Synopsis of an open lesson in fiction in the middle group of a kindergarten, the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotukha. Summary of the lesson on the section "Reading fiction"

Region Integration:"Reading fiction”, “Communications”, “Cognition”, “Health”.

Target: develop a sense of justice.


  • Educational: continue to work on the formation of interest in the book; help to learn the sequence of actions of the characters of the fairy tale with the help of illustrations; learn to correctly name the author and the title of the work; to improve knowledge on the topic "Fruits".
  • Developing: develop the ability to listen carefully to fairy tales; using different techniques, develop the ability to correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its heroes, evaluate the actions of the heroes; develop ideas about literary genres; enrich the vocabulary on the topic.
  • Educational: educate the emotional-figurative perception of the text; to form the concepts of "friendship", "kindness", "justice", to cultivate the desire to act in justice.

Equipment: Karkusha doll, apple, V. Suteev's fairy tale "Apple" with illustrations,

Preliminary work: conversations with children about fruits; reading a poem by W. Rashid "Our Garden"; guessing riddles about fruits; coloring apples; exercise "Our garden", didactic game"The fourth extra"; finger gymnastics“Compote”, exercise “Hedgehog and Drum”, “Squeezing Juice”, speech-motor game “We walked in the garden ...”;

Lexical work:

  • wild apple tree apple tree that grows in the forest.
  • curled up in a ball lie down bent over.
  • Waking up - not quite awake.
  • Kicked - kick, kick.
  • Roar - about animals, shouting loudly and abruptly.
  • Divide into equal parts - everyone is the same.
  • Taught the mind - told me how to do it right.
  • Fair - correct, true (reflects reality).
  • Reasoned fairly - rightly decided.

Lesson progress

1. Surprise moment.

Karkusha arrives and brings an apple as a gift to the children.

Karkusha asks the children: “Which apple?”

Children's answers: "Big, ripe, ruddy, fragrant, sweet, tasty, healthy, yellow." Karkusha doesn't like the children's answers. She answers herself: "One and only."

Educator: “How can we be? There are many children, but one apple.

Karkusha: "Here, read V. Suteev's fairy tale "Apple" and find out how you should be."

2. Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Apple".

First reading of the story.

Conversation on:

  1. Did you like the fairy tale?
  2. What was the name of the story and who wrote it?
    V. Suteev was not only a writer, he was also an artist and drew pictures for his fairy tales, which are called illustrations. These are the pictures V. Suteev drew for the fairy tale "Apple".
  3. Do you remember the heroes of the fairy tale? (Hare, Crow, Hedgehog, Bear).
  4. Why did the Hare, Crow and Hedgehog quarrel? (Because of the apple).
  5. Who reconciled our friends? (Medved, Mikhail Ivanovich).

3. Physical minutes.

We were walking in the garden...

We walked through the garden, walked, walked. The children are walking.
Found an apple tree in the garden. Depict a tree.
Does it have bananas on it? (No, not bananas.)
Are there plums on it? (No, not plums.)
Are there pears on it? (No, don't be pears.)
There are apples on it They fold their fists, spread their arms to the sides.
They ask them to break the guys. "Throw" hands down.
The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, Make tilts left and right, arms up.
ripe apples plucks from the tree. "Throw" hands down.
Apples fall from the branches onto the paths. They squat, bang their fists on their knees.
We will help the apples: put Get up.
Them in a basket.
Take apples from the ground Place the fist of one hand on the palm of the other.
And put it in a bowl.

"Hedgehog and Drum".

A hedgehog walks with a drum Marching in a circle, playing the drum.
Boom Boom Boom!
Hedgehog plays all day
Boom Boom Boom!
With a drum behind my shoulders They walk in a circle, hands behind their backs.
Boom Boom Boom!
The hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident,
Boom Boom Boom!
He loved apples very much, With one hand or the other they bring an apple.
Boom Boom Boom!
He forgot the drum in the garden, They shrug their hands.
Boom Boom Boom!
Apples fell at night Hands on the belt, jumping in place.
Boom Boom Boom!
And the blows were heard Jumping.
Boom Boom Boom!
The hares were terrified They make "ears", squat, tremble.
Boom Boom Boom!
They didn’t close their eyes until dawn, They close their eyes with their hands.
Boom Boom Boom!

Exercise "Squeeze the juice."

Children squeeze, unclench their fists, saying:
Fruits we press, we press, we press, we squeeze.
Pour tasty juice into a cup. "Pour" from one cam to another.
Oh! What flavorful juice! Inhale through the nose, while exhaling we pronounce.

4. Second reading of the tale.

The teacher reads the story for the second time. Conducts extensive conversations.

  1. Who saw the apple? (Hare).
  2. Who plucked the apple? (Crow).
  3. Who caught the apple? (Hedgehog).
  4. Why did the heroes quarrel and even fight? (Everyone believed that the apple was his, no one wanted to give in).
  5. Who was asked to help? (Bear). What was his name? (Mikhail Ivanovich).
  6. Why do you think Bear? (The biggest, smartest).
  7. What did Mikhail Ivanovich judge? (Everyone is right and everyone should get the apple).
  8. How can I be one? (Divide into equal parts).
  9. Why did the Bear get an apple? (He reconciled everyone and taught the mind-reason).

The result of the conversation: there is no need to quarrel with friends and fight, you need to call for help, he will tell you, judge fairly, and will not offend anyone.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, did you understand how we should deal with Karkusha's gift, with an apple?

Children: It is necessary to divide the apple into equal parts.

The teacher divides the apple among all the children and treats. Praises the children for carefully listening to the tale, the correct answers.

Continue to acquaint children with the work of other nations. To expand knowledge about the life of the peoples of the north. To acquaint with the life of the people of the north. Cultivate love and respect for the mother. Learn to analyze artistic text from point of view moral problems. Work on developing the skill of dialogic expressive reading.



MBDOU "Lyambirsky kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type"

Summary of classes on reading fiction.

Fairy tale "Ayoga"

Educator: Isaeva F.V.

Objectives: To continue to acquaint children with the work of other nations. To expand knowledge about the life of the peoples of the north. To acquaint with the life of the people of the north. Cultivate love and respect for the mother. Learn to analyze a literary text from the point of view of moral problems. Work on developing the skill of dialogic expressive reading.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? I love them very much too. Now let's close our eyes and find ourselves in fairy tales.

Once in a fairy tale, suddenly, we turn around.
Turn one and two together let's make friends.
Surprisingly all around: here is Koschey and Cat's house.
We will go along the path. We will find the magical oak.
We look up and down, the miracle of the oak rose up.
The stars are shining in the dark sky, the waves are splashing in the blue sea.
But it's time to return, so as not to stay in a fairy tale.
Things are waiting for us in the kindergarten, it's time for us to return.
And now, guys, go to the chairs, sit down. (The teacher offers to take each child a mirror). In the course of the poem, the children perform a facial massage.
I look in the mirror, smile, get upset.
I will draw two paths, I will put dots on the cheeks.
I'll fold my lips with a tube, I'm more beautiful than everyone, I'll see!

Guys, do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? (Answers of children). - Guys, look at yourself in the mirror and tell us about yourself. What are you? (Children look and tell!)

Do you think it's good or bad to look in the mirror often? Why it is good? (You put yourself in order, comb your hair, wash your face, tie a bow, etc.)

Why is it bad? (You can spend a lot of time at the mirror, admire yourself, not have time to do the necessary and important things: help mom, dad, grandmother, etc.)

Guys, a mirror is a very useful item, but it must be handled with care. If you admire yourself a lot, then trouble will happen. Today we will get acquainted with this fairy tale. Listen to the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga” about a girl who loved to admire herself very much, although she didn’t even have a mirror.

Nanais - peoples Far East. The Nanais are usually below average height, with broad, flat, swarthy faces, flattened noses, and strongly protruding cheekbones. The eyes are narrow, the hair is black, straight and coarse; beard and mustache rare. Men braided their hair on their heads in 1 braid, women in two. The upper shoulder garment was a robe, in the form of a kimono. A birch bark conical hat served as a headdress in summer.

They were mainly engaged in catching fish and almost ate it alone. The fish was harvested in summer and autumn, then dried for the winter for themselves and for dogs. They are excellent hunters. Made from finely crafted and painted leather big fish and the furs of beasts they made their clothes. They also collected wild berries, apples, from which they boiled thick sweet and sour juice, which was well preserved all winter. The Nanai settlements were of two types: permanent and seasonal. For driving, the Nanais used exclusively dog ​​sleds.

Storytelling with illustrations.

The teacher offers the children two drawings depicting girls.

Guys, look carefully and tell me which one is similar to Ayoga. What was she like? (lazy, cunning, impudent, angry, rude, ill-mannered, proud, not attentive to people).
What about the girl next door? (Kind, sympathetic, attentive, generous, hardworking, disinterested, obedient, polite, affectionate).
Why did mom give the cake to the neighbor girl?- What did the mother ask her daughter? (Bring water.)

How did Ayoga do it? (I began to make excuses, I found many reasons not to go.) 3 girls will help us remember how it was. Fairy tale dramatization.

What is Ayogi's mother like? (Patient, hardworking, wise, fair...)

Who helped the mother? (Neighbor girl.)

Did the mother do the right thing not to feed her own daughter, but to give the cake to the neighbor's girl? Why? (Answers of children).

- The mother was right. The people have wise proverb: "As it comes around, it will respond." Guys, I asked you at home to pick up proverbs about work, kindness, help, let's listen to them now.

(Children's answers)

“Life is given for good deeds”, “It is not clothes that make a person beautiful, but his good deeds.” ; “A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.”; “Don’t drink water from your face”; "Every person in the case is known."; "Without labor there is no good"; “A small deed is better than a big idleness”; “Live for people, people will live for you”; "Work feeds, but laziness spoils" ...

Good is good, but bad is bad.
Do not look high: you will powder your eye.
To be lazy and walk - you can’t see good.
Don't judge by appearance, but by deeds.

Well done! They made me very happy, I hope no one will look like the girl Ayoga?

Continue the sentence:
I will commend my friend for...
Now go to the tables and take a sheet of paper. Hand warm-up:
One, two, three, four, five, we will crumple a piece of paper
We will crumple the paper, develop our pens
Let's take the right hand and shake it a little
We give to the left handle
Let's take the left hand and shake it again
And again, we shake a little and quickly put it on the table.
Sit down at the tables and now we will make a goose by folding paper. How else can it be called? (origami). (Or do magic: put crumpled papers into a box and from there get ready-made origami geese and offer to decorate them)

Put this goose at home in front of the mirror and do not forget the story about the girl Ayoga.
Guys, you guys did a great job.

Abstract of a lesson on reading fiction

in preschool group

Educational situation “Children get acquainted with the story of V.A. Oseeva "Why"

Vershinin Natalya Alexandrovna,

teacher 1 sq. categories

MADOU No. 3 "Morozko", Severodvinsk

Program content:

To bring children to the perception of a work of art, understanding the author's intention;

Create conditions for children to comprehend the content of the text and the meaning of proverbs;

Lead children to understanding moral sense story, to a motivated assessment of the actions of the characters;

To consolidate the ability of children to answer questions in a full sentence, using words and phrases from the text; the ability to conduct a dialogue;

Strengthen the ability to view illustrations;

Develop auditory perception, attention, logical thinking; ability to work in subgroups;

To cultivate the ability to listen to a long story, reason, listen to the answers of others, not interrupting, but supplementing;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards loved ones, empathy.

Dictionary: photographic card.

Materials: exhibition of books by V.A. Oseeva, portrait of the author, appendix - multimedia presentation“Illustrations for the story”, rebus “Collect a proverb” (from letters made using plasticine application), didactic game “Collect a proverb” (from words).

Preliminary work: reading the works of V. Oseeva, plasticine application "Letters" (priming).

Methodical methods: organizational moment, explanation by the educator of new words, expressive reading a story by a teacher, a conversation about what was read, looking at illustrations, a rebus “Collect a proverb”, a didactic game “Collect a proverb” (from words), a physical minute.


Guys, my daughter and I went to the children's library yesterday and met a boy there who was reading a book and was very upset. We asked him what happened to him. It turned out that the boy was worried about what happened to the hero from the book by Valentina Oseeva. Of course, the librarian offered to take this book to our kindergarten. Do you want to hear this story? (children go to places )

Please note that in our group we have an exhibition of books by V. Oseeva, which we have already read. Do you remember that Valentina Oseeva wrote her books a long time ago, when your grandparents were very young? (pay attention to the exhibition and the portrait of the writer )

What stories do you remember, what are they about? ("Magic Word", "Blue Leaves", "Three Comrades", "Just an Old Woman"; all stories about children, friendship, kindness, etc. )

The story is called Why. Let me first explain to you the unfamiliar words that you will hear in the story.

Card, photographic card That's what photography used to be called.

Reading the story by the teacher. Conversation.

- What is the name of the story?

- Who are the main characters?

What happened at the beginning of the story? Who really broke the cup?

Why was mom so upset about the broken cup? (cup - memory of dad )

What did mom say when she heard the sound of a broken cup? (read excerpt

"-What is it? Who is it? Mom knelt down and covered her face with her hands. Dad's cup... dad's cup... she repeated bitterly. )

Do you think Mom figured out who really broke the cup? Was she in the kitchen and didn't see anything?

- Did she try to help her son tell the truth? (She repeated twice: “Are you very scared?” And then: "If you accidentally ..." )

By what words in the story did you understand that the mother was very upset because of the deceit of her son?

Let me read how the author writes about it. ("Her face darkened, and then she thought about something. »; « Mom's face turned pink, even her neck and ears turned pink. She got up. - Boom will not come to the room anymore, he will live in a booth .»)

What do you think mom might be thinking? (Maybe she thought: “Why can’t my son confess?”, “Will he really become a deceiver?” )

Why didn't the boy immediately tell his mother the truth?

What would you do?

How did Boom behave after he was kicked out of the house?

How did the boy behave, what did he think? What happened at night? (rain, strong wind )

- What feelings did you have for the dog when it was kicked out of the house into the yard?

Why did the boy not sleep himself and woke up his mother at night?

Do you think Boom forgave the boy? What is it expressed in? (Excerpt from text:“The boom dried my tears with a cold, rough tongue ... He thought: “Why did they kick me out into the yard, why did they let me in and caress me now?” )

Is it okay to cheat on friends? (The dog is man's best friend. So the boy put the blame on his friend. )

Children, you are a little tired, let's rest.


I ask you to rise - this is "one".

The head turned - it's "two".

Hands to the side, look forward - this is "three".

On "four" - jump.

Press two hands to the shoulders - this is "five".

All the guys sit down quietly - this is "six".

Working with illustrations

Now I invite you to look at the illustrations for this story and remember which parts of the story they convey. (The boy broke the cup, Boom, mom is upset, Boom is outside, the boy feels sorry for Boom, it starts to rain, strong wind, the boy cannot sleep, wakes up his mom, Boom is at home ). Guys, look, in this illustration we see dad's card. (on the first - on the wall ) - a conversation on illustrations.

Tell me, is this how you imagined the characters in the story, or in some other way?

And now you need to split into 2 groups and complete tasks.

Group 1 collects a proverb from the words printed on the cards - “Bitter truth is better than sweet lies” (on reverse side cards are numbered - a sequence of words in a proverb).

Group 2 collects a proverb from pre-prepared letters - “The light is not nice when there is no friend.” (see Attachment)

Do you think the proverbs fit this story?

Guys, what does this story teach us? (You can't lie to your parents, you can't put the blame on others . It is important to be honest and not be afraid to admit your actions to loved ones. . I agree with you guys. And I want to tell you that every person has the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to find in time the right decision, fix your mistake. )

What new word did you learn today? (photographic card )

We will return the book to the library. Let's take another interesting story.

You are great today! Especially tried (children's names) ....


Integrated GCD "Reading Fiction".

Author: Lyubov Grigoryevna Zaitseva, teacher of the Idritskaya secondary school, preschool department of the Smile kindergarten, Pskov region, Sebezh district.

Description: This session was held to share experiences educational work with older children in a team of teachers kindergarten.
In it we tried to combine different types children's activities, especially since a lot of preliminary work has been done.
Purpose: The summary may be useful to educators working with children of older preschool age.

Abstract open class. NOD "Reading Fiction" in senior group kindergarten.

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity".
Topic: Vitaly Bianchi "Whose nose is better?" Russian illustrators folk tales: Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev and Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov.
Target: Acquaintance with illustrations by artists E. Rachev and Yu. Vasnetsov, initial letter.
- learn to compare illustrations of artists, paint a letter;
- to form a positive attitude towards the book;
- Cultivate a love of reading books.
Preliminary work:
-excursion to the library;
- organization of book exhibitions in the group;
- making bookmarks for books;
- Comparison of books for adults and for children.
Materials and manuals:
- book by V. Bianki "Whose nose is better?" with illustrations by E. Rachev, portrait of the writer;
- books of Russian folk tales with illustrations by artists E. Rachev and Y. Vasnetsov, portraits of artists, individual illustrations;
-sheets with a contour of letters;
-wax crayons;
- pencils, felt-tip pens;
-tape recorder, audio recording.

Vocabulary work: illustrations, illustrator, initial letter.

The children are busy playing and have already been warned that the games must end.
-Dili-dong, bom - bom,
We collect all the toys
Who will not collect -
With us will not go to read!
Children gather at the teacher's table.
Educator: Guys, you know a lot of mysteries. Now I'll give you another one.
Not a bush, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but sewn.
Not a person, but tells!
Children: Book!
Educator: Sit comfortably, today we will read the book by V. Bianchi “Whose nose is better?” (Shows children a portrait of the writer).
Reading the book, looking at the illustrations along the text.
(As part of this lesson, the reading of the book was carried out until the words: “Miracles!” said the flycatcher - How many noses I saw!)
Educator: Children, did you like the story? Let's look at the illustrations again.
Child: The birds are talking to each other.
Educator: Yes, they communicate. Their character, features of the beak (nose) are clearly expressed. What do you think, what kind of character is Mukholov - thin-nosed?
Child: Curious, asks everything.
Educator: Indeed, he is curious!

Children, the drawings for this book were drawn by an artist you know E. Rachev (Portrait of an Artist).
Before, we considered his illustrations for Russian folk tales.
Remember, he reveals the characters of the characters with the help of clothes (draws attention to the book of Russian folk tales).
Educator: Let's continue with our book.

Here is a crossbill, he points with his paw at his nose. His nose is crooked.
Child: What is the name of this bird?
Educator: Snipe - weevil! His nose is long, "like a pencil"!
Here are two more birds - their noses are as thin as an awl!
Child: And this is a duck!
Educator: Not just a duck, but a broad-nosed one, as the author called it.
Child: Nose wide?
Educator: Yes!

All birds have different noses, and each of them needs just one! A pelican to catch fish and put it in a "bag", and a woodpecker ...
Child: To heal trees!
Educator: That's right, and to hollow out a hollow - to make housing "for yourself and for other birds."
Educator: Illustrating this book about birds, the artist decided to show us their conversations - it is clear that the birds communicate.
(Reflections of children).
The teacher offers two children to make out the illustrations lying on the table. (All children get up from their seats, continue to study while standing).

These are illustrations by E. M. Rachev.
The drawing is large, the animals are dressed in human clothes. It helps to reveal the image -
Fox - lady
Wolf - boyar,
Hare is a man
Kolobok is a mischievous boy!
Children, joining the conversation, express their impressions.

Educator: Looking at the books illustrated by the artist Yu.A. Vasnetsov (Portrait of the Artist), we note that in them the animals are drawn smaller, and at least on the hare, on the cockerel, clothes are also worn. Most often, clothes do not completely cover the entire character - on a goat - only a skirt, on a bunny - a jacket.

Trees, grass, bushes are decorated by the artist with small flowers, white dots - “animation”.
And one and the other artist is called artists and illustrators.
Illustration- drawing in the book (children repeat words).
Educator: Children, a book is always interesting, mysterious. It opens up many new things for us.
As long as we don't know how to read.
Child: We are just looking at books.
Educator: Both by the size of the letters and by the illustrations, we understand that they contain a fairy tale, or a story, what this book is about.
Physical education:
Fairy tale walks, fairy tale roams (walking in place)
The story finds us. (hugs ourselves with both hands)
The fairy tale tells us to run (we imitate running on the spot)
Right into a warm bed. (put hands under cheek)
A fairy tale brings us a dream, (“we swim in a dream”, closing our eyes)
Let him be beautiful! (we stand up straight, arms to the sides, up).

Educator: Today I will introduce you to another interesting phenomenon.

Look, the first letter in the text is very large and beautiful!
She stands out from the rest. It is called - initial letter. Sounds like a queen.
She is the first letter in a fairy tale, you always want to start reading right away.
Something new, mysterious awaits us in this fairy tale! (Reading an excerpt).
caregiver: Let's play a game: "Fairy tales begin ..."
Whoever remembers how fairy tales begin will receive a sheet with an outline capital letter.
Children: In sequence:
- In a certain kingdom...
-One day,
-A long time ago…
-It was when...
- Behind the high mountains...
- Some old man went ...
-It's like this now...
We distribute sheets with the outline of the letter to the children.
Children are invited to make a beautiful letter using pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons.
Music background.

In conclusion, let's place the letters made by the children on the board.
Educator: Children, many people can take turns reading the same book. So that it does not get disheveled, so that its leaves remain even as long as possible, the book must be protected.
Reading, and stopping in the middle, you need to use ...
Children: Bookmark!
Children give guests handmade bookmarks.
A melody sounds, everyone is looking at books in a book corner.

Synopsis of an open lesson on fiction in middle group kindergarten work of K.I. Chukovsky " Fly Tsokotukha»

Target: introduce children to new artwork K.I. Chukovsky; to educate children in an emotional attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale; expand the horizons of children and replenish vocabulary; teach children to give a complete answer using lines from a fairy tale and based on illustrations.

Materials: toy grasshopper, product of K.I. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotuha", portrait of the author, illustrations for the work, mask-pictures depicting insects, audio recording happy music, coloring pages with insects, colored pencils.

Dictionary: grasshopper, bug, insect, centipede, praise, brave, courageous, fearless, hospitable.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment:

The guys sit in a circle and pass a flower to a neighbor and greet him with a smile: “ Good morning, …»

- Guys, someone came to visit us. And to find out who it is, you must guess the riddle.

- Jumping spring -
green back -
From grass to blade of grass
From the branch to the path. (It's a grasshopper)

Jumped in the grass all day
I lost my violin somewhere.
And now sad by the river
Our little green ... (Grasshopper)

- Of course, guys, it's a grasshopper! Please, meet our guest, the grasshopper Kuzya! He lives on the lawn in the park. Heard a lot about us and now looked to visit. Hello Kuzu! (Children greet the grasshopper)

- Kuzya told me in secret that he heard about one amazing fairy tale, in which the heroes are insects. Tell me, do you know this story? (Answers of children.).

— Nooo? Then let's get to know new fairy tale!

II. Main part

- Wrote a story children's writer K. And Chukovsky, and it is called "Fly - Tsokotuha."

Guys, sit back. Kuzya, and you get settled. Now listen carefully!

Reading the fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotuha" with illustrations.

- And so, friends, did you like the fairy tale? (Answer)

- Look, what a Fly - Tsokotuha is a beauty, what a hospitable hostess she is. She invited guests to her birthday party.

- Guys, Kuzya just told me that he did not remember all the guests of Mukha-Tsokotukha. Let's help him remember! (Children agree)

- Whom did the Fly - Tsokotukha invite?

(Children list insects from a fairy tale, the teacher hangs out the corresponding picture masks)

- What did the guests at the birthday girl do? (Children's answers, the teacher helps to build answers based on illustrations and using lines from a fairy tale)

- Guys, look, it seems to me that our grasshopper Kuzya was a little scared! ..

- Kuzya says that he is a little afraid of the spider. Why do you think? (Answers of children).

Kuzya says you are right.

- What did the villain spider want to do with the fly? (Children's answers)

- And the Fly-Tsokotuha would have died ... But, guys, someone saved the fly. Who was it? (Children's answers)

- Yes, it was a little Komarik and a small flashlight burned in his hand!

What do you think the mosquito was like? (Bold, brave, fearless, etc.).

- Yes, guys, the holiday continued. And everyone was happy.

Physical minute

And we can visit this holiday. Imagine that we are bugs, butterflies, fleas, bees ... and let's dance with the Fly - Tsokotuha. (children put on insect masks and dance).

III. Generalization and consolidation.

- Guys, today you got acquainted with the new fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha". Please tell our guest which of the characters you liked and why?

- Mosquito - he is brave, courageous, fearless.

- A fly - she is kind, beautiful, hospitable (loves guests), others possible options)

- Good! Grasshopper Kuzya said that he really liked the fairy tale and he brought you a gift. These are photos of his friends. But he said that they are not colored and it would be very good if you color them.

The teacher shows the coloring pages and invites the children to choose which color to color.

Children sit at tables and color pictures.

Then the teacher organizes an exhibition of children's work.

IV. Conclusion.

What book have we read today? (Children's answers)

- Now the grasshopper Kuzya is in a hurry to his clearing. His insect friends are waiting for him there. Kuzya promised to tell them our fairy tale, so that they would all rejoice together.

- Let's say goodbye to Kuzey! (Children say goodbye to the guest)

- Guys, today you were all smart, everyone worked well and now you can relax!

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§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...