Reproductions of paintings depicting winter nature. Winter that only seems white...

P eared white flakes. A cozy creak underfoot. Sparkling snow reflects the sunbeam. The perfect winter is the grace of nature. And if you don’t become generous, then art will not let you down. Russian artists have been painting winter for centuries. Without knowing it - for the future. We examine winter landscapes with Natalia Letnikova.

The mood of winter gives a little childish. Being in the village of Ladeyki near Krasnoyarsk, Vasily Surikov decided to convey all the Siberian prowess, which shows through even in winter fun. “I wrote what I saw many times myself.” The painter looked for images every market day. The organization of nature - a snowy town and a mounted Cossack on the "assault" - is the merit of the artist's brother. Alexander Surikov himself took a place in the picture in " auditorium"- on a sleigh covered with a bright carpet.

Take snow town. 1891. State Russian Museum

Landscapes of the marine painter. A real rarity. Aivazovsky wrote for his creative life about six thousand paintings. And almost every job - the sea. But the painter of the main naval headquarters used silver in the palette, drawing not the crests of a wave ... but a snow-covered forest. The source of inspiration is not only southern Feodosia, but also northern St. Petersburg, where the gifted young man Hovhannes Ayvazyan grew up into the artist Ivan Aivazovsky.

Winter landscape. 1876. Private collection

"In the wild north..." Poetic lines by Mikhail Lermontov and the title of the painting by Ivan Shishkin. Half a century since the death of the poet… Russian artists painted pictures based on his poems. Shishkin chose the theme of loneliness and saw his pine tree in the town of Kemi in distant Finland, where the painter's daughter had moved. Night, twilight, silence, solitude - not a sentence, but a wonderful winter dream. "... In the region where the sun rises, / Alone and sad on a combustible cliff / A beautiful palm tree grows."

"In the wild north..." 1891. Kyiv Museum of Russian Art

Fairy tale, opera, picture. And it's all about her. The Snow Maiden was invented by the playwright Alexander Ostrovsky, the composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov endowed the coloratura soprano and brought to the edge of the forest by the artist Viktor Vasnetsov. A touching girl, the prototype of which was Sashenka, the daughter of Savva Mamontov, takes a step into Big world. Snow-white edge and gray haze in the distance. Anxiety in the girl's eyes and ... the feeling of a fairy tale, even with a sad ending.

N.S. Krylov (1802-1831). Winter Landscape (Russian Winter), 1827. Russian Museum

No, after all, winter without snow is not winter. But in big city the snow does not linger yet, today it is falling, and tomorrow it will be gone. It remains to admire the snow in the paintings of artists. Having traced this theme in painting, I found that the best snow scenery, of course, Russian artists. Which is not surprising, Russia has always been the most snowy and frosty country. After all, we have the same boots, and sheepskin coats, and sleighs, and hats with earflaps! Aivazovsky's winter landscapes have already been presented. Now for the top 10 snow pictures Russian artists late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, very famous and little known, but no less remarkable, but this is only a very small particle of the Russian heritage.
A few words about the artist whose painting begins this list. This is one of the first images of winter in Russian painting, written at a time when landscape painters painted mainly views of Italy or Switzerland with waterfalls and mountain peaks. A.G. Venetsianov (teacher, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, founder of the so-called Venetian school) met Krylov at the Terebensky monastery in the Tver province, where he, as an apprentice, painted the iconostasis with an artel of Kalyazin icon painters. On the advice of Venetsianov, Krylov began to draw from nature and paint portraits. In 1825 he came to St. Petersburg, settled with Venetsianov as his student and at the same time began attending drawing classes at the Academy of Arts. The history of the creation of the painting is known. In 1827, the young artist had the intention to paint a winter view from nature. According to Krylov's choice of a place on the banks of the Tosna River, near St. Petersburg, one of the wealthy merchant-patrons built him a warm workshop there and gave him a table and maintenance for the entire time of work. The painting was completed within a month. She appeared at an exhibition at the Academy of Arts.

1. Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898) - a great Russian artist (painter, landscape painter, engraver), academician. Shishkin studied painting at the School of Painting in Moscow, and then continued his education at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. Having the opportunity to travel, Shishkin visited Germany, Munich, then Switzerland, Zurich. Everywhere Shishkin studied in the studios of famous artists. In 1866 he returned to Petersburg. Traveling around Russia, he then presented his canvases at exhibitions.

I. Shishkin. In the Wild North, 1891. Kyiv Museum of Russian Art

2. Ivan Pavlovich Pokhitonov (1850-1923) - Russian artist, master of landscape. Member of the Association of Wanderers. He became famous for his miniatures, mostly landscapes. He painted with a thin brush, using a magnifying glass, on planks of mahogany or lemon wood, which he ground using a special technology. - I.E. Repin spoke about him. He lived most of his life in France and Belgium, without losing touch with Russia. His work organically combined the poetry inherent in the Russian mood landscape with French sophistication and strict demands on the pictorial quality of his works. Unfortunately, the work of this original Russian artist is currently in the shadows, and at one time his paintings were highly regarded as great artists and art lovers.

I.P. Pokhitonov. snow effect

I.P. Pokhitonov. Winter Landscape, 1890. Saratov State Art Museum. A.N. Radishcheva

3. Alexey Alexandrovich Pisemsky (1859-1913) - painter, draftsman, landscape painter, illustrator. Represents the Russian realistic landscape of the 1880-90s. In 1878 he entered the Imperial Academy of Arts as a freelance student and was awarded three small and two large silver medals for his achievements. He left the academy in 1880, having received the title of non-class artist of the 3rd degree. The following year, for the paintings presented at the academic exhibition, he was promoted to the artist of the 2nd degree. Especially successfully wrote in watercolor and drew with a pen, was a regular participant in the exhibitions of the societies of Russian watercolorists from the time of its inception.

A.A. Pisemsky. Winter landscape

A.A. Pisemsky. Winter landscape with a hut

4. Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1856-1933) - Russian artist, master historical painting, art critic, brother of Viktor Vasnetsov. Apollinary Vasnetsov was not his timid shadow, but had a completely original talent. He did not receive a systematic art education. His school was direct communication and joint work with the largest Russian artists: his brother, I.E. Repin, V.D. Polenov. The artist was interested in a special type of historical landscape, in which A. Vasnetsov tried to revive the appearance and life of pre-Petrine Moscow. At the same time, the artist continued to paint "ordinary" landscapes.

A.M. Vasnetsov. Winter Dream (Winter), 1908-1914. Private collection

5. Nikolai Nikanorovich Dubovskoy (1859-1918) - academician of painting (1898), full member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1900), professor-head of the landscape workshop of the Higher art school painting. Member and subsequently one of the leaders of the Association of the Wanderers. Developing the traditions of Russian landscape painting, Dubovskoy creates his own type of landscape - simple and concise. Among the many now undeservedly forgotten artists, which at one time constituted the glory of domestic painting, the name of N.N. Dubovsky stands apart: in the circle of Russian landscape painters of the late XIX - early XX century, his name was one of the most popular.

N.N. Dubovskoy. In the monastery. Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1917. Rostov Museum of Fine Arts

6. Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (1871 - 1960) - Russian Soviet painter, restorer, art critic, educator, museum figure, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1956). Laureate Stalin Prize first degree (1941). After graduating from St. Petersburg University, in 1895 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied in the workshop of Ilya Repin. I.E. Grabar is one of the most famous names in the history of Russian culture of the 20th century.

I.E. Grabar. snowdrifts, 1904. National Gallery of Art. Boris Voznitsky, Lviv

7. Nikolai Petrovich Krymov (1884-1958) - Russian painter and teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1956), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1949). N.P. Krymov was born in Moscow on April 20 (May 2), 1884 in the family of the artist P.A. Krymov, who wrote in the manner of the Wanderers. initial vocational training received from my father. In 1904 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he first studied at the architectural department, and in 1907-1911 - in the landscape workshop of A.M. Vasnetsov. Participant of the exhibition "Blue Rose" (1907), as well as exhibitions of the "Union of Russian Artists". He lived in Moscow, spending also (since 1928) a significant part of the year in Tarusa.

Nikolay Krymov. Winter, 1933. State Tretyakov Gallery

If you understand that your need is charitable help then take a look at this article.
Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business, turned to you for help.
Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
They go to classes where, under the guidance of an experienced coach, they learn the techniques of high-speed driving.
Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose the speed.
The basis of victory on the track is a good qualification. And, of course, professional cards.
Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
How much pleasure and new sensations the guys experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car.
Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions, but even future world champions in this sport grow up?!
You can help the children's section of karting, which is located in the city of Syzran. They're in a dire situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergey Krasnov.
Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my pupils work.
They love this developing sport and really want to continue their education.
I appeal to you with a request to help the karting section survive in the city of Syzran.
There used to be two stations in the city young technicians, and each had a karting section. Karting was also in the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. Closed - does not turn to say, just destroyed!
We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they got the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor Samara region appointment. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me.
After that, we were given a room where we were based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow recruiting children.
Yes and most of go-kart needs repair. This is the position our circle is in.
We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. We are waiting for help for the second year. We decided to contact you via the Internet for help.
Contact me, ADDRESS FOR PARCEL, 446012 Samara region, Syzran, Novosibirsk street 47, you can contact via social networks SERGEY IVANOVICH KRASNOV. [email protected] Always, being on the wave of success, one must do works of mercy, give alms. And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude later. Then He will not forget about your needs.

Once again I write that the Diary gives me a virtual acquaintance with many interesting people who are passionate about painting, so I turned to the work of the Latvian watercolorist due to the fact that Rona1 looked at me "at the light". Tatyana, a former resident of Riga, who now lives in Karmiel, Israel, told me that her father-in-law's father was an artist, that she has been passionate about painting for many years. With the suggestion of Tatyana, new posts appeared in the "Films about Artists" section, she also introduced me to the name Brekte and sent photos of several of the artist's works at her home. For which special thanks to her. Thus, a new name appeared in my ZhZL series.

Janis Brekte

Latvian artist, Honored Art Worker of the Latvian SSR (1981), one of the most popular and fruitful watercolor painters of the Soviet era, widely known outside of Latvia.

Janis Brekte was born in Riga in the family of a gardener. Childhood spent in small town Lizuma, from 1934 until the end of his life he lived in Riga. In 1936 he entered the drawing courses of the artist Karlis Andreevich Brenzens (Karlis Brencēns, 1879-1951). Brenzens was a master of stained glass painting, who in his work tried to reflect the main ideological trends of national color. In particular, its stained-glass windows abound with elegantly played ethnographic motifs. Noteworthy are his works from the early 1900s, such as Rooster in the Snow (1903) and the portrait of Valdemars Krisjanis (1912). Janis studied at Brenzens' studio for three years.

In 1940 he entered the Latvian Academy of Arts. Among his teachers were landscape painters Leo Simanovich Svemps (Leo Svemps, 1897-1975), folk artist USSR since 1963, Karlis Miesnieks (Karlis Miesnieks, January 31, 1887 - October 25, 1977), who graduated from the school of the St. Petersburg Society of Imperial Art (1911) and the Stieglitz Central Drawing School, worked in his own painting studio, and since 1922 - at the Academy, and Nicholas Breiksh (Nikolajs Breikshs, January 10, 1911 - August 1, 1972), a graduate of the Latvian Academy, after a number of years as a drawing teacher, returned in 1945 to teach at the Alma Mater.

Brekte graduated from the Academy in 1948, while still studying, starting in 1943, he began to participate in exhibitions.

Janis Brekte Strelnieku street in winter 1945

Janis Brekte January 1st 1957

Janis Brekte Maritime School 1960s

Janis Brekte From the workshop window 1968

In 1950, Janis Brekte became a member of the Union of Artists, in 1981 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Latvian SSR. Large personal exhibitions artist's exhibitions took place in Riga (1977, 1980) and Jelgava (1981).

Janis Brekte Sunflowers with watermelon 1973

Janis Brekte Untitled.

Brekte specialized in landscapes and still lifes. But if in early work artist focused on industrial landscape(he wrote many types of harbor and port), then in subsequent years he paid more attention to nature.

Janis Brekte Early morning. 1967

Janis Brekte Far East. Vladivostok. 1971

But, above all, the name of the artist is inextricably linked with Old Riga. Brekte painted many series of watercolors with views of the streets of the Old Town in different times years and with different moods of nature. AT creative heritage Janis Brekte several thousand works.

Janis Brekte Old Riga. 1973

Janis Brekte Warehouses in Old Riga. 1981

Janis Brekte Series Old Riga.

Janis Brekte Series Old Riga.

Memorial exhibitions dedicated to his work were held in Cēsis (1986) and Riga (1991, 1992). AT art museum the city of Lizuma is located permanent exhibition his works.

Janis Brekte Street of Old Riga. House number 13.

Janis Brekte September in Old Riga 1967

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