Active dances for children. Dance studio for children

Even if the child is not set up for a career at the Bolshoi Theater, learning to dance will give him a lot. This is grace, and beautiful posture, and strong immunity, and self-confidence.

Academy of Arts "Muza"

st. Myasnitskaya, 13, building 20

Over the three years of the existence of the Academy, the most best destinations in dance and music, which will allow your child to realize himself and reach great heights in his chosen field of creativity.

The profile of the studio is classical ballet. Soloists teach at school Bolshoi Theater with many years of teaching experience. For kids from 2.7 years old, the author's program "Introduction to Ballet" has been created, which will help the child acquire all the necessary basic skills and discover talent.

academy ballroom dancing unites sports and art. Break dance and hip hop teams are great for boys who want to get strong and strong in spirit. There is a vocal academy for all children, where everyone can take lessons from the RAM graduate Gnesins and improve their sense of rhythm.

Moscow School of Irish Dance by Maria Singal

Preobrazhenskaya sq., 12

Jiga, reel or hornpipe? At Maria Singal's school, you can learn all the main types of solo and paired Irish dances! And not only to comprehend the basics, but also to become a professional: the students of the institution often participate in international competitions. Now in the arsenal of the school there is the first place in the group Irish dances of the European Championship, the second places in the solo programs of world competitions and other awards. Maybe it's all about the quality of teaching. The founder of the school - Maria Singal - the first certified Irish dance teacher (TCRG) and judge in the Russian Federation international championships(ADCRG), all teachers take advanced training courses abroad. In addition, the lessons do not just study the elements and patterns of dances. The studio provides stretching classes, a special "show class" for performing on stage, and exercises to develop a sense of rhythm.

It is worth bringing a child to Maria Singal's school and ... staying on your own: adults are accepted into groups without age restrictions.

Classical choreography, hip-hop, folk, pop or club dances- in the school "Gulliver" there are directions for every taste and age. Here, not only improve posture or show elementary movements. In "Gulliver" they give the opportunity to express themselves through music and dance, energize, teach not to be afraid of the stage and prepare for a brilliant future. Pupils of the school participate in popular TV shows, demonstrate items from the YanaStasia brand, act in video clips and easily enter the theater universities of the capital.

Training for schoolchildren takes place 3 times a week for 2 hours and costs 5,500 rubles per month. Children up to 7 years of age study twice a week for 1 hour. The cost of training is 4000 rubles per month.

House of dance in the cultural center "ZIL"

House of Dance in cultural center"ZIL" is called the epicenter of dance creativity. You can find inexpensive programs here for a child of any age and level of training.

In ZIL, they invite you to sign up for ZumbaKids classes - for incendiary children's parties for kids from 3 years old. The soul lies to classical direction? Children's ballet theater has existed in the Palace of Culture since 1982, classes for children over 4 years old include rhythmics, gymnastics, classical, modern dances and even stage practice. And "Young Zilovets" is the oldest ensemble folk dance, teenagers will be interested in visiting a hip-hop studio, street dance, popping. There are also areas of ballroom, variety and sports dance. More recently, the Dance Theater was opened in ZIL, an association for children aged 3-12, designed to teach pupils modern dance. There are budget places.

Eco-club "Umnichka"

Moscow Dance Studio Eco-Club "Umnichka" is a cozy and, importantly, safe space for children different ages. Safe in literally words, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials were used to decorate the premises.

You can sign up for dancing at the development center from the age of 2.5, for the smallest the best direction will be "Dance Rhythm". Children older - variety dances(from 3.5 years old), choreography in the ballet hall - from 4 years old. Well, the students will surely like it. modern direction- hip-hop, house and club children's dances. All courses are focused on small groups of up to 8 dancers, they are taught in "Umnichka" by "star teachers". The average duration of one lesson is 45-50 minutes.

Egor Simachev Ballet Workshop

You can join the beautiful through classical ballet within the walls of Yegor Simachev's workshop. Here they instill a love of dancing for children from two years and older. The best of the most famous choreographic studios Moscow has many branches, so it will not be difficult to sign up for classes as close to home as possible.

Ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater and professional choreographers teach beauty and lightness, magical flight in dance. For the first time, children can put on a tutu and special shoes at a trial lesson to feel with their hearts whether ballet suits them. And even if the child does not want to go on stage in the future, in the studio he will learn to think creatively, work on himself, and acquire an elegant posture. Lessons for little dancers and dancers are built in a special rhythm, alternating with game exercises, so everyone will be comfortable.

A subscription for four classes costs 4000 rubles, a single visit - 1250 rubles. You can study both in a group with peers and individually. Duration - from one hour.

International Center for Dance and Performance "TSEKH"

Parents and their children can learn what contemporary dance is by enrolling in the dance school of the Tsekh association. This international center is able to convince that modern dance is a special genre.

However, the program covers not only the study of pas, students learn the basics of the creative movement, participate in non-verbal theater. All teachers of the "Workshop" are young and energetic people who are in love with their work. For children there is a division by age: 3-5, 6-9, 10-12 years. Recruitment to the group is held every season.

Recruitment to the dance school under the guidance of Alla Dukhova is conducted from the age of 4. Show-ballet "Todes" is a world-famous brand that offers group training for children. Moscow has many branches, and there are no fewer in the regions, so you will definitely be able to enroll in a school closer to home.

To attend rehearsals, it is not necessary to have a certain level of physical fitness. Acquaintance with classical ballet, hip-hop, jazz-modern and other areas of dance, you can start from scratch. Each workout is individual sessions not provided - it is built according to a certain scheme: warm-up, learning new elements, staging a dance number and consolidating the past. Children in the show ballet "Todes" will be able to participate in competitions, reporting concerts of the studio, outdoor events and more. The duration of the lesson is 1 hour 15 minutes.

A charge of vivacity, self-confidence and impeccable posture, coupled with good mood can be obtained by choosing the training program you like at the Galla Dance School.

Set in children's group is coming from 4 years old, Zumbatomic direction is open for the little ones. From the age of 6 you can sign up for oriental or ballroom dancing, including incendiary Latin American dances. From the age of 13 - welcome to ClubDanceTeen. Remarkably, the parents of their child can get detailed advice from the school choreographers in order to decide which dance style more suitable for a child. Trial lesson is free individual training or group (from 7 to 20 people in a team)


Learning to dance a sparkling lezginka, charging others with positive, is also within the power of children. Complicated, but bewitching art, demonstrates lightness, grace, refined movements and virtuoso music - perhaps caucasian dances may not like it?

School "Above the Mountains" offers training in Caucasian and Transcaucasian dances for children over 3 years old. Recruitment in groups is carried out all year round, you only need to have a colossal desire to dance. The cost of one lesson for children is 350 rubles, a subscription for 8 lessons is 2800 rubles, there are individual lessons.

Dance Sport - the new kind sports!

Dancing is emotional intelligence!

Admission open for dance training for children in the groups of the school of sports dance for training according to the author's complex program of Tatyana Nikolaevna Kostina - Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Dance and Choreography of the St. Petersburg University of Arts.

Training program

Particular attention in curriculum Dance schools for children given to education dance culture in children with unrevealed or dim musical and plastic abilities. it main feature program, it involves looking for such techniques and teaching methods, thanks to which the achievement of goals would become real and successful.

We invite your children to our classes at the dance school st. m. Dobryninskaya, m. Serpukhovskaya, m. Tulskaya, m. Shabolovskaya. Dancing will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the health of your child. The "New Project" has a professional children's dance school "Inspiration". It should be noted that the Inspiration studio with its many years of experience is a SPORTS ORGANIZATION that prepares for professional dance performances. If modern dances for children arouse considerable interest in your child, then they are certainly welcome at our dance school. On our dance classes children will get acquainted with the basics of the culture of movement and acquire the basic foundation of choreographic training necessary for harmonious development.


Our studio "Inspiration", where dance classes for children are held, has brought up many champions who have achieved and continue to achieve high peaks in dance world both in Moscow and abroad. They started, as a rule, with classes in children's and youth groups.

Artistic director of the studio: "Inspiration" - Kostina Tatyana Nikolaevna - coach of the highest category, WDSF judge, is the author of the methodology for the effective study of sports dances, which is successfully used in dance schools at Dobryninskaya, Serpukhovskaya, Tulskaya, Shabolovskaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya and Novogireevo.

The concept of the program "children's dances" for 10 years is based on the following principles:

  • General physical development children, regardless of their initial level of ability
  • Personal education: the formation of moral and volitional qualities
  • Creating conditions for the development of the creative inclinations of children, strengthening interest in educational activities

Sports (ballroom) dance is a synthesis of art and sport.

Therefore, choreography classes for children also include additional academic disciplines:

  • Basics musical literacy(sense of rhythm)
  • OFP (endurance and health)
  • Gymnastics (posture correction)
  • Classical choreography (development of the muscles of the body and legs)
  • Performing acting skills(in high school)
  • Elements of modern dance (modern, jazz, disco)

The basis of the program of sports children's dances is the study of:

  • Latin American dances (samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, jive)
  • European dances ( slow waltz, tango, sloy-fox, viennese waltz, quickstep)

The standards of music and technique of performing sports children's dances have been developed.

Dance elements are strictly distributed according to the classes of performing skills:

“N” (beginners) “E”, “D”, “C”, “B”, “A”, “M”, the title of Master of Sports.

In our dance school, Dobryninskaya and others - each dance couple has a sports book "Moscow Federation dance sport”, where a record of performances in tournaments, a set of points and a gradual transition from a class to a higher class is kept.


Classes with us help girls to acquire a beautiful, slim figure and posture, and for boys to become gallant gentlemen, because dancing classes introduce children of any age to good manners, discipline and the desire to always be in excellent physical shape.


Confirmation high level the work of teachers in our studio "Inspiration" (dance school at the metro station Dobryninskaya) can be considered the following results (selectively):

  • 2000— Championship of Eastern Europe. Big Cup of club teams - I place (category - Adults).
  • 2005- Gorelov A. and Pyatilova V. became finalists of the Russian Championship in 10 dances (330 dance couples participated), the title of "Master of Sports" was awarded.
  • 2006-2008- Efremov V. and Moskvina Y. - dancers "M" class. Finalists of Moscow in the Latin American program. The title "Master of Sports" was awarded.
  • 2007-2008 Davydov I. and Shevelilova D. - dancers "S" class. Champions of the Open Championship of Finland and Croatia in the category “Youth”; multiple winners of open tournaments in Russia (European program).
  • 2008 Children's dances, Studio "Inspiration" - I place. Championship of children's club teams in Moscow.
  • 2009- Gorelov A. and Kocharyan I. - finalists of the Russian Championship in 10 dances, finalists of the Moscow Championship in 10 dances.
  • 2009- Kuprin K. and Evseeva G. - finalists of the Championship of Moscow in the group "Children-1".
  • 2012-2016:
    • Davydov I. and Shevelilova D. - "S" class. Category "Youth". European program. Gold medalists of the Open Championship of Finland. First place in the Croatian Open Championship. Repeated finalists of Open tournaments in Russia.
    • Antonov A. and Rozhkova Y. - "C" class, category "Children-2". First place at the Moscow Club Teams Championship.
    • Raiskin G. and Zubareva T. - "D" class, category "Children-1". Gold medalists of the Championship of Moscow. Finalists of Open Russian and International tournaments. Silver medalists International Tournament "Vivat, Russia!".
    • Shepelev A. and Korzhakova O. - "B" class, category "Youth".
    • Championship (2013) of Moscow - Latin American program - 1st place in 2013, Combined event (10 dances) - 6th place in 2013; Finalists of the Russian competition.
    • Zirin V. and Rozhina V. - "B" class, category "Junior-2". Moscow Championship - biathlon (10 dances) - 1st place, Latin American program - 4th place; Finalists of the Russian competitions 2013
    • Metelsky A. and Filatova T. - "B" class, "Youth", Championship of the Federation, 10 dances - 1st place, "A" class, European program, "Youth" - 1st place, "Youth", "B" class, Latin American program - 2nd place, 2015.
    • Kuryanov S. and Zlokazova V. - "B" class, "Adults", Championship of the Federation, 10 dances - 1st place.

Studio "Inspiration" has branches in which dance classes for children are held: dance school Dobryninskaya, Serpukhovskaya, Tula, Shabolovskaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya, Novogireevo.

Do you want your child to be active and sociable, develop physically and creatively, have useful and interesting hobby? Give it to the modern dance studio for children in Moscow Madison!

Our children's dance studio accepts children for training in groups from 2.5-5 years old, 6-7 years old, 8-11 years old and. The level of physical fitness does not matter - we have programs for both beginners and those who have been involved in choreography for more than one year and plan to make dancing their profession.


  • Compassionate and professional mentors. All our teachers have diplomas in the specialty "Teacher-choreographer" and have at least 7 years of experience working with children. They are well aware of children's anatomy and psychology, so they know how to find an approach to each student.
  • Programs adapted to the age of the kids. Classes for kids 2.5-5 years old are held in a playful way with learning simple, but interesting and diverse choreographic elements. Children learn to hear music, move beautifully, work in a team. Dancing improves memory and thinking, enriches emotional world baby. For children aged 6-11 years, classes are held 3 times a week and include elements of general physical training, gymnastics, classical choreography, hip hop, jazz funk, dancehall, jazz dance. Regular classes provide the formation of the correct posture and gait in the child, the development of coordination of movements, plasticity, flexibility, strengthening of bones and muscles.
  • An opportunity to show off your talents. We regularly hold concerts and holidays where our students perform, participate in various events in Moscow and the Moscow region. Your child's success will not go unnoticed!


Girls 2.5-5 years old are engaged in swimsuits and tight tights or leggings and tops. Boys of the same age - in T-shirts and shorts. Ideal shoes for babies are socks, Czech shoes or ballet flats.

For older children, we recommend wearing a T-shirt or top with leggings, shorts or sweatpants. Jazz shoes, sneakers, soft sneakers are suitable as shoes. For classical dance you will need a swimsuit with tight tights or leggings with a top for girls, a T-shirt and shorts for boys. On the feet are ballet flats.

Don't forget that dancewear and shoes should be comfortable, easy to move in and made from breathable materials.


One of the important criteria when choosing a modern dance school for children is a convenient location. The Madison school is located in the VEGAS shopping center Crocus City and will be an excellent choice for those who will take their children to dances from Moscow, or. In addition, it is convenient to get to us from the city.

Every girl in her childhood dreams of becoming a princess and dancing at a ball with a handsome prince. Yes, and the boys do not mind mastering dance art, because modern dances for children are a great opportunity to show their abilities and talents, to reveal their creative potential and direct it in the right direction.

Childhood is the most suitable time for new discoveries and achievements. It is during this period that it is easiest to choose an activity to your liking. Childish immediacy and impartiality allows you to look at things without any hint of ambiguity. Many little fidgets attend children's dance classes because the constant movement inherent in dancing is their natural state.

Dancing has been a compulsory school subject ever since Ancient Greece. And the fact that the ancient Greek civilization became one of the most developed in the world speaks of the correctness of the choice. school subjects which had a great influence on the harmonious development of man. Modern dances for children also give the younger generation the opportunity for a full-fledged physical and psychological development and help you achieve success in life.

Children's dance classes: active leisure with health benefits

Children's dances, which can be taught as early as 3-4 years of age, contribute to the development of excellent coordination of movements, flexibility and grace. Regular classes in dance schools ah have a beneficial effect on the work of the respiratory system and the musculoskeletal system. At the lessons of children's dances, girls develop an excellent posture and gait, and boys learn gallantry and respect for the opposite sex.

Children's sports dances are especially popular today. In dance schools and studios, under the guidance of experienced teachers, little dancers master rhythm and plastic gymnastics, learn to move to music, develop flexibility and learn basic positions. Catching up on children's sports dances, which does not require special training, each child is aware of his individuality, which helps with early age develop a sense of self-confidence and self-confidence.

Especially touching are the kids who attend classes for children's pair dances. And let them be dressed and combed like adults, let their every movement have secret meaning, they still remain children, which means they enjoy both the process itself and the applause of grateful spectators.

Children's dances in Moscow: training in the best dance schools

When choosing dance classes for a child, parents should pay special attention to his load. lessons at school, homework, workouts - the schedule should be carefully planned so that the baby can do it with pleasure and without overwork. Experienced choreographers of the best dance schools in Moscow, whose addresses are posted on the website, will help parents solve this problem. Use the services of our catalog and enroll your child in dance classes for children in Moscow.

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