Who understands the accident with a pedestrian. The most common causes of accidents

An accident involving a pedestrian is the biggest horror for any driver (of course, if he is not a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). After all, in the end, no matter how the pedestrian is to blame for the accident, the driver still turns out to be the last one. Of course, a car is a means of increased danger and you need to use this tool skillfully. However, the Rules traffic are written for everyone, and if a person has already set foot on the roadway, he also becomes a road user, and therefore, it would not hurt to ask him “to the fullest” either ... But prevention is much more important than punishment, and it will be more useful to talk about how to avoid such emergencies.

So, an accident involving a pedestrian is, to put it mildly, an unpleasant thing, and for several reasons. Firstly, a driver who knocked down a pedestrian immediately becomes enemy number one for everyone around, regardless of whether the pedestrian behaved correctly on the road or not. Unfortunately, for many people who travel “on their own two feet”, any driver since Soviet times has remained, as Vysotsky sang, “a bespectacled private owner ...”, who bought a car for unearned income, which means a thief and a deceiver. And therefore, the unfortunate driver practically does not have to rely on the help of witnesses.

Secondly, according to our legislation, the driver is responsible for his actions approximately 10 times more (Article 122-4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) than the pedestrian. And this is if the pedestrian suffered minor damage, otherwise he faces an article of the Criminal Code with a term of 3 to 5 years.

By the way, for some scammers, such, so to speak, "legislative distortion" has become a good reason for profit. It is not uncommon for such a “gay” pedestrian to crawl under the wheels himself. a small blow or acrobatic stunt and the fact of an accident on the face, and a witness to the collision will be found instantly. In order not to bring the case to court, which the fraudster himself really does not want, the driver is ready to pay the victim on the spot. Which, in general, was necessary.

And, thirdly, the legal practice in such cases shows that the court, as a rule, takes the side of the pedestrian in advance, so the driver can hardly count on leniency.

Undoubtedly, there is a contingent of drivers who treat traffic rules only as an instruction that requires compliance only in the line of sight of the traffic cop. But you must admit that every day we are faced with cases when pedestrians themselves grossly violate the Rules, competing with cars in speed and maneuverability. Unfortunately, the above reasons practically nullify the attempt to achieve objectivity.

Therefore, it will be much more useful to consider specific situations that can lead to an accident involving a pedestrian.

  • Speed ​​limits before a pedestrian crossing.

In the Rules of the Road, and specifically in paragraphs 4.7 and 4.9, it is said that “Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, and in their absence, at intersections along the lines of sidewalks or roadsides. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or traffic lights. However, in practice, it often happens that a person, having seen a “zebra”, does not pay attention to the approaching transport, or even simply climbs into the red light of a traffic light insolently.

In such a situation, the driver does not always have time to respond in time to a pedestrian who suddenly jumped out, and then a collision cannot be avoided.

Pedestrian action. According to paragraph 4.14(a), a pedestrian is prohibited from “entering the carriageway without making sure that there is no danger to himself and other road users.” And therefore, before checking that your head or the bumper of an approaching Land Cruiser is stronger, you should think carefully.

Driver actions. Despite the fact that the Rules, in fact, do not require the driver to slow down or stop in front of a pedestrian crossing if there are no people on it, it is still worth it to turn off the gas when approaching a zebra crossing. It also does not hurt to move your foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal. This small precaution will allow you to save a quarter of a second, which is so important in such a situation, in which case.

  • Pram on the road.

It is not uncommon for a mother, busy with important chatter on the phone or some other urgent matter, to roll out a stroller with a child onto the roadway, as they say, “blind”, and only then look to see if the car is approaching. The situation is not simple, because with limited visibility (for example, due to a parked car), the driver can only notice the stroller at the last moment, and then a collision can no longer be avoided. What it can be fraught with for a child is unnecessary to explain to anyone.

Pedestrian action. If you value your child's life, never take the road without making sure that the distance between you and the cars is sufficient to overcome the carriageway without problems. Just in case, turn the stroller on the other side and pull it with you. As a last resort, you will always have the option to push the stroller to a safe area. If you are crossing the road alone, then be sure to stop in the middle and make sure that the cars of the oncoming traffic see you and give way. If you see that the driver is impatient at a traffic light, then it is better to skip it and wait for another green signal. Believe me, your own life is much more valuable than someone else's haste.

Driver actions. In places of pedestrian crossings, be especially careful about the presence of wheelchairs for pedestrians. Slow down and prepare for emergency braking. It is possible that the stroller on the roadway can roll out spontaneously, and then everything will depend on your reaction. Remember that a few minutes of patience are not worth five years behind bars.

  • Movement in residential area.

Yards are very dangerous places to travel by car. Firstly, visibility is almost always very limited in them due to bushes, garbage cans, hanging laundry, etc. Secondly, this is an area where a pedestrian has an advantage over vehicles and therefore behaves less attentively. And, thirdly, the activity of people in such places, as a rule, is higher even at night, and the possibility of their appearance on the road is several times higher.

Pedestrian action. The most main group The risk here is children, so you need to constantly carry out explanatory work with them. They should learn well that it is impossible to throw themselves under the wheels after a ball or toy that has rolled away, and at the sound of an approaching car, they must leave the roadway and wait for the car to pass or make sure that nothing threatens. To the same extent, this applies to cyclists, roller skaters and scooters. Explain to them how they should behave when a car appears. If children have not mastered their vehicle perfectly, then try to make them ride in places not accessible to cars. It can be a basketball or football field or a yard closed from the passage of cars. And be careful yourself.

Driver actions. Do not forget that according to the traffic rules in a residential area, the speed limit is 20 km / h. You need to move as carefully as possible, always be prepared for emergency braking. In no case do not signal to a nearby passerby who cannot see you. Having frightened him, you can run into an explosion of indignation, in which not only your car, but also you yourself can easily suffer. Before reversing, be sure to inspect the area where you are going to rent or ask someone to prevent passers-by or children from entering the maneuver zone. Remember, whatever happens in a residential area, you will immediately and categorically be 100% to blame.

  • Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian.

Some drivers have an ingrained opinion that if a pedestrian violates the Rules by crossing the road in the wrong place or switching to a red light, then, having knocked him down, he will not be responsible for this. Alas, it is not. They will answer even if the pedestrian was wrong three times. Why - we have already sorted it out point by point at the very beginning of the article, but we will still give advice.

Pedestrian action. There's only one rule - don't break it. Well, first of all, you are risking your life, which is nothing compared to the cost of repairing the car you crippled. And secondly, if the court proves that you really violated traffic rules, and the driver did not have the technical ability to avoid a collision, then you will not only have to “lick your wounds” at your own expense, but also be responsible for your tricks to the fullest extent of the law.

Driver actions. Paragraph 12.3 of the SDA of Ukraine states: “In the event of a danger to traffic or an obstacle that the driver is objectively able to detect, he must immediately take measures to reduce the speed up to a complete stop of the vehicle or a detour that is safe for other traffic participants.” In other words, no matter how illegal the actions of a pedestrian are, the driver is obliged to take all measures to prevent a collision. Otherwise, he cannot avoid responsibility, and if it turns out that he also had the technical ability, then the case may reach the criminal code. So think about it, is it worth proving your superiority over a pedestrian on the road only to be proven otherwise in court? ..

  • Public transport stop.

These areas often become the site of accidents involving pedestrians. Passengers, jumping out of a bus or trolley bus, often try to sneak in front of his nose without thinking at all that other vehicles can go there. It is worth mentioning the drivers of minibuses, who, out of their kindness of heart, drop off passengers right in front of the pedestrian crossing, thereby provoking an emergency.

In such a situation, the driver of the car following the minibus or going around it cannot see the pedestrian until he last moment. Such a collision is fraught with the most serious consequences.

Pedestrian action. Haste is a bad adviser, especially on the road. Therefore, do not forget that you need to cross public transport, with the exception of the tram, only from behind, and then, making sure that the approaching cars see you and are ready to let you through. Believe me, if you get hit by a car, bypassing your minibus in front, you will undoubtedly be found guilty with all the ensuing consequences.

Driver actions. When approaching a public transport stop, especially if passengers are disembarking at it, be sure to slow down and prepare for possible braking. As a rule, "in any herd there is a black sheep", who decided to rush "directly". Even if they see you approaching, it is not certain that they will not rush across the road even faster in fright. Therefore, the main thing is caution and attentiveness.

  • Dangerous courtesy.

There are situations when a pedestrian who has already stepped onto the roadway decides to let an approaching car pass, and in response the driver makes the same gesture of courtesy. And when both are sure that the other side will let them pass, the car and the pedestrian start moving. The situation is certainly curious, but its denouement can be very unpleasant.

Pedestrian action. If the driver of an approaching car has stopped and signaled to you that he is giving way to you, simply thank him with a nod of your head and continue driving. If for some reason you change your mind about moving, take defiantly 2-3 steps back and stop. This will be enough for the driver to understand that you will not cross.

Driver actions. Of course, the driver must take all measures to avoid a collision. Therefore, when you stop, give the pedestrian some sign, for example, by waving your hand, so that he understands that you are letting him through. If the pedestrian refuses your courtesy, continue without competing in courtesy.

  • Limited visibility while driving.

Limited visibility is often the cause of accidents involving pedestrians. There can be many reasons for poor visibility. This and weather, and natural barriers, and neighboring transport and much more. Therefore, such situations require special attention.

Pedestrian action. As for pedestrians, paragraph 4.4 of the Rules says: “At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians who move carriageway or by the roadside, they must distinguish themselves, and, if possible, have reflective elements on their outer clothing, for their timely identification by other road users. Said quite clearly. It remains only to add that if you see that the visibility is not important, then, in order to avoid trouble, it is better to use regulated or underground passages.

Driver actions. In case of limited visibility, it is very important to observe a safe speed limit, especially in places where pedestrian crossings are not regulated. Remember, in an accident, poor visibility can be a mitigating circumstance, but not an excuse.

  • "Invisible" on the road.

We have already described approximately such circumstances with public transport. That is, because of an obstacle, most often a car that has slowed down in front of a pedestrian crossing in the extreme right lane, a pedestrian suddenly appears. The driver in the second lane has only a fraction of a second to react, and then only if he carefully monitors the traffic situation. This is one of the most common situations leading to accidents involving a pedestrian.

Pedestrian action. If, while crossing the road, your view is obstructed by a nearby car, you need to move extremely carefully. Do not forget about this rule even when you cross the street at a regulated crossing, because it is difficult to predict the actions of the driver. It is possible that he will want to "slip on red" while the transition is empty. If you have any object in your hands (for example, a bag, umbrella, cane, etc.), it is advisable to put it forward so that the driver of the approaching car can notice your movement earlier.

Driver actions. If you see a car in the far right lane stop in front of a zebra, this is a sure sign that a pedestrian has entered the road. Slow down and take all measures so that it does not get under your wheels.

  • What should a driver do if an accident involving a pedestrian does occur?

In this case, the driver usually experiences severe stress. Therefore, the most important thing is not to panic, to get together and act according to the circumstances. Under no circumstances leave the scene. By doing this, you will only aggravate your guilt, and this can lead to irreversible consequences.

Stop the car first and put up the signs emergency stop. After that, examine the victim and give him first aid. If during the examination it turned out that the damage was of minor or moderate severity, then take measures yourself to deliver it to a medical facility. If the damage is severe, it is better not to touch it, but wait for the ambulance to arrive, which must be called immediately after the inspection. After that, return to the scene of the accident and draw it up in accordance with all the rules.

If an accident involving a pedestrian did take place, this is not a reason for panic. All measures must be taken to reduce its consequences. First, immediately take all measures to save the life and health of the victim. Secondly, when registering an accident, indicate all the circumstances that will directly or indirectly testify in your favor. This could be poor visibility, road conditions, stopping distances, possible obstructions, eyewitness accounts of pedestrian misconduct, etc. Third, contact an attorney experienced in such cases. The sooner he gets involved, the more likely he is to use everything to make your punishment less severe.

And in conclusion ... The driver and the pedestrian, no matter what, both are participants in the movement. And not only the number of traffic accidents, but also the situation on the roads itself depends on their mutual respect and ability to act competently, in compliance with the Rules of the Road. Therefore, as they say, drivers and pedestrians - be mutually polite!

Prepared by Oksana Belovol.

Despite the measures taken by the traffic police and the government, the number of accidents involving pedestrians remains high. This is due both to the critically low level of knowledge of traffic rules by pedestrians, and to a certain drop in the degree of preparedness of drivers. At the same time, the behavior of the driver on the road is regulated by the traffic inspectorate, which somewhat reduces the number of serious violations of the Rules and stimulates attention to the traffic situation. Pedestrian behavior is not actually regulated by anything Often given fact becomes the cause of inadequate behavior of people moving on foot, which leads to the occurrence of an accident. What to do in case of an accident involving a pedestrian? How not to be guilty?

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

It is worth noting that most accidents occur due to the mutual fault of the driver and the pedestrian. However, in some cases, the pedestrian and the driver may be absent. Unfortunately, in real judicial practice the circumstances of an accident are rarely taken into account in full. Consider the most popular causes of traffic accidents, during which a pedestrian is hit:

  1. Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian. The most common situation. In this case, a pedestrian can cross the carriageway in the wrong place, unexpectedly go to the FC because of parked cars, move along the FC of the road at night in black or dark clothes without reflective elements.
  2. Violation of traffic rules by the driver. Such situations are also not uncommon. The driver may violate traffic rules intentionally (significant speeding, unwillingness to let a pedestrian in the BCP zone) or unintentionally (distracted, did not notice, did not have time to react). It is worth noting that this factor is practically not taken into account when determining the responsibility of the driver.
  3. Road conditions. Accidents involving pedestrians can also occur due to the presence of complex road conditions(wet road, darkness, limited visibility). In this case, almost always the responsibility lies with the driver (he chose a speed that does not correspond to road conditions). However, in fact, in such situations, the fault is mutual, since the pedestrian, before starting to cross the carriageway, must make sure that he is let through. Outside the pedestrian crossing zone, the pedestrian must give way to moving vehicles.
  4. Technical issues. Accidents can also occur due to technical failure vehicle. In this case, it matters whether the driver knew about the existing problems before the start of the movement, or whether they arose immediately before the accident. So, if they were obviously faulty, the driver is to blame. If the brakes failed at the moment of braking in front of a pedestrian, we can talk about mutual fault.

It is worth noting that the degree of guilt of each of the participants, given above, is subjective. In reality, this indicator is determined by the investigating authorities and the court. At the same time, the one who actually provoked the accident is not always considered the culprit.

What to do at the time of an accident?

According to existing laws, at the time of an emergency, the driver must slow down until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. talking plain language need to slow down. Do not try to pull the car to the side, do not use maneuvering skills, just press the brake pedal to the floor and hold it until the car comes to a complete stop.

Unfortunately, similar actions are not always optimal. Many drivers, realizing this, try to avoid accidents in other ways. Often such measures are justified. However, it should be remembered that if emergency situations occur during counter-emergency measures, the responsibility for them lies entirely with the driver. Therefore, turning to the side, pulling off the side of the road, performing contact braking is possible only after assessing the situation on the road.

What to do after a pedestrian accident?

If the collision with a pedestrian nevertheless occurred, it is necessary to continue emergency braking until the car comes to a complete stop. After that, the car must be put on the parking brake and muffled. Everything, it is forbidden to move the vehicle from the place where it was after the accident.

Actions before the arrival of emergency services

Next, the driver needs to assess the condition of the downed pedestrian. The level of consciousness is assessed, the visual presence of open wounds requiring immediate assistance. It is not recommended to move the victim until a full assessment of his condition by doctors. After the initial assessment, it is necessary to call for place of the accident an ambulance team, a traffic police squad, a lawyer or a representative of an insurance company.

First aid to the patient is provided only in urgent cases. It is necessary to take measures to stop the existing bleeding, to ensure adequate breathing of the victim. So, a pressure bandage is applied to bleeding wounds, the head of an unconscious person is turned on its side to prevent aspiration (inhalation of vomit, blood, saliva, sputum). Further assistance should be provided by EMS staff.

After rendering assistance to the victim, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the traces of the accident. An emergency stop sign is placed at the point where the trail begins. emergency braking. If the road is snowy, it is better to cover the trail with a cloth (jacket, rugs, seat covers). In addition, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the position of all objects related to the accident (glass fragments, plastic parts of the car, objects lost by a pedestrian).

In addition, it is necessary to fix the position of the pedestrian and the car on the video camera of the phone or DVR. It is also necessary to find witnesses to the accident and write down their contact details.

Actions after the arrival of emergency services

After the arrival of the ambulance, the driver no longer takes any action in relation to the injured person. As for law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to strictly control the process of registering an accident. It is better if a person who is well versed in the procedural subtleties does this. However, in its absence, the driver must check the accuracy of the description of the situation in the report and the scheme of the accident, the presence in the description of details that can later help protect (the condition of the road, the condition of the pedestrian and the driver himself, the circumstances of the accident).

It is worth noting that it is better not to give any explanations in a state of psychological shock. In this case, an appropriate entry is made in the protocol, and testimony from the driver is taken later. If the driver needs medical assistance, you should also indicate this in the documents and contact the doctors. This measure will allow you to somewhat delay the moment of testifying and "put your thoughts in order."

It should be remembered that the driver will be found guilty even with the slightest traffic violations at the time of the accident, which, in fact, are not the cause of the accident. Explaining this statement, we can say that a pedestrian who unexpectedly jumped out onto the road in front of a car moving at a speed of 70 km / h (in the city) will be recognized as injured, the driver as the culprit, since there was an excess of speed. The driver can be justified only if he was moving in compliance with all traffic rules, but he did not have the technical ability to stop the vehicle.

What to do during the investigation?

In the event that a pedestrian is killed or seriously injured, it is necessary to seek the help of a lawyer. The fact is that the attitude of the courts towards drivers who knocked down a pedestrian is rather biased, so it can be difficult to prove one's innocence on one's own. All interrogations and inquiries must be accompanied by a competent defense lawyer.

Before the trial, it is necessary to pay all existing debts on fines of the traffic police. The presence of unpaid fines can serve as an aggravating circumstance. There are cases when, due to the presence of debts, the courts impose a more severe punishment.

Contact with the victim and his relatives should not be avoided. A driver's sincere desire to help a downed pedestrian can serve as a mitigating circumstance. However, all amounts of money (if any) transferred to the victim himself or his relatives

Part 3: Top Causes of Accidents: Drunk Driving.

When considering the reasons car accidents in most cases, they analyze the mistakes and violations that drivers make. However, a significant proportion of traffic accidents on the streets are caused by pedestrians. At the same time, the consequences of such accidents can be the most serious for their perpetrators.

When is the pedestrian at fault?

Pedestrian collisions are one of the most common types of road traffic accidents. Moreover, given the nature of the accident, in most cases it results in serious damage to health or even death of a pedestrian.

Traditionally, in the event of a collision, it is customary to blame the driver. This is largely due to the fact that the pedestrian is more vulnerable and suffers much more in an accident. Indeed, in most cases, the driver is the culprit. However, as the practice of an independent examination after an accident shows, a considerable part of the collisions are also made through the fault of pedestrians.

According to statistics, pedestrians are responsible for accidents in an average of 16-17% of cases. This is a very significant number of accidents. It should also be borne in mind that in many cases it is impossible to accurately determine the causes of a collision. At the same time, almost always the driver is “recorded” as the culprit. Therefore, the number of accidents due to the fault of pedestrians may well reach 20% or more.

Why do pedestrian accidents happen?

Every person, going out into the street, becomes a pedestrian, regardless of his level of education, age, knowledge of traffic rules, skills, health status and other factors. In turn, every pedestrian, like the driver, is obliged to follow the rules of the road. However, putting this into practice is far from easy.

To become a driver, you need to be trained in a driving school and pass an exam, which already implies sufficient training and knowledge. In addition, the actions of drivers are supervised by the traffic police. On the other hand, in order to become a pedestrian, as was said, it is enough just to go out into the street, and the traffic police practically does not follow them. In this regard, pedestrians are not always ready to follow the rules of the road.

Almost every person has ever crossed the road in the wrong place. In most cases, the cause is haste or banal negligence. Very often, such violations are committed by children who simply have not been explained by adults how to cross the road correctly, and how serious the consequences can be. At the same time, children often still cannot adequately assess the situation and try to cross the road right in front of a moving car.

A significant part of the collisions occur at night on poorly lit sections of the road. Pedestrians often simply do not understand that it is much more difficult for a driver to navigate at night, and he may have very little time to react.

In general, the main causes of traffic accidents caused by pedestrians are:

  • crossing the road in an unspecified place;
  • crossing the road to a prohibiting traffic light;
  • traffic on the side of the road on the right side;
  • non-compliance with safety requirements when crossing or driving along the side of the road in the dark;
  • crossing the road without regard to weather conditions (for example, during icy conditions, pedestrians may not take into account that the length of the braking distance of the car increases significantly, and the driver may lose control during sudden braking).

In general, we can say that the pedestrian must remember that he, like the driver, is responsible for compliance with traffic rules. And he has to answer with his health and life. Particular attention should be paid to teaching children the rules of the road and safe behavior on the road.

Remember that road safety depends on compliance with traffic rules!

According to statistics, about 1.2 million people die every year in the world. Such horrifying statistics show that the top leadership of all countries has something to work on.

If in some continents the main causes of accidents are human factors, violations of safety rules, then in others it is the poor quality of roads and their illumination.

A traffic accident can happen due to the fault of any participant in the movement. They can be both the driver of the car and the pedestrian.

Frequent accidents occur due to violation of the rules of the owners of two-wheeled vehicles - motorcycles and bicycles. Russia was no exception and holds the lead in the number of accidents and victims.


Most car owners make identical mistakes that lead to accidents.

Regarding the reasons that lead to accidents, they can be divided into several groups, these are the occurrences due to the fault of the driver of the vehicle, the fault of the pedestrian, bad weather conditions or vehicle malfunction. Let's look at the main types of accidents and their causes.

Driver's fault

That is, responsible for the death of people and the largest number victims lies on the conscience of the owners of cars, motorcycles and other wheeled vehicles.

Violation of traffic rules

The most common cause of accidents with motor vehicle drivers is traffic violations.

We have witnessed more than once how the sweat in the city or in the suburbs, where maximum speed transport, should not exceed 60 km / h, a motorist flies on a speedometer, which has more than 100 km / h.

Drivers often violate the rules of maneuvering. A common danger is incorrect overtaking, when a person simply does not calculate his speed and distance to the car that is moving in the oncoming lane. Or the driver disregards the rules and overtakes in prohibited areas.

Traffic rules are violated if the driver is driving in drunk. Regarding this violation, there is a serious struggle and for recent times toughened penalties.

That is, even without committing a significant accident, but only a violation while intoxicated, traffic police officers have the right to detain the driver and keep him in custody until a verdict is passed.

The fines have reached 200 -300 thousand rubles. But this does not “slow down” car owners from driving drunk.

Another common cause of an accident is running a red light. It enjoys relevance in small and provincial towns.

After all, you can’t drive on red in a millionaire, there are too many car flows, and in a small town, when there is no one, drivers manage to slip through forbidden traffic signals, and at that moment other road users come from nowhere, who have a green light.

Car malfunction

Many incidents on the highway and city roads arise due to the inappropriate condition of the vehicle, its malfunction and unsuitability for movement. The rules of the road indicate specific malfunctions of the unit, with which operation is prohibited.

For example, if you feel that the brake pedal fails, and there is no clutch, as it was before, then you cannot go further.

You need to call a tow truck, which will deliver to the place of repair. When your headlight bulb just burned out, then movement in this case is allowed only to the nearest service station.

Ignoring the above cases is a direct risk of getting into an accident through your own fault. None of the car owners are insured, and a traffic accident happens to those who most do not expect it and think that everything will work out.

Maybe so, and you are lucky, but the day will come when luck will not be on your side.

traffic light failure

Most of the accidents in cities are due to malfunctioning traffic lights. A fatal case is when the green light is on in all directions, the drivers have no idea who how to go.

Well, if the malfunction occurred in the daytime, and there is at least some visibility. And if the green light is on at night, the driver, simply seeing the permitted light, can drive at a considerable speed and try to quickly cross the intersection. No one can insure that there will not be the same person on the opposite side.

Often traffic lights flash yellow, or green is on in one direction, and always red in the other. This causes some confusion and traffic jams.

Accordingly, a person who is in a hurry will try to run a red light in the absence of strong flow cars from the opposite side and if an accident happens, it will be the culprit of the incident.

Although, in fact, the traffic police should take the blame, which did not eliminate the breakdown of the traffic light. Do not remain indifferent and inform the MREO employees about a faulty traffic light.


If you are an experienced driver who follows all the rules of the road, then there is no guarantee that you will not become the culprit of an accident. After all, being distracted for a couple of seconds can do big things.

Modern cars are so fast that the countdown goes to tenths of a second, one glance to the side - and you have already crashed into someone.

Okay, lightly crash, but if you miss a pedestrian who ran out onto the road in the wrong place, it's a serious matter.

Even breaking the rules, the pedestrian will not be charged with the accident, and you, as the driver, will receive the full extent of the law. Do not get distracted and do not look to the side, an accident and a collision could have been prevented.

The carelessness of the owner of the car can also result in the case when the car in front slows down slightly and its brake light lights up. Having missed this moment, it is easy to drive into the rear of the unit.

Inattention affects situations when a person turns on the turn signal and is about to commit manners. Without noticing this, you can crash and block his path, lose your lane, the result of everything is a traffic accident.

Over speed

A common cause of accidents is exceeding the maximum allowable speed on a section of the road.

Most drivers like to put pressure on the gas properly, and forget to look at the traffic situation, assess the situation adequately. The speed of movement must be determined based on the road conditions in which the driver is located.

These include

  • road condition;
  • the presence of slopes and turns;
  • visibility;
  • unit state.

Due to pedestrian

But not always drivers of vehicles are the perpetrators of accidents. Often due to violations Pedestrian traffic rules reckless actions are committed with crossing the road in unspecified places.

The people have two opposing opinions on this matter:

  • in any accident with a pedestrian, the driver of the car is to blame;
  • In case of an accident with a pedestrian, the pedestrian is considered to be the culprit.

As practice shows, it is impossible to give an unambiguous explanation to this dispute. It all depends on the specific situation and the behavior of road users, an individual approach to each case.

Pedestrian and driver are two versatile classes of road users. And often, in controversial situations, they indicate guilt and traffic violations each other, but no one focuses attention on their behavior.

Everyone famous example when pedestrians unanimously shout at drivers who do not let them pass at pedestrian crossings, and car owners who yell at pedestrians who cross the road in the wrong places.

Before considering accidents due to the fault of pedestrians, I would like to note that most of incidents are carried out in the dark. There is a logical explanation for this.

The driver, due to poor illumination of the road, visibility, cannot notice a pedestrian dressed in dark clothes and without reflective elements.

And pedestrians do not try to put themselves in the driver's seat and understand that it is much more difficult for him to assess the situation on the road in the dark. But pedestrians do not do this and cross the road the same way as during the day.

When you have no choice, and often have to walk around the city at night, cross roads, it is highly recommended to get reflective elements.

An elementary example is reflective stripes on pants and the risk of getting into an accident is much reduced.

Often a pedestrian either crosses the road in the wrong place, or runs across traffic lights at a red light.

Let's analyze the most common reasons for violation of the rules of traffic rules by pedestrians:

  1. Excessive haste. People are often in a hurry, so they choose the shortest transition path for themselves.
  2. Pedestrians don't report traffic rules and do not know them. In this case, the road crossing takes place at the maximum convenient location for a person. This item can be broken down into:
    • children who run out onto the road without realizing their actions. In such sleeping regions, the speed is limited to 40 km / h;
    • a pensioner is a pedestrian, who does not know the traffic rules at all, and lives in those days, when it was possible to see a car on the road no more than once a week;
    • local pedestrians who cross roads in places where a pedestrian has recently been. When are produced repair work, pedestrian crossings are often changed, and a person walks along it out of habit, this is very dangerous;
    • pedestrians that run after minibuses, trolleybuses. This situation is fraught with accidents and collisions with pedestrians. After all, a person does not give an account of his actions and often at stops many people suffer from increased activity and suffer.


The most common cause of accidents is bad weather. Often, due to the fault of the weather, accidents occur in rainy weather or in the winter season. The adjustments made by nature make the driver behave differently on the road.

Bad weather conditions dull the visibility of the person behind the wheel, do not give him full control over the car. This means that often drivers of buses or minibuses do not manage to drive on ice or in the rain.

Ice becomes the cause of an accident in the winter, sometimes it is very difficult to stop a vehicle, and by pressing the pedal sharply, the car can simply be carried to the side or forward.

As for driving in the rain, it worsens the driver's visibility and does not allow him to assess the situation with such success as he did before.

Causes of accidents involving cyclists and motorcyclists

Over the past five years, motorcyclists on the road has increased by 2.5 times. This is due to the fact that the purchase of two-wheeled vehicles is much cheaper for the owner.

Often the owners of mopeds are young citizens from 16 to 27 years old who do not give special significance traffic rules.

The main cause of motorcycle accidents is overspeeding on two-wheelers.

Probably, everyone has seen such a situation as a desperate motorcyclist rushing through the city at high speed, overtaking all the cars on the way, and alternately driving into the oncoming lane.

As for cyclists, the main reason for accidents with them is that not everyone considers them to be full-fledged road users. There are very frequent cases of collision with cyclists that move along the edge of the road. There are also no bike paths in many cities.

Accident statistics

Let's see why there are more and more traffic accidents in Russia:

Statistics of the causes of accidents due to the fault of drivers:

Statistics of traffic violations and accidents:

From all of the above, we can conclude that in most cases accidents occur due to violations of traffic rules and improper human actions. Drivers run into pedestrians due to speeding.

Prevention measures

The most main reason An accident is a traffic violation. Accordingly, severe punishments and fines for violations of laws will become a preventive measure.

In 2017, fines for traffic violations increased by 20-30%, and the sanction for drunk driving can reach 200-300 thousand rubles.

The second industry where more efforts need to be made by the traffic police are the points of issuance of rights.

It is necessary to minimize the issuance driving licenses persons who do not know traffic rules and take exams for money. Having fulfilled these two points, the number of accidents on the roads will decrease several times.

Traffic violations are the main causes of road accidents. Accidents are often caused by speeding in cities, collisions with pedestrians.

However, there are cases when pedestrians are the culprit of the accident. To minimize risks and the number of accidents, all road users must be clearly guided by traffic rules.

Video: Causes of an accident and excuses. Unspoken rules that can help.

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