Stage vocals. Pop vocal training

Pop vocal lessons with our teachers will open up a lot of new things for you: you will not only develop your voice and learn the pop repertoire, but also learn to separate good vocals from bad, high-quality from low-quality. And you can become a role model yourself. We will teach you how to control your voice and give it different colors and shades, increase your vocal range and, of course, develop your individual voice timbre, which will become more and more interesting for listeners with each vocal lesson.

The nearest concert events are already in December and January in concert halls and clubs in Moscow!

Sign up for classes! You still have time to prepare for the performance!

Breathing in pop vocal lessons

Proper breathing is the foundation on which you can build a building in any architectural style or build a voice for singing in various musical directions: pop vocals, jazz vocals, classical vocals, etc. If you hear a singer's strong voluminous voice, then this is not so much natural data as good breathing. It is these voices that we remember, are able to influence us, and we want to imitate them.

Proper use of the breathing apparatus makes it possible not only to sing long phrases in one breath, but, most importantly, opens up new possibilities for your voice. The use of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm during pop singing relieves stress and pressure (clamping) from the muscles of the throat. Due to this, the throat will never get tired, you will not be able to break your voice and give it the opportunity to develop both up and down equally easily. In vocal lessons, you will learn special exercises to develop the muscles responsible for support when singing. Read more about this on the page Setting the breath.

Voice setting and its development in pop vocal lessons

What is the difference between voice setting for pop vocal and voice setting for other types of singing in our vocal lessons, you can read here. The exercises that develop the voice for pop singing and the exercises that prepare the voice for jazz singing or academic vocals are the same. But in different types of singing, different sound delivery, different methods of sound extraction are used. Without special training in vocal lessons, you will not be able to develop the range of your voice and master various vocal techniques. This means that you will be able to sing only the simplest (often primitive) pop songs, provided that the key of the song is convenient for you, the range of the melody is small and the manner of performance is semi-recitative. High-quality pop vocals mean a strong developed vocalist's voice with great technical freedom of performance.

Often, at the first stage of training in pop vocal, our students, aimed at professional development, practice voice production with our academic vocal teachers. After all, speaking on the theater stage, academic singers have to sing without a microphone, accompanied by a large symphony orchestra. In this mode of singing, your voice will withstand the load only if you trained it correctly in class. Modern pop performers most often cannot be heard at all without a microphone. Because from the very beginning they are accustomed to singing into a microphone without support, without the correct setting of the voice. That is why we recommend that our students sing most of the time without a microphone during pop vocal lessons in order to properly adjust the respiratory and vocal apparatus so that your voice is not afraid of any load and any singing conditions. Read more about this in the article Working with a microphone in pop vocal lessons.

Our experts have developed a special effective method of teaching vocals, which will allow you to achieve very good results for less money! Read more about this on the page “Vocal lessons are cheaper!”

Vocal techniques of singing in pop vocals

The simplest technique in pop singing (as in academic singing) and the most difficult at the same time is cantilena (Italian cantilena, from Latin cantilena - singing), which means the most melodious sound, a smooth smooth transition from one sound to another. This is a basic technique, something that you begin to work out already in the first lessons of pop vocals. Only after you have mastered this technique of singing, you can proceed to learning other techniques of singing. Cantilena is translated as singing. Singing is precisely the possession of a smooth and melodious sound of the voice.

In modern pop music, there are many directions that involve the possession of other various singing techniques:

Rap is a rhythmic recitative against the background of instrumental accompaniment. The part of the soloist - rapper assumes a virtuoso command of the voice within the spoken range. Often the performer's unprofessional approach to recitation leads to the fact that the voice sits down and the throat begins to hurt. We urge you to take this seriously and learn a different manner of recitation, with the help of which the burden is completely removed from the throat. In the pop vocal lesson, our teacher will help you master the techniques of rapping.

R'n'B (R&B) the music uses soft, melodic vocals inspired by African American singing. In comparison with ordinary pop music, it requires a more virtuosic command of the voice, great mobility of the voice.

Soul is one of the genres of jazz music. In modern pop music of a calm, measured character, one can often hear the influence of this jazz style. Soul relies on the blues scale and blues harmonies, hence the vocal performance techniques - slipping intonations, low scale steps, glissando, etc.

Rock, metal– styles such as: death, black, thrash and doom metal, grindcore, deathcore, screamo, emocore, imply the possession of growling and screaming (read on the page Types of singing). With our singing teachers in the pop vocal lesson, you can easily master these vocal techniques.

Do not forget that any vocal techniques should be mastered only after you have mastered the correct setting of a clear voice!

Do I need to develop an ear for pop vocals?

If you have an undeveloped ear for music, you need to develop it regardless of what kind of vocals you are going to do: pop vocals, jazz vocals, folk vocals, academic vocals. It is clear to all of us that if we do not hit the notes, we cannot repeat the melody exactly, then singing will not work.

If you do vocals for yourself, you want to sing karaoke, then you do not have to take a whole solfeggio course (learning musical literacy). A simple vocal solfeggio will suffice, with the help of which you will develop a stable coordination between hearing and voice.

In the event that you want to professionally engage in pop vocals, you definitely need to master musical literacy and develop an ear for music. Read more about this on the pages Musical literacy and Development of musical ear.

How pop vocal lessons are built

The main stage of teaching pop vocals is the mastery of vocal breathing (see the article Breathing) and the development of the voice (see the article Voice Development). If you want to learn how to sing, then you should not skip this very important stage of learning pop vocals. At the pop vocal lesson, a professional vocal teacher is engaged in staging your breath and voice. So, the first and main part of the pop vocal lesson is devoted to special vocal exercises that build your breath and voice. For more information on breath control and voice training, see Breath Control and Voice Control.

After mastering the fundamental principles of pop singing in our vocal lessons, you begin to learn the repertoire that you would like to sing and which will help you in mastering the technique of pop singing: rock, pop and other pop songs, romances, songs from movies and cartoons. It is this repertoire that you will master in pop vocal lessons. Mastering the pop vocal repertoire takes place with the use of minus phonograms, as well as with live accompaniment.

Working with a microphone in pop vocal lessons

We advise you to start working with a microphone only after a good assimilation of the basic principles of singing: voice and breathing. If you can sing without a microphone with a strong, bright and free voice without getting tired, then with a microphone it will not be difficult for you to sing at all, because it makes it easier to sing. In our pop vocal lessons, you will gain the necessary singing skills with a microphone, as well as the experience of recording your vocals in a professional recording studio. Read more about working with a microphone on the page Working in the studio for recording vocals.

Performances at concerts

The pop repertoire is very popular with the public. Therefore, our students perform at our concerts dedicated to the performance of pop music. Concert performance is an important stage in the training of pop vocals. You will get an indispensable experience of public speaking and test yourself and the result of vocal training.

Fundamentals of vocal skill

Pop vocal - pop singing combines many song directions, unites the entire palette of vocal art. Pop vocal, first of all, means singing from the stage, but the concept of pop vocal, as a rule, is associated with light and understandable music. In pop vocals, you can hear both folk motives and elements of jazz, it is also an author's song and elements of rock music. Pop vocals differ from academic vocals in a more open and more natural sound. However, singing skills, correct position and support*("*" - see the glossary of terms) sounds are just as necessary in pop vocals as in academic ones.

The main difference between pop vocals and academic and folk vocals lies in the goals and objectives of the vocalist. The fact is that academic and folk singers always work within the framework of a certain canon or regulated sound, and it is not customary for them to deviate from the norm. The task of pop vocals lies elsewhere - in the search for their original sound, their own characteristic, easily recognizable manner of behavior, as well as a stage image. Thus, the main specificity of pop vocals is the search and formation of their own unique, unique voice of the vocalist.

This process is in many ways similar to how pop instrumentalists are looking for "their sound". Of course, in order to achieve this goal and find your own original style of singing, you need to master a fairly wide range* technical tricks. So, for example, in pop vocals, in contrast to folk and classical, intelligible diction* because words are one of the essential components of any good song.

Also, a feature of pop singing is that in pop songs you can often find difficult-to-sing phrases that require a quick change of breath from the performer.

Pop vocals combine the technique of academic vocals and folk singing, as well as a number of specific techniques that are specific to pop music. Sometimes many who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of singing technique, involuntarily, and sometimes consciously, try to imitate their favorite pop performers, blindly copying their manner of singing. As practice shows, not everyone will benefit from this in the future. Here everything is individual: for some, the birth of a beautiful singing voice will be a happy surprise, and for others - the result of long and painstaking work.

Training programs for any level

The program immerses the student in the life of the school, gives an idea of ​​​​how vocal training is going on. 4 individual lessons in Vocal give the opportunity to choose a teacher, and 2 lessons in Theory or Communication - to visit additional subjects and try your hand at a choir or band.


The basic program immerses in the chosen specialty. It is compiled according to a schedule convenient for the student from individual vocal lessons (1,2 or 3 times a week). Includes student performances with numbers prepared on the course at school events. As additional lessons, classes in theory, in the choir and in the band are available.


An extended program for a complete musical education. The course includes individual Vocal lessons (1, 2 or 3 times a week) and a Theory course for FREE. The student has a discount on all additional classes, master classes and intensives of the school. Receives a professional portfolio of all his performances and can take the test and get a certificate.

Pop vocal is a special kind of modern vocal art, which, as it becomes clear even from the name, is directly related to pop music. At the same time, let's say that he has a lot of shades, because he combines many styles and trends, creates a rich palette of images.

Choosing your style

Among the songs that relate to pop vocals, you can see:

  • Bright jazz compositions.
  • Songs with folk tunes in modern processing.
  • Author's songs.
  • Modern chanson.
  • Rock works.

Pop vocal classes involve a huge palette of expressive means, bright and interesting, allowing not only to demonstrate all the vocalist's abilities, but also to present any song in the necessary dramatic performance.

A flexible genre, the basics of which can be learned at the school site, allows you to demonstrate your voice from the most attractive side. It is no secret that in each new performance the same work may sound differently, because the framework of pop vocals also includes the dramatic talent of the performer.

Voice is the main wealth

And yet, despite any abilities of the performer, the most important value in pop vocals is the voice: sound power, timbre, range - all this affects the final result. The technologies of modern equipment allow the use of a variety of voice effects, phonograms, backing tracks - all this is an integral part of pop vocals.

Many believe that pop vocals are the younger brother of the academic and are of no value. There are even opinions that this is not vocal at all, but something in between yard singing with a guitar and dashing songs at a wedding. But this is what people who have never encountered real pop vocals say: exercises and chants, exercises to improve diction and articulation, developing a range - all this is fully applicable to pop vocals.

Training programs and their value

Author's programs, the purpose of which is to teach a person the basics of pop vocals, is the best that can be offered. In fact, the combination of traditional techniques that are known to everyone, with the author's own refraction - this gives an excellent result. Pop vocal impresses with its versatility, abundance of various elements and, of course, the end result - the performance of a song from the stage.

Studio site invites everyone to practice pop vocals. Our teachers are ready to make your dream come true and teach you the tricks of pop vocals.

Those people who wish to study at the vocal school of Larisa Kudryavtseva in order to sing on stage have a unique opportunity to sign up for pop singing. These lessons will teach you everything you need to be a strong vocalist. In the field of pop vocals, you can create many different images, since a variety of styles are represented on the stage:

  • jazz;
  • chanson;
  • folk songs.

By attending pop vocal lessons, you can develop your musical abilities, improve your voice, improve diction and articulation, achieve emotional expressiveness, choose a repertoire and develop a personal image. The possibilities of the stage allow you to create almost any image, since pop vocals are a flexible genre, very bright, emotional and multifaceted.

Features of pop singing

Our pop singing studio allows any vocalist to demonstrate their voice. The difference from the academic one is that pop vocals need a more natural and open sound, a more accessible form and manner of performance is used. Songs of this direction have a secular character and certain laws of performance. The goal of any pop singer is to find his own sound and create an original stage image.

Pop singing training includes a number of techniques and techniques:

  • splitting - another sound is added to a pure sound, for example, noise;
  • drive - wheeze, roar, death vocals, growling
  • subtone - singing songs with aspiration;
  • overtone singing - a kind of "throat singing";
  • glissando - transition from one note to another very smoothly;
  • falsetto - singing high notes with an expansion of the vocal range;
  • yodel - transition "from support" to falsetto;
  • strobas - singing very low notes.

Before learning songs and selecting a repertoire, a pop vocal teacher must give the student a voice, and then choose compositions and perform various vocal techniques. All this will help to correctly form your voice and stage image, which will be interesting and recognizable.

In pop singing, the most important thing is the voice, and taking into account its capabilities, techniques and works are selected that the vocalist will perform. It is important to determine the timbre, range and develop the power of the sound of the voice. Our teachers will help you learn how to use your voice correctly. To do this, you need to sing correctly at the beginning of classes, perform exercises to improve diction, develop a range, and do exercises for articulation.

Pop singing is a voluminous training program. To enhance the effect, you should also attend other classes, such as acting and the help of a psychologist, in order to work on your artistry, choose an image, become more confident and properly present yourself on stage.

If you can’t decide what kind of vocals you should do, pop vocals will definitely suit you, as it represents a wide variety of styles, and you can apply any image to yourself. You need to determine for yourself which songs are best for you, which songs to choose, how to embody this or that idea. Following the advice of our teachers, you will be able to fully reveal your talent and learn how to sing beautifully. Even if you have a small voice, it will sound strong if done correctly.

COST of individual lessons:

2000 rub. - the cost of one lesson per academic hour (45 min);

1500 rub. - the price of a lesson, subject to a one-time payment of 10 lessons *;

1300 rub. - the price of a lesson for schoolchildren, subject to a one-time payment for 12 lessons and attending classes 3 times a week (cost per month = 15,600 rubles) **

The cost of a vocal lesson for some teachers may be higher, check with the administrator.


The schedule is made individually!

We work from 10 am to 10 pm daily.

Vocal lessons can be rescheduled, warning at least 5 hours before the scheduled lesson, if the student warns less than 5 hours before the lesson, this lesson must be paid.

* when paying for 10 vocal lessons, the subscription must be used within 2 months.

** the price is valid for schoolchildren, if the lessons are from 10.00 to 18.00, you can skip 1 lesson per month for a good reason. This discount does not apply to lessons in the evening from 18 to 22.

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