Catfish is the largest freshwater predator. Catfish fish: description and habits

Common catfish belongs to the catfish family, and, by right, is considered the largest representative of the ichthyofauna of fresh water.

Catfish is found in freshwater bodies of most European countries and the European part of Russia. These fish live, as a rule, in the deepest places. The pit where the catfish lives can become a haven for other large predatory fish.

If the number of catfish in the reservoir exceeds the number of suitable places, then small fish move to an average depth. In summer, at night, this mighty representative of the ichthyofauna lives in shallow places.

body structure

The body of representatives of this species has an oblong shape with a large rounded head and a very long tail. Because of this, small fish are sometimes called "ties". There are no scales and large fins, except for the anal. The body color is dark with shades of black, green and brown. The drooping abdomen has a light color. The body length of a catfish can reach 3-4 meters, and the weight is about 300 - 400 kilograms. Fish rarely grow to such sizes, but this does not prevent individual anglers from writing stories about fights with giant fish.

Types of catfish

Despite the large number of species in the catfish family, only two varieties are found in our reservoirs: common and American catfish. The American catfish is significantly inferior in size to the common European catfish, which is why it is also called the dwarf catfish.

How long do catfish live?

It is rather difficult to answer the question - how long does a catfish live? You can determine the age of a caught specimen by the number of concentric circles on the scales. The fish grows quite quickly and at the age of two years reaches a mass of more than a kilogram. At 4–5 years of age, a catfish weighs about 6–7 kilograms. Thus, the maximum annual weight gain is 2 - 2.5 kg. The average life expectancy in nature reaches 50-60 years.

At what age do fish become sexually mature?

At the age of 3-4 years the fish are mature enough to participate. The older the female, the more mature eggs she can lay.


Many anglers have heard stories about how giant catfish dragged dogs, birds and even children to the bottom. It is difficult to say how true these assumptions are, but its huge size undoubtedly makes it one of the most dangerous predators. Fish that live for many years in deep holes become unfit for food, so many anglers catch catfish on a catch-and-release basis. It is best to weigh the caught trophy in a special bag so as not to injure the fish.

What does catfish eat?

In the presence of a sufficient amount of food, the catfish eats any protein food:

  • fish;
  • shellfish;
  • crustaceans;
  • rodents;
  • birds;
  • frogs;
  • large insects;
  • small mammals.

If the size of the prey is large, and the fish cannot immediately eat its prey, then it has to wait until it rots and begins to decompose. If there is not enough animal food in the reservoir, then the catfish calmly eats any organic matter. There are cases when fish, in the absence of the usual food,.

Seasonal Behavior

Fish rarely show their presence in the pond, and in most cases they simply lie at the bottom in a hole. Divers most often manage to observe the behavior of catfish. True, such meetings can be very dangerous. During spawning, food for catfish becomes a non-priority.

Behavior in the warm season

In spring, summer and autumn, catfish prefer to live in pits. In the daytime, he sleeps and is activated with the onset of night. The sight of the fish is not very well developed, so it relies on the sense of smell and three pairs of long whiskers around the mouth in search of food.

Behavior in winter

In the cold season, fish hibernate at the bottom of wintering pits. In winter, in the pits, you can observe the following picture: a huge catfish, smaller fish around. In a state of suspended animation, irreconcilable enemies become friends.

catfish catching

Most often, catfish are caught in the warm season, so it is best to fish in the summer. There are several ways to catch this large fish. The rod and reel for any type of fishing should be an order of magnitude more powerful than similar gear for fishing. should be within 0.3 - 0.5 mm. It is almost impossible to pull large fish ashore, so anglers use boats. After driving the angler back and forth for some time, the fish weakens and surrenders to the mercy of the winner. Inexperienced anglers are wondering - how to catch a huge catfish? At the same time, few realize that such fights can be life-threatening.

Fishing with silicone lures

Catfish, like any other predatory fish, bites on all baits, but the best results are shown by rigs on a jig head.

Catfish are successfully caught on the following:

  • twisters;
  • reapers;
  • passive silicone.

The weight of the sinker should be proportional to the depth of the pit. In deep pits, it is appropriate to use sinkers weighing 20-40 grams. The size of the bait should match the effort put into chasing it. The optimal size of the bait is 15-20 cm. It shows good results. There is no one, but since the catfish is a bad swimmer, the wiring should also have long pauses. The fish bites correctly and requires a strong hook. The river catfish resists much stronger than its lake counterpart.

Lure fishing

Spinner ranks second in terms of performance after jig rigs. Especially active catfish pecks large sizes. The wide surface of the spinner does not allow for slow retrieval of the current, so it is best to fish with lures in pits with still or stagnant water.

Photo 1. Both small and large catfish are caught on spinning.

Kwok fishing

Which, when the cup-shaped part hits the surface, creates an attractive sound. Such sounds make catfish rise to the surface in search of food. As a rule, kwok is made of wood, although recently there are more and more options made of composite materials.

Photo 2. Catfish and kwok.

Donkey fishing

Bottom tackle is the most common type of rod for catfish fishing. Fish eat natural bait much more willingly. In addition, the angler has the opportunity to put as many rods as needed. As a rule, tackle for a catfish consists of a sinker weighing about 100 grams and a large hook on which the bait is put on. The tackle is not particularly tricky, but the catfish is not picky in this regard. The teeth on the jaw are small, so metal leashes are not used.

Applicable baits

Catfish responds well to all baits of animal origin. The main requirement is a large size.

What is the best bait to fish with?

If you have to catch, then this. It is best to plant in a whole bunch. Not bad fish responds to the meat of bivalve mollusks and locusts, but it is best to catch for meat. A lightly fried piece of chicken is a great option for fishing at any time of the year. Some anglers successfully fish for toads and grape snails.

When choosing a bait for fishing, you need to make sure that it holds well on the hook and does not fly off when it hits the water. Sometimes ordinary threads help to strengthen a piece of meat on a hook.

Photo 3. Great trophy!

Groundbait use

Some anglers use a special catfish bait made from crushed fragments of animal carcasses. The composition of such mixtures includes feathers, animal skins and the remains of the insides. You can also add fish oil.

bait with odor

If possible, it is best to leave the bait outside for a while before fishing. Fish respond well to the smell of spoiling bait.

Summing up

Despite a certain monotony of such fishing, such fishing has many admirers. Even those anglers who spend all their free time with a fishing rod dream of trying their hand at fighting a freshwater giant. Catching such a fish requires perseverance and the ability to wait for large prey, but the bright moments of the fight against the incredible power of a large enemy are worth it.

Of all the predators that live in fresh waters, the largest and most dangerous is the catfish. Large individuals can weigh more than 120 kilograms. Catfish living in lakes are not as big as their counterparts from rivers. Separately, the reed form of catfish is distinguished. Its distinguishing feature is slow growth. This fish does not feel like traveling, preferring life in a pit, which it leaves only for hunting.

Effect of weather on catfish

When there is no trace of winter frosts, and the water temperature is at least 8 degrees, the catfish wakes up after hibernation and is active. The predator comes out of the pit and rushes to the shallow water warmed by the sun's rays. At this time, you can go fishing, taking worms, pieces of meat or offal as bait. It is not difficult to determine the moment of the beginning of active zhora in catfish: in this spring time, the water is quite warm, its temperature reaches 18 degrees. At this period of its life, the predator is very voracious, therefore, in search of food, it swims into different areas of the water.

The laying of eggs begins closer to summer, because this catfish requires a minimum of 20-degree water. The duration of spawning is about 20 days. During this period, the fish do not bite at all. However, at the end of spawning, the predator again needs a huge amount of food. Zhor lasts about a week. At the height of summer in the daytime, under the scorching sun, the catfish does not manifest itself in any way, preferring to hunt at night. The exception is the time before the start of a thunderstorm, when the predator is not averse to being active.

Most of the problems associated with determining the time of catfish mobility arise in autumn, when the season of prolonged rains begins and the first frosts are close. In September and early October, the fish hunts on the shallows, and later swims closer to the wintering hole, which becomes the place of its permanent residence. When the water temperature falls below 8 degrees, the predator hibernates. For autumn fishing of this fish, it is recommended to give preference to spinning lures, because they are best suited for slow wiring.

If they tell you that it is impossible to catch catfish in winter, then they are lying to you. Experienced anglers are well aware that this is not the case, but there are nuances. To get such a large prey, you will need to know the approximate location of the catfish pit and the right bait. Meanwhile, this process still remains quite complicated, so most fishermen prefer to catch catfish in the warm season.

Where does catfish live?

The catfish spends most of its life in the pit. Usually it is located at a fairly great depth in that part of the reservoir where the current is either very weak or completely absent. For security reasons, the predator prefers that his house be located in snags or disguised with some kind of rubbish.

An interesting fact is that, provided there is enough food in the pit, the catfish practically does not leave it, rushing to the expanses of water only during spawning. If the predator decided to leave his home and go hunting, then you need to look for him near the river channels or on the shallows. This fish is most active at night, which is most suitable for finding food. Often, the catfish swims in the areas where the reeds grow, where you can eat frogs. Meanwhile, he is very cautious, so he carefully thinks out his route and always avoids silty areas on the way.

What does catfish eat?

During the period of active growth, small catfish eat fry, tadpoles and mollusks. In adulthood, the fish prefer minnow, roach and rudd. A real delicacy for her are frogs, as well as mice and lizards that accidentally drown. Usually, large catfish do not have proper maneuverability, so they go to snags, where, sitting in ambush, they are waiting for the victim.

Catching catfish from the shore: distinctive features

If you decide to catch catfish from the shoreline, then you should choose a float type of tackle that is suitable for both line fishing and fishing in one place. As for the part of the lake where it is better to go, then prefer places near pits and snags. Worms, leeches, frogs, sea mollusk meat and everything else that a predator hunts for in the shallows are suitable as bait. The best bite is guaranteed by going fishing in the evening or at night.

Catching a catfish on a donk can be very exciting and interesting, but you should carefully choose the part of the reservoir where the hook will be thrown. Usually anglers catching catfish can be seen near holes, shallows and edges. However, remember: the use of this type of tackle is suitable only in the warm season, when the fish has a strong zhor. If we talk about bait, then take live bait, a few frogs or worms.

Catching catfish from a boat: distinctive features

In the case of catching catfish from a boat, they take either a quok or a spinning rod with them. Using the first of the tackles requires some experience, because in the process of fishing it is important to be able to make the right sound with a quok. As a rule, first the bait in the form of a live bait or a frog is lowered to a depth, and then the attention of the catfish is attracted by a special sound. The fish leaves the hole and takes the bait.

When fishing with a spinning rod, it is best to choose a spinning lure, a heavy lure or a deep-sea wobbler as bait. Your potential victim is very lazy, so you have to do the wiring. If the bait moves too fast, then the fish will most likely leave it unattended. Spinning fishing is most relevant in the spring and summer months, when the catfish is in the hole. If you find his shelter, you can come home with a rich catch.

All about bait and bait for catfish

Catfish is a predator, so the bait must be appropriate: meat, live bait, worms, frogs, shellfish. As for bait, it is not used so often. If you decide to feed catfish, then take a feeder and fill it with a strong-smelling animal product.

Catfish is a freshwater large fish without scales from the catfish order, representing the catfish family.

The species has a distribution in lakes and rivers throughout Europe, except for Norway, Italy, England, Scotland and Spain. There are representatives of this species in the south of Finland and Sweden. The area of ​​distribution of catfish in the south is limited by the coastal waters of the Black and Aegean Seas, in Asia - by the Aral Sea. Catfish that live in rivers that flow into the Black, Baltic, Caspian Seas often swim in their salty waters. In the upper reaches of the rivers, fish is rare, the highest concentration of catfish occurs in large reservoirs and in the mouths of the rivers.

The appearance of catfish

Catfish are owners of a long, scaleless body, rounded in front and laterally compressed in the back. On a flat and wide head are small eyes, which are located closer to the forehead. The mouth of the fish is armed with a large number of small teeth. A characteristic feature of catfish is long whiskers located on opposite sides of the upper jaw. Mustaches are also on the lower jaw, 2 on each side. The fish has a long anal fin, no adipose fin, and the dorsal fin is located closer to the head, small and sharp. The pectoral fins are wide and strong. In order to confuse its prey, the catfish creates turbulences in the water with its pectoral fins. The skin of the fish is smooth and slippery.

The color of the fish is not uniform. The back is very dark in color. Slightly lighter than the sides, they are greenish-brown with lighter areas. The belly has a light gray tint. The color of the fish depends on the habitat. In stagnant waters, the body color of the catfish is saturated dark. In running water, the skin of the fish acquires a lighter color.

Catfish is a fairly large fish.

Catfish sizes

Catfish are very large. The length can reach 4 meters, the weight reaches 180 kg, there are specimens much larger.

However, individuals with a maximum weight are extremely rare in nature. For example, in the 19th century, giant catfish came across, which reached a length of 3 meters and weighed 200-220 kg. There is a story that in the Dnieper, in 1856, they caught a fish of this species, which weighed about 400 kg and its length was 5 m.

Nowadays, catfish are usually caught in a length of 1.3-1.6 m. Great luck and the greatest rarity if you manage to catch a fish more than 2 meters long and weighing 70 kg. Most often come across specimens of 1.5 meters in length with a weight of 15-20 kg.

In order for the catfish to grow to a decent size, very good conditions are necessary for its life. Even under ideal conditions, the weight of the fish may not exceed 90 kg, and the length - 2.5 meters. The maximum weight of representatives of the species currently recorded reaches 144 kg with a length of 2.78 meters.

Catfish behavior and nutrition

Catfish do not migrate far from their usual habitat. Feeding and spawning areas are located nearby. Fish prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle, gathering in large flocks in cold weather. They hide in deep holes and stop feeding until spring.

Catfish is a large underwater predator leading a benthic lifestyle. The fish feels comfortable in quiet areas of the reservoir, at the bottom of which there are caves, pits and snags.

Catfish hunt from ambush. Hiding in a secluded place, the fish makes a throw and catches a gaping prey. In shallow water, where the movement of young fish is observed, you can see a large flock of hunting catfish. They stand against the current, open their mouths and swallow whole flocks of small fish.

During the day, catfish prefer to rest in caves and pits, they go hunting at dusk and at night. Sensitive skin and mustache help to detect the victim.

Contrary to the popular belief that catfish are only scavengers, it can be said that bottom fish species serve as food for them. It can be carp, goby, perch, different types of herring and sturgeon breeds. At an early stage of life, catfish eat crustaceans, frogs, fry, aquatic insects and attack waterfowl and rodents. Catfish also does not disdain carrion.

Reproduction and lifespan

The ability to reproduce occurs after the catfish reaches a size of 50-60 cm and a weight of 2-3 kg. The fish has such parameters in the fifth year of life. Depending on the region of habitat, spawning occurs in spring and summer. The required water temperature for this is 17-20 degrees. Under favorable conditions, females of this species throw 2 portions of caviar. For one kilogram of weight, the female can sweep up to 30 thousand eggs. In general, the larger and heavier the female, the more caviar will be. The sizes of eggs vary from 1.7 to 3 mm.

Before spawning, the female catfish builds a nest at the bottom of a river or lake. Usually, this is a shallow, rounded hole covered with aquatic plants. Such a nest is always located in shallow water, at a distance of 50-70 cm from the surface of the water. Sticky caviar is securely glued to the walls of the nest and to the bottom. The development of eggs occurs from 3 to 10 days, and throughout this time the nest is guarded by the male.

Larvae are first formed from eggs. Then, the yolk sac dissolves and fry appear. Their length is 15 mm. They disperse from the nest and lead an independent life.

Young catfish grows rapidly, especially in the rivers of the southern regions. During the first year of its life, the fry grows up to 30-40 cm and gains weight of 300-500 grams. At the age of 10 years, the fish can weigh 15-20 kg and grow up to 1.25 m. However, a very high percentage of death of young individuals is observed. Up to a year old, only 5% of the young of this species of fish can survive. The life expectancy of catfish is 30-35 years.

Only young individuals of catfish serve as food for people. As a rule, their weight does not exceed 15 kg. Large representatives of this species are very heavy and fatty, so it is not recommended to eat them. You can not eat catfish caviar, as it is poisonous.

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The catfish is the largest carnivore of the catfish family that lives in all of our waters.

This is really a real giant of the water, and it can be extremely difficult to fish for it.

What does a catfish look like

The catfish has a large body that is rounded and its tail is tapered. His head is broad and his eyes are on his forehead.

Catfish is a rather dangerous fish that is famous for its teeth. She also has a rather large mustache located in the upper jaw. In addition to two long whiskers, the catfish has two short ones.

Catfish is not uniform in color. Its back is almost black, the sides are marsh with white spots. The abdomen is light in color.

In different lakes, this fish has its own shades. For example, in stagnant water bodies, catfish are usually darker than in lakes with running water.

Where does catfish live

Catfish is found in freshwater bodies of most European countries and the European part of Russia. These fish live there, as a rule, in the deepest places. The hole in which the catfish lives can become a refuge for other large predatory fish.

If the number of catfish in the tank exceeds the number of suitable places, then small fish move to medium depth.

In the summer, at night, this powerful representative of the fish fauna lives in small places. In the photo of the catfish you can see what it looks like.

Catfish, as it is already clear, lives in one permanent place. If the rivers are small, then he essentially has nowhere to swim. Yes, and other predators and circumstances do not allow him to go far along the river.

In such places, the size of the catfish can reach quite large values ​​- up to 7 kilograms.

What does catfish eat?

Catfish is the most greedy fish that lives in our waters. Its diet includes not only small and weak fish, but also crayfish, frogs, small birds and a variety of garbage.

Therefore, catfish are considered a cleaner of rivers. However, his addiction to almost any food often gets him into quite a bit of trouble.

Young catfish often fall for the bait of fishermen.

For all their greed, catfish are lazy and slow, especially the big ones. They may not always get along with fast fish. And they have no choice but to use a variety of tricks in order to find food for themselves.

For example, they open their mouths and lie still when a small fish approaches its mouth, catches it with water. In addition, it can hide in vegetation, but only a mustache that looks like worms and attracts fish when it shows up outside.

How catfish breeds

In natural waters, reproduction begins in summer when the water has warmed up. This usually happens in late May to mid-June.

For breeding, the catfish is looking for secluded places: quiet channels, shallow water in the reeds, not too deep, shady backwaters.

It is very interesting to observe the courtship of males for a female: the fish is “in pursuit” for a long time, accompanied by a noisy splash and splash. Most often, the female catfish chooses the most powerful and largest partner from 5-6 nominees.

After fertilization, the parents protect the eggs by warding off predators and splashing from the tail. After the fry leave their eggs, the parents who used to protect them return to their favorite places.

Young fry at the very beginning of their lives eat silt. Since the catfish leaves their fry very early, the fry often die due to the influence of factors. From all the caviar left by one catfish, few fry reach middle age, since many are caught by birds, the rest by fish, and sometimes their own parents eat them.

But, nevertheless, the catfish population persists and it turns out that although a small number of fry still live to a decent age and become an adult.

If you look at how long a catfish lives, then this figure will be 40 years. Some sources indicate a maximum duration of more than 80 years.

There are many different types of how to catch catfish. Among them, the most famous are fishing for spinning. In modern times, catfish fishing has become less successful, it is rarely used, although there are still remote corners where they can still be caught, for example, in some tributaries.

This fish is the favorite fish of many fishermen. Due to the fact that it is difficult to catch and the fact that catching catfish leaves a strong memory for any angler who has not previously had the opportunity to catch a big fish, catfish fishing is quite in demand.

catfish photo

There are many fish in rivers and lakes that people eat. Predators and their prey coexist quite peacefully with each other, forming a natural cycle. Almost every body of water today is inhabited by catfish - the largest river predators. So what does catfish look like? What do catfish eat?


The body of a representative of this species is long and elongated. This species has no scales at all. The body of an ordinary catfish is covered with mucous secretions, which help the fish to easily maneuver in muddy water. The head of this species is wide, flat, with small eyes and a fairly large wide mouth. The teeth of this species of fish are small and sharp. The eyesight of the catfish is poor, he is even a little blind. The tactile organ of the soma is the mustache, only two pairs of yellow. They are located on both sides of the fish's mouth, it is with their help that river catfish finds food for itself.

Color of this fish is dark, from brown to dark brown. The belly is lighter, most often white or yellowish. The tail is long, about 60% of the entire length of the river catfish. The dorsal fins are soft, blue-black, less often black. Young individuals have a brighter color than adult fish. There are individuals with a length of about 5 meters, weighing more than 300 kg. These fish live for a long time, 50-60 years.

Classification soms:

  1. Class - ray-finned;
  2. family - catfish;
  3. detachment - catfish;
  4. view - common catfish;
  5. genus - common catfish.


Common or European catfish lives in almost all freshwater reservoirs in Asia and Europe. Most often, these fish prefer to live at depth, in pools and underwater pits. Sometimes representatives of this species swim in salty waters, but they cannot live there for a long time.

Only live in salt water channel catfish. It is considered the most numerous of all catfish species. Most commonly mined.

This fish does not migrate, it tries to live in one place all its life. This freshwater predator leaves its home only for the duration of the hunt. It becomes most active in the morning and evening, during the day the fish rests. In late autumn, the common catfish hibernates. During this period, he does not eat at all.


Ordinary catfish are quite large in size, they are lazy and slow. To catch a large prey requires effort, so large prey is extremely rare.

However, the tricks of these underwater inhabitants are not to be occupied. They learned to apply various tricks for hunting. For example, if a large individual experiences a feeling of hunger, then it is almost stranded. In shallow water, fish such as bleaks and fry often rush in flocks. Common catfish freezes with a half-opened mouth. A flock of small fish, not noticing the impending threat, gets as close to the freshwater predator as possible. A representative of this species draws water into itself with force, and together with the flow of water, about a dozen fish immediately fall into the mouth of an individual. And also the mustache of a catfish hiding under a snag is taken by another fish for bait, a kind of worm. Swimming closer to the catfish, the fish becomes prey.

Freshwater predators are extremely voracious: they eat everything that is in the water. Waterfowl, calves, sometimes dogs were attacked by a whole flock of catfish. There were cases of attacks on bathing children.

So these fish are eating:


Puberty in females ends at the age of 3 years. When choosing a partner, males begin to beat the water with their tails, performing a mating dance. After the pair has formed, the parents begin to create a nest. The place is chosen quiet, mostly in the whirlpool. The female lays about half a million eggs at a time, the male fertilizes the clutch. The male guards the nest until the fry appear, scaring off strangers. The first 25 days of life, the male guards the fry, then the grown catfish go free swimming. Catfish are polygamous, after mating, the female and male disperse to their homes.

catfish and man

Catching representatives of the catfish family has long been established on an industrial scale. These predators are eaten, their meat has excellent taste.

Catfish meat is practically boneless, only the spine is present.

Besides taste, catfish meat contains many trace elements:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • sodium.

And vitamins:

Doctors advise people with diabetes to eat sommier meat. Due to the rich composition, this product can significantly reduce blood sugar. Helps to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Breeding catfish in captivity

This species of freshwater predators is bred in captivity. This is an extremely hardy fish. The only thing he needs is enough food and relative rest. An extensive reservoir is not needed, space for river catfish is optional.

In total, there are 4 ways to breed representatives of this species in captivity:

  • cage method- eggs are placed in special cages, in which fry appear;
  • pond method- fish is grown in conditions close to natural;
  • basin method- catfish is kept in the pool;
  • feeding method- catfish are raised with other types of fish, but the breeder will have to carefully select catfish so that the size of all fish is approximately the same.
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