Pedestrian traffic violation. What to do if a pedestrian violates traffic rules

Code of Administrative Offenses Russian Federation establishes administrative responsibility for violation of the order and rules traffic for both motor vehicle drivers and pedestrians. Administrative responsibility of pedestrians occurs in cases strictly prescribed by law, such as when committing individual offenses set forth in Articles 12.24, 12.29 and 12.30 of the Code and entails the application of administrative penalties to the person.

The administrative responsibility of pedestrians implies the imposition of penalties on the guilty person within the legally established limits.

For violation of traffic rules in the presence of children, pedestrians will be punished more severely

Moscow, November 22 - AiF - Moscow. AT State Duma a bill has been introduced to toughen responsibility for traffic violations by pedestrians, cyclists and moped drivers, RIA Novosti reports.

The document proposes to increase the amount of fines from 200 to 500 rubles for violations of the rules committed in the presence of a child. If the violation was committed while intoxicated, the fine is doubled to a thousand rubles.

What is the penalty for a pedestrian crossing in the wrong place

Rules of the road - a document, the provisions of which are mandatory for all participants in this process. Accordingly, those responsible for their violation should be punished.

Complete list duties of pedestrians as road users is established by Section 4 of the Rules of the Road. Paragraph 4.3 of this section establishes that if pedestrians need to cross carriageway, they must use underground or elevated pedestrian crossings, and in their absence, cross the road at the intersection along the line of the sidewalk or curb.

Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian

If you are a car enthusiast, then you probably have a certain opinion about pedestrians, which many car owners are also ready to share. Every time you enter the motorway, you get the feeling that the rules of the road were invented to be obeyed exclusively by motorists, and for pedestrians who are always late somewhere, there are no existing laws at all to coordinate their behavior on the roads and near them. However, this opinion is erroneous, a pedestrian is the same road user as a motorist, so he must be aware of the provisions of the traffic rules and, accordingly, follow them.

There can be a number of explanations for the careless behavior of pedestrians on the roads, of course, children and the elderly do not count.

Failed to yield to a pedestrian

The fine for not giving way to a pedestrian is 1,500 rubles. Pedestrians are also liable for traffic violations. This may be a fine of 500 rubles or a warning.

The same punishment is provided for persons driving a moped, bicycle, or a driver or other person directly involved in the process of road traffic. And if a person drove a moped, bicycle, and so on while drunk, then the fine will already be from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.

If a pedestrian or other road user (except for drivers of the vehicle) violated traffic rules, which caused interference in the movement of vehicles or causing minor or moderate harm to the health of the victim, he faces a fine.

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (except for drivers of vehicles) who have the advantage in traffic.

Responsibility for traffic violations in Russia

Since 2008, administrative arrest for up to 15 days has been introduced as a preventive measure for a number of some serious violations in the field of the Rules of the Road. According to Article 3.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, administrative arrest cannot be applied to pregnant women, women with children under the age of fourteen, persons under the age of eighteen, disabled people of groups I and II, military personnel, citizens called up for military training, as well as to having special ranks to employees of internal affairs bodies, bodies and institutions of the penal system, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities.

A pedestrian is a full-fledged participant in the road traffic, whose behavior can also cause significant trouble, as well as incorrect driver behavior. Most likely, pedestrians simply do not know that a system of fines is provided for them in our country, so no one really teaches the rules. I go where I want - this is not the most the best option behavior, which often leads to the fact that drivers are forced to significantly change their plans when they see a person on the road in front of them. You have to make rash and quick decisions, which on a busy highway are almost guaranteed to lead to an accident. Sharp movements on a busy avenue will cause a mass collision, and the moment that the pedestrian violated traffic rules will be to blame.

Many drivers are wondering what to do in such a situation when they saw a pedestrian who maliciously violates the rules of the road and makes it much more difficult for cars to move along the roadway. If such actions endanger traffic participants, the pedestrian himself or other people around, there is a violation of the rules for which each violator must be held accountable. Despite the fact that denunciations of other people to the police are not very common in our country, in some situations this can prevent the death of an innocent person and the occurrence of various kinds of accidents. Therefore, sometimes it is possible to demand from a patrol policeman or a traffic police inspector on duty to issue a well-deserved fine to a negligent pedestrian.

The most notorious variants of traffic violations by pedestrians

There is a whole list of pedestrian violations that can be detrimental to surrounding drivers and others. Most of the rules for pedestrians are taught to us from an early age. Since school, many people remember such disciplines as protecting the life of a child, where they talked about the most basic rules and signs. However, who at that tender age thought about the rules of the road? Ultimately, many simply do not know that it is impossible to perform certain actions on the road, because this can lead to the imposition of penalties, as well as a significant increase in the danger of movement. The following traffic violations should be included in this category:

  • crossing the roadway to a red traffic light is the most popular violation, if the state began to actively fine such people, it would enrich itself in a few days;
  • crossing the carriageway near the markings or signs "Pedestrian crossing", when it is possible to cross the road humanly, can also be punished by a fine;
  • if you need to bypass the tram, do it from the front of this vehicle, but the bus should be bypassed from the back due to the fact that the driver may not see you from the front;
  • under the sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited" you will find an unpleasant fine and significantly annoying communication with the traffic police, which is difficult to prove anything;
  • even if you are crossing a pedestrian crossing and a car with blue or red flashing lights on is driving along the road, you will receive a fine for not letting the special services vehicle pass.

In all these cases, the amount of the fine will be 500 rubles. It's not much, but if you count the number of times we break the rules, it's quite possible to accumulate a very large amount of fines. Interestingly, if these fines actually worked, there would be fewer deaths, as people would think about the meaning of crossing the road in the wrong place. Unfortunately, traffic police rarely agree to issue a fine to pedestrians. However, this can be changed if you yourself fix the violation, provide the police with the necessary evidence.

Other pedestrian offenses that may be penalized

Interestingly, the traffic rules provide for more than ten options for pedestrian violations, which can lead to a fine. Every day, each of us breaks these rules, wasting a lot of potential money. It is good for pedestrians that the inspectors do not pay too much attention to such violations so far. But it is worth raising the fines, and the traffic police will actively monitor the behavior of pedestrians. Above, we talked about the most popular violations, but Russian law provides several more options for violations in which you can be fined:

  • crossing the carriageway diagonally, as well as crossing in those places where the road is not clearly visible in both directions;
  • stopping a taxi directly on the roadway and exiting onto the road for landing - this is also considered a gross violation of traffic rules;
  • if there is a sidewalk or a pedestrian road nearby, movement along the carriageway is prohibited, otherwise you can move on the side opposite to the movement of cars;
  • traffic violations can also occur due to a misunderstanding of the signals of the traffic controller - learn the basic gestures of this policeman;
  • crossing a wide road with more than four lanes is possible only at traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, and in the presence of underground or overhead passages - only along them.

Violation of any of these rules will also cost the pedestrian 500 rubles. The fixed tariff may soon be revised upwards, and then you should learn all the rules and walk exclusively with an understanding of responsibility. Otherwise, a situation will arise in which you will need to get your hard-earned money and give a rather considerable amount, taking into account commissions and other payments, for a tritely incorrectly crossed street. So learn the rules for pedestrians and start following them today. Otherwise, you may soon find yourself hostage to the situation and your old habits.

What should a driver do when he sees an offending pedestrian?

According to the law of humanity, nothing needs to be done in this situation. You are not a great legislator who is offended that his offspring in the form of laws for pedestrians is not carried out as he intended. However, you can denounce a person at the nearest traffic police post, but you will have to take the pedestrian with you. No one will look for a person on the basis of the video in order to hand him a fine of 500 rubles. If you have an incredible desire to take revenge on a person for breaking the rules and ruining your nerves, you can do the following:

  • get out of the car, call out to the pedestrian and tell them that you filmed the situation with its violation on video, and also called the traffic police to the scene;
  • when the traffic police patrol arrives, clarify the pedestrian violation situation, show the video from your DVR as confirmation;
  • further, the inspector can draw up a report on the spot if the pedestrian has identification documents with him;
  • you will need to sign the protocol and sign your version of events, in which case the pedestrian is guaranteed to receive his fine;
  • to perform such a procedure, you should fully understand that you are dealing with the law, you should know for sure that it is the pedestrian in this case who is the culprit of a potentially dangerous situation.

There are many situations when drivers called the traffic police, and then it turned out that it was they who violated the rules of the road. In the absence of confidence, it is better not to perform any actions, not to call anyone, but simply to talk to the pedestrian, telling what his actions could have led to in a different situation. However, it is important for you that everything is normal with the car and your health. Even if a driver causes some damage to a pedestrian who violated the rules, such a driver will not be held responsible for his actions. It was the pedestrian who became the violator and initiator of the collision, which will be regarded as the culprit of this event. Pedestrians are different - watch the video with a selection interesting characters on the road:

Summing up

It is important to understand that in most cases, motorists are quite callous to pedestrians. The latter are of interest to them to the extent that they will not throw themselves under the wheels and form other obstacles. On the other hand, motorists also become pedestrians at certain points in their lives. Knowing the rules, they sometimes deliberately violate them and check other motorists for understanding all the features of knowing this or that rule. Note that when you become a pedestrian, you act very boldly on the road, knowing that you are right.

The problem is that most people know the rules quite superficially, not paying attention to special points, subtleties and decoding of some points. So arguing with certain pedestrians will not be easy, because they are sure that it is the driver who is always wrong. I wonder where the confidence that the pedestrian will be right in any situation comes from? In any case, this statement is false. The pedestrian, as well as the driver, is one of the road users, and he is responsible for his actions. What do you do when you see a pedestrian break the rules?

It so happened that drivers are usually brought to administrative responsibility for violations of the Rules of the Road. It is fair to say that pedestrians violate the rules no less, but the number of fines issued to them is significantly lower. The most common traffic violation by pedestrians is crossing the street in the wrong place. Why do inspectors not always fine such pedestrian violators and what kind of responsibility can be applied in such cases? Let's take a look in this article.

What the law says

First of all, let's turn to the Rules of the Road, namely, chapter number 4, which provides for the duties of a pedestrian. Since he, like the driver, is a road user, his behavior on the road is regulated in some detail:

As you can see, the number of rules for a pedestrian is quite large. At the same time, knowledge of these rules among the population is at a rather low level. Basically, those who have already encountered with admitted traffic violations for which he was liable.

Administrative punishment

So, not only drivers are involved under the administrative code. Directly to the actions of pedestrians or other road users (for example, cyclists, as well as those who operate horse-drawn vehicles, etc., except for drivers), there are two main articles - 12.29 and 12.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

1. for violation of any traffic rules (including those related to crossing the road in the wrong place), a pedestrian may be a warning was issued or a fine of 500 rubles was imposed.

The question arises - in what cases can a fine be imposed on the violator, and in what cases can you get off with a warning? From general practice it can be concluded that the first person who violates the requirements of traffic rules is usually warned about preventing such behavior in the future, and the person who repeatedly violates the same requirement of the law is fined.

At the same time, the traffic police inspector has the right to oblige to pay 500 rubles already for the first violation of the rules on crossing the road by pedestrians, which often outrages them and is the subject of an appeal against an administrative decision.

2. for creating obvious obstacles in the movement of other participants, the punishment may be in the form a fine of 1000 rubles. Drawing up such administrative protocols in relation to pedestrians is even rarer than simply for non-compliance with the rules for crossing the road. This is partly due to the fact that the creation of obvious interference must be documented, that is, there must be, for example, fixation of a forced emergency maneuver of the driver, indisputably confirmed by hard evidence. Usually, the collection of such evidence is difficult, therefore, bringing to responsibility under this rule (part 1 of article 12.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) refers to a greater extent to rare cases.

3. Part 2 Art. 12.30 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation as amended in 2016 provides fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles for the actions of a pedestrian, including for crossing the road in the wrong place, if there are consequences in the form of causing bodily harm to health. In this case, the severity of such injuries should correspond to a mild or moderate degree.

Example. In January 2017, Citizen N. crossed the roadway in a place where there is no crossing (at the same time, the “zebra” was 50 meters from this place, it was visible to the violator). Citizen N. ran onto the road, despite the dense flow of vehicles, and, not making sure that there were no cars on the third lane in relation to him (the view was blocked by a moving truck), created an emergency situation. As a result, the passenger car hit another pedestrian moving along the zebra. The victim suffered minor bodily harm, citizen N was fined 1,500 rubles, and subsequently a lawsuit was brought against the guilty pedestrian to reimburse the cost of treatment.

Payment of the penalty

If you have been issued a fine and you agree with it, payment must be made as soon as possible: violating pedestrians, as well as drivers, are fully subject to the rules on the so-called “discount” of 50% when making a payment in the first 20 days .

You need to pay the fine in the usual way (on the traffic police website or at terminals, through a bank, etc.) and only after you are convinced that the decision has indeed been issued and the amount payable has been determined.

Unlike violations by drivers, pedestrians who have received a ticket for crossing in the wrong place always know that administrative material has been collected against them. Indeed, for this, the inspector needs to communicate personally with the violator, clarify his passport data. It is almost impossible to hold pedestrian road users accountable based on video camera data - identification data, in contrast to vehicle, are missing. Therefore, when the question “how to check the presence of a fine” arises, it most likely means “how to make sure that there is or is not a fine, make sure the amount matches and find out the receipt number.” Full details can be found on this:

  1. at any traffic police post;
  2. on the site "traffic police fines";
  3. on the “public services” website (select the Transport tab, then the traffic police, obtaining information about administrative offenses);
  4. bailiffs by personal presence in the department or on the official website;
  5. many online banking applications have the function of searching for fines by last name or resolution number, with the ability to pay immediately.

After making sure that the fine has indeed been issued and that 20 days have not yet expired, you can save and pay 50%. But only if you agree with the punishment. If not, you need to appeal the decision to the court.

Challenging an administrative decision

When a pedestrian, attracted under the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for crossing the road in the wrong place, wants to challenge the situation and the subsequent punishment, You need to apply to the court and appeal the decision within 10 days. In doing so, it should be borne in mind that:

  • you should already when drawing up documents in the column “explanations of the violator” or after the proposal to sign, express your denial of guilt or the fact of a violation in writing (for example, “with bringing to administrative responsibility under such and such an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, I strongly disagree, traffic rules do not violated);
  • you have the right to get acquainted with all materials, both in court and during drafting;
  • you have the right to provide your evidence (witness testimony, video camera data from nearby buildings - shops, parking lots, etc.);
  • you have the right to independently draw up a diagram and attach photos, from which the overview on the road, the presence or absence of a “zebra” within sight, etc. will be clear.

It would be fair to note that cases of challenging violations by a pedestrian and positive decisions in their favor, based on judicial practice, very little. It is best to strictly follow the rules of the road and avoid situations where your actions can be regarded as an offense.

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