The life of a nostril in the poem dead souls. The image and characteristics of Nozdrev in the poem "Dead Souls" N

In the image of Nozdryov, Gogol presents us with a "deceitfully impudent variety of vulgarity." origins this image leave in the comedies of Aristophanes and Plautus, in Western European literature. However, there is a lot in this image that is purely Russian, national. A similar type was already noted by Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

My cousin, Buyanov,

In down, in a cap with a visor

(As you, of course, know him) ...

The main character traits of Nozdrev are arrogance, boastfulness, a tendency to debauchery, energy and unpredictability. Gogol notes that people of this type are always “talkers, revelers, reckless drivers”, their faces always show “something open, direct, daring”, they are desperate players, lovers of walking. They are sociable and unceremonious, “they will make friendship, it seems, forever; but it almost always happens that a friend will fight them that same evening at a friendly feast.

Revealing the image of Nozdryov, Gogol skillfully uses various artistic means. First of all, the portrait of the hero is expressive. “He was of medium height, a very well-built fellow with full ruddy cheeks, snow-white teeth and jet-black sideburns. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to spurt from his face.

It is characteristic that Nozdrev has an attractive appearance, physical strength, he laughs “with that ringing laugh that only a fresh, healthy person is filled with ...” Here, in the poem, the motive of Russian heroism arises. "Historical, folklore and literary tradition absorbed one of the leading motifs of Dead Souls - Russian heroism, which plays the role of a positive ideological pole in the poem, ”wrote E. A. Smirnova. The portrayal of heroes "in the light of the motive of Russian physical heroism, both in its direct and travesty sense" was noted by V. A. Nedzvetsky.

And in Nozdryov's depiction, we observe a comic decline in this motive. The contrast between it appearance and its inner appearance is huge: the hero's life is meaningless, the "exploits" of this "hero" do not go further than card cheating or a fight committed at a fair.

The very motif of “revelry of the daring”, “broad Russian soul”, which is present in Gogol throughout the entire story, is comically reduced in the image of Nozdryov. As a pre-revolutionary researcher notes, Nozdryov is only “the appearance of a broad nature. He can least of all claim to be recognized as his “broad nature”: impudent, drunkard, liar, he is at the same time a coward and an absolutely insignificant person.

The landscape framing the episode of Chichikov's visit to the landowner is also characteristic. “Nozdryov led his guests through the field, which in many places consisted of hummocks. The guests had to make their way between the fallows and the raised fields... In many places their feet squeezed out the water under them, the place was so low. At first they were careful and crossed carefully, but then, seeing that this was of no use, they wandered straight, not making out where the dirt was and where it was the smallest. This landscape speaks of the disordered household of the landowner and at the same time symbolizes the carelessness of Nozdryov.

So, already the way of life of the hero is devoid of any orderliness. The landowner's economy completely fell into decay. There are empty stalls in his stable, a water mill without fluff, a mess and neglect in the house. And only the kennel is in good condition. “Among dogs, Nozdryov is just like a father among a family,” remarks Gogol. This comparison sets the theme of the hero's "evil speech" in the narrative. As S. Shevyrev notes, Nozdrev "is very similar to a dog: for no reason at the same time he barks, and nibbles, and caresses."

The hero is prone to lies, deceit, empty chatter. He can easily slander, slander a person, spread gossip about him, "a fable, more stupid than which it is difficult to invent." It is characteristic that Nozdryov lies for no apparent reason, "for the love of art." So, having invented a story with the governor's daughter, he continues to lie further, entangling himself into this story. The reason for this is simple: Nozdryov understood that “in this way he could call trouble, but he could no longer hold his tongue. However, it was also difficult, because such interesting details that cannot be denied..."

The propensity for deceit and trickery is also manifested in him during the card game. Therefore, the game often ends in a fight: “they beat him with boots, or they overexposure his thick and very good sideburns ...”

The character of the hero, his interests and lifestyle are reflected in the interior of his house. There are no books and papers in Nozdryov's office, but sabers, guns, Turkish daggers and pipes hang different kind- "wood, clay, foam, stoned and unsmoked, covered with suede and uncovered." In this interior, one object is symbolic - a hurdy-gurdy, in which there is "one pipe, very lively, which did not want to calm down in any way." This expressive detail symbolizes the character of the hero, his restlessness, irrepressible energy.

Nozdryov is unusually "active", energetic, briskness and briskness of character push him to new and new "enterprises". So, he loves to change: a gun, a dog, horses - everything instantly becomes a subject of exchange. If he has money, then at the fair he immediately buys “all sorts of things”: collars, smoking candles, raisins, tobacco, pistols, herrings, paintings, pots, etc. However, the acquired things are rarely delivered to the house: on the same day, he can lose everything.

Nozdrev is very consistent in his behavior during the sale and purchase dead souls. He immediately tries to sell Chichikov a stallion, dogs, a hurdy-gurdy, then starts an exchange of carts, a game of checkers. Noticing Nozdryov's trickery, Chichikov refuses to play. And then the "historical" person causes a scandal, a fight, and only the appearance of the police captain in the house saves Chichikov.

Nozdrev's speech and mannerisms are also characteristic. He speaks loudly, emotionally, often screaming. His speech is very colorful and varied in composition.

In addition, it is worth noting the static nature of this image. Gogol gives the character of Nozdryov already formed, ready, the prehistory of this character is closed to the reader, during the course of the story there are no internal changes with the hero. However, as K. Aksakov notes, such “immobility” of the image is natural for an epic work.

Thus, the character created by Gogol - a braggart, a talker, a reckless driver, a reveler, a gambler, a brawler and a debater, a lover of drinking and adding something - is colorful and easily recognizable. The hero is typical, and at the same time, thanks to a number of details, special little things, the writer was able to emphasize his individuality.

Nozdrev - minor hero in the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls", as well as the third landowner, whom Chichikov visited and bought dead souls. The author describes this character as a man of medium height with pink cheeks, white teeth and black sideburns. He looked very young, healthy and energetic.

When Nozdryov tells Chichikov about his return from the fair, where he was "blown away". From this we can understand that he is a gambler. Moreover, this can be said not only about games, but also about the fact that he even lies with passion. He is so used to lying that he has long ceased to live the real world, constantly inventing various fables.

When a third person intervenes in the conversation - Mishuev, Nozdrev's son-in-law, he tries all the time to return his father-in-law from heaven to earth. But it's completely useless. Nozdryov lies with inspiration, and sincerely believing in what he himself says to others. The hero does not want to admit that he is only telling a lie, as he is very stubborn.

During conversations, the hero does not behave very decently, he has absolutely no idea about the elementary rules of etiquette in society. He constantly interrupts everyone, but on the contrary, he does not allow himself to be interrupted by anyone. In addition, Nozdryov is very harmful, and because of this, he always wants his remark to be the last in the conversation. It feels like no one has been involved in raising a hero. Even to Chichikov himself, he turned to "you", thereby having no concept of politeness.

For Nozdryov, his whole life is a continuous holiday, which consists of games, hunting and drunken revelry. The hero never gets tired of leading such a lifestyle, he quickly finds friends who are similar to him, the same people who do not appreciate reality.

Nozdrev is very emotional. We can understand this by the epithets he uses about his friends. The hero is unpredictable, so the cunning Chichikov tries to be very careful: he chooses the right words for conversations or praises the dog he bought. In this episode, Chichikov needed the ability to adapt different ways to people: he responds to Nozdryov's rudeness and familiarity with cold calmness, enduring all his whims. But, unfortunately, Chichikov did not manage to agree with him, because it is very difficult to agree with an unpredictable person.

With the help of this hero, Nikolai Vasilievich wanted to show us a person for whom reality is completely unimportant. This man wasted all his accumulated energy on all sorts of trifles - games, hunting and other unnecessary and unhelpful things for development. But, nevertheless, the author, with the help of various minor details, was able to emphasize his individuality.

Option 2

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol created a work that is truly unique in its essence, exposing all the vices of the landowners of the 19th century. poem " Dead Souls' is the same work.

One of the landlord heroes is Nozdrev. This is a person who prefers parties, fairs, balls and celebrations. The hero is a frequent participant in some fights and conflicts. It is not surprising that the meeting between Chichikov and Nozdrev about buying and selling dead shower was assigned to the inn. For the first time, Nozdryov appears at a dinner at the police chief (1st chapter).

Nozdrev's age is thirty-five years. He walks a lot, drinks alcohol and loves gambling. Nozdryov can be considered an awkward and worthless owner of his estate, since his whole head is filled with only thoughts about smoking pipes and dogs. The landowner has no idea about the affairs of the economy and the life of the peasants subject to him. But Nozdrev maintains his own large kennel.

Nozdryov often plays cards, so he often remains without free money at all and gets into debt.

As for Nozdrev's appearance, he looks quite lively, young, fresh, just like "blood with milk." He wears a cap on his head. His hair, sideburns and mustache are black, his cheeks are scarlet, ruddy, and his teeth are snow-white. Growth is not low, but not high either.

It should be noted that Nozdryov is an ill-mannered person, since he addresses everyone, even people who are much older than himself, familiarly with “you”. Even with Chichikov, he immediately behaved as if he had known him all his life, "on a short footing."

Nozdrev is a very mean person. The landowner is characterized by lies, love to gossip, slander someone. In his thirties, he still behaves like an eccentric young man. The behavior of a mature Nozdryov is similar to the behavior of his eighteen-year-old and twenty-five-year-old. Remained the same frivolous and scandalous. You can't change a person, as they say.

Nozdryov is a simple, sociable fellow, broken-hearted. This type of people at school love the company, but they can often get under the hand during a fight.

When Nozdryov was at some kind of meeting or meeting, it could not end without some kind of story or trouble. Therefore, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol calls this landowner a "historical man."

Another negative quality hero - amateurishness to annoy one's neighbor. He could spoil the celebration with a fight, interrupt the wedding, and also gossip about someone, which would be a real lie.

Landowner Nozdrev - versatile developed person in every way. He can offer a deal at the first meeting. The main thing is that this would be a great benefit to him.

Essay on Nozdryov (Dead Souls)

Nozdryov is a young and full of energy man, about thirty-five years old. As the author describes, "a man of dark and humble origins." Nozdryov spends his efficiency and enterprise on balls, revelry and other entertainment events. In constant search for emotions and the realization of his temperament, he often gets involved in fights and disputes.

Having two children, Nozdryov never engaged in their upbringing. This characterizes him as an irresponsible person. The fact of presence, but not of effectiveness, can be traced not only in his family relationships, but also in the household. Having a kennel and a collection of weapons, he was not known as a hunter. Perhaps this state of affairs is dictated by his other trait - boasting. When he talked about his possessions to others, horses with blue or pink hair appeared in his livestock. Just for the "red word" he talks about the exorbitant cost of horses, dogs and other inhabitants of the estate that live with him. Simple Russian daggers in the mouth of Nozdrev turned into expensive Turkish ones. Planning was not feature hero. He always did everything chaotically and impulsively.

He was a "broken kid." Having made friends in the morning, in the evening the friendship could be ended, culminating in a fight. Nozdryov loved to play cards. And almost always he cheated. He could start a rumor about his friend or even upset the wedding. Honestly meant little to the broken landowner. Paradoxically, the provincial society was tolerant of all his antics. And only when he went too far in his tricks, he could simply be kicked out.

Gogol very clearly described the gigantic difference between his external and inner world. Nozdryov had pleasant external data, was healthy and fresh. “He was of medium height, a very well-built young man with full ruddy cheeks ...” The image of a Russian hero can be traced. But only in terms of external parameters. Inside, Nozdryov was dominated by arrogance, debauchery and senseless boasting.

Gogol, sadly emphasizing the relevance of the image of Nozdryov, wrote that "Nozdryov will not leave the world for a long time."

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    One of the key characters in the story of A. I. Kuprin Pit is a student Vasily Vasilyevich Likhonin. Lichonin is not exactly a positive person, but he is not a negative character either.

  • He used to have a white tuft, but when my older sister and I played hairdressers, she deceived me: she said that it would grow back, and we cut it off.

    I thought and reasoned for a long time about what words are most dear to a person and came to the conclusion that these are words that bring special feelings that touch the soul, but do not cripple it.

    "Dead Souls" image of Nozdryov

    The description of the hero is complete, about thirty years old, broken small, black -haired, noisy, always cheerful, fresh, with black, like resin, bacenbards. This frivolous reveler and braggart is full of health, he exudes ingenuous narcissism and reckless prowess.

    The meaning of the name Surname Nozdrev is the metonymy of the nose (“poking your nose into someone else’s business”, “keep your nose in the wind”, “stay with your nose”). Metonymically, Gogol compares Nozdryov with his own hurdy-gurdy, or rather with a restless pipe. The pipe (nostril) in Nozdryov's hurdy-gurdy exactly repeats the essence of the owner, his senselessly fervent disposition: "Nozdryov had long ceased to twirl, but in the hurdy-gurdy there was one very lively pipe, which did not want to calm down, and for a long time it whistled alone."

    Portrait The landowner Nozdrev is a great lover of entertainment, balls and revelry. Nozdryov has a bright appearance, which emphasizes his violent character. Nozdrev is a dashing gentleman with a ruddy and fresh face. Nozdryov looks young and cheerful, despite his 35 years and drinking. He was of medium height, a very well-built fellow, with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and jet-black sideburns. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to spurt from his face ... "

    Details of the furnishings of Nozdryov's Things reflect the character of their owner: randomness, disorder, passion for exaggeration. The stable where most of the stalls are empty, the pond where fish of unprecedented size used to live, the field where Nozdryov used to catch a hare by its hind legs. Nozdrev's office: sabers, guns, Turkish daggers. The pipe in the hurdy-gurdy, which did not want to stop, reflects his nature. Even the fleas in Nozdryov's house are especially aggressive.

    The meaning of the image Gogol, depicting Nozdryov, created a colorful and easily recognizable character. The hero is a typical braggart, scorcher, talker, debater, brawler, reveler. He doesn't mind drinking at all and loves to play. However, despite all the "typicality", some details and individual trifles give the character individuality.

    In the first half of the 19th century, many writers assigned a huge role to the theme of Russia in their work. At that time, the ruthless tyranny of the landowners and officials reigned, and the life of the peasants was unbearably hard. The life of serf Russia is reflected in many works. One of them was a novel-poem written by N.V. Gogol, Dead Souls. The image of Nozdrev, as well as Chichikov, Manilov and other heroes, is very bright and describes the attitude to reality of all representatives of the aristocracy of that time. The author in his work tried to convey to the readers the immorality that reigned at that time in all its manifestations.

    General moods of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century

    The domestic state system of that time developed with an emphasis on serfdom. Important moral values were relegated to the background, and the priority was considered the position in society and money. People did not strive for the best, they were not interested in either science or art. They did not try to leave to posterity absolutely no cultural heritage. In achieving his goal - wealth - a person does not stop at nothing. He will deceive, steal, betray, sell. The current situation could not but excite thinking people, those who were far from indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland.

    Representatives of the aristocracy in the work

    The name "Dead Souls" was not chosen by the author by chance. It is very symbolic and perfectly reflects the mood of serf Russia. The author did not spare the colors, depicting a whole gallery of faces, showing the spiritual decline that threatens the fatherland. At the beginning of the story, the reader is presented with Manilov - an idle dreamer, a dreamer. The series of portraits ends with the image of Plyushkin. This representative of the nobility appeared as a "hole in humanity." In the work "Dead Souls" the image of Nozdryov appears approximately in the middle. In it you can see something from Plyushkin, something from Manilov.

    Characteristics of the image of Nozdrev

    For the first time in the work, he appears in the city of NN. The reader will learn nothing special about him except that he was a card cheat. His whole being was somehow absurd: he is ridiculous, talking nonsense, not thinking about the consequences of his statements. The author himself, depicting the image of Nozdrev, speaks of him as a "broken guy." Actually, this is true, and all the actions of the hero emphasize this. Nozdryov was used to thinking little about the future. So, for example, he exchanged winnings at cards for absolutely unnecessary items and things that he lost the next day to other, more successful players. All this, according to Gogol himself, was due to some kind of briskness, briskness and restlessness of the character of the hero. This "energy" forced Nozdryov to perform other actions, mostly thoughtless and spontaneous.

    Hero's vices

    Everything that Nozdryov has - thoroughbred dogs, horses - all the best. But the boasting of the hero often has no basis. Despite the fact that his possessions border on someone else's forest, he speaks of it as his own. Illustrating the image of the landowner Nozdrev, it is impossible not to mention all in which he found himself. Either he is taken out of the noble assembly, then he takes part in a fight. One of the distinguishing features of the character is his tendency to do dirty tricks to people. Moreover, the more he approached the person, the stronger was the desire to annoy. So, Nozdryov upsets weddings and trade deals. However, he himself perceived his actions as pranks, not considering them offensive. Moreover, Nozdryov was even sincerely surprised if he heard that one of his acquaintances was offended by him.

    The main features of the hero

    Revealing the image of Nozdryov, the author depicts vulgarity in a certain falsely impudent form. Its origins can be traced in the comedies of Aristophanes and Plautus. However, there is a lot in the character and primordially Russian, national. The main Nozdrev are boasting, arrogance, a tendency to debauchery, unpredictability, energy. As the author himself notes, people of such a warehouse, as a rule, are "reckless, revelers, talkers", and in their faces one can always see something direct, daring, open. Among other things, they like to take a walk and are avid gamers. They are distinguished by sociability, combined with arrogance. Sometimes it seems that friendship with them can last a very long time, but with a "new acquaintance" such people can fight at a feast that same evening.

    The contrast of internal and external in the character

    The description of the image of Nozdrev in the work is quite clear. Depicting a hero, the author does not regret artistic means. Expressive portrait of the character. Outwardly, this is a man of medium height, not badly built, with ruddy, full cheeks, snow-white teeth and resin sideburns. It was a fresh, healthy fellow, possessing physical strength. In an episode of the poem, the reader can trace the tradition of Russian heroism. However, the image of Nozdrev is a comic reflection of epic motifs. The contrast of its internal and external features is very noticeable. Nozdrev's lifestyle is the direct opposite of actions epic heroes. Everything that the character of the poem does makes no sense, and his "exploits" do not extend beyond a fight at a fair or card cheating. The image of Nozdrev comically reflects the motif " broad soul", "reckless revelry" - primordially Russian features. The whole appearance of the character is only the appearance of that national "breadth" in good sense. The hero not only cannot claim "spiritual breadth", but also shows absolutely opposite qualities. Nozdrev is a drunkard, impudent and a liar. At the same time, he is cowardly and completely insignificant.

    Household character

    Depicting the landscape present in the episode of Chichikov's visit to Nozdrev, the author points to the carelessness of the owner. His economy was in a very disordered form and completely fell into decay. This, again, speaks of the lack of orderliness and thoughtfulness of Nozdryov's lifestyle. In his stable the stalls were empty, the house was neglected, it was a mess. The only place properly maintained was the kennel. On it, the landowner felt like a "father of the family." According to some critics, the hero himself is somewhat like a dog: he can bark and caress at the same time. Nozdryov's character traits are also reflected in the interior of the house. There are no papers or books in his office. However, the walls are hung with sabers, guns, Turkish daggers and various pipes. The barrel organ is symbolic in this interior. In this subject there is one pipe that did not want to calm down. This detail was a kind of symbol of the character's character. It shows the irrepressible energy, restlessness and briskness of the hero.

    Nozdryov's behavior

    The energy of the hero pushes him to various feats. So, for example, having a propensity to exchange, everything that he has, at the moment changes to something else. The hero immediately spends the money that has appeared at the fair, buying all sorts of completely smoking candles, collars, pistols, pots, tobacco, raisins and so on. But all purchased items are rarely delivered to the house, since on the same day he can lose everything. Despite the disorder of his life as a whole, Nozdryov shows a surprising consistency for him when making a deal with Chichikov. The landowner is trying to sell everything he can: dogs, a stallion, a hurdy-gurdy. After that, Nozdryov starts a game of checkers, an exchange of carts. But Chichikov notices cheating and refuses to play. Nozdrev's manners are also peculiar. His speech is always emotional, varied in composition, he speaks loudly, often screaming. But the image of Nozdryov is static in terms of the fact that he appears to the reader already fully formed. The backstory of the hero is closed, and in the course of the story the character does not undergo any internal changes.


    Gogol, portraying Nozdryov, created a colorful and easily recognizable character. The hero is a typical braggart, scorcher, talker, debater, brawler, reveler. He doesn't mind drinking at all and loves to play. However, despite all the "typicality", some details and individual trifles give the character individuality. The whole story is permeated with a fair amount of humor. However, the work depicts the heroes, their characters, manners, actions and behavior, reporting a rather serious problem of that time - the loss of morality and spirituality. Gogol's novel-poem is "laughter through tears". The author created the work, tormented by the question of if people do not come to their senses and begin to change.

    The image of Nozdrev in poem Dead souls


    1. Introduction

    2.General characteristics

    3. Nozdrev and Chichikov


    Of all the landowners represented in the poem "Dead Souls", Nozdryov stands out sharply. Chichikov not only failed to make a deal with him, but was also in serious danger of being beaten.

    Nozdrev is a man at the age of thirty-five. His whole appearance breathes health and strength. Nozdryov is good-looking and understands this very well. home distinguishing feature character of this landowner - an indefatigable thirst for activity. But this frenzied energy is directed in a completely useless direction. Nozdrev left two children from his dead wife, in whom he is absolutely not interested. He cannot sit quietly at home. Nozdryova is constantly drawn to adventure.

    He has a special passion for card game and argue for money. The most interesting thing is that Nozdryov's money in itself is not interested either. He is attracted by the element of excitement and risk. He often plays to the nines, but gets inexplicable pleasure from it. Due to bad luck or a simple inability to play cards, Nozdryov often resorts to an unclean game. For this, he invariably gets beaten. However, the glibness of Nozdryov's character is such that after a while he again communicates on friendly terms with those who punished him for deceit.

    Nozdryov constantly lies to everyone he meets. His lies are selfless. He invents all sorts of fables ("a horse ... blue or pink wool"), obeying some kind of perverted inspiration. Perhaps, having uttered another stupidity, Nozdryov himself begins to sincerely believe in it. At least he's willing to bet he's right. This landowner cannot live without getting involved in some kind of story. If a normal person after that, he will be ashamed, and he will try to hide his participation, then Nozdryov begins to tell everyone about the story, repeatedly embellishing the story with fiction.

    Nozdryov almost immediately turns to you in a conversation with Chichikov, which unpleasantly surprises him. Having met him in a tavern, he almost forces Chichikov to visit him. Complete chaos reigns in Nozdryov's house. There is no shortage of booze. Chichikov notes one important detail: Nozdryov tries to get his guests drunk, while he himself remains sober. Broken fellow is not such a simpleton. All Chichikov's attempts to make a deal fail. Nozdryov is not interested. He is ready to play cards, checkers for dead souls, to make some kind of meaningless exchange. The heated quarrel almost ends badly for Chichikov. He leaves Nozdryov's house with great relief.

    Nozdrev is a frivolous playboy. Money does not linger in his hands, the economy is gradually slipping through his fingers. The bubbling energy still supports Nozdryov, but someday he will still end up in a debtor's prison.

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