Andrey Domansky married a cool girl (photo).

The TV presenter told us about true reasons transition from the "New Channel" to "1 + 1", about how it will get along on new job With ex-wife and when he has time to raise children.

- Andrew, what happened? So many projects on Novy Kanal (Bright Heads, Make Me Funny, Intuition) - and suddenly you switch to 11?

Alexander Tkachenko, the head of Pluses, has had a special influence on me for many years. I just can't refuse him. Well, seriously, I just know that inside me there is a need for internal changes. And Tkachenko needed to give me the opportunity to change.

- When else did Tkachenko influence you?

At one time, he suggested that I switch from “Prosto Radio” to “ New channel". Similar! I was tormented by the strongest doubts and eventually passed on, as I am now.

- Didn't you regret it?

No. Not for a second! By the way, this was another trump card when we met now - under the same circumstances. "Do you remember our last conversation?" I say yes. He says: "Do you regret even for a second?" - "No, - I answer, - on the contrary!".

Are you tired of blondes?

Blondes never get bored! For this, I am calm for many more decades. There was just a feeling of maturity, the need for some new step. And all these thoughts arose in me not now, not after the proposal from "1 + 1". To them, reflections, already a year, half a year. You feel vaguely that a worm of doubt gnaws at you.

- The audience is used to seeing you in several projects at once, but you switched to one - “Show for 2 million”. Any other plans?

Now yes. But we discussed with the current management that I could be useful to the channel as a creative producer as well! It is very interesting for me, it is a very important component of my plans for the future. This development is indeed a step forward. I did not feel that I could realize these inner aspirations in my previous job.

- Who will replace you with your former projects?

Don't know. With "Intuition", think it was last season. He, in my opinion, was planned as the last one. And in other projects, I was not such an indispensable character. Information recently appeared that Dima Kolyadenko will host Bright Heads, which means it will be so (on Novy Kanal we were told that the hosts of the programs would change and Kolyadenko would be among them - Auth.).

- Are you going to be fined? Are you breaking any contract?

No, I don't violate.

- Have you thought about working on two channels at the same time?

On two chairs? This is categorically wrong. I would love to be a person who even crawls out of a toilet paper roll. You turn on the toaster and Domansky comes out. One solid Domansky, no one else. With great pleasure! But I think that there are people in the country who are not enthusiastic about my idea. Well, in the end, the presenter is the face of the channel. I think it would be decent not to interfere with your images.

- Maybe you wanted to be closer to your ex-wife Lida Taran?

Yes, this is also one of the reasons why I switched to Pluses (laughs): because Lida Taran works here - Vasya's mother (the common daughter of Vasilina Lidia and Andrey - Auth.).

- Usually, when people disperse, they try not to intersect ...

If I tried, I would fly to another planet, go to another country, I don’t know what else could be done.

- What is your relationship now?

Moms and dads Vasya. Our relationship is friendly. Normal relationship! It's the most important. The child needs to see that dad and mom are adequate. If I manage to make Lida work less in terms of volume, but at the same time this will not affect her financial support in any way, that will be great.

- Why are you interested in the project that you are now leading - "Show for two million"?

I have always dreamed of meeting Ukrainian millionaires! Somehow with personal acquaintance I did not work out either with Igor Kolomoisky, or with Viktor Pinchuk, or with others. And there are so many millionaires at once! I know all of them and they all treat me well. And the most interesting thing is to watch people when they have to decide within a minute: “Do you believe me?” - "I believe you" - "Trust me! Are you in doubt? - "I doubt". When people either believe or don't believe in last minutes they shift bundles of money from one hatch to another, make mistakes, and when this money fails, it is very interesting to observe the reaction of a person who seemed to trust and, it turns out, was deceived in his trust. Or vice versa, a person who was sure of something, and because of this false confidence, lost a large sum of money. Since the game lasts for eight questions, it is important that trust does not disappear in this pair, so that some kind of bitterness does not appear. We played brothers from Ternopil, they lost money on one of the questions, I say: “Guys, embrace, you are brothers!”. And the older brother, thanks to whom, in fact, the loss occurred, extended his hands to the younger: “Well, forgive me!” And the younger one looks at him: “I told you! ..” and pushes him away. And I see that he is not joking, he is really angry. This is two million hryvnias, this is a quarter of a million dollars. This is very big money. And despite the fact that people have a few seconds to understand that this is their money, this is enough to mentally buy some fur coats, cars, apartments, and so on. It's a big temptation, really.

- Who would you go with?

I would probably take Boris Burda. (laughs)

- Do you have such a relationship that you could trust?

We had an episode when we played guitars together in a duet. But that was one time. No, no, no, no, I wouldn’t take Burdu, although, of course, it would be a very fun help. Who would I go with?.. I wouldn’t take my sister, because we would argue with her for a very long and tedious time. And there's just a minute to think. And in general, I wouldn’t take any of my relatives, because they would spend all the time to find out how everyone is doing, like all relatives. We haven't seen each other for a long time, we need to discuss everything. Maybe his eldest son? In terms of the intellectual base, there would, of course, be no use from him. But on the other hand, the kid could then tell his children that at the age of 10 he was earning big money. This is a very important educational moment.

- Do you have time to take part in the upbringing of your children?

As soon as I have free time I'm going to the children. Now I will talk to you, talk to the administrators, get into the car and go to Odessa. Yesterday I went with my little one, with Vasyushka (daughter of Vasilisa, - Auth.), to a performance. If I don’t leave for Odessa today, I’ll leave tomorrow morning, I’ll drive up to them in the evening. But time is short.

- And it will probably be even less?

I do not know. Not sure. I will say that I was embarrassed by the situation of "replicating the physiognomy", in which I recent times stayed. I believe that it is not entirely correct when one leader takes part in such in large numbers projects. This is nothing but brand blur.

- Did you watch the Moscow project?

With Galkin? Of course yes.

- Didn't they cross on the site?

No. Maxim came to the site a day after we left. Although we had met before, we knew each other. But I keep in touch with the crew, with editing, with directing. The project commissioned by the Ukrainian channel was filmed by a Russian company, the same one that shoots this program for Russian television. To be honest, I went to Moscow with some apprehension, because there is a stereotype created by some hysterical media, according to which Russian Federation at best, he treats Ukraine like an older brother to a younger one, with all the consequences. And I suspected that there would be the same attitude on film set. “The kids have arrived, we will quickly teach them how to work, write them down and let them go.” No, everything was very correct, smooth, professional. Very good human relations. It was probably my first shooting session, where I thought with horror: “What's the catch? Where will something come out now? Where is the problem?" And everything, like clockwork.


Name: Andrey Domansky

Career: popular TV presenter

After graduating from the Odessa Polytechnic University, Andrei worked as an engineer for only two years. And then for 10 years he worked as a DJ on "Prosto Radio". In the fall of 2002, he came as a TV presenter to Podyom on Novy Kanal, and then led the top projects: Zirok Factory, Only Truth, etc. A few weeks ago, he left there for 1 + 1. He was married several times, including to Lydia Taran, the host of Snidanka, the father of three children - son Vasily, daughter Lada and little Vasilina.

Dal great interview Ukrainian weekly Teleweek(number on sale from October 14), full version which we bring to your attention today.

Once upon a time, I tried on the role of a participant in the program on the channel Inter, but it turned out that he became her leader. And this is a kind of sign - he has already found his love.

How Andrey Domansky learned to chat girls

Andrey, the idea to lead the project Love at first sight Did you like it right away?

I had some concerns. The authority of my senior comrades hung over me, with whom my acquaintance with entertainment television began - as a teenager I watched Love at first sight With Alla Volkova and Boris Kryuk.

Then it was the only program of the frivolous genre, completely different from what our television showed. I could not imagine that I would fit into this format. And, frankly, I didn’t really believe that his current coming would be successful - the audience quickly gets bored with everything, they are constantly served something new.

But colleagues who work on this project think differently: “This formula - love at first sight - works no matter what century you live in. People always need a soul mate." And this argument convinced me.

Would you like to participate in such a program?

- I tried on this role from the very moment when I first saw Love at first sight. Everyone thought: how would I behave in this situation? What would you say? How would you position yourself - chuckle, be serious, shy, or, conversely, behave impudently?

And what - they deduced the formula "how to fall in love with a girl"?

- No matter how cynical it may sound, there is a buyer for every product, so there is hardly any universal formula. Some love chatterboxes and merry fellows, others are boring ...

At school, I remember, I had to write notes, track the girl’s route home from school and write ambiguous hints from the series “ Andrew loves you”- was engaged in a sort of rock art.

I don't know how I would behave then. But now I would not invent anything - I would remain myself. Why play some kind of game, then to disappoint a person? I've never been a tall handsome man with a dimpled chin and an athletic figure, so in order to interest the girls, I had to chat them up. At some point he reached perfection in this ( laughing).

Have you personally often been disappointed in your chosen ones?

I didn’t manage to meet my only one right after school and live with her all my life. Everything was. True, such that they threw me - never. I was either not given a single chance right away, or I myself became the initiator of the break.

Well, do you believe in love at first sight?

With those women who left a deep mark in my life, I had just that.

Like Andrey Domansky diving into a cave for romance

How did your wife react to the fact that you will have a co-host? Especially considering the fact that you once had an office romance with Marina ...

She has known for a long time Vasya Frolova, and she was always impressed by the idea of ​​seeing how we work in pairs - Marusya knows that we are very similar in our reactions and attitude to life.

By the way, Vasya and I have already worked on the first Factory of stars. And my middle daughter Vasilinka is the same age as my professional relationship with Frolova. I was then worried that she would be born during the first broadcast of the project, and I would have to miss this joyful event.

To refresh the relationship, psychologists advise spouses to have their own territory, periodically rest from each other. Do you practice this in your family?

We don't have this problem, fortunately. It seems to me that if people get tired of each other, this is an alarming symptom - it means that the relationship has exhausted itself. And, frankly, I have no idea what tricks you need to resort to to revive them.

Probably the only possibility is to remove from life all the circumstances that prevent you from enjoying each other's company, and pretend that you are at the very beginning of a relationship and nothing binds you. But it's all a game. It is very difficult to forget that children and mortgages are waiting at home.

Where would you personally go to refresh your relationship if you had to? Where do you think the most romantic places are?

The first thing that comes to mind is Mount Marmolada in the Dolomites, Blue Hall in the Egyptian town of Dahab (an underwater vertical cave. - Note. TN) - a paradise for divers, the central park of Manhattan in New York, a wild beach in Odessa. And in Kyiv - any place where I am with my family.

How Andrei Domansky survived a hellish renovation without family dramas

Relationships between spouses often deteriorate due to domestic problems. You and Marina survived the renovation in new apartment. Did it get to the point where they stopped talking to each other?

It's you, of course, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye ... I never took seriously the saying "If you want to know a person, stick wallpaper with him in the same apartment." But it turned out to be very applicable to our family.

Honor and praise to Marusya, who completely and completely took on this burden - to manage the repair! I was just a source of funding. And yet, from time to time we had tensions. Fortunately, this story is over, and it's a great happiness that we managed not to quarrel over a hell of a repair.

What most often caused conflicts - the color of the tiles in the bathroom or the fact that Marina had to attend a business meeting and chat with the foreman at the same time?

What do you! In terms of tiles and wallpaper, I am an absolutely tolerant person. It is clear that it is more pleasant for a woman to visit a spa salon and get a manicure than to discuss with the plasterer some subtleties of his work or find out why he did not come at one, as promised, but at four. All this is unnerving, so the conflicts were, let's say, of an ideological nature - from the series: “ Andrey, well, when will you join this process?"I answered:" My head hurts completely from something else. If I switch, the main work will suffer».

And then the wife reminded that she also has a main job, but this does not prevent her from doing repairs as well ...

Yes Yes! But I complimented her about the fact that she is generally very cool with me and I don’t know what I would do without her ( smiling). And this is true.

How Andrei Domansky was a mermaid in past life

Now you have a dream apartment?

We are just in the process of moving, and it never happens quickly. I hope that by the end of the year the apartment will look the way we wanted it - in details and nuances. Of what we have long dreamed of - all family members have their own room. And a one and a half ton aquarium, which is now at the launch stage.

In general, for me, the phase of the final move will happen when I put my favorite music on the vinyl player, sit on the sofa in front of the aquarium, in which everything swims and has fun, and I will admire the fish.

Why suddenly fish and such a huge aquarium? Close some gestalt?

Perhaps… Since childhood, I have been indifferent to marine life and even wanted to become an oceanographer. Well, I liked to dive - I liked to watch the fish underwater. In general, the water world is clearly not indifferent to me. Maybe I was a mermaid in a past life? Or a mermaid? ( laughing).

Are you afraid to flood your neighbors?

I already have experience in this matter, including in terms of security - in the apartment from which we moved, there was an 800-liter aquarium.

Last year, you planned to put the whole family on bicycles. Managed?

No - again, due to renovations. I haven't even ridden a bike this summer! As he stood in the garage, so it is.

Well, do you manage to make time for your other hobby - skiing?

We plan to get out to sea soon. And for the first time, our youngest, Kira Andreevna, will go with us, for whom this will be the first trip abroad. And in the winter, if everything goes well, we'll go skiing. And maybe even put our daughter on skis.


The biography of Andrei Domansky is distinguished by a variety of creative achievements. Despite the fact that in the media the name of Andrei sometimes sounds DAmansky, he nevertheless bears the name of his grandfather - Domansky, which he is very proud of. Andrey was born in 1974 on August 8 in the city of Odessa.

In 1992, after airing morning show"Just Radio" begins creative growth Andrey Domansky. From that moment on, Domansky's voice became known to every radio listener.

The employees knew his strength of character, which was confirmed by Andrey's physical weight; in the mid-90s, the young TV presenter weighed 102 kg.

In 2002, Domansky realizes himself in the TV project of the New Channel "Rise". Domansky prefers to show himself only in commercial projects, he is a pragmatic Ukrainian who wants to live by five-star standards. Therefore, Andrei has to pay for such a life with work. In an interview, Domansky admitted that he sometimes confuses corporate events with the studio.

Popularity in the biography of Andrei Domansky was brought by the program “Wedding in 48 Hours”.

Andrey also starts his work at 1+1 with a busy schedule, but he likes it. He never shows signs of fatigue, is always friendly and does not look his 36.

Recently, Domansky has been the TV presenter of the Show for 2 Million project. This show is being recorded in Moscow, so Andrey spends a lot of time there. Immediately after filming, the presenter flies off somewhere to rest. Last time it was Italy.

Since 2010, Andrei has become the host of the Intuition program, and since September of the same year he has been leading the Bright Heads game project.

Family biography of Andrei Domansky.

The first wife of Andrei Domansky was called Yulia, from this marriage the TV presenter left two children - Vasily and Lada Domansky.

Until 2010, Andrei lives in a civil marriage with Lydia Taran, who is also a well-known presenter of Ukrainian channels. AT new family Andrei also had a daughter, Vasilina, she is now three years old. For Andrei, the birth of his daughter was important, because he was ready to disrupt the live broadcast of the Factory if at that moment the girl suddenly wanted to be born. He promised Lydia that he would be there during the birth of the long-awaited miracle. Unfortunately, the family, having lived together for six years, broke up. According to some reports, the breakup of the spouses occurred after Lydia's participation in the Dancing with the Stars project.

Recently it became known that Andrei left his wife Lydia Taran for the sake of a spectacular blonde. Some information sources claim that Andrey's mysterious lover is Eva Bushmina, a member of the Zirok Factory.

Andrey admitted that his hobby is skiing, and the presenter also goes to the gym three times a week to maintain perfect physical shape.

Domansky often goes to his homeland in Odessa, he likes to visit theaters, museums and go to the cinema there. Extreme hobby is spearfishing. In his spare time, Andrey is engaged in the repair of his one-room apartment.

(1974-08-08 ) (44 years old)

Andrey Yurievich Domansky(August 8, Odessa) - Ukrainian TV presenter.


Since September 2012, he has also been the host of the show "Recall Everything" on the Russian channel TV3.

Since January 2014, Andrey Domansky began working on the Inter TV channel, where he became the host of two projects: cooking show"Neighbor for lunch" and vocal talent-show "Mentor".

Personal life

From his first marriage, son Vasily Domansky (2000) and daughter Lada Domanskaya (2004).

He lived in an actual marriage with TV presenter Lydia Taran until 2010

Lives in an official marriage with Marina Domanskaya since 2011. Daughter Kira was born on September 19, 2011. Daughter Vera was born on June 23.

TV projects

  • "Climb"
  • "Wedding in 48 hours"
  • "Wedding Beyond the Three Seas"
  • "Only truth?"
  • "Who is against blondes?"
  • "Intuition"
  • "Light Heads"
  • "Lord of the Mountain"
  • "Star Factory" (seasons 1, 3 and 4)
  • "Remember everything"
  • "Dinner Neighbor"
  • "Look out, kids!"
  • "Cooking Together" with Chef Andrey Dromov


Andrey Domansky sang a song with manufacturer Kolya Serga "Song about real men."


2008 - Teletriumph award nomination "Best presenter entertainment programs» .

Participation in TV games

  • Participated in the entertaining TV game "I love Ukraine".
  • Participated in the humorous TV game "Make me funny."
  • "Intuition" - win 0 UAH(issue dated January 7, 2011)
  • "Millionaire - Hot Seat" (release dated February 17, 2011)
  • He played in the Odessa team in the TV game “What? Where? When?"

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An excerpt characterizing Domansky, Andrey Yurievich

But the colonel did not finish everything he wanted. A close-flying cannonball made him dive and bend over on his horse. He paused and was just about to say something else when the core stopped him. He turned his horse and galloped away.
- Retreat! Everyone retreat! he shouted from afar. The soldiers laughed. A minute later the adjutant arrived with the same order.
It was Prince Andrew. The first thing he saw, riding out into the space occupied by Tushin's guns, was an unharnessed horse with a broken leg, which was neighing near the harnessed horses. From her leg, as from a key, blood flowed. Between the limbers lay several dead. One shot after another flew over him as he rode up, and he felt a nervous tremor run down his spine. But the very thought that he was afraid lifted him up again. "I can't be afraid," he thought, and slowly dismounted from his horse between the guns. He gave the order and did not leave the battery. He decided that he would remove the guns from the position with him and withdraw them. Together with Tushin, walking over the bodies and under the terrible fire of the French, he took up cleaning the guns.
“And then the authorities were coming now, so it was more likely to fight,” the fireworker said to Prince Andrei, “not like your honor.”
Prince Andrei did not say anything to Tushin. They were both so busy that they didn't seem to see each other. When, having put on the limbers of the two guns that had survived, they moved downhill (one broken gun and a unicorn were left), Prince Andrei drove up to Tushin.
“Well, goodbye,” said Prince Andrei, holding out his hand to Tushin.
- Goodbye, my dear, - said Tushin, - dear soul! Farewell, my dear, - Tushin said with tears that, for some unknown reason, suddenly came into his eyes.

The wind died down, black clouds hung low over the battlefield, merging on the horizon with gunpowder smoke. It was getting dark, and the more clearly the glow of fires was indicated in two places. The cannonade became weaker, but the rattle of guns behind and to the right was heard even more often and closer. As soon as Tushin with his guns, circling and running over the wounded, got out of the fire and went down into the ravine, he was met by his superiors and adjutants, including the staff officer and Zherkov, who was sent twice and never reached Tushin's battery. All of them, interrupting one another, gave and transmitted orders, how and where to go, and made reproaches and remarks to him. Tushin did not order anything and silently, afraid to speak, because at every word he was ready, without knowing why, to cry, he rode behind on his artillery nag. Although the wounded were ordered to be abandoned, many of them dragged along behind the troops and asked for guns. The very dashing infantry officer who, before the battle, jumped out of Tushin's hut, was, with a bullet in his stomach, laid on Matvevna's carriage. Under the mountain, a pale hussar cadet, supporting the other with one hand, approached Tushin and asked him to sit down.
"Captain, for God's sake, I'm shell-shocked in the arm," he said timidly. “For God's sake, I can't go. For God's sake!
It was clear that this cadet had asked more than once to sit down somewhere and had been refused everywhere. He asked in a hesitant and pathetic voice.
- Order to plant, for God's sake.
“Plant, plant,” said Tushin. “Put down your overcoat, uncle,” he turned to his beloved soldier. Where is the wounded officer?
- They put it down, it's over, - someone answered.
- Plant it. Sit down, honey, sit down. Put on your overcoat, Antonov.
Juncker was Rostov. He held the other with one hand, was pale, and his lower jaw was trembling with feverish trembling. They put him on Matvevna, on the very gun from which the dead officer was laid down. There was blood on the lined overcoat, in which Rostov's trousers and hands were soiled.
- What, are you injured, my dear? - said Tushin, approaching the gun on which Rostov was sitting.
- No, shell-shocked.
- Why is there blood on the bed? Tushin asked.
“It’s an officer, your honor, he bled,” answered the artillery soldier, wiping the blood with the sleeve of his overcoat and as if apologizing for the impurity in which the gun was located.
Forcibly, with the help of the infantry, they took the guns up the mountain, and having reached the village of Guntersdorf, they stopped. It was already so dark that at ten paces it was impossible to distinguish the uniforms of the soldiers, and the skirmish began to subside. Suddenly, close to the right side, shouts and firing were heard again. From the shots already shone in the dark. This was the last attack of the French, which was answered by the soldiers who settled in the houses of the village. Again everything rushed out of the village, but Tushin's guns could not move, and the gunners, Tushin and the cadet, looked at each other silently, waiting for their fate. The firefight began to subside, and animated soldiers poured out of a side street.
- Tsel, Petrov? one asked.

Popular Ukrainian TV and radio host Andrey Domansky is becoming more and more famous in Russia. Interviews and articles about a young interesting presenter are increasingly appearing in Runet. The main reason for this was the news that Andrei was “entrusted” with leading new gear on the TV3 channel, thereby “enticing” a Ukrainian to Moscow.

Like everyone a famous person, Andrey Domansky has its own history of success and it did not start suddenly. Andrey had to make a lot of efforts and show many of his talents in order to turn from a simple Ukrainian boy into a person from the top of the charts.

Andrei was born in Odessa, in a family dominated by a technical and logical mindset. Both of his parents chose engineering jobs. And Andrew wanted to continue their work. He even graduated from the university with a degree in systems engineering, but in the end he chose a completely different path - to radio and television.

As a child, Andrei earned money by selling mussels and seeds on Odessa beaches.

The creative career of Andrei Domanskii / Andrei Domanskii

Popularity came to Andrey very soon after he first, in 1994, became a Russian-speaking presenter on the Ukrainian radio station "Prosto Radio". Already in 2000 talented young man invited to host his first program - on the "New Channel", and then new projects began to follow one after another. Andrey took part in more than 10 popular Ukrainian programs.

Generally creative life Andrey Domansky was more successful than personal. Behind the leader is one divorce and three abandoned children from two women. However, on this moment he is again an exemplary family man and father already fourth child(albeit in a civil marriage).

big push into creative career Andrew became involved in comedy show "Remember everything". As soon as it became known that he was finally approved for the role of the host in the new project of the TVZ channel, Andrei was seriously talked about not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia.

It was not so easy to get this place. Many famous people tried and applied for the role of the host of the show. Russian TV presenters and artists, but in the end, the creators of the project opted for the promising Ukrainian "lad" Andrey. The reason for this was that Andrey Domansky, as a presenter, organically combines the ability to show off irony, charm, and the ability to intrigue the viewer. Namely, the authors of the show considered it the most important. In addition, Andrey's great popularity among Ukrainian viewers, combined with the need to “open” a new face for the Russian audience, became significant factors.

Andrey's "competitors" for the role of the host of the program "Total Recall" were such well-known presenters as Viktor Loginov, Alexei Chumakov and Dmitry Shepelev. Seriously considered the candidacy of the singer Nikolai Baskov.

Andrew: "None social network- neither on Vkontakte, nor on Twitter, nor on Facebook, nor on Odnoklassniki, nor anywhere else is Andrei Domansky. All the Andrey Domanskys who look like me there are clones, people who stole, clicked photos from the Internet. And, in fact, I have nothing more to add.

Filmography of Andrei Domanskii / Andrei Domanskii

  • Movies
  • 2011 I will never forget you
  • 2010 Faith, Hope, Love
  • TV projects
  • Remember everything
  • Climb
  • Wedding in 48 hours
  • Only truth?
  • Who is against blondes?
  • Intuition
  • bright heads
  • Lord of the Mountain
  • Star Factory 1 (Ukraine)
  • Star Factory 3 (Ukraine)
  • show for two million
  • My will be able
  • The voice of the country
  • Beat the leader
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