Cooking club new recipes every day. Simple recipes with photos

What if you regularly cook for the family and you are already tired of the usual recipes, but you don’t feel like eating the same thing all week? What if you do not have enough imagination to come up with something new every day? Is it possible to cook every day tasty, healthy, varied and at the same time economical? Of course yes!

In this section, we have collected many ideas for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
Here you will find a large selection of simple and delicious soups, traditional and unusual main courses, familiar to everyone and the most incredible desserts, a lot of dishes that you can take to work, on a picnic or cook on many other occasions. With us you can create an original menu for every day!

This site is dedicated to cooking in the oven. But is it really possible to fully eat for a long time only dishes baked there? Isn't it boring? You can, and it's not boring at all!
Of the recipes for the oven for every day, housewives are often familiar only with baked potatoes, but they want to surprise their loved ones every day with interesting culinary finds. If this is about you, then you have not made a mistake with the address - on our website there are many hearty, tasty, healthy, beautiful, easy-to-cook and budget dishes. You will learn how the same potato can be baked in different ways - in spices, with cheese, stuffed and in many other ways.

Vegetables, stews, bread, cereals, pasta, mushrooms and pies - everything that you eat every day can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in the oven. Why fry or boil when you can bake? This will save you a lot of time and effort. No need to pay attention to each cheesecake or pancake - everything is baked in one go on a baking sheet. In addition, everything turns out especially tasty and juicy in the oven!

Ruddy chicken, boiled pork, barbecue, baked fish, a variety of pies with meat, fish, vegetables or sweet, baked vegetables - all this is easy to cook in the oven.
And the casseroles - generally a miracle - laid out all the ingredients in layers, poured dressing, sent it to the oven and in half an hour everything was ready. This is such a magical closet!

The menu for every day includes dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner with the family, but you are not ashamed to treat them to suddenly arriving guests - they will certainly appreciate your skills and ask for the recipe.

Delicious barbecue in the oven - the recipe has been repeatedly tested! Meat is indistinguishable from grilled meat! Guests always ask where I fried the barbecue, because we live in an apartment)). The preparation is elementary, and the kebab in the oven turns out to be tender, juicy, slightly fried. Very tasty! Try it! I recommend!

Pork, onion, vinegar, sugar, lemon juice, spices, salt, pepper

Chicken rolls in French with mushrooms and cheese - a great hot appetizer for any festive table.

Chicken fillet, mushrooms, cheese, sunflower oil, milk, seasoning, mayonnaise, lemon, vegetable oil, salt, allspice, bay leaf, turmeric

Great pizza recipe. In just half an hour you will have two pizzas. The filling can be any, according to your taste. The only condition is that it must be ready. Pizza bakes so fast! :)

Flour, milk, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil, bell pepper, sausage, smoked meat, tomatoes, hard cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise

Delicious casserole with minced meat and mushrooms, shifted with cabbage leaves.

Fresh mushrooms, butter, seasoning, milk, flour, amber cheese, onions, carrots, smoked cheese, hard cheese, minced meat, tomato paste, tomato sauce, vegetable oil, salt...

Lavash is simply a miracle of cooking. You can do so many delicious things with it! And most importantly, quickly, if there is a piece of boiled or fried chicken. Recommend dinner for hastily- Lavash with chicken and vegetables.

Lavash, chicken legs, chicken fillet, white cabbage, Korean carrot, carrot, mayonnaise, ketchup, butter, salt, pepper

It has long been recognized by all, "folk" recipe. Naval pasta has not lost its popularity over the years. A simple recipe - naval pasta is prepared from a minimum amount of products, any meat (or mixed minced meat) can be used. Plus, it's hearty and very delicious recipe. Naval pasta can gather a whole army of its fans.

Pasta, meat, margarine, onion, broth, salt, pepper, herbs

What do grandmothers cook for dinner for their grandchildren? That's right, all sorts of goodies. And what do Tatar grandmothers cook for dinner for their grandchildren, and even if it's frosty outside the window? Of course, Azu in Tatar!

Beef, lamb, potatoes, onions, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, canned tomatoes own juice, tomato paste, melted butter, meat broth...

Do you already have unexpected guests? Well, let them go, we are always glad to have guests :) Crab salad with croutons "Instant". Up! And already on the table!

Crab sticks, croutons, canned corn, Chinese cabbage, hard cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, salt, ground black pepper

I often cook meat in French with mushrooms for the holidays. Its advantage is that it does not require a side dish at all. Easy to prepare and select ingredients, but very tasty.

Pork, beef, champignons, tomatoes, sweet pepper, onion, cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, butter, herbs

Chicken always comes to my rescue. Quickly prepared, but delicious as, mmm! I present the recipe for beef stroganoff from chicken breast I think you'll like it. FROM beautiful design will go as a hot dish on New Year 2016.

Chicken fillet, onion, flour, cream, tomato juice, mustard, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

I want to show how I cook chakhokhbili. And this recipe of mine is an amalgamation of at least three recipes. different residents the North Caucasian region - my mother, my father's mother and one Tuapse Georgian who cooked chakhokhbili so spicy that molten lead seemed cool water compared to it.

Chicken, onion, tomatoes, red pepper, red pepper, sweet pepper, coriander seeds, zira, cilantro, salt

French-style potatoes baked in the oven with meat and onions. A very simple recipe, but French potatoes are always very tasty and appetizing. Yes, and it looks quite - why not hot dishes for the New Year 2016?

Welcome to the section with recipes for second courses! Here you will find simple step by step recipes with photos in huge number, most of them can be whipped up in just 20-30 minutes. These are, first of all, meat dishes: pork, beef, as well as chicken, fish and other ingredients that every hostess always has at hand. In this section, we have tried to collect for you as many practical recipes for every day as possible, so that you can quickly and tasty prepare the second course. Cook with us and share your experience in the comments!

Very easy to prepare and insanely delicious oven baked potato wedges. Even a novice hostess will cope with their preparation, and all guests and relatives will appreciate the taste. These potato wedges can be an independent dish with fresh salad, can be served as a side dish for some meat or as […]

Stew is perhaps the most versatile recipe. I prepared a cauldron of such meat and then just alternate the side dishes for it. The recipe of Circassian cuisine was taken as the basis of this recipe. In principle, the main steps are fully reproduced, but since I don't like spicy (like my family), I didn't add hot peppers. Literally […]

Bigus or bigos is a traditional Polish dish. There is even a chapter dedicated to Bigos in a poem by the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz. If you look in the dictionary Polish, then we learn that "bigus" means a dish of different varieties of chopped meat and cabbage. There are a great many options for preparing this dish, since bigus is prepared in […]

Delicate zucchini casserole with minced chicken. Even a novice hostess can cook a casserole according to this recipe. In cooking, you can use both fresh and frozen zucchini. Moreover, it is convenient that the juice from them does not need to be drained. To make the casserole a little creamier, add about 100 g of cottage cheese […]

As a rule, red fish, with the exception of salmon, turns out to be rather dry when baked in the oven. Therefore, I prefer to bake such fish under a coat of onions and carrots. The fish turns out very tender and juicy, it can be served both hot and cold. Can be served as an independent dish, because. there is […]

To be honest, I don't really like to cook liver. There is something repulsive about her. However, I love liver pancakes and liver pate, so I cook both on the same day to get enough of the taste of the liver and then not want it for a long time. Of all the variety of pancake recipes, I liked […]

Chanterelles are the most favorite mushrooms in our family. In the season of these mushrooms, we eat them almost every day and, of course, we harvest them for the future for the winter. At first, I boiled mushrooms, and then one mushroom picker shared with us a recipe for such preparation of chanterelles, and since then, I have been cooking chanterelles […]

The prototype of this dish is a traditional German dish - stewed cabbage with dumplings. This is a homemade German dish, so it is very easy to prepare it. The taste of the dish can be changed according to your taste. So half of the fresh cabbage can be replaced with sauerkraut, you can also add meat flavor: fry bacon or smoked meat. You can also cook […]

Very simple and tasty snack from zucchini - zucchini cake with carrots and onions. Such a cake may well decorate the festive table, because. turns out to be very elegant. The stages of cooking zucchini cake resemble a pancake cake, i.e. we bake zucchini pancakes. and then soak them. Mayonnaise impregnation can be replaced with sour cream to reduce […]

The stages of cooking pilaf with chicken are similar to the classic pilaf recipe. The only thing is that such pilaf is prepared many times faster. I also have preferences in choosing rice for this dish, and if for traditional pilaf it is better to buy "Uzbek" rice, then for pilaf with chicken, I choose basmati rice. Prepare this […]

Simple, but everyone's favorite pancakes made from grated potato mass. Ingredients: potatoes - 6 pcs (700 g), onions - 2 pcs, egg - 1 pc, flour - 2 tablespoons ...

Baking, Fritters

Ordinary cabbage rolls with minced meat, cooked correctly, will also become the crown of culinary creation... Ingredients: 1 big head of cabbage cabbage, meat

On the second, Meat, Stuffed cabbage

A simple recipe for a universal (male) dish of beef stewed with tomatoes and onions. Ingredients: beef tenderloin - 1 kg, fresh tomatoes..

On the second, Meat

An ordinary vinaigrette can be made so tasty ... If there is a desire and a little imagination. Ingredients: potatoes - 4 pcs, carrots (medium) - 2 pcs,..

Salads, Vegetable salads

Easy to prepare and very loved by children and adults confectionery. Ingredients: chicken eggs- 4 pcs, butter (cream) or ..

Bakery products, sweet pastries

A simple recipe for dumplings with cottage cheese filling. Ingredients of the dough: egg whites - 3 pcs, water - half a glass, milk - half a glass, salt - 1/2 teasp...

On the second, Vareniki

A great, easy-to-make appetizer. Ingredients: baguette - 4 slices, tomatoes - 2 pcs, garlic - 2 cloves, basil greens..

For a snack, Sandwiches, Bruschetta, Vegetable snacks

Ordinary red beet borscht with pork, beef or chicken meat. Ingredients: meat (pork, beef or chicken) - 500 gr..

First, Soups with meat, Borscht

Simple classic recipe belyashi from yeast dough with minced meat. Ingredients: Dough composition: flour - 2 cups, margarine or vegetable ...

Pastries, Unsweetened pastries, Belyashi

The recipe for a simple banana cake for lovers of sweet pastries for tea. Ingredients: butter- 100 gr, sugar - 250-270 gr, vanilla..

Baking, Sweet pastries, Cupcakes

Any man can make a very tasty but easy-to-prepare salad for the holiday of March 8 for his beloved. Minimal amount..

Salads, Meat salads

Cauliflower florets stewed in a frying pan with shrimp and sour cream. Ingredients: Cauliflower - 300 gr. Shrimps peeled - 30 gr...

Second, Vegetables, Seafood

A fairly easy-to-prepare sponge cake with raisins, the dough of which includes condensed milk. Ingredients: Milk (condensed, whole,...

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

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