Jokes about Lieutenant Rzhevskiy. The story of the character Lieutenant Rzhevsky hussar ballad

Lieutenant Rzhevsky at the ball - to the general:
- Guess the riddle: without windows, without doors, the upper room is full of people.
- Ass.
- No, that's not right, it's a cucumber. And here's another: seven clothes and all fasteners.
- Ass...
- No! .. It's an onion.
- And when will it be in the ass? ..

Natasha Rostova makes lieutenant Rzhevsky m#no. Natasha: - Lieutenant, something you have a soft member. Lieutenant: - This is not a member, I mean.

In anticipation of the arrival of Natasha Rostov Lieutenant Rzhevsky was engaged in self-control ...

They invited Rzhevsky to a party, treated him to grapes. He takes it in handfuls, chews, snot fly. They say to him: - Lieutenant, shame on you! Don't you know that grapes are eaten by the berry? - Leave it, gentlemen. What is eaten by the berry is called eggplant.

Lieutenant Rzhevsky was a great original, he loved women, vodka and cards.

The lieutenant rides in a cab in Moscow.
Rzhevsky: - Oh! Look, look! Ass!
Izv .: - Yes, this is not an ass, master, but a young lady.
Over time:
Rzhevsky: - Oh-oh-oh! Look! This is ass so ass!
Izv .: -Eco you, master ... This is not an ass, but a policeman.
Hmmm - after thinking, says Rzhevsky - after all, Moscow is a boring town. Already
We traveled two versts, but never met a single asshole.

Rzhevsky is going to the ball and orders the batman to teach
his some pun.
- Well, listen, your wander. A clipper is floating, a skipper is on the clipper, the skipper has
zipper, clap in zipper.
Rzhevsky comes to the ball, gathers a circle around him and says:
- An original pun, gentlemen! The barge floats, and the barge is full

At a ball at the Rostovs, the PB comes up to Rzhevsky and asks:
PB: Here you are a lieutenant, as a great connoisseur of women, tell me, do you see this lady?
Does she take it in her mouth or not?
PB points a finger at one of the dancing ladies.
Rzhevsky: Beret!!!
PB: And this one?, and points to another.
Rzhevsky: And this one takes it.
PB: Well, does this one take too???
Says PB, pointing to the third lady.
Rzhevsky: Wait a second, Pierre, the lieutenant answers.
When the lady turns to face Rzhevsky, he says: PB: But lieutenant, let me know how you manage to learn about women like that
Rzhevsky: Yes, everything is very simple, dear Pierre. Does the mouth eat? So it takes!!!

Lieutenant Rzhevsky has a birthday. Natasha informs him that she has a present for him. Strips naked and she has only one bow in the most piquant place!
The lieutenant, rolling up his sleeve to the elbow: "Well, how far is he there?"

Natasha Rostova asks the lieutenant Rzhevsky.
- Tell me, lieutenant, what do you do in the evenings?
- With pleasure, for example, last night I was at the stable and fucked a mare there.
- Oh, what a vulgar lieutenant you are.
She turned around and went to the cornet:
-Tell me, cornet, the lieutenant Rzhevsky, is it really such a vulgar thing or just a naughty one?
- A vulgar, oh no, of course, a scoundrel, last night, when the lieutenant and I were fucking a mare at the stable, the lieutenant all the time dug a stool out from under my feet, certainly a scoundrel.

Lieutenant Rzhevsky rides in the train
Went out to the vestibule to buy, put in no matches. Father stands nearby
-Holy father! won't you have matches?
Batiushka rummaged through his cassock and took out matches.
Rzhevsky lit a cigarette, thought and asked
- Say Father? Why do you need matches, why do you even smoke a sin?
to which the Holy Father replied
-The pocket doesn’t burden you to eat or drink, doesn’t ask, even though Pop doesn’t eat a nun ... but huh .. wears in a pocket
"Cool tale," thought Rzhevsky, "I'll tell you tonight at the Vyazemsky's ball"
In the evening at the ball, the floor is given to Rzhevsky
- Lord!!! Today I heard a funny joke but since here Ladies I will replace obscene words with XO-Ho and Ha-Ha but the meaning will remain the same
The reserve does not burden your pocket to eat or drink, does not ask for at least Pop a little girl is not a HO HO - but X% in your pocket OH HO HO!

Natasha Rostova is dancing with Lieutenant Rzhevsky:
- Lieutenant, have you ever been in love?
- Of course ***-s!
Natasha faints, the lieutenant picks her up in his arms:
- Excuse me, mademoiselle! x% ynyu-s froze-s!

Lieutenant Rzhevsky is dancing at the ball with Natasha Rostova.
-Fu, Lieutenant, how you smell - go take off your socks!!!
A minute later the lieutenant returns to Hatasha.
- Lieutenant, you still smell the same, have you taken off your socks?
-But how, - said Lieutenant Rzhevsky and pulled them out of his bosom.

A young lieutenant Rzhevsky plays in the theater. His first role
was that the Lieutenant should go on stage, say
"Balabuev, here is your cane" and give it back. Hussars argued
with the Lieutenant that he would be mistaken and instead of the name Balabuev from excitement
says Bala***v. And now the performance is on and Rzhevsky enters the stage.
- Balabuev, - says the lieutenant and looks victoriously into the stalls, - here is your x # d ...

Hussars in the officers' assembly lead serious conversation. Suddenly the door opens, and a naked girl runs into the officers' meeting, then a second, a third ... Dubrovsky and says:
- As usual, just started a serious conversation! Now naked Rzhevsky will appear!
At this moment, the door opens, Rzhevsky enters, dressed in full dress uniform, and says:
- Imagine, gentlemen, I have been looking for a dress uniform for three years, and then you understand, I undress and ... here it is, like new

A woman with a cart is harder for a mare.
(Lieutenant Rzhevsky)

The lieutenant is almost on his deathbed after drinking. Just in case, the hussars decided to send a priest to him so that he could take communion. However, the priest was busy, so the priest came instead.
Popadya, having heard about the adventures of Rzhevsky from her husband, to whom numerous ladies complained, decided to take a look at the subject. Quietly lifting the blanket and evaluating the size of the penis like a woman, the priest sobbed voluptuously.
At that moment the lieutenant woke up and groaned:
- Here it is, the punishment for my sins ... At the hour of death - a pop pederast ...

Natasha Rostova is dancing at a ball with Lieutenant Rzhevsky.
- Lieutenant, your mouth stinks!
- Here are the bastards! Again in the soul shit!

Three ladies argue about what hurts more: giving birth, having an abortion
or lose maiden honor.
-Eh, have you ever been beaten in the balls with a frying pan? -
Lieutenant Rzhevsky intervenes in the conversation.

Somehow Rzhevsky came to the ball, and they ask him to tell some case, to which he agrees.
- I somehow got to Africa to hunt a lion. I am walking through the jungle, chopping vines with a machete, and suddenly I go out into a clearing, and a hungry lion is sitting on it, two meters from me. Lord, I'm pissed off.
Well, everyone rushed to say:
- Well, lieutenant, to see a lion so close. With whom, they say, does not happen.
- No, gentlemen, I just turned around.

In a string of heroes of jokes lieutenant Rzhevsky occupies a special place. Incomparable qualities intertwined in Rzhevsky - irrepressible boasting and fidelity to the word, love for the weaker sex and reckless courage in battle, patriotism and a penchant for gambling, the ability to dance and hostility to high society. Where did this brave lieutenant come from and was he really in history?

Rzhevsky - entry into folklore

AT mass consciousness people hero Patriotic War 1812 - Lieutenant Rzhevsky entered just half a century ago, when the 150th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army in this war was celebrated.

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the folklore birth of Lieutenant Rzhevsky took place in 1962, after the release of Eldar Ryazanov's comedy "Hussar Ballad". The film itself was a screen adaptation of Alexander Gladkov's play Once Upon A Time, which was first staged in 1941. The playwright Gladkov, who gave Russia an outstanding folk hero, recalled that he was inspired by the poem of the hero of 1812, the legendary hussar Denis Davydov, for the dashing image of Lieutenant Rzhevsky:

Tonight I'll see you
Tonight my lot will be decided,
Today I will get what I want -
Ile absheed to rest!

Tomorrow, damn it! - how to stretch the zyuzya,
On the troika, I’ll fly with a Ukhar arrow;
Overslept before Tver, I'll get drunk again in Tver,
And drunk I'll ride to Petersburg for drunkenness!

But if happiness is appointed by fate
To the one who whole century unfamiliar with happiness
Then ... oh, and then I'll get drunk pig pig
And with joy I will drink runs with a wallet!

Actor Yuri Yakovlev, who brilliantly entered the role of the main character, created an unforgettable image of Lieutenant Rzhevsky with his magnificent performance - a dashing braggart, a ladies' man, a swindler, prone to gambling and reckless in battle.


As many as nine Russian regions can compete for the right to be called the birthplace of Lieutenant Dmitry Rzhevsky. Nobles with such a surname lived in the Voronezh, Kursk, Tula, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan, St. Petersburg, Tambov and Tver provinces.

For example, the specific princes of Rzhevsky, whose surname is named after the city of Rzhev, are mentioned in the annals of 1315. It is known that Prince Rodion Rzhevsky died in the Battle of Kulikovo.

The captain of the Russian army Rzhevsky, who owned part of the Rzhev settlement, lived in St. Petersburg. It is believed that the captain sold his land to the maritime department, which set up the Rzhev artillery range there, which is still operating to this day.

At the beginning of the 18th century, by decree of Peter I, lieutenant Yuri Rzhevsky was sent to Italy to study maritime affairs. Upon returning to his homeland, the officer was assigned to the Preobrazhensky Regiment. It is noteworthy that Lieutenant Yuri Rzhevsky is the great-great-grandfather of A.S. Pushkin.

It is also known that two Rzhevsky brothers participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, but they can hardly be considered the real prototypes of our hero, since none of them was a lieutenant.

However, the most real prototype of lieutenant Rzhevsky can be considered a nobleman lieutenant Sergei Rzhevsky, who lived in the middle of the 19th century in the Venevsky district of the Tula province. According to his contemporaries, the young rake "disregarded recklessly", often very obscenely and vulgarly, and only the police could calm him down.

Footprint in art

The name of Lieutenant Rzhevsky, in addition to anecdotes, is associated with many works of art and show business. As already mentioned, the playwright Alexander Gladkov was the first to bring our hero to the stage on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. By the way, his comedy "A long time ago" is still with great success goes to Central academic theater Russian army.

The image of Rzhevsky is regularly exploited in mass art. So, in the well-known film by Dzhanik Fayziev "Turkish Gambit" the attention of the female audience is riveted to the lieutenant-hussar Zurov - a dashing grunt, duelist, gambler and womanizer, played by actor Dmitry Pevtsov.

The adventures of lieutenant Rzhevsky were a favorite topic of the TV show "Gorodok". Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov sometimes play out piquant moments from the lieutenant's biography in a very original way.

In the comedy by Marius Weisberg "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", which was released in February 2012, all the truly "hussar" qualities of the lieutenant are revealed. Rzhevsky, performed by actor Pavel Derevyanko, is the focus of debauchery, excitement and brutality. The rollickingness of Rzhevsky goes off scale so much that at times it drives even the most hardened viewers into the paint.

The absurdity of the plot (Russian generals throw Rzhevsky, disguised as a woman, into Napoleon's headquarters, where the French emperor falls madly in love with a temperamental stranger) reveals new features of Rzhevsky, who managed to step over his principles and enter the role of a temptress for the glory of the Fatherland.

Rzhevsky, unlike Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and Stirlitz, became the hero of about 10 full-fledged literary works that were published in 1990-2000. Unlike its cinematic rivals, it boasts the baggage of several theatrical performances and even a separate ballet (The Hussar Ballad by Tikhon Khrennikov).

The folklore heritage of Rzhevsky is incalculable. The researchers counted more than 400 jokes about the dashing lieutenant. Naturally, most of them are very difficult to publish without cuts.

Above all, Lieutenant Rzhevsky is immortalized in painting and sculpture. In 1979, the artist Vladimir Ovchinnikov presented the world with the painting “Lieutenant Rzhevsky”, and the grateful residents of Pavlograd (Ukraine) erected a real monument to the hero of folk jokes.

One way or another, lieutenant-adventurer Dmitry Rzhevsky took his place in the galaxy folk heroes, in different time who stood up in defense of the Fatherland. And although we have a vague idea of ​​​​Rzhevsky's military exploits, his successes in civilian life undoubtedly cheer up many.

“Once Lieutenant Rzhevsky, at a dinner party, picked up an oyster fork with the wrong hand. "Fi," said the old countess. Since then, various nasty things have been told about the lieutenant. "Around the World" figured out if it's true that ...

... jokes about Lieutenant Rzhevsky were told back in the 19th century

Tales about reckless cavalrymen were really popular in the century before last, whether it was a nameless lancer or a famous hussar officer, the hero of the war with Napoleon Denis Davydov. Lieutenant Rzhevsky was not seen in the jokes of that time.

The Tula historian Roman Klyanin suggested that since the end of the 19th century, tales about Sergei Rzhevsky from the city of Venev, whose hooligan antics could be envied by any hussar, could have been preserved in folklore. So, once he appeared at a masquerade in a cardboard stove costume, worn on his naked body, with doors in the most “interesting” places. There was an inscription on the doors: “Do not open the stove, there is a waste in it” ... Newspapers wrote about him, but there is no evidence that stories about this provincial have become part of folklore. In addition, apart from a penchant for outrageousness, he had little in common with a dashing lieutenant. This Rzhevsky did not drink, he hated gambling, did not dance and did not know how to take care of the ladies - in general, "a shameful guardsman came out of him," his niece summarizes in his memoirs about his uncle's uncle's military career.

Lieutenant Rzhevsky became the hero of jokes since the 1960s, after the release of Eldar Ryazanov's film The Hussar Ballad. The action of the picture takes place in 1812, and the hero - a hussar, womanizer and rake Dmitry Rzhevsky - fights the French and wins the heart of the cavalry girl Shurochka Azarova.

... lieutenant Rzhevsky first appeared in the movie

Frame from the film "The Hussar Ballad", 1962. In the role of lieutenant Rzhevsky - Yuri Yakovlev

Not at all. "The Hussar Ballad" is an adaptation of Alexander Gladkov's play "A long time ago". Lieutenant Dmitry Rzhevsky appears in it for the first time. The play was created in 1940 - early 1941, and the premiere took place on November 7, 1941 in besieged Leningrad. The performance was repeatedly interrupted by an air raid alarm, the actors, together with the audience, descended into the bomb shelter, and after the lights out returned to the stage.

The audience received the play very warmly, it continued to be staged even after the war, but the phenomenon mass culture lieutenant Rzhevsky became after the release of the Hussar Ballad. This is not the only case when the hero of a literary work “infiltrated” folklore after the film adaptation: this happened with Stirlitz, with Chapaev, Holmes.

... lieutenant Rzhevsky was a relative of Pushkin

Hussar. Drawing by Alexander Pushkin. 1833

This is true. First ever Russian Empire Lieutenant Rzhevsky named Yuri, who under Peter the Great served in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, and then became the vice-governor of Nizhny Novgorod, is the poet's great-great-grandfather.

... the surname Rzhevsky comes from the name of the city of Rzhev

True (although anecdotes suggest a version related to what exactly the ancestors of the legendary lieutenant usually did with the ladies in the rye). Noble families often formed from toponyms - by possession or origin. The first Rzhevskys were mentioned in written sources as early as the 14th century; it is believed that they are descended from the Smolensk branch of the Grand Ducal Rurik dynasty. But the cities of Rzhev, or Rzhev (in the feminine gender), in Russia there were two - the Upper Volga, which retained the name, and Rzhev Empty near Pskov, now Novorzhev. However, in the 19th century, numerous Rzhevsky nobles lived not only in the Tver and Pskov provinces.

Anecdote on the topic

The bus with tourists drives up to the city of Rzhev. Guide:
- And here, gentlemen, Lieutenant Rzhevsky lived and worked.
Curious from the public:
- Well, he lived - this is understandable. What, I wonder, did he do?
- Oh, sir, he did such a thing here ...

... Dmitry Rzhevsky had a real prototype

Local historians are still looking for him everywhere. Meanwhile, Denis Davydov, whose memoirs inspired Gladkov, in his Diary of Partisan Actions, spoke of a meeting in November 1812 with Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Rzhevsky and his detachment. But only. As the historian Oleg Kondratiev writes, “apparently, the playwright took the surname he liked from the real-life lieutenant colonel Rzhevsky, changed his name and “lowered” the hussar officer in rank (and this is understandable, because “his” Rzhevsky is quite young and did not reach high ranks) ” . According to Gladkov himself, “the whole of Rzhevsky came out of [Denis Davydov’s] poem “Decisive Evening”.

Doloman and mentic officer of Mariupol hussars

Tonight I'll see you
Tonight my lot will be decided,
Today I will get what I want -
Il absheed * to rest!

Tomorrow, damn it! - how to stretch the zyuzya,
On the troika, I’ll fly with a Ukhar arrow;
Overslept before Tver, I'll get drunk again in Tver,
And drunk I'll ride to Petersburg for drunkenness!

But if happiness is appointed by fate
To those who have not known happiness for a century,
Then ... oh, and then I'll get drunk pig pig
And with joy I will drink runs ** with a wallet!

* Abshid - dismissal from service, resignation.

** Runs - running money issued to officers from the treasury for the cost of travel on postal roads.

... Rzhevsky appears in the same literary work with Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky

Frame from the film "War and Peace". 1965–1967 Vyacheslav Tikhonov (left) as Andrei Bolkonsky, director Sergei Bondarchuk as Pierre Bezukhov

Schoolchildren of many generations, having heard anecdotes about how the lieutenant looks after Natasha Rostova and communicates with Bezukhov and Bolkonsky, looked in vain for mention of the brave hussar in the novel War and Peace. Tolstoy's heroes with the lieutenant unites only the era Napoleonic Wars and popularity after the release of the famous film adaptation of the novel. The film "War and Peace" by Sergei Bondarchuk, like "The Hussar Ballad", was filmed in the 1960s: in the popular mind, the characters of the film epic found a place next to Rzhevsky.

Anecdote on the topic

All jokes are lies! In the life of Natasha Rostova there was only one man who could do whatever he wanted with her. His name was Leo Tolstoy.

... communicated with Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy

Frame from the film "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", 2012. In the role of Rzhevsky - Pavel Derevyanko, in the role of Leo Tolstoy - Mikhail Efremov

Great writers are busy in jokes mainly by supplying Rzhevsky with obscene puns. In the 19th century famous writers and poets were favorite heroes of jokes, so in the next century they migrated to funny stories about a fictional hussar - their older contemporary.

…loved beer

In jokes about the brave hussar, this drink is often mentioned; today in Rzhev, the face of the lieutenant adorns the labels of several varieties of local beer. Meanwhile, in Gladkov's play, the hussars mention and use different drinks: vodka, zhzhenka (hot drink made from alcohol, fruits and burnt sugar), rum, punch, several varieties of wine, arak (Caucasian or Central Asian variety of hard liquor), but not a word about beer. Denis Davydov does not pay much attention to beer in his work, although the hussars, of course, drank everything they could. The reason for such neglect is probably not even the reputation of beer as a drink for the common people (art historian Yulia Demidenko claims that beer was considered vulgar only to late XIX century), but that the hussars preferred something stronger.

... served in the same regiment with Denis Davydov

Portrait of Denis Davydov. George Doe. 1828

"Poet and partisan" Davydov - the prototype of Colonel Davyd Vasilyev, under whose command Rzhevsky fights in the play and film. Vasiliev is listed in the Akhtyrsky regiment, as was Davydov in 1812-1814. “Pugnacity, brother, yours has long been a proverb in the Akhtyrsky regiment,” this character says to Rzhevsky in Gladkov’s play. However, the colors of the dolman (a uniform cloth jacket) and the mentik (an upper cape with sleeves) of the Akhtyrs are brown, and in the text the lieutenant states: “There is no more beautiful blue!”, referring to his uniform. In 1812, decoration elements blue color(with dark blue dolmans and mentics) were characteristic of the hussars of the Grodno regiment. In the film "The Hussar Ballad" Rzhevsky is dressed in the colors of the Mariupol regiment, the dolman and mentic are dark blue. Perhaps the playwright also had in mind the uniform of the Mariupol regiment. True, in the play she “shed”, from blue to blue, in order, probably, to fit into the meter.

It is interesting that in the Ukrainian city of Pavlograd in 2006 a monument to Rzhevsky was erected, although the lieutenant has nothing to do with the Pavlograd hussar regiment according to the text of the play, he only recognizes its colors on the uniform of Shura Azarova. At the same time, in the film, Shura wears the colors of the Sumy Regiment. Director Eldar Ryazanov did not hide the fact that historical accuracy was not important to him: “I came to the conclusion that we will not create a museum of antique furniture, clothes, weapons, mustaches and sideburns on the screen. The main thing is to find a way to correctly convey the spirit of the time itself.

Anecdote on the topic

Lieutenant Rzhevsky says:
- Yesterday I was with Countess N. And her husband unexpectedly returned.
- So what? What have you done?
- Protected the honor of the officer's uniform.
- How?
- I killed all the moths in the closet.

... played in the theater

Scene from Tikhon Khrennikov's ballet based on Alexander Gladkov's play The Hussar Ballad

In jokes, Rzhevsky now and then appears on the stage in the role of either Chatsky from Woe from Wit (by the way, the author of the play, Alexander Griboedov, also served in the hussar regiment), or Othello ... but each time he forgets the text and recites something obscene. In fact, it was not appropriate for an officer and a nobleman to perform on the professional stage in those days - until that time, as the nephew of Emperor Alexander II Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich founded in 1884 a literary and theater Club under the Life Guards Izmailovsky Regiment. Therefore, Rzhevsky in Gladkov's play shines only in the theater of operations. Despite the fact that it is the theater that he owes his birth to.

Photo: Mosfilm /, Andrey Butko (CC-BY-sa), Dmitry Neumoin / Photobank Lori, RIA Novosti, Nikolai Naumenkov / TASS Newsreel, Central Partnership Film Company / ITAR-TASS, AGE, Fine Art Images / Legion -Media

Lieutenant Rzhevsky - a famous adventurer, the hero of numerous anecdotes, a mythical person or a real person?

Let's start with an anecdote. Fire in brothel. Shouts are heard: We burn, we burn! Water! Water! The door of one room opens, Lieutenant Rzhevsky shouts: And in the thirteenth room of champagne ...

In this - he is all, reckless zhuir and a womanizer. Hundreds of anecdotes have been written about the adventures of lieutenant Rzhevsky, which testifies to the great popular love for this character. In his popularity, Rzhevsky is not inferior to Chapaev and Stirlitz, about whom there are also many jokes among the people. And this trinity has one general pattern: fame came to them after the film adaptation of their heroic adventures (Rzhevsky - after Eldar Ryazanov's "Hussar Ballad", based on the play by Alexander Gladkov). Naturally, the question arises whether real prototype this dashing hussar? It is believed that there was. Thus, the writer Yuri Voitov is convinced that Nikolai Ashinov, a native of Tsaritsyn, who was widely known at the end of the 19th century, could become the prototype of Rzhevsky. A desperate head, Ashinov more than a century ago landed a Cossack landing on the territory of present-day African Somalia, founded the “African Cossacks with the village of Moscow” there and declared that from now on these lands are under the jurisdiction of the Russian crown. Only a true hussar, Lieutenant Rzhevsky, could make such an adventure.

And a history teacher from the Ukrainian city of Pavlograd, Viktor Bushin, put forward his own version, according to which Lieutenant Rzhevsky comes from these places. To this point of view, he was moved by a phrase from the “Hussar Ballad”, which literally sounded from the lips of Lieutenant Rzhevsky as follows: “The uniform is on you, I see, Pavlograd!” And after all, he got to the bottom of the truth, rummaging through the archival documents of the Pavlograd hussar regiment: the name of a certain lieutenant Rzhevsky is really mentioned there! “-Therefore, in the debate about the “registration” of Rzhevsky, I can now dot the “i” with full confidence: our beloved literary, “cinematic” and folklore hero was indeed an officer of the Pavlograd Hussar Regiment!” - Viktor Bushin proudly stated in the local media. True, this version was somewhat spoiled by the employees of Pavlogradsky local history museum, claiming that Lieutenant Rzhevsky is nothing more than a collective image.

«- Long years it was believed that the names of the legendary lieutenant could not be in the lists of the Pavlograd hussar regiment, - says the director of the museum Tatyana Borisenko. “Now some researchers do not exclude such a possibility, but we have no documentary evidence.” In general, the noble family of the Rzhevskys was known in Russia, who considered their ancestor not just anyone, but the legendary Prince Rurik. Other Rzhevsky princes came from the city of the same name Rzhev, their names and deeds are mentioned in the annals of 1315. Prince Rodion Fedorovich Rzhevsky laid down his head on the Kulikovo field in 1380. He, of course, could not become a character in jokes about Lieutenant Rzhevsky. Bearers of this glorious and ancient family, by the way, lived in the Voronezh, Kursk, Tula, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan, St. Petersburg, Tambov and Tver provinces.

In Northern Palmyra, the captain of the Imperial Army, Rzhevsky, really lived and served the tsar. He owned the Rzhev settlement in the capital, which received its name from his last name. And the first known lieutenant Rzhevsky was the great-great-grandfather of Alexander Pushkin - Yuri Alekseevich. At the beginning of the 18th century, at the behest of Peter the Great, he studied maritime affairs in Italy, after which he was appointed to the Preobrazhensky Regiment with the rank of lieutenant. His descendant, Nikolai Rzhevsky, studied with the future great Russian poet Pushkin at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. He, like the previous characters, does not fit well with the image of a broken hussar, and he does not fit into the time frame either.

But the nobleman, second lieutenant Sergei Semenovich Rzhevsky, who lived in the middle of the 19th century in the Venevsky district of the Tula province, was considered the most real stalker. They told and wrote about him that he "disregarded recklessly", and let out such salty jokes, from which decent representatives noble society were often shocked. His outrages were written about even in the then Moscow yellow press. Once Rzhevsky dressed up for a masquerade ball ... as a stove. True, it was cardboard. He stuck his head into the chimney, pushed his legs through holes specially made at the bottom of the furnace. On the holes made in front and behind, indicating a flood and an air vent, I attached something like a door. A large inscription on them read: "Do not open the stove, there is a waste in it." At the same time, he remained naked inside. At all. Of course, there were many curious people who wanted to look into the flood or the air vent, after which some spat, others laughed. Satisfied with the effect, the joker had to be removed from the masquerade by the police. Well, why not the legendary lieutenant Rzhevsky? However, it has already been proven that he is not.

In the meantime, historians and local historians are hoarsely arguing about the topic - was there a boy, that is, Lieutenant Rzhevsky, in reality, a tenacious version of the reality of the existence of his prototype encourages other artists to perpetuate their favorite character. So, in Pavlograd, a monument was erected to a noble countryman. True, for some reason near the chemical plant. The sculptor from Minsk Vladimir Zhbanov, who himself once lived in Pavlograd, “seated” the bronze lieutenant on a bench, and now anyone can sit next to him and touch eternity.


1. Lieutenant, who do you like more - women or horses? You see, gentlemen, if it were not for the horse, I would not have time to see all the ladies with whom I have success, and if there were no ladies, there would seem to be nowhere to go. ..

2. Lieutenant Rzhevsky, what do you think about love at first sight? This is an amazing thing! Terribly saves time!

3. Tell me, lieutenant, when you were young, what were your favorite hobbies? Hunting and women! Who were you after? For women.

4. Natasha Rostova: Maman! Lieutenant Rzhevsky knows vulgar songs. Did he sing them in front of you? No, he whistled...

5. Lieutenant, yesterday you slept with me, and today you don’t even want to say hello! Madam, the bed is not yet a reason for acquaintance.

6. Our hero is asked if he has children? There are... probably 7 or 8. Oh! So you seem to be very fond of children? No, but here's the process...

7. Lieutenant Rzhevsky comes to the officers' meeting and says: Lord! What kind of ill-bred youth has gone! Really, lieutenant? And why didn't you like them so much? Yesterday I was in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer in high spirits, and it happened so: I accidentally put a white piano on, so this ill-mannered impudent and upstart cornet comes up and says: "Lieutenant, shame on you! You're drunk!" And I told him: "Yes, you go, cornet, on ...!" And the mood, gentlemen, is not the same ...

8. Once the cornet took the lieutenant to visit his friends. The lieutenant saw several strange picture. The guests sat at the table. Fifteenth! someone said. Everyone laughed. And forty-fifth, forty-fifth! - they laughed even harder. Tell me, cornet, what are they doing? whispered the lieutenant. They tell jokes. But since everyone had already told each other for a long time, they decided to number them to save time. Interesting, - said the astonished lieutenant: Seventy-fourth! Everyone suddenly fell silent, and one lady went up to the lieutenant and gave him a slap in the face. Lieutenant! They don't tell such jokes in front of the ladies, - the cornet explained.

9. Morning. The sun is shining brightly. The grass on the lawn turns green, the rustle of the breeze is heard, the splash of water in the stream, the chirping of birds. Lieutenant Rzhevsky crawls out of a white tent set up on a lawn. He is wearing a snow-white shirt and boots polished like a mirror. The lieutenant looks around, and spreading his arms to the sides, loudly shouts: Lord, how did I not notice this beauty before?!?! Mother ... mother ... mother ... - the echo echoed out of habit

10. After the ball, the girls, having locked themselves in one of the rooms, began to poison jokes and talk "about their own, about the girl's" ... In the morning, Lieutenant Rzhevsky, dead of shame, fell out of the closet.

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