Congress Hall of the Plekhanov Academy.

He learned to play the guitar, like everyone else, in the yard - without really knowing any chords or notes. Soon the young man decided to become an electrician, then there was the army and the institute physical culture which the student successfully completed. During his studies, the guy participated in any amateur art - he wrote songs and performed them.

A few years later, Oleg Mityaev began working at the Philharmonic, where he performed, and then received a diploma from GITIS acting department. At the same time, he rode on tour, together with Startsev, Tarasov, Margolin and other singers.

The future People's Artist of Russia has become a face and an integral part of bard song festivals. He has released nine albums, regularly gives concerts in front of full houses, his compositions have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.


He fell in love with the stage since childhood, not a single concert in his native Taganrog was held without his magnificent soprano. But the boy dreamed of being not a singer, but a clown, so he was diligently preparing to enter the circus school. A draft board stood in his way - and so Fedor joined the ranks of the Airborne Forces.

After the army, he returned to the city, where he worked at a factory, as an electrician, and as a janitor to help his family. But at the same time he participated in local amateur performances and still tried to become part of the circus, but twice without success. For the third time, he entered the Institute of Arts in Voronezh, then settled in Youth theater. There, Arkady Raikin, who arrived, noticed him and called him to the Satyricon, where Dobronravov worked for more than ten years.

Then there was a career on television - in the programs "Six Frames" and "Two Stars", as well as the television series "Matchmakers". Now he is an Honored and People's Artist of Russia, an actor and dubbing, is engaged in dubbing cartoons and has about a hundred film roles to his credit.


At the Congress Center Plekhanov will show the rock opera "Juno and Avos" - the most famous rock opera on Russian stage. March 2 at the Congress Center. Plekhanov, the rock opera "Juno and Avos" will be shown - ... More At the Congress Center Plekhanov will show the rock opera "Juno and Avos" - the most famous rock opera on the Russian stage. March 2 at the Congress Center. Plekhanov will show the rock opera "Juno and Avos" - the most famous rock opera on the Russian stage. The authors are the outstanding Russian composer Alexei Rybnikov and the poet Andrei Voznesensky. The play was staged in the author's version by State Theater under the direction of People's Artist Russian Federation, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, composer Alexei Lvovich Rybnikov. The premiere of the rock opera "Juno and Avos" took place in 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Lenin Komsomol, and for more than 30 years it has been staged in Russia with constant success and a full house. In 1983, the famous French couturier Pierre Cardin presented the opera to the French public at the Espace Cardin Theater, and then triumphant tours around the world followed. In the summer of 2009 in France, on international festival Pierre Cardin, the theater of Alexei Rybnikov showed new production rock opera, which was a huge success. The full author's version of Alexey Rybnikov is a serious innovation in the genre of world musical theater and is designed to return the original idea of ​​the authors. AT new version operas combined the traditions of Russian sacred music, folklore, genres of mass "urban" music, with figurative, ideological and aesthetic priorities of the composer. The main emphasis is placed on the musical component of the performance. The vocal numbers were staged by the famous singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, the first performer of the main parts in the compositions of Alexei Rybnikov. Magnificent choreographic performances staged by Zhanna Shmakova (choreographer of the musicals Pinocchio, Producers, The Witches of Eastwick, The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta) make the rock opera Juno and Avos bright an unforgettable sight. Main director performance - Alexander Rykhlov, one of the best Moscow musical theater directors, known for his work in the theater, television and concert programs. The performance is performed by brilliant Moscow artists - stars new wave . In the role of Count Rezanov - actors of the theater of Alexei Rybnikov Valery Anokhin, Nikolai Drozdovsky and Nikita Pozdnyakov. The role of Conchita is performed by Alexandra Akmanova, Svetlana Bakaeva, Natalya Krestyanskikh, Yazilya Mukhametova. Also, the performance involved the leading actors of the Alexei Rybnikov Theater Alexander Pozdnyakov, Ekaterina Kulchitskaya, Yves Nabiev, Anna Kurkova, Nikolai Lyutov, Maria Savina, Yegor Nikolaev, Leonid Sivets and others. ______ Age category 12+ Beginning at 19:00 The performance in the author's version was staged by the State Theater under the direction of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, composer Alexei Lvovich Rybnikov. The premiere of the rock opera "Juno and Avos" took place in 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Lenin Komsomol, and for more than 30 years it has been staged in Russia with constant success and a full house. In 1983, the famous French couturier Pierre Cardin presented the opera to the French public at the Espace Cardin Theater, and then triumphant tours around the world followed. In the summer of 2009 in France, at the international festival of Pierre Cardin, the theater of Alexei Rybnikov showed a new production of a rock opera, which was a great success. The full author's version by Alexei Rybnikov is a serious innovation in the genre of world musical theater and is designed to return the original idea of ​​the authors. The new version of the opera combined the traditions of Russian sacred music, folklore, genres of mass "urban" music, with the figurative, ideological and aesthetic priorities of the composer. The main emphasis is placed on the musical component of the performance. The vocal numbers were staged by the famous singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, the first performer of the main parts in the compositions of Alexei Rybnikov. Magnificent choreographic performances staged by Zhanna Shmakova (choreographer of the musicals Pinocchio, Producers, The Witches of Eastwick, The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta) make the rock opera Juno and Avos a vivid and unforgettable spectacle. The main director of the performance is Alexander Rykhlov, one of the best Moscow musical theater directors, known for his work in the theater, television and concert programs. Brilliant Moscow artists, the stars of the new wave, are involved in the performance. In the role of Count Rezanov - actors of the theater of Alexei Rybnikov Valery Anokhin, Nikolai Drozdovsky and Nikita Pozdnyakov. The role of Conchita is performed by Alexandra Akmanova, Svetlana Bakaeva, Natalya Krestyanskikh, Yazilya Mukhametova. Also, the performance involved the leading actors of the Alexei Rybnikov Theater Alexander Pozdnyakov, Ekaterina Kulchitskaya, Yves Nabiev, Anna Kurkova, Nikolai Lyutov, Maria Savina, Yegor Nikolaev, Leonid Sivets and others. ______ Age category 12+ Beginning at 19:00Hide

DK Congress Center. G.V. Plekhanov is the famous metropolitan student house of culture. But at the same time, his activity can be interesting not only for students. This site has existed almost since the formation of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. It has been actively developed in Soviet time. But even today Cultural Center does not stop developing and mastering new directions of its activity. It is located in the building of the university in Stremyanny Lane not far from the Serpukhovskaya, Dobryninskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations. It is also easy to access this building with the help of ground public and private vehicles.

This site was created for cultural and creative development students. For many years, various student circles and studios have been constantly functioning on it. Absolutely free of charge, students of this university can master various dances, vocal techniques, acting skills and other skills. The House of Culture and its students take part in local and interuniversity events and competitions. Students also actively participate in national and international creative projects. Many of the teams educational institution gained fame outside. Also, seminars and meetings are often organized here, both for teachers and students. In addition, the posters of this place in recent times constantly full of events that may seem interesting to the outside public. In this contemporary scene with high-quality lighting and sound equipment, concerts of popular variety performers and representatives of academic music. Sometimes in the DC Congress Center. G.V. Plekhanov, you can order tickets for theatrical entreprise and other performances. Also, this place can host children's New Year's or educational projects. KVN games, popular with the youth of the country, are also held here. The venue is suitable for performances by popular comedians. It also organizes creative evenings well-known representatives country arts and more.

Currently, the student cultural center has great importance, both for this higher educational institution and for the entire Russian student body. In addition, the site is rapidly gaining a different audience in the country. It regularly hosts events that are interesting to various adults and young people.

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