What did the buzovoy crush. Drobysh about "plywood" Buzova: Olga could work as a cashier

07 October 2017

The producer is haunted by the glory of the host of "House-2"

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya once again decided to offend Olga Buzova. Nastasya prepared a musical number with one of the participants in the New Star Factory, in which she ridiculed Buzova’s dance moves, and at the end of the number pulled up her dress and showed a pillow tied to her underpants with the inscription “plywood” crossed out

This issue was commented by the producer of the musical project and Nastasya Samburskaya. Viktor Drobysh criticized Buzova on his Instagram page: “ Hi all. I am very glad that at this factory we have touched the “creativity” of Olga Buzova. She is certainly a talented person, only, until now, no one knows what her talent is. As a musician, I am sure that music is not her strongest side .. Moreover, raising plywood to official status, she does badly to the entire Russian show business, which is already not far from zh ... s. Therefore, the factory stage is the best place for a talented ridicule of this impudent phenomenon - "Buzova". Although, she is not a bad person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier!”

Olga Buzova answered Viktor Drobysh correctly, recalling that her music album tops the charts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, is in the top 250 most popular artists in the world according to iTunes, but Drobysh's tracks have never reached such heights. In addition, Buzova reminded the producer that he recently invited her to come to the Star Factory, but now she is likely to give up this idea.

"The beautiful young singer Jacob Collier, who was noticed on Instagram by the legendary Quincy Jones, received two Grammys. Not because dad paid, but because he is really mega-talented! And we all honor the host of the reality show, who suddenly decided to sing ... How to be something? - the star of the last season of the show "Voice" Alexander Panayotov was indignant and immediately became the object of hatred of the fans himself about and presenter - today the most popular girl on Instagram.

The triumph of Olga Buzova at the last Big Love Show is still being discussed by the whole country. The first appearance of the star of "House-2" on the stage of "Olympic" in the image of Cleopatra impressed the artist's fans with its scale, but on the way back to her dressing room in the corridor Buzova had to catch a few sidelong glances from her now colleagues on the stage.

Olga Buzova at the Big Love Show

Hours later, the Grammy Awards sparked controversy not only behind the scenes of the stadium, but also on social media. Videos immediately began to appear on the Internet, in which, offering to draw a conclusion to their readers. The question "Why are we not the same as they are?" once again stood up.

A few months ago, Russians without exception admired the extraordinary talent of the Voice star, who decided to perform at blind auditions and blew up the Internet with his soulful performance. Then everyone shouted as one that they would like to see strong and charismatic artists on their screens more often, and not "voiceless singers." However, now Panayotov, who criticized the new star of Russian show business, has been declared war by at least several million fans of that same reality show host: "And this is written by a person who calls a concert performance in a tavern. Envy in silence!"

The regulars of the Russian scene, in turn, supported the star of the main talent show.

If Big Love Show wants to claim some serious level, are they not ashamed to invite Olga Buzova there? - Russian producer Viktor Drobysh was outraged in a conversation with Life. - You call her last name, but does she have anything to do with music at all? Do you know what people in our show business need to do? They need to stop lying and stealing money, that's all. Then the shows will be real, then the music will be good. What is happening now is a disaster.


When Olga Buzova performs, the show will not be cool anyway. No need to hang a hundred lanterns and a huge screen. Everything is inherent in the artist himself: he must be sexy, talented, charismatic. When there is no artist, this will be the show,


Victor Drobysh about Olga Buzova.

Singer Yulianna Karaulova, in turn, said that the organizers of the show called Olga Buzova on them only for the sake of good ticket sales.

It seems to me that our industry, in principle, is not as developed as in the United States, we have a completely different financial turnover. Foreign shows cost completely different money, - Karaulova shared with Life. - And as for Olga Buzova, it is worth considering what is more important here, supply or demand. I think that in this case the demand. She became a singer because she has a huge audience, she has millions of views. Much more professional artists don't get as much attention. The organizers called her because she is really in the top right now. In this case, they are not engaged in cultural education, for them it is just a business, people just want to satisfy the maximum number of audiences. And the audience in our time listens to Olga Buzova.


Much more professional artists don't get as much attention as Olga Buzova. The organizers called her because she is now in the top, and in this case they are not engaged in cultural education - for them it is just a business,


Yulianna Karaulova about Olga Buzova.

A colleague in the shop was supported by Stas Piekha. According to the artist, Russian show business relies on popularity, while not giving listeners a guarantee of performance quality.

You don't have to be talented to get into show business. Buzova loves the people, because she is a simple girl who, without possessing any special abilities, made her way, - Stas Piekha told Life. - In addition, the Big Love Show is not a Grammy or even a Golden Gramophone, it's just a concert. Although, I think that Olga will also be given our award, because Gramophone also does not particularly appreciate the quality of songs. The main thing is rotation and popularity. In show business, as in war, all means are good. I understand why she is condemned: we have many talented artists who do not feel that they were able to realize themselves.

The performance of Nastasya Samburskaya at the "New Star Factory", which many fans of Olga Buzova's talents regarded as an attack on the bright image of their idol, received its continuation. The number was extremely positively assessed by producer Viktor Drobysh, but Olga Buzova herself did not go into her pocket for an answer to him.


"I am very glad that at this factory we touched the "creativity" of Olga Buzova. She is certainly a talented person, only, until now, no one knows what her talent is 🙋🏼 (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Note ed.)," Drobysh wrote on his Instagram page. From a professional point of view, he noticed that singing talent definitely cannot be called her forte.

According to the producer, Olga Buzova's passion for performances to the phonogram is bad for the entire domestic show business, which is already going through hard times. "Therefore, the factory stage is the best place for a talented ridicule of this impudent phenomenon -" Buzova "👍 although she is not a bad person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier! 👍," says Viktor Drobysh.

“In this story, it’s a pity only for the manufacturers, because their producer will never be able to tell them how to really be the first in music, since his tracks only occasionally got into at least the top 200 of Russian iTunes,” she noted. Olga Buzova herself has much more notable achievements in this area.

"I am the only Russian artist whose album "To the Sound of Kisses" is there, and so high. I am the only artist whose tracks eight times in a row became the most downloaded in the CIS countries and got one after another to the first places on iTunes and Google play," – modestly noted the performer.

She also found a comment for Nastasya Samburskaya. “And about the parody of the actress from the Univer series on me, I’m glad that at least after that, the country found out that Nastasya was trying to sing,” the singer pricked her rival.

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya decided to hurt the singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova. She prepared a number in which she ridiculed Buzova’s dance moves, and at the end of the performance she pulled up her dress and showed a pillow tied to her underpants with the inscription “plywood” crossed out.

This number was commented on by the producer of the Star Factory and Samburskaya herself Viktor Drobysh, writes Teleprogramma.

- She is certainly a talented person, but still no one knows what her talent is. I, as a musician, am sure that music is not her strongest side. Moreover, by elevating plywood into officialdom, it does badly to the entire Russian show business, which is already not far from the zh ... s,- wrote Drobysh on Instagram.

According to him, Buzova "could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier."

Olga Buzova, in response, reminded Drobysh that her music album “To the Sound of Kisses” tops the charts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and is in the top 250 most popular according to iTunes, but Drobysh’s tracks have never reached such heights.

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