How is dew on thick grass. III

It is probably difficult to find a person who does not know what dew is. Remember last summer in the country. Wake up early, early, as soon as the first rays of the sun touch the ground. You look out the window and freeze with delight. Bright sunbeams sparkle iridescently in a drop of water that hangs on green grass, tree leaves, the surface of various objects. The silence is incredible. Only the unexpected breath of the morning breeze stirs the grass stalks, forcing the dew drops to sparkle with a playful rainbow.

A fabulous natural phenomenon. How is dew formed? We remember from school time that dew is formed when moist warm air hits a cooled surface. The surface temperature must be such as to cause the water vapor to condense into droplets. When a cloudless night sets in, the surface of the earth begins to cool, giving off daytime heat. During the night, the temperature of the earth's surface slowly decreases and reaches the so-called "dew point". Another required condition- windless weather.

The greatest dew forms in the tropics. There, the ground layer of air is always saturated with water vapor. And during the night, the earth's surface is intensively cooled, and the vast majority of moisture actively condenses. In the desert, morning dew is often the main source of water for all living beings. The inhabitants of the desert - the Bedouins, have special, tested for thousands of years, methods of obtaining water.

You may have noticed that there are much more dew drops on plants than on surrounding objects. Why? After all, the temperature around the air is the same. It turns out that shiny water droplets on grass and leaves are not only condensation. A large number of moisture on plants is created by the plants themselves. In this way, plants fight the high daytime temperature. The water that evaporates throughout the day will cool the plant.

Dew on plants is a mixture of water and plant sap.. It contains the same components as in the plant itself. Therefore, dew, according to popular beliefs, has extraordinary healing properties. Remember folk tales in which the girls, in order to preserve their beauty, washed themselves with morning dew. Known to everyone, Vanga recommended walking barefoot on dewy grass in the summer, this is especially important for children. She believed that morning dew is saturated with healing substances that plants secrete. A study of official medicine confirms these claims. Except medicinal properties dew on the grass is a wonderful forecaster. Intense morning dew testifies to the remarkable sunny day. No dew - wait for rain.

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  • to acquaint children with the work of L.N. Tolstoy, to form the ability to predict the content by name, to show with examples the difference between the text of description, narration and reasoning.
  • develop verbal drawing skills;
  • develop speech, imagination, attention.
  • to instill mindfulness, the skill of observing the surrounding world, to form the ability to see the beautiful in the ordinary

Equipment: Presentation for the lesson

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Get ready for the lesson. We greet each other with a smile. And with good mood Let's start the reading lesson.

What are we going to do in the lesson slide 2):

II. Warm-up.(Slide 3)

You have to control your speech.

summer, morning, dew, diamond, leaf, ball

How do you understand the word diamond?

Today in the lesson we will try to deal with the word diamond and see real diamonds. Want to?

Tell me, who saw the diamonds?

So, we are united by a problem, interest, and desire to get an answer to the question: where can one find diamonds? And that means real research! (Slide 4)

III. Goal setting. Knowledge update.

So we have a lesson. literary reading. We start talking about diamonds. What do you think is the style of the text about diamonds?

Children: it can be a literary text or scientific text.

1. Consolidation of knowledge of information from the biography of the writer

And what writer's work did we begin to study? (point to the portrait of the writer). (Slides 5, 6)

Tell us what you know from the biography of Leo Nikolevich Tolstoy?

What works of L.N. Do you know Tolstoy? ("How a thunderstorm caught me in the forest", " old grandfather and granddaughters", "Cow", "Liar", "Jump", "Shark", "Philippok", "Lion and dog", "Donkey and horse", "Lion and mouse":

What is the style of the works of this remarkable writer?

2) Consolidation of knowledge of the writer's works

Find out excerpts from which works will sound? (Work on cards in pairs)

  • No. 1, No. 10, No. 15 - "How a thunderstorm caught me in the forest"
  • No. 2, No. 13 - "Cow"
  • No. 3 - "Liar"
  • No. 4, No. 8 - "Old grandfather and granddaughter"
  • #5, #9, #12, #14 - "Shark"
  • No. 6, No. 11 - "Filippok"
  • No. 7 - "The Lion and the Dog"

We have a self-check, check your answer and the one you see on the screen.

Is everything right? (Slide 7)

What is the style of the works of Leo Tolstoy? (art)

What type of text are these passages? What is a narrative text? (Slide 8)

(Open the table on the board)

IV. new material

There are other types of texts as well. And what works of L.N. Tolstoy. There is an amazing question. Answering it, we seem to draw an object with words, and immediately this object appears in the imagination. Let's check it out. For example, have you ever seen dew?

Word drawing by children

Where can I learn more about dew? (from books, from dictionaries, from encyclopedias)

What is the style of text in reference literature called?

Use dictionaries in class, read about dew. (Self test slide 9)

But what kind of dew Lev Nikolayevich saw

Reading by the teacher of the work "What is the dew on the grass."

  • Did you like the description of dew?
  • What feelings did this piece evoke in you?
  • For what purpose did Tolstoy write it?

Primary reading aloud by children.

You listened to me read. Tell me, which of the texts did you like more: a scientific text on a slide describing dew or a text written by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy? (Slide 9)

Children express their opinion and say that they liked the text of L.N. Tolstoy.

vocabulary work with incomprehensible words. (Slide 10)

Who can explain the meaning of these words?

Ulyana: I know that a diamond is a beautiful gem.

You are right, right

Masha: Shaggy is like my puppy at home, he is shaggy and fluffy, soft, he has such a coat that you want to iron and iron. And mom says that our Beam is furry.

Egor: This puppy is shaggy, and here is a story about leaves, but wool does not grow on them. Is not it so?

Masha: But after all, there are villi on the leaves, and they seem shaggy.

Yegor, look, and you guys, look, we have flowers on the windowsill in our classroom. Here, for example, a wonderful flower - geranium. Consider the leaves of this plant. You see, there are small villi on the leaves, of course, this is not animal hair, but nevertheless, thanks to these villi, such a leaf can be called shaggy. But the ficus, does it have villi on the leaves? Do ficus have hairy leaves? I am sure that you have figured out the meaning of the word "mokhnat".

What is velvet?

Lisa: This is probably what velvet paper is made from.

Lisa, you are not quite right, velvet is a fabric, it is soft and pleasant to the touch. Remember how you feel when you iron velvet paper.

So, with incomprehensible words sorted out. Let's move on to the work of L.N. Tolstoy. Read it again in a low voice and, working in pairs, find how the writer describes dew. Read the found passages.

Children read in pairs. (preparation for selective reading)

Angelina: diamonds are visible in the grass.

Sonya: shimmer in the sun different colors- and yellow, and red, and blue.

Luda: glitter in the sun

Did you like the description of dew? Why?

Luda: I liked it because it's beautiful.

I invite you to admire with the help of our presentation diamonds in the grass ( Slides 12-19)

Tell me, what do you think, how does Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy relate to dew, to those droplets that he saw on the grass?

Dima: I think he likes them very much because they are beautiful.

Lisa: I think he admires them.

Why do you think so?

Lisa: I think so because he described the dew on the leaves very nicely.

Look, in your textbook on the same page there are words in the dictionary, read them. Do these words fit this piece?

Take the card about dew that you read at the beginning of the lesson, is it possible to determine the attitude of the author to what was written from this text?

What is the name of the text in which the attitude of the author is felt?

Vania: Such a text is called artistic.

That's right, well done, Vanya! And if it is a literary text, then the author necessarily uses the means of artistic expression to show us beauty, to convey his feelings and experiences.

Lisa: I found a comparison in this text: a leaf is like velvet

Smart, Lisa.

Vania: There is also a hidden comparison here - diamonds are visible in the grass. There are actually not diamonds, but dewdrops.

That's right, Vanya. And who remembers the name of the hidden comparison?

Lisa: This is an epithet

(Slide 20)

That's right, Lisa. And we continue to work on the text. Define the genre of this artwork (Slide 21) Please remember that you must justify your answer.

Masha: I think that this is a story, and since it tells and describes what kind of dew - then this is a story - a description

Teacher: Well done, Masha, you are ahead of my next question with your answer. What question do you think I would ask? Test yourself. (Slide 22)

IV stage. Summarizing.

Stage tasks: analyze and assess the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospects for further work.

Methods and techniques: verbal method.

Form of organization of activity: frontal.

Teacher: So, our lesson is coming to an end, let's remember what goals we set for ourselves? (Slide 23)

What or who did we meet today?

Yana: We got acquainted with the work of Leo Tolstoy "What kind of dew is on the grass"

Teacher: What did we read in class?

Luda: We read the story from the textbook and on the cards

Teacher: What have we researched?

Vania: We researched and analyzed the story-description "What is the dew on the grass"

Teacher: Well done, you are correct in what you said. I have only one question for you: why did Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy write his story? What is the purpose of writing this story?

Children's answers are heard, and (slide 24).

Dima: I just don’t understand why dew is compared to a diamond, it’s not right, dew is wet, and if you touch it, you get your fingers wet, but a diamond is hard. On the one hand, they are similar, because they shine in the sun, and on the other hand, they are not similar.

Work on the conflict that has arisen.

Guys, Dima is right, he is very observant today, so it turns out that the writer made a mistake?

Egor: They do shine.

Lisa: I think that diamond and dew cannot be completely similar, the writer simply remembered what else, besides dew, glitters beautifully in the sun and remembered the diamond.

That's right, Liza, well done, it was the brilliance in the sun that prompted the writer to compare such two dissimilar objects, it was this sign that stuck the writer's attention.

I really want to ask you an unusual homework today, today it is creative and everyone chooses a task according to their strengths and capabilities. Level I of the task is more complex, designed more for self-study, it is more difficult. Level II is easier, it is designed to work in a textbook. Each of you will choose your task. Do you agree? (Slide 25)

Poll children and each chooses homework.

Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over.

Lesson summary

The date: 18.02.2015 Class: 2 "A"

Subject: Literary reading

Topic: The concept of description. L. Tolstoy "what kind of dew is on the grass."

Target: Pto acquaint children with the work of L.N. Tolstoy, to form the ability to predict the content by name, to show with examples the difference between the text of description, narration and reasoning.


To form the skill of fluent, conscious reading;

- To develop the creative activity of students, to cultivate a love of reading, to work on expressiveness, to teach to read thoughtfully; develop speech, imagination, attention.

To instill mindfulness, the skill of observing the surrounding world, to form the ability to see beauty in the ordinary;

Cultivate diligence, attentiveness,careful attitude to nature, kindness,

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, video clips, presentation;

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Get ready for the lesson. We greet each other with a smile. And with a good mood, let's start the reading lesson.

II. Examination homework

Expressive reading poems "Baby camel" p.120.

Reading proverbs about animals.

(view video clip about animals)

Guys, what does the poem teach?

How should we treat animals?

Why, writers, poets call us to good, good attitude km animals?

III. Goal setting. Knowledge update.

Today, we will get to know you with the story of Leo Tolstoy.

Tell us what you know from the biography of Leo Nikolevich Tolstoy?

What works of L.N. Do you know Tolstoy? (“How a Thunderstorm Caught Me in the Forest”, “Old Grandfather and Granddaughter”, “Cow”, “Liar”, “Jump”, “Shark”, “Filippok”, “Lion and Dog”, “Donkey and Horse”, “ Lion and Mouse":

Story about the life and work of the writer. (by slide)

What new did you learn about the writer?

What kind of person was this?

Why L.N. Tolstoy worked hard, and was not afraid of any work?

(drawing the sun-opening)

What is the style of the works of this remarkable writer?

What is the style of the works of Leo Tolstoy? (art)

What type of text are these passages? What is a narrative text?


What happened?

What happened?

Tells about an event, a natural phenomenon.

IV. new material

There are other types of texts as well. And what works of L.N. Tolstoy. There is an amazing question. Answering it, we seem to draw an object with words, and immediately this object appears in the imagination. Let's check it out. For example, have you ever seen dew?


1. Dew - atmospheric moisture, which is deposited upon cooling with the smallest water droplets.

2 . Dew - small drops of moisture that settle on plants, soil when the morning or evening coolness sets in. (Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov)

"View video clip dew"


How did L.N. Tolstoy name his story?

"What is the dew on the grass."

v. Primary teacher reading page 121

Did you like the description of dew?

- What feelings did this piece evoke in you?

Think about the purpose of Tolstoy writing this text?

To draw our attention to the world around us

So that we are interested, where does the dew come from?

VI. Independent reading by students

Can you now answer the author's question, what kind of dew is on the grass?

(like a diamond, yellow, red, of blue color like a ball of light)

VII. Repeated reading of the text along the "chain".

Vocabulary work.

With what does L. N. Tolstoy compare drops of dew? (with diamonds)

(Slide 17) Diamonds - transparent gems.

And what is a shaggy fluffy leaf compared to? (with velvet)

Velvet (Ozhegov's dictionary) - dense silk or cotton fabric with a soft, smooth and thick pile.

What other comparisons did you find in the text?(Slide 18)

Define the type of this text (description)

The teacher puts up a table on the blackboard:

“Text is a description-image of an object, phenomenon, its features. Questions: Which one? Which? Which? What kind?"

Find in the text the words that the author chose to convey his joy at the sight of extraordinary beauty, find and read.

(Slide 19) (Diamonds shine, shimmer in different colors;

The leaf inside is shaggy and fluffy, like velvet ... - these are metaphors)

What kind figurative means does the author use?

(Comparisons, metaphors)

Is it possible to understand from the text the attitude of the author to this phenomenon, confirm with words from the text.

with his feelings with readers: “this dewdrop is tastier than any

drink seems)

VIII. Reading a text from an encyclopedia about dew to oneself.

Reread the text, try to convey your attitude to the picture you saw.

(Children read and come to the conclusion that it is difficult to convey feelings, since there is no attitude of the author.)

These are two descriptive texts, but they are different. AT description text in the encyclopedia we met words and expressions characteristic of scientific and business speech, received accurate information about this phenomenon, did not see the attitude of the author. In Tolstoy's story, figurative means of language are used, we see the attitude of the author.

What titles could you give to these texts - descriptions, what styles do they belong to?

IX. Generalization

Composing a syncwine

    Noun - dew

    2 adjectives - morning, diamond

    3 verbs - glitters, sparkles, rolls, shimmers

    4 word sentence - Dew sparkles with large diamonds

X . Summing up the lesson

Glue your dewdrop under the sun that matches your mood in the lesson. Grading.


Dukhanina T. B., primary school teacher

MOU "Gymnasium them. I. S. Nikitin, Voronezh.


Topic: Tolstoy L. N. "What kind of dew is on the grass."

Purpose: To form the reading technique and methods of understanding the text, to promote the development of coherent speech.

Tasks: 1. Deepen children's understanding of pictorial nature artistic text; show that the author can depict everything that surrounds us; start working on image tools; give an idea of ​​the "drawing" words.

2. To teach the ability to perceive the beauty of nature, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: multimedia projector, slides with views of nature, portrait of L. N. Tolstoy, S. I. Ozhegov " Dictionary", L. N. Tolstoy "Stories for Children", a piece of velvet or velvet paper, musical accompaniment: E. Grieg "Morning".

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, today we will continue to work on a literary text. A related word to the word "artistic" is "artist", a person who draws with paints, pencils. And we will talk about writers who “draw” with words.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Introduction.

Teacher: Guys, look at the slides carefully and listen to the music.

(Music sounds: Edvard Grieg "Morning"; slides on the screen: views of nature corners, summer mornings.)

Teacher: What did you see?

(Forest, grass, meadow, clearing, sun.)

Teacher: What season is it? Why?

(Summer. Everything is green, the sun is shining, flowers are blooming.)

Teacher: What time of day is it? Why?

(Most likely, this morning, the sun is rising.)

Teacher: What natural phenomena do we observe on a summer morning?

(Sunrise, dew.)

Teacher: Now I will read a story about one of the phenomena of nature. Try to guess, listen carefully.

2. Work on the story of L. N. Tolstoy "What is the dew on the grass."

one). Reading by the teacher of an excerpt from the story of L. N. Tolstoy "What kind of dew is on the grass."

(This story is about dew).

Teacher: Right. This picture was painted by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his work “What is the dew on the grass”.

2). Fizkultminutka.

(The teacher shows a portrait of the writer.)

Teacher: Near the city of Tula there is a place called Yasnaya Polyana, where the writer Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) lived and worked in his estate. 150 years ago, there were few schools in the country, even in the cities, and in the villages, almost everyone was illiterate. In the autumn of 1859, the writer L. N. Tolstoy opened in his own Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children. He announced that the school was free and that there would be no corporal punishment (whips). At first, the peasants shrugged their shoulders: where has it been seen to teach for free, and will it be useful if you do not flog the mischievous and lazy. But soon everyone saw that the school in Yasnaya Polyana was unlike any other. At the Tolstoy school, the children learned to read, write, count, they had drawing and singing classes. There were no homework assignments. Tolstoy knew that in a cramped hut, his students would not be able to fulfill it. In addition, village children helped their parents a lot with the housework. Tolstoy told the children something interesting, showed them gymnastic exercises, fought with them, played, ran for distillation, sledding from the mountains in winter, went to the river or to the forest in summer. At that time, there were few books for children, and now a world-famous writer writes the ABC for children. She left in 1872.

Guys, look at these books. (The teacher shows the books of L. N. Tolstoy). They were written for children by L. N. Tolstoy. You can already read them yourself, learn about how children lived in those distant times, what they played, what they did.

four). Reading text.

Teacher: In today's lesson we will read the story of L. N. Tolstoy "What is the dew on the grass." What do you know about dew? What is dew? Where does she come from?

(Dew is water droplets on leaves.)

Teacher: Right. Let's now read what is written about dew in the explanatory dictionary.

(The teacher offers to find the definition in the dictionary, where a bookmark has been made in advance).

(Dew is a type of precipitation that forms on the surface of the earth, plants, objects, roofs of buildings).

Teacher: The word "dew" comes from the Old Slavic word meaning "water". This meaning is preserved in the words: irrigate, mermaid, channel.

5). Analysis of a work of art.

a) Phonetic training.

(The words flash on the screen).



got together




(The teacher gives a definition of the words: diamond is a precious stone, velvet is a type of fabric with a short pile. Students read the words syllable by syllable in chorus and selectively.)

b) Expressive reading of a passage by a teacher or well-read children.

c) Updating knowledge.

(Dewdrops are compared to diamonds because dew shimmers in the sun and sparkles like precious stones.)

Teacher: And what else can you compare drops of dew to?

(With sparks, stones, pearls, multi-colored glass, tears.)

Teacher: Well done! Let's read again how the writer "draws" the dew.

(Selective reading.)

Teacher: When do you think the writer saw the dew?

(In the morning.)

Teacher: What was it like in the morning: sunny or cloudy? Find proof in the text.

(Selective reading.)

Teacher: Where do dewdrops collect? Find the description in the story.

(Selective reading.)

(The teacher passes pieces of velvet or velvet paper along the rows.)

(The leaves also have villi.)

Teacher: Try to find out at home why dew drops do not wet grass leaves, but roll off them? Now imagine that you are on a sunny morning in the forest. Tell us what the grass looks like and the dew drops on it.

(Children's statements.)

Teacher: What do you think, what should be a person who could see and describe a summer morning so beautifully?

(Attentive, observant, loving nature, beautiful.)

(Admires, admires, fascinates, amazed.)

6). Physical education minute.

7). Reading by students again.

Teacher: Pay attention to the sign at the end last sentence. This is an ellipsis. This sign is placed when a sentence or work is not finished, but needs to be continued. How would you end the story?

(Children's statements.)

Teacher: Do you want to know how Leo Tolstoy continues his story? Then listen.

When you inadvertently pick off a leaf with a dewdrop, the drop will roll down like a ball of light, and you will not see how it slips past the stem. It used to be that you tear off such a cup, slowly bring it to your mouth and drink a dewdrop, and this dewdrop seems to be tastier than any drink.

Teacher: Do you know folk omens: abundant dew - by a clear day, a quiet bright night without dew - expect rain the next day?

IV. Checking homework.

Teacher: What pictures of nature did you meet in the last lesson?

(We got acquainted with poems that “draw” winter, birch.)

Teacher: Read them out loud.

(Students read poems by A. S. Pushkin and G. Novitskaya.)

(The teacher evaluates the children's reading.)

V. Reflection.

Teacher: Children, what do you think, the pictures of winter, birches, summer mornings were drawn?

(Students may answer yes.)

Teacher: What are these pictures drawn with?

(These pictures are "painted" with words.)

Teacher: Right. The artist can draw a picture with paints, pencils. And a writer, a poet can “paint” the same picture with words. Such literary texts called a description. And the words that help to present these pictures to us can be called “drawing”.

VI. Relaxation.

Teacher: Listen again to the music of E. Grieg and enjoy the paintings native nature remember summer.

(Music sounds, teacher shows slides.)

When you go to the forest on a sunny morning in summer, you can see diamonds in the fields, in the grass. All these diamonds shine and shimmer in the sun in different colors - yellow, red, and blue. When you come closer and see what it is, you will see that these are drops of dew gathered in the triangular leaves of the grass and glisten in the sun. The leaf of this grass inside is shaggy and fluffy, like velvet. And the drops roll on the leaf and do not wet it. When you inadvertently pick off a leaf with a dewdrop, the drop will roll down like a ball of light, and you will not see how it slips past the stem. It happens that you tear off such a cup, slowly bring it to your mouth and drink a dewdrop, and this dewdrop seems to be tastier than any drink.

On clear nights, with a weak wind, dew drops form on the stems and leaves of plants, on the grass. The appearance of dew is the result of cooling of the surface layer of air. The water vapor contained in it is deposited in the form of small droplets of water. They gradually merge together into large drops, which are called dew. The dew is often so abundant that it even glitters at night, reflecting the light of the stars. “Morning dew is a good tear, it washes the forest, says goodbye to the night.”
In summer, very heavy dew portends clear weather without precipitation. This was reflected in the signs: “Early and evening dew in summer - to a bucket”, “Night dew - to a clear day”, “Dew strong - to good weather”, “Dry (that is, lack of dew) - to rain”. Clear dry weather turns into unstable with rains and thunderstorms if dew does not fall in the evening: “Quiet, bright night without dew - expect rain”, “Dry grass - expect rain”. Dew dew delays the formation of frosts, promotes the growth of plants. Therefore, signs arose: "Abundant dew portends a harvest", "Without dew, grass does not grow." The French say: "In April and May, dew - in August and September, rich mowing."

Dew is the pure cosmic energy of the stars reflected on the earth. Why is dew good? The fact that no one needs to be convinced of her magical power. It is enough to try once - and the whole body begins to burn and pulsate, because the energy of the stars and the earth wishes well for its children; morning dew literally penetrates into all pores. Diseases go away, especially skin, fungal, leg vessels, and the evil eye and some types of damage, for example, induced by twisted hair, are removed. Morning dew literally remembers the biologically active molecules of all herbs, alternately absorbing the power of the Moon and the morning Sun; absorbs the voices of birds, winds, the rustle of leaves, the warmth of the earth, generally duplicates the energy-information field that feeds all living things and begins to rise from the bottom up, then descending, because the morning dew is the skin of mother earth.

As you know, our body consists of 70% water, and morning dew, acting on a person, reacts with his intracellular fluid and especially with blood and lymph. Dew absorbs both positive and negative emotions equally well, therefore, before plunging into a dewy meadow, be sure to drive away bad thoughts. Rose can be drunk. For this, an accelerated collection method is used, which slightly reduces the life-giving power of dew, but the quantity compensates for the loss in quality. A white new sheet is taken and one day weathered in the sun. Before dawn, it is laid on a meadow, after which the absorbed moisture is squeezed into a basin (in extreme cases, several white linen towels, pieces of gauze, etc. will do).

And now more painstaking, but qualitative method collection of morning dew - it can be collected with a pipette. If you are lucky, you can find plants with depressions in the meadow, in which the dew content is maximum, but even in this case, the collection process remains troublesome. The healing power of dew stored for future use lasts 42 days. So is bathing in dew. You need to start it slowly, “beginning with bare feet, after four minutes to plunge to the waist, after another nine minutes to start riding in the dew (seven minutes), and final stage- washing the face and hair - for four minutes. As a result, the whole procedure should be 24 minutes. I think that no one doubts that dewdrops protect a person, remove damage, slander and other evil spirits, cleanse from ailments and give strength

Where does such faith come from? From experience accumulated over thousands of years.
Water collected from morning meadows has long been considered pure, almost holy. And especially miraculous properties still attributed to the dew that appeared on the first day of August (according to the old style), on Wet Spas. They come for it ahead of time, they try to collect it before others. Such dew is called "unopened" or "undrinkable" water.

Even in deserts, where there is neither grass nor trees, people collected dew on specially spread canvases and used the moisture squeezed out of them for medicinal purposes.
Walking in the morning dew brings great benefits to the feet.

In order to remove the damage caused by twisted hair, you need to keep your feet in warm, warm morning dew for seven days in a row (you should never boil it). Each time some kind of mucus will come out of the legs, and eventually something like a black hair will appear at the bottom of the pelvis. And if it dissolves before your eyes, it means that the damage is gone and in a few days the old diseased skin will come off your feet, and a new one will grow in its place. Bot so miraculous dew is able to draw out all the damage and the evil eye. In conclusion, I want to say that bathing and rolling in the morning dew relieves women from frigidity, and men from impotence.

Immerse yourself in this life-giving moisture, and you will see for yourself in its healing properties.

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§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...