The best stone for the calf. Diamond - confidence in all matters

Each woman can choose a talisman or amulet for herself, depending on the sign of the zodiac. Some need to wear them in order to curb their powerful energy, direct it in the right direction. Others want to attract good luck, gain prestige in society and not experience love disappointments. What stones are suitable for a female calf as an amulet?

Zodiac sign Taurus


The healing properties of malachite will help to cope with ailments in the heart and lungs, relieve depression. The stone is applied to sore spots for a speedy recovery. Ladies of the Taurus sign are advised to purchase a light green mineral. He will make them more attractive in the eyes of others. To enhance the effect, the stones are framed in silver, which smooths out the feeling of envy of others and stops their negative thoughts.


An amulet made of this mineral attracts well-being and prosperity to the house, as well as cheers up and improves the well-being of its owner. It is a symbol of devotion and courage.


This milky-white stone is perfect as a talisman. He helps to control his emotions, preserves peace and tranquility in the house, strengthens women's health, transforms the girl externally and internally. To enhance its qualities, it is necessary to change the location of the stone on your body. It is great for those whose activities are related to politics.

If you constantly wear cacholong, the work of the digestive tract is getting better, the body is cleansed of toxins, eye pressure is stabilized.

It is good to have it with you for women who are expecting a baby. Then pregnancy and childbirth will proceed without complications. Cacholong take care of the health of the newborn and mother.

If you constantly wear cacholong, the work of the digestive tract improves, the body is cleansed of toxins


An excellent mascot will be the stone of the winner - turquoise. It is a strong amulet and has the following properties:

  • helps to make the right decisions;
  • establishes harmony in the family;
  • attracts financial well-being;
  • gives courage and risk-taking.

Turquoise of a sky-blue hue will help an unmarried girl find family happiness. If she hides it in her clothes, she will not allow frivolous acts and will be protected from lies.

For married girls, green turquoise will help fulfill the dream of children, maintain health, preserve well-being and peace in the house. It is better to choose an old turquoise talisman, it is the most effective.


A good helper will be an emerald for stubborn Taurus. The mineral gives optimism and tranquility to its mistress, protects marital fidelity. It is advised to wear an emerald ring to protect against dark forces and nightmares. He shows his strength in the event that he was donated or inherited.


For the fairer sex under the sign of Taurus, an agate talisman is perfect. This mineral has magical properties that will help its mistress:

  • find peace, confidence and success;
  • solve money problems
  • increase vitality and become more active;
  • develop intuition;
  • become more eloquent and persuasive.

For women, it is better to choose light-colored agate with bright stripes.

For women, it is better to choose a light-colored agate with bright stripes. It is advised to set it with Taurus metal - copper. He is often taken with public people to performances in front of an audience.

Shy ladies will become bolder and more sociable with an agate talisman, and a black stone will help increase their finances.


Sapphire protects against gossip and slander, helps to make the right decisions, cope with stress. If a girl has unkind thoughts and bad intentions, the stone will be an ordinary decoration for her. Their he shows positive qualities only with worthy people. To become more attractive, it is recommended to wear yellow sapphire.


Creative ladies will be able to easily find their muse, get rid of laziness thanks to the chrysoprase amulet. Such a talisman of Taurus helps to overcome self-doubt, makes you act.


This mineral is distinguished by its beauty and will protect the fair sex from evil forces, negative impacts. It attracts happiness and prosperity. A strong amulet against the evil eye is made from an unprocessed piece of jasper, and handicrafts from it are a must-have in every home to achieve family harmony and peace.

Jasper will help women who take other people's problems and experiences to heart. She neutralizes part of the bad energy, does not allow energy vampires to approach the mistress.

Talisman stones by date of birth

  • agate;
  • cornelian;
  • eye of the Tiger;
  • amazonite;
  • amethyst.

For women of this sign, born in the period from May 2 to May 11, it is advised to purchase amulets from stones such as:

  • chrysoprase;
  • opal;
  • turquoise;
  • chalcedony;
  • rhinestone.

Taurus, who were born in the 3rd decade, from May 12 to May 20, can use the following stones as a talisman:

  • emerald;
  • aquamarine;
  • pomegranate;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire.

Some stones are contraindicated for Taurus. They can be harmful to health and attract trouble. Among them:

  • amethyst;
  • obsidian;
  • amber;
  • pyrite;
  • ruby;
  • heliotrope;
  • topaz.

When choosing jewelry or an amulet with a stone, you need to listen to your inner voice. If touching it, a person feels warm, then this mineral suits him.

Compatibility horoscope: stones by zodiac sign Taurus woman by date of birth - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

When choosing stones for Taurus as a gift, you need to consider that representatives of this sign really appreciate material wealth. Therefore, the sign is suitable for a talisman that attracts money and success in work. A good amulet for Taurus, both men and women, will be jewelry with turquoise.

This gem contributes to financial well-being and comfort. Turquoise suits many signs of the Zodiac, but it will give Taurus confidence in their decisions, relieve them of their inherent slowness and fear of making a mistake.

Taurus are moving forward to achieve their goals. On this path, they often meet envious people, whom a talisman with topaz will help to resist. This stone protects the sign from slander, envy and negative energy. Topaz has magical properties that protect its owner from disease.

Topaz able to protect Taurus from depression or melancholy. Astrologers do not recommend wearing a yellow stone if it has not been inherited. Taurus, like many other signs, is suitable for blue topaz.

For the Taurus man, topaz becomes a source of generosity and prudence. A talisman with this mineral protects the family life of representatives of this zodiac sign, helps them fight their own jealousy and stubbornness.

Another useful Taurus stone is blue or blue sapphire.. Talismans with him will help the sign to cope with the unbridled desire for sensual pleasures.

Sapphire will limit its owner a little, directing excess energy into a more rational direction. A very useful mineral for family Taurus, it maintains trust and love between spouses.

Choosing precious stones as a talisman, Taurus often intuitively stops at emeralds. These minerals are very suitable for a slightly selfish and overly economical Taurus. Emerald teaches its owner to enjoy not only material values, it helps to develop kindness and generosity. A talisman with an emerald drives away gloomy thoughts and energizes.

Suitable Stones for Taurus Women

Stones for Taurus of the weaker sex should gently and smoothly lead their mistress to the goal. The strongest talisman for the beautiful representatives of this sign is turquoise. The mineral will help achieve success in the material sphere and will help build a happy marriage.

It is sometimes difficult for Taurus women according to the zodiac sign to realize their plans because of the fear of stumble. Talismans with turquoise give them courage and determination. The stone protects from flattery and deceit, which women of this sign are so greedy for. In addition, turquoise is a strong talisman for women's health, protecting against many ailments.

Agate gives hope for a better future and does not give up in a difficult situation.

The lucky stones of the female Taurus are agates of various colors and colors. Talismans with these minerals will bring success both in the professional field and in personal life.

White and green agates give women born under the sign of Taurus energy and good mood. Black stones help in business and other financial matters.

Very useful for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope will be cacholong. The stone is able to lift its slightly mundane mistress above ordinary everyday life. Women of this sign often cannot show their feelings for children or a loved one.

Cacholong will help them become more open and emotional. This mineral promotes conception and a favorable course of pregnancy.

Many astrologers consider cacholong an ideal amulet for Taurus women.

For an unmarried woman, opal will be a good talisman. It helps to make romantic acquaintances and at the same time protects against deceit and disappointments in love. Opal is also useful for those who are focused on a career or study, as it helps in communicating with superiors, and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Stones for Taurus man

A Taurus man is suitable for a talisman with agate. Any color of this stone favorably affects the representatives of the sign. Black agate is especially useful for men. The mineral will become a talisman against diseases and energy attacks. Black agate helps the male Taurus to significantly improve his financial situation. For such a materialist as a man of this sign, agate will be a reminder that in addition to a career, there are other aspects of life.

Taurus men, whose activities are related to influencing other people, it is useful to have jewelry or a product with cacholong.

This mineral will sometimes make callous and mercantile politicians, doctors, teachers more humane and noble. In addition, cacholong attracts good luck to its owner in all monetary matters.

Suitable stone for Taurus man - emerald. The gem struggles with greed and bad habits. Jewelry with an emerald helps to distract from depressive thoughts and prevents Taurus from falling into melancholy. The mineral contributes to creative impulses, which are lacking in the mundane representatives of the sign. In addition, the emerald makes its owner more open and sociable.

Which gems should be avoided

Some astrologers do not advise Taurus to wear amethyst. There are some exceptions to this rule. Amethyst is suitable for representatives of the sign born before May 1st. In addition, Taurus children can sometimes wear a gem. The stone will increase attentiveness and help you concentrate on your studies.

Amethyst is known for its ability to fight addiction. Taurus, in pursuit of a pleasant life, may be captured by drunkenness, gluttony or other harmful excesses.

Amethyst becomes very useful for Taurus during such periods of life. But having got rid of bad habits, you need to stop wearing the mineral. Also, Taurus can sometimes wear an amethyst, which has been inherited for many years. It is undesirable for a woman of this zodiac sign to wear jewelry with amethysts.

Stones for Taurus should not have strong energy. What gemstones should not be worn by representatives of this zodiac sign? Astrologers rank among undesirable minerals: heliotrope, amber, pyrite, obsidian. Also, be careful with yellow topazes, rubies, jade and rock crystal.

Stones for other zodiac signs:

Taurus Stone

A solid and reliable Taurus looks like an unshakable rock against the background of other signs of the horoscope. No wonder Taurus was originally depicted as half-grown into the ground. This largely determines the essence of a person born under this sign - steadfastness and dislike for frequent changes of scenery.

However, only those who are completely devoid of the ability to understand people will consider Taurus to be inactive or slow-moving bumpkin. Calm and peaceful, Taurus cannot stand pressure and coercion. Endowed with inflexible stubbornness, they defend their positions to the end. The property "to rest your horn on the ground" is inherent in all owners of this sign.

Charming horned strong man is considered the most mercantile among the neighbors in the horoscope. He, like no one else, knows how to benefit from everything that he undertakes. The expression "Golden Calf" rightly indicates the main quality of this sign - the ability to make money. But in order to feel happy, Taurus must regularly satisfy their considerable needs, which are love for everything beautiful and refined. Any thing that a gourmet loves must be beautiful and practical.

Even in their negative qualities, such as stinginess and selfishness, Taurus is completely unique. He is not greedy for money, but rather a collector of good and expensive items. Taurus can lend a large sum of money to a friend without much persuasion, but he will never agree to part with his beloved old box, and the longer he is persuaded, the more stubbornly he refuses. No one will be able to invade the possessions of a hoarder bull and get hold of by saying compliments. The vigilant Taurus vigilantly monitors his good and will not part with it voluntarily.

Taurus stones by date of birth (decade)

Taurus born from 21.04 to 01.05 is patronized by Mercury, the god of money and prosperity. Good luck for the golden bulls born in this decade will be brought by stones: agate, aventutine, amazonite, amethyst, tiger's eye and carnelian. Crafts from these stones will become an effective amulet.

The strongest (exalting) Moon in the sign, exerting its influence on Taurus from 02.05 to 11.05, advises them to prefer turquoise, rock crystal, opal, chrysoprase, chalcedony and corals. A pyramid of the listed minerals will enhance the calming effect of the Moon, and a ring will bring family harmony to the house of Taurus.

Expensive and precious stones will adorn and protect those born under the auspices of Saturn, from 12.05-20.05. The jewels recommended to Taurus by this gloomy god of destruction will comfort them in moments of depression and protect them from adversity. The list is impressive: diamonds and emeralds, garnets, sapphires, aquamarines! Even a simple contemplation of beautiful gems will dispel the pessimist's blues.

However, Taurus can safely "borrow" precious amulets from those with whom they were born under the same sign. Of course, this is not about the stones themselves, but only about the recommendations.

Individual stones talismans for Taurus

The best guardian is emerald. It keeps marital fidelity in the house, promotes fertility, gives calmness, optimism, hope. If a person is wearing a ring with an emerald, evil spirits will not be able to encroach on him. Dressed at night, will keep good dreams.

Sapphire beneficial effect on the soul. This stone of heavenly blueness will not help an evil and dishonorable owner, but it will not harm either, remaining a passive decoration. A worthy owner helps to make the right decisions and protects from slander.

Neutralizes some of the negative energy jasper. A necessary gem for people who take someone else's misfortune to heart and are ready to meekly listen to other people's complaints. Repels energy vampires, protecting the health of the owner.

Everyday protector agate. Layered chalcedony with a variety of colors. Set in the metal of Taurus - copper, agate will give its owner confidence and tranquility. If you wear it for a long time, intuition develops, making it possible to unravel dishonesty. Develops eloquence, gives the gift of persuasion.

Enhance business success aventurine. It gives the owner a lot of ideas and plans. Successfully implemented, many Taurus projects sometimes reached state scale.

Woman's calf stone

Turquoise, which has long been considered a “girlish” stone, is loved by many girls. A sky-blue mineral will help unmarried girls to attract a loved one. Hidden in the folds of the dress, a piece of turquoise will protect the girl from frivolous acts and help protect herself from lies.

Green turquoise helps married women keep peace and prosperity in the house. A gem of a green hue is a symbol of health and fertility, so it is necessary in a family where they dream of a child.

Cacholong - translated as "Milk of a sacred cow", an attractive and mysterious pearl agate, astrologers recommend to women who are expecting a baby. Helps a good pregnancy, easy childbirth and the health of the mother and newborn. As if supporting the popular saying: “God gave a child, God will give for a child”, helps to ensure that a family with small children has money.

Male calf stone

Black agate - contributes to the concentration of abilities, helps to discover hidden potential. Lucky amulet for a business person.

Amazonite - will also bring its owner material well-being, confidence in making decisions, helps to cope with indecision.

Sardonyx is a variety of orange or brown onyx. Develops the gift of persuasion, helps in communicating with the weaker sex. For a lonely Taurus, this stone is a real find. The gem hates disorder and always finds a mate alone.

Zircon - despite being popular with the fairer sex, is a very "masculine" stone. Gives determination in the search for truth, exposing deceptions and intrigues. Rectilinear people are protected from slander and disputes. It interferes with liars in the implementation of insidious plans, and this also protects them, not allowing them to wallow in lies.

Stones that are contraindicated for Taurus

The only stone that Taurus should strongly avoid and not have with him in any form is amber. The consequences of the acquisition, and even more so the gift of this frozen piece of resin, the owner begins to notice very soon. It is not known why amber disliked Taurus, but troubles and misfortunes rain down on the owner of the yellow stone from all sides. Moreover, the negative power of amber does not weaken, and the stone arranges small dirty tricks for the unloved owner with relentless zeal.

If you want to get rid of amber, never throw it in the trash. With a thing that was considered an amulet, part with dignity. For example, the Romanians leave the amulet in a conspicuous place with the words: “You and I could not be friends. I wish soul to soul to live with the new owner. You can perform this simple rite of deliverance, or you can give it to someone who likes the stone.

There are a few more stones that are undesirable for Taurus to wear. These include topaz, amethyst, pyrite, heliotrope, ruby.

When choosing jewelry with a stone, listen to your inner voice. If, when looking at a gem, a feeling of warmth appears in the soul, then you have found your stone!

Taurus Stones

The second zodiac sign is valid from April 21 to May 21. An important role in shaping the personality of Taurus is played by Venus and the Moon. Depending on the date of birth, Mercury and Saturn have their influence.

Feelings for Taurus are more important than reflections. They are distinguished by an increased interest in the opposite sex, but at the same time they stand firmly on the ground, are practical. Representatives of the sign extremely value their home, strive to fill it with beautiful things and comfort. Taurus know how to make money, strive for a high social status.

Bulls sometimes show stubbornness. At the same time, due to their soft nature, it is difficult for them to resist stronger signs.

Natural minerals will help you gain self-confidence and successfully achieve your life goals. To direct energy in a favorable direction, astrologers recommend Taurus to have 8 stones for various purposes.

Universal Talismans of Taurus

A magnificent green gem is the personification of wisdom. Since ancient times, it has been considered a powerful amulet against all sorrows and negative influences.

Emerald strengthens memory, dispels melancholy. It stimulates the capacity for scientific research and philosophical discovery.

The stone gives the joy of life, strengthens love.

The magical properties of the gem appear only against the background of spiritual purity. If the owner of the emerald is obsessed with dark thoughts and evil feelings, the emerald will become his enemy.

The mineral of an apple or grassy shade is the most valuable type of chalcedony. Its energy will help Taurus overcome inertia, self-doubt, give the courage necessary for new beginnings and changes.

Chrysoprase has healing properties: strengthens eyesight, normalizes blood pressure, improves metabolism, relieves rheumatic pains. Under its influence, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

The one who wears a bracelet with chrysoprase on his left hand, the stone protects from nervous diseases.

Agate also belongs to chalcedony. This semi-precious stone is a symbol of eloquence. In addition, he endows his owner with material prosperity and a long life.

Agate stones of light shades - white, blue, gray - enhance the light qualities of the individual. They are especially useful for women's health and family strengthening.

Black agate is a male amulet. He will protect his master from dark forces, give credibility to his words and actions. These properties of the stone will be useful for moving up the career ladder.

Turquoise jewelry is a talisman of purposeful natures, persistent in achieving their goals. The mineral helps Taurus in risky situations.

It is believed that turquoise attracts money.

The stone symbolizes true love. This is the perfect mascot for girls. But it is better for mature women to refuse it.

Both blue and green turquoise harmonize with the inner world of Taurus.

Light green malachite is highly prized for its ability to absorb evil directed at its wearer.

It frees a person from resentment and gloomy thoughts. Beneficial for diseases of the pancreas, cardiac pathologies. Protects from radiation. Stimulates the work of vital glands - the epiphysis and pituitary gland.

The choice of amulets for Taurus by date of birth

Venusian natures are aesthetes. They are characterized by a passion for exquisite things. But under the influence of the Earth, the natural element of the sign, a person can become overly materialistic.

To fill the lack of spirituality will help sapphire - a symbol of exalted qualities.

A feature of the Taurus of the second decade is extreme indecision. It creates serious problems. It will help to correct the deficiency Arab onyx . A striped stone will give firmness to character, teach you to defend your opinion.

Sometimes the Taurus of this group is endowed with an overly critical mind. The ability for sincere and pure love will give cynical natures a quamarine .

Seriousness, reaching pessimism, overshadows the life of Taurus of the third decade. blue topaz will return the joy of life, help overcome anxiety and fear.

Selection of stones by color

Minerals of green and blue shades have a beneficial effect. To the list of the above-mentioned talismans, you can add:

The bluish-green stone is able to inspire the elderly to the impulses of youth.

Amulet of friendship, success, material security. It has a bright blue, purple or blue color.

Transparent minerals are also suitable for Taurus:

A sign of firmness and strength. Relevant for "soft-bodied" natures.

Improves speech and mental abilities. Strengthens the health and spiritual strength of a person.

Stones of light shades are favorable for the second spring sign:

Symbol of a strong family.

This name is used for various stones of silver-bluish and gray color. These include belomorite and adularia.

Which stones should be treated more carefully Taurus

Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about inappropriate stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Sun sign, but according to a weak planet in the natal chart. List of stones to which Taurus should take a closer look:

In conclusion, a few words about the design of jewelry. Emerald needs a gold frame, turquoise - silver. Agate and opal are enclosed in copper. Opal does not tolerate the neighborhood of other minerals.

It is believed that the observance of these rules will allow the magical properties of the talismans to reveal themselves with special force.

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  • Feelings for Taurus are more important than reflections. They are distinguished by an increased interest in the opposite sex, but at the same time they stand firmly on the ground, are practical. Representatives of the sign extremely value their home, strive to fill it with beautiful things and comfort. Taurus know how to make money, strive for a high social status.

    Bulls sometimes show stubbornness. At the same time, due to their soft nature, it is difficult for them to resist stronger signs.

    Natural minerals will help you gain self-confidence and successfully achieve your life goals. To direct energy in a favorable direction, astrologers recommend having 8 stones for various purposes.

    Universal Talismans of Taurus


    A magnificent green gem is the personification of wisdom. Since ancient times, it has been considered a powerful amulet against all sorrows and negative influences.

    May 12 – May 21 (Saturn)

    Seriousness, reaching pessimism, overshadows the life of Taurus of the third decade. will return the joy of life, help overcome anxiety and fear.

    Selection of stones by color

    Minerals of green and blue shades have a beneficial effect. To the list of the above-mentioned talismans, you can add:


    Which stones should be treated more carefully Taurus

    Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about unsuitable stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Solar sign, but according to the weak one. List of stones to which Taurus should take a closer look:

    • serpentine();
    • "bloody" ();
    • "stone of sadness" -;
    • black iridescent


    Silent aesthetes

    online store

    Loving and soft Taurus subject to the influence of Venus. They are very fond of bodily and spiritual comfort and are willing to pay a high price for it. Taurus are big lovers of beautiful things, works of art and architecture. They can get whatever they want, but are often just lazy or don't feel the need to work hard. Taurus are materialists, they know how to earn and spend. They show their feelings in the form of gifts, forgetting about compliments and confessions. Taurus will not appreciate symbolic gifts, but will be delighted with a beautiful or useful thing.

    Due to the soft and compliant nature of Taurus, they often follow the lead of stronger signs. It is very difficult to anger them, but if the Taurus Bull is brought to a boiling point, he will sweep away everything in his path. He would rather sing than talk. Taurus love to build far-reaching plans and clearly follow them, they will stubbornly resist anyone who tries to interfere with them. From Taurus, good leaders are obtained, striving for the highest peaks.

    Stones - patrons

    online store

    Sapphire is suitable for all Taurus, regardless of the date of birth. Astrologers and lithotherapists advise choosing gems for Taurus in accordance with the decade of the zodiac period.

    • For Taurus born in the 1st decade ( April 21st to May 1st) quartz, aventurine, blood jasper, tiger's eye, carnelian and agate are suitable. These stones interact well with the patron Mercury.
    • For Taurus 2nd decade ( date of birth - from 2nd to 11th May) products with corals, chalcedony, onyx, opal, turquoise and chrysoprase will be optimal. The indecisive romantics of this period are helped by the Moon.
    • In the 3rd decade ( 12th - 20th May) born misanthropes and pessimists who avoid material difficulties. Their patron planet is also heavy - Saturn. For the most part, the stones that patronize the Taurus of this decade are very expensive: diamond, garnet, emerald, sapphire, aquamarine, topaz and tourmaline.

    More about stones for Taurus - in the video:

    Correct Neighborhood

    online store

    It is very important to choose the right frame for the stone. The emerald must be set in gold, and for men it is best to wear the stone in a ring. Women can afford a set with emeralds (necklace, earrings and ring). Turquoise pairs perfectly with silver. Opals do not tolerate proximity to gold or other stones. A good frame, suitable for the sign, is copper. Stones of light colors (blue, white, pink) are most suitable for Taurus women, stones with a darker and more saturated color (emerald, black agate) help male Taurus.

    Choosing a stone for Taurus

    online store

    Which stone is best for Taurus, which is an earth sign? They are suitable for solid stones with high density and hardness. White or green agate is able to bring happiness to Taurus in all endeavors.. The stone cheers up people prone to depression, gives them strength for life. Agate helps silent Taurus in important speeches in front of a large number of people. Especially caring about material wealth, Taurus will be happy with black agate in jewelry. Blue shades will add vitality and activity. The most suitable setting for agate is copper.

    Taurus do not shine with special intellectual abilities and knowledge of life. Talismans with sapphire will help to acquire wisdom and activate logical thinking.. Also, the stone will pacify carnal passions, often boiling in the soul of the sign and preventing a sober look at the world. The most suitable shade would be pink. He will give peace and composure.

    Taurus is patronized by aventurine - a stone of good luck in business and love affairs. It has a positive effect on the energy field of children. But you should not wear it too often, so as not to become a careless and overly gambling person. In addition to magical properties, aventurine helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and allergic reactions.

    Emeralds can help Taurus avoid serious stress and outbursts of anger.. This stone symbolizes wisdom and harmony with oneself and others. Products with emeralds will not allow Taurus to become discouraged and mope from everyday duties.

    Taurus are very susceptible to other people's influence, outside opinion for them often means more than their own. To protect yourself from excessive energy exposure from the outside, jewelry with chalcedony is recommended for this sign. This is especially true for those whose work involves direct contact with many people. The stone is able to protect from unnecessary worries and anxieties.

    Astrologers recommend wearing chrysoprase to those Taurus who lack confidence in themselves and their abilities.. In addition, the stone struggles with laziness and apathy, which are so characteristic of Taurus. Chrysoprase gives activity and desire to move forward. Jewelry with it will help creative individuals to better express themselves, and inventors and scientists - to bring their ideas to life.

    Among the semi-precious stones, rose quartz is the most suitable for Taurus.. It has a positive effect on the sphere of interpersonal relationships. Quartz contributes to the harmonization of family life and helps those who are experiencing failures in their personal lives. The mineral gives strength to move on and leave negative experiences in the past.

    Eccentric and loving Taurus often have to rein themselves in order not to do stupid things. Turquoise jewelry can help with this. This gem helps to maintain fidelity, protects from quarrels and petty insults. Turquoise has a particularly positive effect on young Taurus. Elderly people can wear it in spring and summer.

    Everyone around knows that the Taurus woman is a strong personality with an amazing character, which combines at first glance incompatible qualities. She is smart, confident, very calm. And at the same time, a real hurricane of emotions rages inside this lady, which she rarely shows even to her closest ones.

    In addition, the Taurus woman never chases temporary values, preferring the good old morality to them, in which family and loved ones occupy the most important place. On the other hand, it remains in trend. That is why it is important for this lady to choose such talisman stones that can emphasize her best features and at the same time help in achieving an inner balance of mental strength.

    What stones are suitable for a woman calf: general characteristics

    Since Taurus is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac, the stars advise you to pay attention to those gems that help attract true friends, business partners and, of course, true love. On the other hand, since Taurus often tend to dive into themselves, it is important for them to be charged with positive energy and try to cheer themselves up more often.

    Therefore, along with the choice of a stone according to the date of her birth, a Taurus woman can also consider those gems that are recommended to all representatives of this zodiac sign.


    This stone has many symbols. It has long been noted that it brings wealth, material prosperity to the house and, moreover, contributes to the stabilization of family relations. Emerald gives its owner hope for bright changes and allows you to calmly relate to possible failures.

    And here is another interesting point. It is believed that the emerald contributes to the normalization of sleep and protects the negative emotions of enemies. Therefore, if you answer the question of which talisman stones are suitable for an emotional Taurus woman, who is often overcome by anxious thoughts, this particular gem can be advised.

    Earrings with emeralds


    The sapphire stone is considered the patron saint of all economic people. It allows you to make the right decisions and protects against emotional outbursts. Stars recommend wearing jewelry with sapphire, especially for those Taurus girls who love to take care of their home and strive for material prosperity.


    Despite the fact that outwardly the calves almost always seem to be imperturbable, balanced people, sometimes they can hardly restrain themselves from pouring out their righteous anger on the head of the ill-wisher. In such situations, it helps to stabilize your feelings. It allows its owner to become more self-confident. And if you wear it for a sufficiently long time, a woman begins to develop intuition and eloquence.


    Finally, it is important for Taurus women who are engaged in business projects to attract into their lives not only luck, but also an influx of new ideas. In such cases, it is especially suitable. This gem allows you to find the right solution even in those situations that are literally deadlocked.

    In addition, aventurine patronizes people who think extraordinary. He will help girls engaged in creative affairs. The stone gives inspiration and helps to realize the most daring projects.

    Aventurine ring

    Taurus 1st decade

    When choosing a talisman stone according to a horoscope, a Taurus woman first of all needs to take into account her date of birth. The fact is that a general description of any sign allows you to get only a distant idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits representatives. In fact, within 1 sign there is a division into at least three groups that correspond to 3 decades.

    For example, Taurus women who were born at the very end of April are distinguished by a particularly serious character. They very often immerse themselves in themselves, as a rule, study very well and surpass their peers in many ways. On the other hand, such Taurus women are particularly stubborn. They subconsciously believe that accepting someone else's opinion means giving in. Taurus prefer not to go into conflict, but they also do not intend to succumb to external pressure.

    That is why it is often very difficult for people around to understand the representatives of the first decade. The stars have their answer. The fact is that the fate of these bodies is strongly influenced by the planet Mercury. As you know, it is located closest to the Sun. And this can only mean one thing: Mercury patronizes leaders. Needless to say, every leader has a difficult character.

    That is why, when choosing a mascot stone for a Taurus woman of the first decade, it would be right to pay special attention to those gems that allow you to control your emotions and successfully build relationships with others:

    • agate symbolizes physical health, longevity and stability in life;
    • cornelian and aventurine allow you to bring true love into life, symbolizes happiness;
    • eye of the Tiger protects against unforeseen incidents;
    • amazonite symbolizes devotion and moral purity.

    Tiger eye (decorations)

    Taurus 2nd decade

    Taurus girls, who were born at the very beginning of May, have a completely different character. They are patronized by the mysterious Moon, which personifies motherhood, sentimentality and care. Such women can be called ideal mothers. On the one hand, they love their children endlessly. On the other hand, never spoil them too much.

    It is simply amazing how women of the second decade of the Taurus have a developed sense of proportion. The most interesting thing is that they absorbed it with their mother's milk, and did not peep from someone. That is why it is better for such ladies to pay attention to mascot stones that attract the stronger sex and allow you to create a reliable family:

    • turquoise- a symbol of a calm and happy family life;
    • corals symbolize longevity;
    • rhinestone represents devotion;
    • chalcedony attracts the attention of the stronger sex;
    • chrysoprase allows events to develop in the most favorable way;
    • opal personifies hope and a bright streak in life.


    Taurus 3rd decade

    Finally, the Taurus of the 3rd decade is distinguished by benevolence, great patience, allowing them to cope even with seemingly hopeless situations. The flip side of such a strong character is emotional isolation. And all because they are under the influence of Saturn - a planet that symbolizes limitations, trials and struggle.

    Taurus 3 decades, as a rule, are unsociable. It is difficult for them to make new contacts, and they do not trust all the secrets to their friends. Representatives of this sign are generally used to being content with little, but at the same time they strive for all the best and almost always achieve a strong financial position. And in order to attract a good combination of circumstances into your life, you can try to choose among these talisman stones:

    • diamond- a symbol of unbending willpower and courage;
    • aquamarine personifies loyalty and justice;
    • pomegranate symbolizes material wealth and well-being in personal life;
    • emerald creates sexual energy, personifies strong and pure love feelings;
    • sapphire- a symbol of loyalty and moral purity.
    Aquamarine (beads)

    Which stones are not suitable for the calf

    It is important for any Taurus woman to know not only which stones suit her according to the horoscope, but also about those gems that should be excluded from the collection of her jewelry.

    By themselves, stones cannot be hostile to a person. It’s just that each of them works on his task: one gem fills life with bright colors, and the other gives peace and tranquility. Thus, each stone tunes in a different way to a person's own wave. In the case of a female Taurus not recommended to wear such stones:

    • amber;
    • ruby;
    • pyrite;
    • amethyst;
    • heliotrope.

    And, perhaps, the most important thing. Star tips only work well when one important condition is met. If, when choosing your talisman, you carefully listen to your inner feelings, this will certainly help you make the right choice. It's no secret that some things evoke pleasant emotions, while others repel you. Listen to your intuition. Only she will help in cases where the mind is in doubt.

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