Cooking low-calorie meals. Diet recipes for weight loss

For effective weight loss, complex measures are needed. You need to lead an active lifestyle, but success, first of all, depends on proper nutrition. To create a calorie deficit, it is recommended to include diet foods in your diet.

They are easy to make with simple ingredients. Thanks to this diet, you can quickly lose extra pounds and maintain an optimal weight. Consider a few recipes for a low-calorie menu that will help.

Stewed vegetables with chicken fillet: recipe with photo

This is a very healthy and tasty dish that can be prepared in just 25 minutes. It is recommended to include it in the evening meal menu.


  • 400 gr. chicken fillet.
  • 400 gr. frozen vegetables.
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil.
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

How to cook the dish:

Rinse the poultry meat, then drain it, if necessary, get rid of the bones, veins and skin, and then cut into small pieces.

Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, put the chopped chicken fillet on it, salt, pepper and stir regularly for 10 minutes.

The next step is to add frozen vegetables to the meat. Cover the pan with a lid so that they are well stewed, and the fillet pieces are fried.

After about 10 minutes, the low-calorie meal is ready. Can be served at the table. Enjoy your meal.

nutritional value

Recipe for stewed fresh cabbage

This product is known for its beneficial properties, and contains a minimum amount of calories, so it is recommended to include it in a diet for weight loss.


  • 600 gr. white cabbage.
  • 300 gr. onion.
  • 300 gr. fresh carrots.
  • 30 gr. vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan, chop the onion and fry it until golden brown.

Wash carrots well, peel and chop finely.

At the next stage, chop the required amount of cabbage.

Add carrots and cabbage to the onion, pepper everything and add a little salt. After that, cover the pan with a lid. During cooking, the cabbage will release juice, so the dish must be stirred occasionally. You can add a little more salt if needed.

Cooking time is 25-30 minutes. Braised cabbage can act as a separate dish or side dish.

Thanks to this simple recipe, you can cook a low-calorie dinner, while the vegetable quickly makes you feel full.

nutritional value

Cabbage salad with carrots

A simple recipe for a light vegetable salad. It is very useful, as it provides the body with a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals. It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare.


  • 200 gr. fresh cabbage.
  • 1 PC. medium sized cucumber
  • 100 gr. fresh carrots.
  • 1 st. l. olive oil.
  • Sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

First of all, you need to chop fresh white cabbage.

Transfer it to a deep bowl, salt, add 1 tsp. Sahara. Cabbage needs to be crushed a little with your hands.

Cucumber cut into a medium salt shaker.

Grind carrots on a coarse grater.

Add the prepared ingredients to the cabbage, add a little more salt if necessary and drizzle with olive oil. To stir thoroughly.

The dietary dish is ready, it is recommended to use it fresh.

nutritional value

chicken vegetable soup recipe

In any diet, there should be liquid dishes, as they have a beneficial effect on the process of digestion and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, most soups do not contain a large number of calories, so they will not harm the figure. It will take no more than 40 minutes to prepare chicken soup with vegetables. Other recipes for diet soups, you can.


  • 300 gr. chicken breast.
  • 400 gr. frozen vegetables.
  • 2 pcs. medium sized potatoes.
  • 1 PC. carrots.
  • 1 PC. onion.
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.
  • Pepper, salt and bay leaf to taste.

Cooking process:

To prepare the broth, you need to wash the chicken, cut it into small pieces. Place them in a saucepan and pour 2-2.5 liters. cold water.

When the water boils, you need to remove the foam. Then cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes.

In the meantime, peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small cubes or whatever you like.

Chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan with carrots in vegetable oil until golden brown.

After 20 minutes, salt the broth, add the chopped potatoes and boil it for about 10 minutes, so that it is half cooked. Then add bay leaves, frozen vegetables and fry with onions. Vegetables will cook in about 7-10 minutes.

Now you can remove the pan from the heat, and serve the dish to the table.

nutritional value

Curd dessert with fruits and gelatin without baking

During weight loss, it is difficult to abruptly give up sweets. The good news is that you can make your own dessert with few calories. So you can treat yourself a little.


  • 400 gr. sour cream.
  • 300 gr. cottage cheese.
  • 800 gr. canned peaches.
  • 100 gr. granulated sugar.
  • 25 gr. gelatin.


Gelatin pour 100 gr. water, stir and leave to soak for 10 minutes.

In a deep bowl, thoroughly mix sour cream with sugar with a mixer until the latter is completely dissolved.

Then add cottage cheese, grated through a fine sieve, to the mixture. If possible, it is better to immediately buy the curd mass. And mix everything well with a whisk or a mixer. After that, pour gelatin into the mixture.

Cut canned peaches into small pieces.

Put a layer of prepared curd mass into special molds, then fruits, and then another layer of the mixture.

Part of the mass can be laid out in a large form. Refrigerate until completely set, about 30-60 minutes. Diet dessert is ready to eat.

nutritional value

Pollock with stewed vegetables

This is a very healthy dish that can be included in the lunch or dinner menu.


  • 1 kg. frozen pollock fish.
  • 150 gr. semolina.
  • 400 gr. frozen vegetables.
  • 100 gr. vegetable oil.
  • 1 PC. medium sized carrots
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

Defrost the fish, remove the fins and belly, then rinse thoroughly under running water. Cut into small pieces and sprinkle with a little salt.

Then the fish pieces should be rolled in semolina. It is very easy to do this. It is necessary to pour a small amount of semolina into a plastic container, put pollock, close the container and shake well.

For frying on one side, 3-5 minutes is enough.

Pour the finished pieces in a saucepan with 1 cup of boiling water.

Simmer pollock over low heat for 15-20 minutes so that the semolina is well boiled.

In the meantime, you need to work on vegetables. Cut the carrots into cubes and fry in vegetable oil in a pan for 3-5 minutes.

Add mixed vegetables and cook for about 10 more minutes.

By this time, pollock will be ready, and it can be served with cooked vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

nutritional value

Rice with vegetables and chicken: recipe with photo

This dish is similar to the usual pilaf, but it is only dietary, so it will not harm the figure. Rice with poultry meat is cooked in a double boiler.


  • 200 gr. chicken fillet.
  • 200 gr. frozen vegetables.
  • 100 gr. rice cereal.
  • ½ tsp honey.
  • 1 st. l. soy sauce.
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking process:

Cut the chicken fillet into medium-sized pieces, transfer to a deep bowl, add honey, sauce. Then pepper and salt. Mix thoroughly, cover and leave to marinate for about 30 minutes.

Rinse the rice well and pour into a double boiler bowl.

Add frozen vegetables or chopped fresh fruit. All good to stir.

Pour vegetables and rice with warm water.

Put the prepared pieces on the first tier of the double boiler.

Place a container with vegetables and rice on the second tier. Cover the dish with a lid. In order for all the ingredients to cook at the same time, you need to set the timer on the double boiler for 40 minutes.

After this time, a tasty and dietary dish can be served at the table.

nutritional value

Recipe for okroshka on kefir with sausage

A classic dish that is popular in the summer. There are many cooking recipes, but today we will consider an option where in the first case whey will act as the basis, and in the second - kefir.


  • 400 gr. boiled sausage
  • 3 pcs. medium sized potatoes.
  • 3 pcs. fresh cucumbers.
  • 5 pieces. eggs.
  • Greens and onions.
  • Mineral water.
  • Kefir.
  • Serum.
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

First you need to boil eggs (10 minutes) and potatoes (30 minutes).

Now you need to start preparing the ingredients. But before that, peel the potatoes and chicken eggs.

Finely chop all vegetables, eggs and sausage. Mix thoroughly in a deep bowl. Chop greens and onions and place in another container.

Okroshka can be stored dry in the refrigerator. Before use, put the component in plates, salt and pepper. In the first case, you need to pour the ingredients with whey and add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. In another portion, add 100 ml. low-fat kefir and 100 ml. mineral water. Mix everything and sprinkle with herbs and onions. Summer meal is ready.

nutritional value

You also need to add the calorie content of either whey with sour cream or kefir.

Recipe for chicken liver with onions

Many people from childhood love tender chicken liver. The cooking process is quite simple and does not take much time (about 20 minutes).


  • 500 gr. chicken liver.
  • 1 PC. onion.
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour.
  • 4 tbsp. l. sunflower or olive oil.
  • Pepper and salt according to preference.


First of all, you need to rinse the liver under running water, cut into small pieces, after cutting out the film. Then salt and mix.

Roll the pieces in the sifted flour. To do this, the liver must be placed in a container with flour, close it and shake well.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the prepared pieces and fry over high heat for 3-5 minutes. If the oil shoots, then the dishes can be covered with a lid.

Chop the onion.

Add chopped onion to the liver, pepper, cook for another 5-7 minutes with the lid closed, stirring occasionally.

A hearty, but low-calorie dish is ready, but it is not recommended to abuse it during the period of weight loss.

nutritional value

summer soup recipe

On hot days, the ideal dish is a delicious and light soup, which is cooked no more than 40 minutes.


  • 3 pcs. medium sized chicken thighs.
  • 1 PC. carrots.
  • 3 pcs. potatoes.
  • 1 bell pepper.
  • ½ zucchini.
  • Greens.
  • Pepper and salt to taste.
  • 200 gr. canned peas.
  • 250 gr. cauliflower.

Cooking steps:

To prepare the broth, you need to place the chicken thighs in a pot of cold water. When it boils, then you need to cook on low heat for 20 minutes.

Peel carrots and onions, cut into small cubes or as you like.

Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the prepared vegetables until golden brown.

Slice peeled potatoes.

Wash the cauliflower under running water, drain, and then divide into inflorescences.

The next step is to chop the zucchini and bell pepper.

When the thighs are cooked, you need to get them and separate them from the bone.

Pour all the prepared vegetable ingredients and fry into the broth. Then add chicken.

Salt soup, pepper and add bay leaf. A few minutes before readiness, pour out canned peas, sprinkle with chopped herbs on top and stir. When the water boils again, cook for about 10 more minutes.

nutritional value

The above dishes are very useful for the body, and do not spoil the figure. Write in the comments what low-calorie recipes you use most often.

“Everything that is beautiful in this life is either immoral, or illegal, or leads to obesity,” said Oscar Wilde. It's hard to say how immoral peanut pie or illegal foie gras is, but where they lead is obvious. ELLE has chosen the most high-calorie dishes in the world.

If you think that sausage can be different and there are options that “may be a little bit”, then you are mistaken. There are no “light” sausages in nature. They are usually made from pork shoulder meat, and this is one of the most fat-rich parts of the carcass. There, in the sausage, the fat itself is sent - in its pure form. The result is not surprising: in one slice of sausage, which you decide to treat yourself to, the content of harmfulness rolls over. Remember: one hundred grams of this yummy can contain almost 30 grams of fat. This - if translated into a percentage - more than in the notorious burgers. Conclusions are up to you.

Not a dish, but a deception. We are now talking about those sandwich options that some establishments offer from the generosity of the soul. Formally, tuna is a healthy food, but. The melted cheese, abundantly covering the fish and bread, plus the mayonnaise spots are bearing fruit. The result is almost 1500 calories, 101 grams of fat. Again, such a sandwich can be quite harmless, but then you will either have to make it yourself or choose a restaurant (cafe / fast food) carefully.

Beware of such goodies, especially since they can often be found in the dessert menu of a particular institution. Of course, it is difficult to resist, but remember that a piece of this cake, in which caramel and pecans met, will “give” you 23 grams of fat. And what did you want from a sweet rich in vegetable fats and cooked in butter?

The iconic Big Mac burger has 540 calories. Moreover, Russian fans of the world-famous fast food brand can’t complain at all - the domestic Big Mac upgrade is 30 calories lighter than the original, American version. However, this is a lot. Although, of course, everything is relative. In Vegas there is an institution with a cheerful name Heart Attack Grill. A local hit is a superburger weighing more than a kilogram. It consists of four cutlets, each weighing 230 grams, two dozen pieces of bacon, eight pieces of cheese, a whole tomato, half a head of onion. Now attention: the calorie content of this monster is almost 10,000 calories. The dish also costs a lot, but if you are a big person in every sense, there is a chance to save a lot: according to the rules of the institution, customers whose weight exceeds 160 kilograms can eat there for free. There is only one condition - everything that is ordered, you need to eat on your own, without outside help. This is really Heart Attack Grill.

After simple burgers, let's turn to haute cuisine. And let's not be mistaken about her, naively believing that expensive means useful. Special duck or goose liver - not only taste, but also fat. 44 grams of fat per 100 grams of foie gras - draw your own conclusions before you take on this truly delicious delicacy.

It would seem, you would think, chicken chop. However, in order to make the apotheosis of calories from chicken, which is generally quite tolerant meat in terms of fat content, you need to use breading, butter and cheese. That is, to be specific, we beat off the chicken, roll it in breadcrumbs, not forgetting the mayonnaise and eggs, fry it sincerely and generously in oil. And, of course, pour cheese sauce with might and main (another killer option is cream sauce). Voila, the dish is ready. Dose - 81 grams per serving.

Chocolate syrup, ice cream, cookies, full-fat milk - all this is part of the famous cocktail, which is also available to Russians. “Shake one glass of milk with two glasses of vanilla ice cream, adding a little sugar. Then you just have to pour the cocktail into glasses, pour over the chocolate sauce and decorate with crushed Oreo cookies. As you can see, everything is very simple and fast,” anonymous culinary experts write on numerous gastronomic sites, and their insinuating intonation “everything is very simple and fast” is akin to the whisper of a demon tempter. No, this is not an attack of graphomania - "Oreo" is indeed a devilish drink, because it has 2600 calories. Be careful.

What is cheese? Milk in concentrated form, that is, a lot, a lot of fat. If we melt a lot of cheese and then eat it with bread, we should not think that there will be no retribution. It will - and it will come to you in the form of extra kilos. 50 grams of fat - here it is, a shock dose of fondue portion. The nuance is that the concept of a portion in relation to fondue is very conditional. Just know - there is a lot of fat there.

"All is vanity of vanities" - the third Jewish king once said. “All is the vanity of diets” - three thousand years later, to paraphrase Solomon, the whole world is going crazy. Relentless medical statistics make us reconsider the contents of our plates, pots and refrigerators. Minds and bellies swept over the passion for low-calorie recipes. As it turned out, all of them are not only useful, but also tasty.

Low-calorie recipes are a wonderful "weapon" in the fight for a healthy lifestyle and a slim figure. They help to avoid debilitating diets, strict restrictions on food and food choices.

We want to present low-calorie recipes that will decorate your wholesome, healthy and carefully balanced menu for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And pay attention to a competent choice of products and a detailed calculation of calorie content: all this will leave variety and even your favorite treats in your nutrition system.
Recipes for low calorie meals with calories

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Low-calorie meals are special foods that contain a minimum amount of calories and fat. It is best to cook such food in a slow cooker, or in the oven. The multicooker appeared on the kitchen open spaces quite recently. But with the help of this unit, you can cook almost everything.

  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 2 pcs. bulbs;
  • bell pepper;
  • spices.
  1. Wash the chicken breast and season it with spices.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into rings.
  3. Cut tomatoes into medium cubes.
  4. Put all the vegetables on the chicken breast.
  5. Put the chicken in the bowl and turn on the baking program.
  6. Cook meat until golden brown.

As a result, you get a delicious diet dish that you can eat even without a side dish. There are 93 calories in one serving of chicken breast.

Juicy vegetables with herbs

  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • tomato;
  • spices.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Grate the onion on a coarse grater.
  2. Gently peel the carrots from the skin and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the green zucchini into slices.
  4. Wash ripe tomatoes and cut into slices.
  5. Transfer the ingredients to a special bowl and fill with water.
  6. Turn on the languishing mode and wait about half an hour.
  7. Add some herbs and spices to the finished dish.

One serving of stewed vegetables contains - 65 calories. This dish will become a full-fledged side dish that goes well with meat dishes.

Hearty vegetable soup

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • small carrots;
  • onion;
  • a handful of wild rice;
  • greens.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Boil vegetables and grind with a blender.
  2. Rinse wild rice and cook in a slow cooker.
  3. Place all vegetables in a bowl and add water.
  4. Boil the soup until all the ingredients are ready.
  5. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top.

One bowl of hearty vegetable soup has 60 calories.

Recipes for delicious low-calorie meals with calories

Italian soup

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • onion;
  • 70 grams of peas;
  • 20 grams of low-fat cream;
  • a small piece of chicken fillet;
  • olive oil.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion.
  2. Fry the onion and add the peas to it.
  3. Boil the chicken fillet until done. In the future, we will not need fillets.
  4. Add beef broth to vegetables and simmer for 40 minutes.
  5. Transfer the vegetables to a saucepan and boil with broth, bringing to a boil.
  6. Add a little fat-free cream to the finished soup.

One serving of Italian soup has 73 calories.

Braised beef

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • lean beef;
  • bulb;
  • olive oil;
  • 2 spoons of tomato juice.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Peel the onion and grate it.
  2. Fry the onion until a crust appears.
  3. Cut the beef into small pieces.
  4. Boil the beef until tender and add the onion.
  5. Finally, pour in the tomato juice and bring to a boil.

There are 120 calories in one serving of beef stew.

Diet fruit salad

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of cherries;
  • 1 banana;
  • One glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • Dessert spoon of lemon juice.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Separate the cherries from the pits.
  2. Peel the banana and cut into large pieces.
  3. Transfer fruit to a small bowl and add some lemon juice.
  4. Put the yogurt in the refrigerator for a while until completely cooled.
  5. Pour the fruit with yogurt and mix well.

One serving of fruit salad has 58 calories.

Healthy fruit smoothie

  • 0.5 cup strawberries;
  • peach;
  • muesli;
  • kefir (0% fat)

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Wash the fruit and grind with a blender until smooth.
  2. Add muesli and kefir to fruits and grind everything to a smoothie.

One serving of fruit smoothie has 30 calories.

Rolls with zucchini and cheese

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 zucchini;
  • hard cheese;
  • garlic;
  • parsley.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Cut the zucchini into small pieces.
  2. Place the zucchini on a sheet and bake for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Cut hard cheese into slices.
  4. Place the zucchini on a plate and sprinkle with cheese, roll up and pierce with wooden skewers.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 175 degrees.

There are 37 calories in one serving of roll.

Lowest calorie recipes with calories

Village vegetables

  • 1 eggplant;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • cheese;
  • olive oil.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Wash all vegetables and cut into slices.
  2. Bryndza cut into cubes.
  3. Put vegetables and cheese in a baking sheet, bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.

There are 43 calories in one serving of this dish. Village vegetables will be a complete dinner for you.

Cod with mustard sauce

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg cod;
  • dessert spoon of mustard;
  • sunflower oil;
  • seasonings.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. First of all, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Place the fish in cold water and dry.
  3. Drizzle a little oil and spread the mustard on the fish.
  4. Transfer the fish to a baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes.

There are 97 calories in one serving of fish.

Ragout with mushrooms

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Crimean bow;
  • red tomato;
  • a few champignons;
  • spices.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Thoroughly clean the Crimean onion and champignons and cut into rings.
  2. Cut the red tomatoes into small cubes.
  3. Put the vegetables in a saucepan and simmer until tender.

One serving of champignon stew has 27 calories. This dish is perfect with juicy meat or boiled fish.

Tender meat marinated

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • chicken fillet (200 grams);
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • lemon juice;
  • garlic.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Prepare the marinade. To do this, you need to mix: a little honey, lemon juice and garlic.
  2. Cut the fillet into equal pieces and put in a bowl with marinade, let rest for about 40 minutes.
  3. Put the pieces of meat in a saucepan and simmer for 1 hour.
  4. Add chopped greens to the finished fillet, if desired.

There are 87 calories in one serving of chicken meat.

Vegetable puree soup

  • some pumpkin pulp;
  • carrot;
  • several potatoes;
  • low fat sour cream.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Peel potatoes and carrots. Boil until done.
  2. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly and boil.
  3. Place all vegetables in a blender and chop.
  4. In the finished soup puree, add a little low-fat sour cream.

There are 42 calories in one serving of puree soup. This soup will be a great lunch or dinner and will pleasantly surprise you with its bright taste and delicate texture. This creamy soup will be enjoyed by the whole family.

It is traditionally believed that low-calorie meals are created only for those who want to lose weight, however, those who care about their health will not hurt to diversify the menu with light meals.

The main thing when choosing low-calorie dishes is their benefits and balance, so these dishes should contain meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products, in a word, all the elements to create a healthy diet.

And, of course, you should not think that low-calorie food is tasteless and monotonous - with the modern abundance of products, spices, seasonings, even a low-calorie dish will be tasty, aromatic and nutritious.

We offer you a wonderful five low-calorie recipes with calories.

Delicious breakfast right in the glass

A good day should start with the right breakfast.

You can cook it quickly, and drink it straight from the glass.

For two servings take:

  • a couple of bananas;
  • a glass of skim milk;
  • 175 grams of fat-free yogurt;
  • a tablespoon of wheat germ;
  • a tablespoon of natural honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla.

There are only 80 kcal in 100 grams of this dish.

To prepare this quick dish, take a blender and chop bananas into its bowl and put all the other ingredients. Beat everything well until smooth, pour into a glass, sprinkle cinnamon on top and you can drink - a healthy and most importantly nutritious breakfast with a small amount of calories is ready.

Salad with grapefruit and shrimps

Shrimps are a godsend for dieters - they are low in calories, while very healthy and tasty. And you can cook them very quickly.

Grapefruit and spinach are ideal companions for a cold appetizer with shrimp. In 100 grams of such a salad, only 88 kcal.

The ingredients for this low calorie meal are:

  • 100 grams of shrimp;
  • 100 grams of grapefruit pulp;
  • 100 grams of cherry tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of fresh spinach;
  • clove of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of sesame seeds;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of lime juice for dressing;
  • salt and pepper.

For a salad, you need to take a grapefruit already peeled, films and seeds. Heat oil in a frying pan and add a clove of garlic to it.

When it becomes golden, remove it from the oil - it will not go into the salad, it only flavored the oil. On it you need to fry the shrimp for a couple of minutes.

Cherry cut into halves and put in a salad bowl, add grapefruit, shrimp, season with lime juice and oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, mix everything. Just before serving, sprinkle the salad with spinach and sesame seeds.

chicken salad

Chicken breast is a great ingredient for low-calorie meals - it has no fat, but a lot of benefits, it is an excellent source of protein. The breast can be used for a hot dish, or you can make a salad out of it, for example, with apples.

Calorie content - 100 kcal per 100 grams.

The right products for a low-calorie salad:

  • one chicken breast;
  • 100 grams of Beijing cabbage;
  • one green apple;
  • one tomato;
  • 50 grams of natural yogurt (low-fat);
  • 2 teaspoons French mustard;
  • green onions and parsley;
  • salt pepper;
  • lemon juice.

Bake the chicken breast in the oven and chop, also chop the vegetables. Remove the skin from the apple and chop.

Transfer everything to a salad bowl. For dressing, combine yogurt, mustard and lemon juice, season salad, salt and pepper.

Zucchini puree soup

Vegetables are great foods for those who want to lose weight. They are low in calories and have many benefits.

Zucchini is one of them, but it has other advantages, in particular, it has a neutral taste that can set off and complement the taste of other products. Let's make soup puree from it with a calorie content of only 19 calories!

Ingredients for Low Calorie Puree Soup:

  • Chicken thigh;
  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • Dried dill, parsley;
  • Salt pepper.

Boil the broth from chicken and carrots, remove the meat, and in the finished broth, cook the zucchini, previously peeled and diced. Add herbs and spices to soup.

When the zucchini becomes soft, chop the vegetables with a blender. Before serving, put some chicken meat in the soup.

Sea bass baked in the oven

Fish is an excellent source of trace elements necessary for a healthy body. Try to eat fish at least once a week, and if you are on a diet, you can increase your intake, as this product is also low in calories, especially if you choose lean white fish.

Sea bass is perfect. The calorie content of the dish without a side dish is only 140 Kcal.

For 1 serving:

  • 1 perch;
  • Lemon;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Salt and pepper.

If the fish is bought whole, then it needs to be cleaned, the insides, the head removed. If the fish is already gutted, then you just need to rinse it and pat it dry with a paper towel.

Season the fish with salt and pepper inside and out and place in a baking dish. Cut the lemon into thin circles and put them on top of the fish, put a few slices inside.

Spray the fish with oil and put in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can serve a salad of greens and fresh vegetables as a side dish for such fish, but rice, even steamed, should be discarded, as it has a lot of calories.

The list of low-calorie foods can be found in the video.

It surprises many that the recipes for low-calorie dishes are extremely simple and take only a few lines, while the dishes we are used to are prepared for a long and difficult time. The secret is that low-calorie foods in principle do not require long processing or preparation.

This applies to vegetables and fruits, seafood, cereals. Nothing needs to be fried or stewed for a long time, the products are used either fresh or with minimal processing that does not require standing at the stove - it’s easier than ever to bake fish or chicken breast in the oven or cook cereals in a slow cooker.

Another secret of low-calorie dishes is their balance, because with a small amount of calories, the dish should be nutritious, and a person should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, it is so important to include in the diet both fish and lean meat in small quantities, and sour-milk products, and even bread, only whole grain or from flour with a low glycemic index, such as spelled, which has been fashionable lately, which successfully replaces wheat flour.

Also, the general rule of a low-calorie diet is to reduce the amount of not only fat, but also simple carbohydrates and replace them with more protein.

Basic rules for creating a balanced menu:

  1. A person should consume no more than 1500 kcal per day, and no more than 80 grams of fat;
  2. Carbohydrates should only be complex, at least 100 grams per day, and simple should not be at all;
  3. Be sure to drink clean water - up to two liters a day;
  4. Exclusion of sugar, including from drinking - drink either water, or unsweetened tea, or unsweetened compotes.

It is also important to remember which foods should be completely excluded from the diet and which ones should be replaced with forbidden ones. It:

  1. Yeast, rich, puff pastry (bread, buns). Replace with whole grain or rye bread or dry bread, biscuits;
  2. Soups with potatoes and cereals. Better vegetable or chicken broth, mashed soups are even better;
  3. Replace pork, lamb with lean beef and veal, which is best boiled or baked;
  4. Duck and goose should not be eaten, it is better to choose chicken and turkey from poultry, we also bake or boil it;
  5. Replace fatty fish (halibut, mackerel, burbot, whitefish, sturgeon) with low-fat ones (flounder, cod, perch, pollock);
  6. It is better to exclude rice, semolina porridge and replace it with buckwheat, millet, spelt, pearl barley;
  7. Remove sweets completely, honey or dried fruits are better for tea.

It is also worth remembering that the use of low-calorie foods is contraindicated for some people with certain chronic or acute diseases, so it is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of a diet.

Also, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not adhere to such diets - they need to eat fatty fish, meat, and other foods rich in fats.

Learn interesting recipes for low-calorie sweets from the video.

The best way to lose weight is a healthy diet. By eating healthy foods, you can lose weight, get a beautiful figure. Diet meals for weight loss will help you eat well without compromising your forms. Low-calorie food can be delicious. All the cuisines of the world have great diet recipes for losing weight at home.

Features of diet food for weight loss

The main rules of the system:

  1. Count calories. To lose weight, you should consume no more than is acceptable to eat per day with your lifestyle.
  2. The diet should be designed so that nutrients, vitamins come in normal quantities. Visually divide the plate. Take half of it with fruits and vegetables. Take one quarter for carbohydrates, and the other for proteins.
  3. Eat strictly according to the schedule.
  4. Dinner later than six in the evening is strictly prohibited, even if you are preparing simple diet meals for weight loss.
  5. Chew slowly.

Sample menu for the week

To make it easier for you to understand the principles of proper nutrition, look at the diet option for seven days. Diet menu for weight loss:

  1. Monday. In the morning, prepare buckwheat on the water, vegetables, unsweetened tea. During the day, eat chicken broth, a small piece of lean fish, and vegetables. Rice, stewed mushrooms, carrot and cabbage salad, berry yogurt are suitable for dinner.
  2. Tuesday. Breakfast is oatmeal, apple or pear, coffee. Lunch - soup with rice on vegetable broth, boiled chicken breast, vinaigrette, juice. Have dinner with a piece of lean beef, vegetable salad.
  3. Wednesday. Oatmeal, apple, tea with honey for breakfast. In the afternoon, cook cabbage soup in chicken broth, a small fish cake and mashed potatoes. In the evening, limit yourself to a vegetable stew, a small ham sandwich.
  4. Thursday. Morning - cottage cheese casserole, coffee. Day - lean borscht, buckwheat with chicken meatballs. Evening - stewed fish, vegetable salad.
  5. Friday. Breakfast rice porridge with low-fat milk, dried fruits, coffee. Lunch - vegetable soup, a serving of beef goulash and mashed potatoes, vegetables. In the evening, bake lean fish, prepare a vegetable salad.
  6. Saturday. Three egg white omelette, toast, cocoa in the morning. Lunch vegetable soup with chicken broth, turkey fillet, vinaigrette. Baked chicken breast, vegetable salad for dinner.
  7. Sunday. Breakfast - oatmeal with milk, any fruit, tea. Lunch - buckwheat soup on beef broth, baked fish with vegetables. Dinner - boiled chicken breast and a little brown rice, vegetable salad.

What dishes to cook for every day

If you want to surprise all your friends with a wasp waist, you should eat right. It is useful even for a child. Help you with this diet recipes for weight loss. Remember: fried, fatty, floury, salty must be abandoned. Steamed diet meals in the oven from healthy products will be no less satisfying.

Baked low-calorie dishes are ideal for a light dinner. They look very appetizing in the photo. Try making diet zucchini lasagna. Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • zucchini - 0.35 kg;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • basil - 40 g;
  • tomato sauce - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • mozzarella - 0.1 kg;
  • parmesan - 40 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the zucchini into thin longitudinal strips (about 3 mm each), fold into a colander. Rinse with salted water, dry.
  2. Mix cottage cheese, egg and finely chopped basil.
  3. Lay the layers of lasagna on a greased baking sheet. Arrange the zucchini, on top of the third part of the curd mass, sauce, mozzarella. Repeat this two more times.
  4. Sprinkle the lasagna with parmesan and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour in the oven.
  5. There are 53 calories in 100 grams of food.

Pleased and dietary red fish. Here is the recipe for char baked in foil. Components:

  • char - 1 small carcass;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • dill, parsley - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to your taste;
  • green onion - a bunch.

  1. Clean the fish, rub with spices inside and out.
  2. Cut the lemon into 9 rings.
  3. Lay out a large piece of foil on the table. Spread half the greens over it, three slices of lemon. Lay the char on top.
  4. Stuff the fish with the remaining herbs, onions, and three lemon slices. Lay the rest on top.
  5. Drizzle the carcass with olive oil. Top with the free edge of the foil, pinch the edges. Bake at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
  6. Cut the foil and bake for a short while, then serve.
  7. In 100 g of the dish there are 135 kcal.

In a double boiler

Prepare diet carrots. Ingredients:

  1. Finely grate the carrots, mix with grated cottage cheese.
  2. Add eggs, honey, flour mix thoroughly.
  3. Fashion pancakes, bread with semolina.
  4. Steam for 20 minutes.
  5. Calorie content - 85 kcal.

Diet stuffed steam zucchini are good and nutritious. Vegetable dish ingredients:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • minced lean beef - 250 g;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 small;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices.

  1. Cut the zucchini lengthwise. Remove seeds.
  2. Mix minced meat with egg, tomato paste, salt, seasonings.
  3. Put minced meat in zucchini. Connect the halves.
  4. Place in a double boiler, pour over with oil and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  5. In 100 g of the dish - 93 kcal.

In a slow cooker

If you have a device from Polaris or Panasonic at your home, then it will be very easy to prepare meals for diet and weight loss. Cook diet squids in sour cream sauce (100 g - 87 kcal). Components:

  • squid carcasses - 5 medium pieces;
  • onions - 2 small heads;
  • dill - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat sour cream - 75 g;
  • spices, salt.

  1. Chop the onion, dill.
  2. Peeled squid cut into strips or rings.
  3. In the “Frying” mode, cook the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  4. Put the squids to the vegetables, stirring intensively, fry for 2 minutes.
  5. Enter sour cream, after a few seconds turn off the multicooker.
  6. Add dill, spices, cook for 10 minutes on the “Stew” mode.
  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • onion - half a head;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • rice - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • minced chicken - 100 g;
  • salt, oil, pepper.

  1. Chop the onion, grate the carrot. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Put minced meat with onions, carrots in the capacity of the multicooker. Put "Baking" for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add cabbage, rice, spices, sour cream. Stir, fill with water to cover the products.
  4. Cook on the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes.

The best recipes for delicious diet meals

It is very important to develop for yourself the right diet for each meal. There are many recipes for diet quick meals for weight loss. They can be eaten in the morning, afternoon, evening, without fear of gaining extra pounds. Try to always consume the norm of carbohydrates before dinner. Check out some interesting low calorie weight loss recipes below.

How to make a healthy breakfast

A dietary spring omelette will delight you with freshness (100 g - 118 kcal). Compound:

  • cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • asparagus - 100 g;
  • onion - a small head;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • basil, olive oil, spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. Chop onion, garlic. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves, and asparagus into large sticks.
  2. Saute the onion and garlic in a pan in oil, add the asparagus and wait 30 seconds.
  3. Whisk the salted egg whites. Add tomatoes, fried vegetables to the container.
  4. Move the workpiece into a baking dish, decorate with basil, cook at 170 degrees for a quarter of an hour in the oven.

Prepare dietary cottage cheese pancakes (100 g - 145 kcal). Components:

  1. Soak semolina with water for an hour.
  2. Mash the curd. Add swollen semolina, egg, sugar, salt, mix.
  3. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Spread the mass with a spoon, fry over low heat.

First meal

Dietary soup with a cell is very good (100 g - 96 kcal). Ingredients:

  • chicken wings - 3 small;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 5 small pieces;
  • barley groats - 2 tbsp. l.

  1. Wings pour 2 liters of water, cook for half an hour from boiling, regularly remove the foam.
  2. Rinse the groats, pour into the broth. Cook for another half hour. Salt, add potatoes cubes.
  3. Chop the onion with carrots, simmer in butter, throw in the soup. Remove from stove after a couple of minutes.

"Heavy" soups will replace summer dietary soups with chicken (100 g - 58 kcal). Compound:

  • chicken fillet - 1 medium;
  • onion - 1 small;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • cabbage - 350 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, spices, vegetable oil, bay leaf.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Boil meat without skin in 1.5 liters of water for 1/4 hour. Salt and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.
  2. Fry grated carrots, add finely chopped onions. Cook until transparent.
  3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop coarsely, place with the rest of the vegetables. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Cut the potatoes into cubes, throw into the broth. When cooked, add chopped cabbage, season.
  5. Throw vegetables from the pan, simmer for a couple more minutes. Leave covered for two hours.

Main dishes

For a solid lunch and dinner, it is most difficult to select recipes. Dietary main dishes for weight loss should be hearty, nutritious, tasty. Take lean meat, fish. For a side dish for weight loss, you need vegetables. The inclusion of cereals is allowed. These diet recipes will help you navigate the products when losing weight, apply the most correct ones.

Diet steam chicken meatballs (100 g - 115 kcal) are satisfying and tasty. Components:

  • fillet - 600 g;
  • oat flakes - a glass;
  • water - 375 ml;
  • large egg;
  • onion - 1 small;
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml;
  • salt - a small pinch.

Cooking process:

  1. Twist the fillet without the skin with a meat grinder into minced meat.
  2. Pour boiling water over cereal for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the minced egg, chopped onion, salt. Stir the mass by putting flakes in it.
  4. Form meatballs, cook them in a double boiler for half an hour.

"Wine" recipe - Posad dietary meat (180 kcal per 100 g). Components:

  • lean beef - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tsp;
  • hard cheese - 20 g;
  • dry wine - 25 ml;
  • spices, olive oil.

  1. Finely chop the meat, salt and pepper. Marinate in wine for a couple of hours.
  2. Boil eggs, chop. Cut the onion, sauté.
  3. Pour a little oil into the pot, half the beef, onion, egg. Lay the rest of the meat on top.
  4. Put in the oven for 5 minutes, add sour cream and cheese, bake for a quarter of an hour.

Dietary flounder with vegetables (127 kcal per 100 g) is delicious with greens and seasonings. Components:

  • flounder - 700 g;
  • tomatoes - 250 g;
  • onion - a quarter of the head;
  • olives - 30 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • parsley - a couple of branches;
  • flour - 15 g;
  • seasonings, salt, oil.

  1. Chop the garlic, onion, fry in a pan in olive oil. Add chopped tomatoes without skins, simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Chop olives, place with vegetables.
  3. Roll the flounder in flour, fry in vegetable oil for 5 minutes on each side.
  4. Serve fish topped with tomatoes.

Fish rolls (100 g - 91 kcal) will pamper you with an unusual aroma. Compound:

  • cod - 400 g;
  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • thyme;
  • green onions - 20 g;
  • potatoes - 350 g;
  • Provence herbs, pepper, olive oil, salt.
  1. Finely chop the pumpkin and potatoes, season, bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.
  2. Sprinkle cod fillet with Provence herbs, spices, roll into rolls, tie with green onions.
  3. Put the fish to the vegetables and bake for another 20 minutes.

How to cook diet porridge

Porridge is prepared from pumpkin with rice (87 kcal per 100 g). Compound:

  • pumpkin pulp - 250 g;
  • non-fat milk - 0.25 l;
  • rice - a glass;
  • butter - 10 g.

  1. Grate the pumpkin.
  2. Boil the rice until half cooked, then add the pulp and cook under the lid.
  3. Add milk, butter.
  4. Leave covered for 20 minutes.

Millet dietary porridge with prunes for weight loss (100 g - 68 kcal) will help organize the digestive tract. Compound:

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil prunes in boiling water, pour into a saucepan.
  2. Pour the cereal into the resulting broth, salt.
  3. Cook until the porridge becomes viscous, add prunes.

vegetable salad recipes

Brush (100 g - 32 kcal) - an assistant to the body. Compound:

  • cabbage - 0.25 kg;
  • beets - 0.2 kg;
  • carrot - 0.15 kg;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • salt, olive oil, herbs.

  1. Shred the cabbage. Grate beets, carrots, add greens.
  2. Season with oil, salt, mix.

Well saturates a light diet salad for weight loss (27 kcal per 100 g). Compound:

  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • canned beans - a can;
  • onion - half a head;
  • oil, pepper mixture, salt.
  1. Cucumbers cut into slices, onion - thin half rings.
  2. In a bowl, mix vegetables with beans.
  3. Season with oil and spices.

How to make a low calorie dessert

Diet Crumble for weight loss (56 kcal per 100 g) is an excellent dessert. Compound:

  1. Grate apples without peel, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Put on a baking sheet, add raisins, crushed cereal, nuts, honey.
  3. Bake until golden brown at 180 degrees.

Prepare the dessert "Weightlessness" (100 g - 120 kcal). Components:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • almonds - 25 g;
  • lemon - half;
  • egg - 1 small;
  • corn starch - 1 tsp
  1. Mash bananas in puree, add cottage cheese, sugar, lemon zest.
  2. Roast the almonds, crush into crumbs. Add to the mass along with the egg, mix.
  3. Pour the mixture into silicone molds, put in the microwave at high power for 5 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle with almond flakes and garnish with mint leaves.

Video recipes for cooking diet meals at home

Hello my dear readers!

Oh God! - everyone exclaims when they see the wrong numbers on the scales 😉 Extra centimeters at the waist do not adorn anyone. But there is no need to panic and become depressed. And you need to adjust your diet. From now on, your table should have low-calorie meals. Are they difficult to prepare? Not at all. Now I will tell you everything.

Calorie is the amount of energy that you get by eating a particular product. Everyone has their own consumption rate. If it is exceeded, then the excess energy will turn into extra kilos. And we don't need it at all!

If you want to lose weight, then the number of calories in meals will have to be reduced. But not only during the diet period, it is important to keep count. If you have begun to lead a more active lifestyle, go in for sports, then you must monitor your diet. After all, the body needs strength, you can not force it to starve. Otherwise, except for fatigue and bad mood, you will not see anything.

When losing weight, do not forget that the composition of the products is also important. The main components are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eat less fatty foods. 1 gram of fat is as much as 9 kcal. And 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins - 4 kcal. Feel the difference?

low calorie foods

What to eat to lose weight or at least not gain extra pounds? The first thing that comes to mind is vegetables. Cucumbers, cabbage and similar super-low-calorie foods. I wrote about such products in an article about calorie-free food. Be sure to read!

But you won't be full of vegetables alone. Add fruits to your menu. Sweet ones, like melon or watermelon, will be excellent desserts and will not harm the figure.

But for a normal life you need carbohydrates and protein. Without carbohydrates, a person loses strength. And proteins are needed to maintain muscle mass. Where can you get them from?

The best source of complex carbohydrates will be cereals. Oatmeal is especially useful for weight loss. It is very nutritious and has a beneficial effect on digestion. This is my favorite breakfast in the morning. And if you add nuts, dates, raisins or fresh berries there, then you won’t tear me off by the ears 🙂 It’s also worth including rye bread and bread. Especially good if they contain bran.

Mushrooms can be an almost perfect substitute for meat. This low-calorie product is rich in protein. But you should not completely replace animal protein with vegetable protein. It is better to include low-calorie fish and low-fat meat products in your diet. Below is a list of those.

Low calorie meat products:

  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • veal (lean);
  • chicken;
  • rabbit;
  • lean beef;
  • turkey.
  • flounder;
  • carp;
  • crucian carp;
  • smelt;
  • river perch;
  • burbot;
  • zander;
  • pike;
  • pollock.

Low calorie seafood:

  • squids;
  • crabs;
  • shrimps.

Don't forget dairy products. Fat-free kefir and yogurt are good for digestion and rich in protein. And if you really want something sweet, you can afford marmalade and marshmallow. A couple of bites won't hurt your waistline, and nutritionists even recommend eating these goodies in place of sugar.

To the store

To the store

To the store

In my opinion, this is just a find. The name itself is interesting. In this book, many myths about weight loss are dispelled like smoke.

What's the best way to cook?

Let's not forget that cooking plays an important role. Often you can easily lose those extra two kilograms by stopping eating fried foods. What is the best way to cook?

Most fruits and vegetables are ideal raw. For a change, you can prepare salads by dressing them with olive oil or lemon juice. You can also add fat-free yogurt or curdled milk. I replaced mayonnaise with 2.5% fat yogurt a long time ago - it turns out very tasty.

Those vegetables that are not edible in their raw form are best steamed. So they will retain their appetizing appearance, as well as fiber and vitamins. You can steam both fish and meat. Add fresh herbs and spices to them. I get a very tender chicken breast in a mustard sauce with herbs in foil. Steam for 30 minutes and you're done. See recipe below.

Boiling is not the healthiest cooking method. For example, in boiled carrots, vitamin C is almost completely absent. It is boiled into the broth.

If you really need to boil vegetables, throw them into already boiling water. So you will reduce the cooking time and save at least something useful.

You can also stew vegetables and meat. Slow cooking over low heat will not spoil the food. But I do not recommend stewing fish. She does not tolerate long cooking. For my taste, it should be baked in foil in the oven or steamed in a slow cooker. So it retains all the useful properties and does not lose taste.

Low calorie recipes

Fruit and vegetable chips

These natural chips are great for snacking. Apples, core and cut into thin slices 1-2 mm. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Turn on the oven to the level of 120 - 140 degrees. Cook for about 35-45 minutes or see for yourself when ready.

Such chips can be prepared from pears, peaches, plums. And if you want variety, then cook chips from vegetables - zucchini, carrots or tomatoes. To save more useful vitamins, I recommend cooking such chips in a dehydrator.

Turned on for a certain time, selected the desired temperature. By the morning you will have a fresh healthy snack.

Zucchini rolls

This is the recipe from Gordon Ramsay. Yield 49 kcal per 100 grams. Halve 4 small zucchini and use a vegetable peeler to cut into 24 long strips. Now marinate the zucchini in oil and balsamic vinegar.

Enough for 3-4 tablespoons of both. Take a large plate and drizzle the bottom with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. And in layers cross - lay out the plates crosswise and drip oil and vinegar a little bit. We send the plate to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a blender, grind 250 g of fresh cottage cheese (5%), 1 bunch of basil, 50 g of pine nuts and half of the lemon juice. You should get a homogeneous paste. Place 1 tsp. cottage cheese mixture on one end of a strip of zucchini and roll up in the form of a roll. Do the same for the rest of the rolls. Place them upright on a plate and sprinkle with black pepper. Drizzle with a little oil and balsamic vinegar.

vitamin salad

This is the easiest salad that can be made in 5 minutes. Yield 85 kcal per 100 grams. Take white cabbage, apple and carrot. I do this very often. Finely chop the cabbage, put in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and remember with your hands. So it will give juice and become softer. On a grater, quickly three apple and carrot. Add to cabbage, add cold-pressed oil and salt to taste.

Mix well. That's it, the 5-minute salad is ready. Enjoy! 🙂

Chicken breast in foil

Rinse the breast, dry the rest of the water with a paper towel. Make 3 cross cuts on each side. Take 3 tablespoons of mustard and spread on the breast, especially in the cuts. You can add salt and pepper if you like, but I don't. It turns out so delicious. Wrap meat in foil and place in steamer.

You can also cook in a slow cooker on a special tray. Set the time to 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the cauliflower in salted water. When the meat is cooked, cut into portions and arrange on plates along with chopped cauliflower.

A full dinner or lunch is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Homemade muesli

There is no need to add extra sugar to this dish. I bet you'll love it! You will need 150 ml of kefir or natural sugar-free yogurt, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, some raisins and nuts. Here you can add fresh fruits - apples, pears, bananas or berries. Anything you like. Pour oatmeal with raisins and nuts into a glass. And top with kefir.

Stir with a spoon and let it brew for 10-15 minutes until the oatmeal swells. You can prepare it ahead of time by putting it in the fridge. Take it to work in the morning as a snack. By the way, as a snack it is still very good to take with you. slimming cocktails. They can be diluted with milk or even kefir.

Salad with squid

This salad has a lot of healthy proteins. Enough 3 pcs. squid, 1 boiled egg, 1 large cucumber, Beijing cabbage, greens. Clean the squid from the insides, rinse. As soon as the water in the pan boils, salt it with 1 teaspoon of salt. Carefully lower the squid into the boiling water. Detect 3 minutes and take it out. While they are cooling, cut the Beijing cabbage, salt it and remember it a little with your hands in a salad bowl.

Add chopped egg, cucumber, greens to it. Cut the cooled squids into rings. Dress the salad with cold-pressed oil or yogurt.

bright casserole

Take 2-3 medium zucchini (or zucchini), 3 tomatoes, 3 potatoes. Take a heat-resistant dish or grease the surface with butter. Cut the vegetables into circles and spread around, alternating them. It should look like this circle.

Spread crushed garlic between circles of vegetables. Enough 3-4 slices. Drizzle with olive oil. Put onion and chopped fresh herbs slightly poached in a pan on top. Season to taste with salt and ground pepper.

Top the dish with a lid or foil. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for about 45 minutes. Remove the foil for the last 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let rest before serving. Yes, if you have a piece of hard cheese, then sprinkle it on vegetables when you turn off the oven. Let the dish stand for another 5 minutes to melt the cheese.

You can add any fresh vegetables to this dish, whatever you have on hand. Eggplant and peppers are also good in this recipe.

green smoothie

Take a few sprigs of dill, 1 cucumber and a green apple, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 5-10 peeled pistachios, 150 ml of water. If desired, add a teaspoon of grated ginger and a little honey. Throw all the ingredients into the blender, press the button. We add water. Low calorie smoothie is ready!

Perhaps that's all for today. I will probably continue to supplement this article with recipes 🙂

Share the article on social networks and write your options for low-calorie recipes in the reviews below. And of course subscribe to my blog to keep abreast of new interesting articles. Good luck to you!

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