We draw a rowan branch in stages in the preparatory group. Synopsis of direct educational activities in drawing in the senior group "Rowan branch

The date: _________________________.

Topic: Autumn motives. (Autumn rowan branch).
Target: making a drawing in a mixed drawing technique: sticking, poke, drawing with a brush tip, drawing with a finger.
1. Create a comfortable psychological climate.
2. Learn to paint a rowan branch with watercolors on a sheet of paper using different drawing techniques: sticking, poking, drawing with a brush tip, drawing with a finger.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
4. Cultivate the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing.

During the classes.

1. Org. moment.

Riddles about rowan:

Many berries - lights
Will fall on it.
And give for Marina
Beads red...( Rowan)

I look out my window
I see one tree.
Red clusters hang
Birds want to eat them.

2.Updating knowledge.

The beauty of the earth is a mountain ash ...
The mountain ash has palms
Kissed by the rain.
Berries fiery crumb
On branches and underfoot.
The mountain ash has a path.
Whoever passes will thank you.
For warmth and good temperament.
There is none more beautiful today.

Mountain ash is a magnificent decoration of forests. This is an elegant tree, fabulously beautiful at any time of the year.
In early spring, mountain ash puts on an outfit of pale green lacy leaves, and at the end of spring, in May, it blooms in lush white clusters.
In summer, mountain ash gives us coolness, protecting us from the hot sun.
And in the autumn days, this tree becomes magically beautiful. The sun, saying goodbye to the mountain ash until spring, gives it its most beautiful colors. Like a fairy-tale princess in a lace yellow sundress with bright red cluster earrings, rowan flaunts. But this decoration is short-lived. The cold merciless wind will soon rip off the wonderful outfit, and only red bunches of berries will harbor tender memories of summer and warmth.
Then winter comes, and white sparkling snow will decorate the branches. But the mountain ash will not have to be sad and bored in winter. After all, healthy and tasty rowan berries will save birds from hunger in a long frosty winter.
In the folk calendar there is a day, Peter-Paul Ryabinnik, which falls at the end of September, the time of ripening of rowan fruits. On this day, rowan branches were tied into bundles and hung under the roofs of houses, sheds, and various outbuildings. This custom is associated with the notion of mountain ash as a tree that can protect against all sorts of troubles.
Rowan was considered a symbol of happiness and peace in the family, so they always tried to plant a rowan tree near the house.

3. Study of new material.
Folk signs associated with mountain ash:
Late flowering of mountain ash - by a long autumn.
If mountain ash is born, rye will be good.
There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.

Work sequence.

    We will start the work by toning a sheet of paper. To do this, we need watercolor paints, a foam swab, water. We soak the swab with water, squeeze out excess water. We collect the desired shade of watercolor, apply an even layer on a sheet of paper. You can tint a sheet with one color, or by gradually mixing on a sheet of paper, smoothly moving from one color to another.

    We collect brown watercolor on the brush and diagonally apply a drawing of a rowan branch.

    Using the imprint technique, we draw rowan leaves.

    To draw rowan berries, we will use the “finger drawing” technique. We lower the pad of one finger into red gouache (as if we are picking up paint on the finger).

    To make the berries look like real ones, draw one black dot on each berry with the tip of a small brush.

    Draw branch cut, make it thicker

4.Practical work.

5. Summary. Reflection.

The berries are burning brightly
They are looking at me!
What a wonderful picture?
This is a tree - Rowan

Competition nomination: Abstract of the lesson.
Author: Educator Kazakova Elena Vyacheslavvna.
Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 398 of a combined type" of the Soviet district of Kazan.

Program content: Cultivate creative imagination, interest in drawing, accuracy in working with watercolors, develop fine motor skills of fingers, memory, logical thinking, attention, coherent speech, learn to answer questions with a full answer, develop the ability to plan the location of an object on a sheet of paper, convey characteristic features of mountain ash, to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly, apply watercolor by sticking, poke, activate the dictionary.

Preliminary work: Paintings depicting various trees, a floor model of a rowan tree, rowan fruits, reading poems about autumn, trees, solving riddles, memorizing poems, talking, observing natural phenomena.

Vocabulary work: guessing riddles, conversation, listening to poetry, questions.

Demo material: Paintings depicting various trees, a floor model of a rowan tree, rowan fruits, music.

Handout: Watercolors, sheets of paper, brushes, tumbler glass, brush holders, napkins.

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello.
Children Guys, look out the window, what time of year is it?
Children: Autumn.
Educator: Why did you decide that this is autumn and not another season?
Children: Because the trees have yellow and red, green leaves.
Educator: Good, but the leaves are only on the trees
Children: There are also a lot of leaves on the ground.
Teacher: What happened to the trees?
Children: The leaves turned yellow and fell off.
Educator: What kind of trees do you know?
Children: Birch, maple, oak, linden.
Educator: Guess the riddles:
sticky buds,
Green leaves.
With white bark
It is under the mountain.
Children: (Birch) Answer picture from fig.

And you don't even have to guess
Here, let's call it right away
If only someone could tell
What acorns on it!

Children: (Oak) Answer picture from fig.

green in spring,
Sunbathed in summer
put on in autumn
Red corals.
What tree?
Children: (Answers of children). That's right, it's a rowan. The answer is the picture from Fig.
Educator: (verse)
"Rowan is a beauty,
Standing in a dense forest
Beautiful and slim!
Dressed in gold.
Rowan is a beauty,
You are very good
Decorated rowan autumn time
Educator (Introduces a dummy of a mountain ash tree)
Educator: Rowan came to visit us. Let's take a closer look at what the tree has?
Children: Trunk, branches, leaves, berries.

Educator: What color is the trunk? What color and shape are the leaves of our mountain ash? Also, what is good to see?
Individual answers of children. The trunk is brown, the leaves are oval elongated, the berries are very clearly visible
Teacher: What color?
Children: Red.
Teacher: What form? How are they located
Children: Round, hanging.
Educator: Correctly rounded berries are held on a twig-tassel. Invite the children to lower their hand down with their fingers and see how the fingers are attached to the palm. Compare with rowan brush
Educator: Guys, what do you think, what benefits does mountain ash bring?
Children: For beauty, as well as fruits, birds feed in winter.
Educator: That's right, rowan is a very beautiful tree and useful. Birds (namely titmouses, starlings and even crows) feed on rowan berries. Like berries and bears, moose. Mountain ash is also useful for people, berries and leaves of mountain ash have healing properties, contain vitamins, kill microbes, dry them, make jam, add to tea, compote.
Physical education "Ryabinka"
There is a mountain ash on the hill, (Sipping - hands up).
Keeps straight, straight back.
It is not easy for her to live in the world - (Rotation of the body to the right and left).
The wind is spinning, the wind is spinning.
But the mountain ash only bends, (Tilts to the sides).
Not sad - laughing.
The free wind blows menacingly (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind).

For a young mountain ash.
Bitter in summer, sweet in frost.
What is this berry? (Rowan)
Educator: Guys, the mountain ash asks us to draw a lot of berries so that birds and animals and people have enough of its fruits for the whole winter. Consider the branch that we will draw today
Explanation and display of the order of execution of the drawing on the pedagogical sketch.
Stage 1. We draw the main branch with a pencil along the diagonal of the sheet. The branch will hold leaves and a bunch of mountain ash.
Stage 2. At an angle from the branch in one direction from above and below, we draw lines on which there will be leaves. Leaves are not drawn.
Stage 3. Draw a line from the branch vertically down - a branch with berries. The berries are held on a twig-tassel.
Draw a rowan brush. We do not draw berries.
Stage 4. Coloring the drawing. We draw a branch, then we draw the leaves by applying the whole bristle of the brush, we draw the berries using the poke method.
Independent work of children. Help children with difficulty. Posture correction.
Educator: Guys, what tree did we meet?
Children: With rowan.
Educator: What do you think, what benefits does it bring?
Children: food for birds, animals, useful for humans.
Educator: The drawings are colorful and bright. We will definitely organize an exhibition. (Rowan thanked the children for the good drawings, now her fruits will be enough for everyone for the whole winter, and she promised to return next year and again delight with her beauty).

Master class with step-by-step photos on drawing for older preschoolers "Rowan"

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna educator, head of the art studio CRR MDOU No. 1 "Bear cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
Create an educational or exhibition drawing
Learn how to work with graphic materials.
Develop fine motor skills (the ability to draw narrowing circles and small ovals)
To cultivate curiosity, the desire to convey the beauty of native nature.

Tools and materials:
Landscape paper (A4), graphic materials. You can use wax, pastel or gel crayons, watercolor or colored pencils. The softer the material, the brighter the pattern will be.

Preliminary work:
View photos with rowan

This mountain ash grows in our kindergarten.

Riddles about rowan:
The dress was lost, but the buttons remained.
Hanging on a branch of a girlfriend,
Clinging close to each other.
green in spring,
Sunbathed in summer
put on in autumn
Red corals.
Berries are not sweet
But joy to the eye
And ornaments for gardens
And treats for friends.
Autumn has come to our garden
The red torch was lit.
Here thrushes, starlings scurry about.
And, noisily, they peck at him.
In haymaking - bitter,
And in the cold - sweet,
What is a berry?
Flowers - to bees and bumblebees,
Fruits - jays and thrushes,
And a curly branch -
Place at the gazebo.

Master class course:

1. Draw a branch at the top of the sheet. We thicken its beginning.

2. On our branch there will be two brushes of berries and two or three leaves. The pupils of the preparatory groups decide for themselves. In older groups, the teacher draws a branch. You can also take this topic in medium groups. Then the branch and leaves with berries are preliminarily drawn, and the children only paint them.

3. Rowan berries are also called baskets. And they are gathered in quite large groups. First you need to draw a lot of thin branches. They diverge down and away from the main branch.

4. But, since there are a lot of berries in the basket, we add branches to each branch.

5. The next step is drawing the berries of the “first tier” in red. They are located one after another, like a caterpillar. Each circle is pressed against the next circle.

6. Draw the second one under the first tier of berries. It is shorter than the first. And each berry is also pressed against neighboring berries.

7. Now the most interesting and crucial moment is coloring the berries. At the same time, the crayon, for example, must be taken closer to the tip so as not to break it (after all, the child will definitely want to press harder, draw a brighter line).
The main task of the draftsman is to carefully, but quickly enough, lead the chalk or pencil in a circle, gradually narrowing it. We call this technique "glomerulus". Drawing rowan berries in this sense is a unique opportunity for the development of fine motor skills.
Of course, it will not be possible to paint over each berry without gaps. We get the “live” highlight we need.

8. Before drawing, we consider a rowan leaf plucked from a tree or already dried, we analyze the location of individual leaves with the children. We draw inclined "guides" - the middle, the veins of the leaves. They seem to be pressed to the main rod. At the end of it is one leaf, and the rest are paired.

9. Coloring the leaves, draw oval balls. The lines are also gradually narrowing. The edges of the rowan leaves are covered with small teeth. But you can not draw them.
The brightest option is bright red or even raspberry berries and green leaves. But in nature there are, of course, other color combinations. On tinted sheets of dark shades (gray, dark blue, even black), you can depict yellow leaves with red berries with pastel.

10. Make the background blue or blue. We draw flat, with light movements, increasing pressure on the free space of the picture.

11. We emphasize the shadows with black or brown, highlight the middle of the berries, make the picture more contrasting.

(preparatory group)

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (acquaintance with mountain ash)
(material from the Internet)

Rowan is a unique tree. It withstands frosts down to -50. Where the climate is mild, mountain ash can reach a height of 15 meters, and where it is cold - no more than 50 centimeters. The rowan fruit, it turns out, is not a berry at all. In its structure, it is close to an ordinary apple, only a small one.
Rowan has a lot of vitamins. Due to this, mountain ash fights not only viruses, but also bacteria. After frost, rowan becomes sweet
Rowan grows in Europe, Asia and North America. In total, scientists counted more than a hundred species of red mountain ash. In Russia - about thirty.
Rowan is a tree that brings a lot of benefits to a person. Rowan flowers are loved by bees, and the honey obtained from rowan has anti-inflammatory properties and improves immunity. Rowan berries can be eaten both fresh and cooked. Compotes, jams, jelly, marmalade, jelly, jams are made from mountain ash. Rowan berries are dried and soaked. Durable and beautiful wooden products, including furniture, are obtained from wood. The name of the mountain ash has a very simple origin: from the word "ripple". Indeed, in the forest, the fruits of mountain ash are visible from afar. And their inclusions greatly decorate the forest.
Rowan berries (like viburnum) are considered a symbol of family happiness. They are laid out on the windowsill or between the frames. It is believed that as long as the berries retain their color, nothing threatens the family union.
Rowan can be found in the patterns of embroidered shirts, towels and tablecloths. The mountain ash is very loved by the masters of Khokhloma painting. Drawn and embroidered mountain ash, just like a real one, plays the role of a talisman of family happiness. And how touching the first rowan beads, strung on a thread by a little girl, look!

In the PEDKOPILKA you can find a story about the rowan Egorova Galina Vasilievna

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution kindergarten No. 5 GO city of Neftekamsk, Republic of Belarus

Summary of continuous educational activities in the preparatory group non-traditional drawing technique

"Rowan branch"

(Artistic and aesthetic development)

Prepared by: Mustafina L.R.

educator gr. No. 8


Theme "Rowan branch" (non-traditional drawing technique).

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.


Continue to acquaint children with non-traditional drawing techniques - with cotton swabs, “poke” with a glue hard brush;

Develop an aesthetic perception of the world, the ability to see the beautiful;

Cause a feeling of joy from the created image.

Integrative tasks:

Speech development:

Enrich children's vocabulary;

Development of correct dialogic and monologue speech.

Cognitive development:

Formation of cognitive actions, the ability to create images of objects;

Development of imagination and creative activity;

To form the ability to manage their activities, to perform a variety of intellectual actions.

Social and communicative development:

Development of communication and interaction with peers and adults;

Formation of readiness for joint activities.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Develop children's creativity;

To consolidate and generalize the knowledge and skills of children to use artistic materials and means;

To cultivate aesthetic and moral feelings, desire to empathize and help.

Physical development:

Improve general and fine motor skills;

Develop expressiveness of movements.

Preliminary work:

Riddles guessing;

Examination of illustrations depicting mountain ash at different times of the year;

Reading poems about mountain ash;

Highlighting the features of the structure and appearance of the didactic games “From which tree is the leaf”, “Tell me, tree”.

Equipment and materials:

Picture with a tree;

Music is the background for work;

Gouache paints: white and red;

Pattern of rowan twigs;

paper napkin;

Stand for cotton buds, glue brush;

pencil case with pencils;

Expected results:

Search activity will develop;

Learn the ability to analyze your work;

Cognitive, creative and artistic abilities will develop;

Emotional responsiveness will be formed in activities and communication with peers and adults.

1. Children, listen to the riddle:

green in spring,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals.

What tree? (children's answers)

This is a rowan.

Mountain ash is a magnificent decoration of forests. This is an elegant tree, fabulously beautiful at any time of the year.

In early spring, mountain ash puts on an outfit of delicate green lacy leaves, and at the end of spring, in May, it blooms in lush white clusters.

(showing illustration of mountain ash in spring).

In summer, it gives us coolness, protecting from the hot sun.

(showing illustrations of mountain ash in summer)

And in the autumn days, this tree becomes magically beautiful. The sun, saying goodbye to the mountain ash until spring, gives the most beautiful colors. Like a fairy-tale princess, in a lace yellow sundress, with bright red earrings - clusters, rowan flaunts. But it's not durable. The cold merciless wind will soon rip off the wonderful outfit and only red clusters will harbor tender memories of summer and warmth.

(showing illustrations of autumn rowan)

Then winter comes, and white sparkling snow will decorate the branches. But the mountain ash will not have to be sad and bored in winter. After all, healthy and tasty rowan berries will save birds from hunger in a long frosty winter.

(showing illustrations of mountain ash in winter)

It is cold outside in winter, various wintering birds will fly to the mountain ash (showing illustrations depicting birds on a mountain ash)

Rowan is beautiful at different times of the year. We have already drawn a rowan in the fall, and today I suggest you draw a rowan in the winter.

(I draw the attention of children to a picture with a painted tree)

Let's remember how we painted the autumn rowan?

Clusters of rowan were drawn with cotton buds, rowan leaves were painted with a brush.

(showing a pattern of rowan twigs)

Today we will also draw bunches of mountain ash with cotton swabs, but we will draw the snow that lies on the berries with a hard glue brush using the “poke” method.

Do you know why? Yes, soft fluffy snow.

Remember what we drew in this way? Animals, they have fluffy fur, and a “poke” with a sticky hard brush gives a fluffy texture.

2. Independent activity of children.

(music sounds - background during work)

(I pay attention to how to use a hard glue brush and cotton swabs, I watch my posture during work.

Well done, what branches did you get, let them dry, and we will play with you:

Physical education "Ryabinka"

There is a mountain ash on the hill (stretch, hands up)

Holds a straight, straight back

It is not easy for her to live in the world (rotation of the torso to the right and left)

The wind is spinning, the wind is spinning

But the mountain ash only bends. (tilts to the side)

The free wind is blowing menacingly (they wave their hands, imitating the wind)

For a young mountain ash.

Now let's take the finished branches and stick them on our tree. What a wonderful winter mountain ash we got.


What did we draw today?

What methods did we use today?

What did you like the most?

Drawing: Clusters of mountain ash Purpose: - choice of image methods and visual material, depending on the transmitted image. Tasks: -to teach children to convey the characteristic features of the rowan branch: the shape, structure of the branch and leaves, berries, their color and shape; consolidate the ability to beautifully arrange a branch on a sheet of paper; introduce a new drawing technique - a poke; continue to develop finger drawing skills; cultivate aesthetic taste and accuracy in the performance of work.

Previous work: observation of autumn phenomena in nature; examining bushes and trees painted in autumn, examining bunches of mountain ash. Materials for work: gouache, brushes, sheets of paper, poke, napkins, cups of water, glue stick, picture with a rowan branch. Dictionary work: Clusters of mountain ash, nomadic birds.

The lesson begins with a poem: In the autumn forest, for a walk I invite you to go. Adventures are more interesting We, guys, cannot be found Stand one after another Hold hands tightly Along the paths, along the paths Let's go for a walk in the forest. Maybe we are in the autumn forest We will collect the leaves?

Didactic game "Good-bad" Didactic game "Good-bad" Autumn Good Bad - beautiful colorful leaves; - leaf fall; -harvesting; - collection of gifts of nature; - some birds stay for the winter and delight us with their singing, chirping - it often rains; - cold; - Animals are preparing for winter; -trees become bare; -Birds fly south

The sequence of the drawing: The sequence of the drawing: 1. Draw a branch; 2. Draw the leaves symmetrically to each other; 3. Draw a bunch on which the berries are held; 4. Draw the berries, dipping the index finger into gouache, and then onto a piece of paper; 5. Draw the “eyes” of the berry with a poke; 6. Draw the reverse side of the poke of the veins of the leaves; 7. Glue the bullfinch near the berries.

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