that accompanies it - on June 25, 2009, the singer died in Los Angeles from cardiac arrest caused by an overdose of drugs. The world famous Jackson was only 50 years old. Before burying the singer, his friends organized a large-scale and bright show in memory of the King of Pop.

(English) This article is about American singer. For the British General Sir Michael Jackson, see Jackson, Michael (general)

The Jackson 5

Michael Jackson was born to Joseph and Katherine in Gary, Indiana. He was the seventh of ten children. Joseph formed the Jackson 5, a family band that initially performed in local bars and clubs and even recorded two singles on the independent record label Steeltown Records, and then in 1969, with the assistance of Bobby Taylor, they signed a contract with the recording giant Motown Records.

The Jacksons soon rose to the national level, and in 1970 their first four singles hit number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. Gradually, Michael stood out as the frontman of the children's quintet, in fact, it was he who got the main solo parts. He drew attention to himself with amazing dances and demeanor on stage, which he copied from his idols - James Brown, Jackie Wilson and others.

The beginning of a solo career

In 1973, the success of the family project began to decline, the record company limited them financial opportunities and in 1976 they signed with another company, which resulted in them changing their name to The Jacksons. From 1976 to 1984 they released 6 more albums, traveling around the country on tour. Meanwhile, Jackson released four solo albums and a string of successful solo singles, including "Got to Be There", "Rockin' Robin" and the 1972 chart-topper "Ben" (a ballad dedicated to his pet rat).

In 1978, Michael starred with Diana Ross in the film adaptation of the Broadway musical The Wiz (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz). On the set, he met music director Quincy Jones. Quincy Jones), who would go on to produce his most famous albums. The first of these, "Off the Wall" (1979), introduced Michael Jackson to the world as a bright, talented young man and fashionable dancer. The disco hit "Don't Stop "Til You Get Enough" and the slower track "Rock With You" topped the charts, and the album sold over 20 million copies. .



As the attention of the press to the person of Jackson increased, the singer and his entourage used this hype to extract hitherto unheard of financial benefits. In 1983, he signed a contract with Pepsi-Cola, under which he should star in their commercial. During filming, an accident occurred, due to which Jackson received burns to his entire face. Despite this trouble, in 1984 he again led the American charts, this time with the composition "Say Say Say" recorded in a duet with Paul McCartney. The following year, Michael bought up most of the shares in ATV Music Publishing, which owned the rights to most of The Beatles' songs, which caused a quarrel with McCartney, who himself dreamed of buying these shares. Michael Jackson also worked alongside Freddie Mercury, making some test recordings with him. However, for unknown reasons, the collaboration never took place. Officially, it was said about the employment of both musicians.

During the preparation of the new album, Jackson first engaged in charity project, of which there will be many more in his career. Together with Lionel Richie, he wrote "We Are the World" (We are this World), a charity single performed with the participation of a huge scattering of stars of the first magnitude to help the disadvantaged children of Africa.

The third (and final) album of the Jackson-Quincy tandem, "Bad", peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 for six weeks and gave the world seven more hits, of which five topped the Billboard Hot 100: "Bad", "I Just Can' t Stop Loving You", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "Man in the Mirror" and "Dirty Diana". On Bad, Jackson and Quincy tried to follow the previous album's recipe for success (using stylish beats, smooth funk jazz and electric guitar), but on a much bigger scale. The album was sold in a very solid circulation of 29 million copies.

Next, Michael was busy with his first tour as a solo artist, in support of the album "Bad". It was a trip to 15 countries that took up most of 1988, during which he was provided with a bus, plane and helicopter at his full disposal. In 1987, Jackson starred in the 3D film Captain EO. The latter, with a budget of between $17 million and $30 million, was only 17 minutes long and at the time was the highest-grossing film in terms of length. This was Jackson's first appearance on the big screen.

The nineties

Jackson's every move was covered and analyzed by the media, and his quirks were widely discussed in the press for years. Most Michael was forced to spend time in seclusion at his strictly guarded Ranch Neverland (Neverland). Few friends visited him there, including superstar Elizabeth Taylor. Children also lived on the ranch, to whom the singer was always partial. In 1993, he was charged with corrupting a young boy, but the case was hushed up: according to the press, Jackson simply paid off his parents.

This sexual scandal erupted two years after the release of the album "Dangerous", the release of which was preceded by the premiere of a large-scale video clip for the single "Black or White" ("Black or White"). The video was allowed to air on MTV only after the exclusion of scenes in which Jackson breaks windows and imitates masturbation. For five weeks, "Black or White" was at the top of the charts and became Jackson's biggest hit since "Billie Jean". As with previous albums, seven singles were released from this album. In addition to "Black or White" (No. 1), they included "Remember the Time" (No. 3), "In the Closet" (No. 6) and "Will You Be There" (No. 7). For "Remember the Time", a multi-million dollar CGI video was shot, with the Pharaoh of Egypt and his wife portrayed by Eddie Murphy and Top Model Iman.

1995 saw the release of the extremely ambitious HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I, a double album that paired a disc of 15 new songs with a disc of biggest hits. It was supposed to be the first part of a trilogy. In order to return to the shattered popularity, the first single was released "Scream" - a duet of the singer with his sister, Janet Jackson, who by that time had become a megastar on a scale comparable to Michael. The song was accompanied by a futuristic music video that cost over six million dollars to shoot, a record that has not been broken to this day.

The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and sold 7 million copies in the US (15 million worldwide). Many new songs from it were released as singles, among them a ballad about Moscow (“Stranger in Moscow”; Jackson promised to record a song about the Russian capital when he first visited here in 1993), an epic composition on environmental theme"Earth Song" (five weeks at No. 1 in the UK) and contemporary R&B "You Are Not Alone" (his thirteenth "number one" on the Billboard Hot 100), written and produced for him by R. Kelly. In the video for "You Are Not Alone", Michael appeared half-naked along with his then wife - Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the great Elvis.

The singer's fans had to wait for the next album with new songs for six whole years. True, in 1997, an album of dance remixes for tracks from HIStory - "Blood on the Dancefloor" appeared in stores. Reviews for this disc were mostly positive, with the title track topping the sales charts in many countries, including the UK. In the US, the album went largely unnoticed and did not reach number one on the charts.

The release of the next album was repeatedly delayed, as Jackson sought to produce a perfectly tuned, impeccable record that would correct his faltering commercial well-being. His label is Epic Records. "Invincible" (Invincible), released in October 2001, contained 16 tracks, including the single "You Rock My World", which featured the legendary Marlon Brando in the video. The album disappointed fans, was smashed by critics, and its sales figures were twice as modest as those of "HIStory".

Events in 2003-2004

In November 2003, Jackson released the greatest hits compilation Number Ones. The 18 tracks included in the compilation included 16 previously released hits, a live performance of the song "Ben" and the new single " one more Chance. By the end of 2004, Number Ones had sold over 6 million copies worldwide.

On December 18, 2003, police raided Neverland Jackson Manor. The singer was charged with seducing a minor boy, which was preceded by bringing him into a state of intoxication. In total, there were seven cases of sexual intercourse with minors. The trial of the singer lasted from February to May 2005. More than 2,200 media outlets from around the world have accredited their journalists to cover the scandalous trial. The jury's verdict was: Jackson is not guilty.

On November 16, 2004, Michael Jackson released "Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection" Box Set". This deluxe 5-disc set - containing 57 tracks and 13 previously unreleased recordings, spanning from 1969 to 2004, plus a previously unreleased 1992 live concert at DVD - gives perhaps the most complete picture of the artistry and talent of Michael Jackson in his best years.

After the trial, Michael Jackson retired from journalists on the island of Bahrain and began preparing to record a charity single in memory of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. It soon became clear that not all of the invited musicians wanted to participate in the project led by Jackson. Although the song "I Have This Dream" was recorded, it was never released as a single due to unclear circumstances.

Events in 2008-2009

In March 2009, Michael announced that he was going to play the last series of concerts in London called This is it Tour. Concerts will begin on July 13, 2009 and end on March 6, 2010. When Jackson announced his return to the stage at a special press conference on March 5, 2009, it was about 10 concerts at The O 2 arena, which seats 20,000 people.

However, the demand for tickets was so high that dozens of additional performances had to be scheduled. Now more than a million fans of Jackson will be able to see the performance of the artist.

In April 2009, the tabloids reported that during the next examination, the doctor found that Michael had skin cancer. The singer's spokesman, Dr. Tome Tome, denied this information, saying in an interview with the New York Daily News that "Michael is doing great. He is in excellent condition and has no illnesses."



  • Got To Be There ()
  • Ben (1972)
  • Music&Me ()
  • Forever Michael ()
  • off the wall()
  • 1982)
  • Dangerous()
  • HIStory: Past, Present & Future - Book 1 ()
  • Invincible()

Awards and prizes

  • year 2000. Monte Carlo, World Music Awards 2000, Man of the Millennium (Millennium)



  • Official site (English)
  • (Russian)
  • Russian fan site with lots of wallpapers, latest news, photos and more. (Russian)
  • Photo gallery, discography and news about Michael Jackson (Russian)

The Beatles (1) Bob Dylan (2) Elvis Presley (3) The Rolling Stones (4) Chuck Berry (5) Jimi Hendrix (6) James Brown (7) Little Richard (8) Aretha Franklin (9) Ray Charles (10) Bob Marley (11) The Beach Boys (12) Buddy Holly (13) Led Zeppelin (14) Stevie Wonder (15) Sam Cook (16) Muddy Waters (17) Marvin Gaye (18) The Velvet Underground (19) Bo Diddley (20) Otis Redding (21) (23)

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