Recipe for baked apples with honey in the microwave. Microwave baked apple: cooking recipe

Today we are preparing juicy apples with pompous fillings. Join us to also understand how delicious, sweet and at the same time beautiful it is!

Today, we have a lot of different products in our arsenal, and apples are the main component. Of course, it would be silly to talk about how to choose them correctly, but in a nutshell, you can afford it.

Apples, like any other products, should look beautiful and appetizing. They must be intact, without stains, dents, impact marks, scratches, and so on. If you rub it in your hands, then you should feel their subtle, sweet aroma. Depending on the variety, the size of the fruit should be the same, and the color should be even. Do not be shy and ask the seller to cut off a slice for you so as not to waste money in vain. If you like it, buy it!

When choosing dried fruits, remember that these fruits are bright and fade in the sun, respectively, when dry, they should already be pale. Ask for a taste to understand the absence of an incomprehensible aftertaste, which often happens, because fruits are dried in an unnatural way. Do not take food with cracks or tears. It is also important that the product is matte, not glossy in any case.

The next two ingredients need to be chosen even more carefully. This is honey and cottage cheese. We generally consider the second component to be the most important in today's desserts, since, if spoiled, it can cause poisoning. Let's go in order.

We recommend buying honey from sellers in bulk so that you can examine it, touch it, smell it and generally see it with your own (!) eyes, and not buy the product in a sealed jar. Ask the seller to wrap honey on a spoon - it is by no means homogeneous, it is wound with a thick ribbon.

The bee product must be heavy. That is, one liter of honey can reach one and a half kilograms in weight, and this is normal! If it drains quickly, then it is diluted with water. From this place you can immediately leave empty-handed. Believe me, no other honey from this seller will be of better quality.

Specify the period of infusion of honey - it should be at least 3 months. If you see foam on the surface of the product, then it has fermented. Now remember! Real honey cannot go bad, it has no expiration date! So the "honey" you see isn't really what it claims to be or isn't prepared correctly.

If you see grass, bee corpses or pieces of wax in the composition of the product, do not be fooled. Sellers do this in order to convince you of the naturalness of their product. They can also add chalk to the composition to thicken the texture. Vinegar can determine it, but this is only at home. Such honey will begin to "hiss" like soda.

Ready to discuss cottage cheese? A very important ingredient that must be of high quality and fresh. That is, cooked no more than 72 hours ago.

The color of the dairy product is usually white, but may be slightly creamy, but not yellow! Yellow cottage cheese - the work of the dye or the cottage cheese is simply expired. The dye is added because many consider yellow cottage cheese to be very fatty. In fact, it is slightly darker than white.

If everything is in order with the goods, ask the seller to cut it in half. If the pieces are whole, everything is fine. If it crumbles into a pile of crumbs, it is not made correctly.

Often sellers play with starch, which, when swollen, increases the volume of cottage cheese quite well. Unfortunately, its presence in the composition can only be determined at home. If you drop a little iodine on cottage cheese, the starch will turn it blue. The market simply won't let you do that.

Now that you can choose all the ingredients, let's get down to the recipes to quickly please your loved one with a delicious dessert.

Microwave baked apples with sugar

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

The most classic and simple recipe for cooking apples in the microwave. such ingredients are in every kitchen, so you can even prepare a dessert right now.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse apples, dry and cut out the middle, leaving the bottom intact;
  2. Pour the walnut into a bowl, add cinnamon and sugar to it, mix;
  3. Distribute the dry spicy mass over two apples;
  4. Divide the butter in two and put a piece in the center of each fruit;
  5. Put the apples in a deep bowl, close the lid and cook in the microwave for no longer than four minutes.

Tip: You can also use whole nutmeg, then its flavor will be even brighter.

Recipe with cottage cheese in the microwave

A very healthy and tasty dessert containing an incredible amount of useful and necessary vitamins. You can add a little vanilla or your favorite chocolate to taste.

How long is 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 98 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the apples, cut off their caps;
  2. Then, using a spoon or knife, take out the maximum amount of the core so that as much filling as possible fits into each fruit;
  3. Punch the cottage cheese with a submersible blender, mixing it with sugar;
  4. Add raisins, mix with a spatula;
  5. Give the yolk and soft butter, combine with a spatula;
  6. Stuff the apples with the resulting mass as tightly as possible;
  7. Cover the apples with their caps and bake them for about ten minutes in the microwave.

This delicacy can be served either hot or cold. It will always be tasty, always satisfying and insanely fragrant!

How much time - 15 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 79 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apple, cut out the maximum amount of pulp from it;
  2. Grind cinnamon into powder using a coffee grinder or take cinnamon powder immediately;
  3. Pour liquid honey into an apple, add ginger and cinnamon;
  4. Mix the ingredients and bake in the microwave for five minutes.

Tip: When serving, you can sprinkle the apples with coconut or chocolate shavings.

Delicious apples baked in the microwave with prunes and dried apricots

In addition to these dried fruits, you can choose a few more to your liking. You can take coconut, bananas, mangoes, cherries or even candied fruit. It will turn out quite unusual.

How long is 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 154 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Combine dried fruits, rinse them and place in a bowl;
  2. Pour boiling water and cover with a plate, leave for ten minutes;
  3. After that, drain the water, rinse the prunes and dried apricots, dry;
  4. Next, cut them into strips, set aside;
  5. Rinse the apples, cut off the tops;
  6. Cut the cores, put sugar in them, then nutmeg and dried fruits;
  7. Cover the fruit with lids and put them in the microwave for eight minutes.

Tip: When serving, you can add chocolate sauce, buttercream or a scoop of ice cream.

To make your dessert even more appetizing, use cane sugar instead of white sugar for sprinkling on top. He will make apple caps ruddy, thanks to his golden color.

Do not fill apples to the very top with filling if it is liquid, such as curd mass. Such masses boil and flow out. As a result, you will no longer get the presentable look you expect.

Be sure to make empty passages between apples when baking. If they are not, then the fruit will not bake evenly, and you will be disappointed with the result.

Baked apples are one of the most popular healthy desserts. So if you want to eat right or not harm your figure with hundreds of calories, then these apples are perfect for you. Enjoy your meal!

Hello my wonderful cooks. It's great that apples can be bought at any time of the year! What to do when eating fruits raw is already tired. They can wither, dry, cook jam from fruits ... My favorite option is. But sometimes it’s so reluctant to light and heat the oven for this. Therefore, today I will tell you how to bake apples in the microwave. And of course, I will share awesome delicious recipes 😉

Hardly anyone knows about the healing properties of fresh apples. They are very beneficial for our body. And there are few calories here: only 47 kcal per 100 gr. Therefore, these fruits are

What are the benefits of baked apples? In fruits that have undergone heat treatment, vitamins are fully preserved. And there are many of them here:, and. In addition, baked fruits contain a lot of manganese, iron, potassium and copper. For example, potassium strengthens the heart muscle, helps to normalize blood pressure, and also prevents the appearance of fatty deposits. Here is such a valuable component.


How to bake with sugar

The finished dessert is aromatic and tasty. Dry white sparkling wine will be an excellent addition to such a delicacy. If you have a day off or some kind of romantic evening.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 3-4 fruits;
  • 0.5 tsp fruit sugar;
  • 2-3 tbsp water;
  • cinnamon (optional).

Pour sugar into the cylindrical hole made in each fruit. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Put the fruits on a special dish that is designed for a microwave oven, and pour some water here. And then put the apples in the microwave. Set the power on the unit to above average and bake the fruit.

During heat treatment, apples will release juice, which, mixed with sugar, will turn into a delicate syrup. And the cinnamon will add some piquancy. And if you add pieces of cookies and natural yogurt, the dish will turn out tender. Reminds me of an air cake. Recipe

How to bake such a yummy, be sure to write a review of the resulting dessert in the comments. Especially if you have your own secret of making this delicacy.

For a child

For a baby up to six months, mother's milk or an adapted formula is considered the best food. And when the baby reaches the age threshold of 7 months, mothers begin to introduce complementary foods. This is usually a vegetable or fruit puree. Can you make this puree at home? Of course, for example, from apples. And you can cook this dish in the microwave. The baked fruit acts softer and more tender on the children's stomach than a raw apple.

For such a meal, take:

  • an apple (or several, if you want to make yourself one too 😉 ;
  • a little bit of fresh butter;
  • 1 tbsp water.

If the baby is less than a year old, do not add sugar. In this case, of course, the selected fruit should be juicy and ripe. If you are preparing a treat for a baby who is over a year old, you can slightly sweeten the apples.

Add the butter to the cylindrical funnel of the prepared fruit. Put the fruit on a plate, pour some water into the container and cover with a lid on top. Remember to use microwave special utensils.

Place the fruit plate in the microwave oven and set the unit to the maximum temperature. After 5 minutes, turn off the microwave and leave the plate in the oven for another couple of minutes.

Then take the container out of the microwave oven. When the fruit has cooled to room temperature, carefully remove the skin from the apple, and crush the pulp with a spoon. The delicacy is ready - it's time for the little one to eat.

With honey

It is simply impossible to break away from such a dessert. You are unlikely to limit yourself to eating one serving 😉 Even. It has a lower glycemic index than sugar.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 fruits;
  • 4-5 tbsp honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • some dried fruits.

Fill the prepared fruit funnels with honey and finely chopped dried fruits. I love to do with raisins and dried apricots. I don’t throw away the cut out “lid” from the apple, but cover it from above.

Then place the container with the fruits in the microwave oven, in which you set the maximum power. After 3-5 minutes, turn off the microwave, remove the fruit plate and sprinkle the apples with cinnamon.

With cinnamon and raisins

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 6-7 medium-sized apples;
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • 1 tsp crushed cinnamon;
  • 5 tbsp water.

Soak the raisins first: they should become soft and tender. As for sugar and water, their amount depends on the variety of apples you bake.

Peel the fruits, remove the core and cut the pulp into slices 0.7-1 cm thick. After that, place most of the pieces in a microwave container and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top. The next layer will be the raisins, which are covered with the remaining apple slices.

Add water. Cover the container with a lid and place in a microwave oven for 4-5 minutes (the temperature should be maximum). Then take out the dish, mix the ingredients and put the bowl back in the microwave for 5-6 minutes. During this time, the apples should soften. If suddenly it seems to you that the dish is a bit dry, add a couple more tablespoons of water.

Then, with the help of a potato crusher, lightly crush the fruit. But just don’t turn this dish into puree: the slices should be visible.

Serve the treat cold or warm. If you suddenly do not master everything that you cook, do not be discouraged. Leftovers can be placed in a saucepan and sent to the refrigerator. Trust me, it tastes just as good cold.

Dessert in a mug/pot

The following products are required:

  • 2 tbsp oatmeal;
  • apple of medium size;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • ¼ tsp crushed cinnamon;
  • st.l. butter;
  • ½ tbsp water;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • 1.5 tbsp wheat flour.

Cut the peeled and core apple into small pieces and place in a mug. Pour water into the container. Add a spoonful of sugar here, 1/2 tbsp. flour, 1/8 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix all ingredients gently.

Mix the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl. Cover the fruit in a mug with this mixture. Set the microwave oven to the highest temperature. Place the dessert bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes. The treat is ready. Time to take a sample.

In general, friends, I often serve baked apples with sauce or chopped nuts. And with what do you like to eat such a delicacy? I'm sure you have your own secret. Share it in the comments. I wish you the best of appetite. And I say: until we meet again, cooks.

Hello my wonderful cooks. It's great that apples can be bought at any time of the year! What to do when eating fruits raw is already tired. They can be withered, dried, cooked from the fruits of jam ... My favorite option is to bake with various fillers. But sometimes it’s so reluctant to light and heat the oven for this. Therefore, today I will tell you how to bake apples in the microwave. And of course, I will share awesome delicious recipes 😉

Hardly anyone knows about the healing properties of fresh apples. They are very beneficial for our body. And there are few calories here: only 47 kcal per 100 gr. Therefore, such fruits are excellent helpers in losing weight.

What are the benefits of baked apples? In fruits that have undergone heat treatment, vitamins are fully preserved. And there are many of them here: retinol, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and tocopherol. In addition, baked fruits contain a lot of manganese, iron, potassium and copper. For example, potassium strengthens the heart muscle, helps to normalize blood pressure, and also prevents the appearance of fatty deposits. Here is such a valuable component.


How to bake with sugar

The finished dessert is aromatic and tasty. Dry white sparkling wine will be an excellent addition to such a delicacy. If you have a day off or some kind of romantic evening.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 3-4 fruits;
  • 0.5 tsp fruit sugar;
  • 2-3 tbsp water;
  • cinnamon (optional).

Pour sugar into the cylindrical hole made in each fruit. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Put the fruits on a special dish that is designed for a microwave oven, and pour some water here. And then put the apples in the microwave. Set the power on the unit to above average and bake the fruit.

During heat treatment, apples will release juice, which, mixed with sugar, will turn into a delicate syrup. And the cinnamon will add some piquancy. And if you add pieces of cookies and natural yogurt, the dish will turn out tender. Reminds me of an air cake. Recipe

How to bake such a yummy, be sure to write a review of the resulting dessert in the comments. Especially if you have your own secret of making this delicacy.

For a child

For a baby up to six months, mother's milk or an adapted formula is considered the best food. And when the baby reaches the age threshold of 7 months, mothers begin to introduce complementary foods. This is usually a vegetable or fruit puree. Can you make this puree at home? Of course, for example, from apples. And you can cook this dish in the microwave. The baked fruit acts softer and more tender on the children's stomach than a raw apple.

For such a meal, take:

  • an apple (or several, if you want to make yourself one too 😉 ;
  • a little bit of fresh butter;
  • 1 tbsp water.

If the baby is less than a year old, do not add sugar. In this case, of course, the selected fruit should be juicy and ripe. If you are preparing a treat for a baby who is over a year old, you can slightly sweeten the apples.

Add the butter to the cylindrical funnel of the prepared fruit. Put the fruit on a plate, pour some water into the container and cover with a lid on top. Remember to use microwave special utensils.

Place the fruit plate in the microwave oven and set the unit to the maximum temperature. After 5 minutes, turn off the microwave and leave the plate in the oven for another couple of minutes.

Then take the container out of the microwave oven. When the fruit has cooled to room temperature, carefully remove the skin from the apple, and crush the pulp with a spoon. The delicacy is ready - it's time for the little one to eat.

With honey

It is simply impossible to break away from such a dessert. You are unlikely to limit yourself to eating one serving 😉 Even on a diet, you can treat yourself to such a yummy. It has a lower glycemic index than sugar.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 fruits;
  • 4-5 tbsp honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • some dried fruits.

Fill the prepared fruit funnels with honey and finely chopped dried fruits. I love to do with raisins and dried apricots. I don’t throw away the cut out “lid” from the apple, but cover it from above.

Then place the container with the fruits in the microwave oven, in which you set the maximum power. After 3-5 minutes, turn off the microwave, remove the fruit plate and sprinkle the apples with cinnamon.

With cinnamon and raisins

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 6-7 medium-sized apples;
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • 1 tsp crushed cinnamon;
  • 5 tbsp water.

Soak the raisins first: they should become soft and tender. As for sugar and water, their amount depends on the variety of apples you bake.

Peel the fruits, remove the core and cut the pulp into slices 0.7-1 cm thick. After that, place most of the pieces in a microwave container and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top. The next layer will be the raisins, which are covered with the remaining apple slices.

Add water. Cover the container with a lid and place in a microwave oven for 4-5 minutes (the temperature should be maximum). Then take out the dish, mix the ingredients and put the bowl back in the microwave for 5-6 minutes. During this time, the apples should soften. If suddenly it seems to you that the dish is a bit dry, add a couple more tablespoons of water.

Then, with the help of a potato crusher, lightly crush the fruit. But just don’t turn this dish into puree: the slices should be visible.

Serve the treat cold or warm. If you suddenly do not master everything that you cook, do not be discouraged. Leftovers can be placed in a saucepan and sent to the refrigerator. Trust me, it tastes just as good cold.

Dessert in a mug/pot

The following products are required:

  • 2 tbsp oatmeal;
  • apple of medium size;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • ¼ tsp crushed cinnamon;
  • st.l. butter;
  • ½ tbsp water;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • 1.5 tbsp wheat flour.

Cut the peeled and core apple into small pieces and place in a mug. Pour water into the container. Add a spoonful of sugar here, 1/2 tbsp. flour, 1/8 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix all ingredients gently.

Mix the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl. Cover the fruit in a mug with this mixture. Set the microwave oven to the highest temperature. Place the dessert bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes. The treat is ready. Time to take a sample.

In general, friends, I often serve baked apples with sauce or chopped nuts. And with what do you like to eat such a delicacy? I'm sure you have your own secret. Share it in the comments. I wish you the best of appetite. And I say: until we meet again, cooks.

There is nothing complicated in its preparation. The main thing is to purchase suitable products and have a microwave oven available.

in the microwave: recipe with photo

Surely many people have tried this dessert in childhood. After all, before there was no such choice of various sweets, cookies and chocolate, so most mothers prepared delicacies on their own. Of course, in Soviet times, cooking in a microwave oven was out of the question, since this kitchen device became popular with housewives a little later. Baked apples were cooked in the oven. Today, to create such a dessert, you will need much less time and money.

To begin with, let's try to figure out the following question: how to make baked apples in the microwave with honey? The recipe for this delicacy includes the following ingredients:

  • green sweet and sour apples - 3-5 pcs.;
  • peeled walnuts - 50 grams;
  • thick fresh honey - a few dessert spoons;

In addition, dried apricots or raisins can be used as additional components.

Preparation of ingredients

How to cook a baked apple in the microwave? The recipe for this delicacy requires compliance with all culinary rules. First you need to prepare sweet and sour fruits. When buying apples for dessert, you should choose larger fruits. They are thoroughly washed in hot water using a brush, then the core with seeds is carefully cut out using a special knife. As a result of such actions, you should get a kind of glass (of course, with a bottom).

Filling preparation

Microwave baked apples, the recipe of which we are considering, are very tasty. To make this delicacy sweeter and healthier, we decided to use a special filling. To prepare it, the walnuts are thoroughly sorted and washed. Then they are dried on the stove, placed in a dry frying pan. As soon as the nuts begin to “click”, they are removed and cooled. Subsequently, the product is crushed into large crumbs.

As for such dried fruits as raisins and dried apricots, they are also sorted out and washed. If necessary, these ingredients can be scalded with boiling water. After drying the dried fruits on a towel, they are finely chopped or chopped in a meat grinder, then added to the nuts. In conclusion, a little honey is spread to the resulting mass and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Dessert formation process

It doesn't take much time. The delicacy is formed quite quickly: you will need a maximum of 10 minutes. The prepared sweet filling is laid out in apple cups. In this case, it should be borne in mind that during the heat treatment, honey will begin to boil, so it is not recommended to fill the fruit to the top.

Baking process

In a special container, you need to cook a baked apple in the microwave: the recipe for this dessert requires the use of a flat glass plate. All filled cups of apples are placed on it, and then they are sent to the microwave oven. At maximum power, this sweet dish is cooked for about 4-6 minutes. During the heat treatment, apples are periodically checked. Their readiness is determined as follows: a long and narrow knife is stuck into the thickness of the fruit. If the cutlery passes through unhindered, then the dessert is ready.

Serving to the table

Now you know how to make a baked apple in the microwave - the recipe for this unusual dessert was described above. It, among other things, provides for a competent presentation of a sweet dish. As soon as the apples become soft, their color will begin to change. It is at this moment that the fruits are removed from the microwave oven and cooled slightly. Hot food is not recommended. Otherwise, you risk severe burns.

Baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave: a quick recipe

This dish will become a crown for every housewife. In addition, it is similar in its cooking technique to the previous delicacy. Therefore, those who were able to implement the above recipe will be able to quickly make a similar dish with cottage cheese. For it we need:

  • five large apples;
  • a few dessert spoons of beet sugar;
  • one quail egg;
  • 50 grams of dry coarse-grained cottage cheese;
  • some raisins or dried apricots.

The treat will especially appeal to young children. It is very sweet and aromatic.

cooking fruit

The processing of apples for such a dessert is carried out in exactly the same way as described above. Fruits are washed and the middle is taken out, forming a kind of cups. To prevent them from turning black, sprinkle them with lemon juice. If the fruits are very acidic, they can be sweetened with a pinch of vanilla sugar.

We prepare the filling

If you cook baked apples in the microwave, the recipe for a fragrant curd dessert provides for the same culinary manipulations as in the case of a honey dish. At the same time, the filling is also prepared easily and simply.

Fresh coarse-grained cottage cheese is thoroughly mashed with a fork, and then sugar and quail eggs are added. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, a little steamed raisins or chopped dried apricots are spread to the resulting mass.

How to shape and bake?

Everything is extremely simple. To form this dessert, all apple cups are filled with a sweet curd filling using a small spoon. After that, they are placed on a flat plate and sent to the microwave oven. At maximum power, such a dish is cooked for about 6 minutes. During this time, with an egg, sugar and raisins, it should grab well, at the same time the apples become soft and juicy.

Serve dessert

As in the previous recipe, such an apple delicacy should be presented to guests and households only after it has partially cooled. To do this, dessert can be placed in a cool place. After a few minutes, your cottage cheese should harden well, making the dish more beautiful and tasty. Top this unusual delicacy with a mixture of ground cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Baked apples are a healthy and tasty dish. Read the recipes in the article.

Baked apples with honey are a great everyday dessert, snack or even a main dish that can be served with chicken. To prepare such a dish, you need to choose them correctly and have a working oven, microwave or slow cooker. Read below for recipes that will help you prepare delicious baked apples.

To prepare this dish, choose apples of sweet or sweet and sour varieties. They should be thick-skinned and fluffy on the inside. Choose ripe apples without rotten pits or dents. Before you start baking fruits, prepare them for this process:

  • Wash fruits thoroughly under hot water.
  • Dry with a towel: paper or rag.
  • Cut off the top with the ponytail, but don't throw it away, as some recipes call for it to cover the apple during the baking process.
  • Remove the core and remove some of the pulp to make a cylinder-shaped hole. But do not pierce the apple through.

In some recipes, you can bake apples without filling, then you just need to cut them in half and remove the core with seeds.

So, how to bake apples with honey in the oven, microwave, slow cooker? Simple Recipe:

  1. Pour honey into the prepared apple.
  2. Close it with a lid and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. If you bake in the microwave, then the apples need to be pierced in several places with a toothpick. After 5-10 minutes you will have a finished dish. In the oven, you will have to bake a little longer - 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. Take out the finished dish and serve it on the table.

In a slow cooker, apples need to be baked for 30 minutes in the "Baking" mode.

Apples, honey and nuts are a great combination. It will turn out not only tasty, but also a healthy dish, in which there are a lot of vitamins and minerals. It can be eaten by both children and adults - for a snack, for dessert, for a feast with a baked bird. Here is a recipe that will help you deliciously bake apples with honey and nuts in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Make a filling with honey and crushed nuts: just mix these two ingredients.
  2. Put the filling into the prepared apples with the tops cut off and the core cut out. Cover apples with honey and nuts with a “lid” from the top.
  3. Place stuffed apples in a baking dish. Sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon on top to enhance the flavor.
  4. Bake the dish in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. In the microwave no more than 5-7 minutes. Before placing in the microwave, pierce the apples with a toothpick. In a multicooker, the baking process will take 30-35 minutes in the “Baking dishes from flour” mode.

Serve this dish on the table, after decorating with a mint leaf. You can pour the baked fruit with whipped cream.

Curd filling goes well with apples. Such a dessert is usually liked by children, even if they do not like cottage cheese. Together with apple pulp, the cottage cheese turns out to be tasty and tender. Here is a recipe on how to deliciously bake apples with honey and cottage cheese in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Prepare 4 apples for the baking process.
  2. Mix 100 grams of cottage cheese with 50 grams of sugar, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and a handful of raisins. You can add vanilla on the tip of a knife. Dried fruits must first be washed and steamed with boiling water.
  3. Put the filling in apples and cover them with "lids".
  4. Place the stuffed fruit on a dish and microwave for 5 minutes, after piercing the fruit with a toothpick.
  5. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. In the slow cooker, set the "Baking" mode and bake the apples for 30 minutes.

This dish is suitable for breakfast and snacks throughout the day. It can be served with tea or cocoa with milk.

Cinnamon makes the dish fragrant and it has a unique taste. Apples with honey and cinnamon are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that will help fight autumn depression and colds. Recipe to deliciously bake apples with honey and cinnamon in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Place prepared apples on a baking dish.
  2. Pour honey into them. "Lids" do not need to be closed.
  3. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon on top - 0.5 teaspoon.
  4. Bake fruit with filling for the same time as it was written above in the recipes.

This dessert can be served with tea or other hot drinks. You can take such a dish with you to work and eat for lunch or for a snack - an easy and healthy dish.

Lemon compensates for the lack of vitamin C in the body, which boosts immunity and helps fight colds. Apples with lemon and honey are several times more vitamins and nutrients. Recipe to deliciously bake apples with honey and lemon in the oven, microwave, slow cooker:

  1. Sprinkle the prepared apples with the juice of half a lemon.
  2. Pour honey inside each apple.
  3. Grate the lemon zest and sprinkle the apples with honey on top. You can sprinkle fruit with powdered sugar.
  4. Bake the dish for the time as described above.

In such a dish, as a filling, you can put steamed and chopped dried fruits mixed with honey and a piece of butter. Top with grated lemon zest and powdered sugar (optional).

Dried fruits help to make the dish satisfying and more healthy. If you do not like dried apricots and prunes, then cook baked apples with raisins. How delicious to bake apples with honey and raisins in the oven, microwave, slow cooker? Here is the foil roast recipe:

  1. Prepare and peel apples.
  2. Wash the raisins and steam with boiling water. Mix it with honey and add some vanilla.
  3. Pour filling into apples, top and wrap each fruit in foil.
  4. Put the dish in the oven for 20 minutes. Before serving, unfold the foil.

Thanks to the use of foil, the apples will turn out soft and tender. This dish is a great addition to a family dinner. It can also decorate the table for any occasion.

If you want to surprise your household, then make baked apples in puff pastry. In order not to spend a lot of time preparing this dish, it is better to buy the dough ready-made. So, how to bake apples stuffed with nuts and honey?

Prepare these ingredients:

  • Puff pastry - 1 kg
  • Apples "Antonovka", "Red" or "Semirinka"
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Honey and nuts - to taste
  1. Mix honey, nuts and cinnamon.
  2. Prepare the apples and put the filling in them.
  3. Cut the dough into squares so that one apple fits in each of them.
  4. Wrap each apple in the dough.
  5. Beat the egg and brush the dough with it.
  6. Place the apples in the dough on a baking sheet, away from each other. Put the dish in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  7. Remove the finished dish from the oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

This dessert is high in calories. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away if you have a tendency to be overweight or want to lose weight. But rarely or on holidays - this is a wonderful dessert for tea or coffee.

The recipe for baked apples in foil was described above. Here is another recipe for apples in the oven with banana and nuts. You get a tender and tasty dish that is impossible to resist. Baked apples with honey in foil - recipe:

  1. Mash the banana with a fork.
  2. Roast the nuts and grind in a blender to a powder.
  3. Mix banana mass, chopped nuts and 2 teaspoons of honey.
  4. Fill the prepared and peeled apples with the filling.
  5. Wrap each apple in foil and place on a baking dish. Keep in the oven no more than 20-25 minutes.
  6. Remove the dish from the oven, remove from the foil and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Children like such apples, as they have a banana taste - delicate and fragrant.

Above in each recipe is the time for baking apples. If you are afraid not to overcook the dish or, conversely, not serve it raw, then pierce the apples with a toothpick before removing them from the oven. It enters the finished fruit gently and freely.

Usually, it takes no more than 20 minutes to bake baked apples in the oven with honey. In a slow cooker, you need to cook a dish for about 30 minutes, in a microwave oven - no more than 6-7 minutes.

Baked apples are a dietary product. It can be eaten by those people who are on a diet. How many calories are in a baked apple with honey? One apple has just over 70 calories. The table below provides more detailed information on the calorie content of individual dishes:

Remember: If you add granulated sugar or powdered sugar to a dish, then its calorie content immediately increases by 2 times. The calorie content of baked apples in the dough will be more than 200 calories.

Nuts for baked apples are suitable for any. In the middle of the apple, if there is no honey or other filling, you can put caramel. Sprinkle the juice of half a lemon over the apples to prevent them from getting an unsightly hue during baking.

Video: Baked Apples with Nuts and Raisins (It's Very Simple But So Delicious) | Baked Apples Recipe

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