How to choose the best seats in the theater - instructions from Owls. What are the seats in the theater called?

They say that the theater begins with a hanger, but in fact it begins with the purchase of tickets. Main question- what places to choose? There is a stalls, boxes, mezzanine ... In some theaters there are so-called not convenient places This is where you can't see anything and you can't hear much. At the same time, such inconvenience is not always warned in advance. In order not to get into trouble, the correspondent of the MIR 24 TV channel Ekaterina Rogalskaya looked at the stage from all sides.

Some places are too far away, from others - the edge of the stage is not visible. To choose the most best places, to begin with, let's look at the scheme of the theater hall.

What seats are in the auditorium

  1. Parterres are places in the zone auditorium that are closest to the stage.
  2. The amphitheater is the space immediately behind the stalls. Usually the amphitheater area is just above the stalls.
  3. The mezzanine seats are even higher.
  4. At the very top is a balcony.
  5. On both sides of the parterre there are lodges - these are small spaces with a separate entrance.


By tradition, the seats in the box are considered the most prestigious - earlier only wealthy visitors could sit there. Each box has a separate entrance, and besides this, you can not only watch the performance, but also show yourself. More than a hundred years ago, it was for this that representatives came high society. Officers sat in the stalls, and titled persons in separate boxes. Leo Tolstoy described it in .

The seats in the box are among the most uncomfortable. The stage is not fully visible, and the performance has to be viewed half-turned.

Edward Lewis introduces Richard Gere to the opera by buying tickets in the box. But in fact, the places there are some of the most uncomfortable. The stage is not fully visible, and the performance has to be viewed half-turned.


Today, to the question “What are the best places in the theater?” almost everyone will answer "in the stalls." Parterre seats are traditionally considered the best, but they are also the most expensive. At the same time, almost every theater has a so-called "sound pit" - it is somewhere between 5 and 10 rows. There, the sound literally flies over the viewer. This is especially important if you are going to the opera.

Famous film example: Bruce Willis' character Corwin Dallas in The Fifth Element is watching an opera from the front row. Many will not advise you to take tickets to the first rows of the stalls. It only seems from afar that the artists are fluttering around the stage like butterflies, but in the front row you will hear all the extraneous noises. In addition, you will have to watch the action with your head up, while you will still see the back of the conductor's head in front of you.

Choose seats in the middle of the hall or a little further. Tickets are cheaper and the view is better.

Choose seats in the middle of the hall or a little further. There, tickets are cheaper than in the front rows, and the view is better. Real theater-goers, in addition to the stalls, often choose the first rows of the mezzanine.

In general, the most prestigious and expensive theater seats do not mean the best. Sometimes on the balcony you can see and hear everything without interference.

Inveterate theater-goers have long looked after excellent places in each theater. But what about those who rarely go there or even going there for the first time?

First, you need to decide which theater you are going to. If opera or built before the 20th century, then the presented classification is for you. If in a more modern place, then choose either the "director's" eighth row, or any place at all: it will be both seen and heard. With the exception of "blind spots", they are in all theaters, and each has its own.


You should not look dreamily at the front rows, usually expensive, but meaningless. During the ballet, you will clearly hear the stamping of the feet of "fragile" ballerinas, during the opera, the head of the conductor will loom in front of your nose. In a dramatic production, there is still an option to nest in the forefront, but this is not always useful, especially if the actors use objects “flying” in passions, water, dust, smoke ...

There is another problem in the stalls historical theaters- they are flat. Rows do not rise above each other. So, if you are not tall, you will have to look into the cracks between the heads. Then choose at least the first row in the horizontal aisle (if any).

Amphitheater (benoir)

The amphitheater is located just above the stalls. And these are the most precious places, although they can easily be cheaper than the stalls. The review is excellent, the audibility is excellent.


The mezzanine is above the amphitheater. Translated from French means "beautiful floor". Often they are really quite nice. You can see it perfectly, hear it even better, so it’s pointless to expect low prices from these places.


Lodges are among the most expensive theatrical pleasures. Their charm is in detachment from the crowd. Separate entrance to a separate room - yes, it's almost chamber hall! But for high price and pathos hide and inconvenience.

You have to sit in half a turn, but even this will not save you sometimes from the “cut off” edge of the stage, which can only be seen by falling down. And the farther you are from the royal box, the more limited your view. And that's if you're in the front row. If you have places in the second, then seeing at least something is a matter of exceptional luck.


The balcony is located at the very top, above all the tiers of lodges. High but fun. The little people running around the puppet stage are a really funny sight. Therefore, if it is important for you to see the drama, to feel it, do not take a seat on the balcony, even though they are the cheapest. But for operas and concerts - just right. The sound there is great! Listening to Chopin, looking at the paintings and stucco on the ceiling is quite an inspiring process.

And most importantly - do not forget about the binoculars. If fate gave you a ticket to a balcony or high tiers, then they will save you from injustice!

An educated person needs to understand the arrangement of seats in the theater. The very first theaters traditionally did not have an indoor performance space. Performances for the audience went under open sky. We watched the performance standing up. Therefore, the parterre in translation from French means “on the ground”. The places here were the most democratic and cheap. Nowadays, tickets to the stalls opposite are more expensive than others.

We offer you a diagram of the location of seats in the theater.

How are the seats in the theatre?

The rows of seats in the stalls, depending on the size of the auditorium, are arranged in groups. The first group of seats, closer to the stage, has 7 rows. The latest, closer to the amphitheater - 6 rows. Between them there are groups of chairs in 5 rows. In contrast to the stalls, the seats on the raike (by analogy, "paradise" - high), or the gallery - this is the part of the audience chairs that is farthest from the stage.

The boxes of the benoir are located on both sides of the stage, but slightly lower. Stocks can be of the Italian or French type. In Italian, the audience is not visible from the hall, and the French, on the contrary, allow everyone to demonstrate the toilets and appearance of those present to everyone.

Behind the groups of seats in the stalls are the seats of the amphitheater. This is a group of spectator seats, with smooth ledges going up.

There are balconies above the benoir beds. They can be located in several tiers. Various theaters have two, three, less often four tiers of balconies. For example, the Mariinsky Theater has 3 tiers of balconies, while the Alexandrinsky Theater has 4.

The most comfortable places are called the royal box. For the convenience of privileged spectators, the boxes are equipped with a separate entrance. From these places, visibility and acoustics are excellent, but visitors to the royal box can be seen by everyone.

The scene also has zone names. The front part closest to the audience is called the proscenium. The very middle is the stage area, and the back of the stage box is the rear stage. The backstage houses scenery, lighting and mechanisms for raising stage details.

The orchestra pit is so named for its location below the stage and has the same dimensions as the stage, but is located much deeper than it. From the orchestra pit, the conductor directs the artists invisible front creating musical arrangement performances.

Choose the best seats for the concert, theatrical production, musical or opera without knowing the hall in advance is not so easy, since the halls can vary quite a lot. But several general rules it is still possible to formulate. First you need to present the scheme of the hall. There are several zones in the hall, which are clearly separated from each other. The maximum number of zones in the Bolshoi Theater five: , , , and .


The area of ​​the auditorium closest to the stage, usually below its level. It is generally believed that the tickets of the first row of the stalls are the most expensive and most good places. But this is not always the case, since the most expensive are the seats in the box. And the position below the stage is not always convenient, especially if the stalls and the stage are separated orchestra pit. Especially if it's a concert. classical music where there is no need to observe what is happening in detail. But solo performances and performances-monologues are more convenient to watch from the stalls and the closer, the better in order to become an accomplice in theatrical action.


The spectator area is behind the stalls, separated from it by a passage. It can be located a little higher than the stalls and rise in ledges. In literal translation, the amphitheater - around the theater. Due to the fact that it is at stage level and above, the viewer gets an excellent view and audibility, and, perhaps, it is universal in terms of convenience, especially in its front rows. Ballet and performances with a lot of actors it is best to look away from the stage so that you can see all the action at the same time.


Literally translated from French - a beautiful floor. In architecture, the second floor after the basement, on which the front rooms were located, are the largest and most beautiful rooms. And this floor was really the best finished, was the most beautiful. The mezzanine in the theater is a tier above the stalls, usually above the amphitheater.


Tier above mezzanine. As a rule, the seats on the balcony and mezzanine are at a sufficient distance from the stage, so they are more suitable for listening to operas, operettas and musicals (due to their elevation).


Separate parts of the hall, located on the sides of the stalls, behind it and on the tiers (at the mezzanine level). Such an individual hall for several people with a separate entrance. Some even have a small entrance hall, an outward bed. Traditionally the most expensive and most comfortable seats in the hall. They have the opportunity both to be invisible to other viewers, and, on the contrary, to attract increased attention to themselves. They differ in tiers, the first, most prestigious tier, located at the level (or slightly higher) of the stalls, are called benoir lodges (after the name of this lower tier of lodges). The lodges located above do not have a special name.

They say that the theater begins with a hanger, but in fact it begins with the purchase of tickets. The main question is which places to choose? There are stalls, boxes, mezzanine... In some theaters there are so-called uncomfortable places - this is where nothing is seen and little is heard. At the same time, such inconvenience is not always warned in advance.

Some places are too far away, from others - the edge of the stage is not visible. To choose the best seats, first look at the scheme of the theater hall.

Parterres are places in the auditorium area that are closest to the stage. The amphitheater is the space immediately behind the stalls. Usually the amphitheater area is just above the stalls. The mezzanine seats are even higher. At the very top is a balcony. On both sides of the parterre there are lodges - these are small spaces with a separate entrance.

By tradition, the seats in the box are considered the most prestigious - earlier only wealthy visitors could sit there. Each box has a separate entrance, and besides this, you can not only watch the performance, but also show yourself. More than a hundred years ago, representatives of high society came to the theater for this very reason. Officers sat in the stalls, and titled persons in separate boxes. Leo Tolstoy described this in Anna Karenina.

In our time, the beauty Vivienne is performed Julia Roberts businessman Edward Lewis Richard Gere introduces the opera by buying tickets in the box. But in fact, the places there are some of the most uncomfortable. The stage is not fully visible, and the performance has to be viewed half-turned.

Today, to the question “What are the best places in the theater?” almost everyone will answer "in the stalls." Parterre seats are traditionally considered the best, but they are also the most expensive. At the same time, almost every theater has a so-called "sound pit" - it is somewhere between 5 and 10 rows. There, the sound literally flies over the viewer. This is especially important if you are going to the opera.

Famous film example: Bruce Willis' character Corwin Dallas in The Fifth Element is watching an opera from the front row. Many will not advise you to take tickets to the first rows of the stalls. It only seems from afar that the artists are fluttering around the stage like butterflies, but in the front row you will hear all the extraneous noises. In addition, you will have to watch the action with your head up, while you will still see the back of the conductor's head in front of you.

Choose seats in the middle of the hall or a little further. There, tickets are cheaper than in the front rows, and the view is better. Real theater-goers, in addition to the stalls, often choose the first rows of the mezzanine.

In general, the most prestigious and expensive theater seats do not mean the best. Sometimes on the balcony you can see and hear everything without interference.

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