The most powerful thermal power plant. Thermal power industry of Russia

The branch of industry called "electric power industry" is an integral part of the broader concept of "fuel and energy complex", which, according to some scientists, can be called the "top floor" of the entire energy industry.

The role of the electric power industry is invaluable and it is one of the most important branches of Russian industry. This is due to the fact that the supply of electricity is required for the normal functioning of the entire industrial complex and all human activities. The development of the electric power industry in terms of its pace should outstrip the development of other sectors of the economy in order to provide the proper amount of energy.

The division of the power plant in Russia by type

The leading role in the electric power industry of Russia is played by thermal power plants, whose share in the industry is 67%, which in numerical terms is equal to 358 power plants. At the same time, the thermal power industry is divided into stations according to the type of fuel consumed. The first place is occupied by natural gas, which accounts for 71%, followed by coal with 27.5%, in third place is liquid fuel (mazut) and alternative fuels, the volume of which does not exceed half a percent of the total mass.

Large thermal power plants in Russia, as a rule, are located in places where fuel is concentrated, which reduces the cost of delivery. Another feature of TPPs is their focus on the consumer while simultaneously using high-calorie fuel. As an example, we can cite stations that consume fuel oil as fuel. As a rule, they are located in large oil refining centers.

Along with the usual thermal power plants in Russia, there are state district power plants, which stands for state district power station. It is noteworthy that this name has been preserved since the times of the USSR. The word "district" in the name means the station's focus on covering the energy costs of a certain territory.

The largest thermal power plants in Russia: a list

The total total capacity of energy generated by thermal power plants in Russia is more than 140 million kWh, while the map Russian power plants clearly makes it possible to trace the presence of a particular type of fuel.

The largest power plants in Russia by federal districts:

  1. Central:
    • Kostroma GRES, which runs on fuel oil;
    • Ryazan station, the main fuel for which is coal;
    • Konakovskaya, which can run on gas and fuel oil;
  2. Uralic:
    • Surgutskaya 1 and Surgutskaya 2. Stations that are one of the largest power plants in the Russian Federation. Both of them run on natural gas;
    • Reftinskaya, which operates on coal and is one of the the largest power plants in the Urals;
    • Troitskaya, also coal-fired;
    • Iriklinskaya, the main source of fuel for which is fuel oil;
  3. Privolzhsky:
    • Zainskaya GRES, operating on fuel oil;
  4. Siberian Federal District:
    • Nazarovskaya GRES, which consumes fuel oil as fuel;
  5. Southern:
    • Stavropol, which can also operate on combined fuel in the form of gas and fuel oil;
  6. Northwestern:
    • Kirishskaya on fuel oil.

Also among the large power plants of the Urals is Berezovskaya GRES, which uses coal as its main fuel, obtained from the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin.

hydroelectric power plants

would not be complete without mentioning hydroelectric power plants, which occupy a well-deserved second place in the power industry of the Russian Federation. The main advantage of using just such stations is their use of renewable resources as an energy source, in addition, such stations are distinguished by ease of operation. The richest district of Russia in terms of the number of hydroelectric power stations is Siberia, due to the presence of a large number of turbulent rivers. The use of water as a source for energy production allows, with a reduction in the level of investment, to obtain electricity, which is 5 times cheaper than that generated by power plants in the European territory.

Which generate energy using water are located on the territory of the Angara-Yenisei cascade:

  1. Yenisei: Sayano-Shushenskaya and Krasnoyarsk HPPs;
  2. Angara: Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk.

At the same time, hydroelectric power plants cannot be called completely environmentally friendly, since the blocking of rivers leads to a significant change in the terrain, which affects aquatic ecosystems.

Nuclear power plants

The third in the list of Russian power plants are nuclear power plants, which use the power of atomic energy as fuel, released during the corresponding reaction. Nuclear power plants have many advantages, including:

  • high energy content in nuclear fuel;
  • complete absence of emissions into the atmospheric air;
  • oxygen is not required to generate energy.

At the same time, nuclear power plants are classified as objects of increased danger, since during the operation of this type of plant there is a possibility of a man-made disaster that can cause significant pollution of the territory. Also, the disadvantages of using nuclear power plants include problems with the disposal of waste from the operation of the station. The largest part of nuclear power plants in Russia is concentrated in the Central Federal District (Kursk, Smolensk, Kalinin, Novovoronezh stations). Number of nuclear power plants in the Urals limited to one Beloyarsk station. There are also several nuclear power plants in the Northwestern and Volga Federal Districts.

Summing up

Summing up, it can be noted that number of power plants in Russia is 558 operating facilities, which adequately covers the needs of industry and the population in electricity.

At the same time, hydroelectric power plants are the cheapest to operate, and nuclear power plants produce the cheapest energy, which at the same time remain the most dangerous facilities. Factors influencing the location of stations are the availability of raw materials and the needs of consumers. For example, Ural power plants occupy a small part of the total number, since the population density in this region is much lower than in the central regions, which are considered the “richest” in terms of the number of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and state district power plants.

On September 4, 1882, 400 electric light bulbs lit up in 82 New York houses. The current for them was given by the world's first thermal power plant - a thermal power plant. It was called unpretentiously - "Pearl Street Station" ("Pearl Street Station", English. "Station on Pearl Street"). It was designed and built by the legendary Thomas Alva Edison.

Edison's power plant worked in much the same way that many thermal power plants operate today. Coal, burned in the furnaces of boilers, heated the water, turning it into superheated steam. This steam rotated the shaft of the dynamo machines, and they, in turn, generated electricity.

In two years, Pearl Street Station was able not only to pay for its work, but also justified the cost of laying cables. Then they were laid underground, so a fair part of Manhattan had to be dug up. And despite all the costs - Edison's company also installed the wiring in the premises, in such a short time the TPP was able to reach zero profitability and began to make a profit.

Edison gradually increased the capacity of Pearl Street Station until a fire destroyed the power plant in 1890. Everything burned down, except for one dynamo, which is now a valuable exhibit of one of the museums in the United States.

Despite the short period of work, "Pearl Street Station" showed the effectiveness of such a scheme. Moreover, Edison already then guessed that the heat that is obtained at the output of the dynamo can also be used - several neighboring houses were heated by the steam of the power plant.

The Edison TPP was located in the basement of an ordinary residential building. Modern thermal power plants are real giants. Huge pipes rise above the energy halls with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. Some of them are taller than the Eiffel Tower. The construction of a thermal power plant is very costly and takes several years.

In the modern electric power industry, thermal power plants account for about two-thirds of all generated energy. The most commonly used fuel is coal, the second most popular source of energy is natural gas, followed by oil, the share of which has been rapidly declining in recent years.

Thermal power plants are usually divided into two main types - those that work both for heating (CHP), and "purely electric", they are called IES or GRES. The world's largest thermal power plants operate according to the GRES scheme, that is, only the electricity generated by them is used.

The most powerful in the world is the Tuoketuo power plant, located in the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia.

For a long time, this station was the third largest in terms of capacity, yielding to the Chinese Taichung TPP and the Russian Surgutskaya GRES-2. However, after two more units with a capacity of 660 MW each were commissioned at Tuoketuo in 2017, the total capacity of 12 power units of the station reached 6,720 MW, which made it the most powerful in the world. Surgutskaya-2 moved not third place, but remained the most powerful in Russia.

10. Surgutskaya GRES-2 (5,600 MW)

Surgutskaya GRES-2 is located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug on the banks of the Ob River at about the same distance between Nefteyugansk and Khanty-Mansiysk. The construction of the station began in 1979, the first power unit was launched six years later. During 1985-1988, all six power units with a capacity of 800 MW each were put into operation. All of them operate on associated gas, that is, they use a resource that would also have to be disposed of during gas production.

It was planned to build two more similar power units, but already in the 21st century it was decided to build two power units with a capacity of 400 MW, operating on purified natural gas. After the commissioning of these two units, the total capacity of Surgutskaya GRES-2 amounted to 5,600 MW.

9. Reftinskaya GRES (3,800 MW)

Reftinskaya GRES is the largest thermal power plant in the country that uses coal as fuel. It is located about 100 km from Yekaterinburg.

The construction of the state district power station lasted 17 years - from the driving of the first peg in 1963 to the commissioning of the last power unit in 1980. Four chimneys from 180 to 320 meters high rise above the station.

10 power units of Reftinskaya GRES have a total capacity of 3,800 MW. This energy is enough to provide half of the energy consumption of the Sverdlovsk region with its powerful industry.

8. Kostromskaya GRES (3,600 MW)

This power plant is located in the European part of Russia, in the Kostroma region on the banks of the Volga. Kostromskaya GRES uses natural gas to generate electricity, and fuel oil can be used as a backup fuel.

Nine power units of the station were put into operation from 1969 to 1980. After the launch of the 9th power unit with a capacity of 1,200 MW, the total capacity of the Kostromskaya GRES reached 3,600 MW.

7. Surgutskaya GRES-1 (3,268 MW)

The first Surgutskaya GRES is older than its more powerful namesake by almost a decade and a half - its first power unit was launched in 1972. Then, every year, the operation of another power unit began. As a result, 16 of them were built. Their total capacity is 3,268 MW.

40% of the electricity generated at the station is produced on associated gas, the rest on natural gas.

6. Permskaya GRES (3,260 MW)

5. Ryazanskaya GRES (3,130 MW)

Despite the name, Ryazanskaya GRES is located quite far (80 km) from Ryazan in the city of Novomichurinsk. The construction of the GRES was started in 1971 and completed 10 years later.

Initially, the station worked on coal. However, after modernization in the mid-1980s, two power units were switched to natural gas. A total of 6 power units at Ryazanskaya GRES can generate 3,130 MW of electricity. The chimneys of the power plant are 180 and 320 meters high.

4. Kirishskaya GRES (2,600 MW)

The station is located in the Leningrad region, in the city of Kirishi (about 150 km from St. Petersburg). The Kirishi GRES project was approved by the USSR government in 1961, and construction began at the same time. The station, operating on fuel oil, gave the first current in October 1965.

Kirishskaya GRES is unique in that since the beginning of its operation, it has been almost continuously completed or modernized. The process was interrupted only in 1983-1999. The rest of the time, new oil-fired power units were put into operation, old ones were converted to natural gas, steam-gas units were built, etc. As a result, Kirishskaya GRES reached a capacity of 2,600 MW.

3. Konakovskaya GRES (2,520 MW)

From 1965 to 1982, the Konakovskaya GRES operated on imported fuel oil, burning up to 10,000 tons of fuel per day. Then it was switched to natural gas. The power plant located in the Tver region had a design capacity of 2,400 MW, but after modernization, its capacity increased to 2,520 MW.

2. Iriklinskaya GRES (2,430 MW)

Iriklinskaya GRES was built on the banks of a reservoir formed by the hydroelectric power station of the same name in the Orenburg region. Seven years after construction began in 1963, the natural gas station delivered its first current. Iriklinskaya GRES reached its maximum capacity of 2,430 MW in 1979. Interestingly, the station's chimneys are simultaneously used as power transmission towers.

1. Stavropolskaya GRES (2,419 MW)

The southernmost of the large thermal power plants in Russia is located in the village of Solnechnodolsk, Stavropol Territory. Like many other state district power plants, Stavropolskaya initially (since 1974) worked on fuel oil, and in the 1980s it was switched to gas. 8 power units of the station generate 2,419 MW of electricity. In the 2010s, it was planned to build another power unit, but then this decision was canceled.

When scientists invented the light bulb and the dynamo car in the nineteenth century, the need for electricity increased. In the twentieth century, the need was compensated by burning coal in power plants, and when it increased even more, new sources had to be found. Thanks to innovative research, current is obtained from environmentally friendly sources. There are 5 largest hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants in Russia.

HPP - hydroelectric power plant. In each of them, energy is produced from an induction current. It appears when the conductor rotates in the magnet, while water does the mechanical work. Hydroelectric power plants are dams that block rivers, control the flow, from which energy is drawn.

5 largest HPPs in Russia:

  1. Sayano-Shushenskaya them. P. S. Neporozhny on the river. Yenisei in Khakassia: 6,400 MW. It has been operating since December 1985 under the management of JSC RusHydro.
  2. Krasnoyarskaya 40 km from Krasnoyarsk: 6,000 MW. It has been operating since 1972 under the management of OAO Krasnoyarskaya HPP, owned by Oleg Deripaska.
  3. Bratskaya on the river. Angara in the Irkutsk region: 4,500 MW. Works since 1967 under the leadership of OAO Irkutskenergo Oleg Deripaska.
  4. Ust-Ilimskaya on the river. Angara: 3,840 MW. Works since March 1979 under the leadership of OAO Irkutskenergo Oleg Deripaska.
  5. Volzhskaya on the river. Volga: 2,592.5 MW. It has been operating since September 1961 under the leadership of JSC RusHydro.

TPP is a thermal power plant. Electrical energy is generated by burning fossil fuels. Thermal power plants generate more than 40% of the world's electricity. The fuel used in Russia is coal, gas or oil.

5 largest thermal power plants in Russia:

  1. Surgutskaya GRES-2 in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: 5,597 MW. Works since 1985 under the leadership of Unipro PJSC.
  2. Reftinskaya GRES in Reftinskiy village (Sverdlovsk region): 3,800 MW. Works since 1963 under the leadership of Enel Russia.
  3. Kostroma GRES c. Volgorechensk: 3,600 MW. Works since 1969 under the leadership of Inter RAO.
  4. Surgutskaya GRES-1 in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: 3,268 MW. It has been operating since 1972 under the leadership of OGK-2.
  5. Ryazanskaya GRES in Novomichurinsk: 3,070 MW. It has been operating since 1973 under the leadership of OGK-2.

NPP - nuclear power plant. Although it is dangerous, it is clean, unlike hydroelectric power plants and thermal power plants. Electricity comes from the consumption of a small amount of fuel - Uranus, Plutonium. Nuclear power plants are concrete chambers where heat is generated due to the decay of radioactive elements. High temperatures lead to the evaporation of water, and the steam begins to rotate the turbines, as in a hydroelectric power station.

5 largest nuclear power plants in Russia:

  1. Balakovo in Balakovo (Saratov region): 4,000 MW. Works since December 28, 1985 under the leadership of Rosenergoatom.
  2. Kalininskaya in Udomlya (Tver region): 4,000 MW. It has been operating since May 9, 1984 under the leadership of Rosenergoatom. The director is Ignatov Viktor Igorevich.
  3. Kursk on the Seimas in Kursk: 4,000 MW. Works since December 19, 1976 under the leadership of Rosenergoatom.
  4. Leningradskaya in Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad region): 4,000 MW. Works since December 23, 1973 under the leadership of Rosenergoatom.
  5. Novovoronezhskaya: 2,597 MW, planned - 3,796 MW. Works since September 1964 under the leadership of Rosenergoatom.

Locate the largest thermal power plants on the map. Kostroma. Surgut. Reftinskaya.

Slide 7 from the presentation "Geography of the electric power industry of Russia". The size of the archive with the presentation is 4624 KB.

Physics Grade 9

summary of other presentations

"Design and application of the laser" - Amplification of light. Internal reflection in an optical medium. Device diagram. Aircraft laser. Hard drives. A revolver equipped with a laser target designator. fiber laser. Laser pointers. The use of a laser in eye diseases. Laser harp. Combat weapons based on the use of a laser. Space-based combat lasers. Laser welding. CD lasers. The dome of the laser rangefinder.

"Influence of infrasound" - Speeds of sound. Disco influence. Sound. infrasound. Maximum vibration. The use of pulsations. The action of the vestibular apparatus. Child. The emergence of infrasound. The concept of sound. sound range. action of infrasound.

Renewable. Dependence of temperature on illumination time. Construction of a solar heating system. Radiation. Hydropower. Biogas. Energy. For example, because of the Kuibyshev reservoir, an area equal to Switzerland was flooded. Water. Comparison table of energy sources. Explored for 1980 world reserves. Can the reserves of traditional fossil fuels in Russia be called unlimited?

"Problems for uniformly accelerated motion" - Coordinate equation. body coordinate. Basic formulas. landing speed. Acceleration. Time. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Speed. Calculate the runway length. Braking distances. Racing car. Automobile. Initial distance. Race car speed. Meeting point. Solution. Deceleration time. Deceleration acceleration. Rocket. Uniform movement. Aircraft speed.

"Sound and its characteristics" - Pure tone. The speed of sound waves. Brick. Speed. Complex sound. Pitch. Sound volume. What is sound. Interesting tasks. infrasound. Unit of measurement. Sound sources. Lightning. The meaning of sound. Thunder boomed. Ultrasound. Sound propagation. Low baritone. Fly of butterfly. Sound and its characteristics. Overtones. Cutter.

"Jet Way of Propulsion" - Neil Armstrong. Do something useful for people. Derivation of the rocket speed formula during takeoff. The beginning of the space age. Astronauts on the Moon. Two-stage space rocket. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. What movement is called reactive. First cosmonaut. circumterrestrial space. Pulse. Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich. Man on the Moon. Soviet station Mir. The crew of the Apollo 11 spacecraft.

Since Soviet times, Russia has shown good results in electricity generation at thermal power plants. Russian power plants are scattered in most major cities of the country. Let's consider the most powerful ones in terms of energy production and their distinctive features. It should be noted that most of the structures were erected back in the 60-80s of the last century, but since then new structures have also been put into operation.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

This power plant ranks 7th among the existing facilities in the world in terms of installed capacity. The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, located on the Yenisei, is the highest dam in Russia and one of the highest in the world. Its maximum capacity is 13090 m 3 /s. In the station part of this power plant in Russia there are 21 sections, the turbine hall includes 10 hydraulic units, and in the station part - 10 permanent water intakes, from which turbine conduits are laid. The dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP contributes to raising the water level in the Yenisei, due to which a reservoir is formed. The design capacity of the station is 6400 MW.

Krasnoyarsk HPP

The first power plants in Russia were built in the 1950s and 1960s. So, the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station began in 1955, also on the Yenisei. This station is called the heart of the energy system of Siberia, as it is one of the leading suppliers of electricity in the region. Today, the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is one of the ten largest plants in the world, which employs more than 550 people. It was finally put into operation back in 1972 and has been constantly improved since then. This HPP consists of several facilities:

  • gravity concrete dam;
  • near the dam building of the HPP;
  • installations for the reception and distribution of energy;
  • ship lift with a lift channel.

The construction of the second largest power plant in Russia required almost 6 million m 3 of concrete. The station has a maximum capacity of 14000 m 3 / s, and the power of the hydroelectric power station is 6000 MW. The dam is formed by an area of ​​2000 km 2 . The peculiarity of this power plant is in the only ship lift in Russia, which is needed for the passage of ships. In 1995, the HPP's hydroelectric units were worn out by 50%, so it was decided to reconstruct and modernize them.

Surgutskaya GRES

The largest power plants in Russia are also represented by the Surgutskaya GRES, located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The station has an installed electrical capacity of 5597 MW, operating on associated petroleum and natural gas. Its construction began in the 80s, when there was a shortage of energy consumption in the middle Ob region. According to the initial project, a total of 8 power units were to be commissioned, and the capacity was to make Surgutskaya GRES one of the most powerful thermal power plants.

Bratsk HPP

They are located on the part of the Angarsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations, being the leader in the production of electricity throughout Eurasia. The decision to build the station was made in 1954, and the commissioning took place in 1967. The unique volumes and stable water resources of Lake Baikal and the Bratsk Reservoir affected the fact that this hydroelectric power station began to play an important role for the economic development of the country.

To date, the Bratsk HPP consists of 18 units, and the energy produced here is widely used in various industries. The station consists of several workshops, which are constantly monitored by a staff of 300 people. Since there is no through navigation along the Angara, the hydroelectric complex does not have navigation facilities. The installed capacity of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station is 4,500 MW.

Balakovo NPP

Which produce the largest volumes of electricity, we have included and which is the leader in the country's nuclear energy. Thanks to the constant improvement of the equipment, high performance has been achieved. The efficiency of methods for increasing power generation has been improved by improving the design of nuclear fuel. At this station, reactors with double-circuit power units are used.

Kursk NPP

Energy is the backbone of the economy in the Kursk region as well. The Russian power plants located here are among the first five stations that generate large capacities. It is the electricity of this station that provides most of the production in the region. The Kursk NPP is a single-loop type plant, when the coolant is ordinary purified water circulating in a closed loop.

Leningrad NPP

Leningradskaya is the first in the country to have RBMK-1000 type reactors. The Leningrad NPP consists of four power units, with the main energy produced going to general consumption. This station is the largest energy producer in the northwestern region of Russia.

Geothermal sources for the benefit of the country

There are various in Russia. Thus, geothermal energy is considered the most promising in modern history, including in our country. Experts agree that the energy of the Earth's heat is much greater than the energy of all the world's oil and gas reserves. It is advisable to build geothermal stations where there are volcanic areas. Due to the junction of volcanic lava with water resources, the water is intensely heated, hot water is knocked out to the surface in the form of geysers.

Such natural properties make it possible to build modern geothermal power plants in Russia. There are many of them in our country:

  1. Pauzhetskaya GeoPP. This station was built in 1966 near the Kambalny volcano due to the need to provide residential villages and industries nearby with electricity. The installed capacity at the time of launch was only 5 MW, then the capacity was increased to 12 MW.
  2. The Verkhne-Mutnovskaya Pilot GeoPP is located in Kamchatka and was launched in 1999. It consists of three power units of 4 MW each. Construction was carried out near the Mutnovsky volcano.
  3. Ocean GeoPP. This station was built on the Kuril Ridge in 2006.
  4. Mendeleevskaya GeoTPP. This station was built in order to provide heat and electricity to the city of Yuzhno-Kurilsk.

As you can see, geothermal power plants in Russia are still operating. Moreover, active work is underway to modernize existing facilities, which will provide areas and enterprises located near volcanic rocks with the required amount of energy.

Follow the progress

Note that the development of energy does not stand still. So, it became known that in Russia, in particular, on the territory of the Samara region, a solar power plant will be built. Experts say that this project will become a significant phenomenon not only for the Samara region, but for the whole country as a whole. It is planned to build solar stations on the territory of Stavropol and Volgograd. As for the already existing structures, with due attention and timely modernization, they will be able to provide the required amount of energy even to remote regions of Russia.

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