Numerology of numbers: the meaning of numbers and key concepts. Lucky numbers by date of birth and name

Numerology- this is esoteric knowledge about numbers and their connection with man and with the universe. Many people do not believe in this knowledge, because it is not recognized by official science. But even without believing in this science, these people are wary of the number 13, subconsciously feeling the negative energy of this number. Therefore, any number carries energy and affects a person's life, even if a person does not recognize the truth of the science of Numerology.

In our life we ​​are constantly confronted with numbers, starting from our date of birth, time of birth and ending with the number of our apartment. The meaning of these numbers can be learned to interpret with the help of the science of numerology. But in Numerology - Date of Birth- a special number, one of the significant numbers in our life. An experienced astrologer by Date of Birth can find out the character of a person, his abilities and even compatibility with a loved one.

Numerology by date of birth

You can find out by date of birth Life path number person. This number is obtained by adding the digits of the Date of Birth. Numerologists always pay attention to this number when analyzing a person’s fate, because the Life Path Number indicates a person’s abilities that were acquired in past lives. But most importantly, the Life Path Number helps to determine the task and mission of a person in this incarnation.

As already mentioned above, the formula for determining the Life Path Number is as follows: the numbers of the birthday + the numbers of the month of birth + the numbers of the year of birth.Birth. For example, a girl was born on May 17, 1992. Calculate the life path number: 1+7+0+5+1+9+9+2=34 . It turned out to be a two-digit number. It is necessary to add the digits of this two-digit number further: 3+4=7. 7 is the number of the life path of this girl.

Numerology: the magic of numbers

Numerology refers to the ancient esoterically sciences, which is often called magic numbers. Each number has its own vibration, so by the date of birth of a person you can find out his character, as well as predict Fate.

According to ancient knowledge, each number carries a certain energy force and its own meaning. The meaning of the numbers was not invented by scientists, the magic of numbers originates in ancient scriptures.

But the ancient teachings were "read" in different ways by different scientists, so two main branches of the followers of Numerology were formed.

Branches of numerology:

  • The first branch - Western Numerology - is based on the teachings of Pythagoras. Pythagoras traveled a lot around the world and collected knowledge on the numerology of various ancient peoples. On this knowledge, his "Numerology" was based.
  • The second branch - Eastern Numerology - is based on the Vedas. There is a great connection with astrology in this Numerology.

Consider how the ancient peoples understood and interpreted the numbers. Over the centuries, the ancient peoples had a different attitude towards various numbers - some numbers were considered sacred, while others were considered dangerous and negative.

The sacred numbers were considered 3, 4, 7, 21, 12, 77, 99 and 100. The sacred number 3 was reflected in such examples: the Trinity of the Hindus (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), and the Christians: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Also, the Arabs revered the number 99, because according to their faith, God has 99 names.

Numerology: the meaning of numbers among ancient peoples

Mathematicians and astrologers have long been of the general opinion that all processes in this world are based on a certain algorithm, and the result of any activity can be calculated using calculations.

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For each person there is a lucky number that affects fate. It is important to calculate it in order to take advantage of its magical power. Luck is easy to attract if you determine your main figure, the calculation of which is based on the date of birth.

    How to find out your number?

    To calculate a lucky number, you need to add all the digits of the date of birth. For example, if a person was born on June 16, 1992, the calculation can be carried out using the following formulas:

    • birthday + month + year, and then add the numbers in the resulting number (16 + 6 + 1992 = 2014 ⇒ 2 + 0 +1 + 4 = 7);
    • add up all the digits of the date of birth (1 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 34 ⇒ 3 + 4 = 7).

      As you can see from the examples, the result is the same in both cases, so everyone can find a lucky number by date of birth, choosing the most convenient calculation method for themselves. It should be noted that numbers that are multiples of this figure are also considered successful, for the seven it will be: 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, etc.

      In life, these numbers carry positive energy for a person. The main figure has the greatest power, so it is recommended to take it into account in all processes. If there is an important meeting or a deal to be made, it is better to schedule them for your lucky dates. When the deal breaks down or the result of the negotiations turns out to be negative, you should not be upset. This means that the magic of a lucky number protected the person from subsequent problems.

      With the help of the use of numerology in practice, gamblers manage to win large sums in the lottery. Experienced players often choose tickets containing their lucky numbers, or mark them themselves.

      Interpretation of a lucky number by date of birth

      Having calculated the number of luck, you can use its energy for practical purposes. Number values:

      • One - helps people gain leadership. Subject to this figure, it is best to start new business on the first day of the month. The most successful periods of the year are January and November. For people-units are successful: 1, 11, 21 and 31 of the month. The constant desire to be the first everywhere and in everything negatively affects the psyche of units. They perceive failures too sharply, therefore, for the best result, their figure can be combined with a nine, which guarantees a happy outcome of any business.
      • Two is a companionable number. She doesn't let people be alone. The patronage of the deuce predicts a happy family life, good friends and colleagues. For people of this number, the following dates in the month are lucky: 2, 11, 20, 29. If circumstances force a person to act independently, without involving outsiders, you need to supplement the two with a unit that will bring primacy to events.
      • Three is a family sign. The power of this figure determines the luck for a person in love and marriage. It is difficult for triples to start and develop something without the support of relatives and friends, so in business you need to add ones and sixes to your number, which help to carry out your plan. Lucky days in the month: 3, 6, 12, 16, 21, 30.
      • Four - reflection and responsibility. People of this figure are very restrained and patient. Everything works out for them when things are scheduled for the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of the month. A deuce brings a revival into their closed world, the 22nd is best suited for marriage for fours, and for large transactions, you need to focus on all dates containing the number 4.
      • Five is a badge of distinction. Such people always occupy leading positions, but these places are given to them with great difficulty. Each of their success is accompanied by incredible efforts, so it is recommended to combine your number with a lucky seven, assign important matters to the seventh. Lucky days in a month are: 5, 14, 23 and 25.
      • Six is ​​a sad symbol. A person who is subject to this figure needs to look for suitable outside guidance in everything. Independent decisions of sixes often turn out to be unsuccessful. Complementing their figure with seven and four, these people are also capable of independent accomplishments, but it is better to adhere to what is destined by numerology. Next to the sixes there are always excellent partners who you can rely on, relieving yourself of the burden of responsibility. Lucky days in the month are: 6, 15, 24.
      • Seven is the number of lucky people. The wards of this number are lucky in everything, they do not need to reinforce it with others. Their best day is always Sunday, so the classic five-day work is not recommended for them, otherwise it will be difficult to move up the career ladder. Important dates in each month: 7, 16, 25. Trips with travel and adventure sevens should be carried out in July, and this month is also good for any celebrations and events.
      • Eight is the sign of infinity. This person can do everything, but he often moves in a closed line, which prevents him from finishing many things. To break out of the cycle, these people are encouraged to start important events and projects on the 17th, 18th and 19th of the month. The unit in this case contributes to a breakthrough, and the nine contributes to a worthy completion. The choice of numbers and various dates should be stopped at your number and 26 (eight when added).
      • Nine - results and conclusions. Such people need to choose professions related to solving complex problems. They are extremely persistent and purposeful, therefore they are always able to achieve a positive result in any activity. The ratio of nine to five improves the life of such a person, and fours are best avoided, because in combination with this figure, tediousness and excessive deepening in thought appear. Lucky numbers in any month are: 9, 18, 27, and 14 is the day of the most successful transactions and events.

      Numbers-patrons of the signs of the zodiac

      Another way to calculate a lucky number is related to astrology. Each sign of the zodiac is influenced by numbers. Therefore, being born under a certain constellation gives a person a lucky number.

      The zodiac circle divides people into 12 types, but astrologers note only 9 lucky numbers for all signs, so the following table shows the most suitable ones.

      Number Zodiac signsImpact on human life
      1 Aquarius, PiscesThe unit for these signs symbolizes determination, leadership and individuality. This figure gives representatives of the zodiac signs unlimited possibilities and very vivid desires that these people are able to bring to life. Protected units are independent and determined. Using the influence of their number, Pisces and Aquarius can manage the most important events in their lives. The choice of a house and an apartment with number 1 promises family happiness to these signs.
      2 Taurus, Cancer, LibraTwos help Taurus, Libra and Cancer to reveal their hidden talents and abilities for diplomacy. Those born under these constellations are recognized by astrologers as sincere, sympathetic and kind people. People around often use this, so you should choose dates for important matters not only with the number two. Leadership and determination of the unit contribute to the achievement of goals. 12th and 21st days of the month will be the most successful and productive
      3 Gemini, Virgo, CapricornThe strength of this number plays a crucial role in the lives of Gemini, Capricorn and Virgo. On the third day of any month, they are accompanied by success and good luck in solving any problems. The content of the triple in the number of the house and the car brings these representatives of the zodiac circle a calm and happy life. Going on a long trip, they need to choose third places or cars, and work on the third floor will be more productive for them
      4 Aries, Cancer, ScorpioSymbolizing fidelity, perseverance, boundless mind, observation and independence, the four brings Aries, Scorpios and Cancers a stable position in life. So that confidence in the future is not overshadowed by unexpected troubles, people of these signs need to learn how to apply their number. They should use the fourth month of the year to change jobs, places of residence or other important changes, and dates containing this figure favorably affect the outcome of any case.
      5 Cancer, Scorpio, PiscesFive brings energy and determination to the life of Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios. Overly self-confident Scorpios should avoid this figure when sorting out relationships. On the fifth day, it is better for them not to contact hostile opponents. But subject to third-party influence Cancers and Pisces, this day is recommended for resolving contentious issues. The number 5, encountered by these signs throughout life, brings financial success, therefore, in lottery tickets and money-related matters, they need to pay special attention to this figure.
      6 Taurus, Libra, Pisces, AquariusThe symbol of the six is ​​constantly found in the life of these representatives of the zodiac circle. Someone always stands in their way and tries to impose their opinion. It is unlikely that you will be able to get away from this figure, but you can smooth out its impact on life with the help of sevens and ones. If Libra and Pisces get an apartment with number 6, life in it will be successful only with a reasonable partner. And Aquarius and Taurus are not recommended to choose places of residence with this figure, otherwise they are threatened with constant conflicts with household members. Representatives of these zodiac signs need to be guided by the six in the choice of activities that do not depend on them. Only in this case, the number 6 will bring good luck.
      7 Aries, Virgo, CapricornThe independence and success of the seven brings a touch of eccentricity into the life of Aries, Capricorns and Virgos. These signs of the zodiac are considered too serious and gloomy, so they need the number 7 to shake them up. In order not to delve into the burden of problems and worries, they need to plan and carry out important events on the seventh of the month. And every Sunday is great for them for successful entertainment or trips. If this symbol is present in the work processes of Aries, Virgo and Capricorn, then the career is very successful. In the car number, the number 7 avoids unnecessary attention from the traffic police
      8 Leo, Sagittarius, CapricornThe energy potential of the figure eight has a positive effect on the lives of Sagittarius, Leo and Capricorn. This figure gives the representatives of these constellations purposefulness, activity and some greed. The excessive generosity of Sagittarius under the influence of the number 8 is noticeably regulated in a reasonable direction, and the Lions living in the eighth house or apartment with this number smooth out their craving for extravagance. Capricorn, on the other hand, should avoid the presence of the figure eight in the numbers of the house and car, otherwise the excessive practicality of the sign will increase several times. Things organized on the eighth day are the best for them, and the predominance of the number 8 in the phone number brings them good luck in negotiations
      9 Aries, Leo, Libra, ScorpioFor representatives of these constellations, the nine is a symbol of intuition and insight. Under the influence of this figure, Aries, Scorpio, Leo and Libra are able to predict the development of any events. Carefully selected lottery tickets on the ninth day often turn out to be winning ones for these signs. The decisions made on such days are the most successful. The predominance of the number 9 in numbers entails the disclosure and realization of hidden opportunities, the development of talents in such people, so astrologers recommend that they actively use the nine in all areas of activity.

Your birthday is also considered in numerological analysis. Each number has its own special quality. In the East, it is becoming more and more common to induce labor on the day that parents consider most favorable for the birth of their child.

Meaning of date of birth number

The ideas that are associated with the birthday are not as important and strong as those of the life path number. Birthday can change some characteristics of the life path. For example, people with a life path of 7 tend to be calm and introverted by nature. But if they were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th, they will acquire the sociability and emotionality characteristic of a life path with the number 3, and will be more sociable than other people with a life path of 7.

Birth number value 1

People born on the first day receive the pure first energy of the month. They tend to:

  • analytic skills;
  • logical thinking;
  • energy;
  • independence;
  • enthusiasm.

By nature, they are leaders and at any good opportunity they are ready to show what they are capable of. They are afraid to seem weak, so they tend to hide their feelings from others.

Birth number value 2

People born on the second day:

  • friendly;
  • loving;
  • responsive;
  • dreamy;
  • emotional;
  • with developed intuition.

Their mood is sometimes changeable. They love to communicate with other people, but feel uncomfortable in a large company. They tend to become discouraged and then they need the support of friends and relatives. In work, they prefer to cooperate with someone rather than doing business on their own.

Meaning of birth number 3

People born on the third day:

  • friendly;
  • endowed with a rich imagination;
  • good interlocutors.

They strive to experience all the pleasures of life. Often very popular. They are good at suggesting ideas rather than implementing them. They are restless in terms of love. Slopes often change partners. They are good speakers, so they make good managers, teachers, etc.

Meaning of birth number 4

People born on the 4th are well organized. They easily solve difficult situations, are strongly attached to home, family and country. These people are conscientious, can work hard and for a long time to achieve their goal. They tend to be stubborn. They rarely change their decisions.

Meaning of birth number 5

Those born on the 5th are friendly and versatile. They want to experience a lot in their lives, so they need to learn how to concentrate their strength. They like to communicate with like-minded people. Often these people become businessmen. By their nature, they are scrupulous and restrained. They need variety in life and freedom.

Birth number value 6

Such people are caring, cheerful and generous humanists. They like to help others. In family life, they take on all the responsibilities. They have a lively mind, sharp sensitivity and strong emotions. They are open to other people.

Meaning of birth number 7

People born on the 7th are reserved and impressionable. They have good intuition, prefer to work for themselves. They like to spend time on their own for research and study. They have their own way of doing work. Very attached to their friends. However, building relationships with them is difficult.

Birth number value 8

Those born on the 8th are born businessmen. They like to work in the financial sector, brilliant ideas are born in their head on how to make money. They are purposeful, ambitious, practical, can work hard if they know that their efforts will bring results.

Meaning of birth number 9

These people are humanists by nature. These are creative people with a rich imagination, patient idealists. They give more than they receive in return. This quality is often used by others. People born on the 9th are unhappy in marriage.

Meaning of birth number 10

Those born on the 10th are considered decisive, cheerful and creative people who know how to profitably present their ideas and themselves to others. They can quite successfully do several things at the same time. Sometimes they need to be reminded that in addition to work, they also need to relax. They are ambitious, independent, self-confident people who prefer to hide their feelings from others.

Meaning of birth number 11

These people are often visited by worthwhile ideas, but they rarely can bring them to life. They have excellent abilities and developed intuition, they can inspire others with their ideas. Due to their quick temper and nervousness, it is sometimes difficult for them to achieve their goals. They often go from one extreme to the other.

Meaning of birth number 12

Those born on the 12th receive the energy characteristic of the 3, since 1 + 2 = 3. They also have qualities of 1 and 2. They are more complex than people born on the 3rd. They know how to present themselves favorably to others. They are good and cheerful interlocutors, have a special charm and have a rich imagination. They tend to embellish events in their lives. They have every opportunity to apply their potential in creativity. Their main shortcomings include impatience and the desire to receive everything at once.

Meaning of birth number 13

These people are hardworking and accurate, they have every chance of achieving success. Persistent and disciplined, they pay increased attention to details, which is sometimes detrimental to the overall picture. They are stubborn and suspicious. They are not always satisfied with the results.

Meaning of birth number 14

They are bold and enterprising, able to adapt to different conditions, love variety and are always on the lookout. By nature, they are given a good intuition. May be led. They love to work with others. If necessary, they can work a lot. Everything is always done well.

Birth number value 15

People with this date of birth are devoted and sensitive. They have creative abilities, especially when it comes to music. They intuitively feel when others need help and are always ready to provide it. They are:

  • caring;
  • emotional;
  • very sociable;
  • benevolent;
  • responsible;
  • conscientious;
  • responsive.

Cherish their independence.

Birth number value 16

These people are suspicious, withdrawn and reserved. Sometimes it is difficult for them to tell others about how they feel and what they want. Being in difficult situations, they withdraw into themselves. They have a hard time building relationships. Life experience forms their deep faith and philosophical views. They are interested in science. Often they associate their lives with it.

Birth number value 17

Those born on this day know how to make money. To achieve their goals, they go with particular perseverance. They always get what they want. Reliable and self-confident, they have all the data to cope with large tasks.

Birth number value 18

These people are inherently humanists and good leaders. They are:

  • patient;
  • benevolent;
  • sensitive;
  • use creativity in problem solving.

Many of them are pursuing a career in philanthropy. Although they always strive to help others, there are often problems in their family life. It is important for them to understand that mercy is needed not only for other people, but also for those close to them.

Meaning of birth number 19

This people:

  • ambitious;
  • responsible;
  • diversified;
  • with idealistic views.

They don't like it when others interfere with their work. Sometimes their emotions dominate logic, which can fail them at a crucial moment.

Birth number value 20

Those born on the 20th are friendly and sociable, easy to get along with people. They clearly express their thoughts. Sometimes it is easier for them to write than to say. They prefer a quiet life, avoid fuss and unrest. Prone to mood swings, need the support of loved ones.

Meaning of birth number 21

Cheerful, smart and creative - this is the main characteristic of people born on the 21st. However, they tend to worry about trifles, because of which they sometimes become discouraged. They can reach "sky-high heights", and in a minute "fall into the abyss". They have good oratory skills.

Birth number value 22

The number 22 is the main one, so people born on this day experience ups and downs. And all because they have access to different types of energy that others do not meet. Because of this, they sometimes suffer from physical and nervous exhaustion.

Despite a well-developed intuition, they often worry about and without. But still, such people are able to achieve much more than others in life.

Birth number value 23

These people are sensitive, benevolent and independent. They have a natural sensitivity and love to help others. They are diversified, easily cope with difficult life situations.

Birth number value 24

People born on the 24th are purposeful and caring. They have a lot of energy. Their positive approach to problem solving helps them achieve their goals quickly. What others take months to solve, they can solve in five minutes.

Birth number value 25

These people have good intuition. They need to spend time on themselves and developing their abilities. They are light-hearted and meek. When people or circumstances hurt them to the core, they stop communicating with someone and withdraw into themselves. They have a hard time getting along with other people. But if you are lucky enough to be friends with a person born on the 25th, then know that this friendship is for life.

Birth number value 26

People with a firm, stubborn, but purposeful character. They know how to make money from scratch. For relatives and friends can be very generous. They inspire confidence in people, so many turn to them for advice or help.

Birth number value 27

Those born on the 27th are gullible, quick-tempered and determined people. They like variety and change. They are responsible and always ready to help others. They attach great importance to the emotional background, love a calm and peaceful environment.

Birth number value 28

These people are free-spirited and loving. They are smart, interesting and sensitive. Sometimes they lose self-confidence and tend to become discouraged. At such moments they need the support of a loved one. They can't stand being bossed around and are happy working for themselves.

Birth number value 29

These people receive the energy characteristic of the numbers 2 and 9, so they are given the potential of the number 11. These numbers also influence the luck in their lives. Having great potential, which is visible to everyone around them with the naked eye, they do not even know about it. They are dreamers by nature. Often it is difficult for them to realize their cherished ideas.

Birth number value 30

Creative, smart and loving - these qualities are possessed by people born on the 30th. They often lack motivation. In achieving something, they use their charm, not their abilities. They can achieve success by cooperating with a person who encourages and praises them.

Meaning of birth number 31

Such people have good managerial and organizational skills, achieve success in business. Often they start from the lowest positions, and slowly but surely rise to the top. They are true friends, always helping those who need it. They have a good memory. People who did bad things to them or, on the contrary, helped them out in a difficult situation, they never forget.

Video: numerology - karma by date of birth

To find out your life purpose and understand what awaits you in the future, you do not need to go to fortune-tellers and spend fabulous money. Numerology, which is based on a digital code, will help you make a forecast.

So, today each of us can, at home, independently find out the meaning of the date of birth and understand why you appeared in this world. The numerological code is calculated quite simply, all that is needed for this is the numbers of the date of birth.

Principles of numerology

What is numerology, how accurate is the prediction, forecast, which is based on the date of birth code? Numerology is a multifaceted system of mystical connections between the birth numbers of a person and the physical body. The numerological code helps to establish a connection between numbers and the consciousness of people, the processes of their life. Someone using numbers can see their pregnancy, as well as calculate and find out the month and day of conception. Someone is interested in deciphering your date of birth by code in order to determine the day of death. In general, numerology is a rather versatile science that helps a person determine the information he needs, embedded in the digital code of his date of birth.

Numerology as a science was popular several centuries ago. Many mathematicians resorted to her help. So, it is believed that the very first numerologists were followers of the Pythagorean school, who, based on the date of birth, could predict why this or that person appeared in this world and what the Universe was destined for him.

Currently, numerology is no longer included in mathematical science. But at the same time, many professionals began to use it, who, through numbers, can predict the future. And the past life is no longer a secret for us, because numerology helps to find out when and in whose body you already lived on Earth.

Life number

As mentioned above, numerology is a science based on a digital code. In order to determine the number of your life, your date of birth will be used. After all, it was on this day, month, year and even time that the Universe helped you to be born into the world.

So, to determine your birth number, you need to sum up all the numbers of the day, month and year when you were born. You can calculate the number of life using a calculator or, if you have a mathematical mindset, add the numbers in your head. Let's say your date of birth is 12/23/1987. We have: 2 3 1 2 1 9 8 7=33. The resulting sum consists of two numbers, which also need to be added together: 3 3 = 6.

So, the value of the date of birth of people who were born on December 23, 1987 is 6. If the sum of the numbers turned out to be 11 or 22, then you can not add these two numbers together, since their meaning has a special interpretation that distinguishes them from series of single digits.

Designation of life numbers

Each date of birth has its own individual number, therefore, each person has his own destiny, destiny. Let's take a closer look at each number of life, which will help you discover yourself and find out why you were born into this world.

The meaning of the number 1

Those who received the number 1 in the task have creative halls by date of birth. Such individuals are distinguished by ambition, perseverance and the desire to conquer all peaks. "Units" are sent by the Universe to this world in order to bring something new, unbridled into it, or to reveal new sides of familiar things. People with a unit in the task adore everything new, constantly striving to comprehend new knowledge, experience and sensations. It is for this reason that such people most often prefer frequent travel, where there is an opportunity to explore a new world, new people and learn a new culture.

The meaning of the number 2

The number 2 in the task means that a person is often not confident in his own abilities, he doubts his decisions and is always afraid to comprehend something new. But at the same time, if such a person feels and understands that she is fully supported and understood by her relatives and friends, then she can easily achieve her desired goals. The number 2 of the total date of birth indicates that a person is endowed with a good imagination, which helps him invent his own, unique world and live in it in a way that does not live in real life.

The “two” person has excellent intuition, he unconsciously “hears” others and feels their emotional state. It is for this reason that such people reach heights in their careers, because they know how and where everything can be laid out so that they understand and appreciate you. "Twos" feel great at work, where there is a need to communicate with customers.

The meaning of the number 3

If the sum of the numbers of your date of birth is 3, then this means that your life abilities are multifaceted. Such a person is full of vitality, restlessness and optimism, thanks to which he will be able to win the trust of the people he needs.

Troikas are very ambitious, prefer to be in leadership positions, and can't stand being subordinated to others. At the same time, people whose date of birth code turned out to be 3 cannot occupy high ranks and positions, at least nothing good will come of this. They will constantly impose their laws, as well as severely punish those who refuse to obey their rules. These individuals make real dictators. And if you are looking for an ideal business partner, then anyone other than a “troika” person should become it.

The meaning of the number 4

A person whose total date of birth is 4 is an accumulation of paradoxical energy. On the one hand, such an individual always defends his point of view, which, in most cases, does not coincide with the public one. This type of people is able to endure hateful work for many years, so long as everything remains in the same place. The “four” makes an ideal business partner.

This type of people is apprehensive about new acquaintances, but at the same time they are ready to give everything for the sake of their trusted friends, relatives and soulmate. Of all the numbers that numerology suggests, the "fours" are particularly pedantic and organized. Such a person can easily be entrusted with even the most difficult task. And a systematic and orderly approach to any business will help you find a way out of any situation, make important decisions and bring your cherished desire closer to its fulfillment. In the life of the "fours" everything should be according to Feng Shui: a comb on the mirror, shoes on the shelf, a cup on the table. And God forbid something will lie in the wrong place!



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Numerology - Karma in date of birth

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What does the date of birth mean (numerology)

Character of a person by date of birth. Birth number.

Energy vampire by date of birth

It can be said about such people that they work tirelessly and effortlessly. But after a series of attempts to achieve the desired result comes depression and melancholy.

In this case, you need to provide support and help to the person, trying not to put pressure on or focus on the problem situation. Although, in most cases, when difficulties arise, people whose date of birth is four, prefer to simply step over difficulties and make important decisions in their lives, despite some difficulties. The motto of such people is: “Desire is a set of possibilities that directly depend on how important this desire is for a person!”.

The meaning of the number 5

The energy of such people is a bit similar to the "threes". The difference among these numbers is that the "fives" are more stable emotionally and subconsciously, they know the laws of this world well and understand that every creature that the planet Earth wears has its own purpose and place.

The vitality of people whose number is 5 is directly related to their charm, with which they can conquer even the most strict bosses. And the curiosity inherent in such individuals often pushes them to various kinds of affairs, and at the same time they never run into all sorts of troubles. Again, it's all thanks to his charm.

The meaning of the number 6

The life characteristics of people whose number in the problem is equal to six are revealed only if there is at least one person nearby. These people do not think of life outside the team. And therefore their abilities should be evaluated by public opinion. So, before doing this or that work, the “sixes” will find out from a partner, a neighbor, his point of view, ask others, and only after that they will do as strangers advised him.

The life principles of people with a total number of 6 in the date of birth are justice, resolving issues without rudeness, and humanism. In most cases, “sixes” make excellent bosses who will always help with good advice and will never punish you just because they are in a bad mood.

The meaning of the number 7

People - sevens always strive for perfection

If the calculation showed the number 7, then know that the Universe has endowed you with the trait of an idealist. This means that you will always strive for perfection, trying to convince every living being of our world that civilization is built on this.

For the "sevens" every little thing means a lot. The search for the perfect in everything is the purpose of such individuals. As well as relationships, “seven” people build only with those who can protect them from the cruel realities of the modern world and inspire them to new achievements. The element of such people is traveling, teaching, learning the secret sciences, etc.

The meaning of the number 8

In a person who corresponds to the value of eight, you can find a good, reliable friend and business partner. They in some incredible way attract good luck, luck and are always confident in their success. The G8s are not afraid to take responsibility, both for personal relationships and for the upcoming, for example, conference at work, once again proving their leadership abilities. From time to time they are overcome by internal fears, but they are very quickly stopped by the desire to reach certain heights.

Friendly meetings with such personalities are relaxed, easy and comfortable. From the "eights" excellent interlocutors and companions are obtained.

The meaning of the number 9

Of all the numbers in numerology, nines are the most prone to philosophy and impractical knowledge. Such people are interested in esotericism, the matrix of ancient Slavic numbers. They pay tribute to the month that protects us at night from the unclean. These sciences, like any other, are given to them with particular ease, since they make every effort to learn them.

They want to know what the Arcana Tarot is and to know the secrets of the matrix numerological calculus of our world. Therefore, often people who are engaged in numerology, esotericism, reincarnation and other secret sciences have the number 9 in their date of birth.

Showing their abilities in a leadership position, the "nines" will try to idealize everything and everyone. The reporting table, work cycles, break time schedules, photo and video reports of the working day, week - all this and much more is included in the "ideal" plan of the "nine" people. And in response to the rejection of its rules, you can hear: “You do not strive for perfection, which means that you do not want to improve this world - we are not on the way!”.

The meaning of the number 11

People whose total date of birth corresponds to eleven are naturally endowed with amazing intuitive abilities. They do not need to carry out a calculation or ritual to find the answer to the question: “When will I get married?”, Because they themselves feel everything perfectly. Such individuals do not need a table of horoscopes and predictions, they are guided solely by their subconscious and understand perfectly how to behave in a given situation.

In this person you can find a good business partner, a reliable friend and just a pleasant conversationalist. He will be able through the word to help you solve a complex inner spiritual problem and support you in a difficult time for you. They honor their mother and father, but at the same time they can be selfish towards other relatives when it comes to profit.

The meaning of the number 22

In a person whose date of birth is 22, an irrepressible fantasy lurks, which, most often, exposes them to the blow of life's realities. They die on the day on which their animal was born, do not believe in online love, treat the month with special care, considering it the patron of the dark time of the day, and can live day after day for several years in a row in captivity, communicating only with books and with your thoughts.

Life chart by date of birth

The diagram of life will clearly show you the stages of development of the life path destined by the Universe.

We calculate the numerological code

To find out the life code for building a chart, you need to multiply all the numbers of the date of birth among themselves, while omitting zeros: 23 * 12 * 1987 = 548412. The resulting figure is the universal life code of a person who was born on December 23, 1987. It characterizes the energy sector in different periods of time, or rather every 12 years.

How to build a diagram correctly

We draw two axes: the Y line is a vertical one, on which we put numbers from 1 to 9, and a horizontal X line, on which we put down the years, starting from the moment of birth (in our case, this is 1987). Each subsequent mark will increase by 12 years.

Now everything is simple: put the first point on the diagram - this is the number 5 and it is the beginning of life in 1987. In 12 years, there will already be the number 4, in another 12 years - 8, and we build the entire schedule according to the same principle. The result is a broken line that characterizes the diagram of life and helps to understand what to expect in a certain section of the life path - ups or downs.

Interpretation of numbers

Deciphering the numbers will help you understand what to expect from life in a particular section of the life path:

  1. Dissatisfaction with their personal qualities.
  2. The alternation of the decline of vital energy and its surge.
  3. Building new relationships and building a profitable business.
  4. Calm.
  5. Active and happy life.
  6. Harmony and reliability.
  7. Reassessment of spiritual values.
  8. Good luck in financial matters.
  9. Success in all endeavors.

The line pointing upward symbolizes the ascendant of good luck, and the line tending downward warns of possible difficulties.

Help of the saints

Each of us has his own patron saint by date of birth and an intercessor icon, which is given on his birthday.

So, the patron of God by date of birth from 22.12 to 20.01 is the icon of the Mother of God. In a person who was born from 21.01 to 20.02, the spirit of Athanasius and Cyril lives. Saints Alexy and Milenty of Antioch protect and help those born from 21.02 to 20.03.

Those who were born from 21.03 to 20.04 are under the auspices of Our Lady of Kazan and Sophrony. And in a person who was born from 21.04 to 20.05, there are the forces of the Iberian Mother of God and Saints Stephen and Tamara.

If the day of the birth falls on the period from May 21 to June 21, you need to seek help from the Mother of God, Alexei of Moscow and Konstantin. The intercessor of people born from 22.06 to 22.07 is the Kazan Mother of God, and Nicholas the saint and Elijah the prophet will help those who were born from 23.07 to 23.08.

In a person whose body and soul appeared in this world from August 24 to September 23, there is a protective brand of Saints Alexander, John and Paul. People who were born from September 24 to October 23 are protected by the Pochaev Mother of God. The guardian angel for those who were born from 24.10 to 22.11 is St. Paul. Well, the light of God who appeared from 23.11 to 21.12 will be helped by St. Nicholas the Pleasant together with the Mother of God.

If you are wondering: “How many years will I live”, then numerology, unfortunately, cannot give you a clear answer. The value of the date of birth in terms of life expectancy allows you to see only how many years the Universe has given you to fulfill your destiny. But at the same time, there are a lot of various factors that, to one degree or another, affect life expectancy. For example, you lead a riotous lifestyle, you sit in binges for a month, or you are addicted to drugs and other substances that adversely affect your health. So, if you don’t stop in time and reconsider the priorities of your life, then there is no point in wasting time on calculations and trying to find out how long you will live. If you follow your goal and rigorously try to fulfill the “mission of life” for which the planet Earth “waited”, then with an accuracy of 99.99%, numerology will help you see the date of death. Another thing - do you need to know this?

And remember, the Universe gave each of us a chance to make our life worthy, but whether you use it or not is up to you!

Take care of yourself and be happy!

Different methods of predicting successful incidents, coincidences, cases have existed for centuries. People use for this everything that you can think of - from the flight of birds to coffee grounds, from Tarot cards to the location of stars and planets in the sky.

However, all these methods require additional "inventory". The same coffee, in order to guess on it, you need to purchase and brew. Nevertheless, there is a fairly ancient science, which today belongs to alternative knowledge. It helps people get to the heart of the matter through simple arithmetic and the knowledge of a few principles. Next, you will figure out how to find out your lucky number.

Numerology as an aid in revealing personality

Today we will consider and learn how to apply an amazing technique. Just imagine, for its implementation, any material at hand, on which you can make notes, will do! You can even do all the calculations in your head, with the proper skills and inclinations.

This science originated a very long time ago, even the Egyptians did divination based on calculations.

However, the ancient Greek Pythagoras popularized this knowledge by developing a special table. Next we will talk about it.

So, how to find out your lucky number by date of birth? There are several traditions that go back to antiquity. Let's look at them in turn.

First approach. Quantitative counting, no values

This method involves a simple count of the number of letters, without further analysis.

Let's take an example: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, March 12, 1967
We write all the data in words in a column and count the number of letters in each line:
Ivan - 4
Ivanovic - 8
Ivanov - 6
Twelve - 10
March - 4
1967 - 32

An important caveat: if it turns out 2 identical numbers, in our case it is 4, then we add 0 to the second one. It turns out 4 and 40.

In total, the lucky numbers in our example are 4, 8, 6, 10, 40, 32.

What to do with these numbers? It's simple - play with them! Compare with a phone or floor, apartment or car sign. Make appointments for these dates or for this time, visits to doctors, hairdressers, shops. Plan your trips, etc.

It is also considered in this technique that by combining the numbers, you can improve the chance. For example, a meeting from 8 to 10 on the fourth (4) June (6) with a high probability will be very successful.

Second approach. Lucky number by date of birth. Classic variant

It was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Each result - from 1 to 9 - has its own characteristics. This is a kind of analogue of the signs of the zodiac in the ancient world.
Here we simply sum up all the numbers of your lucky event until we get one and only.

1+2+0+3+1+9+6+7 = 29 => 2+9 = 11 => 1+1 = 2

What lucky numbers matter:
  • The unit symbolizes pressure, the desire to achieve one's own, activity.
  • Two is harmony, balance, equality, the need for peace.
  • Three - creativity, the connection of times (from the past to the future through the present).
  • The Four is a realist and a pragmatist to the core, that says it all.
  • Five - adventurism, enterprise, thirst for risk and adventure.
  • Six - stability, traditions, responsibility.
  • Seven - thinker, scientist, researcher.
  • Eight is the most favorable number for achieving happiness in the material world.
  • Nine - hidden potential, it can be used to receive all the benefits or successfully derail life. All in your hands.

Third approach. The connection between man and higher powers

However, today a new trend has appeared in numerology, which is trying to find a connection between a person and a guardian angel. This technique tells how to find out your lucky number by the time of birth. If we add to this the calculation and decoding of the Pythagorean approach, it is possible to obtain a powerful tool for influencing fate.

Let's take a look at the table. On the left you see a column - time of birth. It has an interval of one hour. The following bars are the days of the week before noon (AM) and after noon (PM).

So, 14.25 - a gap of 2-3 hours in the afternoon (PM), Wednesday. We look - this is 5. Next, turn on your intuition, understand yourself, based on the data of the Pythagorean approach, play with this figure.

Have you figured out how to find out your lucky number?

The listed three methods are only the base, the basics, the beginning of a journey into the magical world of numerology. If you are interested in this article, then understand further. You will certainly find that separately the birthday number affects the physical side of life, the month - the emotional side, the year - the mental side. You will learn how to calculate the number of a name, based on various alphabets and traditions, you will be able to make horoscopes and forecasts. With proper skill, you may be interested in sweepstakes, a racetrack or other entertainment, especially if you like gambling, lottery or roulette. The calculation of the probability of falling and the chance of winning, the pot and the bet in poker is all mathematics, but it is also numerology. The reverse side of academic science hides the mystical secret of age-old wisdom.

You still have a long and informative way to go in this magical dimension.
Good luck dear reader!

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