The nature of the life of the Greeks and their appearance. Greek nose: what happened to the classic appearance of the Greeks

The following stereotype is popular regarding the differences in appearance between ancient and modern Greeks:

The Greeks supposedly used to be all fair, with regular facial features. That's what it says in ancient Greek poems. And the fact that they are completely different now is the consequences of the Turkish conquest.

"Recent genetic research Greek populations provided evidence of statistically significant continuity between ancient and modern Greeks." (Wikipedia).

The myth about fair-haired people is explained very well on the Greek forum:

Thanks to user Olga R.:

“The Greeks were never a “homogeneous” ethnic group. Since ancient times, they were divided into two tribal groups: the Ionians (Achaeans) and the Dorians (within these groups there were also subgroups, but this is not relevant to the subject of our conversation). These tribes differed from each other each other not only in culture. but also in appearance. The Ionians were short, black-haired and dark-skinned, and the Dorians were tall, fair-haired and light-skinned. The Ionians and Dorians were at enmity with each other, and both tribal groups mixed completely only in Byzantine times. Although the word “completely” this is not entirely appropriate: in geographically isolated areas - for example, on some islands - a relatively pure Ionic or Doric type can still be found.

The Greeks of the Black Sea region (Ponti-Romans, Azov Rumians, Urums, etc.), like the rest of the Greeks, are also very heterogeneous: among them there are both pure Ionians and Dorians, and mixed type(The Black Sea region has been populated for many centuries by people from different areas Greece). Therefore, some Greeks in Ukraine may well differ from some Greeks in Greece - but, of course, not all and not from everyone. For example, if you go to Crete, you will find there as many “white and curly” Greeks as you like (most Cretans have retained the Doric type of appearance)."

“Then where did such a “classical” Greek image come from and take hold?

Thanks to the "Western European artists of the 17th-19th centuries. They depicted the ancient Greeks as similar to themselves, their loved ones - that is, to the Germans, Dutch and other Western Europeans. Hence the "stereotype" (not at all based on historical data.

“White-haired blonds are also, of course, called “ξανθοι” (what else can you call them?) But if you hear or read this word in relation to a Greek, it means light brown hair.”

"Homer describes Odysseus as a typical Ionian: dark and black-haired."

"...The fact is that appearance ancient greek gods was, as it were, a symbol of their essence - that is, it depended not on how the admirers of these gods looked, but on the “properties” of the gods themselves. So, Apollo's golden hair is a symbol of the Sun. Athena's "gray" eyes are actually not gray, but "owl": A8hna glaukwphs (the interpretation of this word as "gray" appeared because the ancient Greek word glaux - "owl" - was confused by modern translators with the word glaukos - - “gray” or “blue”). The owl was a symbol and one of the incarnations of the goddess Athena; many scholars believe that Athena was originally the goddess of death and was worshiped in the form of an owl (a typical Neolithic image of death and burial). By the way, there are images of Athena with the head of an owl."

What is it? Where did the sculptures with “Greek profiles” (i.e., with the absence of the bridge of the nose) come from? Where did the descriptions of golden-haired people come from? Let's even say that it was blondes who were mentioned. Well, the gods can do anything! They must be different from mere mortals by definition. The absence of the bridge of the nose seemed to hint at such an origin. On the contrary, scoundrels and commoners were depicted with prominent eyebrows. It's a question of symbols. Greek art was not realistic in every way.

Tnm, if you look at the busts of philosophers and imagine them in natural colors. And it’s even easier - check out the pictures Everyday life, where simple collective farmers are depicted - on a red-figure vase painting. Or even, as it were, gods, but in the clothes of mere mortals:

Classic Mediterranean type! Curly dark hair. And the profile, initially stylized to resemble the canon, later becomes more and more realistic.

The Italians, who never knew the Turkish occupation, look approximately the same. They have a different theme: the earliest Romans looked like the northern French of today. And then the blood of slaves from the Middle East was mixed in. Well, maybe. But this does not deprive them of classification among the “true Aryans”:

Moreover, southern Italians (i.e., residents of Naples and Sicily) are in many ways descendants of Greek colonists.

This is what the inhabitants of these areas looked like in ancient times:

And most importantly, look carefully at these faces. They can be dark-skinned and brown-eyed. But common origin, one way or another, it is felt. Here's Despina Vandi, for example:

And here is a Greek collective farmer from the film “The Day When All the Fish Floated Up.” Isn’t this an ancient Greek bust of a philosopher?):

Yes, no matter how many times I looked at all sorts of Greek mosaics, vases, frescoes - all curly.

Why were the Achaeans and Dorians at war? How was this expressed? Ancient Greece, after all, is essentially a bunch of policies, city-states, warring and collaborating, was the population homogeneous and consisted of one type or not?

Why is blond hair a cool sign (as far as I know, most of the gods were blond), and large brow ridges- No?


Sorry for not answering right away. Pre-holiday chores, sir)

In fact, this is a common story when a nation is formed, over time, gradually from different ethnic groups, closely related, and sometimes not so closely related. Fragmentation is also natural a single civilization at different stages. The Achaeans created the Mycenaean civilization in the 2nd millennium BC. The fight against Crete, where the evil Minotaur is, and the war with Troy are from that era. The Dorians, although they spoke a similar language, lived to the west for a long time, and compared to the Achaeans, they almost climbed trees.

The "Catastrophe" has arrived Bronze Age". Because of difficult conditions The Dorians invaded the borders of the mentioned power. Some of the Achaeans had to be evacuated, where they joined the “peoples of the sea” who pirated in the Mediterranean.

At first it looked almost like an invasion of barbarians in animal skins. But during the Greek "Dark Ages" the conquerors assimilated some of the achievements of the conquered, mixed with them, and, coupled with their progressive energy, and the achievements of the advancing iron age, eventually gave life to what, in our understanding, is classical Ancient Greece.

In total, four branches played a role in the formation of the ancient Greek ethnos: the Achaeans, Dorians, Ionians, and Aeolians.

Some kind of memory was preserved locally. The people of Athens remembered that they used to have a great civilization, and that they were mainly descendants of the Achaeans. The Spartans were Dorians at their most pure form. The Ionians eventually ended up in the east - in Asia Minor and on the adjacent islands. There, apparently, the connections with the existing local population turned out to be quite significant. Due to mixing with which, the Ionians, presumably, acquired a characteristic southern appearance.

Of course, there were differences on the ground. Even in our time, for example, we distinguish between northern and southern Russians. There are different dialects. In Greece to this day, depending on the region, either the Dorian or the Ionian type prevails. According to the records of one well-known knowledgeable guy on the network, known simply as the Greek (he even starred in one of the programs " dinner party"), indigenous people The countries now, for the most part, are of the European type, but repatriates from the CIS countries are, as a rule, Ionians.


Descendants of one of the most ancient cultures that laid the foundation for Western civilization, the Greeks call themselves Hellenes. To some extent, this definition does not correspond to reality, because Hellenic culture ceased to exist with the advent of Christianity in ancient Byzantium. Since then on ancient land Hellas, everything was completely subordinated to Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy has left its mark on culture, art, and way of life.

Democracy is a concept born here in Ancient Greece. The same “demos” that listened to Euclid and Diogenes in the squares of ancient Athens took to the streets on October 28, 1940, chanting “Ohi!”, that is, “No.” This was a unanimous response to the ultimatum of fascist Italy to allow troops into Greece to occupy strategic positions.

The Greeks understood perfectly well what awaited them if they refused, but they said “no” to the Nazis. National character fully revealed in hard times. The strong adherence to principles of the Greeks also manifested itself during the years of rule of the “Black Colonels” regime. The so-called Cyprus adventure, which led to the split of the island into southern and northern parts, led to a change of power in Greece.

The Greeks are religious, the majority of the population of Greece are zealous Orthodox Christians, and at the same time, the Greek coast ranks first in the world in the number of nudist beaches, and the island of Mykonos is considered a mecca and a pan-European holiday destination for sexual minorities, a kind of Greek Ibiza. Perhaps tolerance for the liberties of tourists is the only thing left in the inhabitants of Hellas from the ancient Hellenes. But such tolerance can be attributed more to the democracy of Greek society than to the remnants of Hellenism.

The Greeks are hospitable, and their hospitality is not ostentatious. The obligation to show cordiality in the service does not at all cool the ardor of the Hellene in the role of host. If you are invited to a Greek home, be prepared, at a minimum, to drink coffee (depending on the season, this could be “café hellenica”, black natural, or “frope”, cold iced coffee), and at maximum, have lunch full program. They especially like to set tables for guests. Pontic Greeks- Russian-speaking repatriates from Georgia and Central Asia.

Older people love to gather in coffee shops. Unlike taverns, they do not eat there, but only drink coffee, tea, national anise vodka Ouzo and white table wine Retzina. Ouzo is drunk diluted, causing the drink to take on a cloudy milky color. Pensioners often spend their days in coffee shops. What else can old people do other than chat, play cards and drink tea in a cozy establishment.

Only in Greece does the concept of “our tavern” and “our coffee shop” exist. In terms of spending their time, the Greeks are terribly conservative. People go to the tavern, located, as a rule, not far from home, not for years or decades, but for generations. It was not uncommon for both the father and grandfather of the current regulars to go to the same tavern, and to be served by the father and grandfather of the current owner.

Lifestyle and the traditions of the Greeks

The way of life of modern Greece is in many ways similar to other countries Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. A long lunch break, during which business life comes to a standstill, and after the heat of the day subsides, resumes and continues until late in the evening, reminiscent of a Spanish siesta. The regularity and slowness of local business, due to the hot climate, is manifested even in banks, airports and government institutions.

Greeks drink coffee always and everywhere, even bus drivers sip chilled frope from special thermos mugs. It is customary to bargain when making purchases; do not forget that, despite completely European concepts, Greece belongs to the Levantine countries, and no one has canceled Mediterranean habits here. Market traders bargain for a long time and tastefully, owners of small shops are less compliant. Trade here is not only a business, but also a kind of self-expression. Those who know how to negotiate competently and persistently are respected, while those who immediately agree to the quoted price are considered simpletons.

Holidays in Greece

No matter what anyone says, the Greeks love and know how to relax. Just imagine - throughout the year 12 national holidays are celebrated in Greece! In addition, various cultural events take place in each region.

Easter is widely celebrated in Greece. Solemn processions are held, festivities. Good Friday begins with colorful processions heading towards central squares all cities and towns.

On Independence Day and the Feast of the Annunciation, traditional military parades are held, not only in Athens, but in other cities of the country. The Feast of St. George is dedicated to the knight who killed the dragon and is celebrated throughout the country. May 1 in Greece is not only Labor Day, but also Flower Day.

The Rockwave rock festival takes place in Athens every July. Rock bands from all over the world play right on the street, in open areas and in concert halls. Also in the summer, Greece hosts the International Sailing Regatta. In July and August, Greece hosts a Wine Festival. In August, the Lunar Festival begins in Greece. It's worth seeing - dancing in the moonlight delights everyone without exception! " Holiday Year» St. Nicholas Day and Christmas conclude.

National holidays in Greece:
January 1 - New Year.
January 6 - Epiphany.
March 25 - Independence Day.
May 1 - Labor Day.
August 15 - Day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
October 28 - Okha Day.
December 25 - Christmas.
December 26 - Boxing Day.

National dishes, food culture in Greece

A special phenomenon in the Greek way of life is taverns. A typical tavern is a small restaurant with national cuisine. Every self-respecting tavern has its own variety of young red wine, which is poured directly from the barrel into liter or half-liter jugs.

A tavern may specialize in certain dishes that the in-house chef can prepare better than anyone else in the area. On occasion, try Kokorezzi - an incomparable grilled meatloaf. This dish is quite difficult to prepare, so even in Greece, kokorezzi is not prepared everywhere or every day. Brizols are good - pork chops made from fresh meat, the most delicate salad greens with yorurt called dzadzyki, fried octopus, shrimp in mustard sauce. The splendor of Greek cuisine is beyond words, you just have to try it.

Regardless of the status of the tavern, and they vary quite a lot in prices, the visitor will receive a warm, welcoming welcome. Of course, because you brought money, which means that everything in the tavern obeys your desires and revolves around you. The waiter lays a snow-white tablecloth on the table in front of visitors - this is an immutable rule of any self-respecting tavern. Aromatic fresh bread is served on the table in baskets, and cutlery is placed. After a pause in the picture, the waiter decorously hands out the menu and brings wine. Meeting visitors, escorting them to the table and serving food is a ritual, a theatrical performance performed only by men.

Street barkers are also good. Many establishments hire lively young people to invite guests into the tavern. The barker is a flatterer and a sycophant, and a deliberate one at that. He will close the car door behind you, compliment you and your lady, smile, joke, and only then offer to go to the tavern. Well, how can I refuse?

Cultural life in Greece

The Greeks are quite conservative. They honor culture and traditions, observe everything Religious holidays and wear national clothes with pleasure, of course within reason. Business Etiquette and everyday clothes here are European. Businessmen wear traditional dark suits and ties; during the hot season, it is customary not to wear a jacket and tie. A bank or postal employee in shorts and a T-shirt is unheard of. In everyday life, the Greeks are democratic in their dress; in a crowd of tourists it is not always possible to identify an aborigine.

Young people in Greece, as well as throughout Europe, listen to Western music, rock and pop during the day in the car or on the iPod. But in some incomprehensible way, young Greeks remain faithful to traditions - in taverns, where many young people gather on weekends, live music sounds folk music, people drink wine, eat a lot and dance. At the same time, drunk people are not seen on the streets even on holidays; the culture of drinking alcohol is traditionally high.

Holiday destinations in Greece

It’s difficult to find vacation spots in Greece. Not at all because of the lack of resort places, but because of their abundance. The whole country is a continuous resort.

Conventionally, Greece is divided into island and continental parts. The islands, of which according to various estimates there are from 800 to several thousand, offer a variety of holidays at different prices. Those who like to soak up the beach in peace and quiet go to the small islands of the Ionian archipelago, while those who like non-stop noisy fun prefer Crete or Santorini. The mainland also abounds in resorts. The most colorful and popular of them are located on the Halkidiki peninsula.

The three spurs of the peninsula, Sithonia, Kassandra and Ayios Oros are truly heavenly places, but for beach holiday only two of them are suitable. Ayios Oros, or Athos, is closed to tourists because it is home to a monastic republic. This peninsula is the largest center of pilgrimage for Orthodox believers. There are 18 monasteries here, including the Russian one, Panteleimon Monastery, currently inhabited by Russian monks. Protected areas with untouched nature are unique in their beauty.

Women are strictly prohibited from entering Athos, and pilgrims must obtain permission to visit the peninsula from a special department of the Thessaloniki prefecture. Sithonia and Kassandra are a concentration of beaches and hotels for every taste and budget. Azure sea, purest quartz sand and Pine forest make your holiday there unforgettable.

Transport in Greece

Since 20% of Greece's territory is islands, water transport is well developed here. You can get to almost any island by ferry or boat, and there are also options to get by sea to remote points on the peninsulas of Halkidiki and the Peloponnese.

Air services are also developed; the airports of Athens, Thessaloniki, and Heraklion offer a wide selection of domestic routes. You can fly from Athens to Thessaloniki or Crete in just half an hour, so domestic flights are popular not only among tourists.

Bus routes cover the entire mainland of the country. Traveling by bus is not as comfortable as traveling by plane, but you can admire the sights along the way.

Rail transport is also developed. Trains are quite comfortable, but traveling around railway It will take longer than by bus, with a comparable ticket price.

Thousands of rental locations offer car rental. Required documents - driver license European standard, passport and valid credit card. It is best to rent a car from a large network - there are fewer problems with insurance, the condition of the cars is better and there is the opportunity to return the car in another city at a company branch. Some roads in Greece are toll roads. You should be prepared to pay from 5 to 15 euros for travel on intercity highways. However, there are alternatives - less convenient, less equipped indirect routes.

Taxi travel in Greece is inexpensive due to the fact that the driver has the right to pick up passengers along the way. Naturally, an unknowing tourist can be driven around for as long as he likes, collecting fellow travelers. Not all taxi drivers are guilty of this, but, unfortunately, there are precedents.

Sports and active recreation in Greece

Many tourists prefer active recreation or sports to passive lying on the beach. Greece - perfect place for such a pastime. Mountain routes, specialized speleological tours, diving on the islands, as well as water skiing, seaplane flights and much more. Hotels and boarding houses must have GYM's, saunas and spas. Many resorts also have lap swimming pools, and scooters and mountain bikes can be rented in town.

As a child, I really liked the book “Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece.” It was especially pleasant to plunge into the world Greek mythology on cold winter evenings, wrapping yourself in a soft blanket and grabbing a cup of hot tea. Naturally, after such fascinating reading, Greek men seemed to me like Hercules-Theseus, capable of performing 12 (13) labors and with bare hands Strangle the Minotaur.)

Having grown up, I realized that neither the Minotaur nor Santa Claus exists, but the raid romantic relationship to Greek men, remained somewhere at the subconscious level.

Only now the Greeks seemed like such tanned, dark-haired handsome men with a toned torso, slight stubble and the famous Greek profile - macho, no less.

Having lived in Greece for almost 7 years, I can say with confidence: Greeks are actually very handsome men. No not like this. There are many handsome men among the Greeks. And I was always surprised by the fact that there are many more beautiful, well-groomed men in Greece than beautiful women. That's why? Be that as it may, this is only to the advantage of Slavic girls: there is less competition.)

A big plus for Greek men because even after 35 years of age, they remain fit, well-groomed and energetic.

About appearance.

If we talk about the external characteristics of the Greeks, the only negative that I found was their height. If only they were 10-15 centimeters taller, they could immediately issue medals “Honored Beauties of Planet Earth.” The average height of most Greeks is 175-178 cm - according to my personal criteria, this is not enough for a man. But, in Lately the growth situation is changing in better side: The younger generation is much taller than their parents. My friend, who lived in Greece for more than 20 years, said that upon arrival in Greece, with a height of 172 cm and wearing heels, she felt here like Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians. I’ll clarify in order to prevent comments from the series: “You’re lying, yesterday I was walking down the street and saw a Greek man 2 meters tall!” - of course, there are very tall Greek men, but there are few of them; men of average and short stature predominate.

About character.

If we highlight the character traits inherent in most Greek men, then in the first place I would put their amazing attitude towards children.

  • Greeks are very good fathers who sometimes pay even more attention to their child than the mother. If there is a break in the family, then the Greek will never abandon the child and will take care of him with the same zeal as before the divorce.
  • Emotionality and temperament. There is even this joke: “The quiet Greek is the Greek who can be heard no further than two neighboring streets.” And indeed, most often, Greek men express their point of view very violently and temperamentally, reinforcing their opinion with active gestures.
  • Sociability. Greek men are very sociable. Their favorite pastime is getting together big company over a cup of coffee, look at passers-by, immediately discuss them, then “wash the bones” with mutual friends and watch football.

Greeks easily and happily make new acquaintances and are always ready to chat.

The Greek man is the head of the family and the main breadwinner.

The foundations of the Greek family are based on traditional model, where a man works and supports his family, and a woman takes care of the house and children, and works only if she wants to. At least, this was the case before the crisis; today, in Greek families, both people are increasingly working, the situation forces them.

About mama's boys.

Separately, I will highlight a rather unpleasant phenomenon observed among Greek men: “Mom, tell me quickly, today I am only turning 40 years old - which socks should I wear for this occasion: polka dots or stripes?” A man, a mama's boy, is a common phenomenon, and representatives of this movement can be found in every nation. But in Greece, it has already become some kind of mass disease, spreading at the speed of the flu.

Have you ever gone to a restaurant with a man who, before placing an order, calls his mother and asks for advice about the choice of dish, then makes excuses for a long time that he did not eat at home, promises to return no later than 10 pm, assures that he washed his hands before eating. The man was 35 years old... Naturally, that trip to the restaurant became the first and last time out together.

And in Greece there are at least 10% of such men. Some are more spoiled by their mother, some less, but the phenomenon of the Greek - mama's boy - is beginning to become widespread, and it is frightening. What kind of labors of Hercules are there when a very old child cannot tie his shoelaces without the help of his mother?

According to my observations, today real men predominate in Greece, but the situation is changing every year, not for the better, and, quite possibly, in a couple of decades, the word “macho” will not be used next to the word “Greek” even if one wants to.

Perhaps everyone has heard about the famous standard of beauty of the ancient Greeks - the Greek nose; all over the world the concept is associated with it. classical beauty. If countries could be associated with body parts, then Greece would undoubtedly get the face, along with the famous profile and characteristic Greek nose shape. For many years there has been debate about why these traits were considered ideal, were they really inherent to all Greeks, and is it now possible to meet people with a real Greek profile in Greece?

Greek nose and Greek profile

If you believe the canonical interpretations of Greek appearance, then the forehead of a typical Hellene smoothly blends into the line of the nose, and the bridge of the nose is almost not highlighted (except perhaps separated by a barely noticeable bend). The famous straight nose shape is probably the most distinctive feature Greek profile. Contrary to popular misconceptions, it is not synonymous with a big nose. But it seems that not all Greeks appreciate it: to this day, rhinoplasty remains the most popular appearance enhancement procedure in Greece. 🙂

It is unknown who first identified such features of Greek appearance. Some put forward the version that the Greeks themselves did it: the famous profile and nose are inherent in most ancient Greek frescoes and sculptures. Others argue: such an interpretation of the profile is simply an example of the ideal of beauty. This means that this type of appearance is more rooted in art than due to physical characteristics real people. Heroes and gods were endowed with appearance that long defined the canons of beauty. And here negative characters were depicted with flattened, hooked and “eagle” noses.

The figurative vessel is the head of a maiden. Athens, 5th-6th century BC

The very first examples of the image of a Greek profile can be seen on ancient Greek red-figure vases.

Since the people and gods on them are drawn in profile, it is not difficult to form an idea of ​​the classic appearance for that era: a forehead line that turns into a nose and a weakly defined chin. Moreover, the forehead was certainly depicted as beautiful and large - this was a reminder of tall mental abilities depicted and its merits.

Over time, the idea of ​​ideal appearance has changed a little - the chin began to be depicted as pronounced. Thus, the Greek profile is not just a straight nose shape, but a combination with a smooth forehead line and an implicit emphasis on the bridge of the nose.

During the Hellenistic era, realistic busts and sculptures began to be created. They made me doubt the real existence of the so-called “Greek profile”. The types of appearance depicted on realistic busts proved that the ancient Greeks were no different from their contemporaries. They had different noses and profiles, and quite often were far from ideal. Since the 19th century, reflections on the topic “What happened to the classical Greek profile?” began to appear in newspapers and scientific works. and “Were there perfect faces? Many agreed that there were similar examples of appearance, but not all Greeks had such a profile.

Greek appearance - who is her typical representative? First of all, you should turn to the classic busts of heroes and gods. Hermes and Athena correspond to the ideal idea of ​​beauty. Excellent examples among famous sculptures- Venus de Milo, reconstructions of Athena Lemnia, Venus Tauride, Diadumen.

Greek nose: photos of ancient statues

(photo can be viewed enlarged)

As you can see in the photo above, the Greek nose in men and the Greek nose in women are not too different, except perhaps a little in size. Greek nose with a hump is not quite the same, we don’t see a single such example in classical statues, and the Greeks themselves consider a straight nose to be the ideal.

A The image of Socrates does not at all correspond to Hellenic ideas of beauty, and even more so does not correspond to the idea of ​​an ideal profile. Great philosopher had bulging eyes, an upturned and flattened nose with wide nostrils - in general, by ancient standards he was downright ugly. If you believe the descriptions, he incredibly resembled the Sileni - satyrs, who were often depicted as drunk and who were characterized by demonic qualities.

The portrait of the orator Demosthenes also bears little resemblance to the classical ideal of beauty:

Of the modern owners of the Greek profile, the most prominent representatives are actresses Irini Pappa (Irene Papas):

and the unforgettable Ellie Lambethi,

singer Elena Paparizou.

Among men, Sakis Rouvas has a Greek nose, almost in its classical sense.

In ordinary life, you can see a Greek profile in Greece, although this happens extremely rarely. But availability bright examples confirms: such an appearance existed and exists. Another thing is that she was not “the only true one.”

Have you met people with a Greek profile? Still, the Greek nose is found not only in Greece...

It is well known that the Greeks, like any southern people, are loud, good-natured, quick-tempered and hospitable. To be convinced of this, it is enough to spend a vacation in Greece. The overall picture of the collapse of the Greek economy brought into the list of their traits such characteristics as negligence and cunning. Do they have a right to exist? Two weeks spent in Greece is not enough to answer this question. But you can try to analyze the experience of several years.

Walking down the street you see more than one Greek sitting at a table with a cigarette and a glass of frappe, with or without company. Relaxing, peaceful picture. An outside observer will say: an inert person, apart from this chair and a glass of coffee, he doesn’t need anything else. What a deceptive impression! If things had been like this, the Greek nation would still have been under the Turkish yoke. You could drink coffee with them too. Get up from your chair, start a rebellion? Why such difficulties?

However, not so long ago (a little over a hundred years ago), after a long and bloody war for independence, the Turks were expelled forever, and Greece began to write its modern history.

Love of freedom modern Greeks they like to express it in a special way: strikes and demonstrations. Take away the right to strike from the Greeks and you take away their soul. Regular strikes accompanied by demonstrations are like earthquakes in a high seismic activity: the more often, the better, as long as there is no serious damage. Greek people must constantly release accumulated tension and dissatisfaction, otherwise the resulting blood clot can lead to unpredictable and dire consequences. Chaining the Greeks is very, very dangerous - just ask the Turks.

Modern Greeks like to express their love of freedom in a special way.

Are Greeks hardworking? Probably no less than anyone else European people. Like big children, Greeks love to complain a little to their neighbor about difficult life, a large number of working hours or a small salary, but all these conversations end with one phrase: “Fuck you!” “If only there was work!” A strange slogan for a lazy nation, isn't it? If there was work, the rest would be bearable. The harsh justice of this phrase makes further complaints impossible, the conversation stops, and everyone returns to their business.

Young people here get used to earning pocket money from adolescence: it’s rare that anyone hasn’t passed the student years waiter or bartender practice. Often such a position is then retained for many years as a second profession - if the first does not bring in sufficient income. But no one perceives this state of affairs as tragic; on the contrary, sociable Greeks quickly create their own microclimate in such an establishment and will not part with their favorite cafe, even if they have to work in it for free.

If we are to tell the truth about the Greek character, then it is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as Greek punctuality and commitment.

Young people in Greece get used to earning pocket money from adolescence: it’s rare that someone did not undergo an internship as a waiter or bartender during their student years.

It’s customary here to arrive on time only for appointments with the dentist and real estate agent - otherwise you’ll go back without a bite to eat. In all other cases, being on time means not respecting yourself. If you have agreed to meet a Greek there in so many minutes, calmly double the agreed upon time interval - and everything will be fine. If you arrived at the indicated hour, and your opponent, smiling from ear to ear, appeared at the door half an hour later, it is better not to show him your dissatisfaction: you will only achieve that the smile on his face will be replaced by surprise and misunderstanding, and he will will forever consider you petty. You weren’t waiting for him on the street in the bitter cold, that’s a great thing.

Greek obligatoryness is a no less sensitive issue. "Let's do it!" - the house manager, mechanic, electrician, salesman and builder will assure you. But, as you know, they have been waiting for three years for what was promised. Wanting to influence the conscience of your debtor and being a silent reproach in his eyes, you will achieve little; you are unlikely to even be able to ruin your relationship with him. You will be greeted by the same open arms and joyful exclamation as before, as well as the assurance that he was literally dialing your number right now. The phrase “I remember you!” is very popular. This will be followed by coffee, a detailed conversation about life and a promise to resolve your issue “next week.”

The Greeks develop a sense of patriotism from childhood.

Softened and reassured, you leave with a vague feeling that you have been left in the cold, and this is true: the next week, as a rule, never comes. Having made a similar promenade with the same result N number of times, you eventually lose your temper and use shouting and threats to achieve results. Is it any wonder that the Greeks themselves begin to shout in advance, sometimes simply for preventive purposes?

It is customary here to arrive on time only for appointments with the dentist and the real estate agent - otherwise you will go back without a bite to eat.

How paradoxical, incomprehensible and at the same time wonderful that these same people, seeing a person in difficulty, will do everything they can for him, and even more - and will never put their merits on his line. Selflessness and open soul- these are the engines that will force the Greek to give you his shirt off his back. If later you decide to thank him, the Greek will be sincerely surprised: just think! How not to help, we are people. It would be logical to expect a similar attitude towards yourself - but you won’t be nice by force.

It is impossible to complete our essay without mentioning another feature of the Hellenes - Greek patriotism. Who doesn't have it, you say? So remember how many times did you raise the flag of your country at school? And Greek children - every morning. From this lesson, associated with morning prayer, their school day begins. Service in the army gives young Greeks a feeling of legitimate pride, and the Greeks will tear their throats for their national team in any stadium.

Whatever they think and say about them in the notorious European Union and beyond, the words, like empty water, will flow down from the Olympic peaks, without stopping there and leaving no trace.

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Used as a remedy for over 5000 years. During this time, we have learned a lot about the beneficial effects of a rarefied environment on...

The Angel Feet WHITE foot massager is a lightweight compact gadget, thought out to the smallest detail. It is designed for all age groups...

Water is a universal solvent, and in addition to the H+ and OH- ions itself, it usually contains a lot of other chemicals and compounds...

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a real restructuring. Many organs have difficulty coping with the increased load....
The abdominal area is one of the most problematic for weight loss. The fact is that fat accumulates there not only under the skin, but also around...
Key features: Stylish relaxation The Mercury massage chair is functionality and style, convenience and design, technology and...
Each New Year is unique, and therefore you should prepare for it in a special way. The brightest and most long-awaited holiday of the year deserves...
New Year is, first and foremost, a family holiday, and if you are planning to celebrate it in an adult company, it would be nice if you first celebrate...
Maslenitsa is widely celebrated throughout Russia. This holiday reflects centuries-old traditions, carefully preserved and passed on from generation to...