Malyshev who is where. Silver Rain Award for Artistic Sweater Cutting

Greetings to regular readers and site visitors! In the article "Elena Malysheva: biography, personal life, video" - about the life of a doctor of medical sciences, a popular Russian TV presenter "Live Healthy" and "Health".

Elena Malysheva: biography, personal life of a sweet doctor

Childhood and family

The Shabunin family can be called a family of hereditary doctors. Three children, like their parents, also chose this profession. Lena was born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo, where she spent her childhood. Studying at school was given to the girl easily and naturally, so the end of the school was awarded a gold medal.

Shabunin family

It is not surprising that a medical institute in Kemerovo, a medical faculty, was chosen for further study. And here was a brilliant study, which was awarded with a red diploma. The elder sister Marina also became a doctor, chose the direction of neurology. Brother Aleksey, a surgeon, became the chief physician of the GKB. S.P. Botkin.

Television career

After graduating from the medical institute, studies continued in graduate school. After 3 years, Elena Shabunina defended her dissertation and began working as a general practitioner. Then she was an assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Second Medical Institute of the capital.

  • Since 1992, Elena begins her career on television in Kemerovo. Recipe Program.

  • Two years later, she was offered a job in the program "Did you call the doctor?" where she worked as a presenter and author of the program.

  • In the same 1994 in the USA, she took a course of training for the most talented journalists in Europe. The offer was valid for those who dealt with the topic of health.

  • In 1997, Malysheva headed the Health program, aired on the ORT channel, she was also its author and presenter. In addition to the TV channel, the program was also broadcast on Radio Russia.

  • After 10 years, she became a doctor of medical sciences, defending her thesis for a degree.

  • Since 2010, she began to broadcast “Live Healthy” on Channel One. At the same time, Elena Vasilievna is actively engaged in writing scientific publications.

  • Since 2012, she began to promote a diet developed according to her own methodology.

A little about diet

Her marriage can be called happy. She is married to Igor Yurievich Malyshev. He is a doctor, engaged in science, has the title of professor, doctor of medical sciences. He conducts numerous research and developments in molecular biology, for which he was repeatedly awarded the Prize of the President of Russia.


  1. The eldest son, Yuri, was born in 1988, followed in the footsteps of his parents and received a medical education. He is a creative producer of the program “Live is great!”. Married, has a son.

  2. The youngest son, Vasily, born in 1990, chose the profession of a lawyer.

Celebrity biography - Elena Malysheva

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva - famous TV presenter, therapist, professor, teacher and just an amazing woman. Her health programs are a huge success, and her weight loss techniques are effective and in demand.


On March 13, 1961, TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva was born in Kemerovo. Galina Alexandrovna, her mother, was in charge of the infectious diseases department of the clinic, and her father, Vasily Iosifovich, was the head physician of one of the major hospitals. Sister Malysheva and her brother are also associated with medicine. Sister Marina trained as a neurologist, and brother Alexei became a surgeon and head physician of the clinic. Elena's parents had strict rules. For educational purposes, when the TV presenter was 15 years old, her mother sent her to work as a nurse in the hospital department, where small children (up to one year old) were lying. She cleaned the wards and looked after sick children.

Lenochka (with glasses) with her family

Lena was an inquisitive child and always studied well

The beginning of the creative path

Malysheva was engaged in general education and music school. Since childhood, she was an activist, loved to sing. After graduating from school with a medal, Elena became a student at a medical institute in Kemerovo. Here, too, she excelled. In 1984, after graduating from high school, she entered the graduate school of the institute at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow.

Malysheva's maiden name is Shabunina

In 1987, Malysheva became a candidate of medical sciences. After working in the clinic as a therapist for a period, she decided to return to science and got a job as an assistant at the Department of Medical University. Until now, she sometimes lectures here.

TV presenter career

When younger son Malysheva was undergoing rehabilitation after a serious illness, she sent a written complaint to the press service of the Kemerovo administration that there were no positive and useful programs on the air. Thanks to her old friend, Elena met the editor of one of the TV channels, and he invited her to become the host of a health program. So, by chance, the future TV star ended up on television.

The start of the release of Elena Malysheva's medical programs falls on 1992. The first was the TV show "Recipe", which appeared on the Kemerovo channel. Then, in 1993, the Lazaret program was released. Her host was Malysheva. In 1994, she went to the States to improve her skills at the European Health Center.

In 1997, when Malysheva returned from America and she was chosen to host the Health program, which was again resumed on ORT. Then she became its leader. The program was broadcast on TV and radio.

The country's chief TV doctor simply and clearly explains complex processes in the body

In 2007, the presenter received membership in the Academy Russian television and defended her second dissertation. Since 2010, she has been the TV presenter of the program "Live is great!". The program is aired as part of the morning broadcast of Channel One on weekdays. Elena wrote about fifty works on health and medicine. In 2006, the TV presenter was awarded the Order of Friendship.

This is the norm!

Topic proper nutrition and all kinds of diets have always been in almost all Malysheva's programs. Therefore, within the framework of the TV program "Health", a project appeared - "Drop the excess." Spectators who want to lose weight began to participate in it. Under control, they followed a special diet, which was developed by Dr. Malysheva and other nutritionists, and also used the recommendations of the program's consultants. The results were amazing - minus fifteen kilograms per month, so the number of volunteers grew rapidly. The project is popular and in demand.

Since 2012, the TV presenter has been promoting her project - Elena Malysheva's Diet. As part of this project a brand for the production and delivery of diets for weight correction was launched. Dr. Malysheva has also written a guide book on various diets.

Personal life

The marriage of Elena Malysheva with a talented microbiologist has been going on for thirty years. According to the TV presenter, her husband has a calm and patient character, so their conflicts are rare. Disagreements between spouses sometimes arise only in matters of education. Elena admires her husband, recognizes his superiority in everything, always takes into account his comments about work. They have two adult sons. The eldest - Yuri, works with Elena on television. He is a creative producer. And Vasily, the youngest son, is engaged in jurisprudence.

Elena and her husband Igor have been married for over 30 years!

Dr. Malysheva responsibly approaches her health. She is convinced that every person should eat only healthy foods and sleep a lot. Malysheva also pays special attention to the health of loved ones. They go in for sports with the whole family, visit the pool and the sports club. Despite the difficult rhythm of life and busy work schedule, Elena still tries to spend time with her loved ones more often.

Elena Malysheva's TV shows are always interesting and positive. They touch on various health topics and carry a lot of useful information your audience.

Elena Vasilievna has two sons - Yuri and Vasily

Thank you!
My story has nothing to do with the original question.
I'm just talking about the medical education of the population and the desire medical workers in such.
Medical education of people inevitably leads to self-diagnosis. But if a person, after watching a TV program about this or that disease, compared the symptoms with his own, and, out of the simplicity of his soul, came to the doctor and directly said: I have such and such from such and such sources, the doctors rudely pull.
I understand that doctors do not need a diagnosis from a patient, but detailed description symptoms. And there are such patients that, God forbid, they will get the dead from the graves.
But in the case of an adequate, conscious patient (which there are, and quite a few), self-diagnosis has not only negative consequences, but also very positive ones: the person has accepted that he has problems and needs help, he went to the doctor and is ready to be treated. The task of the doctor is to check the correctness of the patient's guesses (roughly speaking), to refute or confirm, prescribe treatment or redirect to another specialist who can help.
So that my words are not unfounded, I can tell you how I dealt with such nonsense as hygroma. Due to the fact that I had to carry heavy weights daily during my studies, I constantly had problems with the joints in my hands. Since I was going to a red diploma, I really didn’t want to miss because of such a trifle (because I already missed so much because of more serious problems). Therefore, the simplest thing I came up with was to get into Yandex and find out what it is and how serious it is. I learned that it was a hygroma and that it was being removed. Then she snapped at me. She grew up again... And I decided to go to the doctor. That diagnosis was confirmed, he sent me to the traumatology department (not to go to bed, but it was there that such procedures were performed). They shrugged their shoulders and said that it was pointless to cut it out, that, of course, there were no problems: I went into the treatment room, picked it out and bandaged it. I modestly remarked that I had read that if it was cleaned well, there was less chance that it would grow back, but I was tired of so much pain (one thing, another ... and then there were joints), the doctor said that under it is impossible with local anesthesia, but they do not do a general hygroma removal. I was surprised to say that I read stories where hygromas are cut out under general anesthesia.
- Where did you read? In the Internet? Don't open it, it's porn pure. As is the TV.
So I go with two gigroms, but since I finished my studies, but now I can’t work and don’t carry weights, they don’t interfere with me so fundamentally.

Sorry for taking so long reading my meaningless stories.
Perhaps only I have such an experience, and in other cities everything is different!

Full name: Elena Vasilievna Malysheva

Age: 57 years old

Father: Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin

Mother: Galina Alexandrovna Morozova

Zodiac sign: ♓ Fish

Place of Birth: Russia, Kemerovo

Nationality: Russian

Growth: 168 cm

Family status: is married (Igor Yurievich Malyshev)

Children: Yuri, Vasily

Activity: TV presenter, therapist, cardiologist

Biography of Elena Malysheva

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, cardiologist and general practitioner Elena Malysheva has been explaining to Russians in a simple and understandable way for many years where diseases come from and how to deal with them. She rightfully won the unspoken title of the country's chief TV doctor.

Doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva

Elena jokingly says that Masha Rasputina sang about her in her famous song"I was born in Siberia." In this cold and harsh land, the biography of the excellent student Lenochka Shabunina began.

Malysheva family: mother and father

Malysheva Elena Vasilievna was born on March 13, 1961 in a respected family of doctors in the capital of Kuzbass - the city of Kemerovo. Elena's father, Shabunin Vasily Iosifovich, born in 1930, had Jewish origin. He worked as chief physician in one of the city hospitals in Kemerovo.

Elena Malysheva with her parents, brother and sister

Mom, Morozova Galina Alexandrovna - Russian by nationality, also a doctor by education, led the infectious diseases department in the hospital. The family had three children, and all connected their lives with medicine.

Sister and twin brother of Elena Malysheva

The elder sister, Marina Vasilievna Kostenko, lives in Tuapse, has a specialization in a neuropathologist, and manages a branch of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. Elena has a twin brother, 10 minutes older than her - Aleksey Vasilievich Shabunin, lives in Moscow, has a specialization in surgery, works as chief physician of the Botkin Clinical Hospital.

Children's photos of Elena with her twin brother Alexei

Kemerovo high school No. 19 Lena graduated with a gold medal. I was going to enter the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, but my mother imposed a taboo on journalism, even forbade her daughter to leave the house. Since Lesha's brother was going to study as a surgeon at a medical institute, Elena went to enter the university with him for company.

Career: how Elena Malysheva got on Channel One

Now, from the height of her years, Elena realized that the medical profession was the best choice in her life of all possible. She came to the work of a TV presenter and author of her programs already with a large amount of professional knowledge of a doctor.

1978-1987: medical education

In the summer of 1978, Lena passed her first exam at the Kemerovo Medical Institute with excellent marks and was immediately enrolled as a medalist. In 1984 she received a red diploma on graduation from the Faculty of Medicine.

Elena Malysheva in her youth (pictured right)

She continued her studies at the graduate school of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. She defended her dissertation in 1987 and received the degree of candidate of medical sciences. On the this moment Malysheva is a professor at the Moscow Medical and Dental University.

1989-1992: Early television career

After graduating from graduate school, Elena almost one after another gave birth to two sons. The life of a young family in a Moscow hostel was so difficult that Malysheva got a job as a doctor on duty at the capital's hospital No. 51. During the day she was with the children, and at night she was on duty in the emergency department. Then the youngest son fell seriously ill, and Elena was forced to leave for her parents in Kemerovo.

Elena Malysheva at the beginning of her career

When the child began to recover, she began teaching at the Kemerovo Medical Institute and accidentally got on local television. An old acquaintance brought Malysheva to the chief editor of the TV channel, she shared her ideas and received an invitation to host a medical program. In 1992, the program "Recipe" began to appear on the Kuzbass TV channel.

1993-1997: the road to the country's central TV channels

In 1993, the youngest son of the Malyshevs finally recovered, Elena's husband came for the family and took them from Kemerovo to Moscow. Although she offered her husband to stay in Siberia, because there was already work and her own TV show.

Igor then said to his wife: “If we don’t return to Moscow now, even to the hostel for now, you will never forgive yourself later!”

Returning to the capital, Elena began working as an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the 2nd Pirogov Medical Institute. She taught students, treated the sick, but the thought of TV did not give her rest. Still, she had already plunged into this world, so she went to the television center.

Elena Malysheva on the set of the program "Did you call the doctor?"

I found my Kemerovo fellow directors, to whom I proposed my concept of a medical program. And already in 1993, on the 6th channel of the Northern Crown television company, the first issue of the author's program Malysheva "Lazaret" was released. Since 1994, on the Delovaya Rossiya (RTR) channel, she has been broadcasting the daily program “Did you call the doctor?”.

1997-2017: work on Channel One

In 1997, the ORT TV channel decided to revive the Health program, Dr. Elena Malysheva was invited to the project as a leader, presenter and author. She still conducts this program on Sundays in morning air. As part of the program in 2009, Elena launched the Lost Too Much project, where participants lose weight in front of viewers.

Elena Malysheva in the Health program

In 2007, she became a member of the Academy of Russian Television, defended her next dissertation, and received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Since 2010, she has been the host of the morning weekday program on Channel One “Live is great!”.

Elena Malysheva in the project "Life is great!"

Since 2012, she has been promoting the Elena Malysheva Diet project on the TV channel. In many Russian cities clinics "Medical Center of Elena Malysheva" with the widest range of services were opened. It is also expanding its network of weight loss clinics around the country.

Personal life and husband of Elena Malysheva

In the personal life of Elena Malysheva, everything is stable, clear and successful. She is happy in her only marriage with Igor Yurievich Malyshev. Although she did not marry until the age of 26. As Elena says about herself, “the chances of marriage were zero for a not very beautiful, but very smart girl.” And only the father was sure that Lena would definitely meet a good man.

Wedding of Elena Malysheva

She met Igor in Moscow graduate school. Ironically, Malyshev turned out to be Elena's countryman, he comes from the city of Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region. When they started dating, Lena read the poems of her favorite poet Mayakovsky to her future husband, and he patiently listened to everything to the end. Parents really liked Igor.

Elena Malysheva with her husband Igor Malyshev

Elena herself after 30 years family life does not tire of repeating that her husband is a rare person and worthy of all praise. She is sure that she owes her success in life only to her husband. Igor Yurievich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, molecular biologist, head of the Laboratory of Cellular Biotechnologies. For his research work, he received several awards - the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation.

Sons of Elena Malysheva: Yuri and Vasily

The Malyshevs have two sons, their age difference is slightly less than three years. The brothers are very similar to each other and adopted character traits father's face.

Yuri Igorevich Malyshev

In March 1988, the couple had their first child, the son of Yura. Elena then prepared for the defense of her thesis, and planned the whole day by the minute. Pet, wash, feed your husband, give a massage to a child, play and walk with him, and be sure to do scientific work for a couple of hours.

Elena Malysheva with her sons Yuri and Vasily

When my son was ten months old, I went to work in the city hospital as an on-call therapist. Yuri continued the dynasty of doctors, he is a doctor by education, now he works on the program “Life is great!” as creative director.

Vasily Igorevich Malyshev

In December 1990, the second son Vasily was born. After his birth, Elena had to return to her parents in Kemerovo. The kid suffered from acute respiratory infections, as a result, he began to have intussusception of the intestine. The boy was operated on and rescued. Only it was difficult for a young family to exist in Moscow in the early 1990s - empty store shelves and huge queues for products.

Elena Malysheva with her youngest son Vasily

Elena's husband sent her with her sons to their homeland, it was easier under the wing of mom and dad. When Vasily fully recovered, the Malyshevs began to live together in Moscow. The youngest son did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, he chose the profession of a lawyer for himself.

How many grandchildren does Elena Malysheva have

Yura, the eldest son of a TV presenter, in the summer of 2014 married a girl named Karina, a graduate Plekhanov Academy. Elena loves her daughter-in-law and affectionately calls Karishka. She coincides with her mother-in-law in many ways - in her views on life, in responsibility for the family, in the ability to work.

Grandson of Elena Malysheva - Igor

When Yura got married, his mother did not have a drop of jealousy, but only pride that her son had chosen an intelligent, serious and educated life partner. On January 25, 2015, Yuri and Karina had a son, Igor, and Elena Malysheva became a grandmother for the first time.

Height and weight of Elena Malysheva

Viewers have been seeing Elena Malysheva on screens for more than twenty years, but few people realize that all this time she has been waging a stubborn struggle with overweight. Lena has been a plump girl since childhood, she never considered herself a beauty. But now for her age she looks great, so millions of viewers listen to her advice.

Parameters of the figure of Elena Malysheva:

  • Age: 57 years (as of December 2018)
  • Growth: 168 cm
  • The weight: 63 kg
  • Dimensions: 86/65/92
  • Foot size: 38
  • Eye color: light brown
  • Hair color: fair-haired

Elena has developed a whole system, with the help of which the participants of her project “Drop the excess” lose weight and which the presenter herself follows. Malysheva advises never to starve, as obesity of internal organs can be provoked. You need to eat your fill, but only healthy, non-caloric, natural food.

Elena Malysheva has a slim figure

Between the main meals, there must be snacks, the body needs to be fed every 2-3 hours. Don't forget to count calories. For women losing weight, Malysheva calculated the energy value per day - 1200 kcal. The doctor advises to drink plenty of water every day. The minimum norm for a day is 8 glasses.

Diet basics from Elena Malysheva

Each piece of food must be chewed 12 times. Be sure to arrange fasting days once a week (buckwheat, fruit, rice or vegetable). Move more. No diet gives 100% results without additional physical activity.

Elena tells how to lose weight fast

According to the composition of food: remove fast carbohydrates (carbonated drinks, sweets, pastries, convenience foods) and fatty foods from the daily diet. Eat more protein (lean fish, meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products and chicken eggs). Start the day with a glass of warm drinking water, it will help the body wake up and start metabolic processes.

Elena Malysheva, 2018

In 2018, Malysheva appeared in a new image, as she lost weight. Now she can be seen not only in puffy dresses and skirts, but also in elegant trouser suits. The presenter lost weight solely due to fractional nutrition; there is no place for her in her work schedule. physical activity, occasionally she gets out with her family in the pool.

How Elena Malysheva lives today

Elena's daily rise at six in the morning, at ten she is already working at full force. The program "Life is great!" does not lose ratings, but on the contrary, every year it increases its audience.

Elena Malysheva with the team of Channel One

Elena has a personal Instagram account. She publishes videos "Consultation in a Minute", where famous doctors answer questions from viewers. The practical help of her colleague on the program “Live is great!” provide consultations at the Elena Malysheva Medical Center clinic.

One of the "Medical Centers of Elena Malysheva"

Elena's television program has opponents, but there are still more supporters. Millions of viewers are grateful to her for teaching the basics of medicine. It is impossible not to recognize the fact that Malysheva is a great workaholic. Her motto is: "The harder life is, the harder it is to go crazy."

Photo: Instagram,,,

Children of Elena Malysheva- sons Yuri and Vasily were born when their parents lived in the dormitory of the Mining Institute, where she and her husband, future doctors, lived illegally. When the boys were born, Elena's mother came to help the young family, and later, when such an opportunity arose, a nanny was invited to take care of the children. When Malysheva had her first child, she was writing a dissertation, did not work, and therefore had time to do everything around the house. Sometimes her husband helped her. When Elena went to work, she got a job as a doctor on duty at the emergency department for night shifts, so that she had time to deal with the child.

With the birth of the second son Vasily, worries increased, and when, at the age of ten months, the youngest son fell ill. After he underwent surgery, Elena and her children went to her parents in Kemerovo, where at that time it was easier to live than in the capital. In those days in Moscow it was hard with food, and in the hostel the children of Elena Malysheva had a hard time. Elena's father at that time was in hometown a large leadership position, my mother worked as a pediatrician, and it was much easier to live with their help. When little Vasya recovered, Elena got a job at the Kemerovo Medical Institute. As a TV presenter, Malysheva's debut took place on Kemerovo television. Six months later, her husband came with her children and took them back to Moscow, although Elena did not really want to leave her parents, and her affairs on television were going well.
See also: Irina Muravyova, children and Larisa Guzeva, children

However, she nevertheless obeyed her husband, and then she never regretted it. When the children of Elena Malysheva grew up, they were placed in a kindergarten, and their mother began to work at the 2nd Medical Institute. Pirogov, she not only treated patients, but also taught. In the capital, Malysheva decided to continue her television career, and with the help of her fellow countrymen, she managed to get a job on the RTR television channel. Later, she was invited to America to study in a program for journalists concerning medical and environmental issues. A few years later, when the Health program began to be revived on Channel One, Elena Malysheva also took part in the competition. Thanks to her determined nature, she managed to attract attention to herself, and she began working on the main Russian television channel.

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