How to cook delicious homemade cottage cheese. Recipes for homemade cottage cheese from milk

Many of you know that cottage cheese is one of the most useful products, and this product must be present in the diet of every person. Of course, if you strive to be healthy, beautiful and young.

There is an opinion that the word "cottage cheese" from the Old Slavonic is translated as "milk made hard." Often buying cottage cheese in our stores, we remain disappointed. But there is always a way out. So you need to cook the cottage cheese yourself, in fact it is very simple. Today I want to tell you how to make homemade cottage cheese from milk, so that it would taste like a grandmother's.
And so you will learn the secret of how to properly store cottage cheese so that it is always fresh and tasty, or how to refresh and make slightly sour cottage cheese taste good. Also from today's article you will learn how to cook cottage cheese for your child. And I will share with you a new recipe for cooking cottage cheese in the oven at home.

The most important secret in making cottage cheese is fresh and high-quality milk, so that the cottage cheese turns out like a grandmother’s, it’s better to use homemade milk, and not store-bought, but if it’s not possible to get home-made then we will use store-bought, on how to choose it correctly, and how to understand whether it is natural or not, look at the video.

How to cook cottage cheese for a child at home?

Curd is a welcome guest in the children's menu. Every mother knows about its benefits for the growing body of the child.
But nutritionists do not recommend giving children under three years old "adult" cottage cheese bought in the market or in a store. And what could be tastier than homemade cottage cheese, prepared by the caring hands of a mother and seasoned with her love!
Therefore, today you will learn three simple ways how to cook cottage cheese at home for your child.

Method number 1
Boil 1 liter. milk, preferably rustic, real. In the cooled milk, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sourdough and mix well. Pour this mixture into a thermos or place in a warm place. After 12 hours, sour milk should be heated in a water bath until the whey begins to separate. Immediately remove the pan from the heat and discard the cottage cheese in a colander or sieve - as you wish. As soon as all the liquid drains, healthy cottage cheese is ready to eat!

Method number 2
Take baby kefir. 0.5 liters will be enough. Put it in a water bath and watch the water. To get a tender cottage cheese, it should not boil much. After 15 minutes, you need to throw the resulting mass onto gauze so that the whey is glassed. Let the curd cool down and you're done!

Method number 3
Take 0.5 l. milk and bring to a boil. Add 10 ml. calcium chloride (one ampoule) into a saucepan and immediately set it aside. After squeezing the whey, get calcined cottage cheese. The less liquid remains in the curd, the higher the concentration of protein and fat will be in it.
It is advisable to feed babies up to a year with freshly prepared cottage cheese. If there is a need for storage, remember that the main enemy of cottage cheese is air. Therefore, in the refrigerator, keep it in an enamel or glass container with a lid. For older children, the product can be stored for two days.

Use homemade cottage cheese in your diet every day and let your child grow up healthy and strong!

How to properly store cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese quickly deteriorates: it turns sour in heat, mold appears in it in dampness. Therefore, it must be kept in the refrigerator, moreover, no more than two or three days. It is best to put it in a glass or porcelain dish with a lid, or pre-wrap the curd in parchment paper.

To prolong the shelf life of cottage cheese, it can be placed in an enamel pan, adding a couple of pieces of sugar there. In case of spontaneous souring of cottage cheese, it cannot be directly eaten due to the possible presence of pathogenic bacteria. It is necessary to prepare cheesecakes or other curd products from it that undergo heat treatment.
If the cottage cheese has become too sour, fresh milk can be added to it in equal amounts, and left for an hour. Then, throwing it on a strainer, let the water drain and put a load on it. The curd will then become less acidic.

How do I make delicious cottage cheese in the oven.

Cooking cottage cheese at home, personally tested, never turns out perfect. Then you digest it, the cottage cheese becomes grains, then you don’t cook it, it turns out a slurry without taste.
Having set a goal, the real correct way of making cottage cheese at home was found.

We take a jar of sour homemade milk, after removing a layer of cream, since the cottage cheese will turn out to be fat and tasty. We put the jar in any enameled bowl or ladle or tray so that it is deeper.

For what? Just in case the jar breaks. (don't be afraid, this is a very rare occurrence)
We put the tray with the jar on the grate in a cold oven, whether it is electric or gas.
We turn on the oven at the lowest temperature, I have the smallest scale of 50 degrees on my electric oven.
We set it for 10 minutes to begin with and observe when the curd mass in the jar rises, and the whey layer is two or three fingers below. I keep a liter jar for about 15 minutes, constantly feeling whether the jar is warm, then you can adjust the temperature to make it faster. But this is when you have a three-liter jar and do not want to wait 30 minutes.

When the whey has departed, turn off the oven, do not touch until the contents have cooled.
Well, after you know, you can hang it in a colander with gauze to drain the liquid.
And yet, if you like drier cottage cheese, keep it in the oven longer so that the whey leaves more strongly. Adjust yourself.

Probably, everyone has heard about the health benefits of dairy products. Such food is an excellent source of calcium and easily digestible protein, contains many vitamins and other elements necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. It is not for nothing that many pediatricians advise introducing milk into the diet of crumbs as early as six to eight months. Unfortunately, it is difficult to buy really high-quality dairy products in modern stores, but many of them can be prepared on your own. Let's clarify how to make cottage cheese at home quickly.

How to make cottage cheese easy and fast?

To prepare such a dairy product, you need a minimum of ingredients. You do not need to use pepsin and purchase starter cultures, you just need to stock up on one liter of fresh milk, half a teaspoon of salt and three tablespoons of lemon.

In a fairly large saucepan, combine milk and salt. Bring this mixture almost to a boil, but do not let it boil. Turn off the stove and pour the lemon juice into the milk, stirring. As a result, the milk will curdle in flakes. Leave it for five to seven minutes, during which time stir several times. If you want the finished cottage cheese to have a particularly pleasant creamy taste, add a tablespoon of heavy cream to the mass.

Cover the bowl with gauze folded in two or three layers. Pour the curd mixture over it. Carefully tie the edges of the gauze with a bag and lift it up. Place in a colander or even hang to drain excess liquid (whey). The more time the cottage cheese will give liquid, the more dry and dense it will turn out as a result.

In general, it will take you forty-five to sixty minutes to prepare juicy, tasty, tender and very healthy cottage cheese. Write down this method for yourself as the easiest and fastest recipe for tender homemade cottage cheese.

How to make cottage cheese quickly so that it is very, very tasty?

To prepare quick homemade cottage cheese, you need to prepare two liters of kefir (2.5% fat) and two liters of milk (also 2.5% fat).

Rinse a suitably sized pot with cold water. Pour milk and kefir into it. Stir the resulting mixture. Cover the pan with a lid and send it to the stove on the largest burner. Soak on a fire of minimum power for half an hour.

Wait until the mass in the pan begins to separate a clear whey. Stir the future cottage cheese with a spoon, carefully turning it from bottom to top. Cover again and leave for another twenty minutes. But in no case do not let the whey boil.

Leave the future cottage cheese under the lid until it cools completely, then carefully fish it out with a slotted spoon and put it in a colander. Leave in the refrigerator for three hours.
For taste, add condensed milk to the cottage cheese before use, but you can not do this or add any other ingredients.

A slightly longer option for making homemade cottage cheese

To prepare such cottage cheese, it is worth stocking up with one and a half liters of milk and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.

Combine a liter of milk with sour cream in a jar of a suitable size. Leave it in a fairly warm place so that the milk turns sour.
Then pour half a liter of fresh milk into a saucepan, bring it almost to a boil and pour the prepared mixture of sour milk into it. Mix well and simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave to cool.

Pour the resulting mass into a colander, covering it with gauze. Hang the bag with the future cottage cheese and leave it for an hour or two to glass the whey.

Quick curd from kefir

If you need not the classic crumbly cottage cheese, but soft cottage cheese or even cottage cheese cream, pay attention to this simple recipe. To prepare such a product, it is worth preparing kefir. Add salt or sugar to it, if desired, focusing on your taste preferences. Pour the kefir into a suitable container and send it to the freezer so that it freezes completely.

Put the frozen kefir in cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and hang. As it thaws, all the kefir whey will drain from it, and you will have a delicious soft curd. If you throw the frozen kefir on a sieve, and not hang it, you will get a wonderful curd cream.

Another recipe for "lazy" cottage cheese
This recipe is a variation on using acid to speed up the souring of milk. You need to prepare three liters of ordinary store-bought milk (but not pasteurized) and two hundred milliliters of vinegar.

Pour the milk into a clean saucepan and place over medium heat. After the milk warms up well, but does not boil yet, pour the prepared vinegar into it with constant stirring. As you stir, you will be able to see how the milk starts to flake. Reduce the heat to minimum power, cover the container with a napkin and leave to warm up. After about three to four hours, you will notice that the round cottage cheese pancake will sink a little, and its surface will begin to be covered with whey. At this stage, you need to turn off the fire under the pan. Cool the mass and dump it into a colander, covering it with gauze folded in several layers. Leave for half an hour or an hour, then squeeze well in a gauze bag and use the finished cottage cheese for its intended purpose.

Homemade cottage cheese does not contain preservatives and stabilizers, it is stored not so long, but at the same time it has excellent taste. From the proposed recipes, you can choose the option that suits you.

How to make cottage cheese at home?
Homemade cottage cheese is much healthier than store bought. The true composition of the latter often remains a mystery to the consumer. Why feed your children is not clear what, when you can give your child a delicious cottage cheese, cooked at home, in which you are sure. Don't know how to make cottage cheese at home? Even a novice hostess can do it, nothing complicated, but as a result you will receive not only a useful product, but also take care of the health of your family.
There are a lot of recipes for making cottage cheese at home. You just have to choose the one that suits you the most, there is a classic, grandmother's version, or you can make it in a slow cooker. Only proven recipes and excellent results.

Homemade cottage cheese from milk - a classic recipe

According to this recipe, even grandmothers made cottage cheese at home, and it will remain relevant for a long time. All that is needed for cooking is good quality milk, ideally country milk. If it is not possible to buy farm, use one that has a shelf life of several days.
Milk - 3 l

This recipe takes several days to prepare. Put the jar of milk in a warm place so that it turns into curdled milk. If the room is warm, 2 days is enough, cooler - the process will take 3-4 days.
If you have country milk, cream forms on its surface. They can be removed or left, then the fat content of the cottage cheese will be higher. Yogurt from natural milk is obtained as a single mass, while when using store-bought, yogurt is collected from above, and whey remains from below.
Carefully pour the yogurt into a saucepan and put on the stove, make the fire slow, stir occasionally. After 15-20 minutes, the serum will begin to actively separate.
Prepare a colander in advance, put it on a saucepan and cover with cheesecloth. Pour the contents of the pot into a colander, tie a cheesecloth and let the liquid drain well. The curd is ready.
If you like more moist cottage cheese, leave it in gauze for 3-4 hours, if you need a dry one, “forget” about it all night. Whey is great for making pancakes, fritters or bread.
This cottage cheese can be safely given to a child, and if you are going to introduce it to a baby, do not make the cottage cheese too fat. It will turn out great.
The following recipe is very interesting and simple, and you will learn how to make cottage cheese from kefir.

Frozen kefir curd

Here, in general, no effort is required to prepare it. The recipe is simple and easy. All you need is to buy a package of yogurt (in soft packaging) and put it in the freezer all night.
Next, take the kefir out of the freezer, cut and discard the packaging and transfer the kefir to a colander lined with gauze. Don't forget to put a pan under it. Kefir melted and you're done. You don't have to press anything. It turns out very tasty and tender cottage cheese. If you add fruit and give it to a child, he will not distinguish it from store-bought cottage cheese.
Such cottage cheese cannot be subjected to heat treatment! It is very moist and tender, so do not use it for cheesecakes and casseroles. It is best to simply eat it for dessert, adding honey or fresh berries to it, or use it to make cream.

Sourdough cottage cheese

Cottage cheese according to this recipe is cooked much faster than the classic one, but in addition to milk, you will need a special vivo sourdough.
If you will use village milk, it must first be boiled and juiced to a temperature of 40 C. Pasteurized milk can simply be heated to the required temperature.

Milk - 2.5 -3 l
Vivo sourdough – 1 pc.
Prepare milk depending on whether you have it: store-bought or natural farm. Take one bottle of sourdough starter, pour some milk into it and shake it. Add sourdough to warm milk and mix well. Cover the pan with a lid and set aside for 6-8 hours.
During this time, the milk will turn into curdled milk. Place a saucepan of milk on the stove and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes. You will see for yourself how the whey begins to separate from the curd mass. Remove from stove and cool to room temperature.
Drain the mass in a colander and leave for a while to drain the whey. The curd is very tender and tasty.
If you have a slow cooker, the following recipe is for you.

Cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Making cottage cheese according to this recipe is easy and simply does not require much effort.
Important! Cottage cheese is prepared using sour cream, so a natural product is required. Read the composition carefully, the correct sour cream is prepared only from cream, there should not be any vegetable fats. Take low-quality sour cream, just spoil all the products.
Milk - 2 l
Sour cream - 100 gr.

Pour warm milk into a multicooker bowl, add sour cream and mix well. Turn on the Yoghurt program for 7 hours. If your multicooker does not have such a function, the Multicooker program is also suitable. Set the temperature to 38°C and the time to 7 hours.
After the specified time, mix the milk, turn on the “Multi-cook” program for 40 minutes, t - 95 ° C.
Drain the cottage cheese in a colander in the usual way. The longer the whey drains from it, the drier it will turn out. If you don't know how long it will take you, try cottage cheese periodically. Usually takes from 1 to 12 hours. It all depends on which one you like more: slightly moist or drier. He is not afraid of heat treatment, so baking from him is excellent. Mix with berries and a tasty and healthy treat for the child is ready. An excellent recipe - making cottage cheese is very simple, and besides, constant monitoring is not needed.

Curd from milk and lemon juice

Very fast way- cooking healthy cottage cheese at home. Take any milk, in this recipe it does not matter. The cottage cheese prepared according to this recipe is very tasty, but it is better not to use it for baking. Prepare light and airy desserts from it.
Milk - 1 l
Juice of half a lemon

Before you start cooking, squeeze the juice from the lemon. Place a pot of milk on the stove. Heat it well over low heat. As soon as signs of boiling appear, pour in the lemon juice, stir and remove the pan from the heat. You will see how the milk curdles instantly and the whey separates immediately.
Drain the mass in a colander and let the whey drain. Literally after 30 minutes, the cottage cheese can be eaten. This express recipe will come in handy when you want cottage cheese here and now. Despite the fact that it is prepared literally in a matter of minutes, this does not affect the taste in any way.
No less tasty cottage cheese can be made according to the following recipe.

Cottage cheese from milk and kefir

Another quick recipe. For its preparation, the cheapest milk and the same cheap kefir in soft packs are suitable. It is prepared quickly and simply by analogy with the previous recipe.
Milk - 2 l
Kefir - 1 l
Pour milk into a saucepan and place on the stove over low heat. You do not need to boil milk, as soon as you see that it starts to boil, pour in kefir. Stir and remove the saucepan from the heat.
When the milk has cooled to room temperature, drain in a colander. Allow time to glass the serum. After about an hour, the cottage cheese is ready and you can eat it. If you plan to cook cheesecakes from it, leave it in a colander for a little longer, about two hours.
The next option for making cottage cheese at home is not quite a recipe, but the result is excellent.

Curd from sour milk

This is not a recipe, but rather a food rescue. Suppose you forgot about milk or bought a lot and did not have time to use it, and it turned sour. Why throw away when you can make delicious and healthy cottage cheese. After all, in fact, milk for cottage cheese should curdle, turn sour, as in the classic recipe, and here almost everything is ready. It remains to put in quite a bit of effort.
Milk. How much. Of course, the more, the better.

Pour the sour milk into a saucepan and place on the stove. Make the fire slow, do not forget to stir occasionally. As soon as the milk begins to warm up, whey will immediately begin to separate. It will be enough to hold it on the stove for 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
Remove the pan from the stove, put it in a colander, let the whey drain.
The taste of cottage cheese will depend on how long you had sour milk. If you feel that there is sourness in the finished product, it is better for the child not to give it, but to use it for baking. Such cottage cheese perfectly tolerates heat treatment.

Helpful Hints:
do not heat milk in an enamel pan, it may burn and the taste of the cottage cheese will deteriorate;
for an excellent result, choose natural village milk, if this is not possible, buy with a short expiration date;
whichever recipe you choose, do not boil the milk, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out tough and tasteless.

We suggest to see:

How to make homemade cheese

While the milk turns sour, it is not necessary to mix it. The milk mass will become dense, bubbles will form on top. As soon as the milk turns sour, lightly mix the milk mass.

Put the saucepan with the milk mixture in a water bath. I just put the saucepan with the mixture in a larger pot of water. From the moment the water boils, keep the pan in a water bath over low heat for about 10 minutes. During this time, gently mix the mixture from bottom to top several times. The serum will begin to separate. The main thing is not to overheat and not overexpose the mixture, in this case the cottage cheese will turn out to be tough.

For a while, leave the gauze with cottage cheese in a colander to drain excess whey, and then tie the gauze in a knot, and put a load on top.

In this form, leave the cottage cheese from cow's milk for 6-8 hours. If you like soft and not grainy cottage cheese, then you can reduce the pressing time. Transfer the finished homemade cottage cheese to a jar or bowl and store in the refrigerator.

Here is such a delicious, tender cottage cheese made from milk, cooked at home, I got. I love cottage cheese with grains, so I often overcook it under pressure, but this is a matter of taste.

Enjoy your meal!

It is important for mothers that children receive all the most useful in the diet, and therefore factory-made sour-milk products are increasingly being replaced by home-made ones. For example, cottage cheese is excellent at home from raw and boiled milk, fresh whole natural cow's milk and from a purchased pasteurized store product. There are many different recipes that can teach us how to make the most delicious, environmentally friendly cottage cheese by boiling and even non-thermal methods.

How is cottage cheese made from milk?

Today, in the age of widespread use of genetically modified goods, the dangers of which are trumpeted from all over, trust in factory products is fading before our eyes. It becomes scary not so much for himself, but for the children.

That is why more and more people are striving to purchase a natural rural assortment of dairy products. Villagers and farm owners deftly manage milk, preparing a lot of tasty and healthy products from it. However, many townspeople are not even aware that it is quite simple to get the same cottage cheese from milk with their own hands, the main thing is to know the algorithm of this process.

So how do you make your own organic cottage cheese?

Homemade cottage cheese from village milk

First you need to decide what kind of milk homemade cottage cheese is made from. Undoubtedly, homemade fresh milk from milk cows is the best raw material for curdling.

Such cottage cheese is soft, tender, juicy and very nutritious. From 1 liter of milk you can get up to 300 g of fresh cottage cheese.

Even if homemade milk has been passed through a separator, it will still be an excellent solution for making fat-free cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese from store milk

However, very often city hostesses are visited by the question, is it possible to make homemade cottage cheese from store-bought milk, because in the conditions of the city it is not always possible to buy farm goods?

Yes, of course, you can resort to factory milk, it curdles perfectly and here it’s not even so important whether the raw material is fresh or boiled. At home, even from low-fat, pasteurized and lactose-free milk, you can cook a good curd product.

To obtain 1 kg of cottage cheese, at least 4 liters of milk are required.

How does the curdling process take place?

Everything is simple here. To begin with, milk must be allowed to sour and curdle, that is, turn into yogurt.

This can be done in various ways, from simply keeping the drink warm for about a day, and ending with the use of various natural ferments (sour cream, kefir, bifidumbacterin), acids (citric acid, vinegar, lemon juice) and chemicals (calcium chloride).

Further, fermented milk is subjected to thermal and cryo-treatment, as a result of which the curdled milk breaks up into two fractions, one of which is cottage cheese. That's all science. Everything looks pretty easy and simple, and even without visual video tutorials.

Let's now put the theoretical knowledge into practice.


  • — 5 l + -
  • Kefir - 1 l + -

Making homemade cottage cheese from milk

This recipe for making homemade cottage cheese can rightly be called classic or even traditional, because this is how this product has been prepared from time immemorial, mainly from natural cow's milk.

In order to cook homemade cottage cheese, we need both milk and kefir as a starter.

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. It must be heated over medium heat with occasional stirring so that it does not burn.
  2. As soon as the milk boils, pour all the kefir into it and, continuing to cook, actively mix the whole mass from top to bottom so that the leaven is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of milk.
  3. After a few minutes, you will notice that the milk has curdled, and the protein grains have risen to the top - this is the cottage cheese itself that has separated from the whey.
  4. Now we need to filter it from the whey liquid, for which we line a sieve installed on an empty pan with gauze folded two or three times and drain all the contents of the pan through it.
  5. The cottage cheese remained in gauze, and the whey was in a glass container. We tie the edges of the fabric in the form of a bag and hang it up so that the excess whey is completely glassed from the curd.

The curd is ready! Now you can cook cheesecakes with it, and stuff it, or just mix it with sugar and raisins and eat it for breakfast.

Among the huge variety of different options for obtaining cottage cheese, there is naturally an express recipe that will tell us how to quickly cook cottage cheese at home from fresh and boiled milk from the store.

To do this, we do not even need sourdough, but we will use a pharmaceutical preparation called calcium chloride. By this method, back in Soviet times, mothers tried to make homemade kefir and cottage cheese enriched with calcium for their children.

These products are not only very tasty, but also able to strengthen teeth and bones, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.


  • Pasteurized milk - 0.5 l;
  • Calcium chloride 10% solution - 1.5 tablespoons;

Preparation of calcined cottage cheese

The prepared products are just enough to prepare one serving of cottage cheese for a child.

  • So, we heat the milk in a saucepan to 40 ° C, after which, with vigorous stirring, we introduce a ten percent solution of calcium chloride into the liquid.
  • Then bring the milk to a boil, and cook until the mass curdles. Next, remove the brew from the stove and, after cooling, we fold the curd into a strainer. After 15 minutes, the excess liquid will drain, and the cottage cheese can be eaten.

In this recipe, you should strictly adhere to the stated proportions, because if you add too much CaCl 2 to milk, then the cottage cheese will be bitter, which neither children nor adults will definitely like.

Absolutely healthy people can consume any dairy products without fear for their own health, however, for persons with lactose deficiency, the acceptable range of dairy products is very limited.

And if you can still find lactose-free products in megacities, then for small towns this is sometimes an outlandish product. And therefore, people with such a diagnosis have no choice but to cook special cottage cheese at home on their own, since such milk is available today in almost every major market.

And in order to make the product even more useful, instead of sourdough we will resort to the help of bifidobacteria, and we will not boil sour milk, but we will use the sparing cryo curdling method.


  • lactose-free milk - 1 l;
  • Bifidumbacterin - 2 ampoules;

Making homemade lactose-free cottage cheese

  1. First, we need to bring the milk to a boil, then cool it to 38 ° C and pour it into a thermos, where we also add diluted bifidumbacterin.
  2. After 10-16 hours, a luxurious lactose-free kefir and enriched with bifidobacteria is formed in a thermos. To preserve all the benefits of this product, we do not use fire, but a freezer to prepare cottage cheese.
  3. So, pour the kefir into a bag and send it to the freezer for 8 hours, and best of all at night. And in the morning we take out the bag, cut it, take out the ice floe and put it on a sieve lined with three-layer gauze. In the process of thawing, the whey will drain through the holes, and the most delicate, juicy and soft cottage cheese will remain in a gauze bag.

Yes, no doubt, this method takes a lot of time, but having enjoyed the taste of this curd and having taken the lion's share of the benefits, we really understand that it's worth it and then cooking cottage cheese at home from any kind of milk will become your constant occupation in the kitchen.

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