Azerbaijani singers are the most popular names. The most beautiful Azerbaijanis (40 photos)

BAKU, April 28 - News-Azerbaijan, Ali Mammadov. AMI News-Azerbaijan offers the top 11 greatest Azerbaijanis of the 20th century:

1. Heydar Aliyev- Soviet and Azerbaijani state, party and political figure. President of Azerbaijan from 1993 to 2003. Double Hero Socialist Labor. Founder of modern Azerbaijan statehood.

2. Mammad Emin Rasulzade - Outstanding Writer, political and public figure. Founder of the Azerbaijan Republic.

3. Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev- Azerbaijani millionaire and philanthropist, real state adviser. In some works of historians and biographers, he is mainly referred to as a "great benefactor". He has made donations to charitable causes all over the world.

4. Rashid Behbutov- Soviet Azerbaijani pop and Opera singer (lyric tenor), an actor. Born in Tiflis (now Tbilisi, Georgia) in the family of a famous folk singer-khanende from Shusha. National artist USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor.

5. Lutfi Zadeh- Azerbaijani mathematician and logician, founder of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, professor at the University of California (Berkeley). He was born on February 4, 1921 in the village of Novkhani, Azerbaijan.

6. Muslim Magomayev- Soviet, Azerbaijani and Russian opera and pop singer (baritone), composer. People's Artist of the USSR and Azerbaijan. Born in Baku. Grandson of Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, an Azerbaijani composer who is one of the founders of the Azerbaijani classical music whose name is the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic.

7. Mustafa Topchibashev- Soviet surgeon, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. Author of over 160 scientific works which are still used by world surgery. He was awarded four Orders of Lenin during his lifetime.

8. Hazi Aslanov - Soviet military leader, Guard Major General, twice Hero Soviet Union. Streets, schools, higher educational institutions are named in his honor in the CIS countries.

9. Kerim Kerimov- the founders of the Soviet space program, who made a significant contribution to space exploration. For many years he was a central figure in the Soviet cosmonautics. But despite his important role, his identity was kept secret from the public for most of his career. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Stalin, Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR.

10. Bulbul- folk and opera singer (tenor), one of the founders of the Azerbaijani national musical theater, People's Artist of the USSR.

11. Kara Karaev- composer and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prizes, holder of the orders of Lenin, the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor. One of the largest figures of Azerbaijani culture of the post-war period.


Ten Azerbaijani performers who conquered the USSR - PHOTO

All-Union fame, tours, full houses and applause from fans accompanied popular Azerbaijani performers, who undoubtedly contributed to the development of the Soviet musical culture. Magomaev, Beibutov, Bulbul and many others - their voices were among the most powerful and recognizable, and the whole country sang their songs.

According to Oxu Az, the Moscow-Baku portal presents the ten most popular artists from Azerbaijan, whose names conquered the entire Soviet Union.

1. Muslim Magomayev

In the 70s of the last century, there was no equal in popularity to opera and pop singer Muslim Magomaev. Television and radio constantly played his songs "Evening on the Road", "Blue Taiga", "Beauty Queen" and many others. For the first time, Muslim spoke at professional level in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District in 1961, and a year later he was sent to world festival youth in Helsinki. At the same time, in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the singer won all-Union fame by performing at the festival of Azerbaijani art. After an internship at Italian opera"La Scala" was waiting for him on tour in Paris, where the director of the famous "Olympia" will offer him a contract for several years. However, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR was against it - Magomayev was indispensable at government concerts. At the age of 31, the singer became not only the "People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR", but also the "People's Artist of the USSR". The peak of Muslim Magomayev's musical career falls on the 60-70s. The singer collected stadiums throughout the USSR, he was enthusiastically accepted by the largest concert and opera scenes peace. On October 25, 2008, Muslim Magometovich died, he was buried in Baku on the Alley of Honor.

2. Rashid Behbudov

People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of State Prizes, Hero of Socialist Labor Rashid Behbudov had many awards, but the greatest title for him was the love of the people. He will forever remain in the memory of millions of people as a sunny singer from sunny Azerbaijan. Rashid Medzhidovich devoted his life to music, and his voice became national treasure Azerbaijan. He went on tour in almost all countries of the world, and in each of them he always sang in the language of the people where he performed. He sang in seventy languages ​​of the world and equally virtuoso performed pop hits and opera arias, introducing some of his own, Rashid's handwriting into them. His talent was limitless, and his fame went far beyond the borders of the USSR - he sang in front of Indira Gandhi, Mao Dze Dun and Iranian Shah Mahomet Reza Pahlavi. The great tenor was awarded the highest Soviet award - the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and in his younger years received the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union. He died in 1989 in Moscow after an unsuccessful surgical operation, was buried in the Alley of Honor in Baku.

3. Bulbul

For rare musical gift already in childhood, he was given the nickname "Bulbul", which means "nightingale" in Azerbaijani. Subsequently, it became his stage name. The real name of the Soviet opera singer (lyric-dramatic tenor), musicologist-folklorist and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR was Murtuza Mamedov. He was born on June 22, 1897 in the village of Khanbagy, Elizavetpol province, which was part of the Russian Empire. Bulbul decided to get an education at the Moscow Conservatory, after which he went to the Italian La Scala. Returning to his homeland, the tenor performed at the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater and surprised the audience with his magnificent performances. By that time feature his performance was a combination of Azerbaijani folk motives with Italian classical traditions of operatic singing. He is called the founder of the Azerbaijani national musical theater, his merits were also invaluable in the study and publication of folk musical creativity. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR, was a laureate of the Stalin Prize, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor, as well as the Italian Star of Garibaldi. In 1961, two months before the death of the singer, his concert took place in the Karabakh Shusha, which was attended by thousands of spectators. This was the last performance of the talented Azerbaijani performer.

4. Polad Bulbul ogly

Polad Bul-Bul ogly is the son of the famous Bulbul. It was his father who brought Polad to the stage for the first time as an accompanist. He graduated from the Baku Conservatory in the composition class, and having started writing songs at the age of 17, he became a propagandist of Azerbaijani culture, toured the USSR and many countries of the world. Polad Bul-Bul ogly is considered the founder of a new direction on the stage, connecting national traditions in music with modern rhythms. His songs were performed famous singers USSR - Iosif Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko and others. He also tried himself as an actor ("Tales of the Russian Forest", "Do not be afraid, I'm with you", "Park Soviet period”, etc.), but nevertheless music brought him great fame. The composer wrote symphonic works, musicals, music for films and performances. In 1969 he was admitted to the Union of Composers of the USSR and the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. In 2000, the Bul-Bul ogly star was opened on the "Star Square" in Moscow. For many years, Polad Bul-Bul oglu was the Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan, and since 2006 he has been appointed the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Russia.

5. Ensemble "Gaya"

"Gaya" was a cult ensemble of the 60s in the Soviet Union, which performed not only Western songs, but also actively promoted Azerbaijani music. This "quartet" was somewhat similar to English group The Beatles, however, with all this they had their own unique style. First widespread recognition vocal group received during the I All-Union competition for best performance Soviet song in Moscow in 1966. Since then, the quartet, consisting of Arif Hajiyev, Rauf Babayev, Teymur Mirzoyev and Lev Elisavetsky, has traveled all over the USSR. And wherever they were, they were accompanied by success and full houses, because it was the only quartet in the Union that performed jazz. The generation of the "sixties" probably remembers and popular program"Gaya" called "Lights big city". It was a project that took your breath away with its names alone: ​​director Mark Rozovsky and Julius Gusman, costume designer Slava Zaitsev, satirist Lion Izmailov. In fact, the quartet was also lucky to collaborate with the best Soviet orchestras - Leonid Utyosov, Oleg Lundstrem, Vadim Ludvikovsky. With the collapse of the USSR, they disintegrated and creative teams including Gaia. The ensemble stopped touring, and eventually broke up.

6. Zeynab Khanlarova

Celebrated its 80th anniversary at the end of last year People's Artist USSR and Azerbaijan Zeynab Khanlarova. it legendary singer occupies a special place in the history of Azerbaijani art, because it was thanks to her work that many national compositions were known all over the world.

Laureate of the State Prize of the Azerbaijan SSR (1985), she was awarded the Honorary Prize "Golden Disc" of the All-Union Recording Company "Melody" for recordings of Azerbaijani songs and songs of the peoples of the East. Long years she performed parts in opera productions, and was also famous performer mugham. Thus, among Azerbaijani women-khanende she is the first performer of the mugham "Chakhargah". However, she achieved the greatest success in the pop genre and in her more than 50-year-old musical career Zeynab Khanlarova visited with concerts about fifty countries of the world. Filmed about her documentary Hello Zeinab! Zeynab Khanlarova is the owner of numerous awards. The last was the honorary order of "Heydar Aliyev", awarded to her by the President of Azerbaijan for her special merits in the development of the country's culture.

7. Shovket Alekperova

Wherever this appears beautiful woman She drew admiring glances. Shovket Alekperova became a legend during her lifetime, who was able to win the love of fans of her talent for deep emotionality and lyricism, characteristic of her performing style. In 1937, she won a singing competition, where her talent was evaluated by the composer Uzeyir Gadzhibekov and the singer Bulbul. After her brilliant performance of the composition "Karabakh shikestesi", Hajibeyov accepted Alekperova into the newly created Azerbaijan state choir, in which she began her professional career as a singer. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, Alekperova went on tour to the front, singing patriotic songs and often speaking up to fifty times a day. By the 1950s, she was recognized as the most popular performer Azerbaijani folk and pop songs. For my creative career Alekperova has toured more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. When the legendary singer passed away in 1993, she was given a state funeral broadcast live on television.

8. Lutfiyar Imanov

Soviet opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR Lutfiyar Imanov was prominent representative Azerbaijani vocal school. For many years creative life he performed dozens of parts of the world tenor repertoire in the best theaters peace. And the first serious works of the vocalist were parts in the performances of the Azerbaijan Musical Comedy Theater. The main roles in the operettas "Arshin Mal Alan", "Mashadi Ibad", "Haji Gara", "Ulduz" became a serious school for the young vocalist. In 1958, at the Decade of Azerbaijani Literature and Art in Moscow, he became the performer of the part of Koroglu in the opera of the same name and conquered everyone with his brilliant performance. Later, he had the happy opportunity to do an internship at Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and the Milanese opera La Scala, and at the cost of enormous labor, he became a performer of the most complex parts of the world opera. The Moscow critic Florensky, after meeting with Imanov, noted: “Not all singers can so easily and freely move from one school to another. It is remarkable that Imanov surprisingly clean intonation and pronounces texts in Azerbaijani, Russian and Italian. In my opinion, he immaculately performed Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, conveying the very spirit of the classical romance. Son Azerbaijani people, he deeply feels the nature of Russian musical culture. The departure of the 79-year-old tenor in 2008 was a great loss for Azerbaijani culture.

9. Fidan and Khuraman Kasimovs

Two sisters, two sopranos - they glorified Azerbaijan throughout the USSR. Duet opera divas, People's Artists of the USSR Fidan and Khuraman Kasimov were awarded the highest awards and titles. Graduates of the Moscow Conservatory to this day are the stars of the Azerbaijani and world scenes, write music, give concerts, and always go on stage together. 1977 was marked great success- Fidan received gold medal international competition in Italy, her sister Khuraman became a laureate of the Transcaucasian and All-Union competitions of young vocalists. And in 1981, Khuraman also won the "Grand Prix" of the Maria Callas International Competition in Athens. The Kasimovs created a gallery of unforgettable images of world, Russian and Azerbaijani opera classics - Desdemona in Othello, Micaela in Carmen and Tatyana in Eugene Onegin, toured all over the world, and more than once performed with the Moscow symphony orchestra Moscow Virtuosos. Today they have their own school where they share their secrets operatic art and conducts master classes.

10. Emin Babaev

Honored Artist of Russia, Azerbaijani singer Emin Babaev became famous in the 80s of the last century. He was born in Baku, where he graduated from the Gadzhibekov Conservatory in the violin class, and in parallel with his studies he worked as a soloist-vocalist at the Song Theater under the direction of Rashid Behbudov. Later, Babaev moved to Moscow, where he collaborated with the largest concert organization Moskontsert. Many probably remember his duet with singer Irina Malgina - one of the main hits of the couple was the song "City Flowers". In 1993 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. contemporary composers, many of which were written specifically for Babaev.

We talked about the beauties of Iran, Egypt and other countries, it's time to look at our beauties and beauties.

Day.Az presents a selection of the world's most famous singers, models, actresses who have Azerbaijani roots.

Sami Yusif
- British singer, composer, instrumentalist, performer of Islamic religious songs. Born in July 1980 in Tehran. His parents are ethnic Azerbaijanis. Sami Yusuf became the second singer in the world in terms of the number of albums sold and video views on YouTube.

Timur Rodriguez ( real name- Kerimov) - Russian showman, singer, television and radio host, actor, participant in KVN television projects, comedy club, One to One, Showa Stgowan and "Southern Butovo", host of the programs "Crocodile", "Sexy Chart", "Dancing without Rules", "National Geographic". Born in Penza on October 14, 1979, in the family of an actor puppet theater Mikail Kerimov, an Azerbaijani, and Jewish Zlata Efimovna Levina, translator, teacher of German and English.

Rustam Dzhabrailov- Actor and model. Born on June 8, 1986 in the city of Lugansk, in an Azerbaijani family. Winner of the competition "The Best Model Of Azerbaijan 2006". Held in Istanbul international competition male models in December 2007, Rustam won the championship title as the best male model "The Best Model of the World 2007" among 90 participants from all over the world. After that, Rustam was offered to act in Turkey in films and TV series. He worked with companies such as Nissan, Samsung, Brioni, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent"," D&G", "Marc Ecko", "Çinici Collection", "Century 21", etc.

Robert Hossein- French theater and film actor, director, producer, artistic director theater "Marigny" (Paris). Hossein's greatest success as an actor was in the role of Geoffrey de Peyrac in the film adaptations of the novels by Anne and Serge Golon about Angélique, where Michel Mercier became his partner. Born December 30, 1927 in Paris. His father, violinist and composer André Hossein (born Aminulla Husseinov, 1905-1983), of Azerbaijani (paternal) and Tajik (maternal) origin, was from Samarkand.

Paniz Yousefzade- Canadian model with Azerbaijani roots, Miss Universe Canada 2010 finalist. Born in Tehran, at the age of 10 she moved with her family to Vancouver.

Bahare Kian Afshar is an Iranian actress. Belongs to the Afshars, which are considered a sub-ethnos of Azerbaijanis.

Sarah Shahi- American actress and fashion model. Father - Iranian Azerbaijani, mother - Spanish.

Andrea Karimli (Mantea)- Romanian fashion model of Azerbaijani origin.

Nesrin Javadzadeh- a native Azerbaijani, a well-known actress in Turkey. At the age of 11, she moved to Turkey and now works in Turkish cinema.

Bianca Balti
- famous Italian model. The father of the star of the world catwalks is Italian, and his mother is from Azerbaijan.

Aylar Dianati Lee- Norwegian fashion model and actress. By nationality - Iranian Azerbaijani.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Baibakov (March 6, 1911, the village of Sabunchi, Baku province - March 31, 2008, Moscow) - Soviet statesman, Hero of Socialist Labor (1981). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1963).

Vitaly Yakovlevich Vulf (born May 23, 1930, Baku) is an art critic, theater critic, literary critic, translator, television presenter.

Julius Solomonovich Gusman (b. 1943, Baku) - Soviet and Russian actor and filmmaker, founder and artistic director National Prize Russian Academy cinematic arts - Nika awards.

Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina, nee Kudelman, in her first marriage Mionchinskaya (born September 10, 1955 in Baku) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, jazz singer, actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1993), People's Artist of Russia (1998).

Sergo Alexandrovich Zakariadze (07/01/1909, Baku - 04/12/1971), Soviet and Georgian actor, laureate Stalin Prize, People's Artist of the USSR (1958).

Richard Sorge (German Richard Sorge, undercover pseudonym Ramsay, October 4, 1895, Baku, Russian empire- November 7, 1944, Tokyo, Japan) - an outstanding Soviet intelligence officer during World War II, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Garry Kimovich Kasparov (born Weinstein; April 13, 1963, Baku) is a Soviet and Russian chess player, writer and politician.

Lev Davidovich Landau (January 9 (22), 1908, Baku - April 1, 1968, Moscow) - Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (elected in 1946).

Vladimir Valentinovich Menshov (September 17, 1939, Baku) - Soviet and Russian actor, director, screenwriter, producer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Russia.

Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich (March 27, 1927, Baku - April 27, 2007, Moscow) - an outstanding Russian cellist, conductor.

Ivan Khristoforovich (Hovhannes Khachaturovich) Bagramyan (November 20 (December 2), 1897, Chardakhlu village (Azerbaijani SSR) - September 21, 1982, Moscow) - Soviet military leader, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of seven orders of Lenin, Marshal of the Soviet Union, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Dudarova Veronika Borisovna (December 5, 1916, Baku - January 15, 2009, Moscow) - Russian conductor. Representative of the Ossetian aristocratic family Dudarov.
Ossetian by nationality.

Vsevolod Nikolaevich Merkulov (October 25, 1895, Zagatala, Azerbaijan - December 23, 1953) - Soviet politician.

Abram Solomonovich Gurvich (January 30 (February 11), 1897, Baku - November 18, 1962, Moscow) - a famous Soviet chess composer. Main profession: literary critic and theater critic.
Jewish by nationality.

Musa Hiramanovich Manarov (March 22, 1951, Baku, AzSSR) - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, reserve colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union.
By nationality, Lak.

ROYA AYKHAN- in addition to music, the singer is well versed in jurisprudence, as she is a graduate of the Faculty of International Law of the Baku state university. By the way, Roya participated in the torch relay of the First European Games. And recently, Roya performed the composition in Russian "Mom" with her son Hussein.

SABINA BABAYEVA- the singer took fourth place in the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 with the song "When The Music Dies". Sabina's father is a military man, and his mother is a pianist. Sabina Babayeva together with Farid Mammadov opened the closing ceremony of the First European Games by singing the Anthem of Azerbaijan. Sabina Babayeva and her husband, director Javidan Sharifov, are expecting their first child.

AYGUN KYAZIMOV- People's Artist, one of the most popular singers Azerbaijan, which even performed at the Bolshoi Kremlin Hall in Moscow. Aygun is often compared with the world famous singer Beyoncé. By the way, the star does not spare money for lavish birthday celebrations. Aygun is a regular participant television shows and fashion show guest.

NURA SURI- Singer and TV presenter, she composes songs herself and is well educated. Nura Suri was born in a military family, the father and mother of the singer are veterans of the Karabakh war. Two books have even been published about the life and exploits of the singer's parents. Recently, the children of the Azerbaijani singer became national champions in jiu-jitsu among children and youths. AT recent times Noora took up boxing seriously. According to the mother of three children, boxing is a familiar sport for her.

BRILLIANT DADASHEV- pop singer and TV presenter was born in the family of an architect. After the collapse of the USSR and the independence of Azerbaijan, Brilliant became the first singer to represent Azerbaijan in Russia, performing with solo concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Recently, the singer released another album of her songs, calling it "My World".

Nigar Jamal- Winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Nigar holds a Diploma in Economics and Management. At the opening ceremony of the First European Games in Baku, Nigar sang in the choir at the main sports arena when the Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed. And recently the singer presented new clip"Broken Dreams", dedicated to the tragedy in Khojaly.

SEVDA YAHIAEVA- the singer admits that her childhood was not easy, she had to earn money and help her family. From the age of 15, the singer worked in one of the restaurants in the show program and did not even imagine that she would become famous. However, all these events are early childhood forced her to think in an adult way and tempered.

IRADA IBRAGIMOVA- the singer will become a mother for the second time. “To be a mother for a woman is the most light feeling. I am grateful to God that I experienced this feeling, ”Irada shares her opinion. Today, the singer and her husband live in Istanbul and are raising their daughter.

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