Artistic image of Bazarov. Composition “Characteristics of the image of Yevgeny Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Sons

In the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I. Turgenev, thanks to Bazarov, the conflict of the old and new generations is revealed. He is a nihilist, an adherent of the fashionable trend at that time. Nihilists denied everything - the beauty of nature, art, culture, literature. Eugene, like a true nihilist, lived a practical and rational life.

What is the character of Bazarov? He is a self-made man. He believes not in art, but in science. Therefore, in part, nature for him "is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." His beliefs in many ways prevent him from truly appreciating human relations- he treats Arkady exclusively as a younger comrade, their communication is based on an interest in nihilism. To his parents, whom he sincerely loves, he speaks condescendingly. They are shy and lost in front of him.

It would seem that a person who denies any human weaknesses, feelings, lives only by rationalism, will achieve everything. He will convince everyone that he is right, because his arguments are based on facts, science, reasonable arguments. In disputes with him, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is lost, and Nikolai Kirsanov is completely afraid to enter into disputes with him.

Bazarov's views on love, due to nihilism, are also specific. He considers the relationship between a man and a woman exclusively from the biological side, he sees nothing mysterious and romantic in this. “Love is rubbish, unforgivable nonsense,” he says. When Arkady confesses to him about the "mysterious female gaze”, Eugene only makes fun of him, explaining to a friend the anatomy of the eye, arguing that there is nowhere to come from mystery; All eyes are anatomically the same. But fate played a cruel joke with Bazarov: she tested the firmness of his convictions with love, but he did not pass this test.

Acquaintance with Odintsova became fatal for Bazarov. Communicating with her, he finds "romance in himself." For a while, Eugene forgets about his views. However, when he does not receive reciprocity, he tries to convince himself that it was only a fleeting obsession. That he is still the same old nihilist who does not care about romantic nonsense. He tries to forget about his feelings, get down to work, get distracted. But internally, he experiences completely different emotions. All his actions after leaving his beloved are nothing more than self-deception.

Bazarov dies from the fact that he contracted typhus due to negligence while working with a typhoid corpse. It would seem that he could treat the wound and prevent such a tragic ending. own history, but Eugene relies on chance, treats his own fate with indifference. Why does Bazarov suddenly give up? The reason for this is unhappy love. The factor with the existence of which he refused to put up with.

Bazarov admits his defeat to Odintsova when she, at his request, comes to him before his death. This is, perhaps, the first time when the hero admits to himself that love has taken over him, he is “limp”. In fact, he repeated the fate of Pavel Petrovich, went along the road that he despised.

Perhaps it was this stubbornness, unwillingness to revise their rules that led Bazarov to lose. Lose before fate. But the fact that he admitted his defeat, is not it a victory? Victory over yourself? Let it be quite shortly before his death, but the hero found the strength to admit his failures, admitted that everything he believed in unconditionally turned out to be not so strong in reality. New Bazarov defeated old Bazarov, and such a victory deserves respect.

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The events described in the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" take place on the eve peasant reform which caused a sharp resonance in public opinion. The progressive public was divided into liberals, who welcomed the reform, and revolutionary democrats, who believed that a radical change would still not give the peasants the desired liberation. This demarcation was also reflected in Turgenev's novel.

The novel "Fathers and Sons" caused heated debate and contradictory assessments.

The generation of "fathers", liberals, is represented in it by the Kirsanov brothers, and the generation of "children" is represented by raznochintsy democrat Yevgeny Bazarov.

In the center of the novel is the figure of Bazarov. The novel begins with Bazarov's arrival at the Kirsanovs' estate. His appearance really stirred up the usual way of life of the Kirsanovs.

Bazarov is the son of a doctor, he went through a harsh life school, studies at the university for copper pennies, is fond of the natural sciences, knows botany, agricultural technology, geology, never refuses medical care to people, is proud of his origin. "My grandfather plowed the land!" - the hero says with haughty pride. He aroused rejection and interest immediately with his own appearance: tall, hoodie with tassels, naked red hand, long hair. The author focuses on the hero's hands. He repeatedly emphasizes his intelligence, pointing to the spacious skull and face, expressing self-confidence.

The Kirsanovs are the best of the nobles. Bazarov's views evoke different feelings in them. The most acute clash occurs between Evgeny and Pavel Petrovich.

Bazarov is a nihilist, and he vehemently defends his position of denying everything. He speaks coldly and contemptuously about art: "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet," he says. Rafael, a recognized genius all over the world, according to Bazarov, is not worth a penny. Nature is not an object of admiration for Turgenev's hero; for him, it is "not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." Bazarov calls love rubbish, unforgivable nonsense.

The author takes his hero through a series of tests, including a test of love. Having met with Odintsova, Bazarov is sure that there is no love and cannot be. He looks at women very skeptically. Anna Sergeevna for him is only a representative of one of the categories of mammals. He notes her rich body, quite worthy of an anatomical theater, and does not think about her as a person, as a person. However, gradually, in the soul of the hero, unexpectedly for himself, those feelings wake up that lead him into a state of complete confusion. The longer he is visiting Odintsova, the closer he converges with her, the stronger he becomes attached to her, the hotter his feelings flare up. A person who is confident in his convictions breaks down at the first encounter with true life. unrequited love does not deprive Bazarov of pride. “I am a poor man, but I have not yet accepted alms,” he says to Odintsova.

The hero is in conflict with himself. He tried to build his existence on the basis of the theory of nihilism, but life cannot be subordinated to a dry idea. Denying the principle of honor, Bazarov accepts a duel challenge from Pavel Petrovich. Despising aristocrats, he sorts things out according to their rules and behaves nobly in duels. Pavel Petrovich himself tells him about this.

Bazarov cannot hide his affection and tender attitude towards his parents, whose care and love, at first glance, he is burdened. Feeling the approach of death, he asks Odintsova not to forget his old people, because "you can't find people like them in ... big light during the day with fire ...". Critic D. I. Pisarev considers the death of Bazarov heroic. “To die the way Bazarov died is like doing a great feat ...”, he writes.

The discovery of the ability to love in oneself becomes very painful and difficult for the hero. However, this ability enriches it, makes it more understandable and close to the reader.

The author sympathizes with his hero, respects and pities him, although he himself professed the idea of ​​liberalism. In his memoirs, Turgenev wrote: "To accurately and strongly reproduce the truth, the reality of life, is the highest happiness for a writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies."

Fathers and Sons - eternal theme which will never lose its relevance. Today we are children who do not accept the lifestyle of parents, and tomorrow we are fathers who do not understand the actions of children. This theme became the basis of Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. The conflict between generations and between the socio-political beliefs of the characters is described. It was written in the 60s, now the century before last. And this is the time when the contradictions between Democrats and liberals intensified in connection with the issue of removing

Ivan Sergeevich was born into a noble family. His mother, Varvara Nikolaevna, adhered to strict serf customs and orders in the family. She believed that corporal punishment was a universal measure of suggestion. It is clear that not only the guilty serfs were punished, but also her own children. They were flogged for everything: for an unlearned lesson, an incomprehensible joke, for the most trifling prank. In this cruel home school of life, Turgenev learned to sympathize, painfully sympathize with the suffering of others. But back to the topic of our article.

Bazarov - characterization of the hero

"Fathers and Sons" tells the story of two friends - Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny of the latter - this is a description of a pragmatist. Man lives permanent job. He is not distracted by tenderness, does not recognize art, the beauty of music or poetry.

For him, nature is nothing but a workshop that satisfies. He does not notice the beauty in it. Freedom, strong will, constant work, honesty, a sharp mind - this is the whole of Bazarov. The characteristic of his relationship with his parents reveals that he is not such a “cracker”, and is capable of such feelings as love and tenderness. Eugene loves his old people, but carefully hides it. The outbreak of love for Odintsova shows his passionate, and at the same time strong nature. He was able to overcome himself in the midst of his passion. Pavel Kirsanov became the main ideological opponent of Bazarov.

Bazarov and Kirsanov - comparative characteristics

Pavel Petrovich is a true gentleman with the habits of an aristocrat. He is a follower of the old order. In his opinion, only the aristocracy is able to develop society. Therefore, Bazarov is alien to him, simply hated. The characteristic of their relationship is as follows: Kirsanov is an ardent defender of the old order, and Bazarov seeks to eradicate these orders.

Pavel Petrovich does not understand how one can ignore the opinions of others. He does not recognize nihilists, he considers them weak and unnecessary. And he constantly tries to challenge his opponent to a dispute. Bazarov, on the other hand, considers every dispute an unnecessary shaking of the air. But when he is nevertheless forced to go on this argument, he speaks harshly and straightforwardly.

In general, Turgenev conveys the failure of both sides. A good old, but already frozen state is Kirsanov. An incomprehensible new, but living state is Bazarov. The characteristic of Kirsanov's failure is that one cannot remain in one state, one must move forward. And people like Bazarov are the harbingers of change. But they are not perfect yet, they understand that everything needs to be changed, but they do not know how to do it right. You cannot completely destroy the old without building something new. But in any case, the future belongs to people like Evgeny Bazarov.

Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" is a work that accurately reflects the essence of the era. The noble class was a thing of the past, it was pressed by the raznochintsy intelligentsia. The conflict of two generations is depicted on the pages of the novel on the example of the Kirsanov family and the nihilist Bazarov.

The image and characterization of Yevgeny Bazarov will become the starting point, which will help to better understand the idea of ​​the novel by I.S. Turgenev.

Turgenev's idea

In Evgeny Bazarov I.S. Turgenev embodied the image young representative a trend that has recently emerged in society, nihilism. The prototype of the protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons" was the district doctor, whom Turgenev met while traveling through railway. In this man, Ivan Sergeevich saw a great inner strength, his socio-political views struck the writer. Turgenev hatches the idea of ​​creating a new work and recalls this meeting with a young doctor.

First meeting

For the first time, the reader meets Bazarov at the post station, he arrives with his friend and follower, Arkady Kirsanov. His appearance immediately attracts increased attention:

“Long and thin (face), with a wide forehead, flat top, pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sandy whiskers, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.”

Bazarov's manner of communicating with people around him is slightly cheeky. Not claiming luxury, he agrees to give up his comfort and sets off after the Kirsanovs on a tarantass.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich

Bazarov's meeting with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov symbolizes the very clash of two generations, liberals and democrats. He is very sarcastic about everything that goes beyond his views, but at the same time he is a simple person and independent of other people's opinions. Denying love, art and beauty, he prefers real work. Put into his mouth famous phrase:

"A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet ...".

Entering into a debate with Pavel Petrovich about the role of art and science in human life, he firmly defends and argues the position. Senior Kirsanov and Bazarov become irreconcilable opponents. Eugene does not understand Pavel Petrovich's desire for beauty and convenience; the work of ordinary courtyard people is much closer to him. After a duel in which he wounds Uncle Arkady, Bazarov treats Kirsanov's wound and leaves Maryino forever.

love test

To show how wrong Bazarov was in his absolute denial of all that is beautiful, the author takes him through a test of feelings. Having met Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, Evgeny realizes that he has a unique woman in front of him, a perfect example. Over time, love for her flares up in his soul, but Odintsova is frightened by Bazarov's passion. Anna Sergeevna gives him a stern rebuke. It hits him like a whiplash. Realizing that love is still strong feeling, and even he is subject to it, he suffers internally and goes home to his parents.

Bazarov and parents

Evgeny Bazarov's relationship with his parents is very cool. He loves his old people, but their way of life is mortally depressing. He always seeks to leave his home somewhere. His mother is a little afraid of him and tries not to bother him with her questions. The father is immensely proud of his son, arguing that there is no other such person on earth:

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The image of Yevgeny Bazarov is unique in that he combines the features of a boundless mind and recklessness. Bazarov is the herald of new order and new philosophy.

Biography and family of Evgeny Bazarov

Social status Bazarov is very difficult. It is not related to the type of activity young man but with its origin. Yevgeny Bazarov was born into the family of a retired "staff doctor" and a noblewoman. This fact turns out to be disastrous for the young man - he is on the border between the world of ordinary peasants and the aristocracy. High society does not perceive him because of the humble origin of his father, and simple people consider him a step above himself. And although the peasants treat him favorably, his appearance brings less embarrassment into their lives than an aristocrat, they do not feel the usual constraint and embarrassment, while the peasants do not consider Bazarov absolutely their own in “their eyes, he was still something like a pea jester ".

The father noticed early on his son's passion for the natural sciences and contributed to the development of his knowledge in this area. Later, Eugene, continues the work of his father and goes to the doctor. “I, the future doctor,” says Bazarov.

He does not have much love for medicine, but the opportunity to do research saves the day. Thanks to his experience and endless hours at the microscope, Bazarov achieves impressive results and becomes a pitcher. great expectations in the development of medicine and natural sciences by a young man.

Parents do not have a soul in Eugene - he only child in the family, besides very talented and smart - a reason for pride.

The mother misses her son very much, but Bazarov is in no hurry to reciprocate - he loves his parents, but his love is not like the generally accepted one, it is devoid of tenderness and affection, more like respect. Parents are saddened by such an attitude towards themselves, but they are not able to change it. The father believes that this is a necessary measure in the life of Eugene - he must be in society, and only then will he be able to achieve something in life.

Appearance of Evgeny Bazarov

Evgeny Bazarov is a very charming person. He is young and handsome. tall and slender complexion.

His face was “Long and thin, with a broad forehead, flat top, pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sandy whiskers, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.” Thin lips, dark eyebrows and gray eyes - his face is attractive. His hair was "dark blond", thick and long.

His hands were like the hands of musicians - refined, with long fingers.

Bazarov did not follow fashion. His clothes are not new. It has already worn out and is far from in perfect condition. This fact does not bother Eugene. He does not express displeasure with his suit.

Attitude towards other people

Bazarov is not distinguished by friendliness, but at the same time he is not initially hostile towards others. He does not tend to become attached to other people, he easily parted with them.

Complicated Relationships he develops with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - the uncle of a friend. Pavel Petrovich is a classic representative of high society. He is an aristocrat from the roots of his hair to his toes - his manner of staying in society, dressing, watching his appearance - everything corresponds to the ideal. Yevgeny Bazarov considers aristocratic existence in its classical manifestation empty and useless, so the conflict of these heroes was predictable.

Bazarov is confident that he is right and behaves rather reservedly and arrogantly. Pavel Petrovich is outraged by the behavior of the young man and breaks down from time to time. The duel becomes the apogee of their conflict. Based official version due to ideological differences. In fact, this is just an excuse - Kirsanov witnessed the kiss of Feni (lover and mother of the son of Nikolai Petrovich - his brother) and Evgeny Bazarov. Eugene does not feel remorse for his act. For him, this is a meaningless action. For Pavel Petrovich, this is an insult. His brother received this man in his house, and he repaid him with ingratitude.

In a duel, Bazarov behaves calmly, he jokes a lot, and shoots at an opponent without aiming at him. After the duel, Yevgeny realizes that he should no longer be in the Kirsanov estate and leaves.

He also has a difficult relationship with Arkady Kirsanov, his friend. At the beginning of the novel, Arkady is in admiration for his acquaintance, he is his unspoken teacher. Life in the parental estate opened my eyes to many of the negative aspects of a friend. Eugene is ready to sharply criticize everyone without a difference when it comes to acquaintances - this did not hurt Arkady, but when his relatives - his father and uncle - became the objects of criticism, the attitude in Bazarov begins to gradually change for the worse. On the part of Bazarov, such behavior was an extremely ill-mannered and intolerant manifestation.

For Arkady, the family has always been something sacred, while Bazarov took up the forbidden. Kirsanov gently defends his relatives, trying to convince that both his father and uncle good people, they have changed a lot under the influence of certain life tragedies. “A person is ready to give up everything, he will part with any prejudice; but to admit that, for example, a brother who steals other people's scarves, a thief, is beyond his strength, ”concludes Bazarov. This state of affairs shocks Arkady. The authority of Eugene melts like snow in the sun. Bazarov is rude and Cruel person, he is ready to step over everyone, even through those whom he called his friends yesterday.

Eugene treats women with disdain and does not even try to hide it. “After all, you despise us all,” Odintsova tells him, and this is the absolute truth.

Regardless social status and position in society Bazarov calls all women rude word"woman".

The young man believes that women are needed only from a physiological point of view - they are not good for anything else: “ Better stones to beat on the pavement than to allow a woman to take possession of at least the tip of her finger. Men who praise women and allow them to command them are not worth a damn.

Philosophy of Evgeny Bazarov

Evgeny Bazarov is a representative of a unique philosophical trend - nihilism. He, like all nihilists, vehemently opposes everything connected with the aristocracy and high society. “We act by virtue of what we recognize as useful,” says Bazarov, referring to the debunking of generally accepted principles and postulates. "denial" becomes key concept his worldview. “At the present time, denial is most useful - we deny ...”.

Bazarov denies any principles: “There are no principles at all ... but there are sensations. Everything depends on them."

He considers usefulness to society as a measure of integrity - the more benefits a person brings to others, the better.

Based on this position, Bazarov rejects the need for any kind of art: "Raphael is not worth a penny, and Russian artists are even less." He considers scientists much more important than writers, artists and sculptors: "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet."

He has an unusual view of the problems of morality and human education. He compares negative qualities with diseases. “Moral illnesses come from bad education, from all sorts of trifles with which people’s heads are stuffed from childhood, from the ugly state of society, in a word. Fix society and there will be no disease,” he says.

Personality characteristic

In the novel, from time to time, characters call Bazarov " common man". This connotation looks very strange in view of the fact that Eugene has a complex character. In fact, the epithet, which has become permanent for Eugene, concerns the everyday part of life. When others say about Bazarov that he is a simple person, they mean that Bazarov does not like ceremonies, he is not used to luxury, and calmly perceives the lack of comfortable conditions. The explanation for this is very simple - Eugene has always lived in poverty, he is indifferent to luxury and does not seek to start getting used to excessive comfort.

Bazarov does not like tenderness in him "all sorts of" explanations "and" expressions "always aroused an impatient feeling."

In difficult situations, Bazarov knows how to quickly put his thoughts in order and not fall face down in the dirt: "he was not shy, he even answered curtly and reluctantly."

Eugene denies rhetoric, for him the ability to speak beautifully becomes a negative characteristic of a person. “I find it indecent to speak beautifully,” he says.

Along with the denial of art, Bazarov also rejects the romance of relationships. He claims that there are no loving glances - it's all nonsense and nonsense. “And what is the mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what these relationships are.”

The relationship between Evgeny Bazarov and Anna Odintsova

It was easy to deny any attachment and love when he himself did not experience such a feeling. Bazarov's meeting with Odintsova was like thunder among clear sky. Eugene felt the influence of love for the first time. Anna Sergeevna completely captivated the thoughts of the young doctor. No matter how hard Eugene tried not to think about her, he did not succeed. Bazarov sees that his feelings are mutual and, in the end, decides to confess: “Bazarov stood with his back to her. “Then know that I love you foolishly, madly. That's what you've achieved." Anna Sergeevna does not dare to reciprocate - she is in love, but is not ready to bring changes into her life.

Death of Bazarov

By the end of the novel, Evgeny Bazarov finds himself in an extremely predicament- he finally quarreled with Arkady Kirsanov, he was rejected by Odintsova.

He has no friends left to visit, so Eugene returns to his parents in his estate.

There he gets rather bored, and then begins to help his father and soon succeeds as a doctor.
An accident determined his future - he becomes infected from a patient with typhus.

Bazarov realizes that his death is not far off. “In a few days you will bury me,” he says to his father. "By evening he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died."

Thus, the personality of Yevgeny Bazarov is deeply sympathetic both to the author of the novel and to readers. Turgenev depicts before us ordinary person who made himself. And it's inspiring. We take into account that no person is perfect - everyone has their own light and dark side. Bazarov is aware of his shortcomings, and that is why his image is attractive and cute.

Characteristics of Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev in quotes: a description of the personality and character of Evgeny Bazarov

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