Evgeny Kemerovo: “My twin brother saw his death in a dream.” - Why did he take your passport?

The popular Russian chansonnier Evgeny Kemerovsky was born in 1962. He comes from a mining town New Town Kemerovo region. The grandmother provided great assistance to the parents in raising the boy. She noticed musical abilities grandson and taught him to play musical instruments. At the age of 12, Zhenya enrolled in music school in guitar class, and two years later he was already performing as part of an amateur group on dance floors. The second hobby in the boy's life was sports. He gave preference to him when choosing a specialty and after graduating from school, he became a student at the Institute of Physical Education in Smolensk. A new step in his education was the Moscow Academy of Sports, where he received the title of Master of Sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling.

The beginning of a creative journey

Evgeny's soul was drawn to beauty. In 1991, he went to Berlin to study directing and screenwriting. A year later, something happened in his life terrible tragedy which became turning point biographies. A car accident claimed the life of his brother Alexander, a famous athlete. Like all twins, the brothers were very close. Sasha started playing sports earlier and introduced his brother to sports, and together they graduated from the same university. The event “knocked the young man out of balance” for three years, but served as an impetus for his creative career.

The performer's solo performances, which began on December 1, 1995, coincided with the premiere debut album"My brother". It consisted of two parts, on one Evgeniy collected eight songs, dedicated to memory brother, on the other, works were played, the author of which was Alexander himself. The album received wide recognition from listeners, video clips appeared for many compositions, the song “Brothers, don’t shoot each other” became business card singer During the video filming of a video in New York for the song “Cold Morning,” the translator suggested that the musician, for the director’s convenience, use a simpler last name, since “Yakovlev” turned out to be difficult to pronounce. Evgeniy instantly replied: “Kemerovo.” So unexpected from the name small homeland the artist's pseudonym appeared.

First contract

In 1996, the artist concluded important treaty from PolyGram Russia. The company was engaged in showing his video clips on the BIZ-TV channel. Each clip was like a small film, extremely emotional and eventful.

Soon the artist released his second album, “Stolypin Carriage,” which was dedicated to the victims Stalin's repressions. The artist's popularity grew every day. An invariable detail of his image was a checkered cap, which the artist wore during filming and every time he went on stage.

At the end of 1997, the musician decided to try himself in other genres: boogie-woogie and rock and roll. Experiment with rhythmic music The 60s and 70s were crowned with success, Kemerovo released his third album entitled “Godfather”. This ended his collaboration with Poly Gram Russia, and a period of touring began. Everywhere the artist was greeted by full auditoriums, he was accompanied by success and recognition.

Further career

The material accumulated over several years was published in the new collection “Siberian Taiga”. Presenting his work, the performer traveled around most countries: Siberia, the Urals, the Far East and central regions. The trip covered four dozen Russian cities, and also visited the USA and Israel. The finale of a long tour in the spring of 1999 was a performance in the capital concert hall"Russia".

The next album was released a decade later and was called “This is how we will live.” Musician Igor Korzh took part in its creation. During the same period, a collection of songs by Vladimir Vysotsky “Wolf Hunt” was published. Evgeniy regarded its release as his contribution to preserving the memory of the famous artist. His next disc, “Don’t even think about breaking,” is also dedicated to Vysotsky. The collection contains compositions created by the author over a quarter of a century. Soon the songs “Unknown Ferry” and “Call Me to the Sky” reached the top of the Radio Chanson chart. Kemerovo won the Chanson of the Year award six times. The musician became a regular guest of the festival “Ehh, Razgulay!”

Kemerovo is known not only as a singer, but also as the author of numerous hits for representatives of the Russian musical Olympus. He gave Lyubov Uspenskaya, an unrivaled chanson performer, the song “Mistress of Fate,” and his composition “Palms” was performed at Irina Allegrova’s concerts. The song “Deaf and Mute Love” performed by Boris Moiseev became a real hit. His works “Winter Rains” and “I Miss You” added to the popularity of Katya Lel. Author of the song by Laima Vaikule “ Your name- tango" received the prestigious national award "Song 2002".

Personal life

The artist talks little about his life off stage, modestly answering the question: “Everything is fine with me.” Wife Tamara says that her husband always fulfills her requests, and she supports him in all his endeavors. For twenty years family life the spouses learned to understand each other at a glance. Ten years ago they got married and chose an unusual date for their celebration - 08/08/08. The couple has a son, Arseny.

Except musical activity Kemerovo tried himself as a director and writer. In 2008, he released the poetry collection “Happiness.” The author collected his poems over the course of fifteen years. Happiness, in the author’s understanding, is “when you don’t owe anyone anything.” And each reader has his own answer to this question. Currently, the second book of poems, “Infinity,” is ready for release.

The songs of Evgeny Kemerovo are simple-minded and sincere. He was never in prison and was not a criminal. Nobody brought him to the stage. Everything he achieved in life is the result of enormous hard work. He did not obey the laws of show business and achieves everything on his own. The musician continues to record songs and perform, and in return receives great love listeners. At the beginning of each concert, the singer asks the audience to “feel at home” and invites them to listen to “the story called life.”

Tip 2: Evgeny Valerievich Grishkovets: biography, career and personal life

Evgeny Grishkovets is a theater man. And no matter what he does on stage, he immediately attracts the attention of the viewer. And he often says in simple language things are very important, philosophical, about love and friendship, about the value of this life. Sometimes after his speeches I want to cry.


Evgeny Grishkovets was born in 1967 in Kemerovo. He had a friendly family, his parents were still studying at the university, but they always took little Zhenya with them. The boy perceived reality very sensitively and even then collected impressions about life into his piggy bank.

Soon the parents moved to Leningrad, and Evgeniy recalls that he really missed his native Kemerovo. However, when the family returned back to Siberia, Zhenya began to miss Leningrad.

Education and military service

After school, Evgeniy entered Faculty of Philology Kemerovo state university. But his studies dragged on for a long time, since Evgeniy was drafted into the army from his second year. Service in the armed forces seemed useless to the young man, but later he appreciated its contribution to his life when he dedicated one of his one-man performances to this topic.

Theater and literature

Evgeniy Grishkovets is a diverse personality. He left his mark in almost all areas of art. But still, the theater always remained the main thing in his work. Grishkovets stands apart from the crowd Russian directors and actors. His favorite genre is a one-man show, which he performs in a manner unique to him. Evgeny Grishkovets is a winner of several theater awards.

Evgeniy also made his contribution to literature. He is the author of several novels and also a playwright. In writing, Grishkovets is as original as in other genres of creativity.

Music and cinema

Music has always interested Evgeniy, although he himself admitted that he could not sing at all. But along with some musical groups Grishkovets managed to create a unique genre, where, against the background of music and singing, Evgeniy reads a monologue, and the main meaning of the work is precisely in his words. An example is the well-known musical composition“My mood has improved.”

Evgeny Grishkovets also acts in films, and his filmography is steadily growing. His roles are usually small, but played very brightly, in the manner characteristic of Grishkovets.

Personal life

Evgeny Grishkovets has been happily married for many years. His wife's name is Elena, and she is her husband's best friend and ally. Evgeniy's family lives in Kaliningrad. Together the couple is raising three children - two daughters and a son. Evgeny Grishkovets does not like to talk about his personal life, so the details of the playwright’s family life are unknown. However, it doesn’t matter, because everything happy families happy equally.

Video on the topic

The famous chansonnier, whose songs are performed by Laima Vaikule, Irina Allegrova, Boris Moiseev and other pop stars, gave exclusive interview Dmitry Gordon.

*"Believe in male friendship", says Evgeny Kemerovo (pictured with Dmitry Gordon). Photo by Alexander Lazarenko

Evgeniy Kemerovo was brought into show business by tragedy: in 1992, his twin brother, the champion of the USSR and Russia in freestyle wrestling, died in a terrible car accident. Music, according to Evgeny, literally pulled him out of the other world, brought him out of shock and stupor - Kemerovo (then still Yakovlev - this is real name artist) realized that he simply had to record an album in memory of his brother, and the listener also sincerely responded to the sincere feelings that the aspiring singer-songwriter put into his first disc entitled “My Brother”. The songs “Cold Morning”, “Give me an Evening in Moscow”, “Nostalgia” became popular, and “Brothers, Don’t Shoot Each Other”, which was so relevant in the 90s, became iconic.

- Zhenya, I know that you were born in the village of Novy Gorodok not far from the town of Belovo in the Kemerovo region - this is Kuzbass, mines... Have you ever gone down into a mine yourself?

“I think we all went through that school there.” We had excursions - the miners were preparing their shifts. Previously, vocational schools were held in high esteem because they were a working profession, a mining dynasty, you know? For the communist times in which we lived, this was natural.

— Is it hard in the mine?

- Incredible!

—Was it scary to go down?

- Of course - there are 500 meters, a kilometer, two underground...

— Is it true that miners, as a rule, do not live to be 70?

— My father is 83, and, thank God, he’s still alive...

— Is he also a miner?

— He worked at the mine for 35 years, in the face, and his pension was about 200 dollars. For such work!..

— You were engaged in freestyle wrestling. Were you a bully as a child?

- There were rules...

- Well, yes. That generation was pure, because there were three television channels, several radio channels, a dozen magazines... Ogonyok, I remember, everyone loved it, they read the Pravda newspaper, “ Komsomolskaya truth“... We waited for hockey and football, listened to what the elders would say, and wanted there to be no war - that’s how my youth passed...

- There is bread on the table - and thank God...

- Yes Yes. My father received from 500 to a thousand rubles...

- ...at that time the money was huge!

- ...my mother worked as a doctor, she earned 150 rubles. It seemed like we had everything, on New Year- tangerines and sweets: it was a great holiday. I remember we disappeared on the street, then my brother and I started training.

- You and your brother were born mirror twins - his heart was on the right...

“They were born unusually—they were positioned facing each other. At that time there were no modern devices yet, and when my mother decided to give birth, in the village maternity hospital they were afraid: two heads below... But we were born very quickly - with a difference of 20 minutes: healthy, everything is fine.

— The feeling that you have a brother and that he is the same as you, with almost the same face and figure, when did it come to you?

— As children, we always stuck together, but from the age of 12 we began to be scattered. Realizing everything that had happened in my life, I began to replay events back, like a film, and then I reached the age of 12 and realized: even then fate was giving me signs.

— Were you and Alexander friends or did you fight?

- We fought and were friends - we are brothers. He was always a leader. Fought better, became a champion Soviet Union and Russia in freestyle wrestling... He was a serious guy, but his heart was on the right side, and he was practically not taken to international competitions. There was such a professor Smolensky, and he was afraid: suddenly something would go wrong, although at that time the competition was very strong, in any weight there were 100 contenders from literally all the republics. I still meet these guys on tour, we have very warm relations.

— When perestroika was announced, the first cooperatives began to operate, and immediately a racket began - the fighters received offers one after another...

- Both wrestlers and boxers, but I wasn’t in Russia at that time - I graduated High school trainers and left for Germany.

- And brother?

— My brother joined me later. He lived in Siberia, got married early, had a small child... When the child grew up, the family moved, and on December 1, 1992, Sasha died. I came to Moscow with a friend - Kostya from Kyiv. We were driving a car, a police colonel and his wife were rushing towards us - a terrible blow, it was unclear who was to blame, two cars flew off the road and lay on the side of the road, torn to shreds. There was no chance of survival. I was just in Berlin - I found out, flew in, buried him and began new life. We were doing business, everything seemed to be going well...

— Is it true that your brother once said that he would die at 30?

- Yes, but in general, everything turned out strange - before his death. He always had some incredible dreams...

- And he told them?..

- Yes, but all the dreams came true! One day he told me that he had a dream about how I crashed in a car. “You,” he asked, “hide in the hotel, don’t even go outside, let them bring breakfast, lunch and dinner to your room.” This was in November, a few weeks before his death. And I suddenly realize that everything is fine with me, I don’t feel any danger. And he himself came to Moscow, took my passport - and died with my documents in a car accident...

- That is, it was a prophetic dream after all...

“He saw his death in him.”

- Why did he take your passport?

- I lost mine. I also asked him: “Why did you decide that it was me who crashed?” - and he replied: “I saw the traffic cop approach, take out his passport, and it says: “Evgeniy.” What was the whole point of this dream? He definitely saw my passport! — in the end he took it and died himself.

* “Sasha’s death unsettled me for eight years,” admitted Evgeny Kemerovo. (In the photo - with his twin brother Alexander. Moscow, 1980s)

— This tragedy unsettled you for three years...

- As many as eight, Dima...

“I know, you locked yourself at home, watched five or six films a day, couldn’t work, and suddenly at one fine moment you went to the studio...

“I was drawn to the studio three months later, March 1st, I even remember the day. I was taken to the hospital in a faint state - shock. I think everyone experiences this when loved one lose. And suddenly I saw Sasha’s spirit, he said: “Go sing, I’ll help you.” From that day on, I began to live in the studio (literally - not in an apartment, but in a studio) ... I promised myself: “Until I write an album in memory of my brother, I will not leave.” And on December 1, 1995, exactly three years later, I presented this album at the then fashionable club “Harlekino” in Moscow. Then my videos were already playing, the sensational song “Brothers, don’t shoot each other” was - I wrote it because I felt sorry for these boys who were making fun of each other...

- They said then that your brother was crime boss

- No, he was a sports authority that people listened to - he was strong, fair, very honest, he was friends with everyone, and all of Moscow buried him. I don’t think he crossed any line... “Everyone has their own destiny, their own path...”, as one of my songs says. It's a pity that his journey ended so quickly. Sashka was very smart: in a day, for example, he could earn a million dollars

— And did you make money?

- I made money!

- It turns out he had money?

- Yes, but in general, he was so unearthly! I sang unrealistically, wrote unrealistic songs - I shot videos for them “Nostalgia”, “Cold Morning”, “Evening in Moscow”. Before his death, he sang them to me with a guitar, and I remembered everything - can you imagine?

- Do you miss him now? Can you imagine what would have happened if he had lived?

“I would probably give anything for it!” More than 20 years have passed, and I haven’t really gotten used to it or come to terms with it, I just started living as if I was born alone. Of course, I dream about him sometimes... He helps, advises, teaches - it feels like he sees everything. But I didn't expect that my path in show business would be so difficult. After all, no one ever promoted me, there was no musical “roof”, I didn’t turn to anyone. I was never particularly invited to the “Song of the Year”, I was never invited to perform at “Ogonyok”, although my songs are sung by first-rate stars today.

- Your real name is Yakovlev. And Kemerovo - because from the Kemerovo region?

- That’s what Sashka called himself - I took this pseudonym in memory of him. Once I was filming a video in New York, and the Americans couldn’t pronounce: “Ia-ko-vlyev.” The translator asked: “Can’t they call you a little simpler?” I immediately: “Kemerovsky!” They: “OK!”

— I remember 1995 and your song “Brothers, don’t shoot each other” - it was a powerful debut, bright... Brothers, I wonder if you noticed this song?

- Well, of course(smiles).

— What was your relationship with the lads then?

- I still have good ones - I know many people from this circle. By and large, there are no stupid people there - everyone is smart. It's just that, as I understand it, they are all from ordinary families and they didn’t want to live in poverty. The communists have driven us to the brink. And the Democrats began to privatize factories, come up with vouchers - they wanted to grab everything, and the guys began to defend their business.

I do not condemn anyone and have no right to do so. I am an artist, I chose this profession - and I sing for everyone the same: for the people, and for presidents, and for doctors, and for miners... I had my thousand concerts, but now I’m completely new program out of three records “Destiny” is released. So many new songs, Dima!

— Zhenya, have you ever spoken to many oligarchs?

- Certainly.

- What kind of people are they?

“I’ve never met a single stupid person.” I realized that it is not so easy to be a public person, much less an oligarch. Their brain works 24 hours a day, and I think music allows them to relax and unwind a little. To preserve the empire, it is necessary to develop. It’s like in our profession: if you stop, no one needs you. It’s the same here: money must work, people in factories must receive wages - this is serious, I’ll tell you, karma.

— What are oligarchs like in everyday life?

- Well, I’ve seen different ones... Of course, someone wants to live to the maximum: a private jet, security...

- Nobody wants to wear bast shoes...

- Of course, they won’t, but in essence, I think they ordinary people: watching movies, news...

— Were there philosophers among them?

- Certainly!

— Were there any interesting situations involving oligarchs?

- Flights, helicopters, planes, boats, submarines - everything happened. Oligarchs sometimes like concerts on some islands... There were a lot of things, I repeat, but it was never boring. And if a promotional concert, an ordinary one, lasts two hours, no more is possible, then there is no time: we can start at seven in the evening and finish at five in the morning. This is a completely different story - there you are completely relaxed! It’s harder to perform in front of people: the public is looking at you, they say, come on, show us, surprise us! And there is no need to surprise anyone, people just relax, for them music is relaxation after work.

— Siberia, where you’re from, is it another planet?

— Yes, but I think that over these 20 years Russia has lost a little both Siberia and the Far East. If I were the head of Siberia, I would take some right steps. Firstly, cities need to be rebuilt...

-...are they in decline?

— Well, of course, there are some restored buildings, local businesses are trying, but the cities themselves...

- Siberians are special breed of people?

- Well, if Moscow was defended in 1941, what do you think? Special, you’re right, there are no weaklings there: both men and women are all strong. The constant frosts have hardened them, the feeling that they do not live in the center, but as if on the outskirts. Hardy and hardworking people!

— Are all the Chinese in Siberia already or not?

- No…

— So you still see Russians?

— Well, Siberia is not the Far East, and besides, there are few large cities: Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk...

-...well, Yakutsk is also Siberia...

- No, Dima, this is no longer Siberia, Yakutsk is Yakutia(smiles). I sang there too, and saw these huge diamond mines...

- ...and I felt minus 50...

- …Certainly. I am sure that our people are hardworking, we just need laws so that they feel that they finally have the right to choose.

- An impossible dream...

— Of course, the two main tasks are roads and housing. Well, I just came from Vienna - the ceilings there are four meters: even if they build it like that for people here, why do they need two forty?

- Well, you know how Zadornov said: “Previously in Russia there were two problems - roads and fools, and now there are also two - fools and fools” ...

- (Laughs.) In fact, this is main question. What is important to a person? Where to live, right? His home, and the rest will follow...

“You, a simple Siberian boy, could imagine that in a few years you would travel around the whole world and see how people in different countries live?

— When I was 13-14 years old, I dreamed of becoming an artist - I played dances, graduated from music school with honors, but I chose between sports and music. I chose the first one at first, but later I realized that the sport ends at 30, and decided that I would still go into music. True, I went through business: the death of my brother pushed me to make drastic changes - everything became worthless for me.

Would I like to take this path differently? Don't know. If, say, I had signed a contract with some company, but it turned out that I was so free man that I can’t be under someone. In short, I don’t regret anything: you can’t regret anything. You can only if you married the wrong woman...

- ...and not for long, right?

- Well, yes - if she didn’t drag you up, but pushed you down.

Life shows everything. Not right away, though: we usually evaluate it in stages. Youth - up to 30 years old, then a period, maybe until 42, then until 50, I have long since turned 50... These are the segments of my life that I, like films, review, think about, evaluate, but nothing can be changed. If you are smart, you learn from mistakes.

— What, in your opinion, does the future await for Russia - your homeland?

- (Sighs). Dima, I’m not a politician...

- But you are a feeling person...

- Like anyone who travels around the country sees it...

-...communicates a lot...

- ...and with different people, I can say: it seems to me that we have passed all the stages...

-...except for a happy life...

“We had democracy.” A happy life... It exists - I am sure that many people live happily. But, as the Internationale sang, “he who was nobody will become everything” is no longer possible. Now everything is based on work and intelligence - that’s the first thing. Secondly, it turned out that the financial distribution became...


- Yes, as it turned out, three revolutions took place in the world: economic, sexual (when everything is possible!) and religious - they gave impetus to many who were simply lucky at some point to be close to the authorities. Let's be honest: maybe no one thought about the people...

- …what for?

“There was a time of accumulation, but it must end, the time of creation must come!” It seems to me that it is not grown-up men who already have everything who should lead the country, but young, smart guys, and we need to find them.

- Where can I get them?

- We have people, we always have: remember! Both astronauts and Olympic champions - well, the same?

This is what is needed first, and the second thing that is needed is to build youth centers. In every city, so that young people don’t hang out just anywhere. These are the things that young people need: they are already different. My son is 17 years old - he is different. I’m trying to explain something to him, and he says to me: “Dad, why are you worrying?” He’s on the Internet like a duck to water, speaks perfect English, knows what an iPod is, and so on. We are used to writing poems with a pen, but they are already different.

— Regarding “writing poetry with a pen.” How do you write songs?

— The first phrase is important! I remember Laima came up to me - she had a “Tango” program, all of Moscow was plastered with posters. “Zhenya,” she asked, “write to me about tango.” I was surprised: “Well, where am I, where is tango? This is Argentina." And she: “Zhen, please, solo concert a month later!" I watched the film “Evita”, which came out then, and imagined that she was dancing with a shadow: this is how the song “Your Name is Tango” was born - for the first time they gave me the “Song of the Year” award, they never gave it again(smiles).

— Are your songs born quickly?

- It happens that someone sends a signal from heaven: you didn’t even think about this topic, and suddenly... “Brothers...” was born in five minutes, “My Brother” was born a year, “Unknown Ferry” I, getting off the ferry, for a couple wrote in minutes.

- Amazing!

— And “Train to Magadan” is a very popular thing in America, it was born in the heat, when I was lying on the beach in Evpatoria. “Unforgiven” appeared in three minutes, but I thought about “Destiny” for a week. This is a very responsible, important song: a new program, a hit was needed. I can’t sing some simple songs, I need depth...

— Are the words or the music original?

- They appear at the same time...

— Everyone is used to the fact that you write your own songs and sing them yourself. And very few people know that whole line others perform your brilliant works. “Deaf and Mute Love,” for example (Borya Moiseev sings it), a grandiose song, and also “I Miss You” performed by Katya Lel...

- ... and “Palms” ...

-...Ira Allegrova sings. Do you give away songs without regret that you could easily perform yourself?

- Well, I said: I never regret anything. I’m very glad that the performers shot videos for these works, and Laima actually called the program “Your Name is Tango.” So, I did everything right.

Name: Evgeny Kemerovo (Evgeny Yakovlev)

Age: 56 years old

Family status: married

Evgeny Kemerovo: biography

Evgeny Ivanovich Kemerovo is a Russian singer-chansonnier, author of collections of poems. Evgeny Ivanovich Yakovlev, known under the pseudonym Kemerovo, was born in a small village where miners lived. The artist’s passport says New Town in the Kemerovo region. In the Yakovlev family it’s like this an important event, like the birth of a son, occurred on August 8, 1962.

The grandmother provided assistance in raising the boy. An elderly woman taught her grandson to play musical instruments, including piano and guitar. At the age of 14, the talented guy was noticed by representatives of amateur groups. In parallel with this, Evgeniy studied at a music school, which he graduated with honors.

After school, Kemerovo went to conquer the Smolensk Institute of Physical Education and Sports. Here Evgeniy Ivanovich studied freestyle wrestling. The artist graduated from the university as a certified specialist in 1984. In 1988, the singer ended up at the Moscow Academy of Sports, and already in 1991, fate brought Evgeni to Berlin. Abroad, Kemerovo attended the School of Arts, where he studied directing and screenwriting.

On December 1, 1992, Evgeniy Ivanovich’s life turned upside down. Twin brother Alexander was killed in a road accident. In the USSR, the man was known as an athlete and freestyle wrestling champion. This event served as a catalyst and led to the work of Kemerovo. To develop his singing talent, Evgeniy began classes with teacher and Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation N.Z. Andrianova.


On musical Olympus Evgeny Kemerovo appeared in 1995. The public became acquainted with the singer’s work after the presentation of the album “My Brother”. The author created 8 of the presented songs after the death of his twin brother. The debut disc is divided into two records. The second featured music written by brother Alexander, who was killed in an accident.

Evgeny Kemerovo in his youth and his twin brother Alexander

The disc turned out to be popular, including thanks to the videos created for the presented songs. The start of Kemerovo's career was rapid. The singer's talent was noticed by the managers Russian TV channels, so the clips were often shown on TV.

Evgeniy admits that “Kemerovsky” is not a real surname, but a pseudonym. The artist had to take it because of American fans who find it difficult to pronounce “Yakovlev.” Literally in a split second the pseudonym Kemerovo was born, which is still remembered by fans of Evgeniy’s songs and poems.

Kemerovo is not only a performer, but also a creator of songs for other performers. Evgeniy cooperates with representatives Russian show business. Among Kemerovo’s fans there are those who perform the song “Deaf and Mute Love”, with “I Miss You”, “Winter Rains”, with “My Name is Tango”.

In 2013, Evgeniy recorded a duet with. The artists performed the track “I Miss You” at one of the concerts. 17 years earlier, the man signed a contract with the PolyGram Russia company. This agreement allowed Kemerovo to release new songs, albums and videos, and get into rotation on radio and TV.

The joint work with the company presented the public with the performer’s second disc entitled “Stolypin Carriage”. Eugene emphasized the events that took place during the reign. Kemerovo dedicated the album to the victims of Stalin's repressions. People recognized the singer not only by his work, but also by the cap that Evgeniy constantly wore.

2 years after the start of his career as a musician, Kemerovo achieved unprecedented popularity in society. Evgeniy gave preference to chanson, but now he decided to try something new, so he began experimenting with rock and roll and boogie-woogie. This was expressed in the third album “Godfather”. On tour, one city replaces another.

Kemerovo writes a lot “on the table”, so by 1998 the artist had accumulated enough material for another solo album, which Evgeny called “Above the Siberian taiga.” The tracks “Don’t Remember Me” and “ Golden time", which became hits. As part of the presentation of the disc, the singer went on a tour of Russia. Residents of 42 cities were able to hear the author of their favorite songs live, including Far East and in Siberia. Support was provided by the show ballet “Todes”.

Evgeniy Kemerovo took a time out. The break in creativity lasted for 9 years. In 2007, the artist presented the album “This is how we will live.” Igor Korzh helped Evgeniy in recording the disc. The author of the song “Unknown Ferry” decided to please the audience again a year later. Kemerovo is among the artist's fans. Evgeniy recorded a cover album called “Wolf Hunt”.

The creator of the track “Brothers, don’t shoot each other” published a collection of poems “Happiness” in 2010. The book became popular, so the editors decided to republish it. Music goes hand in hand with poetry. This is vividly represented in the songs “Wind”, “Here you go”, “The bears got lost”.

Every year Evgeniy Kemerovo takes part in music marathon“Ehh, take a walk!” 2017 was no exception. The hit author performed his favorite compositions.

Personal life

Kemerovo prefers to keep his personal life private, but still tells journalists some information. “Everything is fine with me” - these are the words that begin the answers to questions from media representatives about the family. And it is true. Evgeniy has been married for more than 20 years. Wife Tamara helps and supports her husband in any endeavor. Over the years of married life, Kemerovo learned to understand his beloved at a glance.

After two decades of marriage, Tamara and Evgeniy decided to undergo a wedding ceremony. This important event for the couple took place on August 8, 2008. Children appeared in the Kemerovo family, or rather a son, Arseny. Family photos can hardly be found on the Internet.

Evgeny Kemerovo now

Soon new ones will appear in the biography of Evgeny Kemerovo music albums. Now the performer is working on three thematic discs. There are records in the works under the following titles: “Fate”, “Dedication to Vysotsky” and “ last love" One of them will be presented in 2018.

The poet does not leave work on a collection of poems, which he called “Infinity”. Kemerovo has not yet announced anything about the publication date.


  • 1995 – “My Brother”
  • 1996 – “Stolypin carriage”
  • 1998 – “The Godfather”
  • 1998 – “Above the Siberian taiga”
  • 2007 – “This is how we will live”
  • 2008 – “Wolf Hunt”

Evgeny Kemerovo was born on August 8, 1962 in the mining village "Novy Gorodok" near the city of Belovo, Kemerovo region. His grandmother taught him to play the guitar and piano, and as a child, from 1974 to 1979, he studied at a children's music school in the class classical guitar, which he graduated with honors, and from the age of 14 he began dancing

in amateur groups.


1980 - 1984 - Institute of Physical Education and Sports (Smolensk), specialization - freestyle wrestling

1988 - 1990 - Sports Academy (Moscow)

1991 - 1992 - School of Arts (Berlin), specialty - directing and script

Success and public recognition came in 1995 after the presentation of the debut disc “My Brother”. This album was dedicated to his deceased twin brother Alexander. Alexander Yakovlev was a famous athlete, USSR Champion in freestyle wrestling. On December 1, 1992, he died tragically in a car accident near Moscow. This unsettled Evgeniy for 3 years. He couldn’t do anything, watched 5-6 films a day, and then came to the studio and began making an album in memory of his brother. Songs from this album - “Give me an evening in Moscow” and “Brothers, don’t shoot each other” - instantly became famous.

He writes songs not only for himself - his “Deaf and Mute Love” is performed by Boris Moiseev, “I Miss You”, “Winter Rains”, “Dad and Mom”, “Talisman” and others - Katya Lel, “Your Name is Tango” – Laima Vaikule and many other performers. Nobody brought him to the stage; it was only thanks to his unimaginable workaholism that he became famous. “You either obey show business or dictate your own,” Evgeniy once said in an interview, “I don’t know how to obey and I achieve everything in this life myself.”

Evgeny Kemerovo's videos are artistic, very eventful and emotional. Each of them is like a separate little movie. Moreover, some of the videos were filmed in the USA and Germany and were made in the best Hollywood traditions.

Since 1996, Kemerovo has been supported by PolyGram Russia, which provides the release of his releases and the demonstration of clips on BIZ-TV, which significantly contributes to the artist’s popularity.

This is also helped by the eternal cap, in which the artist constantly appears at parties, becoming even more recognizable by the public from this outfit. His popularity became more widespread when, from the end of 1997, the musician turned to the rhythms of boogie-woogie and rock and roll of the 60s and 70s. Kemerovo makes several very sincere rollicking hits. By that time he was already leaving PolyGram. With new material, Kemerovo successfully tours, gathering venues of three to five thousand people across the country.

In 1998, the artist was busy selling the accumulated song material, releasing another disc, and in the summer he began the big all-Russian “Above the Siberian Taiga”, which ends with concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in March 1999.

Today Kemerovo also continues to work. In the near future, 3 albums are being prepared for release at once, the work on which lasted more than 5 years - “Butterflies” (“Butterflies”, “Don’t Go”, “ White winter", "Summer", "Yes-yes-yes", "Awakening", "I've been waiting for you all my life", "Petersburg", "Loneliness"), "Shores" ("It's not autumn yet", "Over night Berlin" , "Once Upon a Time in America", "Jerusalem", "Australia", " White Guard", "Paris", "Nobody to Blame", "Mulatto Girl"), "Wolf Hunt" ("The Path to Your Heart", "Wolf Hunt", "Stay with Me", "Farewell to Youth", "Here you go", "Find me", "Century", "First See", "Family Matters", "Let Go", "Take Back Your City"). Also, Evgeniy is a screenwriter for the film "Gallery" (Olga Palidis), helps as a producer for Katya Lel (album "Talisman"), helps the aspiring singer Lisa in the recording of the album "Last Century", the budget for the video was $150,000, acts as an art director for his good friend Igor Korzh is a famous chanson performer in Ukraine.

Our generation was pure and correct. The code of honor was observed, and people did not throw words

We were born on the same day and at the same hour. I was born first, and Sanya - 20 minutes later. This happened on August 8, 1962. The family already had an older sister, Natasha, so for father and mother this was real happiness. They thought for a long time what to call us, but my father decided firmly - Evgeniy and Alexander. Our family name is Yakovlev.

Zhenya and Sasha Yakovlev, 1962. “I was born first, and Sanya 20 minutes later”

We were born unusually, as mirror twins: everything that I had was on the left, my brother had everything on the right, that is, all his internal organs were in reverse. Since childhood, I remember how everyone came up to him and listened to his heart for a bet and wondered why he had it on the other side. Our mining village called New Gorodok is lost in Siberia between coal mines and mines.

There were many other settlements around it, and they all united into one city, Belovo, which itself is located between Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk. This is our homeland. In the early 50s, large coal deposits were discovered in Siberia, and young people from all over the country went to buy a long ruble. The salaries here were decent, and apartments were given to miners' families. People received up to a thousand rubles a month. At that time it was a lot of money. The father went to work in the morning, and the mother was babysitting three children.

Twin brothers, 1964

From the age of seven we were already on the street. Football in the summer, hockey in the winter, we grew up as ordinary boys. In those days it was very fashionable to fight with guys from another yard. This is how the first street gangs appeared, but the fights were fair, until first blood. That’s when our generation toughened up. Still, I think it was clean and correct. A code of honor was observed, and people did not mince words.

When we grew up, my mother also went to work. She is our pediatrician. This is where we really had a blast; we were terrible hooligans. If it weren’t for my grandmother, who gave us music, I don’t know what would have become of us. I remember her big house, piano, guitar. She sang amazingly, played the seven-string, and then we first heard the romances of Vertinsky and Ruslanova performed by her. Then, later, we became acquainted with the work of Vysotsky, Okudzhava and many other stars of that time. Now I realize she revealed to us new world and took me away from troubles. Our grandfather, Ivan Mikhailovich Medvedev, worked as a mine director. He and his grandmother had five children. One of them is my mother Iraida. Grandfather didn't find us. He found postscripts at the mine, and for this they killed him. A book has been written about him.

Exemplary boy Zhenya, 1969

I still wonder how my grandmother could raise five children on her own. She then prophesied that one of us would become an artist. Our father, Ivan Vasilyevich Yakovlev, from a simple working-class family, worked in a mine all his life. He is retired now, but for me he is an example of a real man. Probably from him my brother and I inherited the Siberian spirit, patience and faith in justice. And mom is mom. And when I go on tour in Siberia, I always stop by to visit them.

As soon as I sang the song in style rock and roll, was called you know where

When we turned 12 years old, freestyle wrestling coach Sergei Konstantinovich Bordyugovsky came to our town, and all the children went to train. A music school also opened, where I went to study classical guitar. All days were planned from morning to evening: training, studying, and I also created musical ensemble. A few years later I was already entrusted with playing at dances. But as soon as I performed a song in the style of rock and roll, you know where I was called. Therefore, this thought crept into my mind - to go to the West.

We spent the summer in the taiga, in sports camps. The workload was decent, and the coach turned out to be very talented. He educated more than 50 masters of sports of the USSR, champions of the Soviet Union and Europe. We plowed - be healthy! All the wrestlers knew us. When we turned 15, we went to competitions and saw Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv for the first time. In 1979 we graduated high school, and I also studied music - with honors.

My brother and I were together for another year, and then we separated for the first time. I still can't understand why. I entered the Smolensk State Institute physical culture and sports. Sanya stayed at home and got married. Marinka, his future wife, lived next door. The business is young, and soon their son Vanka was born. They named him after our dad. Now my brother’s family lives in Germany. Sanya's athletic results have improved. He became the champion of the Soviet Union among youth, then won the Russian youth championship. My results were more modest, but we both became masters of sports of the USSR.

Parents Iraida Ivanovna and Ivan Vasilyevich Yakovlev, New Town, early 60s. “Mom is a pediatrician, and father is from a simple working-class family; he worked in a mine all his life.”

At the institute, I again organized an ensemble, for which I was called to the rector’s office and said: “Young man! Have you mixed up the university?” But I won all the competitions for the city of Smolensk. And regional, and republican, and all-Union. That's probably why I wasn't expelled.

This city gave me my first love, my first songs and an unforgettable youth. That’s when I decided that when I quit sports, I would take music seriously. Sanya often came to see me in Smolensk, and we dressed almost the same, and this is where the pranks began. Can you imagine what a guy with a guitar was like back then? Sanya went on dates instead of me, he also played the guitar and sang well, but then everything was like in a movie...

Evgeniy graduated from a music school in classical guitar.

Almost few people in Smolensk knew that we were twins. And, of course, we took full advantage of this, but only among the girls. The city is located 400 kilometers from Moscow, ancient, Russian and very student-friendly. He gave me true friends, self-confidence and a dream, so he will forever remain in my memory. After college we reconnected in sports club army in the city of Novosibirsk, I had to serve for a year and a half, and Sa-ne for two, or rather, to “fight.”

Novosibirsk is one of the main cities in Siberia, with its theatrical and sports life, Siberian beauties and powerful energy. In it we felt its significance for the country and felt proud that we were born in Siberia. The service ended and the real one began adulthood. Previously, there was a strict instruction: after graduating from college, work for several years in your profession. I was appointed head coach of Kuzbass in freestyle wrestling among youths. I made a decent team. At the Soviet Union Championship among children sports schools We became fifth out of 17 teams, but my soul was yearning for the West, and my brother and I separated for the second time.

With my brother in Moscow, 80s

I decided to enter the Higher Academy of Sports, which trained specialists to work abroad. Got in on the first try. Music had to be left until better times. Many people studied with me famous athletes. Now I can say for sure that sport has shaped my character and thanks to it I can now withstand such stress. My whole life is on wheels, and no matter what city I am in, I see that former wrestlers became individuals.

And then there was perestroika in the yard. After studying for two years, I decided to leave the country. My first trip abroad was Germany. What I saw shocked me. A completely different civilization, a different world, different people. I wanted to stay to understand why everything worked out for them, but not for us. I was amazed by the punctuality, internal freedom, and most importantly, the confidence of this nation that they are the most significant in the world and everything they have is the best.

In Berlin I watched all the world concerts of stars, went to exhibitions famous artists, studied world cinema. My emigration lasted three years. Sanya came to me, stayed, then left. I remember very well when we turned 30 years old. This was the first time we didn't celebrate a birthday together. It was a strange year, I had a presentiment of some kind of trouble. I told all my friends, my brother, my parents about this, but no one took my words seriously.

Sanya had a gift: all the dreams he saw came true. Once he told me a dream that I crashed in a car, I had to ask him again: “Why me?”, to which he answered: “Because I saw a traffic police officer who took out your passport.” Well, you understand my condition. I thought that I didn’t have much time left to live, so I locked myself in a hotel in Berlin and didn’t go out anywhere. On December 1, 1992, my brother lost his documents. He came to my home in Moscow (he had the key to the apartment), took my passport and license. That evening he died tragically in a car accident under my name.

With my beloved wife. “Tamara is a purebred Ukrainian, for me the most beautiful and extraordinary, she has been faithful and devoted to me for 25 years now.”

He and a friend drove onto the Moscow-Minsk highway, and at the 21st kilometer there was a head-on collision with another car in which a man and a woman were traveling. The impact was so strong that both cars were thrown into a ditch. All four people died. I couldn’t find him for three days until I remembered the dream. On the 4th I flew from Berlin, on the 6th he had a funeral service, on the 7th he was buried.

Whatever Sanya undertakes, he achieves success everywhere

If you scroll back your memory, like a film, everything was like yesterday, but 23 years have already passed. This day, December 6th, is impossible to forget. Cemetery Vagankovsky. Temple. Day of St. Alexander Nevsky. All night I sat near the coffin, seeing my face in it. This is very painful. You have to be a great writer to describe what human pain is. The mind cannot accept this, and there is only one feeling, as if lead was poured into you, into your veins. This is against human nature itself, against understanding the meaning of life.

I had to live with this, and for a very long time. And when they tell me that time heals, it doesn't. It does not heal, but hardens. Strong people it makes you even stronger, and the weak cannot stand it. How I survived, only God knows. And these are not catchy words. It's like experiencing the unexperienced. Perhaps this is fate.

So many years have passed, and I still can’t talk about him without emotion. My brother was an amazingly gifted guy; he had no equal in wrestling. He started doing business and made a fortune; he tried to write songs and he created masterpieces. Whatever Sanya took on, he achieved success everywhere.

Now I understand why he left so early, he was unearthly, and everyone who knew him remembers him only with warmth. Three months after his funeral I looked like a madman, and then I remembered his saying: “Someday you will start your life over again, don’t be afraid, you will succeed.” So at the age of 30 I started with clean slate under creative pseudonym Kemerovo. The troubles did not end there; within a year I lost 11 more friends. On the 13th my dog ​​died.

I know what grief is. It seems to me that everything is expressed in my songs and poems. Music saved me. Songs were born, and I started working on the album “My Brother”. Five videos were shot, for which I wrote scripts, and directed several works. The songs “Cold Morning”, “Give me an Evening in Moscow”, “Nostalgia” became hits. Well, “Brothers, don’t shoot each other” was a hit.

I worked like a man possessed, seven days a week, no holidays, 14 hours every day. To be honest, it was easier in sports. Here it was necessary to make new acquaintances, establish connections, go to radio stations, television, and the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines. All this is interconnected. I cracked this album. This is how my first popularity came to me. Then there were other records.

After the fifth, “Above the Siberian Taiga,” I decided to go on an all-Russian tour. 55 cities non-stop, from Vladivostok to Moscow. I saw the country and was stunned by the complete discrepancy between the appearance of the cities and beautiful faces of our people, shocked by the sincerity of the people, human simplicity and unshakable faith that everything will be fine with us.

There were also tours in other countries. Now I understand why I paused for a long time. For about 10 years I walked like I was broken. And on the tour we had to sing a song in memory of Alexander almost every day. After big works devastation sets in, I experienced it myself, I needed a pause. You should be silent, save up, wake up with new ideas, hear yourself. Every day I woke up with one thought: what should the name of my new record be called?

To surprise with a work, you need to enter into correspondence with God, not be afraid of anything and only believe. But it turned out that I had to learn everything all over again: to smile, to be happy, to feel. That's when poems began to emerge for me. My first poetry collection is "Happiness", the second book is "Infinity". I gave several songs to the stars: “Palms” - Irina Allegrova, “Your name is tango” - Laima Vaikule, “I miss you” - Katya Lel, “Deaf-mute love” - Boris Moiseev, “Two people on the pier” - Alena Apina, "Blizzards" - Alexander Buinov, "Mistress of Fate" - Lyubov Uspenskaya and a dozen more songs by lesser-known performers.

I am an absolutely free person and I value my reputation.

In all his years in show business, he has never set anyone up and fulfilled all his obligations to companies. I am friends with many artists. I admire bright personalities and I am happy that I live with them at the same time. They don't become stars - they are born. And to become a professional, you need to devote your whole life to it. If you ask me how I live, I will answer that I rejoice at the sunrise every day and accept the world as it is.

I have not yet forgotten how to love and believe in male friendship; I have long lived according to numbers and signs, with respect for myself and my loved ones. I always sing for people live because I value my audience. I sing for politicians and soldiers, for governors and miners, for businessmen and the poor, I sing in stadiums and clubs, giving my all. He never betrayed anyone or did anything mean. If something doesn’t work out in my life, I don’t regret it, I move on.

At my brother's grave Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow. “I think Sanya would be proud of me now”

I am an absolutely free person and value my reputation. Everything I dreamed about came true. My home is in the center of Moscow, on Sretenka. I have a wonderful family: my wife Tamara and son Arseny. Tamara is a purebred Ukrainian, originally from the village of Grushevka, Cherkasy region. For me, the most beautiful and most extraordinary woman has been faithful and devoted to me for 25 years. I admire her both as a woman and as a person. At the very difficult moments She always lent a shoulder to my life. We got married on August 8, on Sasha’s and my birthday. My beloved son Arseny is 20, he is an excellent student and a hooligan, just like me.

I think Sanya would be proud of me now. God gave me new friends, and the old ones don’t forget, and I’m grateful to them all, they help me. Of course, I made mistakes, but who hasn't? There were downs, but without downs there are no ups. He always went his own way and achieved something in this life. And the older I get, the more often I peer into the heavens. And somewhere there, among the cumulus, I want to see my brother’s smile...

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