Miraculous properties of holy water. Holy water against the evil eye and how to use it correctly

Holy water is water of ordinary composition and original origin (well, spring, lake, river, tap), which miraculously acquires special beneficial, sanctifying and healing properties after a special service is performed over it - the blessing of water.

By consecrating water, the Church brings down onto the water, through the power of prayer and the Word of God, the blessing of the Lord and the grace of the Most Holy and Life-giving Spirit.

Water consecrated according to a special great rite, on the feast of the Epiphany, is called “agiasma”, which means “shrine”.

St. John Chrysostom speaks about Epiphany water:

« A clear sign is happening“This water in its essence does not deteriorate over time, but, drawn today, it remains intact and fresh for a whole year, and often two or three years, and after a long time is not inferior to waters just drawn from sources.”

And Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus compares the change in the “nature of the waters” with the transformation of water into wine in Cana of Galilee.

We must never forget that consecrated water is a great church shrine, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude.

This great shrine has been next to us all our lives. Blessed water is an image of God's grace: it cleanses believers from spiritual impurities, sanctifies and strengthens them for the feat of salvation in God.

We first plunge into it in baptism, when, upon receiving this sacrament, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the sacrament of baptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him into a new life in Christ.

In the Orthodox Church, holy water has the widest use as a source of God's grace in the mysterious sanctification of everyone and everything.

Holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of churches and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water at religious processions and prayer services.

How to use holy water?

Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in every home of an Orthodox Christian. It is carefully kept in the holy corner, near the icons. In addition to Epiphany water, Orthodox Christians use water blessed at prayer services in their home or church.

Holy water is usually taken by believers on an empty stomach in small quantities, after the morning prayer rule, with special reverence and prayer.
However, in case of special need for God’s help, during illnesses or attacks by evil forces, it can be drunk with prayer and reverence at other times. You can also anoint sore spots with holy water and sprinkle your home.

In Typikon or Minee for January, on the 6th (19th) date, a special note was made about Epiphany water:

“Let everyone know about holy water. As if some people separate themselves from holy water for the sake of partaking, they do not do good, for grace for the sake of God was given for the sanctification of the world and all creation. Likewise, in all sorts of stingy places, it is sprinkled everywhere, even under our feet. And where is the understanding of these, so as not to drink sow? but let us know that it is not for eating for the sake of food that we have impurity, but from our bad deeds, and cleansed from these, we drink without a doubt this holy water.”

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water

Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your infinite mercy through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints Yours. Amen.

Prayer for the sanctification of every thing

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, it will help those who want to use it for bodily salvation and intercession and help, oh Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

(And sprinkle the item with holy water three times).

Hermogenes Ivanovich Shimansky writes about the use of consecrated water:

“The water consecrated on the eve of the holiday and on the very feast of Epiphany is called the great agiasma, that is, the great shrine, because through the influx of the Spirit of God it received within itself great, Divine and miraculous power. Therefore, this water has important and extensive use among Christians. The houses of believers are sprinkled with it on eve and the feast of the Epiphany; believers can use it at any time with great reverence, eat it before eating, carefully store it throughout the year, sprinkle it and signify it for the health of soul and body. The Church uses it during consecration of the world, during the consecration of the antimensions and during the consecration of the artos on the day of Easter.The Church determined that this same Epiphany water, together with the antidoron (i.e., with the remainder of the prosphora, from which part was removed for the Holy Lamb), should be given instead of communion of the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ to those who have been excommunicated from communion of the Holy Mysteries or have not prepared themselves to receive them.Finally, the Church uses it when consecrating various substances that have been defiled in some way.

Water blessed according to the rite of the small consecration of water is called small agiasma, in contrast to the great agiasma - the water of the Holy Epiphanies, but its use is even more extensive than the latter. It is used by the Church when performing various kinds of rites and consecrating prayers, such as: during the consecration of temples, dwellings and everything that serves to support our bodily life, i.e. food and drink. The Church uses it when performing prayers that bless our good intentions, namely: when consecrating a new house, when setting off on a journey, before beginning good deeds. In all these cases, a small blessing of water and sprinkling of St. is performed. water for encouragement and grace-filled strengthening of believers for the labors and deeds set before them. Finally, the minor consecration of water is performed in difficult times of public and private disasters, because the Church, in the sanctified element, wants to give us grace that delivers us from troubles, illnesses and sorrows. The minor consecration of water is performed on church holidays before the liturgy, as a sign of the renewal of the unfading grace imparted to the church during its consecration.”

What are the benefits of drinking holy water?

The priestly prayer during the blessing of water lists the gifts of the grace of water: resolution of sins, healing of ailments, destruction of demons.

Holy water extinguishes the flames of passions, drives away evil spirits - that is why they sprinkle holy water on their homes and every thing that is consecrated.

“When a person consumes prosphora and holy water,” said the recluse Georgy Zadonsky“Then the unclean spirit does not approach him, the soul and body are sanctified, thoughts are illuminated to please God, and the person is inclined to fasting, prayer and all virtues.”

“Consecrated water,” as he wrote Saint Demetrius of Kherson, - has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it.”

Not only Church Tradition, but also the personal experience of believers convinces of the miraculous power of holy water. The grace of God descending on the water through the prayers of the priest gives it the power to heal illnesses, quench passions and weaken emerging sinful attractions, free from all evil, and cleanse from defilement. Any item used by an Orthodox Christian is sanctified with holy water.

Reverend Ambrose Optinsky sent a bottle of holy water to a terminally ill patient - and the incurable disease, to the amazement of the doctors, went away. Saint Seraphim of Vyritsky He always advised sprinkling food and the food itself with Jordanian (Epiphany) water, which, in his words, “itself sanctifies everything.” When someone was very sick, Elder Seraphim gave his blessing to take a tablespoon of consecrated water every hour. The elder said that there is no stronger medicine than holy water and blessed oil.

A special property of holy water is that, added even in small quantities to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water.

How is water blessed?

Blessing of water can be small and great: small things are done several times throughout the year (during prayers, the Sacrament of Baptism), and big things are done only on the feast of the Epiphany (Epiphany). The Great Blessing of Water on this Holiday is performed twice - on the day of Epiphany, and also the day before, on the eve of Epiphany (Epiphany Eve).

On Christmas Eve and on the very day of the feast of the Epiphany, during the blessing of water, the same rite of the great blessing of water is performed.

Holy water is absolutely the same on both days - both on the day of Epiphany and on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

The blessing of water is called great because of the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memory of the gospel event, which became not only the prototype of the mysterious washing of sins, but also the actual sanctification of the very nature of water through the immersion of God in the flesh.

The blessing of water performed on the eve of Epiphany on January 18 serves as a monument to the fact that in ancient times, on the eve of Epiphany, the blessing of water was performed for the baptism of catechumens.

After the liturgy on January 19, the blessing of water is performed in memory of the Baptism of the Lord, so there is a solemn procession with a cross, the Gospel, lamps and banners, with bells ringing and the singing of a troparion to water sources.

The Great Blessing of Water mainly consists of: singing the stichera “The Voice of the Lord on the Waters,” reading three proverbs, the prokeme, the Apostle and the Gospel, a peaceful litany and a consecrating prayer with petitions for the consecration of water. And, finally, the very consecration of the water with the threefold immersion of the holy cross and the threefold singing of the troparion of the Epiphany: “I am baptized in the Jordan, O Lord.”

Small water blessing is supposed to be done at the beginning of each month. On this basis, it takes place on August 1st and is therefore sometimes called the “August Blessing of Water.” Then the small blessing of water is performed at the end of Pentecost in remembrance of what Jesus Christ taught the people about living water flowing into eternal life (John 4:10). It is also performed before the liturgy on church holidays, on which the church is renewed with prayer and the sprinkling of holy water. Finally, it can be performed at the request of each believer at any time (at home or in church) in conjunction with prayer singing.

The small consecration of water, just like the great consecration of water, dates back to ancient times, to the first times of the Church.

In the Apostolic Decrees, the establishment of the sanctification of water is attributed to the Evangelist Matthew. According to Baronius (132), the ancient custom of performing a minor consecration of water, which existed since the times of the apostles, was approved as a church rite by Alexander, Bishop of Rome, who suffered under the Emperor Hadrian. Balsamon, Patriarch of Antioch (12th century), in his interpretation of rule 65 of the Trullo Council, mentions the small blessing of water as an ancient custom and explains that the fathers of this Council decided to perform the small blessing of water at the beginning of each month in counteracting pagan superstitious customs in the new moon, which had been held for a long time among Christians.

The final formation of the rite of minor consecration of waters is attributed to the Patriarch of Constantinople Photius, who lived in the 9th century.

Does it happen that holy water “doesn’t help”?

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “All grace coming from God through the Holy Cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora), etc., including the Most Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through prayers of repentance, repentance, humility, service to people, works of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues... But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for the wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues)."

“Miracles of healing occur in our days, and they are countless. But the miraculous effects of holy water are awarded only to those who accept it with living faith in the promises of God and the power of prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a pure and sincere desire to change their lives, repentance, salvation. God does not create miracles where they want to see them only out of curiosity, without a sincere intention to use them for their salvation. “An evil and adulterous generation,” the Savior said about his unbelieving contemporaries, “seeks a sign; and the sign will not be given to him." In order for holy water to benefit us, let us take care of the purity of our souls, the dignity of our thoughts and actions."
(Archimandrite Ambrose (Ermakov))

What to do if holy water has spoiled?

Rarely, but due to various circumstances, it happens that water comes into a state that does not allow internal use. In this case, it should be poured into some untrampled place - into a stream or river, where there is a current, into standing (flowing) water, and the vessel in which it was stored should no longer be used for domestic use. This should be a reason for us to treat holy water piously and carefully and to lead a more attentive, pious life.

Is it true that swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany cleanses all sins?

- This is wrong! Swimming in an ice hole (Jordan) is a good old folk custom, which is not yet a church sacrament. Forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and His Church is possible only in the sacrament of repentance, during confession in church.
(Archimandrite Ambrose (Ermakov))

Archpriest Vasily Izyumsky. Why do we need the Church.

Compiled using articles from sites: Pravoslavie.Ru
Tatyana's Day

In this article:

The evil eye is a negative energy program that differs from damage not only in the strength of its impact, but also in the method of induction. Such negativity is formed under the influence of any negative feelings and emotions of a person, for example, due to jealousy or envy. Bad feelings contribute to the accumulation of negative energy, which, when reached a certain volume, can break out and cause harm to other people.

For many centuries, holy water has been considered one of the most effective remedies against the evil eye and other types of negativity. Blessed water can be used both together with other methods of combating negative energy, and separately.

In addition, there are a number of cleansing magical rituals, which require a liquid charged with church energy.

What is the evil eye and how to fight it

The evil eye is sometimes considered a type of damage, but this is completely incorrect, because such negativity can be caused without bad intent, and by people who do not even think about causing harm to someone. Because of this, the evil eye is the most common type of negative energy, to which any person, without exception, can become a victim.

The evil eye is a fairly weak form of negative energy, and it is quite easy to fight it. In most cases, a believer will be able to get rid of negative influences with the help of prayers, icons and holy water alone.

What is holy water

Holy water is water taken from consecrated springs or churches. You can charge the water with pure Christian energy yourself; to do this, simply place a consecrated cross on your body in a vessel with clean water and read the Lord’s Prayer seven times. Many churchmen say that water charged in this way is not truly consecrated, since only the servants of the Lord have sufficient power to perform this ritual.

Their opinion can be easily explained, because they do not want the common man to understand that all the power lies in his very faith, and priests, churches and domes are just a bright cover, but not the essence of Orthodoxy and Christianity in general.

Jesus Christ taught people faith and told them not to make idols for themselves, not to worship idols, but this is exactly what some dishonest worshipers are trying to achieve today.

You can indeed make (charge) holy water yourself, but this is only available to sincere believers who do not doubt their faith and never deviate from it.

In the matter of consecrating water, an important role is played not by who performs the ritual, but by the time of the ancient rite. It is best to charge the liquid with energy on major Orthodox holidays, especially Epiphany, because Epiphany water has long been considered unique.

Even in our age of progress, many local residents believe that stocking up on Epiphany water is their sacred duty, and it’s hard to argue with this belief, because such miraculous water can always come in handy. This liquid can be used not only to cleanse the body and soul of negative energy, but also to get rid of a variety of diseases.

Holy water is a panacea for many ills

What was previously treated with holy water?

Our ancestors have used holy water for centuries to treat a variety of diseases. Some evidence of such use and miraculous healing has survived to this day. It is known that in the Ryazan region holy water was used even for snake bites. During Palm Matins, holy water was infused on willow buds, and it was this liquid that made it possible to fight the poison.

In the Novgorod region, Epiphany water has long been held in special esteem; it was used to treat bruises and abrasions, and was also used to lubricate any injuries on the body. In addition, it was believed that such water was the only reliable medicine for diseases in infants. Of course, today we should not forget about modern medications, because they really can save lives.

In Rus', holy water was used not only for external and internal use. It was from then on that the tradition of Epiphany bathing in an ice hole has come down to the present day, because before this the reservoir is blessed, which means we can say that people are bathing in already holy water.

It is believed that swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany can save a person from any disease, even the most serious. In addition, even completely healthy people plunge into the ice hole for preventive purposes. The most amazing thing is that after such bathing there are practically no cases of colds; even for sick people, cold water does not bring any complications.

Holy water today

Blessed water still retains its miraculous properties today. In addition to Epiphany water, Jordan water collected on January 18, Sretenskaya water collected on February 15, and Spasovskaya water collected on August 19 are also suitable for fighting the evil eye and damage.

To get rid of a simple evil eye, sometimes it is enough to simply sprinkle holy water on the sick person and let him drink a few sips. Small children, among other things, need to be washed with holy water and their heads moistened with it.

This method is a very good way to wash away household negativity.

If the evil eye is strong, you can use the ritual with a bath. Fill half a bathtub with warm water at a temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius, and then pour some blessed water into the bathtub crosswise. After this, sit in the bath and read any conspiracies you know against negativity or prayers, the well-known “Our Father” will do. If after taking a bath you notice a rash or even bruises on your body, then do not be alarmed, these are good signs indicating the beginning of the process of cleansing the body of negative induced energy. In addition, you can add a few tablespoons of salt to the bath.

There are many popular superstitions about how to use and what holy water helps with:

  • The best remedy for all types of spoilage is water taken from three different springs before sunrise;
  • from springs and springs the water will be the cleanest and healthiest;
  • Water that flows in the direction of the sun, that is, from east to west, helps well against any disease;
  • clay helps purify water, therefore water from a spring or river with a clay bed will be healthier than water taken from a reservoir with a stone bed;
  • water that flows down from a hill has an additional advantage;
  • Water that flows from a spring and is open to the wind and sun will help protect against witchcraft;
  • The human body best absorbs fresh well water, especially if it sits for a day in a new clay jug with an open neck before use;
  • holy water helps well against insomnia; for sound sleep, you can make compresses on the forehead with cold liquid;
  • Warm foot baths with a small amount of holy water will help relieve headaches;
  • To prevent bedbugs in the house, sprinkle beds and all bedding with holy water.

Holy water is one of the most powerful sources of Christian energy. When used correctly, this liquid can help in a variety of life situations, ranging from manifestations of negative magical energy, ending with difficulties in personal life and illness.

It is only important to remember that holy water will have power only if you yourself believe in this power, in the power of God. For true believers in any situation, no other sources of otherworldly power will be needed other than an icon, holy water and prayer.

There are two types of consecration of water - great consecration and small.

When does the great blessing of water occur?

The Great Blessing of Water occurs only twice a year. On the day of Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18) and on the Epiphany itself (January 19). The Blessing of Water on Christmas Eve takes place in the morning after the end of the liturgy, and the rite of the Great Hagiasma for Epiphany is carried out either on the night of the 19th, or in the morning of the same date, but always after the festive liturgy.

When does a small blessing of water occur?

Small blessings of water occur several times a year. So, on light () Easter water is blessed. This takes place during Easter week, when the Church celebrates the memory of the Mother of God of the Life-Giving Source.

The Lesser Blessing of Water is considered obligatory on the Feast of the Holy Cross of the Lord (August 14) and Mid-Pentecost (25 days after Easter)

In some churches, the rite of blessing water can be carried out on patronal holidays or on days of remembrance of revered saints (for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker). There is also the practice of small blessing of water on the day, the solemn consecration of the entire temple.

There is a tradition of water-blessing prayers at miraculous springs and springs. This happens on the days of remembrance of revered saints and icons of the Mother of God.

On other days, the blessing of water in the temple can also be observed. Believers can

All our lives we have a great shrine next to us - holy water.
Blessed water is an image of God's grace: it cleanses believers from spiritual impurities, sanctifies and strengthens them for the feat of salvation in God.
We first plunge into it in baptism, when, upon receiving this sacrament, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the sacrament of baptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him into a new life in Christ.
Holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of churches and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item.
We are sprinkled with holy water during religious processions and prayer services.
On the day of Epiphany, every Orthodox Christian carries home a vessel with holy water, carefully preserves it as the greatest shrine, prayerfully communing with holy water in illnesses and all infirmities.
Epiphany water, like Holy Communion, is received by believers only on an empty stomach.
“Consecrated water,” as St. Demetrius of Kherson wrote, “has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it.” She, accepted with faith and prayer, heals our bodily illnesses.
Holy water extinguishes the flames of passions, drives away evil spirits - that is why they sprinkle holy water on their homes and every thing that is consecrated.
After the confession of the pilgrims, St. Seraphim always gave them to drink from the cup of holy Epiphany water.
The Monk Ambrose sent a bottle of holy water to a terminally ill patient - and the incurable disease, to the amazement of the doctors, went away.
Elder Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky always advised sprinkling food and the food itself with Jordanian (Epiphany) water, which, in his words, “itself sanctifies everything.”
When someone was very sick, Elder Seraphim gave his blessing to take a tablespoon of consecrated water every hour. The elder said that there is no stronger medicine than holy water and blessed oil.


The consecration of water was accepted by the Church from the apostles and their successors. But the first example was set by the Lord Himself, when He plunged into the Jordan and sanctified the entire nature of the water.
Water did not always need to be blessed. There were times when everything on earth was pure and holy.
“And God saw everything that He had created,” says the book of Genesis, “and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). Then, before the fall of man, everything was created by the Word of God, everything was enlivened by the Holy Spirit, who hovered over the water. Everything on earth was sealed with the all-sanctifying blessing of God, and therefore all the earthly elements served for the benefit of man: they supported life, protected the body from destruction. Living in this harmonious, paradisiacal environment, man, according to God’s promise, was supposed to be immortal, for “God did not create death” (Wisdom 1:13).
But man himself, through communication with an unclean spirit, accepted the seed of uncleanness into his soul. And then the Spirit of God retreated from the unclean creature: “And the Lord [God] said: My Spirit will not forever be despised by men [these], because they are flesh” (Genesis 6:3).
Now everything that the hands of sinners touched became unclean, everything became an instrument of sin, and therefore was deprived of the blessing of God and was subject to a curse. The elements that previously served man have changed. The earth now brings thorns and thistles, the air saturated with decay becomes dangerous and sometimes deadly. Water, having become a drain of sewage, became contagious, dangerous, and now in the hands of God’s Justice it began to act as an instrument of punishment for the wicked.
But this does not mean that humanity was deprived of holy water. The source that Moses brought out of the rock flowed, of course, not ordinary water, but special water. The water in the source of the Samaritan, dug by the forefather Jacob and later sanctified by the Savior’s conversation at this source, was not simple.
The concept of holy water is found in the Old Testament: “and the priest will take the holy water in an earthen vessel” (Numbers 5:17).
But very special water flows in the Jordan River. Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared on the Jordan to sanctify the watery nature and make it a source of sanctification for man.
That is why, at the Baptism of the Lord on the Jordan, the miracle of creation seemed to be repeated: the heavens opened, the Spirit of God descended, and the voice of the Heavenly Father was heard: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).
Thus, after the Fall of man, water was consecrated for the first time.


Why does the Church sanctify water again and again when it has already been sanctified by the Baptism of the Son of God Himself?
We, fallen people, although renewed by the grace of God, always, until death, carry within us the seed of ancient sinful impurity, therefore we can always sin, and thereby again and again introduce impurity and corruption into the world around us. Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ, having ascended into heaven, left us His living and life-giving word, granted believers the right by the power of faith and prayer to bring down to earth the blessing of the Heavenly Father, sent down the Comforter of the Spirit of truth, Who always abides in the Church of Christ, so that the Church, despite the inexhaustible the human heart, the seed of sin and impurity, has always had an inexhaustible source of sanctification and life.
Keeping this commandment of the Lord, the Holy Church, with the Word of God, the sacraments and prayer, always sanctifies not only the person himself, but also everything that he uses in the world. By this the Church puts a limit to the spread of sinful impurities and prevents the multiplication of the disastrous consequences of our sins.
The Church sanctifies the earth, asking God for the blessing of fertility, sanctifies the bread that serves us as food, and the water that quenches our thirst.
Without blessing, without sanctification, could this perishable food and drink sustain our life? “It is not the generation of fruits that nourishes a man, but Your word preserves those who believe in You” (Wisdom 16:26).
This already gives rise to the answer to the question why the Church sanctifies water.
By consecrating water, the Church returns to the water element its primitive purity and holiness, and brings down to the water, through the power of prayer and the Word of God, the blessing of the Lord and the grace of the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit.

WHY IS WATER sanctified in special vessels?

Like everything in the Church, the vessel in which the consecration of water is performed carries great symbolic meaning.
Externally, the holy water vessel resembles a communion chalice. The vessel for blessing water is a large bowl on a low stand with a round base for placing it on the table. On the eastern side of the bowl there are cells where, at the beginning of the blessing of water, three candles are placed - in the image of the Holy Trinity, sanctifying and enlightening people with Divine grace. As a vessel and receptacle for God's grace, the holy chalice in its symbolic meaning approaches the Eucharistic chalice - chalice (translated from Greek as a drinking vessel) and, like the chalice, symbolizes the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, in whose womb the human nature of the Lord was formed Jesus Christ. The round base of the bowl for the blessing of water is a sign of the circle of the earthly Church, the round bowl itself, into which water is poured, marks the heavenly Church, and all together is a symbol of the Mother of God, as the purest vessel of God's grace.
The baptismal font also has the same basic symbolic meanings. This vessel is also made in the form of a bowl, only much larger in size than the holy one, and on a high stand.


The rite of water blessing, which is performed on the feast of Epiphany, is called great because of the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the remembrance of the Baptism of the Lord, in which the Church sees not only the prototype of the mysterious washing of sins, but also the actual sanctification of the very nature of water, through the immersion of God in the flesh.
The Great Blessing of Water is sometimes performed at the end of the liturgy, after the prayer behind the pulpit, and sometimes at the end of Vespers, after the litanies: “Let us fulfill our evening prayer...”.
It is celebrated at the Liturgy on the very day of Epiphany, as well as on the eve of Epiphany, when this eve occurs on any day of the week, except Saturday and Sunday. If the evening of Epiphany is on Saturday or Sunday, then the great blessing of water takes place at the end of Vespers.
On the very day of Epiphany (January 6), the blessing of water is performed with a solemn procession of the cross, known as the “procession to the Jordan.”
Both on the eve of Epiphany and on the holiday itself, the clergy go out through the royal doors to bless water. Before the removal of the Cross, a priest or bishop in full vestments censes the honorable Cross three times only in front. The Cross is carried out on the head, preceded by two candle bearers and deacons with censers. One of the clergy carries the Holy Gospel. In this order, they go to large vessels filled with water in advance. Here the clergyman carrying the Cross removes it from his head. Near the water, he signs the Cross on four sides and places it on a laid and decorated table. Those gathered light candles, the rector, preceded by a deacon with a candle, censes three times near the table, the icon, the clergy and the people.
The great sanctification of water begins with the singing of troparia: “The voice of the Lord cries out on the waters, saying: come, send all of you the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of reason, the Spirit of the fear of God, the revealed Christ,” “Today the waters are sanctified by nature,” and others. Then three parimations from the book of the prophet Isaiah are read (35, 1-10; 55, 1-13; 12, 3-6). The great Old Testament prophet three times predicted the Baptism of the Lord from John, which took place on the verge of two Testaments. He expresses the joy and hope of the Church about drawing water from the source of salvation: “Thirsty ones! Go, all of you, to the waters... Seek the Lord when He can be found; call upon Him when He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the wicked his thoughts, and let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him, and to our God, for He is abundant in mercy” (Is. 55: 1; 6-7).
Then they read the Epistle of the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 10:1-4) about the mysterious prototype of the baptism of the Jews in the name of Moses among the clouds and the sea, and about their spiritual food in the desert, and drinking from the spiritual stone, which was the image of the coming Christ.
Finally, the Gospel of Mark is read (1:9-12), where the apostle tells about the Baptism of the Lord itself.
How amazing, high and divine is the voice of the Church, with which she calls the Lord from heaven to our earthly waters!
“Great art Thou, Lord, and wonderful are Thy works, and not a single word will be sufficient for the singing of Thy wonders! By your will you brought all things from non-existence into being: By your power you support creation, and by your providence you build the world - All intelligent powers tremble for you: the sun sings to you: the moon praises you: the stars are present to you: the light listens to you: the abysses tremble to you: they work for you sources. You have stretched out the sky like a skin: You have established the earth on the waters: You have fenced the sea with sand: You have poured out air for breath. The angelic forces serve You: the faces of the Archangel bow to You - God is the son of the indescribable, beginningless and ineffable - O Lover of Mankind, come now, through the influx of Your Holy Spirit, and sanctify this water.”
At the same time, censing occurs over the water. The consecration of water when reading a prayer is accompanied by a threefold blessing of it by the hand of the shepherd while pronouncing the words: “Thou Thyself, Lover of mankind, O King, come now by the influx of Thy Holy Spirit and consecrate this water.”
The Great Agiasma (Greek - “shrine”, this is the name of the water consecrated according to the rite of the Great Consecration) is consecrated, in addition to the threefold immersion of the honorable Cross in it, with the sign of the cross, blessing and stronger and more complex prayers and chants than during the small consecration of water performed at prayer services.
“You Yourself, O Lover of Mankind, O King, come now through the influx of Your Holy Spirit and sanctify this water. And give it the grace of deliverance, the blessing of the Jordan: create with it a source of incorruption, a gift of sanctification, a resolution of sins, healing of ailments, destructive of demons, unapproachable to resisting forces, filled with angelic strength,” this is said about water, that it is asked to be filled with angelic strength, and if is asked, then, it means with faith that the acquisition of such mysterious power by water is possible - and will be...
“I am filled with angelic strength, so that all who draw and receive communion have it for the purification of souls and bodies, for the healing of passions, for the sanctification of houses, and for all good benefits... You yourself, now, Master, sanctify this water with Your Holy Spirit. Rain to all who touch it and receive communion and anoint themselves with it, sanctification, health, cleansing and blessing,” the priest prays with such strong and responsibly authoritative words.
And before this, the deacon makes approximately the same petitions:
“For these waters to be sanctified by the power and action and influx of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
About the hedgehog descending on these waters to the purifying action of the pre-existing Trinity...
May they be granted the grace of deliverance, the blessing of Jordan, by the power and action and influx of the Holy Spirit...
O send down to the Lord God the blessing of the Jordan and sanctify these waters...
About the existence of this water, the gift of sanctification, the deliverance of sins, for the healing of soul and body, and for great benefit...
About the existence of this water that brings eternal life...
About this hedgehog appearing to drive away all slander from visible and invisible enemies...
About those who draw and eat for the sanctification of houses...
About this existence for the purification of souls and bodies, to all who draw with faith and partake of it...
Let us pray to the Lord that we may be worthy to be filled with sanctification through communion of these waters, the invisible manifestation of the Holy Spirit.”
After reading all the prayers, the priest immerses the holy Cross in water three times, holding it straight with both hands, while singing the troparion of the Feast of Epiphany:
“In the Jordan, baptized to You, O Lord, Trinitarian adoration appeared: for the voice of your parents testified to You, naming Your beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, made known to Your words the statement: Appear, O Christ God, and the world of enlightenment, glory to You.”
The priest, taking a vessel with blessed water and sprinkler, sprinkles it in a cross pattern on all sides.
Then they come up to him to kiss the Cross, and the priest sprinkles blessed water on each person who comes up.
St. John Chrysostom also said that the holy Epiphany water remains incorruptible for many years, is fresh, pure and pleasant, as if it had just been drawn from a living source just that minute.
This is the miracle of God’s grace, which everyone sees now!
According to the belief of the Church, agiasma is not simple water of spiritual significance, but a new being, spiritual-physical being, the interconnectedness of heaven and earth, grace and matter, and, moreover, a very close one.
That is why the Great Hagiasma, according to church canons, is considered as a kind of lower degree of Holy Communion: in those cases when, due to sins committed, penance and a ban on approaching the Holy Body and Blood are imposed on a member of the Church, the usual canon clause is made: “Let him drink the agiasma.”
Many people mistakenly believe that the water consecrated on Epiphany Eve and the water consecrated on the very day of Epiphany are different, but in fact, both on Christmas Eve and on the very day of Epiphany, when consecrating water, the same rite of the great blessing of water is used.
Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in every home of an Orthodox Christian. It is carefully kept in the holy corner, near the icons.

HOW THEY sanctify water at a prayer service ordered by believers

In addition to Epiphany water, Orthodox Christians often use water blessed at prayer services.
Prayer singing, or moleben, is a special service in which they ask the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints to send mercy or thank God for receiving benefits.
Prayer services are held in the temple or private homes.
In the church, prayer services are performed after the liturgy and are performed according to the requests and needs of believers. Such prayer chants include prayer rites performed for the blessing of various objects, for the healing of the sick, for those heading on a long journey, for warriors, etc. At prayer services, the rite of minor consecration of water usually takes place.
The Lesser Blessing of Water is also performed by the Church on the day of the Origin (removal) of the venerable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and on the day of Midsummer, when we remember the words of the Savior, full of the deepest mystery, spoken by Him to the Samaritan woman: “whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst.” ; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water flowing into eternal life” (John 4:14).
For the small blessing of water, a covered table is placed in the middle of the church, on which a bowl of water is placed and the Cross and the Gospel are placed. Candles are lit in front of the bowl.
After the priest’s exclamation, Psalm 142 is read: “Lord, hear my prayer...”. Then they sing: “God is the Lord” and the troparia: “Today we are diligent to the Mother of God...”. “Let us never be silent, Mother of God...” At the same time, the priest censes water in a cross shape.
After reading Psalm 50: “Have mercy on me, O God...”, troparions and litanies, incense is performed in a temple or home.
At the end, the prokeimenon is pronounced and the Apostle is read (Heb. 2:14-18), in which St. Paul says about Christ:
“And just as children share in flesh and blood, He also received them, in order by death to deprive him of the power of the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and to deliver those who were subject to slavery through the fear of death throughout their lives. For He does not receive angels, but He receives the seed of Abraham. Therefore, He had to become like the brethren in everything, in order to be a merciful and faithful high priest before God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For just as He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted.”
Then the Gospel is read (John 5:2-4):
“There is a pool in Jerusalem at the Sheep Gate, called Bethesda in Hebrew, which had five covered passages. In them lay a great multitude of the sick, the blind, the lame, the withered, waiting for the movement of the water, for the Angel of the Lord from time to time went into the pool and disturbed the water, and whoever first entered it after the disturbance of the water recovered, no matter what disease he was possessed by.”
The litany is pronounced: “Let us pray to the Lord in peace,” in which petitions are offered for the sanctification of water. Usually this involves censing water. Then the priest reads a prayer for the blessing of water.
Sometimes a special prayer is also read: “Great God, work miracles, they are countless! Come now to Your servants who pray to You, O Master, and eat Your Holy Spirit and sanctify this water: and rain will be given to those who drink from it and to Your servants who receive and sprinkle themselves with it, change from passion, remission of sins, healing of illness, and liberation from all evil, and affirmation and sanctification of the house and cleansing of all filth, and driving away the slander of the devil: for blessed and glorified is Thy most honorable and magnificent Name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".
After reading the prayers, the priest, taking the honorable Cross with the Crucifix towards himself, makes a cross-shaped movement with its lower part on the surface of the water, then immerses the entire Cross in the water. At the same time, the troparia are sung: “Save, Lord, Thy people...” (three times) and “Thy gifts...”.
Then the priest kisses the Cross taken out of the water and sprinkles all those present and the entire church. Those present venerate the Cross, and the priest sprinkles each one.
After the blessing of water, everyone who ordered a prayer service can receive holy water.


“The most important of all the needs for human life are water, fire, iron, salt, wheat flour, honey, milk, grape juice, oil and clothing: all this serves to benefit the pious, but can be harmful to sinners” (Sir. 39, 32-33).
“...What gift is so necessary for us, like water? - says Hieromartyr Hippolytus of Rome. -Everything is washed, nourished, cleansed, and irrigated by water. Water nourishes the earth, produces dew, fattens the grapes, brings the ears of corn to maturity... But why talk a lot? Without water, nothing that we see can exist: water is so necessary that when other elements have a home under the vaults of heaven, it has received a container for itself above the heavens. The Prophet himself testifies to this, crying out: “Praise Him, heavens of heavens and waters that are higher than the heavens” (Ps. 148:4).
And the Church, with fiery prayer, calls on the Lord to call forth sweet and abundant water from the bowels of the earth.
In the well, the digging of which is carried out according to the special prayers of the priest, there is not ordinary water: the “digging of the well” is already sanctified by a special rite.
“Give us water in this place, sweet and tasty, enough for consumption, but not harmful for consumption...” the priest prays and is the first to begin digging a well.
A special prayer is again made over the dug well: “To the Creator of the waters and the Maker of all... Thou Thyself sanctify this water: pour upon it Thy holy power for every resisting action, and rain unto all who receive from it, for the sake of drinking, or for the sake of washing, for the health of the soul and body, to change every passion and every ailment: for there will be healing of water and peace to all who touch it and accept it...”
Ordinary well water becomes an object of cult and, moreover, a miraculous object - “water of healing and peace.”
There are many known springs, wells, springs, where, through the prayers of the saints, water pours out, which has a greater blessing than the waters of Bethesda in Jerusalem. Not only drinking this water, but even plunging into the waters of these springs brings many healings and miracles.
The Church has always performed and continues to consecrate the waters of public sources, rivers, and lakes. This water ends up in reservoirs, and then in water pipes and in our apartments.
It can be argued that there is not a single stream of water in the world, not a single drop that has not been sanctified, spiritually fertilized by prayer, blessed and, consequently, which would not be life-giving and saving for people, animals, birds and the earth itself.
If we always acted as the Church and the Word of God teach us, then the gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit would constantly pour out on us, then every spring would be for us a source of healing from bodily and mental ailments, every cup of water would serve as purification and enlightenment, “water of healing and peace”, holy water.
But that doesn't happen. Water makes people sick, water becomes a dangerous, deadly and destructive element. Well, what about tap water - and holy water doesn’t help us!
Are the prayers of the Church powerless?
When God intended to punish the first world with water, then He said to Noah: “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with evil deeds from them; and behold, I will destroy them from the earth... I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the spirit of life under the heavens; everything that is on earth will lose life” (Gen. 6, 13, 17). These words can be applied to our days. You shouldn’t be surprised that water doesn’t heal or bring benefits. What is surprising here when the most important sacrament - the Eucharist, the reception of the Body and Blood of the Lord - serves many not for salvation, but for condemnation...
“Whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks judgment upon himself, without considering the Body of the Lord” (1 Cor. 11:29).
Miracles and healings still occur today. But only those who accept it with living faith in the promises of God and the power of prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a pure and sincere desire to change their lives, repentance, and salvation, are rewarded with the miraculous effects of holy water.
God does not create miracles where people want to see them only out of curiosity, without a sincere intention to use them for their salvation. An evil and adulterous generation, the Savior said about his unbelieving contemporaries, seeks a sign; and no sign will be given to him.
In order for holy water to be beneficial, we will take care of the purity of the soul, the lightness of thoughts and deeds. And every time we touch holy water, we will offer this prayer in our minds and hearts.


Lord my God, may Thy holy gift and Thy holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of the Holy One Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

Why is water blessed? How do they do this? What properties does holy water acquire? You will find answers to all these questions in our informative article!

Why is water blessed?

Water plays an important role in our daily lives. However, it also has a higher meaning: it is characterized by healing power, which is repeatedly stated in the Holy Scriptures.

In New Testament times, water serves the spiritual rebirth of a person into a new, grace-filled life, cleansing from sins. In a conversation with Nicodemus, Christ the Savior says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). At the beginning of His ministry, Christ Himself received Baptism from the prophet John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. The chants of the service for this holiday say that the Lord “grants cleansing with water to the human race”; “Thou hast sanctified the streams of the Jordan, thou hast crushed the sinful power, O Christ our God...”

How is Epiphany water blessed?

The blessing of water can be small and great: the small is performed several times throughout the year (during prayers, the Sacrament of Baptism), and the great - only on the feast of the Epiphany (Epiphany). The blessing of water is called great because of the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memory of the gospel event, which became not only the prototype of the mysterious washing of sins, but also the actual sanctification of the very nature of water through the immersion of God in the flesh.

The Great Blessing of Water is performed according to the Charter at the end of the liturgy, after the prayer behind the pulpit, on the very day of Epiphany (January 6/19), as well as on the eve of Epiphany (January 5/18). On the very day of Epiphany, the blessing of water takes place with a solemn religious procession to the water sources, known as the “procession to the Jordan.”

Will unusual weather conditions in Russia affect the course of the Epiphany holiday and the blessing of the waters?

Such traditions should not be treated as magical rites - the holiday of the Epiphany is celebrated by Orthodox Christians in hot Africa, America, and Australia. After all, the palm branches of the feast of the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem were replaced by willows in Russia, and the consecration of grapevines on the Transfiguration of the Lord was replaced by the blessing of the apple harvest. Also, on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, all waters will be sanctified, regardless of their temperature.

Archpriest Igor Pchelintsev, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese.

How to use holy water?

The use of holy water in the daily life of an Orthodox Christian is quite varied. For example, it is consumed on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora (this especially applies to the great agiasma (water blessed on the eve and on the very day of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord), sprinkled on your home.

A special property of holy water is that, added even in small quantities to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water.

We must not forget that consecrated water is a church shrine, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude.

It is customary to use holy water with the prayer: “Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of passions and my infirmities according to Thy boundless mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

Although it is advisable - out of reverence for the shrine - to take Epiphany water on an empty stomach, but for a special need for God's help - during illnesses or attacks by evil forces - you can and should drink it without hesitation, at any time. With reverent attitude, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time. It should be stored in a separate place, preferably next to the home iconostasis.

Is the water consecrated on the day of Epiphany and on Epiphany Eve different in its properties?

– There is absolutely no difference! Let's go back to the time of Patriarch Nikon: he specifically asked the Patriarch of Antioch whether it was necessary to consecrate the water on the very day of the Epiphany: after all, the day before, on Christmas Eve, the water had already been consecrated. And I received the answer that there would be no sin in that, it could be done again so that everyone could take water. But today they come for one kind of water, and the next day for another - they say, the water is stronger here. Why is she stronger? So we see that people do not even listen to the prayers that are read at the consecration. And they don’t know that the water is blessed by the same rite, the same prayers are read.

Holy water is absolutely the same on both days - both on the day of Epiphany and on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Priest Mikhail Mikhailov.

Is it true that swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany cleanses all sins?

This is wrong! Swimming in an ice hole (Jordan) is a good old folk custom, which is not yet a church sacrament. Forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and His Church is possible only in the sacrament of repentance, during confession in church.

Does it happen that holy water “doesn’t help”?

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “All grace coming from God through the Holy Cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora), etc., including the Most Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through prayers of repentance, repentance, humility, service to people, works of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for the wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues).”

Miracles of healing still occur today, and they are countless. But only those who accept it with living faith in the promises of God and the power of prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a pure and sincere desire to change their lives, repentance, and salvation, are rewarded with the miraculous effects of holy water. God does not create miracles where people want to see them only out of curiosity, without a sincere intention to use them for their salvation. “An evil and adulterous generation,” the Savior said about his unbelieving contemporaries, “seeks a sign; and the sign will not be given to him.” In order for holy water to benefit us, let us take care of the purity of our souls and the high dignity of our thoughts and actions.

Is water really baptismal all week long?

Epiphany water is such from the moment of its consecration and for a year, two or more, until its reserves at home run out. Taken from the temple on any day, it never loses its holiness.

Archimandrite Ambrose (Ermakov)

My grandmother brought me Epiphany water, which a friend gave her, but it smells musty and I’m afraid to drink it. What to do in this case?

Dear Sofia, due to various circumstances, although very rarely, it happens that water comes into a state that does not allow internal use. In this case, it should be poured into some untrampled place - say, into a flowing river, or in the forest under a tree, and the vessel in which it was stored should no longer be used for everyday use.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov

Why can holy water spoil?

That happens. Water must be collected in clean containers in which the water should not spoil. Therefore, if we previously stored something in these bottles, if they are not very clean, there is no need to collect holy water in them. I remember in the summer one woman began pouring holy water into a beer bottle...

Often parishioners like to make comments: for example, they began to explain to one of our priests that he was consecrating the water incorrectly - he did not reach the bottom of the tank... Because of this, they say, the water will not be consecrated... Well, should the priest be a diver? Or that the cross is not silver... There is no need to reach to the bottom and the cross can be wooden. There is no need to make a cult out of holy water, but you also need to treat it piously! One priest I know, in 1988, had a bottle of water that he had kept since 1953 or 1954...

You need to treat water piously and carefully and lead a pious life yourself.

Priest Mikhail Mikhailov.

Is it possible for unbaptized people to use holy water, oil consecrated on the relics of saints, and prosphora?

On the one hand, it is possible, because what harm could a person do if he drinks holy water, or anoints himself with oil, or eats prosphora? But you just need to think about how this could be useful to him.

If this is a certain approach of a person to the church fence, if he, not yet deciding to be baptized, say, having been a militant atheist in the past, now, through the prayers of his wife, mother, daughter or someone else close to him, no longer rejects at least these external as if signs of churchliness, then this is good and pedagogically it will lead him to what is more essential in our faith - to the worship of God in spirit and truth.

And if such actions are perceived as a kind of magic, as a kind of “church medicine,” but at the same time the person does not at all strive to join the church, to become an Orthodox Christian, he only reassures himself that I am doing something like this and this will serve as something If it is a talisman, then there is no need to provoke this kind of consciousness. Based on these two possibilities, you decide, in relation to your specific situation, whether or not you need to offer church shrines to any of your loved ones.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov.

Questions and answers about holy water

If God sanctifies all water life on earth on January 19, why then does the priest sanctify water on this day? I asked the priest, he replied that he didn’t know. Alla

We know that the water over which a special prayer is performed is sanctified and becomes holy - the opinion that ALL waters are sanctified on this day is based on a broad interpretation of some expressions from the service of the Feast of Epiphany and is not part of the Orthodox doctrine. In addition, think logically - if all waters are sanctified, then they are sanctified everywhere, including in bad and unclean places. Ask yourself - how can the Lord allow the Holy Spirit to work in uncleanness?


Priest Alexy Kolosov

Hello, Nikolay!

The blessing of water is performed according to one rite (the same) on both January 18 and 19. Therefore, it makes no difference when you take the water - January 18 or 19, both of which are Epiphany waters.

John the Baptist performed a ceremony called “baptism.” But the very concept of the cross, as a symbol of Christianity, from which, as it seems to me, the word “baptism” comes, came with the crucifixion of Christ, that is, later than the death of John the Baptist. Then why did John have “baptism” and not, for example, “washing”? Thank you. Igor.

Hello, Igor! In the Greek text of the Gospels, Baptism is indicated by the verb “baptizo” - to immerse, and in the first meaning - to bury. This is quite consistent with the context and meaning of the actions of John the Baptist. The term “Baptism” arose during the actual Slavic translation of the Gospels, when such a specific action was characteristic, first of all, of Christianity. However, I was unable to find precise information about the history of this term. It is very likely that the Sacrament of Baptism came to the Slavic world earlier than the term for it. Perhaps this is precisely why such a term was chosen, as it more clearly explains what happened on the Jordan, and is now inextricably linked in the minds of people with the acceptance of Christ. Sincerely, priest Mikhail Samokhin.

On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, having plunged into an ice font or doused yourself with water, can one consider oneself baptized and wear a cross? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander!

No, dipping into an ice hole and dousing oneself is not enough to consider oneself baptized. You need to come to the temple so that the priest performs the Sacrament of Baptism on you.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Good afternoon Please tell me, is it true that if an unbaptized person comes to church on January 19 and attends the entire service, then after that he can consider himself baptized and can wear a cross and go to church? And in general, can an unbaptized person go to church? Thank you very much, Elena

Hello, Elena!

An unbaptized person can go to Church, but he cannot participate in Church Sacraments (confession, Communion, weddings, etc.). In order to become baptized, it is necessary that the Sacrament of Baptism be performed on a person, and not attend a service on the feast of the Epiphany. After the service, approach the priest and tell him that you want to be Baptized. This requires your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the desire to live according to His commandments, as well as some knowledge about the Orthodox doctrine and the Orthodox Church. The priest will be able to answer your questions and help you prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. God help you!

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Father, I have a 6-month-old daughter, and when I bathe her, I add holy water to the water. Is it possible to drain this water later or not?

Hello, Lena!

When bathing your daughter, there is no need to add holy water to the bath: after all, holy water can only be poured into a special place that is not trampled underfoot. It’s better to give your daughter holy water to drink, and also regularly commune her with the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello, please tell me, is it possible to throw the glass bottle in which the holy water was stored in the trash can? If not, what to do with it? Marina

Hello, Marina!

It is better to continue storing Holy water in this bottle, but if this does not work, then it needs to be dried and then thrown away.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Is it possible to give holy water to animals? if not, why not? After all, they are also creatures of God. Thank you for your reply. Elena

Hello, Elena! Why is it necessary to provide something sacred to an animal? It all depends on the specific situation. Based on the literal interpretation of the words of the Lord: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.” (Matthew 7:6) without special need, you should not give holy things to animals follows. At the same time, in church practice there are cases when, during a pestilence, animals were sprinkled and given holy water. The grounds for such boldness, as you see, must be extremely serious indeed. Sincerely, priest Mikhail Samokhin.

Is it necessary to swim at Epiphany? And if there is no frost, will bathing be Epiphany?

In any church holiday, it is necessary to distinguish between its meaning and the traditions that have developed around it. The main thing in the feast of the Epiphany is the Epiphany, the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist, the voice of God the Father from heaven “This is my beloved Son” and the Holy Spirit descending on Christ. The main thing for a Christian on this day is presence at church services, confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and communion of baptismal water.

The established traditions of swimming in cold ice holes are not directly related to the Feast of the Epiphany itself, are not mandatory and, most importantly, do not cleanse a person of sins, which, unfortunately, is discussed a lot in the media.

Such traditions should not be treated as magical rites - the holiday of the Epiphany is celebrated by Orthodox Christians in hot Africa, America, and Australia. After all, the palm branches of the feast of the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem were replaced by willows in Russia, and the consecration of grapevines on the Transfiguration of the Lord was replaced by the blessing of the apple harvest. Also, on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, all waters will be sanctified, regardless of their temperature. P Rotopriest Igor Pchelintsev, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese

Is it possible to douse myself with holy water if a gypsy has jinxed me? Maria.

Hello Maria!

Holy water is not bathing water, and belief in the evil eye is superstition. You can drink holy water, you can sprinkle yourself with it, you can sprinkle your house and things with it. If you live according to the commandments of God, often visit church for confession and communion, pray and observe the fasts established by the Church, then the Lord Himself will protect you from everything bad.

With respect, priest. Dionisy Svechnikov.

Tell me: can the Grace of God leave holy water and consecrated objects because of our sins or is it impossible? And one more thing: how to get rid of the evil and negative? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander!

It all depends on how a person treats holy water and consecrated objects, and whether he reverently keeps the shrine he receives. If yes, then there is no reason to worry; the grace received during sanctification will benefit the person spiritually and physically. And in order for the Lord to protect from all evil, we must live according to the commandments of God.

With respect, priest. Dionisy Svechnikov.

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