How to properly prepare your face for applying a mask. How to apply a mask to your face correctly: tips and tricks

When choosing a face mask, we are guided by individual preferences, problems that need to be addressed and, of course, quality. Many people prefer to make their own face masks, carefully selecting the ingredients, while others prefer to purchase a ready-made mixture for application to the face. Both the first and the second, in order to obtain the desired result and minimize undesirable effects, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for applying masks to the face, which the site will describe in this article.

Why is it important to follow the rules for applying face masks?

When choosing a mask, we want the skin to absorb the maximum of beneficial substances from it and gain smoothness, beauty and radiance in the shortest possible time. Despite the fact that some masks really allow you to see an immediate effect after the first application, most of them are intended for use in certain courses - this allows you to consolidate the desired effect.

You can get the desired effect and minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences by following the rules for applying masks to your face.

In addition, it is important to understand that any, even the most expensive, or self-prepared natural mask may not provide the proper result if you do not follow the rules for applying masks to the face. Therefore, below we will consider 6 basic such rules, namely:

  • course application of masks;
  • skin cleansing;
  • prohibited areas when applying masks;
  • maintaining cleanliness;
  • complete relaxation;
  • maximum accuracy.

The first rule of applying face masks: stay the course

The course during which you need to apply the mask must be completed in order to get the maximum effect that you want to achieve. Most often, the duration of a course of applying a mask to the face is about a month.

This means that the selected mask must be applied once or twice a week, which is 4-8 times throughout the month.

If you do not get the desired effect, you can choose one of two options: repeat the course in a week or choose a different recipe.

The second rule of applying face masks: cleanse the skin

Cleanliness is the key to healthy skin. That is why, before carrying out any procedures or applying masks to the face, it is necessary not only to wash your face, but also to remove impurities from the pores in order to open the way for the penetration of the active substances of the beauty product.

Methods that are good for cleansing the skin:

  • steam bath;
  • peeling;
  • hot compress.

If you choose peeling to cleanse your skin, you need to do it an hour before applying the mask. Other methods can be used in a shorter period of time before using the selected composition.

The third rule of wearing masks: avoid restricted areas

The skin of the face is constantly visible, so it is unacceptable to injure especially delicate and sensitive areas - the skin around the eyes and the delicate skin of the lips. For these areas, it is necessary to use only proven and high-quality products that are created specifically for treating the skin of the lips and the area around the eyes.

Failure to comply with this rule can lead to, although correctable, unpleasant phenomena - redness, burning, dry skin and even the appearance of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to approach work with these areas with extreme caution.

The fourth rule of applying face masks: keep it clean

Having decided on the tool that you will use to apply the mask to your face, it is very important to take care of its cleanliness. Otherwise, all your efforts may be in vain.

If you use a special brush to apply the mask to your face, thoroughly clean and dry it after each use. If you decide to apply the mask with your hands, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before applying the selected composition to your face.

The fifth rule of applying face masks: work carefully

Both applying the mask to the face and removing it must be done with the utmost care. Try to apply the composition evenly, avoiding the ultra-sensitive areas around the eyes and lips. When removing the mask, try not to stretch the skin.

Neatness, cleanliness, relaxation are important components of proper application of masks.

A good way to enhance the effect of the mask is to wipe the skin after removing the composition with a previously prepared infusion of medicinal herbs. This must be done with disposable cotton pads or gauze wipes to avoid contact of pollutants with the skin.

A woman's face is her calling card. In order for the skin to be clean, smooth, radiant and look younger, it is necessary to constantly care for it - each of us knows about this. For these purposes, of course, you can turn to a professional - fortunately, nowadays cosmetology is very developed. But regular visits to a beauty salon are beyond the means of many women. However, you can take good care of your body and face at home.

One of the mandatory facial skin care procedures is cleansing. It can be done in different ways, but in any case, before cleaning, the pores must be properly steamed. Today we’ll tell you why this is necessary and how to properly steam your face at home.

The essence of the procedure

Steaming helps to expand the pores, removing toxins, makeup residues, impurities, and sebaceous secretions.

After this procedure, the pores open, and the skin becomes softer, more supple and elastic.

You should steam your face every time before such manipulations as deep cleansing the skin at home, applying nourishing and healing masks, removing blackheads, blackheads and pimples.

Oily and combination skin especially needs this procedure.

How to steam your face?

It should be noted that a poorly performed steaming procedure can lead to tragic consequences - irritation, redness, an allergic reaction, or even a thermal burn. That is why it is necessary to prepare properly for it.

Before steaming your face before applying a mask or cleansing, you need to properly prepare it:

Steaming methods

There are several types of this procedure - a steam bath, an application of warm cotton napkins and a steaming face mask.

Let's tell you about everything in more detail.

Steam bath

This is a fairly simple and effective way to prepare the skin for subsequent procedures.

For this we need:

  • shallow basin or bowl;
  • a wide soft towel (preferably terry);
  • medicinal herbs;
  • softening lotion.

The recipe for preparing the decoction depends on your skin type:

Making a decoction of chamomile is very simple.

  • For this, 2 tbsp. Pour two cups of boiling water over spoons of dried inflorescences and let it brew under a closed lid for 25-35 minutes.
  • Heat the prepared broth, pour into a bowl and cool for a few minutes. Then bow your head over the container, cover tightly with a towel and wait 4-5 minutes. As soon as you feel that the skin has softened and moisturized, remove the towel and use a cotton pad soaked in lotion to remove any remaining moisture from your face. After this, you can immediately begin cosmetic procedures - cleaning or applying a mask.

By the way, steam baths not only expand the pores, but also deeply warm the facial muscles and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Therefore, this procedure is very useful for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, rhinitis, etc.


To apply applications, you can use the same decoctions as for steam baths.

  1. To enhance effectiveness, add 1-2 drops of essential oil (for example, rose, rosemary, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, almond or lavender) to the decoction.
  2. To carry out the procedure, we will need a large cotton napkin.
  3. Dip a napkin into the warm broth, wring it out lightly and place it on cleansed facial skin. After the cloth has cooled, soak it in the broth again and apply it to your face. Such manipulations should be repeated 3-4 times.

It is important! Do not use very hot water for applications, otherwise you may get burned.

Steaming mask

A mask is a simple and safe way to steam your face before deep cleansing and getting rid of blackheads. It is especially suitable for those with sensitive, delicate skin prone to irritation and redness.

You can buy a ready-made mask at any pharmacy, but it is better to make it yourself, at home, from available ingredients.

We offer you several recipes for effective and simple remedies:

To enhance the thermal effect, cover the mask with a paper napkin with holes for the eyes, mouth and nose.

The question may seem strange to someone, because the procedure is elementary and familiar. In fact, there are a lot of subtleties on which the effect of using the mask depends. It is not enough to simply spread the composition on your face and wash it off with warm water. In this case there will also be some result, but not as impressive as promised in the instructions.

Preparing the skin for the procedure

Any cosmetologist will confirm that while the mask is in effect, the skin should be pristinely clean. Otherwise, the active components of the composition will “drag” into the pores all the bacteria that are on the surface.

Preparatory stage includes make-up remover (removing decorative cosmetics with special means) and washing with gel or foam. For better results, you can deep clean the skin using peeling or beldi (mild soap with a scrubbing effect). Beldi are better suited because they do not contain abrasive particles that irritate the skin.

After washing and deep cleansing, pat your face dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Before applying the mask, the skin should be slightly damp, but not wet, otherwise the composition will flow.

After cleansing, it is useful to do a light facial massage. Many women ignore this stage, which is completely in vain. A light massage helps open the pores and accelerate the penetration of the active components of the mask under the basal layer of the dermis. Rub the skin along the massage lines, gently pat them with your fingertips. You can use a roller massager. The main thing is not to overdo it with pressing.

How to properly apply a mask to your face?

Regardless of what you use - a brush or your own fingers - all skincare masks are applied according to the same pattern, diagonally:

  • from the neck to the earlobes;
  • from the corners of the lips to the middle of the auricle;
  • from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  • from the temples to the middle of the forehead.

Avoid the areas around the eyes - in these areas the skin is too thin and needs special care products with a thinner consistency. The same applies to the skin of the lips.

Before using any skin care mask, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. Apply the composition to the skin of the wrist and leave for the time specified in the instructions. If within 24 hours you do not notice any changes at the application site (rash, redness, peeling), this mask is suitable for you. It is not advisable to test the composition on the bend of the elbow, as some sites advise - the skin in this place has a completely different structure and the result will not be indicative.

Before applying the mask, tuck your hair under a cap or secure it with a special bandage. It's much easier. Avoid getting the mask on the mucous membranes of the eyes. There are no toxic components in natural skin care masks, but there are fruit acids that can cause a chemical burn to the mucous membranes.

At the end of the action time, the composition is washed off the face with warm water. An exception is night face masks, which are applied to the skin and left until the morning. In composition and consistency, they are more reminiscent of creams and are completely absorbed into the skin, whereas conventional skincare compositions need to be washed off.

What to apply to the face after the mask?

The final stage of the procedure is applying the cream. As with massage, many women neglect this action, believing that the mask effect is enough. In fact, the function of the care cream is different here - it “seals” the skin in a moisturized state, helping the active substances of the mask penetrate into the tissue. The cream is applied immediately after removing the mask, and not after half an hour or more, when the pores have already closed.

Those with sensitive skin can replace the cream with hydrosol. This is an analogue of thermal water containing extracts of medicinal plants. Made with distilled water, hydrolates are ideal for caring for thin, sensitive skin.

Under no circumstances should you remove the remnants of the mask with an alcohol-containing lotion or tonic - it will instantly tighten the pores and the moisturizing effect will disappear.

Typical mistakes when using face masks

  • Lack of hygiene. Despite the fact that models in advertisements for skincare cosmetics scoop masks out of jars with their fingers, this is not recommended. Use a special cosmetic spatula - it is not only more hygienic, but also more economical. The composition taken in excess can be immediately returned back to the jar without smearing it on the walls.
  • Motor activity while the mask is in effect. Facial treatments in all beauty salons are carried out in a state of rest - the client relaxes on the couch, and the master works magic on him. But during home care, many women for some reason remember a bunch of urgent matters. In this case, all benefit is lost. Under the influence of gravity, the mask flows down to the chin, pulling the skin, and instead of a lifting effect, the opposite is obtained.
  • Daily use. Masks differ from skin care creams both in consistency and concentration of active substances. Their effect is measured in days, not hours, so there is no need to apply them every day. On the contrary, too frequent use can disrupt the hydrolipid balance of the skin, which can lead to rashes.
  • Application to damaged skin. If your face is chapped or sunburned, or there are open wounds (for example, after squeezing out pimples), it is better to hold off on using skincare masks. First you need to restore the skin's barrier functions.

Homemade products are an affordable and effective way to care for your skin. However, how quickly the result will come and whether it will come at all largely depends on how correctly the composition was made and the process itself was organized. There are some rules that you should follow to get what you want from the mask.

How to prepare a face mask correctly

The right face mask is made from fresh natural products. They should be selected especially carefully. If you buy them in a store, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. But it is much better, if possible, to purchase ingredients from farmers, then you can be sure that they do not contain preservatives or antibiotics. After all, the purpose of using a mask is to nourish the skin with vitamins and microelements, which, at best, are very few in industrial products.

Masks should be applied to the face warm, which means that it should first be heated in a water bath. This way, valuable and nutritious substances will penetrate the skin and be able to act in full force. However, if you need to add liquid vitamins to the mask, this should be done immediately before application.

Do not prepare masks for future use, make them only for one time, as they cannot be stored until the next time. Besides, they will lose their value anyway.

Always carefully select the ingredients for the composition of the masks - they must be suitable for the type of dermis, only in this case the effectiveness will be high. Finding the ideal composition of a mask can only be done experimentally, because each skin is individual and what suits one may not work at all on another.

Before applying the mask to your skin, be sure to do an allergy test. This point is especially important if the mask contains an allergenic product: honey, red berries, etc.

How to prepare your skin for applying a mask

Preparing the skin is a very important stage, which in no case should be neglected, otherwise you don’t have to make a mask at all, since there will still be no long-term and effective results.

The first thing is, of course, removing makeup from the skin. For this stage, it is better to use not soap, but those products that are usually used: foams, milk, lotions, etc.

Next comes the cleaning line. Cleansing should be done with scrubbing products that are also suitable for your dermis. As a rule, soft abrasive particles cope with the task with a bang. By the way, the use is encouraged, which may contain coffee, sugar, salt, oatmeal and many other ingredients. It is important to understand that the essence of this stage is not to “remove a layer of skin”, but only to free the surface of the dermis from contamination and dead particles of the epithelium. Instead of a scrub, gommage can be used for this stage of cleansing, which goes well with any skin type. It may not contain any abrasive at all, but will include fruit acids. The advantage of this method of cleansing is that in addition to this, the skin is massaged, which is very beneficial for it.

The final stage of preparation is steaming. Its purpose is to open the pores in order to allow nutrients from the mask to flow through and to release any remaining dirt from the pores. For steaming, you can use special saunas for the face, an ordinary saucepan with hot water, or the most primitive towel. When using a sauna or a saucepan, you can fill in not just water, but herbal decoctions or add essential oils to them. After the water boils, you need to cover yourself with a towel and hold your face over the steam for 5-10 minutes. Much easier, although not as effective, you can steam your face with a hot towel. To do this, you just need to moisten a small towel in hot water, squeeze it thoroughly and place it on your face. As soon as it cools down, the procedure should be repeated several times until the skin is completely steamed.

Only after the skin is cleansed and prepared can you begin to apply the mask.

How to apply a mask on your face

To apply the composition to the skin, you can use a cotton pad, fingers or a special brush - whichever is more convenient. It is much more important to use the correct application technique. The composition should be distributed over the face with strict adherence to massage lines. You can see exactly how they are located in the image.

You need to move from the bottom up, starting either from the neck, if the mask will also be applied to it, or from the chin and move higher, ending on the forehead. Do not apply the composition to the area around the eyes and to the skin around the lips unless this is prescribed in the recipe of the mask itself. The compositions may be ideal for facial skin, but for the thin, delicate and sensitive dermis of the eyelids they may be too heavy, which can cause early formation of wrinkles.

To avoid getting dirty, you need to pin your hair up (you can use a special bandage) and wear a T-shirt that you don’t mind ruining if the composition drips onto your clothes.

After the mask is applied to the face, you need to go to rest. Don’t try to do other things at the same time, much less talk to someone. The facial muscles should be completely relaxed. The best option is to turn on relaxing music, lie down and wait the allotted time.

How long to keep the mask on your face

As a rule, each recipe specifies the time that the mask must be kept on the face. However, if this is not indicated, you should stick to the standard time: 20-30 minutes. After half an hour, the mask should be washed off. There are cases when, after applying the composition to the skin, a burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations appear - in this case, it must be washed off immediately to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of redness and irritation.

You need to wash off the mask with either water or herbal decoctions, and there is no need to use auxiliary compounds. If the skin is oily, then the water temperature should be cool, but warm is suitable for dry skin. Before washing, the composition can be removed from the face using cotton wool or a soft sponge, which are pre-moistened in water.

Finally, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

The whole secret of the effectiveness of face masks lies only in following the rules for preparing the compositions and selecting exclusively fresh and natural products. It is also worth carefully selecting the recipes themselves and making formulations that are suitable for the skin type that you need to know. Otherwise, if you neglect this rule and make a dry dermis mask intended for oily skin, the first one will become even drier. Because Such formulations contain drying ingredients that will negatively affect already dry skin.

Be careful, love yourself, take care of yourself only with the best means, and then your appearance will only please you!

We all know that face masks good for our skin. You can easily and quickly prepare them yourself from scrap materials or use store-bought ones. To maximize the benefits of the mask, you need to know how to apply it correctly and prepare your facial skin for this procedure.

Preparing to apply the mask

Facial care includes many procedures, the simplest and most accessible is applying a mask. First you need to prepare all the ingredients included in face mask recipe, mixing container. It should not be iron or aluminum. It is best to use glass or wooden dishes. It is also better not to mix the composition with an iron spoon.
To keep your hair out of the way, remove it by tying it into a ponytail or under a headband. Before applying the mask facial skin should be carefully prepared. Wash your face with a special cleanser and apply a little scrub to clean out your pores. The scrub should be with a soft abrasive material and not damage the skin. Gently pat your face dry with a towel. The facial skin is cleansed, the pores are opened, and all the beneficial properties of the mask ingredients can do their job more effectively.

Rules for applying a face mask

Apply a mask You can use your fingers or a special brush along massage lines from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the ears, from the upper lip to the chin, from the chin to the nose from bottom to top. Apply the product in an even layer, lightly pressing the mixture into the skin. If the mask is liquid, then you should first apply it to gauze and then apply it to your face.
As a rule, the mask lasts 15-20 minutes. Do not overexpose, thinking that it will be healthier, because you can tire the facial muscles and stretch the skin, drying it out. The mask will be useless and even harmful to the skin.

Removing the mask

You need to wash off the mask with warm water, gently washing your face. After this it is advisable rinse your face infusion of herbs: chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, parsley or any other. This is how he prepares. Pour a heaping tablespoon of the herb into a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain, and bring the volume to 400 ml with cool boiled water. You can also use still mineral water for rinsing.
Then pat your face dry with a towel and lightly massage your facial skin using a rich cream, removing excess with a napkin. This final stage will help consolidate the effect. face masks.

Under no circumstances apply the mask to the skin around the eyes and eyelids. Before applying the mask, you can apply a nourishing cream to these areas;
. if you prepare a face mask yourself, then use only fresh products, and apply the composition immediately after preparation; you should not store it in the refrigerator;
. if you use a purchased mask, strictly follow the instructions for use;
do not wash off the mask for too long, as you will deprive the skin of nutrition and reduce the effect of the mask;
. For the mask to bring as much benefit as possible, do it in a calm environment, relax, don’t talk or think about anything;
. It is important to relax not only the body, but also the facial muscles. In this state, the skin will be saturated with beneficial substances much deeper and stronger;
. If there are wounds, scratches or other types of damage to the skin of the face, you should not use a mask.

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