Soybean oil. Soybean Oil and Its Amazing Benefits

Many nutritionists and doctors deservedly call soybean oil the champion of all vegetable oils. This product, obtained from seeds, has become increasingly popular in recent years. It should be noted that it, like many other soy products, was widely used and was in stable demand in Asia. First of all, this is due to the fact that East Asia is the homeland of this legume family.

Composition and benefits of soybean oil

The enormous benefits of this product are due to its chemical composition, which includes, among other substances, a number of essential amino acids, without which the normal functioning of the human body is impossible. It contains more linoleic acid than others, which can prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Soybean oil is recommended to be consumed to relieve the effects of stress, strengthen the immune system, and prevent atherosclerosis and kidney disease. In addition, it stimulates the digestive tract and improves metabolism.

It is also a source of vitamins B4, C, E, K, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium.

The most valuable component obtained from soybean seeds is lecithin, widely used in the pharmaceutical and confectionery industries. This is a phospholipid that plays a critical role in the normal functioning of cell membranes - it protects cells from destructive influences and prolongs their life.

Soybean oil can lower blood cholesterol levels, and during pregnancy it is recommended to eat one tablespoon per day, as it is a natural source of vitamin E.

Soybean oil promotes the formation of male semen and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. There are known successful cases of using this drug for the prevention of gastrointestinal, kidney and cancer diseases, potency disorders, immune reactions and metabolic processes.

The benefits of this product are expressed in a positive effect on the body as a whole. It should be noted that this oil has the highest biological activity - the body absorbs it by 98-100%.

Applications of soybean oil

Soybean oil is often used in the preparation of salad dressings and a variety of sauces. It can be added to baking dough and fried on it. Refined soybean oil is the main raw material for the production of non-dairy cream, margarine, confectionery and bakery products, and mayonnaise. It is also used as a preservative and stabilizer for the production of canned food.

Soybean oil is very successfully used for the care of normal and dry skin, but is not recommended for use on oily skin, since in this case it can contribute to the appearance of comedones.

This product wonderfully moisturizes and nourishes the skin, creating a protective barrier on its surface. After using masks with it, dry and chapped skin becomes smooth and fresh.

Soybean oil also helps - it restores elasticity and tone, fights existing fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones, slowing down the aging process of the skin.

This product together with almond, peach, olive, cedar, and castor oil will help provide good softening, nutrition and rejuvenation. Such mixtures can be used instead of daily face cream or as a cleanser to remove makeup. This mixture will also help chapped, rough or very dry areas - to do this, apply it to damaged skin for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Excessive consumption of this product during pregnancy may adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

Some doctors associate the consumption of soybean oil with the occurrence of migraine attacks.

But with all this, it should be noted that the oil of these beans can be harmful only if the consumption standards recommended by experts are not followed. After all, you must agree that everything is good in moderation, the same applies to soybean oil. Otherwise, it is an excellent source of essential amino acids and vitamins.


We talked about soybean oil, the benefits and harms of it, and we mentioned its uses. Despite all the benefits of soybean oil, the population of our country, for unknown reasons, treats these beans with some prejudice. We hope that after reading this article, consumers' doubts will be dispelled.

Soy-based food derivatives, including vegetable oil, are quite popular among modern consumers. True, there are still debates about usefulness and harm around them. For the most part, products of natural origin are still less harmful than their genetically modified counterparts. And yet, is it possible to consume soybean oil along with other vegetable fats? And what is the best way to do this?

Liquid soybean oil - what's inside?

Let's turn to the composition of the product. So, soybean oil, compared to other products of natural origin, has the highest content of vitamin E, one of the most important substances responsible for the reproductive function of the body. It also helps fight stress, prevents diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Participates in many metabolic processes, helps strengthen the body’s immune barrier, and controls blood cholesterol levels.

Among other substances, various vital fatty acids are distinguished, including:

  • linolenic;
  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • stearic;
  • palmitic;
  • arachine;
  • hexadecene;
  • myristic.

Soybean oil is rich in plant sterols, which prevent the development of coronary heart disease and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin (therefore, soybean oil is actively used in cosmetology). And also: zinc, iron, vitamins K, C and B4, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, lecithin.

Helpful or Harmful?

Undoubtedly, soybean oil is very beneficial. It has been noticed that with regular consumption of this product, many metabolic processes are normalized in humans. The product itself is maximally absorbed by the body, and all thanks to tocopherol (vitamin E).

The product is recommended for use to prevent kidney disease, atherosclerosis, to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to strengthen the immune system and as an anti-stress therapy. The product helps reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, cancer, and heart failure. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, improves sexual function in men and simplifies pregnancy in women. Has regenerating properties. Regarding the skin: normalizes water metabolism and restores protective properties.

Plant protein is equal in importance to animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs). The product is quite nutritious, but low in calories and easily digestible. However, it is not recommended to use soybean oil for those who are allergic to soy products. Abuse of soy foods can result in malfunctions of some organs and systems.

Soybean oil has various uses. It is, of course, eaten. Eat 2 tbsp daily. l. oils, and you will have fewer health problems. The product is widely used in cooking: for frying, baking, as a salad dressing, canning, stewing, pickling, making spreads.

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Soybean oil has found its way into cosmetology. The product can be found in facial and body skin care products. The use of such products has a particularly positive effect on dry and normal skin. Effect on skin:

  • hydration;
  • toning;
  • maintaining elasticity;
  • rejuvenation;
  • smoothing out wrinkles.

It is often included in cosmetic oil mixtures. At home, you can add the product to any cosmetics, from day cream to hair care products.

Epoxidized soybean oil is a type of product. It is obtained by synthesizing soybean oil, formic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Initially, the formula was developed for the use of the substance in the production of polymers. Due to its excellent plasticizing and stabilizing properties, as well as due to its biological safety, epoxidized soybean oil has been used in many industries: food (even in baby food), medical, construction, automotive, etc.

This oil is a champion in the list of similar plant products in terms of the content of biologically active substances. Moreover, it has the highest degree of digestibility by the body.

Liquid oil from soybean seeds began to be obtained about 6 thousand years ago in China. Then they learned about the medicinal properties of beans and considered soybeans a sacred plant. Later, this plant came to Korea, and from there to the Land of the Rising Sun.

There are mentions of soybeans in the ancient books of Shen-nun, dating back to 3000 BC. It is traditionally cultivated in Indochina, and since the 16th century. this plant was brought to the Far East, Don and Kuban.

It is interesting that soybean entered Europe only in the 20th century. Its most devoted fans in Europe are considered to be the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. In England, an unusual dietary bakery product called “Cambridge bread” is baked with soy, which is famous for its unique vitamin and mineral composition.

Soybean oil is produced from cultivated soybeans, which grow in the subtropical and tropical zones of Asia, Central and Southern Africa, America, Australia, Southern Europe, the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The growing area of ​​soybeans extends to latitudes of 55-60 degrees.

Soybean oil has a bright, straw-yellow hue. It has a rather sharp, specific aroma. The oil is consumed only in refined form; it is obtained through pressing and extraction. After refining and deodorizing processes, this product becomes transparent and acquires a delicate pink color. Among other oils, soybean is considered the leader in global production.

Soybean oil is an excellent source of lecithin, widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. It is used to produce soap and detergents, plastics, dyes and synthetic oils, which, when released into soil and water bodies, do not cause any harm to the environment. And as part of cooling agents, this oil is not dangerous even for the Earth’s ozone layer.

How to choose

Unrefined oil has a beautiful brown color with a slight greenish tint, while refined oil has a light yellow color. This lightly flavored oil is ideal for frying. Choose small bottles so that you can not keep the product open for very long.

How to store

After the first use, it is recommended to store soybean oil in the cold in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

In cooking

There are cold-pressed oils, as well as unrefined and refined.

  • Cold pressed oil It is considered the most useful, since most of the nutrients are preserved in it. But not everyone may like the taste and pronounced aroma of cold-pressed oil. To improve the condition of the whole body and prolong youth, you can drink 1-2 spoons of it on an empty stomach.
  • Considered more popular unrefined oil, whose shelf life is extended due to hydration, however, useful substances remain in it. This oil contains a lot of lecithin, which improves brain activity. It is recommended to add it in small quantities to vegetable salads, but you cannot fry it in this oil, since when it is heated, carcinogens harmful to the body are formed.
  • Refined oil popular in the Far East, where a lot of soybeans are grown. The oil is refined, but not deodorized. Therefore, this product is odorless and has a rather pleasant taste. It can be added to first and second courses, used in cold appetizers, and fried any vegetables on it. It does not cause any harm, however, there is little benefit in this oil. Due to numerous processing, there are almost no vitamins left in this product, which is why it is practically not used to improve health. But as an alternative to other fats (especially animal fats), it can and should be consumed.

Soybean oil is most often used to make sauces and dressings for a wide variety of salads. It can also be added to baking dough. The refined and deodorized product is the most important raw material for the production of non-dairy cream, margarine, mayonnaise, confectionery and bread. This oil is also used as a stabilizer and preservative for the production of canned food and the processing of many products before freezing.

Calorie content

The calorie content of soybean oil reaches 899 kcal per 100 g. It is worth remembering this and consuming this product in moderation.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of soybean oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Soybean oil is considered the champion among oils due to its chemical composition and extraordinary beneficial properties. The chemical composition of this oil is a unique alloy of fatty acids that are beneficial and essential for the body, the list of which includes linoleic, stearic, palmitic, and oleic.

In addition, the soybean product is enriched with iron, vitamins E, K, as well as choline and zinc. And phytosterols, contained in large quantities, have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating it.

Soybean oil contains a record amount of tocopherol (vitamin E), which takes part in the formation of male semen. It is also useful for women, as it contributes not only to the normal course of the entire pregnancy, but also to the proper development of the fetus. Tocopherol also helps in the fight against stress, prevents kidney disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

Interestingly, 100 grams of soybean oil contains 114 mg of tocopherol, while sunflower oil contains 67 mg, and olive oil only 13 mg. Also, soybean oil is considered the record holder among other plant products in terms of the amount of microelements.

Useful and healing properties

The beneficial properties of soybean oil are determined by its composition rich in microelements and vitamins. With regular consumption of this product, the risk of heart attack, heart failure and cancer is reduced.

Soybean oil contains organic choline, palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids, which can significantly improve liver and heart function.

This herbal product has a positive effect on brain function, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, and improves sexual function in men.

In addition, this oil is recommended to be used to prevent diseases of the digestive system, immune diseases and metabolic disorders.

Doctors advise taking 1-2 tablespoons of oil daily. There were even interesting tests of the product. More than 80,000 people took part in the testing. It turned out that those who took soybean oil regularly had a 6-fold reduction in the risk of developing a heart attack.

Use in cosmetology

The popularity of using soybean oil in facial care lies, first of all, in its composition. Thus, this product contains a record percentage of tocopherol, which guarantees the necessary nutrition of the skin and slows down the aging of skin cells.

Another very valuable component that is part of the oil is lecithin. It plays a vital role in the formation of new and restoration of skin cells damaged for any reason, in alleviating the condition of various skin diseases and improving the protective functions of the skin. In particular, lecithin has nourishing, softening and tonic properties.

It should be noted that soybean oil is excellent for dry and normal skin, but in the case of oily skin it is better to avoid it.

The actions of the oil are aimed at moisturizing, nourishing the skin and increasing its ability to retain moisture. Also, regular use of this product creates a protective barrier on the skin, protecting it from aggressive environmental influences and drying out.

Thanks to its good softening effect, this oil also copes well with the problems of chapped, dry and rough skin, and its tonic properties will return a pleasant color, lost freshness and radiance to the face.

Soybean oil is considered an excellent remedy for rejuvenating aging, tired skin that loses its tone and beauty. It helps slow down the aging process and eliminate signs already observed - smooth out wrinkles, increase skin tone, elasticity and firmness.

Despite all the properties of soybean oil, using it in its pure form can provoke the formation of comedones (blackheads) on the face. Therefore, although you can often hear recommendations to apply undiluted oil to your face, it is still worth using it to enrich home and store-bought cosmetics or in mixtures with other oils. And pure soybean oil can pamper the skin of your hands and body.

To soften, nourish and rejuvenate the skin, you can mix soybean oil with olive, peach, castor, cedar, almond and many other vegetable oils. After studying detailed information about all these oils, you can choose the most suitable combinations (in equal proportions) for your skin.

It is recommended to use the resulting mixture both for cleansing and for removing makeup (in this case, the composition will need to be slightly warmed up). You can also use this mixture of oils instead of daily day or night face cream (if your skin is too dry or in windy and frosty weather). In particular, you can use this mixture as a mask, applying it to the face for 30-40 minutes, or to lubricate chapped, rough and excessively dry areas of the skin. Also, a few more drops of essential oil are often added to the existing composition.

As for enriching store-bought masks and creams, you can add soybean oil by eye. So, you can take a single portion of the cream and apply it pointwise to your face. Also, spot-apply a little soybean oil. After this, rub the cream and oil all over your face with your fingers, that is, the way you always apply cream.

You can add one half teaspoon of soybean oil to one part of a store-bought mask. The oil can also be combined with cleansing milk.

Adding soybean oil to prepared homemade cosmetics is also considered a good remedy. For example, you can simply add a teaspoon of soybean oil to the necessary ingredients in a mask.

If you are making cream, you can replace one of the vegetable oils indicated in the recipe with soybean oil.

Also, if some lotion or scrub recipe lists vegetable oil among the ingredients, you can use soybean oil.

It is worth remembering that all the described methods of using soybean oil are suitable for you if you have dry, normal or aging skin prone to dryness. For oily skin, using soybean oil is not recommended. In case of combination skin type, it is recommended to apply soybean oil only to dry areas, for example, to the cheek area.

Dangerous properties of soybean oil

Soybean oil is contraindicated for use internally and externally in case of individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to beans and soy protein.

This oil may also be harmful during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the content of estrogenic isoflavones.

It is not recommended to use soybean oil for serious brain diseases and migraine attacks. This product should be consumed in limited quantities by people with kidney and liver failure, severe diseases of the digestive system, and intestinal disorders.

In the modern world, the choice of oils is quite large, and the scope of application is huge. One of those that is gaining popularity is vegetable soybean oil. Many doctors called it the “champion” of oils, thanks to its unique composition. Depending on how you plan to use this amazing and healing product, you can purchase refined, unrefined, and deodorized soybean oil. Soybean oil is a complete alternative to many types of vegetable oils, such as sunflower, olive or corn.

The benefits and possible harms of this product are discussed in this material. You can also learn about the composition of soybean oil and its uses for household and cosmetic purposes.

Composition of soybean oil: components and components

Soybean oil is made from beans by pressing, and its color directly depends on the maturity of the seeds. The smell of the product is a little harsh, and not everyone will find it pleasant from the first notes. The composition of soybean oil is off the charts in its usefulness; polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as stearic, linoleic, palmitic, and oleic, dominate in large quantities. In terms of its properties, soybean oil is similar to fish oils, since they contain the same polyunsaturated acids. In addition, it is rich in the following components and components:

  • zinc, which has the ability to strengthen human immunity;
  • choline (vitamin B4) is necessary for proper energy metabolism in cell mitochondria;
  • iron - participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and oxygen transport;
  • Vitamin E is called by many cosmetologists the “vitamin of youthful skin”;
  • vitamin K, which promotes normal blood clotting processes;
  • magnesium and calcium - these microelements are important for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

The presence of vitamin E1 in soybean oil makes it uniquely useful; per 100 grams of product there is about 115 ml of the vitamin.

Benefits and possible harms of soybean oil: advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of soybean oil are determined by its rich composition of vitamins. Eating it has a positive effect on the condition of the entire human body. Regular consumption of soybean oil:

  1. Reduces the risk of developing cancer, minimizes the likelihood of heart failure and other heart diseases.
  2. The acids present in the product help improve the functioning of the heart muscle, liver, and intestines.
  3. Improves mental activity, prevents the development of dementia (Alzheimer's disease).
  4. Helps in the fight against diseases such as atherosclerosis and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.
  5. Brings the metabolic process back to normal and strengthens the immune system.
  6. Improves seminal fluid production in males.

The possible disadvantages of soybean oil are practically absent, but the advantages are difficult to overestimate. It is not recommended for use by women expecting the birth of a child or nursing mothers, as well as people with hypersensitivity to its components. Indeed, soybean oil can cause probable harm only if the recommended dose is exceeded or if its individual components are not taken. It is not recommended to use the product during severe migraine attacks. Unfortunately, the majority of the total volume of soybeans grown is the result of the painstaking work of genetic scientists. Therefore, if you are wary and distrustful of genetically modified food products, then it is better to avoid soybean oil.

For cooking, unrefined and refined soybean oil is almost always used, and in cosmetology, deodorized oil appears more often; it is not flavored and tasteless. Only fresh oil should be used for cosmetic purposes or in cooking. It has a short shelf life, like many others. Therefore, when purchasing a soy product, you need to pay close attention to the date of production and the conditions under which it was stored. High-quality oil should have a transparent color without sediment or sediment.

Use of soybean oil in cooking

Soybean oil is a universal product that is added during cooking, frying, canning, and baking. Baked goods prepared on it will be fragrant and fluffy. It is used as a stabilizer to process foods before freezing and preparing canned goods. The use of soybean oil knows no bounds and is recommended to all people who follow a healthy and balanced diet.

In cooking, soybean oil is used in different interpretations. Refined oil can easily withstand heat, so you can cook food with it. When frying, it does not splash or “shoot”. When cooking the meat, a wonderful golden crust is formed. Axial oil harmonizes wonderfully with vegetables when dressing a variety of salads. Soybean oil is also widely used in the preparation of all kinds of sauces. It enriches products with its exquisite taste. In industry, margarine and mayonnaise are made from it.

If all recommendations and rules for the consumption and use of soybean oil are correctly followed, the body, both inside and outside, will be enriched with useful substances and vitamins. Due to the high content of nutrients important for the proper formation and development of the child’s visual organs and central nervous system, it can be used in the children’s menu.

The use of soybean oil in cosmetology

Soybean oil contains phytosterols, which makes it most useful for use in cosmetology. These substances have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin and regenerate its protective functions. The use of soybean oil in cosmetology is very common. Many manufacturers use soybean oil in making soaps and detergents. A solution of tea tree in soybean oil has the ability to heal small wounds and scratches and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. The oil is added to numerous anti-aging products to enhance the effect. It is best suited for skin prone to dryness, as it moisturizes and nourishes it after use.

Anti-aging mixtures containing soybean oil can also be prepared at home:

  1. Mix 2 tsp in one bowl. soybean and almond oil, add 1 tsp. glycerin, 2-3 drops of vitamin E. After such a mask, the skin will gain elasticity, tenderness and firmness, will be nourished with nutrients and moisturized.
  2. Combine soybean, almond, and olive oils in equal proportions. The resulting mixture can be used:

— for removing makeup and cleansing the face of cosmetics;
- as a wonderful face cream (night or day);
— in the form of moisturizing and rejuvenating face masks (leave for no more than 30 minutes);
- for lubricating the skin of lips, elbows, hands, heels when chapped or roughened.

Soybean oil is also used to strengthen and grow hair. It wonderfully moisturizes hair without penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, makes curls manageable and healthy, and has caring properties. The oil can be added to ready-made hair balms, or you can prepare a caring product based on soybean oil yourself. Ideal for strengthening nail plates, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Thanks to its unique composition, the product has gained popularity as a means of protecting against ultraviolet rays, so it can be used in this area without spending money on expensive drugs. Before applying oil to the skin, it is necessary to conduct an allergen test.

The use of soybean oil is also common in the medical field. If pain in the abdomen, stomach, or constipation worsens, you need to drink 100 grams of this wonderful product.

To summarize, it should be said that vegetable oils are extremely beneficial for the human body. It is not without reason that our ancestors, knowing the miraculous properties of vegetable oils, including soybean, used them for fasting and fasting days. The authors of modern and fashionable diets confirm the benefits of oil, including it in many dietary dishes.

Soybeans are used to extract soybean oil, which is very rich in color, liquid and flowing, easily distributed over the skin, and has a whole range of healing and cosmetic properties. In the Far East, it is the leader among plant bases; it is actively consumed as food. This is an affordable, but no less valuable base, ideally revealing its antioxidant and anti-aging properties on dry skin. The good fatty acid composition of soy provides it with high anti-cholesterol activity. This is an excellent basis for use in various aromatherapy techniques.

What to look for when buying oil

Soybean oil is produced in such quantities and is so popular that it can be found in literally any grocery store. In Korea, Japan and China, this base is considered the leader among vegetable oils used both for food purposes and in the cosmetics industry.

It is presented almost as widely as the recognized favorites among base oils: it can be found in pharmacies, specialized resources, and grocery stores. But when purchasing, it is extremely important to carefully check all the information, because there are products on the market with a wide range of price and quality.

Along with soybean oil itself, there are so-called cosmetic soybean oils on sale, in which other bases are present in the amount of a ten percent additive, most often or. Such products cannot be considered a full-fledged analogue of pure oil, since they have many additional characteristics and properties. It is difficult to judge the scope and methods of their use; each specific case requires studying the manufacturer’s instructions.

Name and markings

This oil is distributed only under the name "soybean oil" or "soybean oil". Even foreign names are also very limited, usually there are markings "soybean oil", « glycine hispida oil", « soya oil".

In our country, soybean oil is often distributed simply as “vegetable oil,” but palm products can also be purchased with the same name. Therefore, you need to carefully check the plants used in the production of oils.

The oil must contain the Latin botanical name of soybean - glycine max.

Plant and regions of production

Soy has become famous as a plant-based meat substitute due to its more than 50% protein content. It is an annual herbaceous legume whose mature seeds, more commonly known as soybeans, are used for oil production and food purposes (however, calling them beans is not entirely correct from a botanical point of view).

Soybeans are grown literally all over the globe. One of the most ancient cultivated plants is also considered one of the most valuable industrial and nutritious crops of our time. The world leaders in industrial plantings remain the USA, Brazil and Argentina, although the share of the Asian and Russian soybean market is growing every year.

There are no restrictions on the regions of oil production, as well as differences in quality between soybean oil obtained in European countries, America and here. Ultimately, the quality of the product is always determined by the extraction technologies used, the degree of refining and purification, and the integrity of the manufacturer.


Soybean oil is produced in large quantities, but the difference in the quality of the oil itself, the methods of its extraction and the composition makes the process of finding a truly high-quality product quite difficult. It is often replaced in food line products with palm oils, whose composition and characteristics are radically different.

When purchasing this oil, you need to very carefully check the raw materials used and the production method, the degree of refining, but still the main attention should be paid to the composition of the oil and the methods of its use recommended by the manufacturer.

Receipt method

The diversity of soybean oils on the market is largely due to completely different production technologies. They are obtained by several methods, and the presence or absence of subsequent processing and purification leads to an almost radical change in the characteristics of the base.

Soybean oil is extracted from whole or pre-ground ripe seeds, peeled from the husk. Due to the relatively low yield of oil during cold pressing and the resulting increased cost of production, today a more productive extraction method with organic solvents (usually hexane) is increasingly being used.

Before extraction, the seeds are heated to an average of 75 °C to coagulate the soy protein and facilitate further oil extraction. The oil obtained by this method is always refined; the unrefined product can only be used for technical purposes. Refining involves cleaning of varying degrees of complexity; it is usually supplemented with deodorization.

During the production process, raw soybean oil is used to obtain lecithin, which it contains up to 3%.

According to GOST 31760-2012, the following types of domestically produced soybean oil suitable for human consumption can be distinguished:

  1. Unrefined premium quality, cold pressed. It is considered to be the highest quality, most fully preserving all useful characteristics.
  2. Refined and deodorized oil obtained by extraction, which is of the highest and first grade.
  3. Hydrated (provided it is obtained from cold-pressed oil). Hydration is a physico-chemical refining method in which unwanted impurities are removed using water. In this way, valuable phospholipids, including lecithin, are isolated from the oil. Soybean oil purified in this way is deprived of all beneficial properties; it is not recommended to use it for culinary and aromatherapy purposes.

The remaining types are used only for technical purposes for industrial processing; they cannot be used in cooking or aromatherapy methods.

Soybeans are actively used in the production of margarine, using hydrated oil for these purposes. Hydrogenation converts vegetable oil from a liquid to a solid state, increasing its stability and shelf life. However, during the hydrogenation process, soybean oil produces large amounts of trans fats (trans fatty acids), the consumption of which leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It is better to avoid using such margarine.



The chemical composition of soybean oil is quite complex. Its characteristics are largely determined by its fatty acid composition. About half the volume of oil is linoleic acid, about a quarter is oleic acid, up to 12% is palmitic acid, up to 8% is alpha-linolenic acid, and up to 6% is stearic acid. The proportion of saturated fatty acids is insignificant, which allows soy to be classified as a cholesterol-free vegetable oil.

A unique characteristic of this oil is the presence in its composition of acids characteristic only of fish fats, due to which soybean oil can act as an alternative in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

One of the most valuable characteristics is considered to be the presence of lecithin in the composition (of course, in the absence of deep purification, which deprives the oil of such an important component). Soybean oil also contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins P, C, E.

Color and aroma

Soybean oil is fairly easy to recognize by its appearance. It is liquid, flowing, transparent, captures and reflects light well, shimmers beautifully, is not at all dense, and its consistency resembles common edible vegetable oils.

The color of this oil is one of the most beautiful among all bases. The rich, bright, clean and thick amber hue is very noble, thanks to it soybean oil resembles liquid gold. However, it should be clarified that a beautiful amber color is characteristic only of the highest quality oil obtained by pressing, which has not been refined and has not lost its taste and smell along with its color. The more a product is purified, the more it loses its color: multiple purification bases are almost completely deprived of smell and taste.

The aroma of soybean oil, despite the fact that the plant itself is a legume, is by no means unpleasant and is practically unrecognizable, devoid of shades specific to all soybean products. It is very gentle and organic. The subtle taste of the oil completely matches the characteristics of the aroma; a nutty, pleasant aftertaste dominates in it.

Behavior on skin

When applying the oil to the skin, there is a feeling of obvious oiliness and an unpleasant trace, but it goes away very quickly. This oil is quickly absorbed by the epidermis, effectively tones the skin, increases the ability of cells to retain moisture and resist environmental influences, and has a slight astringent effect.

This base seems very gentle and gives a pleasant tactile sensation.

Medicinal properties

Soybean oil - one of the most affordable anti-cholesterol drugs. The unique composition and combination of fatty acids allow it to act as highly effective preventive agent that reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. As a means of improving metabolism and preventing atherosclerosis, this oil can replace fish oil in the diet. It is very easily digestible and affects both cholesterol levels and metabolism in general.

Soybean oil helps improve immunity, increases the body's resistance, activates metabolism, stimulates intestinal function, has a beneficial effect on the body’s condition in diseases of the nervous system and kidneys, promotes the accumulation of vitamins A and D and their high-quality absorption.

The unique characteristics of soybean oil include extremely high content of tocopherols in the amount of 114 ml for every 100 g of oil. They not only stimulate potency and promote sexual longevity, but also prevent negative processes during pregnancy and support the normal development of the fetus. The high content of tocopherols further enhances the preventive properties of the base against cardiovascular diseases, and also allows us to consider this oil as a strengthening and anti-aging agent.

In Japan and Korea, where soybean oil is the main edible oil, its capabilities in oncological medicine are being actively studied.

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