Collection of practical and laboratory in biology. Ecological task on the topic "Ecology of the city"

Laboratory work №3







Rice. 1 Fig. 2

    Fill the table:


Cell name


Cell name



around the mouth.

Laboratory work №3

Topic. The study of the external and internal structure

coelenterates on the example of hydra.

Target: to identify the features of the structure and life


Equipment: textbooks, drawings, a set of permanent

micropreparations, microscope, magnifier.

briefing on safety precautions and rules of use

laboratory equipment and handouts.


    Consider appearance hydras.

What parts of the body can be distinguished from the hydra?.......

    Take a close look at the tentacles of the hydra. How are they located? Why?........

    Consider a cross section of a hydra. How many layers of cells form the wall of the body of the hydra?.... What are they called?..... Make captions for the pictures:

Rice. 1 Fig. 2

    Fill the table:


Cell name


Cell name


    What is between the layers of cells? Describe……

    Where are the most stinging cells in the hydra's body? Why?

    What is the name of the cavity bounded by the walls of the hydra's body? What is going on in it?

    What stimuli does hydra react to? How does the hydra nervous system work?

    How long does a hydra live? Why so many?


    Hydra ...... organism. Its cells are specialized, form ...... layers. The outer layer is called ......, the inner layer is ....... Between them is ....... Hydra is attached to ….. to the substrate, at the other end is …..., surrounded by.…..

    Distinctive feature of intestinal animals

the presence of ...... cells. There are especially many of them on ....... and

around the mouth.

3) The name of the type Coelenterates is associated with …….. .

Laboratory work No. 1 on the topic:

"The structure of the animal cell".

C spruce work : to study the structure of an animal cell under a light microscope.

Equipment: epithet lial, connective, nervous and muscular tissues.

instruction card

    Examine the issued finished products under a light microscope at a magnification of 300 times.

    Find a clearly visible cell and draw her; label the main parts of the cell in the figure.

    Draw conclusions by answering questions.

Are there similarities in the structure of these cells? Which?

What do these facts say?

Have you noted the features of cell differences? In what way do they appear? What are the reasons for their occurrence?

Laboratory work No. 2 on the topic: "Fabrics"

Target works: to get acquainted with the structure of epithelial and connective tissues.

Equipment: microscopes, prepared micropreparations

instruction card

    consider in turn two tissue preparations issued by the teacher;

    study, compare their structure and sketch;

    describe the structural features of each tissue, indicate what functions they perform; fill in the table "Types and types of fabrics"


Fabric type




Types of fabrics

Where are they found in the body

What role do


The cells are tightly adjacent to each other; arranged in one or more rows; the intercellular substance is poorly developed; when cells are damaged, they are quickly mixed with new ones

1) integumentary epithelium

Forms superficial elephant skin; lines the lining of internal organs

Wired function; metabolism

2) glandular


Forms glands of external and internal secretion

Forming secrets: sweat, saliva, milk, hormones


Has a well-developed intercellular substance

1) loose fibrous

Fills gaps between organs; surrounds blood vessels nerves, muscle bundles




2) fatty

Forms a layer of adipose tissue under the skin


supporting, sewn, warm insulating. energy function

3) bone

4) cartilaginous

Form the human skeleton

Functions: supporting and protective

5) blood

Moves through the circulatory system

Functions: nourishing, transport, protective


Made up of small fusiform unipolar cells

1) smooth

In the walls of internal organons; in the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels; in the walls of the ducts of the glands


fluids within organs

Formed by multi-core


2) striated

Forms skeletal muscles

Leads in



Formed by elongated cells with one, rarely two nuclei

3) cardiac

Forms the heart muscle

Provides reduction



Formed by neurons and neuroglia; neuron = body + processes

Forms the nervous system

Provides excitability and conduction of nerve impulses

    draw conclusions about how the structural features of tissues are related to the functions performed.

Laboratory work No. 3 on the topic:

"Unconditioned human reflex"

Target works: show the features of spinal cord reflexes, their congenital, anatomically fixed connection betweena certain receptor and executive body; on experiencesee the unconditioned reflex and learn how to draw its arc.

instruction card

    Remember what unconditioned and conditioned reflexes are.Give examples.

    The teacher informs the students about the nature of the knee jerk.

Under the kneecap is the tendon of the quadriceps femoris. (The subject must sit on a chair, fold his hands into the castle and squeeze them. Put his foot on his foot)

If the experimenter lightly strikes the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle with the edge of the palm, the subject's leg will jump. This is the knee jerk.

When struck, the tendon flexes and pulls the muscle along with it. The muscle is stretched, which causes irritation of the perceiving nerve endings. The resulting flow of impulses through centripetal neurons reaches the spinal cord, and from there through centrifugal neurons returns to the muscle, causing its contraction.

    Students working in pairs demonstrate to each otherthe nature of the knee jerk.

    Students draw the reflex arc of the knee reflex, marking its parts with color and numbers.

Reflex arc diagram:

    - receptors (the endings of the sensitive, or centripetal th neuron);

    - the body of a sensitive, or centripetal neuron;

    - intercalary, or intermediate neuron;

    - the body of a motor, or centrifugal neuron;

    - the end of a motor, or centripetal, neuron in muscle.

Laboratory work No. 4 on the topic: "Scope of attention"

Objective: determine the attention span of the student.

Equipment: clock with second hand, table of numbers, pencil.

instruction card

    Prepare a table of numbers for each student. For this sheet of paper, draw it into 36 squares and write down the numbers from 101 to 136 in each of them in an arbitrary sequence.

    Students working in pairs exchange prepared tables.

    Give each student time to find the numbers in order of age.taniya - 101, 102, 103, etc. Cross out each number with a pencil.Start work at the command of a student acting as an ex perimentator.

    Determine the amount of attention by the formula: B \u003d 648:t, where B is the amount of attention,t- the time for which the numbers were found in ascending order from 101 to 136.

    Compare the received data with the table "Indicator of attention":

6) Draw conclusions.

Laboratory work number 5 on the topic:

"Memory size"

Target works: determine memory capacity different way memorization.

Equipment: prepared rows of words, hours.

List of words for logical memorization: sleep, exercise, washing, breakfast, road, school, call, lesson, deuce, change.

List of words for mechanical memorization: apartment, tree, star, sail, kerosene, bomb, elephant, angle, water, plume.

instruction card

    The experimenter reads out a series of words from a logical series. After 1 minute, the subjects are asked to write them down.

    After 3-4 minutes, the experimenter reads out a series of words of the mechanical series. Subjects write them down after 1 minute.

3) Count the number and order of the written words and
explain the difference between the first and second cases.


Types of memorization

Number of words in the text




Laboratory work No. 6 on the topic:

“Properties of decalcified and calcined bones. The chemical composition of the bone. microscopic examination bone tissue"

Target works: make sure that mine is present in the composition of the boneral and organic substances; familiarize yourself with the characteristics of bone tissue.

Equipment: fresh natural (with periosteum), necut and decalcified bones of mammals, cuts of the bones of a large mammal (vertebrae, shoulder blades, tubular limb bones): gill covers of fish, microcopying kit, microscope.

instruction card

    Examination on a natural object of the structure of a freshbones. Finding protrusions, ridges, grooves on it, whichserve to attach ligaments, tendons, muscles.

    Attempt to break or stretch fresh bone.

    Finding the periosteum on the surface of the bone. It is associated with the growth of the bone in thickness, since the cells of the inner surface of the periosteum divide and form new layers on the surface of the bone.bone cells, and around these cells - the intercellular substance.

4) Examination of a bone on a cut. Finding, dense and

spongy substance.

5) Examination of decalcified bone, which, together with
inorganic substances lost its hardness and became soft, and
calcined bone, which became brittle along with the loss of organ
nic substances.

Note. Bones are calcined under traction in a chemical chamber.binette or outdoors. In order for the calcined bone to retain its shape, it must be handled with care.

For decalcification, well-boiled and dried bones are taken andput them in a solution of 10% hydrochloric acid for several days until they become soft. After removing the bone from the solution, carefully wash with water.

    Conclusion that inorganic substances give the bones hardness, and organic - elasticity and resilience.

    Preparation of a micropreparation from the gill cover of fish andviewing it under magnification.

    Finding dark stellate formations - tubules and cavities on a micropreparation. Cavities contain living cells

bones, the processes of which go inside the tubules. In this way,bone cells are interconnected. The bulk of the bone tissuedense intercellular substance between tubules and cavities.

9) Sketching the mic
drug and designation
cavities, tubules and 3
cellular substance.


    tubule; „

    - intercellular substance.

10) Formulation of the conclusion that bone tissue is differentvisibility of connective tissue, which is characterized by good
developed intercellular substance.

Laboratory work No. 7 on the topic:

“Determination during external examination of the location of individual bones and muscles. Determination of the functions of bones, muscles and joints.

Target works: familiarize yourself with the main muscle groups.

Equipment: drawings depicting the location of human bones and muscles.

instruction card

1) Repeat what you learned about the location of the bones of the upperlimbs, movements in the shoulder joint. For this purpose, consider the figure "Human Skeleton" on p. 92 textbooks, drawing "Skeyears of the upper limb” on p. 100, table in the notebook “Muscles ofLovek" and the drawing "Muscles of the trunk and limbs" on p. 109.

Then, standing in front of the mirror, try to find the bones of the upperlimbs on your body, the muscles that provide movement in the shoulder joint, and do the movements themselves.

conclusions . The most powerful muscle of the shoulder joint is the delto.prominent; it is attached on one side to the collarbone and to the shoulder blade,on the other - to the humerus. When this muscle contracts, the armrises to the horizontal level.

2) Bend your arm at the elbow and feel for the biceps muscle on the inside of the shoulder. Then straighten your arm at the elbow and find three head muscle.

Conclusions. The biceps muscle is attached at one end toshoulder blade, and the other - to the forearm. The biceps muscle flexes the arm at the elbow joint.

The triceps muscle is located on the outside of the shoulder. Three tendons depart from its upper end: one is attached to the scapula, and the other two to the head of the humerus. When this muscle contracts, the arm extends.

3) Make a number of different movements with the fingers of the brush.
Conclusions. Human finger movements are due to

contraction and relaxation of many muscles located on the forearm, wrist, metacarpus.

4) Review the names of the bones of the lower limb. With this priceLew consider the drawing "Human Skeleton" on p. 92 textbooks, riSee the “Skeleton of the Lower Limb” on p. 101, table in a notebook
"Human Muscles" and drawing "Muscles of the Trunk and Limbs"
us. 109.

Then, standing in front of the mirror, try to find the bones of the lowerlimbs on your body, the muscles that provide movement in the hip joint, and do these movements.

conclusions . The sartorius muscle is in the form of a narrow long ribbon that diagonally crosses the front surface of the thigh. It starts from the upper edge of the pelvis and is attached to the large brump bone. When tailoring, the thigh and shin are bent, the shin is turned inward.

5) Find the quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh

Conclusions. The quadriceps femoris muscle originates from the pelviswith tyrami heads and is attached by one common tendon to the tibia. The muscle is the extensor of the leg andinvolved in hip flexion.

6) On the back of the lower leg, feel the calf muscle.
conclusions . The calf muscle is attached at one end to

heel bone, and others - to the femur. The calf muscle flexes the foot and lifts the heel off the ground.

7) In the picture and on yourself, find the gluteal muscles.

conclusions . The gluteal muscles are attached to the pelvis and thighsnoah bones. The gluteal muscles anchor the hip joint andplay an important role in maintaining the vertical position of the body.

8) Examine the muscles of the back and neck, find them in the picture and on
your body. Feel the sternocleidomastoid muscle in your neck.

conclusions . sternocleidomastoid muscle attachedwith two tendons to the sternum and clavicle, and the other end to the mastoid process of the temporal bone. With unilateralcontraction, the muscle turns the face in the opposite direction, while tilting the head towards the contracted muscle. Atbilateral contraction tilts the head back.

9) Find the trapezius muscle in the picture and on your body

Conclusions. The trapezius muscle originates from the spinousprocesses of all thoracic vertebrae and occipital bone and attachedlyatsya to the scapula and collarbone.

    Bring the shoulder blades to the spine and tilt the head back - this is the work of the trapezius muscle. Feel the trapezius muscle on yourself.

    Find the latissimus dorsi muscle in the picture and on your body. Raise your arms up, rotate your shoulder inward - this is happeningthere is a contraction of the latissimus dorsi muscle. With fixed arms, the muscle pulls the torso to the arms.

conclusions . The latissimus dorsi muscle occupies the entire lowerpart of the back. It begins at the spinous processes of four or fivelower thoracic, all lumbar and sacral vertebrae, pelvishowling bones, four lower ribs. Muscle bundles go up anda narrow tendon attached to the humerus.

The muscles of the back and neck keep the body upright.zheniya. They stretch along the spine and attach to it.processes pointing backwards. When these muscles contract,vische bends back.

The chest muscles are involved in arm movement and breathing. movements.

12) Find the pectoralis major muscle in the picture and on your body.

The muscles that move the chest are locatedny between the ribs and are called internal and external betweencostal. In connection with different directions muscle fibers, the first lower the ribs, and the second raise them.

The muscles of the chest also include the diaphragm - flat shirock muscle with a tendon center. It separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and is involved in the breathing process.

13) Consider the Muscles of the Head figure on p. 108 studiesNika. What two groups can they be divided into? Touch your temples with your hand, make chewing movements and feelchewing muscle movement. Find facial muscles on your face: the circular muscles of the eye and mouth.

Conclusions. On the face are chewing and mimicchewing muscles provide movement of the lower jaw, and thanks to facial muscles our face can express all the variety of feelings.

4) Record the results of your work in the table:


Name of the muscle

Part of the body

Place of attachment


Note. To perform laboratory work in the proposedthe form will require the involvement of additional literature.

Laboratory work number 8 on the topic:

"Identification of violations of posture and

Maintaining correct posture while standing and sitting.

Target works: to find out the causes of violation of posture, to study the conditions for maintaining correct posture in various positions of the body.

Equipment : hockey puck or any other small object.

instruction card

    Stand against a wall so that your head, shoulders and buttocks are supported lay on the wall.

    Try to stick your fist between the wall and your lower back. If this is not possible, then stick your hand in there.

    Stand against the wall. Keep your head straight, lift your shoulders slightly back, pull your stomach in. The space between the lower back and the wall should be narrowed to normal. Get away from the wall andtry to keep this position of the body in a standing position.

    Put a hockey puck on the top of your head and try to sit down and walk around the room with the object on your head.

6) Check yourself in the following way: go to
wall and lean your head, sit down, sliding on the support. With proper posture, the object should not fall off the head.

Laboratory work No. 9 on the topic:

"Identification of the flexibility of the spine"

Objective: determine the elasticity of ligaments and cartilaginous joints in the semi-movable joints of the spine.

Equipment : ruler.

instruction card

    Stand on a step and, without bending your knees, lean forwarded and try to reach the lower edge of the support with your fingers.

    Measure the distance from your fingertips to the plane of the support (the step you are standing on). If the fingers are below her,put a “+” sign, if you didn’t reach the support plane - a “-” sign.

    Assess the flexibility of the spine. The results are considered good if the boys get +6...+9, and the girls get +7...+9 cm. Lower positive results are considered satisfactory. Negative results indicate insufficient flexibility of the spine.

Laboratory work number 10 on the topic:

The microscopic structure of the blood man and frog.

Target works: learn about the structure of erythrocytesman and frog; find similarities and differences; answerquestion: “Whose blood carries more oxygen - the blood of a person or a frog? Why?".

Equipment: ready-made stained micropreparations of human and frog blood, microscopes; blood table.

instruction card

    Prepare the microscope for work.

    Place a micropreparation of human blood under a microscope.

    Consider a drug. Find red blood cells and draw them.

    Place a micropreparation of frog blood under the microscope.

    Examine and draw the red blood cells of a frog.

    To conclude:

    How are frog erythrocytes different from human erythrocytes?

    Whose blood carries more oxygen - human blood or frogs? Why?


1) Human erythrocytes, unlike frog erythrocytes, do not
have nuclei and acquired a biconcave shape.

2) Human red blood cells carry more oxygen than
frog erythrocytes. This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that
human erythrocytes are smaller than frog erythrocytes,and therefore, they are more rapidly transported by the blood stream. On the other hand,
having lost the nucleus, human erythrocytes acquired a biconcave
shape, which significantly increased their surface and allowed
transfer at the same time a large number of oxygen molecules.

Frog erythrocytes are bulky, so they move more slowly, although their large size does not allow them to have a large surface.

Laboratory work No. 11 on the topic:

"Counting the pulse in different conditions»

Target works: prove changes in heart ratecontractions depending on the state of the body

Equipment: clock with a second hand (or second measures).

instruction card

    Find your pulse on your wrist; neck temples.

    Calculate the pulse:

a) in a sitting position;

b) in a standing position;

c) after ten squats.
Write down the received data in the table.

3) Explain the difference in the number of heartbeats depending on the state of the body.

Pulse readings

In a sitting position


After 10 squats

77 cuts per minute

87 cuts per minute

97 cuts per minute

Conclusion. The higher the load on the body, the morethe number of heartbeats in the same period of time. This is explained by the fact that any work requires the expenditure of energy. BUTThe body receives energy from the oxidation of organic nutrients. Both oxygen and nutrients delivercirculate in the tissue with blood. The harder you work, the more you needenergy, and hence nutrients and oxygen. More often withcontracting, the heart increases the rate of supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues.

During exercise, the heart pumps about 8 times more blood than at rest. A trained heart reaches this leveling due to an increase in the portion of ejected blood, and untrained - due to an increase in the number of contractions, which is brieflytemporarily, and then fatigue sets in.

Laboratory work No. 12 on the topic:

"Techniques for Stopping Bleeding".

Target works: learn how to practically provide first aid for bleeding.

Equipment: dressings, tourniquet, piece of clothno, pencil, notepad, iodine, petroleum jelly or cream (streptocid ointment imitator), cotton wool, scissors.

instruction card

capillary bleeding.

    Treat the edges of the conditional wound with iodine.

    Cut off a square piece of bandage and fold it in four. Apply ointment to the folded bandage and apply to the wound, put cotton wool on top and make a bandage.

arterial bleeding.

1. Check out the table "Typical places for pressing arterium to the bones in order to stop bleeding "with points where you need to press the artery during bleeding, and find them on yourself.

    Determine the place of application of the tourniquet in conditional injury.

    Place a piece of tissue under the tourniquet, make 2-3 turns with the tourniquet until the pulsation is no longer felt.

Attention! Loosen the harness immediately!

4. Attach a note indicating the time the tourniquet was applied.
Remember the rules tourniquet application: tourniquet is applied

for 1.5-2 hours in the warm season and for 1 hour in the cold. A note is placed under the tourniquet indicating the date and time the tourniquet was applied.

Venous bleeding.

    Determine the conditional location of the injury (on the limb). Raise the limb up to exclude a large flow of blood to the site of injury.

    If venous bleeding occurs, apply pressure bandage.

3. In case of damage to a large venous vessel, apply a tourniquet.

Attention: for arterial and venous bleedingAfter providing first aid, the victim must be taken to a hospital or clinic.

After completing the laboratory work, draw a conclusion (maybebut in the form of a table "External bleeding").

Type of bleeding


First aid method


Scarlet blood flowing in a pulsing stream

Pressure bandage for damage to a small vessel.

Tourniquet in case of damage to a large artery.


Dark blood flowing in a continuous stream

pressure bandage


Blood flows out slowly, coagulates normally

Plain sterile dressing.

Laboratory work No. 13 on the topic:

"Comparison of the respiratory organs of humans and large mammals".

Target works: compare the structure of the human respiratory systemand a mammal.

Equipment: respiratory chartshuman and mammal (dog); replicas of the respiratory organs of humans and dogs.

instruction card

    Consider tables, drawings, dummies reflecting especiallystructural features of the respiratory organs in humans and mammals(dogs).

    After reading the textbook material and the additional literature proposed by the teacher on the structure of the human and mammalian respiratory organs, complete the table:




Structural features






nasal cavity

In the front part of thepa

It is formed by the bones of the facial part of the skull and a number of cartilages. Inside the nasal cavity is divided into two halves. Three protrusions protrude into each half (three turbinates),significantly increasecovering the surface of the mucosamembranes of the nasal cavity. The mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavitylost, abundantly suppliedcilia, bloodvessels and glands, youmucus-dividing

    air purification


    decontaminateair circulation

    air warming


connects butowl cavityand larynx


In front of the neck at the level of IV-VI cervical vertebrae

Consists of several cartilages connected by joints and ligaments. The largest cartilage of the larynx is the thyroid.

Cartilages surround the laryngeal fissure; the epiglottis covers it from above, protecting it from food.

At the base of the larynx lies the cricoid cartilage. The vocal cords are stretched between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages. The space between the vocal cords is called the glottis

larynx -
part of the respiratory tract

there is a voice in the larynx

apparatus - the organ in which sounds are produced


The tube is 8.5-15 cm long, more often 10-11 cm. It has a solid skeleton in the form of cartilaginous semirings. The soft back of the trachea is adjacent to the esophagus. The mucous membrane contains numerous cells of the ciliated epithelium

part of the airways
cleans the air

humidifies the air


At the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra, the trachea divides into two main bronchi

In the lungs, the main bronchi branch to form the bronchial tree. The bronchi are lined with ciliated epithelium

part of the airways

cleanse and
humidify the air


In the chest cavity

Each lung is covered on the outside with a thin membrane - the pleura, which consists of two sheets.

One leaf covers
light, the other lines
chest cavity, forming
closed container
for this easy.
between these sheets
there is a slit
cavity in whicha little liquid is living,
reducing friction at
lung movement. Textile
lungs are made up of bronchiand alveoli

gas exchange organ

Conclusion. Organs of the human respiratory system and largemammals have significant similarities in structure and functiontions, which indicates belonging to one class - the class of mammals. The differences are minor: they relate to size, shape and some other features.

Lab #14

Amankaragai secondary school named after N. Ostrovsky

Laboratory work in biology

8th grade

(deep study)

A guide for teachers and students

Compiled by Mazhara E.G.,

biology teacher


Laboratory work number 1.Topic: Carrying out anthropological measurements: height, weight, establishing correlations of the sizes of individual parts of the body. Purpose: to establish the relationship of changes in indicators physical development person with age.Equipment: centimeter tape, stadiometer. Progress.1. Height measurement Height is measured using a stadiometer. The subject must stand on the platform of the stadiometer, touching the vertical stand with the heels, buttocks, interscapular region and the back of the head. The experimenter measures the growth of the subject and records the result. 2. Measurement circles chest cells The experimenter uses a measuring tape to measure the circumference of the chest. To do this, the subject raises his hands, the experimenter applies the tape so that it passes along the lower corners of the shoulder blades. From the front, the tape should pass along the mid-sternal point and fit snugly to the body. Then the subject lowers his hands. The circumference of the chest is measured in three phases: during normal calm breathing (in a pause), with maximum inspiration and maximum exhalation. Determine the excursion of the chest - the difference between the values ​​​​of the circumference of the chest during exhalation and inspiration. Record the result. 3. Determination of body weight The measurement is carried out using medical scales. 4. The results obtained are drawn up in the following form:Observation progress:
test subject 5. Make a conclusion about the change in indicators of physical developmentperson with age.

Laboratory work number 2.

Topic: The study of the structure of cells and tissues of the human body under a microscope.

Purpose: to study the structure of cells and tissues of the human body under a microscope.

Equipment: table "Structure of cells and organelles", textbook.


. Consider the drawing. Fill in the corresponding rows of the table "Cage":

2. Fill in the table:

Structural system of the nucleus


3. Compare element distribution diagrams in earth's crust and their content in living organisms. Why are the most common elements in nature, except for oxygen, in living organisms are presented in very small quantities (less than 0.1%)?


Distribution of elements in the earth's crust (A) and in living organisms (B)

4. Make a conclusion about the structure of the cell of the human body.

Laboratory work number 3.

Topic: The study of the knee jerk and the observation of the knee jerk during the experiment.

Target: observation of the occurrence of a knee jerk under mechanical action.Equipment: hammer from a children's designer.Progress:
  1. conduct an experiment: the first student, the subject, in a sitting position on a chair, puts his right foot on his left. The second student, the experimenter, inflicts a light blow with a hammer on the tendon of the muscle of the right leg (knee joint). The experiment is repeated with the left leg.

  2. Compare the reflex response to mechanical action.

  3. Make a conclusion.

Laboratory work number 4.

Topic: Physiological tests illustrating the work of the cerebellum.

Target: introduce students to the functions of the cerebellum.Equipment:Progress:

1. Finger-nose test

The subject closes his eyes, pulls forward right hand with a straightened index finger, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist. After that, the tip index finger touches his nose.

Evaluation of results Normally, a healthy person performs this task. If the function of the cerebellum is impaired, this task is feasible only if the hand is lowered down.

2. Braking of movements arising due to inertia

The work is done in pairs. The subject bends his arm at the elbow. The experimenter grabs his forearm near the hand and invites the subject to pull his hand towards himself, overcoming the resistance. Then, unexpectedly for the subject, the experimenter releases his hand. The subject's hand makes a short jerk and stops.3. Draw conclusions by answering the following questions.
    What function of the cerebellum did you determine using a finger-nose test? What function of the cerebellum did you determine with the help of inhibition of movements that arose due to inertia? Why, when an intoxicated person tries to take one step, he often takes several steps in the same direction by inertia?

Lab #5
Topic: Unconditioned reflexes of the medulla oblongata, midbrain and diencephalon.

Target: get acquainted with the unconditioned reflexes of the medulla oblongata, midbrain and diencephalon.Equipment: table "The structure of the brain."Progress 1. Medulla oblongata With the handle of a spoon, the experimenter touches the back surface of the tongue. Involuntarily there is a swallowing reflex.The subject makes several swallowing movements in a row. When there is no saliva left in his mouth, the swallowing reflex will not appear.The subject takes 2-3 quick and deep breaths and exhalations. After that, his breathing stops for a while..
    What functions of the medulla oblongata were revealed in these experiments? What other functions of this part of the brain are familiar to you?
2. Midbrain The experimenter offers the subjects tasks (for example, read a short text). As soon as all the subjects began to read, he suddenly and quite forcefully taps on the table with a pencil. At this point, most subjects will stop reading and involuntarily turn their head towards the source of the sound (orienting reflex).The subject looks at a lit lamp. One light source is visible. Now he gently presses on one of the eyeballs and again looks at the light source. The object begins to double, two light bulbs are visible. This happened because it was broken correct installation eye, controlled by the midbrain.The subject closes his eyes, stretches his right hand forward with the index finger extended, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist. After that, touch your nose with the tip of your index finger.Answer the following questions.
    What functions of the midbrain have been established with the help of these experiments? You must have noticed that in public places doors most often open outward - what function of the midbrain is this associated with?
3. Diencephalon The experimenter invites the subjects to mind their own business. And then suddenly gives a loud command: "Freeze!". Subjects freeze in different poses(late diencephalon reflex).4. Draw conclusions by answering the following questions:
    What are the reflexes whose centers are located in the diencephalon, hypothalamus? What are the functions of the hypothalamus in the diencephalon?

Laboratory work No. 6.
Determination of visual acuity.

Target: determine visual acuity with the help of experiments.Equipment: frames measuring 15x20 cm with well-stretched gauze, a set of objects of different colors.Progress:
    Break up in pairs. One student places a frame with stretched gauze in front of his eyes at a distance of 29 cm, behind which, at a distance of 50 cm, another student places a page of the textbook. The first student, on command, fixes his gaze first on the gauze threads, then on the text. The experience is repeated several times. As a result, students are convinced that it is impossible to see the letters and the gauze pattern at the same time. One student sits on a chair and looks straight ahead. Another student alternately demonstrates a set of objects painted in different colors. The subject is shown in motion and for a short time. Each demonstration should be accompanied by questions: What item was shown? What colour? Draw your own conclusions.

Laboratory work number 7.
Determination of hearing acuity.

Target: determine hearing acuity empirically.Equipment: table "Structure of the organs of hearing", centimeter tape.Progress:
    Consider the figure and table “The structure of the hearing organs. Break up in pairs. One student at a distance of 10 cm reads the text from the textbook in a low voice, then the distance increases and the distance at which the student stops hearing is recorded in the notebook. Then they change places. teacher turns on music player and change the intensity of the sound. The pitch of the perceived sound is determined. Draw your own conclusions.
Laboratory work number 8.Topic: Study of the properties of decalcified and calcined bones. Target: to determine the difference between decalcified and calcined bones. Progress:
    Try bending and then stretching the animal's natural bone. Did she bend over? Were you able to stretch it? What happens when you try to bend a calcined bone? What properties does it have? Is it possible to stretch a bone in hydrochloric acid? What properties does this bone have?
Conclusion: What is the difference between decalcified and calcined bones?

Laboratory work number 9.
Providing first aid for sprains, dislocations and fractures of bones.

Target: learn how to provide first aid for injuries.Equipment: tires, bandage, gauze napkins, scarf.Progress:
  1. Learn how to put on a pressure bandage. When is it applied?

  2. Provide first aid for a fracture of the forearm, shoulder, lower leg, thigh.

  3. The victim has a fracture of the bones of the skull, another spine, chest. Provide first aid.

  4. Make a conclusion.

Laboratory work number 10.
Topic: Determination of the location of bones and muscles during external examination.

Target: locate bones and muscles.Equipment: tables, figures.Progress: 1. Consider the diagrams of the skeletal and muscular systems.2. Fill in the table
3. Draw conclusions by answering the following questions.
    What provides a certain body shape? How are muscles fixed? Why is it possible for individual parts of the body to move relative to each other? What muscles flex and extend the human hand? Where are the muscles that flex the fingers located? What muscle lifts the heel? What movement is involved in the deltoid muscle? What muscles flex and extend the leg at the knee joint? What muscles allow you to maintain a vertical position of the body?

Laboratory work number 11.
Anthropometric method for determining the level of growth and development of the organism

Target: learn to measure and evaluate indicators of physical development.

Equipment: stadiometer, floor scales, centimeter tape.


1. Height measurement

Height is measured using a stadiometer. The subject must stand on the platform of the stadiometer, touching the vertical stand with the heels, buttocks, interscapular region and the back of the head. The experimenter measures the growth of the subject and records the result.

2. Measurement circles chest cells

The experimenter uses a measuring tape to measure the circumference of the chest. To do this, the subject raises his hands, the experimenter applies the tape so that it passes along the lower corners of the shoulder blades. From the front, the tape should pass along the mid-sternal point and fit snugly to the body. Then the subject lowers his hands. The circumference of the chest is measured in three phases: during normal calm breathing (in a pause), with maximum inhalation and maximum exhalation.

Determine the chest excursion - the difference between the values ​​​​of the circumference of the chest during exhalation and inhalation. Record the result.

3. Determination of body weight

The measurement is carried out using medical scales.

Note: The study should be conducted on at least 5 subjects of different ages (preschooler, schoolchild, adult).

The results obtained are presented in the following form:

test subject

4. Draw a conclusion about the change in indicators of physical development of a person with age.

Laboratory work number 12.
Topic: Microscopic structure of human and frog blood.

Target: compare the structure of human and frog blood cells.Equipment: microscope, frog and human blood microslides.Progress:
    Examine a sample of human blood under a microscope. Find red blood cells and draw them. Consider a micropreparation of frog blood. Sketch the red blood cells of a frog. Find the differences between human and frog erythrocytes. Answer the question: Whose blood carries more oxygen - the blood of a person or a frog. Why? Make a conclusion about the difference in the structure of human and frog blood, using the data in the table:

Laboratory work No. 13.
Immunity. AIDS prevention.

Target: learn to distinguish between types of immunity.Equipment: textbook, drawings.Progress:

1. Answer the following questions in writing:

    What is immunity, what are the types of immunity?

    Which cells in the body are responsible for immune responses?

    How is immunity different in children?

    What is immunization and why is it carried out?

2.Fill in the table:

Types of immunity

3. Make a conclusion.
Laboratory work No. 14.Topic: External and internal structure of the heart. Target: study the features of the external and internal structure of the heart. Equipment: table, drawings. Progress.
    Look at the picture and answer the question: Where is the heart located?
What is the structure of the circulatory system?

2. Look at the drawing. Sketch the internal structure of the heart (Fig. 80) and designate the structural components:

3. Draw a conclusion, answering the question: What devices in the structure of the heart ensure the movement of blood in one direction?
Lab #15Topic: Self-observation. functional tests. Target: get acquainted with functional tests that allow you to find out the degree of fitness of your heart. Equipment: stopwatch. Progress: 1. Measure your resting heart rate. To do this, take 3-4 measurements for
10 s and multiply the average value by 6.
2. Do 20 squats at a fast pace, sit down and immediately measure your heart rate for 10 seconds.
3. Repeat measurements every 20 seconds. Determine the heart rate for 10 s. (For measurements, 20 s is counted from the end of the previous measurement.)
4. Present your results in the form of a table below. It contains approximate values ​​that may not match yours.

Heart rate at rest

5. Draw a conclusion.

Note: The results are good if the heart rate after squats increased by 1/3 or less of the resting results; if half - the results are average, and if more than half - the results are unsatisfactory.

Evaluation of results The pulse rate at the age of 15-20 years is normally 60-90 beats per minute. In the supine position, the pulse is on average 10 beats per minute less than in the standing position. In women, the pulse is 7-10 beats per minute more often than in men of the same age. The pulse rate during work in the range of 100 - 130 beats per minute indicates a low intensity of the load. The frequency of 130 - 150 beats per minute characterizes the load of medium intensity. Frequency 150 - 170 beats per minute - the load is above average intensity. The frequency of 170 - 200 beats per minute is characteristic of the maximum load.
Lab #16Topic: Measurement of blood pressure before and after dosed exercise. Target: learn how to measure blood pressure. Equipment: tonometer. Progress: 1. Measure your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor. Compare the data obtained in the experiment with the average table data on blood pressure for your age. Make a conclusion.2. Calculate the values ​​of pulse (PP), mean arterial (APm) and intrinsic arterial pressure (APsyst and APdiast). It is known that a normal pulse pressure in a healthy person is approximately 45 mm Hg. arterial (BP): ADsyst. = 1.7 x age + 83
ADdiast. = 1.6 x age + 42
Pulse (PD): PD = ADsist. - ADdiast. Mean arterial (APav): Addr. \u003d (BP system - AD diast.) / 3 + AD diast.Evaluation of results Compare the calculated data obtained in the experiment with the data presented in the table.

3. Make a conclusion, p by answering the questions:
    What is the danger to a person is constantly high pressure? In what vessels of our body is the lowest pressure and why?
Exercise: For the first time, the human heart was revived 20 hours after the death of a patient in 1902 by the Russian scientist Alexei Alexandrovich Kulyabko (1866-1930). The scientist sent a nutrient solution enriched with oxygen and containing adrenaline into the heart through the aorta.
    Could the solution enter the left ventricle?
    2) Where could he penetrate if it is known that the entrance to the coronary artery is located in the wall of the aorta and is covered by semilunar valves during the ejection of blood?
    3) Why was adrenaline included in the solution in addition to nutrients and oxygen?
    4) What feature of the heart muscle made it possible to revive the heart outside the body?

Lab #17
Providing first aid for bleeding.

Target: learn to recognize the types of bleeding, provide first aid for damage to blood vessels.Equipment: bandage, tourniquet, napkins.Progress: 1. The victim has severe bleeding from a wound on his right forearm, the blood is coming in jerks, the color of the blood is scarlet. Render first aid and explain what kind of bleeding it is. Provide first aid. Explain.3. The victim has an abrasion on his knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty. Provide first aid. Explain. 4. Draw a conclusion.

Lab #18
Methods for measuring the frequency and depth of respiratory movements.

Target: establish the effect of holding the breath on the respiratory rate.Equipment: stopwatch (watch with a second hand).Progress: 1. Determine the time to hold your breath while inhaling in a sitting position. The subject breathes calmly for 3-4 minutes in a sitting position, and then, on command, after a normal exhalation, takes a deep breath and holds his breath as long as he can, while holding his nose. The experimenter, using a stopwatch, determines the time from the moment of holding the breath to the moment of its resumption. The result is fixed.
2. Do 20 squats in 30 seconds and again determine the breath holding time on inspiration.
3. Rest exactly 1 minute and repeat step 1.
Evaluation of results 4. Evaluate the results using the table

5. Draw a conclusion.

Lab #19
Topic: Study of the action of saliva enzymes on starch.

Target: make sure that there are enzymes in saliva that can break down starch.Equipment: a piece of starched dry bandage the size of a palm, a Petri dish or a saucer with a weak solution of iodine, cotton swabs.Progress: 1. Moisten cotton swab saliva and write a letter in the middle of a piece of starched bandage.
2. Hold the gauze between your palms for 2-3 minutes, and then lower it into the iodine solution.
3. Watch how the piece of gauze stains.
4. Draw a conclusion about what happened and why.

Laboratory work number 20.

Topic: Compiling a diet for a teenager.

Target: learn how to make a daily diet for teenagers.

Equipment: tables of the chemical composition of food products and calorie content, daily energy needs of children and adolescents of different ages, daily norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food of children and adolescents.


When compiling a human diet, the following rules should be followed:the calorie content of the diet should correspond to the daily energy consumption;
- it is necessary to take into account the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for persons engaged in these types of labor (and for children - age);
- the best diet involves four meals a day (first breakfast should be 10-15%, second breakfast - 15-35%, lunch - 40 - 50% and dinner 15-20% of total calories);
- Protein-rich foods (meat, fish, eggs) are more rational to use for breakfast and lunch. For dinner, you should leave dairy and vegetable dishes;
- in the diet, about 30% should be proteins and fats of animal origin.
With a mixed diet, a person digests an average of about 90% of food.

1. Make a daily diet for a teenager 15-16 years old

2. Enter the result of the calculations in the table.

3. Draw conclusions:- on the calorie content of the diet, on the optimality of the diet, on the fulfillment of daily norms in the consumption of nutrients.

The composition of the daily diet


General conclusions:

    The calorie content of the diet should correspond to the daily energy consumption.

    When choosing the optimal diet, it is important to take into account not only the calorie content, but also the chemical components of food.

    It is necessary to take into account the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, their characteristics in food products of various origins.

Calculation of energy costs and determination of the calorie content of the diet.

Calculations can be carried out after performing any physical activity. The formula allows you to set the energy consumption committed by a person in 1 minute, according to the heart rate (HR). The formula for calculating the energy consumption of a person in 1 minute for any physical activityQ = 2.09(0.2 x HR–11.3) kJ/minExample . Let's say you skied for 30 minutes, your heart rate reached 120 beats per minute. Let's calculate the energy consumption for 1 minute:Q \u003d 2.09 (0.2 x 120 - 11.3) \u003d 2.09 (24 - 11.3) \u003d 26.5 kJ / min.Answer : 795 kJ was consumed in 30 minutes.Calculate the energy expenditure of a person who swam in the pool for 15 minutes, after which the heart rate reached 130 beats per minute.Based on the result, draw a conclusion about the dependence of the amount of energy expended on the heart rate.

The composition of food products and their calorie content

The product's name

Daily norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food of children and adolescents

Age, years

Daily energy requirement of children and adolescents of different ages (kcal)

Age, years

Lab #21
External and internal structure of the kidney

Target: to study the features of the external and internal structure of the human kidney.Equipment: textbook, table “Structure of excretory organs, micropreparation, microscope.Progress:
    Examine a micropreparation of a kidney under a microscope. Fill in the tables using the textbook material:

excretory system.


Stages of urination

    Make a conclusion.

Lab #22
Examination of the dorsal and palmar surfaces of the hand.

Target: compare the structure of the dorsal and palmar sides of the hand.Equipment: drawings.Progress:
    Examine the back and palmar side of the hand. Compare the skin on the dorsal and palmar sides. Consider the location of the skin folds, drawings. Make a conclusion about the features of the dorsal and palmar sides of the hand.

Laboratory work in biology.

Laboratory work №1.

Topic: "The composition of seeds."

Look at the table on the board. Name the parts of a seed. Conclude why, by studying the composition of seeds, we can judge the chemical composition of the plant.

1. Following the safety rules, light the spirit lamp and heat the vial of seeds. Bring a glass slide to the opening of the test tube. What are you observing?

2. Continuing heating, see what changes occur with the seeds (color, smell). Make a conclusion.

3. Using personal experience guess what happens next. Stop heating, close the spirit lamp, put the test tube in a tripod. On your own or using the text of the textbook (p. 10), draw up a diagram “Chemical composition of the cell” in your notebook. Cross-check the notebooks and compare with the table on the board.

Laboratory work №2.

Topic: “Determination of the physical properties of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (starch, sugar).

1. Add water to a small amount of wheat flour and make a ball of dough. How has the dough changed?

2. Wrap a lump of dough in gauze, dip it into a glass of water and rinse it. How has the water in the glass changed?

3. Drop 1-2 drops of iodine solution into a glass with clean water. How has the color of the water changed?

4. Drop 1-2 iodine into a glass of water into which the dough was dipped. How did the color of the contents of the glass change? What can be concluded?

5. Put a sunflower seed between two sheets of white paper; press hard on the seed with the blunt end of a pencil. What happened to paper? What can be concluded?

6. Discuss what physical properties organic substances can be investigated and in what way. Enter the received data in the table.

Laboratory work №3.

Topic: "The structure of the cell."

1. Read the first two paragraphs on p. 16 of the textbook and make a diagram of life forms in your notebook. Give brief description each group and give examples of representatives.

Get full text

2. Set up the microscope and prepare an onion skin preparation. Make a drawing in your notebook. Name the visible parts of the cell.

3. Knowing the functions nucleic acids, think about what role the nucleus can play in the cell?

4. Think about why there is a single set of chromosomes in the germ cells, and a double set in the cells of the body? What happens if the set of chromosomes changes?

Laboratory work №4.

Topic: "Plant tissues".

1. Consider whether all cells in a multicellular organism are the same in structure. Justify the answer.

2. Find in the textbook on p. 30 definition of tissue, write down the types of plant tissues in a notebook.

3. Examine the finished micropreparations of tissues, make the necessary sketches, formulate a conclusion about the relationship between the structure of cells and the function performed.

4. Answer the question: are all cells in a multicellular plant organism the same in structure?

Laboratory work №5.

Topic: "Animal tissues".

1. Using the textbook, p. 32-34, write down the types of animal tissues.

2. Examine the micropreparations of these tissues.

3. Make a conclusion about the relationship between the structure and function of cells.

4. Are animal tissues different from plant tissues? Why?

Laboratory work №6.

Topic: "The structure of root systems."

1. Consider the root systems of rye and beans.

2. Find adventitious and lateral roots in the root system of rye. Is it possible to find the main root in it?

3. What is the root system of rye called? Draw and label its parts.

4. Find the main root in the bean root system.

5. Sketch the root system of the beans. Label its parts. What is this type of root system called?

Laboratory work №7.

Topic: "Microscopic structure of the root."

1. Examine the preparation “Cellular structure of the root tip” in a microscope, compare with the figure on p. 42 textbooks, highlight root zones, name their functions.

2. Using your practical experience, name the functions of the root. Write down in a notebook.

Laboratory work №8.

Get full text

Topic: "The structure and location of the kidneys."

1. Consider the herbariums and plants offered to you. What kidneys do you see? How are they located? Make a drawing.

2. Find small elongated and rounded buds on the shoot. Make a drawing.

3. With a dissecting knife, make a longitudinal section of a rounded kidney. Using a magnifying glass and dissecting needles, examine its internal structure. What is the name of this kidney? Make a drawing.

4. Using a dissecting knife, cut along the smaller, elongated kidney. Using a magnifying glass and dissecting needles, examine its structure. What is the name of this kidney? Make a drawing.

5. Why is a kidney called a rudimentary shoot?

Laboratory work No. 9.

Theme: "Simple and compound leaves."

1. Consider carefully the leaves offered to you, divide them into groups and explain on what basis you classified them. Justify the answer.

2. Draw a petiolate, sessile, compound leaf in your notebook. Sign the drawings.

3. Consider the arrangement of leaves on a plant or herbarium specimen. Compare with the location of the kidneys. Make a conclusion.

draw in a notebook petiolate, sessile. am leaves, divide them into groups and explain on what basis you classified them

Laboratory work №10.

Topic: "The structure of a flower."

1. Examine the flower, holding it by the pedicel. Pay attention to its size, color, smell, number of parts, think about its significance for the life of the plant.

2. Carefully separate the perianth on a piece of paper.

3. Highlight the main parts of the flower: stamens, pistil. Consider how they are set up.

4. Write on the sheet the names of the parts of the flower and arrange them according to the names (you can use the text of the textbook on p. 40).

5. Draw a diagram of the structure of a flower in a notebook and sign it. Describe the role of a flower in the life of a plant.

Laboratory work №11.

Topic: "Dry and juicy fruits"

1. Using personal experience and the text of the textbook (p. 40, second paragraph from the bottom), talk about the methods of pollinating plants. What happens after pollination to the flower? How is the fetus formed?

Get full text

3. Fill in the table, give examples of fruits and plants in which they are found, draw a conclusion about the significance of fruits in plant life.

Variety of fruits.

Laboratory work №12.

Topic: "The structure of the seeds of a dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plant."

1. Review and describe the appearance of bean seeds. Make a drawing.

2. Using a dissecting knife, remove the seed coat. What is its role for the seed?

3. Consider the structure of the embryo. Draw a picture and label its main parts.

4. Consider and describe the appearance of a grain of wheat. Make a drawing.

5. With a dissecting needle, try to remove the cover of the grain.

6. Using the drawing of the textbook and the finished product “Wheat grain. Longitudinal section ", which you can see in a dissecting magnifying glass, make a drawing" The structure of a grain of wheat "; write down its main parts.

7. Compare the structure of a bean seed and a grain of wheat. Find similarities and differences.

8. Fill in the diagram:

Laboratory work №14.

Topic: "Movement of solutions along the stem"

1. Compare the movement of substances along a tree trunk with their movement along a potato stem (textbook, pp. 74 and 75). Make a diagram of the movement in your notebook.

2. Consider the micropreparation "Fibrous vascular bundle of the linden trunk", compare with the drawings of the textbook on p. 74 and 75, cut potato tuber. Sketch the vascular-fibrous bundles in a notebook and sign the drawing.

Laboratory work №15.

Topic: "The structure of blood cells in frogs and humans."

1. Look at micropreparations of human and frog blood, compare their sizes and make a drawing in your notebook. Compare with the picture in the textbook.

2. Draw conclusions about what you see.

Laboratory work №16.

Topic: "Structure of bones."

1. Consider the proposed animal bones. Determine whose bones these are, what they are called. Divide them into groups according to size, structure.

2. Using the drawing of the textbook, name the parts of the bone, make a drawing “Structure of the bone” in your notebook, sign it.

Laboratory work №17.

Topic: "The movement of ciliates-shoes and earthworms."

1. Drop a drop of the prepared shoe culture onto a glass slide with a pipette.

2. Cover the drop with a coverslip. Remove excess water with filter paper.

3. Examine the preparation under a microscope (objective 20, eyepiece 15).

4. Observe the beating of the cilia.

5. Sketch the appearance of the infusoria.

6. Draw and describe the steps in the movement of an earthworm.

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