Speech to Raikin at the Congress of theatrical figures. Konstantin Raikin made a diatribe against false patriots

At the seventh congress of the Union of Theater Workers, he called for guild solidarity and for the fight against prohibitions and censorship, which, in his opinion, are becoming more and more visible in the country. Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov responded by saying that censorship and government orders should not be confused.

Konstantin Raikin. Photo: Pavel Smertin/TASS

He didn't seem to say anything new. Everyone has known about the scandals with the closing of the Sturges exhibition or the disruption of certain performances by Orthodox activists for a long time. Despite this, everyone is discussing Raikin's speech. Here is what the artistic director of Lenkom Mark Zakharov says.

director, artistic director of the Lenkom Theater“This is a rather bold and unexpected – such a surge of emotions probably occurs in our society – a time that is not entirely clear to me, when pseudo-ideological pressure on art, exhibitions, and theaters intensifies. And we have witnessed several such very unpleasant actions. But this suddenly broke out, this also worries me very much, and Konstantin Raikin, in my opinion, spoke very emotionally about this. I am entirely on his side."

One of the notable statements belongs to the leader of the Night Wolves, Alexander Surgeon Zaldostanov. He literally said: "These Raikins want to turn Russia into a sewer." Oleg Tabakov spoke vaguely about Raikin's speech, but clearly did not support the head of the Satyricon.

artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov"Commissioned new theater Moskovsky, in two years the branch will be put into operation Art Theater. I'm not a good guy, but I'm doing business! Working! I never considered Kostya an idler, but, speaking seriously, I once again address you to Chekhov, the character is Professor Serebryakov, who says: “The thing must be done, gentlemen! Gotta do the job!"

Director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky, like Raikin, is concerned about the dictatorship of the crowd: if it was possible to explain something to the regional committee censors, then the mass of offended citizens is gone. Raikin's performance is commented by the artistic director of the School modern play Joseph Reichelgauz.

Joseph Reichelgauzartistic director of the School of Contemporary Drama“How can I say, what is it all to compare with? Compared to the hardest times Soviet power when for any play, when for any entrance to the stage it was necessary to obtain permission, then we live in complete freedom, in complete democracy. But if at the same time you look at the fact that a certain curator is in charge of the theater, and this curator is most often a poorly educated girl who, based on her ideas, begins to dictate to Konstantin Raikin the rules for creating, composing a work, well then this is madness, and we will lose that what we have today."

The most violent opponents of Raikin write: he wants money. Last week, the head of the Satyricon complained that the theater was on the verge of closing due to a lack of funds.

At the All-Russian Theater Forum STD held on October 24, the performance of the artistic director of the Satirikon Theater Konstantin Raikin caused the greatest resonance. In his emotional 10-minute speech, interrupted several times by applause, Konstantin Arkadyevich said that he was especially worried today, and in fact, he opposed even such a subspecies of censorship as the struggle of officials for morality in art. Later, many congress delegates said that they subscribed to Raikin's words and fully shared his position. "Teatral" gives this performance in full.

"Now I will speak a little eccentrically, because I'm from rehearsal, I still have an evening performance, and I internally kick my legs. I'm used to coming to the theater in advance and preparing for the performance that I will play. And it's also quite difficult for me to speak calmly on the topic, which I want to touch on. Firstly, today, October 24, is the 105th anniversary of the birth of Arkady Raikin. I congratulate you all on this date. And, you know, I will tell you this: when my father realized that I would become an artist, he taught me of one thing. He put into my mind an important thing called guild solidarity. That is, it is ethics in relation to colleagues doing the same thing with you. And, it seems to me, now is the time for us to remember about it.

I am very disturbed (I think, like all of you) by the phenomena that occur in our lives. These, so to speak, "attacks" on art and theater in particular. These are completely lawless, extremist, impudent, aggressive [statements], hiding behind words about morality, about morality, and in general with all sorts of good and lofty words: “patriotism”, “Motherland” and “high morality”. These groups of allegedly offended people who close performances, close exhibitions, act impudently, to whom the authorities are somehow very strangely neutral - they distance themselves from them ... It seems to me that these are ugly encroachments on freedom of creativity, on the prohibition of censorship. And the ban on censorship (I don’t know how anyone feels about this) is the greatest event of secular significance in the artistic, spiritual life of our country ... In our country, this curse and the centuries-old shame of our culture, our art, was finally banned.

And what is happening now? I see how obviously itchy hands of someone to change everything and return it back. Moreover, to return us not just to the times of stagnation, but even to more ancient times - to Stalin's times. Because our bosses talk to us in such a Stalinist lexicon, such Stalinist attitudes, that you just can't believe your ears! This is what representatives of the authorities say, my immediate superiors, Mr. Aristarkhov (First Deputy Minister of Culture. - “T”) talk like that. Although it generally needs to be translated from Aristarchic into Russian. It's just a shame that a person speaks like that on behalf of the Ministry of Culture.

We sit and listen to it. Why can't we all speak together?

I understand that we have theatrical business different traditions. We are very divided. We have little interest in each other. But this is half the trouble. The main thing is that there is such a vile manner - to rivet and slander at each other. I think this is simply unacceptable! Guild solidarity, as my father taught me, obliges each of us, a theater worker (whether an artist or a director), not to speak badly in the media about each other and in the instances on which we depend. You can be as creative as you want to disagree with some director, artist - write him an angry text message, write him a letter, wait for him at the entrance, tell him. But there is no need to interfere with the media and make it available to everyone. Because our feuds, which will definitely be, creative disagreement, indignation - this is normal. But when we fill newspapers and magazines and television with this, it only plays into the hands of our enemies. That is, those who want to bend art to the interests of power. Small concrete ideological interests. We, thank God, have freed ourselves from this.

I remember: we all come from the Soviet regime. I remember this shameful idiocy! That's the reason, the only reason I don't want to be young, I don't want to go back there again. And they make me read this vile book again. Because, as a rule, very low goals are covered with words about morality, the Motherland, the people and patriotism. I do not believe these groups of indignant and offended people who, you see, have offended their religious feelings. I do not believe! I believe they are paid. So it's a bunch of nasty people who fight in illegal nasty ways for morality, you see.

When photos are poured over with urine - is this a struggle for morality, or what?

Generally not necessary public organizations fight for morality in art. Art itself has enough filters from directors, artistic directors, critics, spectators, the soul of the artist himself. They are the bearers of morality. There is no need to pretend that power is the only bearer of morality and morality. This is not true. In general, there are so many temptations in power! There are so many temptations around it that smart power pays art for the fact that art holds a mirror in front of it and shows in this mirror the mistakes, miscalculations and vices of this power. Here is a smart power for IT pays him. And the authorities are not paying for this, as our leaders tell us: “We pay you money, you do what you need to do.” Who knows? Will they know what to do? Who will speak to me? Now I hear: “These are values ​​that are alien to us. It's bad for the people." Who decides? Will they decide? They shouldn't interfere at all. They should help art, culture.

Actually, I think that we need to unite. We need to spit and forget for a while about our subtle artistic reflections in relation to each other. I can dislike a certain director as much as I like, but I will lay down my bones so that they let him speak. This is me repeating the words of Voltaire in general. Practically. Well, because so high human qualities I have. Do you understand? In general, in fact, if not joking, then I think everyone will understand this. This is normal: there will be dissenters, there will be outraged.

For once, our theater workers meet with the president. These meetings are infrequent. I would say decorative. But still they happen. And there you can solve serious problems. No. For some reason, here too, proposals begin to establish a possible boundary for the interpretation of the classics. Well, why would the president set this border? Well, why is he in these cases ... He should not understand this at all. He doesn't understand, and he doesn't need to understand. And in general, why set this limit? Who will be the border guard on it? Aristarkhov… Well, don’t… Let them interpret it… Someone will be outraged – great.

In general, a lot of interesting things happen in the theater. And mass interesting performances. I think it's good. Different, controversial, beautiful! No, for some reason we want to again ... We slander each other, sometimes denounce - just like that, we slander. And again we want to the cell. Why in a cage again? "To censorship, let's!" Don't, don't! Lord, what are we losing and giving up conquests ourselves? What are we illustrating of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who said: "Just deprive us of guardianship, we will immediately ask for guardianship back." Well, what are we? Well, is he really such a genius that he snitched on us a thousand years in advance? About our, so to speak, servility.

I suggest: guys, we need to speak clearly on this matter. Regarding these closures, otherwise we are silent. Why are we silent all the time? Shows are closed. Banned "Jesus Christ Superstar". God! "No, it offended someone." Yes, offend someone and what?!

And our unfortunate church, which has forgotten how it was persecuted, priests were destroyed, crosses were torn down and vegetable stores were made in our churches, is starting to act by the same methods now. This means that Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was right when he said that the authorities should not be united with the church, otherwise it begins not to serve God, but to serve the authorities. What are we in to a large extent and we observe.

And do not be afraid that the church will be indignant. That is OK! You don't have to close everything right away. Or, if they close, you need to react to it. We are together. Here they tried to do something with Borey Milgram in Perm. Well, somehow we stood on end and put him back in his place. Can you imagine? Our government has taken a step back. Being stupid, I took a step back and corrected this stupidity. This is amazing. It's so rare and atypical. We did it. Gathered together and suddenly spoke out.

It seems to me that now, in a very hard times, very dangerous, very scary ... It is very similar ... I will not say what. But you understand. We need to come together and fight back very clearly."

Note that the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov commented on Konstantin Raikin's statement on censorship. "Censorship as such is unacceptable. This topic has been repeatedly discussed at meetings of the president with representatives of the theater and cinema community," he said.

Peskov recalled the difference between productions created with public money and those created with the involvement of other sources of funding. According to the press secretary of the president, when allocating funds, the state has the right to designate a theme. "This is not censorship, it should not be confused with a government order," he stressed. The main thing is not to violate the main provisions of the current legislation, Peskov noted. As an example, he cited the topic of extremism, writes Gazeta.Ru.

Also, the statement of Konstantin Raikin was commented on by the leader of the "Night Wolves" Alexander Zaldostanov. "The devil always seduces with freedom! And under the guise of freedom, these Raikins want to turn the country into a sewer through which sewage would flow," he said. In an interview with NSN, the biker stressed that he would do everything to protect Russia from "American democracy."

Those present for guild solidarity and the fight against prohibitions and censorship, which, in his opinion, are becoming more and more visible in the country.

“I am very disturbed - I think, like all of you - by the phenomena that occur in our lives. These, so to speak, raids on art, on the theater in particular. These are completely lawless, extremist, impudent, aggressive, hiding behind words about morality, about morality, and in general all sorts of, so to speak, good and lofty words: “patriotism”, “Motherland” and “high morality”. These groups of allegedly offended people who close performances, close exhibitions, behave very brazenly, to whom, in a very strange way, the authorities are neutral - they distance themselves. It seems to me that this is an ugly encroachment on the freedom of creativity, on the prohibition of censorship, ”said the actor. He is sure that the prohibition of censorship is the greatest event of the century. The actor also said that he does not believe the offended feelings of many activists who allegedly commit immoral acts and “pursue low goals” in the struggle for morality.

Colleagues of Konstantin Raikin in the workshop reacted vividly to his speech. artistic director Provincial Theater Sergey Bezrukov in conversation with Metro said , that, in his opinion, in art there should be only internal censorship of the artist and no other. “The eternal Russian “No matter what happens”, unfortunately, sometimes progresses and takes on monstrous forms. The system of prohibitions sometimes destroys everything in its path, the wood is cut, the chips fly,” he said.

The position of Konstantin Raikin was supported by Evgeny Pisarev, artistic director of the Pushkin Theater: “I consider the main thing in Raikin’s speech to be a call for guild solidarity. We are terribly divided. We do not understand that people from the outside are using our internal strife against us ... And today we see the same intolerance and aggression towards a different view in art.

Artistic Director of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov, in turn, noted: “It was an impulse associated with the theme of a certain power of darkness approaching us, which has already materialized in a number of actions. He called for consolidation against absolutely wild bans that fall on art, on exhibitions, on theaters ... ".

Kirill Serebryannikov, the artistic director of the Gogol Center expressed confidence that the customers of the theater are not officials, but society: “Who monitors the quality of the product made? Society. It simply does not buy tickets for bad performances, does not go to bad theaters, does not accept poor work. No official has the right to decide what kind of art should be - pleasing or not pleasing, protest or safe. Everything is decided by the viewer. Moreover, we often talk about culture and art. In this case, we are talking about art - about the work of an artist, director, creator.

In an interview with NSN CEO State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky called Raikin's statements about censorship in the country premature, but supported his fears of "mob dictate". “Censorship is always dictate. The dictate of power or the dictate of the crowd. In our country, everything is now moving towards the dictatorship of the crowd, that even the government is beginning to be built. The crowd begins to say: we want this and that. If it was possible to cope with the obkom censors, something to come, to explain. Not always, but the intelligentsia knew how to get around these things. But the dictatorship of the crowd is terrible,” the director of the Hermitage believes.

At the same time, Mikhail Piotrovsky is convinced that there is no censorship in Russia yet: “We have not yet come to the old days. I would not say that we have censorship, it is just emerging.” According to him, only the state can save culture from the transformation of “pseudo-understandable democracy into the dictate of power”, no matter how paradoxical it may sound: “There is only one remedy for this - this is a broad discussion and a certain protection of culture. And that is the function of the state.”

The performance of the actor was commented on by representatives of the authorities. Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said in particular : “Censorship is unacceptable. This topic has been repeatedly discussed at meetings of the president with representatives of the theatrical and cinematographic community. But at the same time, it is necessary to clearly differentiate those productions and works that are staged or filmed with state money or with the involvement of some other sources of funding, ”Peskov said during a conversation with reporters (quoted by Interfax).

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, meanwhile, was surprised by the words of Konstantin Raikin. “We were very surprised by the words of Konstantin Arkadyevich Raikin both about the possible closure of the theater and about the presence of “censorship”, “attacks” on theaters. Theatrical figures have no grounds for such statements,” said the Deputy Minister of Culture Alexander Zhuravsky.

“I note that we do not demand anything related to creative indicators, we do not interfere in artistic activity, we do not control the choice theatrical plays, materials. But at the same time, we want economic indicators to improve,” Zhuravsky said.

In response to message No. 7 from Anatoly: REVOLT OF CONTAINERS. IRINA VASINA.
Publication date: October 25, 2016, 19:45.
Luxurious and funny performance by Konstantin Raikin at the congress of the Union of Theater Workers touched and caused a storm of conflicting feelings ... like the luxurious and miserable life of Marguerite Gauthier, the famous La dame avec les camlias ....
The beauty of this situation lies in two things:
First - imagine as if a kept woman, the same Margarita, or a modern diva - would make claims to the patron for interference in her life, tips, limiting contacts with other men. And if the lady of the demimonde resented the punishment for adultery. Represented? Most likely, she would have gone from hand to hand, would have been thrown out to another “fan of“ talent ”, with the sad continuation of such behavior, she would have been written off in circulation.
But our artists and creators are not like that! Are you out of your mind, right?! Being almost completely on state support (I don’t want to amaze the reader’s imagination with the amounts transferred annually for the maintenance of theaters), I don’t want to think about the amount allocated to the Satyricon .... Somewhere read many times “and how many kindergartens could be built ...” climbs into my head. So, being on state support, the head of the Satyricon theater strictly demands:
“There is no need for public organizations to fight for morality in art!” - Excuse me, citizen Raikin, but due to the taxes paid by this society, you actually exist, data on the self-sufficiency of your theater (as, in fact, most Moscow theaters) have not been widely available.
"Art in itself has enough filters" - Hm, hm ... sorry - what? What moral filters did you, citizen Raikin, see in the Viktyuk theater, for example? Are there many moral filters in Bogomolov's performances? So many that in this article I will not undertake to describe what is happening in them.
Many of your colleagues openly extol the "artist"-actionist Pyotr Pavlensky. That brave man who nailed the most sensitive parts of his own body to Red Square, cut off his earlobe in front of the Serbsky Institute and set fire to the door of the FSB. "Pyotr Pavlensky! Bravo. Another ingenious theatrical gesture. “The burning door of the Lubyanka is a glove thrown by society in the face of the terrorist threat. The Federal Security Service operates by a method of continuous terror and holds power over 146,000,000 people. Fear turns free people into a clump of disparate bodies." This is how, in unison with you, the former actress of your theater Ksenia Larina comes out on Facebook on November 9, 15. If this is what your “art” calls filters, then you want to look for another art. Or other filters.
In connection with the foregoing, your phrase is especially pleasing - "... one should not pretend that the authorities are the only bearer of morality ...". I don’t know, citizen Raikin, how it is in power, but if you consider the above to be moral, the authorities believe in the presence of morality more than you do. At least, its representatives are not happy with your filters.
Full text: http://news-front.info/2016/10/25/bunt-soderzhanok-irina-vasina/.

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