N. Tolstoy "Childhood

Average rating: 4.4

Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. At least, it should be so, because in childhood the character of a person, his attitude towards himself and the world around him is laid.

That is why the main characters of many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, relationships with other people. So, L.N. Tolstoy in the autobiographical story "Childhood" describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows up on the pages of the work, loves and hates, receives the first life lessons.

The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he has “a feeling of compassion that used to make me cry bitterly at the sight of a jackdaw thrown out of a nest or a puppy that is being carried to be thrown over a fence ...”

The life of a hero is lessons in the classroom, games with friends, communication with her mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy is growing, and his life is changing. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother.

In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, draws conclusions. So, he unfairly thinks about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, takes offense at the nanny Natalya Savishna, comes up with a terrible dream "as if maman had died and they were carrying her to bury." Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he doesn’t really like it: “At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and fun.” But it is important that Nikolenka learns his lesson from each “unworthy” episode, understands why he did wrong.

Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also portrayed by Bunin in the story "Numbers". Little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: “And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: hurry, hurry!” He loves his family very much, immensely respects his uncle, who came from Moscow.

The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults, it is easy to offend or humiliate him. But this is the worst crime - a small person is not spiteful, but he can remember the pain he caused all his life.

Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy and Bunin is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of the individual are formed. In addition, childhood, in spite of everything, is the happiest - "golden" - time of life, filled with light, the joy of daily discoveries, purity of soul.

Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. At least, it should be so, because in childhood the character of a person, his attitude towards himself and the world around him is laid.
That is why the main characters of many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, relationships with other people. So, L. N. Tolstoy in the autobiographical story "Childhood" describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows on the pages of the work, loves and hates, receives the first life lessons.
The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - his mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he has “a feeling of compassion that used to make me cry bitterly at the sight of a jackdaw thrown out of a nest or a puppy that is carried to be thrown over a fence ...”
The hero's life is lessons in the classroom, games with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy is growing, and his life is changing. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother.

Tale Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, draws conclusions. So, he unfairly thinks about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, takes offense at the nanny Natalya Savishna, comes up with a terrible dream "as if maman had died and they were carrying her to bury." Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he does not really like it: “At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and fun.” But it is important that Nikolenka learns his lesson from each “unworthy” episode, understands why he did wrong.
Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also portrayed by Bunin in the story "Numbers". Little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: “And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: hurry, hurry!” He loves his relatives very much, immensely respects his uncle, who came from Moscow.
The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults, it is easy to offend or humiliate him. But this is the worst crime - a small person is not malicious, but he can remember the pain he caused all his life.
He remembers his childhood grievances, difficult childhood and the hero of Gorky's story. After the death of his father, Alyosha Peshkov had to endure a lot in his grandfather's house - to endure beatings and injustice, to watch the enmity of his uncles, to starve and beg. Only the grandmother warmed the boy - she gave him her love, warmth, protection.
Akulina Ivanovka taught Alyosha to love people, to be kind and fair. It was the grandmother who revealed God to the boy - not harsh and evil, like the Kashirins, but kind, condescending, loving. It was the grandmother who "opened" the boy's life, explaining to him everything that happens around him - in the house and beyond. And so it continued until her death. And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood also ended - he went “to the people”.
Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy, Bunin, Gorky is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of the individual are formed. In addition, childhood, in spite of everything, is the happiest - "golden" - time of life, filled with light, the joy of daily discoveries, purity of soul.

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  5. “Childhood” is an autobiographical story by L. N. Tolstoy. In it, the writer tries to remember and analyze his childhood, to understand what role this ...
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  11. The story "Childhood", the first part of Gorky's autobiographical trilogy, was written in 1913. The mature writer turned to the theme of his past. AT...
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  25. The theme of love is an eternal theme. It will never lose its relevance. There are many poems, songs, poems and stories about love.

"Golden time of childhood" in the works of L.N. Tolstoy and I.A. Bunin

Childhood, childhood! What a happy time of life. The time when you leave all sorts of duties, the time when your childish shoulders do not have worries. You do whatever you want, but it all has its limits, as in the stories of Leo Tolstoy, no matter what kind of child you are, you know that you will forever remain in the hearts of your loving parents and close relatives. Tolstoy speaks of childhood in the most beautiful and subtle words of the Russian language: “Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me. Even before going to bed, parting seems to be eternal. Every child who loves his parents is moved by feelings of love and hope when these long hours of the night finally end. How I want to get up early and look at my beloved, the best mother in the world, like at the newly risen sun, which is ready to give you caresses and which is so lacking during sleep. But sooner or later, childhood ends, and, as Tolstoy said: “Will that freshness, carelessness, the need for love and the strength of faith that you possess in childhood ever return? What time could be better than when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need of love - were the only motives in life? Where are those fervent prayers? Where is the best gift - those pure tears of tenderness? A comforting angel flew in, wiped away these tears with a smile and evoked sweet dreams ... has life really left such heavy traces in my heart that these tears and these delights have departed from me forever? Are there only memories left?

After all, memories of childhood are like self-sacrifice, for the sake of these memories a person is ready for anything.

How pleasant it is for adults to remember how they calmed them down, how they looked at those who were eager to do something in children with sparkling eyes. So Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote in his stories about how a loving uncle had affection for his nephew. After all, when you punish your particle of blood, your child, a small scar remains on your heart, and this is only for one punishment. But you can also make amends for all this by showing affection and care to the child. Bunin also showed self-sacrifice when Nefed died because of the red bast shoes that were

No wonder Bunin is called a subtle psychologist. After all, how sad it becomes in your soul when you feel that Bunin, working on such stories, spent every compassion for the child through himself, through his heart.

You should be happy that you are still a child. After all, you will not return those moments of happiness. But what sweet memories of him!

Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. At least, it should be so, because in childhood the character of a person, his attitude towards himself and the world around him is laid.

That is why the main characters of many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, relationships with other people. So, L. N. Tolstoy in the autobiographical story "Childhood" describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows on the pages of the work, loves and hates, receives the first life lessons.

The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - his mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he has “a feeling of compassion that used to make me cry bitterly at the sight of a jackdaw thrown out of a nest or a puppy that is carried to be thrown over a fence ...”

The hero's life is lessons in the classroom, games with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy is growing, and his life is changing. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother.

In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, draws conclusions. So, he unfairly thinks about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, takes offense at the nanny Natalya Savishna, comes up with a terrible dream "as if maman had died and they were carrying her to bury." Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he does not really like it: “At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and fun.” But it is important that Nikolenka learns his lesson from each “unworthy” episode, understands why he did wrong.

Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also portrayed by Bunin in the story "Numbers". Little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: “And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: hurry, hurry!” He loves his relatives very much, immensely respects his uncle, who came from Moscow.

The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults, it is easy to offend or humiliate him. But this is the worst crime - a small person is not malicious, but he can remember the pain he caused all his life.

He remembers his childhood grievances, difficult childhood and the hero of Gorky's story. After the death of his father, Alyosha Peshkov had to endure a lot in his grandfather's house - to endure beatings and injustice, to watch the enmity of his uncles, to starve and beg. Only the grandmother warmed the boy - she gave him her love, warmth, protection.

Akulina Ivanovka taught Alyosha to love people, to be kind and fair. It was the grandmother who revealed God to the boy - not harsh and evil, like the Kashirins, but kind, condescending, loving. It was the grandmother who "opened" the boy's life, explaining to him everything that happens around him - in the house and beyond. And so it continued until her death. And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood also ended - he went “to the people”.

Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy, Bunin, Gorky is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of the individual are formed. In addition, childhood, in spite of everything, is the happiest - "golden" - time of life, filled with light, the joy of daily discoveries, purity of soul.

(336 words) Childhood is undoubtedly the brightest and most amazing stage of human life, closely connected with the knowledge of its most secret and general laws. Childhood is a fascinating journey into life, its beginning. Many writers and poets sang in their works this time, full of happy memories and significant questions.

In the trilogy of L. N. Tolstoy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, largely autobiographical, the writer examines the three main segments of the life of Nikolenka Irteniev, a young nobleman brought up in a wealthy family.

Nikolenka is a kind, shy little boy, from an early age surrounded by the love of his mother, nanny and tutor Karl Ivanovich. The hero's childhood is spent in harmless fun, walks, as well as in life lessons that teach him compassion, kindness and love. Lack of experience, the boy's first timid steps in life are accompanied by resentment, awkwardness and mistakes. He often lies, hides his true emotions, trying to seem like an adult and significant to others, takes offense at trifles, but, in the end, his experiences and naive delusions help him to consciously, in an adult way, look at life.

So, a momentary resentment against Karl Ivanovich turns into a number of conflicting feelings for Nikolenka: offended by the awkward joke of the tutor, the boy sees in his face the embodiment of the most evil qualities. But, surrounded by the affectionate care of Karl Ivanovich, the hero is seriously annoyed that he had previously estimated this kind and loving person so rudely. Faced with the contradictions of feelings and thoughts for the first time, Nikolenka learns to understand and soberly evaluate himself and the people around him.

The development of Nikolenka is shown by Tolstoy through a series of bright, very remarkable episodes in which children's fun, friendship, first love, study, going out, mixing together, reflect the boy's growing up, his spiritual growth and knowledge of contradictory life truths. Love for Sonya, friendship with Serezha Ivin, whom Nikolenka really wants to be like, imitation of his older brother Volodya - all this leaves an imprint on the character of the hero, makes him a truly whole person, capable of an adequate assessment of reality.

Childhood, according to Tolstoy, is directly related to the maturation of the soul, the development of which is influenced by the environment and the curiosity of the child himself. An adult person is largely deprived of that freshness, sincerity and carelessness, a desperate need for truth and love that are inherent in a child. That is why childhood is truly a golden time, filled with the most sincere and wonderful feelings, which adults sometimes lack so much.

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