The system version of adobe flash player. Update flash player to new version

On this page you can update the flash player to the new version. Especially for you, we have prepared detailed instructions with pictures.

If you have an old version of this application on your computer or it is not installed at all, we strongly recommend that you download and install the newest, latest version.

Update Adobe Flash Player

Learn how to update Flash Player below.

First you need to download the installation file from the official site. You can do this by following this link:

Then, after downloading, run the file by double clicking.

In the installer window that appears, you must agree to the terms of the license agreement. Check the box and click on the "Install" button.

We are waiting for Flash Player to be unpacked on the computer. Upon completion of unpacking, a message will appear stating that the installation was completed successfully. Click on the "Finish" button.

We hope this guide has helped you.

What is Adobe Flash Player?

Adobe Flash Player is a multimedia program for high-quality playback of flash content (videos, clips, interactive applications). This program is the most popular way to play dimensional animations, games, advertising banners and other videos.

Why Adobe Flash Player? After all, there are other players that allow you to view the desired video. There is a simple and concise explanation for this: Adobe Flash developers tried to make viewing with such a program as comfortable as possible, so Flash Player, when using a graphics processor, even allows you to work with three-dimensional and vector graphics. Additionally, the program supports bidirectional audio and video broadcasting. There are also separate versions for both computers and phones (Flash Lite), which are somewhat "lightweight".

The application plays a huge role in the proper functioning and acceptance of information by any browser. The application protects against:

  • Incorrect work of the plugin;
  • Crash while uploading API files;
  • Poor optimization of sound effects, games, videos;
  • Unable to download software.

Should You Update Adobe Flash Player Regularly?

Like any other program, Adobe Flash Player needs constant and regular updates. This is necessary in order to prevent multiple problems and playback failures that may occur in the future. For example, the shockwave flash plugin can significantly "slow down" the work of the browser itself, making it impossible to perform such simple manipulations with applications as playback, listening, viewing.

How is the update process going?

In order to update the Adobe Flash Player program, it is worth doing a few simple and uncomplicated steps. After following the link website, select the desired option (download or update). After downloading the application, you can configure the program in such a way that in the future the program will automatically update itself (when the Internet is connected). The download procedure itself is absolutely free, and on many sites - without registration. This process takes no more than five minutes (depending on the speed of the Internet). Additional program options allow you to be aware of new additions and changes that require confirmation of an update or replacement.

Detailed and detailed instructions on the link above allow you to make all updates in a fairly short period. The main features of Adobe Flash Player software allow you to enjoy all the benefits of modern video and widescreen games with comfort and maximum speed.

Update Flash Player for free from the official website. The latest version of Adobe Flash Player is available for installation on all browsers.

Adobe Flash Player- a free utility or a necessary plug-in that is needed to display multimedia content on various websites and Internet services. Without this application, browser-based online games will not run, music and video will not play.

Most users, after installing a browser on their computer, try to launch a YouTube video or play games on their social network pages, but they fail - an error appears that it is necessary to install it.

Some do not know what this program is, how and where to download it, how to install or update it. On this page we will try to describe in detail how fast this plug-in is on a computer and how to install it.

Update Adobe Flash Player

  1. The first thing to do- is to download the Flash Player installation file for your browser, to do this, at the top of the page, select the button indicating the browser and the operating system that is installed on the computer. After clicking on the desired button, the selected file will be automatically downloaded.
  2. Second thing to do is to run the downloaded plugin and unpack it into the system. Just run the unpack utility file Adobe Flash Player double click and follow the instructions given in the installer. Use the visual controls to navigate to the next steps.
  3. Upon completion of unpacking, we recommend that you restart the browser for which you installed Flash Player.

As you can see, the installation process is not that complicated. If you do not understand how to organize it all, we recommend that you watch the video clip or use the instructions provided in the pictures below.

How to update Flash Player?

Detailed instructions with pictures are provided here! Install the latest version of the plugin right now.

Use one of the download options above. Each type of browser has its own versions of installers.

There are 3 types in total:

  1. For Internet Explorer
  2. For Mozilla Firefox
  3. For other browsers (Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex.Browser)

In our case, we will install a file called install_flash_player_ppapi.exe It must be launched, after which a dialog box should appear in front of you, where you will need to agree to the terms of the license agreement (check the box) and click on the install button.

Stage 2. Waiting for unpacking

All that needs to be done at this stage is to wait until the plugin is installed. Please note that during the installation an error may appear that the browser for which the utility is being installed is open (you must close all active windows and try to run the unpacking wizard).

Stage 3. Completion

Final action. If the program has successfully completed all the necessary actions, a message will appear about successful unpacking. Now you just have to launch the browser.

No further action is required. If you have any problems, we can always help you figure it out and answer your questions. Don't forget to leave a comment at the bottom of the article.

Please note that you can download the plugin for different browser versions:

Works on operating systems:

If the version of the Adobe Flash Player plugin is outdated, then it needs to be updated. How to do it? Read the simple instructions for installing the latest version of Flash Player.

Png" data-category="Instructions" data-promo="" href="" target="_blank">Update Flash Player

Is free!
check Official distribution Update Flash Player check
close Silent installation without dialog boxes check
close Recommendations for installing the necessary programs check
close Batch installation of multiple programs check

On this page you can download Adobe Flash Player for various browsers on Windows 7. Installation takes place without additional programs.

About 7

Seven is one of the most successful and currently popular operating system from the Microsoft Windows family. Beauty, elegance, stability and simplicity are the words to describe this system.

The release date is October 2009. Came to replace the popular at that time - Vista. And, perhaps, it is already quite old, but still many users consider it the most convenient and stable OS for a computer.

How to download Flash Player for Windows 7

There are two digits: 32 and 64 bit. Regardless of the bitness, you can download the Flash Player plug-in for free by choosing the Windows 7 browser you are using. We make sure that you have the opportunity to download the latest version of the program for windows in Russian.

How to update

If the player is already installed on your computer, but the time has come, then you can use the instructions.

And you can always update by downloading it from our website - the latest version is always posted.

File:Adobe Flash Player

Developer: Adobe Systems

Available: Free

System: Windows 7

Size: 20 Mb

Size: 20 Mb


Update: 2018-11-21

How to make sure you have Windows 7

To be sure, follow these steps:

  • On the menu " Start» or on the desktop, right-click on the icon « A computer«
  • Go to " Properties«
  • In chapter " Windows edition» your system version will be listed
  • For stable operation, do not forget to download Flash Player for Internet Explorer

Do you want to browse websites without any restrictions? So that all pictures, videos and online games are available to you? Well, then you need to download Adobe Flash Player for free and install it on your computer for Windows 7, 8, XP.

This is a kind of tool for displaying and correct operation of multimedia content hosted on websites. We are talking about videos, animations, banners, pop-ups, online games. Without this player, the web browser simply will not display all this. Some browsers already have Adobe Flash Player built-in (like the integrated plugin in Google Chrome, for example), and for some it needs to be installed on purpose.


  • two versions: for Internet Explorer and for other browsers (Opera, Mozilla, Safari, etc.);
  • provides playback of multimedia content on the Internet;
  • contains the necessary elements for the correct operation of online games;
  • supports FLV and SWF files;
  • has integrated hardware-accelerated 2D/3D graphics rendering;
  • is automatically updated.

Principle of operation:

The development we are considering is essentially a component for the browser, and therefore it does not have an interface as such. However, the user can still customize some options. By right-clicking on flash content, you will bring up a small context menu where you can adjust the graphics hardware acceleration and determine the degree of privacy.

We can safely say that this software supports all versions of Internet Explorer starting from 6, Mozilla Firefox (from 3), Opera (from 9.5), Google Chrome and Safari (from 4.0).


  • compatible with any web browser;
  • does not require settings;
  • makes Internet surfing more vivid and exciting;
  • You can always download Adobe Flash Player for free.


  • insufficient error control, which leads to failures.
  • Despite the rapid development of HTML 5, Adobe Flash Player remains one of the key technologies of the World Wide Web. The flash player, whose analogues have not yet succeeded so much in cross-platform and ubiquity, is the best tool for playing multimedia. And the fact that it does not require attention allows you to simply “set it and forget it”, and then enjoy all the delights of Internet content. If Adobe Flash Player is outdated or not working, it is recommended to upgrade to a newer version.

    – Media player for viewing in Flash format (SWF files). You can also run flash games in the browser.

    In 2019, the speed and stability of global network connections have become so great that high-quality videos and games launched through the browser have become available to almost everyone. All the more necessary in everyday work is a reliable plug-in that allows you to quickly and efficiently download and view videos. has a complete set of components for working with online games, helps to play high-quality video in HD format, plays any flash content of the site, is compatible with all commonly used browsers. With Adobe Flash Player for Windows, you will be able to play games in full screen mode with both keyboard and mouse support. You can download Adobe Flash Player completely free.

    Download Flash Player for free

    Adobe Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox (19.1 MB)

    Adobe Flash Player for Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera (19.7 MB)

    Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer (18.5 MB)

    Adobe Flash Player for Android (18.5 MB)

    The Adobe Flash Player plugin works great in automatic mode, but if you want to make it even more efficient, we advise you to look into the settings. Here you will find a lot of parameters that can be adjusted specifically for your computer and your wishes. Flash Player in Russian, which will help you deal with the plugin settings.

    First of all, after you managed to download Adobe Flash Player for free, take a look at the section " Adobe Flash Player Settings» you will see a small window with a number of tabs. The first one " Screen Options". Here you will be prompted to enable hardware acceleration. It is enabled by default, but will only work with DirectX 9 support and with at least 128 Mb of video adapter memory. So if you're having compatibility issues with older hardware, it's best to disable this option.

    Further in the same window there is a tab " Privacy Options". Here Adobe Flash Player will ask if this website can use your camera and microphone. If you mark " allow“, then the website will be able to capture video and audio from your devices for further use at its discretion or as needed. If you check the " ban“, then the application will be denied the use of the webcam and microphone. Here you can check the “Remember” box, then the settings will be saved for this site.

    The latest version of Flash Player has the ability to configure data stores. In the tab " Local storage» You can determine how much information this site can store on your computer. Sometimes this information is simply necessary for some applications to work. By default, the amount of allowed disk space in Adobe Flash Player is set to 100 Kb, but storing more information will require your permission.. Here you can check "Do not ask" if you are not interested in this information.

    In the tab " Microphone options» Adobe Flash Player for PC has no special features. Here you can simply adjust the volume of the device. In the tab " Camera Options» you can specify or get information about the device you are currently using.

    First tab " Global privacy settings» Adobe Flash Player requires you to determine whether to send you a request to use your webcam and microphone, or not always. Please note that if such a request is prohibited, the section " Privacy Options' is losing its relevance.

    Tab « Global Storage Options» Adobe Flash Player for Windows requires you to determine the amount of memory that you are willing to allocate for storing data on sites that have not yet been visited.

    In the tab " Global security settings» Adobe Flash Player Specify whether websites can access information using legacy security. Sometimes sites use this method to get information from other sites. As a rule, it is absolutely safe.

    Tab « Playback options for protected content»Adobe Flash Player. It contains information about license agreements.

    In the next 3 tabs of Adobe Flash Player, you can configure privacy and storage settings for sites you have already visited.

    We we can guarantee you a virus-free download of Adobe Flash Player. We do not collect additional information about you, so you can get Flash Player without registration and SMS.

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