Pine pencil step by step. How to draw a tree with a pencil step by step

When an adult or a child wants to try himself as an artist, questions often arise. Often people prefer to start showing their talent with drawings of nature. At such moments, the question may arise of how to draw pines, birches, chestnuts and other trees. Regardless of what season a person plans to depict, evergreen trees - pines - can always be present in the picture.

What materials will be needed in order to draw a pine tree?

In order to fully prepare for drawing pine trees, you must have the following materials on hand:

  • sheet of paper or album;
  • several pencils;
  • sharpener;
  • eraser;
  • sample image.

If all the materials are ready, before you draw pines, you need to think over the overall composition of the picture. This will help to find an incentive and create a real masterpiece.

How to draw pine trees with paints?

If a child wants to try himself as an artist, mothers, fathers, grandparents need to be ready to tell the child all the nuances. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. To begin with, the child in his imagination must present the finished image.
  2. Then you should make a sketch, drawing future pines with a simple pencil.
  3. After that, you need to make the drawing clearer.
  4. Then you can start decorating the artwork with paints.

Even if the child did not succeed the first time, he should be praised for his efforts. Next time it will work for sure. And if the drawing came out decent enough, then you should put it in a frame and hang it in the room.

How to draw a pine tree with a pencil?

Adults or children with experience in art will certainly want to draw a pine tree with a pencil. Before you draw pine trees, you should understand in what order you need to do the work. To get a good drawing, you should:

  1. Determine the location of the pine in the image.
  2. Then draw the outlines of the trees.
  3. Draw an image of the trunk on a piece of paper.
  4. Then draw branches.
  5. Draw needles on branches.

In any case, even if the image did not turn out the way you originally wanted, you should try to draw again. Only the persistent can achieve high results.

Drawing a pine is not so difficult. Just paying attention to details is enough. Those people who strive to achieve goals will certainly succeed, and the drawings will be no worse than the real works of famous artists.

How to draw a pine.

Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree. and, since spruce is also coniferous in winter and summer in one color, they are often confused. That is, I know that my students do not see much difference. And she is. Let's figure it out now. Let's start with the lesson "how to draw a pine branch".

Let's start drawing with a branch scheme. Branching is whorled. That is, the side branches do not grow alternately, but several pieces from the nodes.

Spruce needles are single and short, they are sharp and usually quite straight. They grow on a branch in an orderly and even manner (like a lawn))). Pine needles grow in pairs, they are long and may be straight, but this is rare - they are usually arched or generally sinuous. The direction of growth of the needles is approximately the same, but at the same time they - some in the forest, some for firewood - stick out out of tune.

We will draw exactly as we see - disheveled needles? - So we draw:

Resist the temptation to draw the needles even and neat, draw like the truth. And for this, it is best to have before your eyes not only the lesson "how to draw a pine tree", but also the pine tree itself, to be honest.

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Step 1.

So, as usual, first looking at the object in the photo, we try to depict the main shape of the pine tree and its branches with thin lines of the HB pencil. Immediately sketch out the branches that you most want to show. It is absolutely not necessary to draw exactly those branches that I drew, because. you must develop your vision of the drawing, and not copy mine. And even more so, you don’t need to draw all the branches by copying a photo. We draw only what you, as an artist, want to show the viewer. We draw so far only the main forms and the location of the branches.

Step 2

At the second stage, we slightly increase the pressure of the pencil and go through the trunk and each branch, more clearly defining the details and contour of the drawing. We draw small branches, broken knots, show the connections of branches with a pine trunk. As a result, we get a clean outline of the object in a simple pencil. Such a pattern is called linear or, as they say in some literature, linear, i.e. drawn with lines.

Step 3

The next step is to add tonal spots that define the chiaroscuro of the object. With the same HB pencil, we pass hatching over the dark areas of the pine bark, showing the shadows from the branches. And also shade the area around the pine trunk, showing the depth of space, which will give the drawing some expressiveness. Next, along the area around the tree trunk, we pass the feathering, softening and smoothing the strokes of the pencil so that the background looks more like spots, not strokes. You can also lightly blend and follow the shadows from the branches of the tree. This drawing is made in mixed media, because. and lines, and strokes, and spots were applied.

Step 4

Next comes the fun part. This stage sometimes introduces you into a certain state of meditation, when you see how a bright image gradually begins to appear from a pale drawing. At this stage, we take a soft 4B pencil and start drawing details on each branch. In dark places, with peculiar scales, we show the texture of the tree. Strengthen the branch shadows and drop shadows. If somewhere you need a lighter shadow, then it’s better to take an HB pencil so as not to overdo it and not overdraw the drawing. We draw the back branches with a lighter pressure, the front ones with a harder and clearer one. To make it easier to draw small twigs and cracks in the bark, sharpen the 4B pencil more often, because. soft pencils wear off quickly. The places where the light falls in the figure are left unpainted.

On New Year's Eve, you want to decorate your house and create a festive mood. A good decor element for postcards and posters can be an image of a cone that you create with your own hands or with your child. This lesson will tell you how to draw a cone in different ways.

We draw in stages

In order to create beautiful pictures, you need to study the subject of drawing well. Before starting the lesson, look at various images on the Internet. After that, return to our master class, where we will tell you how to draw a bump in stages.

Stage 1
We mark the branches with several lines.

Stage 2
Draw a vertical oval in the middle.

Stage 3
We give volume to future branches. We use oblique hatching to depict scales.

Stage 4
We draw thick needles on each paw of the branch.

Stage 5
We erase the auxiliary lines. In place of oblique hatching, we make roundings so that it seems as if the scales protrude along the edges.

Stage 6
Colorize the resulting drawing. We fill each needle with green, outline the contours for volume with dark green. We paint over the bump with brown. Black marks the places that are most shaded.

Picture in pencil

For a novice artist, it is important to learn how to convey the structure of the depicted object, without being distracted by colors and surrounding elements. Therefore, next we will show how to draw bumps with a pencil in order to get a correct and clear sketch. All you need is a white canvas, a sharpened pencil, an eraser, and your inspiration.

So, for starters, let's make a markup on the sheet where our cones will be. Let one be slightly tilted to complicate the composition. The shape of the markup is rectangular with slightly rounded corners at the bottom.

Further, within the marked areas, draw a center line. Symmetrically on both sides, draw the lines of the base of the scales, as shown in the figure. Somewhere you can already outline their shape. Draw the surface of the support from below with strokes.

Along the contour lines, we begin to draw each scale. Note that they are denser at the bottom than at the top. Try to depict volume with hatching. The lower part of the scales should be darker, as less light falls on it.

Brightly circle the desired lines, erase the auxiliary ones with an eraser. If desired, you can highlight the details with a gel pen.

Pine cone

Great, you have learned how to depict cones in great detail. Now consider the difference between pine and spruce. Both of these skills will come in handy in different situations. Let's start with how to draw a pine cone.

We start by getting the natural form. To do this, draw a three-dimensional cone. With the help of arcs, we round the lower and upper parts of the figure. We get a ball elongated upward.

We begin to draw the contours around the edges. We are trying to add some asymmetry that exists in nature. Then we fill in the lower part, moving towards the upper and expanding the gaps between the scales. After we erase the side contour with an eraser.

Let's start coloring. We will need black, dark green and brown pencils. First we fill the space between the scales, add shadows with green, and paint over the remaining voids with brown. We erase the extra sketchy details, if desired, outline with a thin black felt-tip pen or pen.

fir cone

Spruce cones differ from pine cones in a more elongated shape and less prominent scales. Let's see how it will look in the drawing and consider how to draw a spruce cone as part of our lesson.

For clarity, we even took a real fir cone to keep all sizes and proportions. We draw a vertical line - the basis of the picture. Below we draw a sharpening, as shown in the example.

We begin to depict three scales from the bottom up. We try to keep the length and symmetry.

In the upper part it is necessary to show some narrowing of the diameter of the cone. With the help of dense hatching, we show the shadows, outline the contours. Erase extra lines.

We teach a child

The instruction will help parents set up the child for the lesson and teach him to accurately convey the size, shape and color of the future bump. Before you draw a bump to a child, take him to the park and show him natural fruits. To make it not boring for a child to draw a simple cone, we will draw a composition on a branch of a Christmas tree and paint it with the brightest colors.

Let's draw two ovals and lines of future branches. Since it is still difficult for a child to perform small movements with a pen, we will show the relief of the cones with a simple oblique hatching.

Let's draw sprawling paws of the Christmas tree. Additional lines show the volume of branches. Color the needles with a green felt-tip pen.

With a brown felt-tip pen, paint over the bumps and the branch. Black highlight the contours. A dark green felt-tip pen will help show the volume of coniferous branches.

    Initially, draw a pine trunk. We pay attention to the fact that from below it is wider, and closer to the top it narrows, after which they finally disappear. Circles indicate the places of future leaves.

    We depict a tree from a distance, so it will not work to see the needles and leaves. In coniferous trees, the vegetation resembles green clouds, which is why we draw them.

    Now you need to draw thin branches of a tree, and make clouds of pine more fluffy.

    It remains only to add shadows and we are ready to draw a pine tree with a pencil.

    I propose to depict a pine tree in this way:

    Drawing steps:

    1) Start drawing with a large triangle, which is isosceles and divided in the center by a line (tree trunk):

    2) We begin to draw the contours on the left side:

    3) Now draw the right side and pine trunk:

    4) After that, you need to erase the extra construction lines:

    5) everything is ready, it remains only to paint.

    The video that I provided just below shows how you can quickly and easily draw a pine tree.

    All you need to draw is a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. So let's get started.

    Naturally, in order for the pine tree to look more natural, it is better to first draw the background, then proceed to the actual drawing. So, after the background is drawn, let's start sketching the pine tree:

    From the very bottom (ground) we draw a tree trunk, tapering upwards. At the very top, you need to draw twigs, you can also draw broken branches to make the pine tree seem more natural.

    We designate the root part of the tree, paint on the knots and proceed to sketching the crown.

    The crown is drawn like this: draw hats using a curved line on all branches that are at the very top. Here is the pine tree.

    And here is the video tutorial. Happy viewing.

    The simplest drawing scheme, perhaps, which is difficult to divide into stages.

    The bottom line is that we start drawing from the trunk of the tree, then we roughly indicate the location of the branches. The peculiarity of our pine will be that the schematic drawing of greenery clouds you can leave, and only erase everything superfluous.

    Let's draw the branches - the connection of clouds with a stem.

    It will turn out a little cartoony, but it is similar to a real tree.

    We color in the desired shades of green and brown.

    It is worth noting that the cedar pine looks a little different. She has a lot of needles, which are evenly distributed, without bare branches.

    So here is another scheme.

    Let's draw a pine tree. To do this, we need a blank piece of paper, a pencil and a proofreader. I will highlight several stages, here they are:

    First stage. Let's draw an image of a pine tree. The image will consist of a trunk, as well as the outline of the branches. We get this picture:

    Second phase. Since it is not possible to see needles on branches from afar, we draw pine vegetation very similar to clouds, we get:

    Third stage. We begin to draw thin branches of a tree, we also draw in detail the pine vegetation.

    Fourth stage. It is the final one, our task is to put shadows on the drawing to make it even more beautiful.

    To draw a pine tree correctly, you still need to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis tree. I saw pine trees, both large and small, a lot. But, believe me, I have never met a pine tree that is absolutely symmetrical in the arrangement of branches. Why? Because the branches that are on the sunny side of the tree are always more powerful, strong and sprawling.

    Therefore, I would suggest starting drawing with auxiliary lines.

    First, draw a straight line, it can be slightly tilted; and draw a triangle to it. He will help us in the end to draw a pine crown, and so we will note sunny side of our tree.

    Next, with a pencil, we make additional lines next to the first line - this is how we sketch the pine trunk. And then we outline several large branches in this triangle, which move away from the trunk and bend.

    Now let's draw the branches. They will fill the triangle with us - here will be the main part of the crown. And on the other hand, you can draw smaller and thinner branches. It will be more natural if on not sunny side we will draw one or two knots without needles at all.

    The needles do not have to be drawn individually - just make a few strokes with a pencil in different directions, as shown in the figure.

    That's all. Now you can paint the pine tree with paints, or you can leave it in a pencil.

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