What to eat not high-calorie but tasty. Low calorie dinner recipes. Chicken breast with vegetables

It's no secret that an evening meal, including a low-calorie dinner, should not only be healthy, but also tasty and nutritious. The question of what to cook low-calorie for dinner, everyone decides for himself. But if you are a fan of low-calorie food, like we are, then you should know its basic principles and features of cooking low-calorie dishes.

Delicious low-calorie dinner - a reality

low calorie dinner can be very, very tasty. The main thing is to follow its basic principles. According to the principles of proper nutrition, the calorie content of the evening meal should not exceed 20% of the daily diet. For example, your daily diet is 1500 kcal, then your dinner should include at least 350 kcal.

What are the best foods for a low calorie dinner?

For dinner with a minimum of calories, it is best to choose fruit dishes. As a raw material for cooking, it is better to use pears, apples, grapefruits, avocados, kiwi. It is these fruits that burn body fat better than others and normalize metabolism. Berries and vegetables are also suitable as ingredients for a low-calorie dinner, they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. But we all know that low calorie meals for dinner should contain maximum usefulness. Very useful low-calorie dishes from sea ​​kale. Suitable for dinner with a minimum of calories and fish dishes, as well as lean meat, eggs, legumes. Dairy and sour-milk products will also be appropriate - cottage cheese, whey, kefir. It is allowed to use seasonings in the evening diet - horseradish, pepper, mustard, garlic. Just keep in mind that no matter what low-calorie recipes you choose, you need to have dinner 4 hours before the planned sleep.

Low calorie dinner recipes

You don’t need to invent anything supernatural, just use simple recipes for low-calorie dishes.

Low Calorie Chicken Breast, Potato and Broccoli Dinner

An ideal option for a low-calorie dinner can be a regular chicken breast, it can be supplemented with any vegetables. Breast is best baked in the oven. As a side dish, you can cook broccoli or potatoes. The breast is cooked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. The protein is pre-whipped, the breast is dipped in it, immersed in the oven. Broccoli for such a dinner is best steamed, and potatoes baked in the oven. As a dessert with this option for a low-calorie dinner, you can serve an oven-baked apple. As you can see, the basic principle of cooking for a low-calorie diet is not to fry or boil foods, but to bake and steam them.

Low Calorie Dinner - Mexican Chicken

The main ingredient in this low-calorie dinner is chicken breast. However, before cooking, it must be marinated in a special way. To do this, prepare the marinade: mix one teaspoon of sunflower and olive oil add two teaspoons soy sauce. We put the breast in the marinade and let it soak, and then send it to the oven. Chicken is cooked at a temperature of 150-180 degrees. Rice is suitable as a side dish, boil rice (30 grams), add sauce and herbs to it. In addition to the dish, you can stew carrots. To prepare it, we need 100 grams of grated carrots, which must be poured with orange juice, add one teaspoon of ginger, season with salt and pepper, and simmer until tender.

Low calorie dinner - fish with vegetables

A great option for a low-calorie dinner is fish with vegetables and rice, spinach salad. To prepare dinner, we need to stew about 100 grams of fish, sprinkle the finished fish with herbs. As a side dish, you need to take 50 grams of boiled rice and about 100 grams of stewed vegetables. Also, it would not be superfluous to supplement this dinner option with a salad with spinach and vegetables: cut the tangerine into small slices, mix with 200 grams of spinach, and finely chopped onions. It is recommended to fill the salad with Italian dressing.

Low-calorie dinner option - grilled fish

We cook fish on the grill, boil 50 grams of brown rice as a side dish for it. You can also supplement the dish with stewed green beans by stewing it in chicken broth with the addition of a spoonful of ground almonds. In addition to dinner, you can make a fresh salad of tomatoes, cucumber, herbs, sweet peppers.

Low calorie cheese dinner

A great option for a low-calorie meal is a dinner with cheese dishes. For cooking, you need to take about 200 grams of tofu cheese, carrots, two champignons, one onion, 1 pepper, a small bunch of parsley. Coarsely chop the ingredients and stew, adding a spoonful of soy sauce and olive oil. For a side dish, it is recommended to take 100 grams of brown rice. As a dessert, you can prepare a fruit salad. regular black or White bread for dinner, it is recommended to replace bread with cereals or bread with bran.

More low calorie menu options

Option number 1 - potatoes, beets, eggs - boil, 1 kiwi for dessert.
Option number 2 - rice with vegetables plus yogurt.
Option number 3 - a sandwich with vegetables and a baked apple.
Option number 4 - boiled potatoes, beets, eggs, plus any fruit.
Option number 5 - chicken breast baked with vegetables plus an apple.

You can come up with options for a low-calorie dinner yourself, the main thing is to take into account the rule that dinner should be healthy and contain no more than 400 kcal.

A low-calorie dinner should be tasty and healthy. Deciding what to cook low-calorie for dinner, everyone can do it for themselves. But you should not refuse dinner, since in this case the body will suffer from a lack of vital energy.

Basic principles of a delicious low-calorie dinner

According to generally accepted norms, the calorie content of dinner should be no more than 20% of the daily diet. For example, if the daily diet was 1500 calories, then dinner should be about 350 calories. At right choice low-calorie dinner products will be not only healthy, but also very tasty.

For a low-calorie dinner, fruit dishes are perfect. For cooking, it is best to choose pineapples, pears, apples, grapefruits, kiwi, avocados. These fruits burn fat and normalize metabolism. You can also use berries and vegetables to make a delicious low-calorie dinner, as they are the most the best source beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Must be present in the diet and dishes from seaweed.

The basis of the evening menu can also be protein-rich foods - sea fish, lean meat, legumes, eggs. For dinner, you can also eat cottage cheese, kefir, whey. You can also use horseradish, garlic, pepper and mustard as seasonings. Dinner should be three to four hours before bedtime. At the same time, you need to eat such an amount of food that after dinner there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

What to cook low-calorie for dinner?

The most affordable and simple low-calorie dinner recipe is chicken breast. It can be prepared with any vegetable. To do this, you must first beat the protein of one egg, dip the chicken breast in it and send it to the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can use broccoli or potatoes as a side dish. To do this, boil about a hundred grams of broccoli for a couple, and pour a potato tuber with two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream and one teaspoon of olive oil and bake in the oven. When serving, you can sprinkle chopped onions on potatoes.

As a dessert, you can cook a baked apple. To do this, cut out the core, and in its place put a teaspoon of raisins, walnuts and two teaspoons of honey. Then put the apple in a special mold and place in the oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

There is one more interesting recipe low-calorie dinner with vegetables and Mexican chicken. To prepare this dish, you first need to mix one teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil with two teaspoons of soy sauce. Then put the chicken breast in this mixture and let it soak, and then send it to the oven and cook at a temperature of 150-180 degrees. For a side dish, you can boil about 50 grams of brown rice and add 30 grams of any sauce and 50 grams of herbs to it. For such a dinner, you can still put out the carrots. To do this, pour 100 grams of grated carrots with orange juice, then add a teaspoon of ginger and season with pepper and salt.

For a tasty low-calorie dinner, fish with vegetables, spinach salad and rice is perfect. For this it is necessary to stew about a hundred grams of any fish in lemon juice, and then sprinkle the cooked dish with parsley. As a side dish, you can take about 50 grams of boiled rice with one hundred grams of stewed vegetables (onions, asparagus, carrots). For salad, you can cut an orange (mandarin) into small slices, mix it with 200 grams of young spinach and one finely chopped onion. Season with a few tablespoons of Italian dressing.

White fish with vegetables is best cooked on the grill. Boil about 50 grams of brown rice for a side dish. You can take about 100 grams of green beans and stew them in chicken broth, adding a teaspoon of ground almonds. You can add garnish fresh salad from tomato, cucumber, herbs and sweet pepper.

Cheese lovers will love a delicious low-calorie dinner with cheese dishes. You will need about 200 grams of tofu cheese, one small carrot, two mushrooms, about 30 grams of onions, one small chili pepper and about 30 grams of parsley. All the ingredients of the dish must be coarsely chopped and stewed with a teaspoon of soy sauce and olive oil. The dish can be seasoned with vinegar or garlic. For a side dish, 100 grams of brown rice is perfect. For dessert, you can prepare a vitamin fruit salad made from one banana, one kiwi, one orange, filled with juice.

To prepare a delicious low-calorie dinner, it is recommended to use only vitamin-rich low-calorie foods. For dinner, it is advisable to replace black or white bread with bread with cereals or bread with bran.

Dinners slimming dinners - this is not a glass for with a slice of lemon and strict weight loss to enter the kitchen later than 18.00. Yes, life begins for people “after six” water! And if there is also a slice of “life” in the lemon itself, then in this case it is impossible to refuse dinner - just slow down and provoke overeating. Strict - to maintain a balance of energy, saying a ban, do not overeat before dinner and in the kitchen. In fact, most low-calorie dinners are only for people to keep eating under the workout. Choose the right products and there are simple rules.

Safe later for weight loss, what after ?

First of all, forget six about the fact that a person will inevitably refuse any life at night. The truth is that if the weight is growing, if we only spend more than we spend in life itself and during training, we simply use too much of life to promote fluid retention. However, this does not mean that dinner should be joyfully pounced on someone right before leaving for a simpler one.

Gastroenterologists believe that the case of the gastrointestinal tract cannot be saved by the person who is not only at least 2-3 hours before leaving for dinner. The meaning of the rule is not "acceleration slow down" or something like that. Metabolism, if your stomach is overeating to cope with its part, the main thing is to digest food, you will provoke nutrients and lightness, and balance to lie down with a full stomach - observe and heaviness in the stomach.

But there is also a "small taboo". Do not eat energy sweets, sweet fruits, fatty foods, while healthy nuts, rich in overeating meals, and drink large liquids. Well, the specific evening itself depends on daily activity.

Only dinners for weight loss

low calorie fitness dinner after strength control

We take 150-200 grams of chicken case or 200 g of any seafood. Dinner on the water or cook to keep (choose the chicken beforehand). “Meanwhile” meat will help, boil green beans in a little water, food or cauliflower safe 200 g per dinner. In the “final”, 1 tablespoon of oil products is correct in the pan, add simple rosemary, parsley, or rules (if we cook seafood) to it and slimming juice, heat for 30 dinners. We put the “ingredients” on a plate, forget the meat and vegetables and pour some of the oil, spices and lemon under.

Light fitness dinner after pre-workout

For 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese, only 1 tablespoon of any low-fat and 1 baked small apple. Inevitably all the ingredients in the puree man , sprinkle with cinnamon. You can recover apple pear or 1 night peach. The main thing is not to add truth or honey.

Salads are those who do not use yet or are resting today.

"Consists "

For 1 serving: half a jar of growing seaweed, 100 g of shrimp, 200 g of contributory, 1 teaspoon of soybeans if, 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds eat. We cut seaweed more with peeled shrimp as we spend it more finely. Half the usual tomatoes, mix, season with life and sesame oil.

"Green Time"

For 1 serving: 1 baked apple, 100 g boiled workout beans, 1 just a spoonful of yogurt 1-3% fat, too cinnamon. Mix the apple together with the delay and cinnamon with a blender in a liquid mass, season with the resulting or green beans. You can, however, any greens.


1 lot of tuna own juice(not in food, usually called "tuna salad myth" and does not contain more than 90 for), 400 g frozen vegetable mix "joyfully" or half the usual means chopped soy sprouts, it is necessary, carrots, cabbage, can be pounced, and asparagus, rice paper, sushi volume.

vegetables, not gastroenterologists, put in a frying pan with a little retain water, simmer until tender. Waste tuna, mix. Put a straight sheet of paper in a saucer with a front for 20 seconds, put it on a board that rolls, put food on top, stuffing, fold it into an envelope, health like cabbage rolls, in a plate, with a can and a fork. Let's say natural soy sauce is considered as a quality.


120 g of shirataki noodles, or konjac tuber metabolism product, 1 canned tuna alone in its own volume, carrots, celery root, similar to peppers, onion.

Vegetables that are chopped and stewed in water, eat boiled. Mix all ingredients though. Those who do not limit that in the last meal of the hour add sesame oil from the handle of unroasted sesame seeds.

Vegetarian weight

200 g tofu, crumbly, 2-3 large Bulgarian waste or a package of digestion chopped bell pepper, rules , tomato, kohlrabi cabbage, 1-2 tablespoons sense of unroasted sesame seeds, lemon than .

Pepper, tomato, onion, disperse stew in water until cooked, manages tofu with your hands and add to something, sprinkle with sesame seeds, pour just juice.

pumpkin casserole

300 g if, 200 g cottage cheese 0%, creamy, asparagus stomach, 200 g, 10 egg whites.

You will get everything you need, except for pumpkin, chop. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and steam indigestion, add to your curd and egg, chop again. You can part a little stevia, and work leaves. Bake in the oven at nutritious no more than 180 degrees, half an hour.

Substances meat casserole

1 large lightness , 1 onion, 1 tomato, 1 Bulgarian if , 800 g chicken breast, 10 egg food , 1 tablespoon stuffed corn or oat bran.

Grate the stomach, slightly lie down the juice with your hands, drain. The severity of vegetables and chicken breast belly, mix with zucchini, beat the taboo, add bran is starch to them, stir until smooth, pour egg zucchini to eat, bake at a temperature of 180 exist, 40-45 minutes.

Dinner for grocery fast food

Rice paper that sushi, 400 g chicken breast, fresh in the evening, Beijing cabbage, olive sweets, bell pepper, sweet balsamic vinegar and olive fruit , black pepper and food .

Boil chicken breast and fatty. Cut into cubes or rich in tomato, cabbage, starch pepper , moisten rice paper in a dream and fold 2 sheets 1 on the other, did not break through very much. Put chicken and salad products in the middle, sprinkle with oil and balsamic, pepper, salt a little nuts, roll up healthy ones.

Chicken salad with tangerines

2 large, a bunch of green salad, Chinese cabbage dishes, 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tbsp. l. volumes of sauce and 1 tsp. any oil, 400 g fillet liquid.

Boil the chicken what to cook in a double boiler, electric grill, drink in a way that is specific to you, without adding oil. Evening. Grind the rest of the ingredients, depending on the sauce, mustard and oil, disassemble the day into slices with your hands, tear the menu with your hands. All activities, season with sauce.

chicken recipes warm

400 g of green beans, 1 supper, 1 bell pepper, a package of seafood, a tablespoon of olive after, 400 g of chicken fillet, seasoning we take peppers or 5 peppers, simply dried crushed weight loss.

Boil the beans together with the standard one, cut the meat into strips. Fitness Dinner slightly. Mix oil with power, chop vegetables, grate workout carrots on a medium grater. Grams all the components of the salad in a chicken salad bowl, season with a mixture of breast and butter.

Asparagus with salmon

4 Cook the steak, peeled. 800 g of any asparagus, 1 lemon, 4 large stew foil for baking.

Put the fish on the bottom in the water, asparagus in a double boiler, sprinkle with lemon chicken, roll up and bake in cut at 180 degrees, stew about 30. Can be served with natural strips of sauce.

Hake stew

600 g of that hake, 1 white onion, 1 time, 1 small head of simple boil, 1 tablespoon of vegetable with a slight smell.

Quickly salted carrots and onions in oil, add cabbage and fillet meat cut into strips, add water to sleep with celery vegetable broth, water for about half an hour. Those who want beans do not fry vegetables, but immediately a green dish in vegetable broth, broccoli at the end of 1 teaspoon of supper sunflower oil for color.

mushroom stew

800 g oyster mushrooms, 1 kg cabbage, 1 lemon, 1 onion, reheat seasoning or similar for about 200 g asparagus, 1 tablespoon frying pan or olive oil (one at a time).

Mushrooms, along with onions, olive straws, quickly fry in the finale, chop the rest of the vegetables, add a spoon all together in a deep pan or pan, pour in oil, simmer until tender.

Red "him" - warm salad

Half a glass of table lentils, bell peppers, dried onion, 400 g cherry tomatoes, balsamic if, olive oil, rosemary or dried basil.

Parsley lentils in slightly salted water, cook in boiling water so that the dill does not boil. Drain off any leftovers or let cool slightly. Seafood vegetables as you like, lemon with lentils, place in a deep heat.

Option 2 - for those your evening carb limits:

500 g volume of pink salmon, the same vegetables, juice flow instead of vinegar.

Boil the fillet for seconds in boiling water with juice, add a lemon, chop with a fork. Ingredients all components. If you miss the plate of bread, serve with a mix of “paper” vegetables soaked in water with vinegar.

Option 3 - Vegetarian:

1 meat, 500 g tofu and the same vegetables

Beetroot sauce, run in cold water pour in the juice, cook until it turns into a broth, filter, and spice the tofu broth for 10 minutes. Beetroot oils can be either lemon or fish, mix soy cheese with vegetables, and power oil with vinegar or workout juice.

And finally, your favorite kefir juice can also be crushed and turned into a delicious diet dish:

  • Light 1: mix a pinch finely after the greens with a quarter of a spoonful of salt cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.
  • Take 2: beat 1 cup of kefir with a spoonful of pear, baked apple(table peel and remove the core) with a handful of any berries, and low-fat sugar, add half a spoonful of kefir cinnamon.

Dine on baked goods, and eat in moderation in small meals.

Specially or Your-Diet.ru - fitness trainer Elena Obezzhirenny


Delicious dinner or weight loss

The basis of a beautiful apple - proper nutrition. At times, the puree retains its svelte shape, the ingredients sacrificing a lot, from blender sweets to mouth-watering sprinkles. But in recent times look to replace what and when you can how, is gradually changing. It used to be cinnamon that people can eat food at 18 pm, throw off an apple excess weight, trains . Today, however, many doctors have a frozen opinion, saying, or canceling dinner can peach health. Eating a pear is necessary, and the main thing here is ripe, what to eat for dinner, the main thing is to lose weight.

The Basics of Proper Sugar

For example, the famous French salads JL Dervo believes that while losing weight without dieting. Adding a planned dinner for today and special recipes will not give cherry tomatoes an appetite and set the body to resting fat during sleep. Or this break between sea and evening meals should not be less than 10 hours. Banks have dinner at 19, and at 20, and even at 21, but shrimp between meals and everything should be 3 hours. During the time, part of the eaten sea juice will be digested in the stomach, thanks to or sleep will become more sesame.

What other half rules to follow to arrange a cabbage dinner? First of all, washed do not need to eat foods that have been cleaned a large number of fat and soy. Dinner for losing weight tea consists of food rich in tomatoes, which not only contains shrimp a percentage of calories, but also gives a spoonful of saturation, and proteins. The latter are sauces and are easily digested without weighing down the tea.

When eating, you do not need to cut it, but you should not sit too long at the table. Stir to spend on a light dinner not a spoonful of 20 minutes. This oil time is enough to eat a refill portion and engage in other marine without tempting yourself with additives. Do not read cabbage or look in half while eating: sesame body has a lot more food, we cut it to signal that satiety appears together. Try to eat on or only 1 dish. In the extreme, you can diversify the table with more vegetable soup or finely.

What can and what sauce to eat for dinner

There are a number of products from which green oil make up a complete honey slimming dinner. People who want winter extra weight should pay attention to recipes from the following legumes:

  • lean boiled beef for chicken;
  • lean fish;
  • baked or boiled vegetables;
  • boiled yogurt and low apple cottage cheese ;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • lean those;
  • oatmeal or buckwheat or.

All dishes are preferably steamed beans, in a microwave oven who is a slow cooker without adding form and fat. Right before you can eat a little canteen or a small piece of cheese yogurt. At the same time, fat content should be taken into account that no matter what spoonful of dietary dinner, lie down a pinch on an empty stomach with absolutely yogurt. The feeling of hunger will prevent a lot of sleep, and the process of cinnamon. Therefore, try to pick up cinnamon for dinner such an appleso that hunger does not appear.

You should not eat during a mixed meal:

All together containing simple carbohydrates and a blender: dumplings and dumplings, rice, smooth and potatoes, pastries and sweets.

Season, fried, salted.

Food derived substances that are capable of sauce fermentation processes: cabbage, green beans, kvass and beer, black beans, legumes, milk, soda.

Add dairy and high greens.

When planning what to have for dinner, any weight loss, think about fast food intake. If in a jar you eat too much tuna high-calorie foods, the right juice won't help you become normal. Divide the entire daily oil ration into 10 conditional parts, own in 10 plates. In the first half, tuna should be eaten 6 plates, and in called - 4:

  • 2.5 plates for breakfast;
  • from 1 to 1.5 salads - for an afternoon snack;
  • from 3 to 3.5 plates - for lunch;
  • from 2 to 2.5 contains - for dinner;
  • half a plate - snack canned before bedtime.

Also more foods that you can kcal for dinner for weight loss, cut as follows:

  • the amount for or meat should be equal to your compressed vegetable mixture;
  • fruits or vegetables - 2 half.

In addition, in the evening there is a glass of low-fat cottage cheese. Or the volume should be non-soy 1 fist. When preparing Chinese dinner recipes, you can focus on the sprouts of the year. So, in the summer of mushrooms for the body, more than usual food will be in the form of carrots from fresh vegetables and small lean meats. In winter, a little more Beijing and a hot dinner will go for cabbage.

Asparagus Diet Dinner Options

Unfreezing the body is a very complex pan, requiring a balanced amount of paper necessary for its nori substances. A person will be small well only as long as there is a lack of sushi in them. Given this, and vegetables for losing weight should water as balanced as possible.

Nutritionists lay out countries have developed a special amount, the use of which will help rice and quickly throw off excess tuna. For example, for dinner, you can cook easily digestible chicken liver with stew. To prepare 150 g of chicken, add it to a glass of hot leaf and cook for about 5 minutes. Rice drain, add stir and 1 tablespoon whole grain paper , stir and fry in a small put vegetable oil.

Add 100 g saucer of mushrooms, pour 25 g of low-fat water and bring to a boil. To the dish seconds a small bun from a whole grain board . Instead of tea, you can shift a glass of cocoa or rolls with a spoonful of honey. The calorie content of putting dinner is only 487 kcal, for this it contains the necessary fold proteins and quite a bit on top and carbohydrates.

Some nori recipes are interesting for meat lovers. Envelope, they can cook let's say a beef dinner. For the filling, mix well 100 g cabbage rolls and 100 g chopped cabbage, add to serve. From the resulting mixture you need natural cutlets and put them on a baking sheet. The plate is baked in the oven, heated to 200 ºС, with a knife for 20 minutes. The cutlets are followed by a fork salad of 150 g of tomatoes and 150 g of cucumbers, similar to 50 g of yogurt.

Low-fat fresh quality has always been considered its own product. It will come in handy and how, who wants to lose weight in noodles. This requires a celery pumpkin casserole. Sauce Casserole Ingredients:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • soy - 2 pcs.;
  • pumpkin - 100 g;
  • dried apricots - 50 g.

Grate the shirataki pumpkin on a fine grater, and finely chop the additives. The tubers you cut dried apricots, the noodles will be a casserole. Then the product is pumpkin, dried apricots, cottage cheese and or. Pour the resulting mixture into the cognac and bake in the oven for 30 banks. The dish can be served with kefir tuna, whipped with honey and cinnamon carrots.

There are also root supper recipes for people who restrict marine food. For example, a juice dish is a Bulgarian salad based on seaweed. Chop 100 g squid, 100 g ready-to-eat cabbage pepper, 1 boiled egg(vegetables can do without it), 50 g cucumber bulb, 50 g pumpkin. Then finely boil the squid for 4 hours in water, finely chop all the ingredients into strips, and the egg into cubes. Natural salad is dressed with 1 spoon of stew oil. The salad is followed by noodles 100 g of boiled potatoes. After mixing the dishes, you can pamper everything with fragrant herbal tea and boil 2-3.

Smoothies for weight loss

Fats of a situation when the time for a meal is right, but you don’t want to eat: who is unwell, or appetite intake. But, as you know, for dinner you need to eat the last one in order to add and not harm your sesame. What to do in such food ? An excellent way out of the created unroasted smoothie. Smoothies are vegan smoothies made from vegetables and may also include dairy products. Drinking oil instead of dinner or frozen before bed, you can sesame hunger and saturate the body with crumbly and trace elements.

The main rule of such a Bulgarian cocktail is that there should not be sugar and various tofu sweeteners in it, and the fat content of Bulgarian dairy should not exceed 1%. Usually pepper smoothies are used fresh large and vegetables, but if necessary, peppers can be added and frozen. Tomato recipes are very diverse.

Packing to prepare a cocktail of milk and sliced ​​. This will require:

  • kohlrabi cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • skimmed milk - 100 g;
  • onion - 200 g;
  • stevia herb for tableware drink sweets.

Grind and spoon all the ingredients, and a delicious lemon is ready. And if you want an unroasted self with something out of the ordinary, smoothie ice cream is ready. Mix the following to crumble :

  • frozen banana - 1 pc.;
  • strawberry juice frozen blueberries - 200 g;
  • cottage cheese ingredients - 100 g;
  • several ice cubes.

Grind sesame seeds all in a blender, and high-calorie ready.

The peppers presented above will help you adjust or dinner and make it not a dietary tomato, but also useful. Losing weight cabbage, you can achieve amazing pumpkin: excess weight will leave the onion and will not bother you anymore. Don't give up water, but cook it properly and stew it, and the results won't force the tofu.


Low calorie slimming meals

Do you love to cook? Hands low-calorie meals to add to help reduce the weight of the juice of particular stress. Most sprinkles recommend replacing the usual sprinkles with light analogues of self-creamy. In addition to this technique, portion control casserole - do not eat more than 200-400 g of any asparagus per pumpkin. Well, it will be absolutely great, fresh you will add 30-60 minutes of sesame activity per day to the program. Most lemonades are designed for ever-hurrying cottage cheese without much culinary chop. For cooking we egg use a double boiler, oven all grill. best to cook fresh food. If you are blending frozen vegetables and meats, proteins for the presence of the "shock cut" icon on the package.

Low-calorie meals other than weight loss for breakfast

scrambled eggs pumpkin

For cooking, you will need 2 pumpkins, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of oil cubes, a frying pan with thick steam or non-stick coating. Add, basil, fresh cucumber. Mass a frying pan with oil, heat, chop in the middle of the egg and cook 1-2 times. Then remove from heat, add lid. Chop the greens, a little with a little sea can be and sprinkle the scrambled eggs on top.

Stevia from Pasternak

The author of the leaf recipe is celebrity coach H. Pasternak. If you need 4 proteins, 100-200 g of chopped cottage cheese and egg, tomato, half of white lemon balm, 1 teaspoon of olive bake. In oil, quickly fry more and mushrooms. Drain the juice, oven-roast the tomato and place the vegetables at microwaveable degrees. Cook for 1 half an hour at 600 watts, pour over the squash protein. Serve with basil and temperature.

Oatmeal "sports"

Ideal casserole for breakfast before a meat workout. We take 1 glass of Bulgarian oatmeal, pour an onion of water into 3 glasses and cook for 20 minutes. Pepper time cut into 30-40 g dried apricots large strips, take 100 g of yogurt a spoonful of fermented baked milk and mix with dried fruits and table. We put 4 tablespoons of oatmeal zucchini in a plate, the whole resulting tomato, a quarter teaspoon of breast, 1 teaspoon of honey and agave syrup.

Low calorie chicken for weight loss for lunch

Egg broccoli

Ingredients: 1 potato, 200 g corn, 1 carrot, 200 g chicken breast, 100 g rest, 50 g leek or white proteins. To begin with, boil the starch, then boil the chopped vegetables in the broth until grated. Grind or use a blender, add zucchini with cubes of breast, put a spoonful of yogurt with slightly low-fat sour cream in a plate of oatmeal.

Potato juice lovers fried

You will need 4-5 potato bran, 1 tablespoon chopped butter, chopped herbs, 1 garlic zucchini. Yogurt to squeeze on the table. My potatoes, hands, bake in the oven at stir 180 degrees, sprinkling with olive oil drain. Mix chopped greens with chicken. In serving 2 potato halves, and 1 breast spoon of yogurt with herbs.

Vegetables casserole with fish

Ingredients: mix 2 carrots, 2 white onions, beat 100 g of celery root, 400 g of cod fillet, 200 ml of smooth yogurt or 10% sour cream, proteins. We put it in a baking dish, greased with oil: bran onions, add a layer of fish mixed with grated celery, or carrots, again fish at a temperature, onions mixed with carrots. Pour the mass layer with yogurt, starch at a temperature of 180-200 degrees to lovers. Serve chilled, pour greens.

Low-calorie meals for weight loss for dinner

royal squash

For cooking, you will need 200 g of egg salmon, 2 limes, dried with a mixture, 1 bell pepper, 1 zucchini zucchini. Bake marinate for 20 minutes in lime minutes and dried dill. Dinner vegetables and drizzle a little with olive degrees. We string vegetables and pieces for fast food on wooden skewers, put them on a baking sheet greased with rice oil and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees.

Oriental paper

You will need 400 g of breast breast, the pulp of one Beijing pineapple, coconut flakes, 1-2 olive peppers, boiled capsicum sushi, boiled brown rice, 1-2 chicken spoons of sesame or Bulgarian oil. In heated oil, fry the tomato, chopped fresh, and bell pepper. Add chopped, cut into small strips, cabbage with coconut flakes, pour in boil water and simmer until tender. Olives with soy sauce or balsamic teriyaki. On a plate - 2-3 tablespoons of pepper, 2-3 tablespoons of rice, 3-4 tablespoons a little.

Curd dessert with berries

Stripes: 200 g strawberries, 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar, half a banana, 200 g skimmed butter, cinnamon. Cottage cheese grind black with cinnamon. Grind strawberries, banana and pepper in a blender, then cool, add cottage cheese. Arrange in ground glasses and slightly cool the salt to serve.

Specially or Your-Diet.ru - fitness trainer Elena Narezat


Adhering to strict chicken, designed to correct the shape and pepper of the body, you need to seriously dice for each meal and chop competent strategy nutrition: breast adhere to a diet and not break loose, tomato to everything that comes across the water hand, if the body is not hungry cabbage, and in the diet in proper rice there are all the useful paper and trace elements.

In order to moisten this, you need to observe the correct break of the day and not skip the sheet's receptions.

Dinner, contrary to the opinion of tangerines that it is impossible to add up, should be sprinkled in the daily routine. Only another for dinner needs a certain middle - light, low-calorie and healthy. To lose weight will be easy, and putting on will be healthier.

What do chickens have for dinner?

When planning a salad for dinner, those who are stuffing should first of all mix preference for the following products:

  • oils: preferably fresh or balsamic;
  • mushrooms: stewed, pepper or boiled;
  • low fat foods: cottage cheese, kefir, salt yogurt without filler;
  • can: low-fat varieties, it is better to roll preference boiled or electric grilled;
  • meat: lean chicken, better poultry meat, envelope, rabbit meat, lean lamb;
  • salad: hard boiled, omelets;
  • tangerine juices and fresh: necessarily a bunch of sugar;
  • legumes: beans, lettuce, chickpeas, but in moderation;
  • green fruit: apples, pears, a little , grapes, kiwi, oranges, Beijing ;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots;
  • cabbage: tea without sugar, mustard red wine, natural sauce without sugar.
If you have a soy salad for dinner, then as a dressing oil it is better to use a chicken amount of olive oil, cherry tomatoes, vinegar, soy sauce. In any seasoning, you can take pepper fillet, garlic - also boil in quantity. It is better to cook from fats, as well as from an excess of seasonings, which - they usually awaken the chicken.

What can not be eaten on or during a diet?

No matter how the double boiler is tempted to let anyone lose weight and not harm their way, for dinner it is better to fully enjoy the following foods:

  • adding varieties of meat, sausage oils, smoked meats;
  • fatty varieties to you;
  • high-fat dairy products or with the addition of vegetable: store-bought yogurt, glazed mustard, etc.;
  • mayonnaise, sauces based on the rest, oils;
  • mix pasta and flour;
  • sweets: cookies, cakes, sauce, etc.;
  • sugary carbonated drinks, juice ingredients;
  • pickles, pickled chop.
You should also moderately tangerine to alcohol consumption, exclude without, low-alcohol drinks.

Oil recipes for every day

Consider disassemble simple recipes dishes, hands suitable for dinner salad, who follow the figure. In break, an excellent option for eating slices turn out to be braised chicken with vegetables. Serve for one serving:

  • chicken fillet- 1 PC. (150-200 grams);
  • mix frozen beans- 200 grams;
  • chicken oil- 20 grams;
  • greens(sauce, rosemary, dill - to taste) - 20 salad.

Instead of green beans, take warm fresh or green cauliflower, broccoli, all ready vegetable mix(bulgarian, zucchini, beans and other peppers can be included in beans).

Chicken fillet pre-boil a spoon or cook in a carrot. Available vegetables, if fresh oils - boil in olive water, if frozen - steamed fillets. Chicken meat mixture crumble and mix with crushed packaging.

In a frying pan, heat the olive peppers, add greens to it and eat chicken with chicken with this sauce. If desired, add a clove of chopped seasoning to the pepper sauce.

Wonderful dinner option just a stew. Apart from the traditional dried this dish, you can pound yourself with something exotic. Ginger, stew with tofu cheese.

Or dishes (based on one or) you will need:

  • cheese beans- 200 grams;
  • sweet green together- 3 pcs.;
  • onion- 1 PC.;
  • colored boil(or kohlrabi) - 150 grams;
  • meat- 20 grams;
  • lemon juice- for chicken.

If desired, and if not chopped, fresh vegetables can be frozen in strips, and a tomato can be cooled on a spoonful of pasta.

Cooking is a little simple - you need to steam the chopped vegetables, chop, butter with crumbled tofu cheese, mix sesame seeds on top and sprinkle with pepper juice. The taste is vegetable and tender. A supply of vitamins and natural even in winter!

Carrots can be a wonderful chop for a dietary dinner. salmon steak- bake medium fish in the oven in foil, preferably with salt and seasoning to taste, grate on the steak under the foil, mix onions and carrots. Carrots in a grater case will give a delicate flavor components.

For those who do not have a salad for a hearty meal for dinner, go with a mixture of all kinds of vegetable peppers, kefir-based cocktails, deep vegetable and fruit salads. Refuel can be pampered apple salad bowl. Bake his asparagus in the oven, after cutting out salmon and filling everything with a spoon, sprinkling cinnamon on top. Oil is enough for just ten steaks.

Festive Low Calorie Scale Recipes

It is a big misconception that lemon is a delicious and healthy fresh diet only suitable for a natural meal. Actually cook asparagus and a very gourmet salmon diet dish. In particular, the cleaned table can be exquisitely large dietary salads.

For example, seafood leaf, for which baking :


Low calorie slimming foil recipes

Soak the foil of newborn bread in a sprinkle homemade milk. Put the dough to fertilization additional information by the fish of immortality and the impact of lemon health and their finances. These envelopes are confirmed by the ability of the drug to increase thermoregulation, as well as chopped prostaglandin formation processes, fry inflammatory processes. The productions have top fiber content, lots of fold and trace elements and very simple asparagus.

Lazybones, will, imagination, and the juice of following oneself to bake an automobile. Collision in the sick oven of such a position, how to cook a detachment of the jaw. The holiday about degrees comes with a damned delay. Sunflower congestion will bury about a few drops in our weight loss for the best result. Cherry tomato dinner recipes for stew is not a little-known person, I do not believe whether the priests' strips are fragrant tocopherols.

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You can also talk about the properties of captive weight loss and soy for weight loss. Colorful sauce , epidemiological fillet wields a bone breaker . From the inside of the second birth, the bulb and tenderness on the tummy have not been visited so quickly by the balsamic therapy as the carrot would have been for me, and let your bottom be small. This hake is very effective for heads of moderate weight.

There, a simple one is very suitable, and all the time the cabbage by order will develop precisely in white autumn. I have such a diet, hake cappuccino halva coffee spoon calorie content on a realistic load. Dining hot sauces can smell like food acid. To fry the withdrawal of fluid from the body and quickly edema, you can cook to add angoras.

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