How to draw with a sponge and paints. Original drawing techniques and techniques


You will need:
sponge, colored cardboard, gouache or acrylic paint

DO NOT WET THE SPONGE! Everything is done without water!

1. Cut the sponge so that you get several shapes: a circle or an oval, rectangles of similar size and small triangles.

2. On the base sheet, draw a large oval, then dip the round sponge into white paint and, pressing the sponge to the sheet of paper, draw the torso. Press the sponge along the edges of the oval not too hard - then the skin of the bear cub will turn out fluffy.
3. Dip the base of the small triangles in black paint and make clear prints depicting the ears and spots around the eyes.
4. Using rectangular pieces of sponge and black paint, draw four paws.
5. Apply paint to the tip of a triangular sponge and draw claws.

6. Draw a white eye with a thin brush, a black pupil can be depicted with a toothpick.
7. Cut out a small oval or circle from black paper - glue the resulting nose in place.

Also in this technique you can draw:

Non-traditional drawing with a foam sponge

It turns out that an ordinary dishwashing sponge, which can be easily bought at any store, can help us create original and amazing paintings.

With the help of a sponge, you can create a background for any picture. For example, to create a marble background easter egg, I used two colors of paint and left a mark on the egg with a sponge. It turned out original. I also painted the background around the egg with a sponge.

This technique is very simple. We take a sponge of the desired shape and size, dip it in paint and leave traces on paper.

Children do not experience difficulties and enthusiastically draw in this way.

Butterflies for this picture we painted with small sponges.

The crown of trees can be arranged in 2 ways.

  1. We take a sponge, divide it into squares, dip it in paint and decorate the crown.
  2. We take a sponge, cut out a leaf-shaped stamp from it, dip it in paint and leave traces.

Our picture is drawn in the first way.

There are many options for painting with a sponge. There are no restrictions in this method and you can create masterpieces and not be afraid to spoil them.

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How to draw?

Together with the children, we cut the felling: we got different sizes and forms. The older child even cut out some letters!

I invited the children to try different techniques drawing:

Dip sponges in paint and draw with them, pressing them to the paper, like with a brush;

Absorb as much as possible with a sponge more paint, and then “stamp” the figures on a piece of paper with it;

Pour some paint on paper and smear it with sponges;

Draw not only on paper, but also on your own body;

Combine different techniques - for example, apply different “stamps” with sponges, and finish the rest with brushes or fingers.

Benefits of painting with sponges:

Self-expression and development of creative abilities;

Development of eye-hand coordination;

Development of fine motor skills;

Encouragement for experimentation and out-of-the-box thinking;

Development of taste and sense of color;

Teaching shapes, colors, letters, etc.

Useful advice:

To make cleaning up after this activity easier, I suggest giving each child a rag so they can wipe their hands on it as needed. I also advise you to cover the area (table or floor) on which the children will draw with an oilcloth tablecloth or newspapers, and either undress the children as much as possible or put on special dressing gowns.

Non-traditional sponge painting

What will we draw? Duck floating on water. In drawing we use non-traditional technique drawing. It's very interesting to use children's creativity the most unusual items. Today we have an ordinary sponge for washing dishes.

Painting "Duck"

What do we need for the picture?

  • paper

  • duck stencil

  • paints

  • brushes

  • sponge for washing dishes

First we decided to draw a pond. In this work, I tried to give my son space. This is how it was controlled with a brush with blue paint:

The remaining space was painted over with green paint. This is the reed by the pond.

And, when the paint dried, the most interesting came.

On the Internet, I downloaded a coloring page with a picture of a duck. I cut it out and we have a ready-to-use template. We have overlaid the template on our drawing.

Arseniy "armed himself" with a sponge for washing dishes and, having applied yellow paint on it, painted the entire space inside the template with it.

This is the duck we got:

Holding the hand of our son, we drew together a wing, a beak and an eye. Everything, the picture is ready :)

Non-traditional sponge painting technique all children like it. After all, with the help of it you can give the object a special texture. In addition, she quickly paints over large spaces (this is if the children are fidgets and strive to do everything as quickly as possible :))

My children were delighted with how, with the help of a sponge for washing dishes, you can literally draw ... a rainbow in one movement! To be honest, this process fascinated me as well.

How to draw a rainbow

To draw a rainbow we need quite a bit:

  • new dishwashing sponge

  • paint seven colors of the rainbow

  • tassel

  • paper

On a clean sponge for washing dishes with a brush, apply stripes of all the colors of the rainbow. Be sure to keep order! With children, a phrase familiar to everyone always passes with a bang, helping to learn the order of colors in the rainbow:

Every hunter Wishes to know, Where the Fazan goes!

And we pass to the most interesting. Having attached a sponge to the edge of a sheet of paper, you need to draw a semicircle without lifting the sponge, forming a rainbow arc.

The result is a magnificent bright rainbow. Color transitions are smooth and harmonious. The main thing is not to forget that the bottom color of the rainbow is red! Alyosha got such a rainbow:

And this one is with Arseny :)

How do you feel about unconventional technique sponge painting for dish washing? Did you draw like this? Share your experience in the comments!

Using various materials while drawing, you can achieve interesting effects:
1. to receive blurred outlines, drip water (or vodka) on a watercolor sheet. In this way it is good to depict the sky covered with clouds;
2. effect "flakes", snowflakes, "ice crust" can be obtained by sprinkling salt on the applied watercolor image;

3. chaotic uneven retouching thanks to crumpled paper;
4. stencil drawing has many options. Try attaching the cutout to a sheet of paper and painting them in watercolor. Now remove the stencil, allowing the paint to spread out. The contours of the stencil image will turn out blurry, and the color will intensify from the center of the figure to the periphery;
5. interesting texture can be achieved with sandpaper;
6.emerging "second" layer possible with multilayer image. draw crayons or a candle anything on a piece of paper and cover watercolor paints. In those places where something is drawn with chalk or with a candle, the paint will not lay down evenly, and an image will be visible from under it;

7. "scratching" paint paintings. draw something crayons or a candle on paper (or just paint over the sheet with colored crayons). Now cover the sheet of paper with the image with a thick layer of paint (gouache) and let dry. After the paint has dried, you can start scratching the image. In those places where there is chalk, the paint will come off well, in other places it will remain an even background;

8. one more interesting way drawing crayons and gouache can be called " mnew image". Wax crayons an object is drawn on paper, all the space around it is also painted over with crayons. Now we carefully crumple this sheet, straighten it and cover it with gouache. Now quickly, with the help of a sponge and water, wash off the gouache. The paint should remain only in the places where the paper is folded;

9. an interesting effect is obtained from drawing sponge. Invite the child to "draw" with a sponge a crown of trees or a sea;

10. give "fluffiness" image can be done using gauze or cellophane. It's good to use this effect with stencil. Cut out an animal figure from cardboard and attach it to a piece of paper. Now we lower the gauze or cellophane into the paint diluted with water, and light movements we pass along the contour of the stencil. When you remove the stencil, you will see a clear figure of the animal, and its outline will look soft and fluffy (for example, like a bear drawn with gauze by Valeria Koryavikova).
Nearby is a drawing made according to the same principle, only without a stencil, and instead of gauze, polyethylene bag;

11. try to use as an additional drawing tool threads. Good at drawing sinuous lines with the help of woolen threads from a loose product;

12. amazing colorful circles are obtained if you draw not with a brush, but electrical toothbrush or massage brush.

II. "Punching": baby might like it stamp"objects or in this way" draw "something." You can "stamp" any objects, these can be cubes (a set geometric shapes) or an elastic band on reverse side pencil:

Prints can be made natural materials, for example, a spruce branch or a large leaf from a plant:

III. The kid may like to draw on a sheet if it lies on some convex surfaces. You can make your own curly stencil for "imprints", for example like this:

IV. If you draw on a wet watercolor drawing the back of the brush, then you get " grooves", as in the picture with the trees. So you can “draw” wet with scissors, in which case the “grooves” will turn out the same and two at a time.
V. Spray: interesting effects and images can be obtained by spraying paint from a brush or toothbrush onto a sheet of paper. The same can be done by placing an object on a sheet. Then there will be a "dotted background" around the object, and the image of the object will be colorless.

With help spray you can paint the whole picture:

VI. blots: drip and let the paint spread over the sheet. You can blow into the center of the blot through a tube. Blot images can be made mirrored, if you first fold the sheet in half (or twist it), then straighten it and drip paint on it. Now fold the sheet again and press lightly. The rest is up to your imagination. See what the blots look like and draw the necessary details. Below is a mirror drawing from Yulia Mitko's inkblot.

VII.Monotype. This technique works well for postcards.Apply to glass (or any other material that does not absorb paint) multi-colored stripes or a pattern. Now place a sheet of paper on top and press lightly. Remove the sheet from the glass and examine the printed pattern.

VIII.Foam drawing.

1. Whisk foam and pick it up with a sponge. Now wring out the sponge so that the foam is in the paint container. Stir and apply foam with paint to paper with a brush. When the drawing dries, the excess foam can be blown away.

2. For creating effect use different shades take the colors shaving foam and gouache of the color you need. Mix shaving foam and paint in a bowl and apply with a brush to the drawing.

IX. Drawings with glue

1.Adhesive lining.Draw something on the sheet with a pencil. Squeeze out the glue along the contour of the image through a small hole in a tube of stationery glue and leave it to dry. Then paint over the space inside the contour.

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