Benefits of soy sauce. Soy sauce - benefits and harms

The monks of ancient China, for religious reasons, replaced dairy products and meat with soy. The result was a vegetarian cheese (from soy milk) and soy sauce. It is impossible to specify the exact date of appearance, but the Japanese soon borrowed the cooking method. Almost all Japanese dishes contain this product, which adds spice and sophistication to culinary recipes.

A product of the cuisine of Asian peoples, it has a transparent composition and dark brown color, a characteristic smell and taste. For its high usefulness and taste, it was called the "king" in the cuisine of Japan. Used for marinating seafood, meat, fish.
Add to the second and first dishes. Used for fish, mushroom, shrimp, meat seasonings. They are replaced with salt, seasonings, mayonnaise, butter.

What is the product made from?

The manufacturing technology has been unchanged for several centuries and consists in the process of fermenting boiled down beans, roasted wheat and salt in the sun. The process takes about a year.

The resulting mass is filtered, bottled and stored for two years. Modern technologies add Aspergillius bacteria to the fermentation process, accelerating fermentation by up to one month.

Did you know? Real soy sauce contains only three products - wheat, salt, soy.

If there is yeast, vinegar, sugar, and other ingredients, then such a product can no longer be natural.

The composition of the sauce is extremely simple - it is water, dietary fiber, ash. There are practically no fats. But soy seasoning is enriched with minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Of the essential amino acids, we list, histidine,.
The list of non-essential amino acids includes aspartic acid, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid (natural flavor enhancer), proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine. All amino acids contribute to the preservation of youth and health of the body.

The advantages of the product include a low content of saturated fats, the absence of cholesterol, a significant amount, B3, a high content,. By cons - the presence of a very significant dose (more than 200% of the daily requirement).


In the composition, they especially stand out. These are, B2, B3, B6, B9. The content of vitamin PP is high. Vitamins are directly involved in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of substances, in energy production, in the struggle for the health of reproductive organs and good mood.

Minerals are represented by many macro- and microelements. Macronutrients: potassium, magnesium, sodium,. Trace elements: iron, manganese,. Minerals control the work of the nervous system, water-salt metabolism, increase the hemoglobin index, improve the quality of teeth, hair, nails, skin, strengthen the skeletal system.


The nutritional value lies in the content of a large number of elements of the periodic table, the absence of fats, exquisite taste and the ability to enhance the taste characteristics of other products.

The composition of the BJU

The amount of proteins - 7%, and carbohydrates in the product - 8.1%. There are no fats. The product is low-calorie. Rich in vital elements.

Is there any benefit

No doubt the benefits are great. First of all, we note the presence of a significant amount of vitamins, amino acids, minerals. It is a prophylactic against the occurrence of cancer cells, reducing the number of free radicals. Replaces meat in the menu of vegetarians, as the presence of proteins is close to meat products.

Allows you to give up salt due to the abundance of glutamines. It has the ability to delay the aging process and improve hemodynamics.

Due to the large number of useful elements, this product improves blood circulation. But when consumed in excess of soy products (proven by Harvard scientists), the characteristics and concentration (accumulation) of sperm in men is reduced.
This feature is associated with the presence of female hormones in the composition of soy and products from it. Therefore, the measure should be observed in use.

For women

The positive effect of the sauce is based on its constituent isoflavones, the structure of which is close to the structure of a woman's estrogen. It is this quality that improves the general condition of the fair sex, normalizes their hormonal levels.

  • allergic to animal proteins;
  • having disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension);
  • overweight;
  • having chronic constipation and cholecystitis;
  • having a pathology of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • diabetics.

Important! Doctors advise patients with hypertension to remove salt from the diet, replacing it with soy sauce.


Children under three years of age should not consume a soy product, as there is a high risk of allergic reactions and disorders in the endocrine system (thyroid gland).

But the presence of soy in baby food is justified in case of intolerance to dairy components, with a lack of enzymes for the breakdown of lactose, galactose in small children (hereditary diseases). Sometimes this is the only method for the normal physical and mental development of an infant.


Pregnant women are advised to stop using due to the negative effects on the fetal brain and the threat of miscarriage.

Lactating women need to significantly limit the use of this seasoning due to the negative impact on the baby through mother's milk.

Possible harm and contraindications

The harm of soy sauce is possible if it is consumed too often and in large quantities (one or two tablespoons per day is enough for an adult). For men, it is fraught with a change in the functions of the genital area.

Important! Contraindicated in legume allergy sufferers. The cause of allergies can also be the antioxidants that make up the sauce.

With the appearance of nausea, pain in the abdomen, feelings of fatigue, swelling, it is better to consult a doctor and stop taking soy seasoning.

Children under three years of age should not use this product in their diet. Pregnant and lactating women are also at risk.

In the modern world, the choice of sauce is complicated by the variety of brands and types. Truly natural and healthy, it will definitely be packed in glass containers, it contains only soy, wheat, salt (the presence of protein is about 7%) and is produced by fermentation without yeast, vinegar and other chemical additives.

It is expensive, but it also brings great benefits when used correctly. A natural soy product does not spoil for a long time and is stored for up to two years, preferably in the refrigerator and in glass packaging. The shelf life of other analogues is indicated on the label.

soy sauce for weight loss

Use soy sauce as one of the means in the fight against excess weight. After all, it regulates metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism due to amino acids and minerals, removes toxins, promotes the absorption of the necessary substances. By replacing salt with soy seasoning, you speed up the removal of excess water and prevent puffiness.

Did you know? A distinctive feature of a natural soy product is the ability to emphasize and enhance the taste of any dish, which makes it necessary to refuse additional seasonings (based on the properties of glutamic acid).

Cosmetic properties

The use of sauce is not limited to nutrition. The presence of vitamins, amino acids, minerals makes it useful for cosmetic purposes.

Hair mask recipes

  1. Recipe 1. Beat with two teaspoons of soy sauce (only real) and (any). Moisten with the resulting mixture for an hour. Rinse with room temperature water, then shampoo. Do it twice a week for a month.
  2. Recipe 2. Mix two tablespoons of soy sauce with a glass of water. Apply to clean damp hair for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use as needed to improve the appearance of hair and give a light chestnut tint.

Face masks often use not soy sauce, but soy itself. Here are some of the simplest ones.

  1. Recipe 1. Pour boiling water over crushed soybeans. Add a couple of drops (or), fresh egg yolk. Mix, apply for 15 minutes, rinse. Apply any moisturizer.
  2. Recipe 2. Pour 100 g of ground soybeans with boiling milk (100 ml). Let stand 20 minutes. Add three drops of rosemary oil. Whisk. Apply for 15-20 minutes. Wash away. Use for acne and skin inflammation.

How to make soy sauce more original: a step by step recipe with a photo

Often, soy seasoning is mixed with other ingredients to make its original recipe. Here is one of them.

Grocery list

The product list includes:

  • soy sauce - 90 ml;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • tomato paste - 40 g;
  • - 25 ml;
  • black pepper, chicken seasoning (to taste, optional).

Action List

  • Mix crushed garlic with lemon pulp.
  • Strain.
  • Add tomato paste and honey to soy sauce.
  • Dilute with garlic-lemon juice.
  • Sprinkle with black pepper. Add seasoning (optional).
  • Mix well. Use to marinate chicken. Endure. Bake or fry.

The oldest product of mankind - soy sauce is still popular. It remains an indispensable seasoning due to its high taste and useful composition. But beware of a fake, it will not do any good, and more often it will only harm.

Soy sauce can be found in every kitchen today. It is added to soups, salads, omelettes, meat and fish are marinated in it. Recently, Chinese, Japanese and other types of Asian cuisine have firmly entered our lives.

Soybeans were first used as food during the late Zhou Dynasty - 1134-246. BC. A little later, the Chinese learned to ferment soybeans to make foods such as tempeh, natto, tamari, and soy sauce.

Due to the fermentation process, the beneficial substances of soy become available to the human digestive system.The product came to Europe only in the 16th century, and has been widely used since the middle of the 20th.

The composition and calorie content of soy sauce

Although soy sauce is made from soybeans and wheat, its calorie content is low - only 60-70 kcal / 100 g. The composition of the product includes many proteins, vitamins and biologically active substances.

Soy sauce contains a number of biologically active components that have strong antioxidant properties and resist the development of many diseases.

For the bones

Genistein has a high anti-osteoporotic effect, prevents the leaching of calcium from the bones in women during menopause.

For the heart and blood vessels

Consumption of 60 mg of soy protein isoflavones reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women.

Soy sauce cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure.

For the liver

The protective effect of genistein, contained in soy sauce, has been noted when exposed to damaged liver and fibrosis caused by chronic alcoholism.

For diabetics

For women

The soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein in soy sauce mimic the female hormone estrogen, so they can inhibit the natural production of this hormone in women of reproductive age. But they are beneficial for post-menopausal women and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

For skin

Studies have shown that genistein may be useful in reducing chronic symptoms of dermatitis when taken in small amounts daily orally.

For immunity

soy sauce for weight loss

Soy sauce is a low-calorie product with a bright taste. It is able to replace almost all high-calorie seasonings: sour cream, mayonnaise, and even vegetable and olive oils. Therefore, it is so used in dietary nutrition for weight loss.

Monosodium glutamate, found in soy sauce, increases appetite in older people, so they should not get carried away after 60 years.

Due to compounds similar in composition and properties to female hormones - estrogens, soy sauce is more beneficial for women than for men.

Regular consumption of soy sauce reduces the concentration of male sex hormones, since the components of soy sauce have anti-androgenic activity in the testicles, prostate gland and brain.

Excessive consumption of soy and soy sauce increases hair growth in middle-aged men, which indicates a decrease in testosterone levels.

On the other hand, the high antioxidant capacity of the product strengthens the body, and isoflavones inhibit the development of testicular and prostate cancer. Genistein acts by inhibiting cancer-associated metalloproteins in cells.

Harm and contraindications of soy sauce

The harm of soy sauce was noted only when a product made in violation of the technological process of natural fermentation was used.. Therefore, avoid buying soy sauce in the markets or from unverified manufacturers.

But, even a quality product, there are contraindications:

  • Bowel disease. Salt, which is used in the production of soy sauce, can be deposited in the body, irritate the surface of the eroded intestinal walls.
  • Age up to 5 years, because it is not known how the child's body will react to it
  • Allergy- cases are rare, but you should follow the reaction of the body when you first use soy sauce.
  • Early pregnancy– high levels of hormones can provoke a miscarriage.

Some researchers have noted cases of migraine attacks with the abuse of soy sauce.

How to choose soy sauce

Traditionally, soy sauce is made by fermenting soybeans, salt, and wheat, however, be careful because many varieties on the market are artificially produced using chemical hydrolysis. Such products are harmful and may contain carcinogens.

Please note that:

  • Properly prepared soy sauce label always states that it is a fermented product;
  • a good product contains only soy, wheat, salt and water. Avoid dyes, flavors and preservatives;
  • too dark color and sediment on the walls indicates a poor-quality product;
  • to reduce the cost of the product, peanuts are often added to it, which does not improve its properties.

Soy sauce fermented with the addition of citrus peel is more effective than without it - it showed higher antioxidant activity.In a high-quality product, the protein content is at least 6-7 percent.

Buy soy sauce in clear glass bottles.

How to store soy sauce

Properly prepared soy sauce can be easily stored without preservatives or precautions at room temperature for up to 2 years. Avoid sudden changes in temperature and direct sunlight. To improve the taste, you can store soy sauce in the refrigerator or other cool place.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for the body of a man and a woman, its composition and calorie content, useful properties for weight loss, recipes for use - we will talk about this today on the site.

What is soy, how is sauce made

Soya- This is a plant belonging to the legume family, which is widely used for the preparation of various kinds of food. Soy is undeniably a very useful product when used correctly.

One of the products that are prepared with soy is the world-famous soy sauce. It is most popular in the cuisine of Asian countries.

Such a sauce is prepared by fermentation, with the addition of special microflora in the form of fungi. But before leaving the beans to ferment, they are boiled with barley flour.

Making high-quality and natural soy sauce is not as easy as it seems at first glance. And yes, it doesn't cost much.

Soy sauce, to which people in the post-Soviet space are now accustomed, sold in supermarkets, is nothing more than a fake, an imitation of a natural product obtained by hydrolysis. And what? What used to be fermented for years (up to three years, by the way!), Now with the help of chemistry you can get it in 2 days.

In addition, unscrupulous manufacturers add a lot of flavor enhancers to artificial Asian seasoning in order to achieve something that is most similar to natural soy and flavors.

These chemical additives are definitely unhealthy. Real soy sauce should not contain any preservatives. It itself can be stored for a couple of years without loss of quality.

How to distinguish real fermented soy sauce from fake?

Well, firstly, a genuine spicy product will not be cheap, the price of natural soy sauce per half liter ranges from 400-500 rubles, it is bottled only in transparent glass containers, it will definitely be written that it is obtained by natural fermentation, natural fermentation. The percentage of protein will be indicated (usually at least 8%).

The liquid will not be black, not a dark brown cloudy burda, but a light brown transparent substance without impurities.

Cheap versions with brown salty water from China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea will be in plastic, often without specifying the composition and preparation method.

The composition of soy sauce, calories

The main character in the composition of soy sauce is vegetable protein, which is certainly good for health and replaces the protein found in meat products. Due to its high protein content, soy sauce is one of the most protein-enriched foods in the world.

Soy sauce is also rich in many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and organic compounds.

Among the vitamin components in this product is vitamin A, D, C, B6, B12.

Minerals: iron, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium.

One of the main advantages of soy sauce is the absolute absence of cholesterol in it, which is known to be harmful to health.

soy sauce calories is 75 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of soy sauce

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. strengthening the vascular wall;
  3. improving blood circulation;
  4. a powerful source of protein;
  5. antidepressant;
  6. improving the performance of the nervous system.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for men

Men who carefully monitor their health, physical form, including, must pay attention to proper diet. Since it is he who is very important for maintaining the body in good shape.

And for athletes, it is very important to have protein in the diet, which plays an important role in building muscle mass in the male body. Often, “pitching” eat kilograms of meat and eggs, which are rich in protein, but you can find a worthy alternative to this. Many nutritionists recommend soy sauce for consumption.

Of course, meat and eggs should not be completely excluded from the diet, but you can significantly reduce the amount of their consumption by giving preference to natural soy sauce. They can be seasoned with salads without adding a drop of salt. Soy sauce itself is already salty.

It can be used as a marinade for grilled vegetables. Men also use soy sauce instead of any meat, and based on medical research, they are by no means inferior in physical health to male meat-eaters.

But, as always, there is harm, a kind of "fly in the ointment" - with frequent and immoderate consumption of Japanese-Chinese seasoning, men's libido decreases.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for women

Women, like the male half of the population, certainly benefit from soy sauce. Enriched, this product prevents premature aging of the skin and makes it radiant and fresh.
Also, a large amount of antioxidants has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies and surveys regarding the benefits of soy sauce for human health. They showed that in some cases, this product can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

No less useful are phytoestrogens, which are also found in soy sauce. They have a beneficial effect in the postmenopausal period for a woman.

They also significantly slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Help to alleviate the course (if it is very painful and accompanied by copious discharge).

For women, soy sauce is useful in the same way as a prophylactic against breast cancer. That is why many gynecologists advise women who have crossed the threshold of 35 years to take soy sauce as salad dressings, and marinades for vegetables and meat.

The use of soy sauce in folk medicine

Traditional medicine recommends the use of soy sauce to almost everyone who is prescribed diet food for one reason or another. And this means that this category of people needs to stock up on a couple of recipes for making healthy dressings using soy sauce.

To prepare one of these healthy dressings, you need to take half a glass of soy sauce (100 ml), pour it into a deep container, add half a glass, juice of half a lemon, 3-4 peas (for flavor), mix everything thoroughly and season vegetable salads with this mixture . Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

The next option for a tasty and healthy dressing will be using Dijon mustard, which you need to take one teaspoon and add to one glass of soy sauce. Mix well and add half a dessert spoon of fresh, runny honey. It is simply irresistible in combination with mustard. Especially with meat dishes. Mix the sauce and honey, add a couple of drops and a spoon, mix again and the dressing is ready. It goes best with beef and rabbit meat.

The next utility option from soy sauce is a marinade for meat. You can use it for any dietary meat. To prepare the marinade, you need to take a glass of soy sauce, pour it into a deep glass plate (so that it is convenient to mix), add two teaspoons of liquid honey, half a teaspoon (you can take fresh ginger root and grate it), mix all these components and the marinade is ready.

It is necessary to withstand the meat in it, depending on the stiffness of the meat. For chicken, for example, 30 minutes is enough. A rabbit needs at least 2 hours. And if it is beef, then you can leave it for the whole night. It will be marinated for sure!

Harm of soy sauce - contraindications

Soy sauce is definitely a very healthy food product. So it is, if you use it correctly, if you do not drink it in glasses uncontrollably in anticipation of a miracle.

If a person abuses soy sauce, there is a chance that it will eventually lead to serious problems with the urinary tract and genitourinary system.

From the very beginning of the invention of such a product as soy sauce, it was intended solely to give dishes a certain piquancy, aroma and a slight salty aftertaste. Today, it is poured everywhere and everywhere in liters, not taking into account the fact that with uncontrolled intake of soy sauce, a person can experience serious health problems.

For example:

  • - (due to the high concentration of salt in the product);
  • - arthrosis and arthritis;
  • - salt deposits;
  • - the rapid development of osteochondrosis;
  • - various diseases of the kidneys (MKD) and liver, gallbladder (GSD);
  • - myocardial infarction.
  • - the gradual development of hypertension is also possible.

Children should be careful when using this product. Ideally, it should not be given to them at all. Since soy sauce contains such a large amount of protein that the child's body may not be able to cope with the load. In such cases, 90% of children have an allergic reaction to this protein.

Estrogens are hormones found in soy sauce that are beneficial for women. BUT if it pregnant woman, soy sauce it is categorically contraindicated. An overdose of such hormones can lead to brain disorders in the fetus.

soy sauce for weight loss

Due to its rich composition, soy sauce is recommended by many nutritionists if you want to lose extra pounds. If you follow a diet, salt, which is so harmful to the body, is replaced with soy sauce. Scientists have proven that a pinch of salt is much more harmful than a tablespoon of soy sauce.

Plus, experts in the field of nutrition advise replacing salad dressings in the form of mayonnaise with more gentle dressings with soy sauce, the recipes of which were given above.

This is not a reason to pour soy sauce into each of your plates in the hope of losing weight faster, but following these recommendations, the body will definitely say “thank you” and overall well-being will be an order of magnitude more cheerful and lighter.

Perhaps it is difficult to find another aromatic flavor additive that would win such high recognition. Many culinary specialists and nutritionists say that soy sauce is an ideal substitute for traditional mayonnaise, ketchup, salt, and moreover, it is even healthier than the olive oil loved by many.

However, there are also opponents of this seasoning, confident that a product made on the basis of soybeans that are not respected by some experts can do more harm. However, the sauce is a natural product, so it can hardly be considered unambiguously harmful or undoubtedly useful - in order to draw certain conclusions, it is enough to study its features, composition and method of preparation.

What is soy sauce

For many, soy sauce is a brown, brackish liquid with a characteristic pleasant smell that enhances the taste experience of eating a particular dish. However, not everyone knows that it can take months to prepare a fragrant seasoning. The birthplace of soy sauce is China. It is believed that it was there that he appeared around the 8th century BC.

Initially, the main ingredients for the preparation of seasoning were soybeans, fermented fish and salt. Today, wheat grains, soybeans and salt are used for this, and production is carried out in two ways: natural fermentation and acid hydrolysis.

In the first case, the manufacture of soy sauce is carried out in several stages:

  • Soaking and boiling soybeans in water;
  • Roasting wheat grains, followed by grinding;
  • Mixing wheat and soy;
  • Sowing on a mixture of fungi and microorganisms: aspergillus (Aspergillus oryzae) (for natural fermentation), fungi of the genus Bacillus (for a specific smell), lactobacilli (to increase acidity);
  • Treatment of the wort with salt or saline;
  • Fermentation (as a rule, the fermentation period of the mixture is from 1.5 months to 3 years);
  • Pressing under heavy containers;
  • Pasteurization and filtration of the sauce.

As a result of fermentation, a number of processes occur: beneficial amino acids, milk sugars are released, and, in addition, monosodium glutamate is naturally formed - one of the most popular and effective flavor enhancers.

To reduce the cost and speed up the process of preparing the sauce, manufacturers often use hydrolysis. In this case, soybeans are boiled in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, after which the resulting broth is neutralized with alkalis. In this case, the sauce can be obtained in just three days, and it is inexpensive for manufacturers. However, there is no need to talk about the benefits in this case: as a result of complex multi-stage reactions, instead of a good product, a liquid containing carcinogenic substances is obtained. That is why soy sauces of various brands are subject to rigorous quality control.


Is soy sauce bad

Most often, the harm of soy sauce is due to the manufacturer’s dishonesty: made by cheap hydrolysis, with the addition of genetically modified organisms or preservatives, the product may contain a huge amount of extremely dangerous substances that can have an extremely adverse effect on health.

In the case when soy sauce is made from high-quality raw materials, by natural fermentation and does not contain any synthetic additives, it can be considered more useful. However, there are some contraindications for its use:

  • Immoderate consumption. Manufacturers who claim that soy sauce is the best seasoning, if only because it does not contain salt, are mercilessly cunning. Fermentation is triggered by common salt, and as a result, the liquid contains a certain amount of its compounds. That is why, with the abuse of soy sauce, you can encounter the same problems as in the case of sodium chloride: kidney or bladder stones, salt deposits in the joints, high blood pressure.
  • The sodium salts and some antioxidants contained in soy sauce have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Therefore, the seasoning is banned for people with gastritis, peptic ulcer and other stomach ailments.
  • Soy sauce contains large amounts of protein, so its potential allergenicity is high, and pediatricians do not allow it to be included in the diet for children under 5 years old.
  • It is believed that a certain content of phytoestrogens in the sauce can provoke a miscarriage. Officially, this has not yet been confirmed, but doctors prescribe a correction of the diet for pregnant lovers of Asian cuisine.

For healthy people, moderate consumption of high-quality soy sauce does not have any negative consequences, on the contrary, it will rather have a beneficial effect on the body.


The benefits of soy sauce

Today, nutritionists are challenging the popular belief that soybeans can cause obesity, and even more so, that soy phytoestrogens can even lead to infertility. At the moment, the theory has been sharply criticized, but the benefits of products, including sauce, based on this plant have been known to the peoples of Asia for thousands of years.

In fact, scientists have proven that soy protein is very close to human in composition, and therefore serves as an excellent material for strengthening and maintaining normal muscle function. As for the soy sauce itself, in addition to this, it has the following favorable properties:

  • Maintaining optimal hormonal balance in women;
  • Protection against free radicals and the occurrence of malignant tumors;
  • Improving the functioning of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity;
  • Reducing the risk of nervous diseases;
  • Help with headaches, migraines, insomnia;
  • Maintaining the normal functioning of the immune system;
  • Helps relieve swelling and muscle spasms

And, finally, the most pleasant thing for those who closely monitor their weight is the extremely low calorie content of soy sauce. It completely lacks fat, and the energy value is only 50-70 calories. So for those who are prone to fullness or carefully take care of the beauty of their figure, this way to diversify the taste of food is just perfect.

Ingredients of soy sauce

The benefits of soy sauce are primarily associated with its unique composition. The product contains the following components important for the human body:

  • Almost all B vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems and are actively involved in maintaining blood circulation.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which normalizes cholesterol levels and regulates metabolism;
  • Valine is an important amino acid that increases muscle coordination and helps the body cope with stress and depression;
  • The amino acid histidine, which promotes the growth and repair of tissues and the formation of hemoglobin;
  • Leucine is an amino acid vital for the liver and other hematopoietic organs;
  • Isoleucine is an amino acid necessary for carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Methionine - protects against diseases of the liver and intestines;
  • Cysteine ​​is an amino acid vital for the formation and maintenance of skin tissue structures;
  • Lysine, which helps to absorb calcium, which ensures the health of the cardiovascular system;
  • Tryptophan, which ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Most of the amino acids present in soy sauce are essential, which means that they cannot be synthesized in the human body. However, this does not detract from their role in maintaining health and vitality, and therefore the use of products containing them is simply necessary.

How to choose soy sauce

In order for soybean-based sauce to please not only with the pleasant taste of familiar dishes, but also bring exceptional benefits, it is enough to follow certain rules when choosing a product. Experienced gourmets pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Conscientious producers do not spare money for containers: good soy sauce is poured into glass bottles, which preserves the taste and unique aroma of the product. Plastic packages, on the other hand, can enter into chemical reactions with sauce substances, especially if it has many different artificial additives (dyes, flavors), so you should refuse to purchase such products;
  • On the packaging of a quality product, the manufacturing method is certainly indicated. The inscription “artificial” indicates that the sauce is obtained by hydrolysis or dilution of soy concentrate with water, and the lack of information is completely suspicious.
  • Soy sauce contains only soybeans, water, wheat and salt - high-quality seasoning never contains dyes, flavors and preservatives.
  • The protein content in a good product is from 7%. A smaller amount indicates poor-quality raw materials or a dilution of the concentrate.
  • Contrary to popular belief, natural soy sauce is clear and light brown in color. Very dark shades indicate the artificial origin of the product.

Soy sauce is an excellent component of Asian cuisine, which has deservedly gained its popularity. Its taste and lightness will please the most capricious gourmets, and improved well-being with proper use of the product will pleasantly surprise you.

Harmful and beneficial qualities of soy sauce

The use of soy sauce in the diet is far from being in the first place, because it is not the main dish, or rather, far from the most basic seasoning. This product has not been so common among our cookery until recently. However, even today this sauce is one of the most common and amazing in taste. Indeed, the taste of soy sauce is very characteristic and unusual, and therefore many began to use it not only by adding it to sushi, but also using it in ordinary dishes and products. So, the sauce is used, for example, when cooking rice, pasta or vermicelli, and so on.

If we compare our cooking and the cuisine of the peoples of Asia, then they use sauce almost everywhere, because the sauce has been widespread there for a very long time. Soy, which is essential for cooking, has been grown in Asia for over 500 years. And it is not in vain that this soybean is grown, since this product is also very useful. Asian peoples use soy sauce instead of salt, and by the way, it is much healthier than salt.

If you have not tried this sauce and are thinking about using it, you should find out the details on whether this product is useful or harmful, if it has any contraindications or not. And, looking ahead, we note that soy sauce does have both beneficial and harmful qualities that affect the body in different ways.

Health benefits of soy sauce

As for the beneficial properties of soy sauce, they can be divided into several parts, and indeed, there are many useful qualities of this product. First of all, it is necessary to note the high content of amino acids in the composition of the sauce. Yes, it contains large amount of antioxidants, which are tens and hundreds of times more effective than the action of antioxidants in citrus fruits. Thus, antioxidants counteract free radicals that contribute to the aging process, the development of diseases, cancer and others. That's why Asians are so long-lived, because the sauce is one of the ways to prolong life. In addition, soy sauce has an excellent effect on the immune system, strengthening it, which helps to fight viruses and infections, up to serious and dangerous viruses.

Soy sauce improves blood circulation by about 30-40%, thereby having a positive effect on the entire circulatory system. Among other things, the sauce significantly slows down the appearance and development of cardiovascular diseases, "refreshes" the blood and gives the body energy as a whole. This is due to the fact that the nutrients that make up the composition interact with the blood components, the walls of veins, blood vessels and arteries.

As for the external changes and improvements that may appear when using the sauce, there are several positive actions:

Effective in the fight against insomnia;

C helps to reduce headaches, migraines;

- With relieves swelling, contributes to the disappearance of bruises much faster;

It reduces fatigue in the muscles, so that in the evening you do not feel tired.

Also, soy sauce is recommended for diets, because it is low in calories (only 70 kcal per 100 grams), and helps to reduce blood cholesterol. This contributes to weight loss, and its complete control. In addition, soy sauce can replace other “seasoning” ingredients, such as salt or sunflower oil.

Harmful effects and contraindications of sauce

Please note that it is impossible to abuse soy sauce, as this has its negative points. By the way, this is the same as using ordinary salt, and excessive use can lead to salt deposits, the occurrence of various diseases associated with the genitourinary system and so on. In fact, a lot depends on the composition of the sauce and its quality. Today, there are a lot of different soy sauces prepared according to different recipes, and, in truth, they are far from perfect.

Therefore, for the right choice of soy sauce, you need to know a few key factors that will help you avoid low-quality goods. So, the right soy sauce should not be found among cheap products, because a quality sauce will always be a little more expensive. A cheap sauce is likely to use old, or worse, moldy soybeans, which can contain fungal microbes and viruses. Pay attention to the certification of the product and the brand, because branded products are likely to be of better quality.

Thus, soy sauce is a completely harmless product, to a certain extent, of course. Its overdose can cause damage to the body, similar to the damage caused by kitchen salt.

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