Sasha and Natasha Nelidov. Nelidovs after the project

Many fans of the television project Dom-2 remember beautiful couple Alexander Nelidov and Natalia Pavlova. These two found each other on the project, and after that they were able to continue their family life outside its walls. However, how long did the love of the stars last, and what are they doing now?

The fate of the couple on the project

Alexander Nelidov stood at the very origins of House-2, was among those participants who were not the first to come to the project. Of course, many people know him love line with Olga Nikolaeva, which ended quite quickly. Nelidov himself was quite worried about the fact that ex-darling left him for May Abrikosov. However, soon a girl appeared on the project who was able to heal the young man’s wounded heart and brought love back into his life. This girl was Natalya Pavlova. Before the project, Natalya worked as a model for some time; she immediately impressed most men with her beauty and sophistication. However, the girl herself liked Nelidov. Sasha Nelidov and Natasha Pavlova began a relationship that developed very rapidly.

Soon, the young people had a wedding, which became the second in a row on the Dom-2 project, but the happiness of the newlyweds did not last long, because soon Natasha was expelled from the women's vote, and Sasha had to leave after her beloved.

It is important to note that Alexander Nelidov is still considered one of the most bright stars project. He is often recognized on the street, and fans are still interested in aspects of the young man’s personal life and his career successes. Such popularity is evidence of the brightness of Sasha’s personality.

The fate of the couple after the project

Of course, Alexander and Natasha Nelidov were deeply confident that their love would last forever. However, in real world building love is much more difficult than on any television project. In the first year, the couple managed to maintain love, tenderness and passion, but gradually the discord became more and more noticeable.

As a result, about a year after the offensive departure from the project, the couple broke up. Both Natasha and Sasha assured fans that the decision was mutual, and they managed to maintain normal relations.

Soon, Natasha managed to find herself a new young man and continued her modeling career.

Quite little is known about Nelidov’s personal life. However, he started successful career in business, enjoys psychology and marketing. Nelidov’s name is still heard, but only in narrow circles of brokers and businessmen. Nelidov does not remember the project with too much enthusiasm, but still admits that Dom-2 gave him the opportunity to have a successful start and development options in the area that the young man had always dreamed of.

It’s interesting that after the Nelidovs left, there were a lot of couples, weddings and intrigue at House-2. However, the Nelidovs’ wedding is still considered one of the most touching, sensual and romantic in the entire history of the legendary project. This popularity is explained by the sincerity of the couple’s feelings.

Of course, staying in the memory of fans for a long time is not so easy. However, Alexander Nelidov still succeeds. Perhaps now he is a serious businessman, but many remember him precisely as a cheerful guy from Dom-2, who was able to conquer one of the most beautiful women project.

Alexander Nelidov, whose biography is not so long, participated in the popular television project “Dom-2”. Very little information can be found about young man, since he is a calm and not a secular guy. Alexander Nelidov does not want to talk about his family at all, believing that it is too personal and it is not worth putting his life on display. It is only known that he was born on July 28, 1981 in Moscow, where he still lives.

The role of the television project “Dom-2” in Alexander’s life

The television project “Dom-2” is already in its 11th year. The attitude towards him is quite ambiguous. We can say that the television audience was divided into two camps. The first ones hate this show and consider it unacceptable to be shown on television. The latter love him, watch him without missing a single episode, and worry about the participants who live on the perimeter. And even after they leave the reality show, they don’t want to part with them, wanting to know everything about them.

One of the first participants in “House-2” was Alexander Nelidov. At the beginning of his life, Sasha was almost invisible on the project. He had no plans to “build love” quickly and immediately. He was calm, reasonable and did not stand out at all. But, as you know, according to the rules of the TV show, he could be kicked out for this. This is where Alexander started thinking about the need to change his behavior and, like all the participants, start “playing” at love, even if it’s fictitious. Thus, he created a couple with Olga Nikolaeva (Sun) and quite quickly moved into a separate house with her.

But this was an exclusively creative union. Olga didn’t want to be on camera, and Alexander didn’t really need this from her, especially after the beauty, blonde and coquette Olga Buzova arrived at Dom-2. At the same time, the Sun came to the project and turned all its attention to it. Therefore, the couple of the Sun and Sasha quickly broke up. Olga Buzova did not have any special feelings for Alexander. In this regard, our hero had to decide how to stay on the project further.

The next time newcomers come to the reality show, Natasha Pavlova appears. After talking with her, Alexander realizes that the girl is favorable to him and begins to actively court her. And subsequently our hero proposes to her to marry him. The girl agrees. Thus, Natalya and Alexander become the second couple whose relationship ends with a wedding.

After some time, at the women's vote, the guys kick Natasha out of the project. Alexander Nelidov also follows her. But the Nelidovs’ story on reality TV doesn’t end there. After some time they returned to the project. At first - as guests, and later - as participants in “House-2”. This time, their relationship with the rest of the “household” does not work out. To the guys, they seem unreal and too arrogant. Therefore, the Nelidovs soon go back to the “real world”.

Wedding of Alexander and Natalia Nelidov

Alexander approached the question very responsibly. It became an incredibly romantic and memorable event for both. The lovers were sailing on a yacht when Sasha took out the treasured box with a ring inside. The future groom also absolutely wanted to hear the answer. in an unconventional way. He asked Natalya to ring the bell a certain number of times if the answer was positive. What girl's heart can resist such a proposal! Naturally, the sound of the bell did not take long to arrive.

This solemn event took place on July 9, 2005 in the Meshchansky registry office in Moscow. After the official part of the event was left behind, happy and cheerful Sasha and Natasha, already as husband and wife, went to Gorky Park. The newlyweds rode in a huge pink limousine. A real living one was waiting for them in the park. jazz orchestra(this was Natasha’s dream).

This wedding seemed very romantic and fun to everyone. This is exactly what an ideal wedding should be like in every girl’s dreams.

Divorce of Natalia and Alexander

Remembering the loving and absolutely happy faces of the guys, it’s hard to believe that after several years they finally divorced. The exact reason is unknown, since the guys did not want to share facts from their personal lives in public. It is known that after the divorce they were able to maintain warm and friendly relations. Now Natalya lives with another young man and has already given birth to his child. Alexander Nelidov married a second time and may soon become a father.

Alexander's life without the Dom-2 project

Alexander Nelidov married a second time after the project. His wife's name is Alexandra. This time he approached his choice more seriously and thoroughly (his profession as a business analyst had an impact). Perhaps Alexander is one of the few participants who, after leaving the Dom-2 show, did not become a celebrity. Perhaps it correct solution(go into the shadows) and expresses Sasha’s calm and balanced character.

Currently he is engaged in business training, psychology and lives a happy life family life. Alexander Nelidov (his photos look very cheerful) is happily married.

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Biography, life story of Natalia Nelidova

city ​​Moscow
Pisces zodiac sign

A Moscow young lady in the full sense of the word is Natalya Pavlova. All so mysterious and contradictory, she came to the project and for a long time did not say who she liked.

The sun hoped that Natasha had come to Nelidov, and Nelidov that she had come to May. As always, only TV viewers knew the truth. True, Natasha did not hide for so long. A few days after her arrival, she admitted to the guys that she came to the project for May’s sake and, although she was not at all disappointed in him, she understands that May loves someone else, and therefore she refuses to fight for him.

Subsequent events showed that the guys who predicted Natasha to be Sasha Nelidova’s bride were not mistaken. True, at first she had to endure a long period of his withdrawal from the Sun. It was not so easy for Sasha to forget her, and he chose the easiest way, as it seemed to him, to do this - he began to flirt with all the girls in a row. For a very long time it was impossible to understand whether Natasha was a victim of this behavior of his, or whether she was the girl he really liked.

And Natasha herself could not forget her first crush, Maya, for a very long time. Because of this, a serious scandal broke out with the Sun, with whom they became best friends. I even had to go on a reconciliation date.

But all the storms were left behind, and Natasha and Sasha went down in history as an exemplary couple of the project. Quarrels, if there were any, took place away from the eyes of the participants and television viewers. Many were perplexed: why did the bright, charismatic Sasha choose such an inconspicuous girl? We got the impression that Natasha deliberately chose the role of a woman, invisible behind a man’s back, but who appears to him main support and support. One of the classics wrote that behind every great man there is always a great woman...

Last summer, Natasha Pavlova became Natasha Nelidova, and the guys left the project to give way to those who had not yet built their love. They began to build a family nest, make repairs, and generally looked like quite self-sufficient people. It seemed that after the decision was made to leave the project, they had nothing left to do. It turned out that there is. A year later, the Nelidovs returned to their native land, first as guests, and a month later they were officially transferred to the status of newcomers. At first, everyone was happy about the guys, especially Alena - now she has another, especially time-tested, friend on the project. But when the Nelidovs decided to apply for a room in the Old House, the attitude of the team changed: due to the whim of the spouses, elite housing could now be taken away from all the “old people”... Naturally, a debate began on this topic, and even the modest and reasonable Natasha had to raise her voice defending one's opinion in a dispute.


The guys still defended luxury housing. After the vote on November 1, it was not Russell and Tory (who fought most of all for their rights) who were evicted from the house, but two old couples: Nastya and Sam and Olya and Roma. After this, the Nelidovs, who moved into one of the prestigious rooms instead of them, finally became enemies of the people. Of course, they didn’t quarrel with the guys every day, for the most part They passively disliked each other. When Natasha was kicked out in the women's vote, Tretyakov was very happy. But it cannot be said that the Nelidovs’ resignation was accompanied only by Romina’s ironic jokes. There were also tears from Alena, who was very worried that her good friend had left the project.

What did Natasha say before appearing on the project?

She worked in a modeling agency.

He likes to go to jazz concerts and tries to make films with friends.

Believes that such interesting, beautiful and modest people like her, it’s always a holiday.

There were two men in my life before the project.

The longest relationship lasted a year.

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Biography, life story of Alexander Nelidov

city ​​Moscow
zodiac sign Taurus

Nelidov’s first days on the project passed quietly and unnoticed. The participants then said about Sasha that he was somehow incomprehensible. Now it’s even strange to remember this: he was soon recognized as a person with a sense of humor, eager for all sorts of undertakings and competitions, able to make people laugh and set the right rhythm for any event.

At first Sasha didn’t think about love. Somehow it happened naturally that he began to communicate with the Sun often, then they became friends, then it grew, as they say, into “something more,” and the guys declared themselves a couple.

Not everything went smoothly for them. Sasha did not consider it necessary to give gifts to the Sun, to look after her like the other girls - their relationship had a slightly different format, so at first it did not bother anyone. But then Olga Buzova appeared on the project - the embodiment of not so much femininity as femininity: flowers, frills, Stuffed Toys... And then the Sun became jealous. Sasha did not notice this or did not want to notice, so he calmly communicated with Olya as much as he wanted, and even went on a date with her more than once. True, when the Sun once again stated in a harsh manner that she did not like it, Sasha came for her on a white horse, like a prince from a fairy tale. The sun asked: will I really have to make a scandal every time with threats to break up for you to appreciate me? And Sasha, to her surprise, answered: probably.

And then May appeared. She and the Sun became friends. Sasha did not interfere with their communication. For which he paid: against the backdrop, more and more difficult relationships with Nelidov, May became more and more close to Sunny. And when Sasha finally realized that things were getting serious, it was already too late. The sun moved out of the VIP house in which she and Sasha had lived for so long.

Sasha hated May and did not communicate with the Sun for a very long time, considering her departure a betrayal.


...And then Natasha appeared on the project. Ironically, she came to May. No one thought that something could work out between him and Sasha until she was not completely free! However, they began to live together. "We have love in literally was under construction! – Natasha later said. Having gone through a period of disagreements (which arose mainly due to the fact that Natasha was friends with the Sun, and for Sasha this remained a very painful topic), the guys became “ perfect couple project,” and TV viewers bombarded them with questions: “When will you get married?” From both sides of the television screen it was obvious that everything was going that way.

The guys really got married. Conducted Honeymoon in fabulous Italy. We can say with the greatest confidence about these two: they built love! And they left to give way to those who were just looking for her.

In general, it seemed that Sasha had nothing left to do on the project. But some time passed, and the Nelidovs gave TV viewers a surprise by returning to the screens. First - as guests, and a month later they were officially transferred to the status of newcomers. Sasha answers all the expected “whys” and “whys” like this. True, before the audience and participants had time to find out why Sasha returned to the show, the Nelidovs gave the guys a new reason for thinking - they were going to claim a room in the Old House. The “oldies”’ attitude towards Alexander, of course, has changed...

The guys still defended luxury housing. But after the vote on November 1, it was not Russell and Tory (who fought most of all for their rights) who were evicted from the house, but two old couples: Nastya and Sam and Olya and Roma. After this, the Nelidovs, who moved into one of the prestigious rooms instead of the Tretyakovs, finally became enemies of the people. Of course, they didn’t quarrel with the guys every day; for the most part they passively disliked each other. But soon the room in the Old House became vacant again: Natasha was kicked out in a women's vote. The Nelidovs had to go back to " Big world"with its problems and joys.

Recently, news appeared on the Internet that ex-participant of “House-2” May Abrikosov had drawn up a plan to save the show. He believes that only a complete reboot will save the project. "Dom-2" began broadcasting on May 11, 2004 on the TNT channel, when no one suspected that the project would be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest reality show. Intrigued by the details of someone else's life, viewers eagerly awaited the new episode of their favorite show, and the participants overnight turned into real stars. But how long did such fame last? Only a few of the first participants remained “in the public eye”; some opened their own businesses, and some even managed to serve time in prison. We present to you a report about what happened to the first participants of House-2 after leaving the project.

  • Olga Buzova. In search of love, the girl spent almost four years on the project, after which she became the host of Dom-2. Later she married Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov, whom she divorced not long ago.

  • Roman Tretyakov. On the project, the guy “built” love with Olga Buzova, but it was unsuccessful. After "House-2" I tried to be a presenter on different channels.

  • Elena Berkova. Another love of Tretyakov within the project. When it became known that the girl acted in porn, the participants kicked her out in disgrace.

  • After leaving "House-2" she was married five times and each time financially successful, betting on businessmen. The fifth wedding took place recently; the happy chosen one was an actor from the Irkutsk Theater.

  • Stepan Menshchikov. On the project, Stepan built relationships with Alena Vodonaeva and Victoria Boney, but he managed to start a family only after the project.

  • Stepan had a son. After “House-2,” Stepan worked on television for some time: he participated in the show “Stars Change Their Profession” as a hair stylist, and hosted the “Hu from Hu” program on the TNT channel. Currently working as an event host.

  • Victoria Bonya. A year on the project became for the girl lucky ticket to a bright future. Before him, Vika, who came to Moscow from the Chita region, worked as a waitress.

  • After “House-2,” Bonya continued working on television, became a popular presenter, and fell in love with businessman Alex Smerfit, the son of one of the richest entrepreneurs, whom she married.

  • Alena Vodonaeva. Over the course of three years at Dom-2, the girl managed to build vibrant and emotional relationships with two guys, with whom she eventually broke up anyway.

  • After Vodonaeva left, she was a member of the Plazma group, but singing career It didn’t work out for her, and she became a TV presenter. She has produced such programs as “The Naked Ten”, “Holidays in Mexico-2”, “Popular Doctor” and many others. Now she travels a lot and raises her son Bogdan.

  • Olga Nikolaeva.“The Sun”, as before, is engaged in music; its songs were in rotation on Russian radio stations.

  • May Abrikosov. After the project, the charismatic guy hosted the mystical program “Secrets” on the TV-3 channel, entered the theater, began acting in films, gave up everything and returned to his native village in the Voronezh region.

  • Anastasia Dashko. After the project, Nastya took a crooked path: she allegedly resold building materials on behalf of the company, took money for them and disappeared.

  • Brothers Karimov. The twins, beloved by the audience, returned to their hometown, toured clubs as DJs, and came to Moscow again.

  • Sam Seleznev. The cute guy created a couple with Anastasia Dashko, with whom he lived together for about three years, but after leaving the project, he broke up.

  • Maria Petrovskaya. The watermelon seller from Taganrog became friends with almost every participant in “House-2”, but she could not find sincere feelings.

  • Olga Kravchenko. Even during the project, the girl tied the knot with another participant in the show, Alexander Titov. A year later, in 2005, their son Vova was born, and four years later they divorced because of Alexander’s constant spree.

  • Alexander Nelidov and Natalya Pavlova. One of the most harmonious couples of the project.

  • Evgeny Abuzyarov. The well-fed guy came to the project for only 11 days, but everyone remembered him. Perhaps he is one of those who are lucky in all areas of life, both in profession and in personal life.

  • Currently, Evgeny Abuzyarov has been appointed director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Informavtodor". Happily married.

  • Victoria Karaseva and Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. The couple is still married, they built themselves a cottage in the Moscow region, and have no children yet.

  • Bibi and Pipi (Oksana Zakharevskaya and Volodya Rutsky). The rock musician and the 18-year-old naive girl were one of the brightest couples of the project.

  • Anton Potapovich. The participant has not entered into an agreement with anyone romantic relationship, but made friends with Victoria Boney. When Anton was kicked out at the vote, his girlfriend went after him.

  • Potapovich is happily married; together with his young wife they are raising a two-year-old daughter, Eva. The ex-participant of "House-2" works as an art director in the entertainment industry.

  • Maria Politova. The singing girl appeared on the project three times! However, she was never able to build a relationship with anyone.

  • Alessandro Materazzo. The ex-stripper tried to amaze everyone with his pumped up body and his origin story. In August 2008, it turned out that the guy was born not in Italy, but in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, after which he was kicked out of the project.

  • Rima Pendzhieva. The buxom Kiev woman suffered a lot of love failures, but always remained a fighting “laugher” and a “gorgeous woman,” as she liked to call herself.
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