Spring in classical music. Summary of the lesson “Spring in the work of poets, artists, composers This lesson was prepared

As an artist describes nature with colors, a composer and musician describes nature with music. From the great composers, we got whole collections of works from the cycle "Seasons".

The seasons in music are as different in colors and sounds as the works in the work of musicians of different times are different, different countries and different style. Together they form the music of nature. It's the cycle of the seasons Italian composer Baroque A. Vivaldi. Touching to the depth of the piece on the piano by P. I. Tchaikovsky. And yet, be sure to taste the unexpected tango of the seasons by A. Piazzolla, the grandiose oratorio by J. Haydn and the gentle soprano, melodic piano in music Soviet composer V. A. Gavrilina.

Description of musical works by famous composers from the cycle "The Seasons"

Seasons spring:

Seasons summer:

Seasons autumn:

seasons winter:

Every season is small work, where every month these are small plays, compositions, variations. With his music, the composer tries to convey the mood of nature, which is characteristic of one of the four seasons of the year. All works together form music cycle, like nature itself, going through all the seasonal changes in the year-round cycle of the year.

As an artist describes nature with colors, a composer and musician describes nature with music. From the great composers we got whole collections of works from the cycle "Seasons".

We invite you to immerse yourself in music spring nature feel the real breath and thrill of spring.

A. Vivaldi "The Seasons". Spring

Written in 1723, the cycle of 4 concertos "Four Seasons" is the most famous work Antonio Vivaldi and one of popular works music of the baroque period. "Spring" is the first concert from the "Seasons" cycle.

In the first part of the concerts "The Seasons" famous composer expressed the full power of spring, accompanying three works with a poetic sonnet, colorfully describing the phenomena of nature.

Vivaldi's sonnet was also divided into three parts: in the first part, nature appears, freeing itself from winter captivity, in the second, the shepherd sleeps peacefully, and in the third, the shepherd dances with the nymphs under the cover of Spring.

Concert No. 1 in E major "Spring"

As planned by Vivaldi, each season corresponds to a certain region of Italy, and for spring it is romantic Venice and the shores of the Adriatic, where seascapes and the sunrise over the Earth awakening from hibernation.


Vivaldi Spring

Spring is coming! And joyful song
Full of nature. Sun and warmth
Streams murmur. And holiday news
Zephyr spreads like magic.
Suddenly velvet clouds roll in
Like a blasphemy, heavenly thunder sounds.
But the mighty whirlwind quickly dries up,
And twitter again floats in the blue space.
The breath of flowers, the rustle of herbs,
The nature of dreams is full.
The shepherd is sleeping, tired for the day,
And the dog barks a little audibly.
Shepherd's bagpipe sound
Buzzing over the meadows,
And the nymphs dancing the magic circle
Spring is colored with marvelous rays.

Not only the old baroque form of the musical concert “Spring” is interesting, but also the solo sound of the instruments: the gentle sounds of the violin are replaced by an anxious oboe, the basses enter gradually, superimposed on the melody where “lightning” and “thunder” are depicted.

The melody in the first part of the spring cycle is Allegro, it often changes rhythm, breaks up, “voices and trills of birds”, “murmur of a stream”, lightness of the breeze are clearly audible. The second part is Largo, melodic, during the sound of the music there is a three-layer texture. The upper layer is a melodic violin solo, melodiousness and sadness. The middle layer of the texture imitates the quiet rustling of leaves and grass, the sounds are monotonous and go well with the basses of the third layer - rhythmic, depicting a barely audible “yelping of a dog”. The third part of the cycle resembles the first one in terms of tempo and sound dynamics, but there is noticeable rhythmic braking at the end of each melodic wave. Vivaldi chose the solo violin as the protagonist of the "Spring" cycle, dividing each "month" into three stages: exposition, development and reprise.

P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons". Spring

"Song of the Lark". March

"The field is shaking with flowers,
Waves of light are pouring in the sky.
spring larks singing
The blue abysses are full
A.N. Maiko


The first piece from the spring cycle is dedicated to March, when delicate and fragile flowers break out from under the snow, return from the warm edges of the bird, and a lark chirps on the thawed patches in the forest, warmed by the gentle rays of the sun. The singing of a lark symbolizes spring, so the lyrical and unhurried melody resembles the call of birds, free flight over native expanses and creates a light, slightly sad and dreamy mood. Light trills gradually subside, night falls in the forest, and everything freezes in anticipation next day.

As an epigraph to this play, the composer used a poem by the poet Apollon Maykov, which tells about the flight of a lark in the sky, joyfully singing praises of spring, blooming flowers and the generous sun.

"Snowdrop". April

"Dove clean
Snowdrop: flower,
And near the see-through
Last snow.
Last tears
About the grief of the past
And the first dreams
About other happiness ... "
A.N. Maikov


As soon as the snow melts from the fields and forest glades, and green grass begins to break through from under the old leaves and needles in the glades, snowdrops appear. Nature is awakening, sending her first messengers to the light. Like the snowdrop flower, the month of April is very loved by the Russian people, especially by women, poets dedicate poems to it, emphasizing the whiteness and transparency of the bells, reminiscent of the fact that spring has finally come into its own. The beginning of Tchaikovsky's play "March" is permeated with touching motifs, similar to a quiet, dizzying waltz, which is replaced by emotional chords, and then muffled-sounding major notes. At the beginning of the first section, the piece is more airy, towards the middle the game becomes more emotional and descends to the lower octaves, and then returns to a light and sensual waltz again.

This piece of music is also dedicated to one of the poems by A.N. Maykov, in which the snowdrop is compared with hope, and almost melted snow with forgotten sorrows and anxiety.

"White Nights ". May

"What a night! What bliss is on everything!
Thank you, native midnight land!
From the realm of ice, from the realm of blizzards and snow
How fresh and clean your May flies out!
A.A. Fet


Pyotr Tchaikovsky lived in St. Petersburg for many years, so he dedicated one of his plays to the famous "white nights" that begin at the end of May. The freshness of the night, when it is light outside, almost like daytime, languid bliss last days springs, followed by heat, warm sun - all this is reflected in the iridescent and flowing piano music, full of contradictions. Then the melody rushes up, forcing you to experience sublime feelings and delight, then drops by several octaves, betraying the soul with heavy thoughts.

The work consists of several sections, short, lyrical digressions, joyful chords, short reprises and a calm, slow finale, presenting the viewer with a bright sky and strict northern beauty.

Astor Piazzolla "The Seasons" Spring

The composer's talent lies in the ability to express those feelings and emotions that the writer conveys with the help of words, and the artist paints pictures that reflect the state of his inner peace sometimes contradicting the surrounding reality. One of brilliant musicians of the 20th century, the Argentine musician Astor Piazzolla was recognized as having created his own and inimitable musical style.

Astor Piazzolla turned the whole idea of ​​how real voluptuous music should sound if you mix all three genres of different forms into one cocktail. Thus was born an incomparable style - an amazing style of play. It is based on several directions: tango, jazz and classical music.

Spring. Piazzolla - Primavera Portena Allegro


This part of the Four Seasons in Buenos Aires cycle is more like a classical tango, with an emotional rush, an incendiary rhythm and a fast tempo set by the accordion.

The performance of this work can be heard in the interpretation of many orchestras, but interest music critics it is not so much the new presentation of tango music that provokes, but the sharp change in the melody in the middle and the lyricism, which is replaced by passion from the very first chords of the accordionist's solo.

J. Haydn Oratorio "The Seasons". 1st part: Spring

The 1st part opens with the instrumental introduction "Transition from winter to spring". The composition of the overture is double: the intro of a heavy bass with forcing atmosphere is replaced by a soft, light, tonal-stable motif.

Each part of The Seasons has an instrumental introduction, but only the first of them performs the function of an overture to the entire cycle. The main task is to tune the listener to the desired emotional tone, to lead him from the gloomy winter covered with cold darkness to life itself - a cloudless and joyful spring.

The choir gives way to Simon's heavy, powerful bass, which lifts off the solo section of The Four Seasons. A clear rhythm, a square structure and a commitment to folk singing bring the listener closer to the life of a cheerful plowman, whose role is played by Simon.

The general tone towards the end of "Spring" rises. And the peak becomes choral song, which ends the spring part of the oratorio.

We got up early today.
We can't sleep tonight!
They say the starlings are back!
They say it's spring!

Guide Lagzdyn. March

Spring inspired many talented people. Poets sang her beauty with words, artists tried to capture the riot of her colors with a brush, and musicians tried to convey her gentle sound more than once. Kultura.RF remembers Russian composers who dedicated their works to spring.


Konstantin Yuon. March sun. 1915. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Spring performed by an outstanding Russian composer is revealed in three of the twelve paintings piano cycle"Seasons".

The idea of ​​creating musical seasons was not new. Long before Peter Tchaikovsky similar sketches were created by the Italian maestro Antonio Vivaldi and the Austrian composer Joseph Haydn. But if the European masters created a seasonal picture of nature, then Tchaikovsky devoted a separate theme to each month.

Touching musical sketches were not originally a spontaneous manifestation of Tchaikovsky's love for nature. The idea of ​​the cycle belonged to Nicholas Bernard, editor of the Nuvellist magazine. It was he who ordered it to the composer for the collection, in which musical works were accompanied by poems - including Apollona Maykov and Afanasy Fet . The spring months were represented by the paintings “March. Song of the Lark”, “April. Snowdrop" and "May. White Nights".

Tchaikovsky's spring turned out to be lyrical and at the same time bright in sound. Exactly the same as the author once wrote about her in a letter to Nadezhda von Meck:“I love our winter, long, stubborn. You can’t wait until fasting comes, and with it the first signs of spring. But what a magic our spring is with its suddenness, its magnificent strength!.


Isaac Levitan. March. 1895. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

A story familiar to many since childhood spring fairy tale found musical form thanks to an interesting set of circumstances. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov got to know the story Alexander Ostrovsky in 1874, but she made a "strange" impression on the composer.

Only five years later, as the author himself recalled in his memoirs “Chronicles to my musical life”, he “saw the sight of her amazing beauty.” Having received Ostrovsky's permission to use the plot of his play, the composer wrote his own famous opera for three summer months.

In 1882 on stage Mariinsky Theater The premiere of the opera The Snow Maiden in four acts took place. Ostrovsky highly appreciated the work of Rimsky-Korsakov, noting that he could never imagine "a more suitable and vividly expressing all poetry pagan cult» music to his composition. The images of the young daughter of Frost and Spring, the shepherd Lel and Tsar Berendey turned out so vivid that the composer himself called The Snow Maiden "his best work."

To understand how Rimsky-Korsakov saw spring, one should listen to the beginning of the Prologue and the Fourth Act of his opera.


Arkhip Kuindzhi. Early spring. 1890-1895. Kharkov Art Museum.

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And water
already in the spring they make noise -
and wake up the sleepy shore,
and they shine and they say ...
They are
they all say:
it's coming, spring is coming!
We are young
spring messengers,
She is
sent us ahead!

Fedor Tyutchev

It is these lines Fyodor Tyutchev formed the basis of the eponymous romance Sergei Rachmaninoff « spring waters". Written in 1896, the romance completed early period the composer's work, still filled with romantic traditions and lightness of content.

The impetuous and seething sound of Rachmaninov's spring corresponded to the mood of the era: to late XIX century, after the reign critical realism and censorship of the second half of the century, society was awakening, revolutionary movement, and in public consciousness there was anxiety associated with the imminent entry into a new era.


Boris Kustodiev. Spring. 1921. Art Gallery Generations Fund. Khanty-Mansiysk.

In February 1900 on stage Mariinsky Theater the premiere of the allegorical ballet "The Seasons" took place, in which the eternal history life of Nature - from awakening after a long winter sleep to fading into an autumn waltz of leaves and snow.

The musical accompaniment of the idea of ​​​​Ivan Vsevolozhsky was the composition of Alexander Glazunov, who at that time was a well-known and respected musician. Together with his teacher Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, he restored and completed Alexander Borodin's opera Prince Igor, made his debut at the World Exhibition in Paris, and wrote the music for the ballet Raymonda.

The plot of "The Seasons" Glazunov created based on his own symphonic picture"Spring", which he wrote nine years earlier. In it, spring turned to the Zephyr wind for help in order to drive away winter and surround everything around with love and warmth.


Nicholas Roerich. Set design for the ballet The Rite of Spring. 1910. Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York, USA

Another "spring" ballet belongs to another student of Rimsky-Korsakov - Igor Stravinsky . As the composer wrote in his memoirs “The Chronicle of My Life”, one day a picture of pagan rituals and a girl who sacrificed her beauty and life in the name of awakening the sacred spring suddenly appeared in his imagination.

He shared his idea with the stage designer Nicholas Roerich who was just as passionate Slavic traditions, and entrepreneur Sergei Diaghilev.

It was within the framework of the Russian Seasons of Diaghilev in Paris in May 1913 that the premiere of the ballet took place. The public did not accept pagan dances and condemned "barbarian music". The staging failed.

The composer later described the main idea of ​​the ballet in the article “What I wanted to express in The Rite of Spring”:"The bright Resurrection of nature, which is reborn to a new life, a complete resurrection, a spontaneous resurrection of the conception of the world". And this wildness is really felt in the magical expression of Stravinsky's music, full of primordial human feelings and natural rhythms.

100 years later, in the same theater on the Champs-Elysées, where The Rite of Spring was booed, the troupe and orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater performed this opera - this time with a full house.


Igor Grabar. March snow. 1904. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

In the work of Dmitry Kabalevsky, a classic of the Soviet music school, public figure and teacher, the motives of spring met more than once. For example, spring notes sound throughout the entire operetta "Spring Sings", staged for the first time in November 1957 on the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater. The famously twisted plot of the work in three acts was dedicated to the Soviet spring, the symbol of which was the October Revolution. Aria main character"Spring Again" summed up the composer's main idea: happiness is earned only by struggle.

Three years later, Dmitry Kabalevsky dedicated another work to this season - the symphonic poem "Spring", which is centered around the sounds of awakening nature.


Vasily Bashkeev. blue spring. 1930. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The work of Georgy Sviridov is one of the main symbols of the Soviet musical era. His suite "Time Forward" and illustrations for Pushkin's "Snowstorm" have long become classics of world culture.

The composer turned to the theme of spring in 1972: he composed a poem inspired by the poem Nikolai Nekrasov "Who in Russia to live well" "Spring Cantata". This work was a kind of reflection on the choice spiritual path Russia, but Sviridov did not deprive him of Nekrasov's inherent poetic admiration for the beauty of Russian nature. For example, the composer saved the following lines in Cantata:

Spring has begun
The birch blossomed
As we went home...
ok light
In the world of God!
Okay, easy
Clear to the heart.

Nikolai Nekrasov

The instrumental part of the cantata "Bells and Horns" has a special mood:

Nature and Music: Spring

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Spring
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Seasons. April - Snowdrop
Alexander Grechaninov. Snowdrop
Antonio Vivaldi. Seasons: Spring (I part)

1st lesson

Software content. To teach children to feel the moods expressed in music, in a poetic word.

Lesson progress:

P e d a g o g. Spring ... How beautiful nature is in spring! How much joy it brings to people! How many hopes and aspirations come to life in people in the spring!

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!
How clear is the sky!
With its azure alive
He blinds my eyes.
Spring, spring! How high
On the wings of the wind
caressing the sunbeams,
Clouds are flying!
Noisy streams! Glittering streams!
Roaring, the river carries
On the triumphant ridge
The ice she lifted!
More trees are bare
But in the grove there is a decrepit leaf,
As before, under my foot
And noisy and fragrant.
Under the sun most soared
And in the bright sky
The invisible lark sings
Congratulatory hymn to spring.
E. Baratynsky

In the spring, birds return from warm countries, the sun gently shines, nature wakes up. Listen to how impetuous, spring-like is P. Tchaikovsky's song "Spring". (Sings a song.)

The melody rushes up joyfully, enthusiastically, affably, like a fresh spring breeze. (Performs the intro and beginning of the song.)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote this song to the verses of the Russian poet A. Pleshcheev. In them, too, as in music, one feels spring excitement, enthusiasm:

The grass is green, the sun is shining
A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.
With her, the sun is brighter and spring is sweeter ...
Chirp from the road hello to us soon.
I will give you grains, and you sing a song,
What did you bring with you from distant countries ...

What is the middle part of the song like? (Performs a fragment.)

Children. Sweet, a little sad.

Educator Yes, tenderness, sadness, and some anxiety are heard in the middle part. (The song is played repeatedly.)

2nd lesson

Software content. To teach children to distinguish shades of moods in music, expressive intonations similar to speech.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: You listened to P. Tchaikovsky's song "Spring" at the last lesson. What feelings are expressed in this music? (Sings a song.)

Children. Joy. Then the music becomes gentle, a little sad and joyful again.

Educator: Yes, you have heard how moods change in music. And what mood is the poem about spring by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin imbued with?

Cold winds still blow
And bring the morning frost
Just on the thawed spring
Early flowers appeared
As from a wonderful kingdom of wax,
From a fragrant honey cell
The first bee flew out
Flew through the early flowers
Tell about the red spring,
Will there be a guest soon, dear,
Will the meadows turn green soon
Soon at the curly birch
Sticky leaves will unravel
Fragrant bird cherry blossoms.

Children. It is gentle, gentle, like a fairy tale.

P e da g o g. Well done! The poem is unhurried, a little mysterious, like a fairy tale about spring. Spring sometimes comes violently, suddenly, amicably. In music, such a picture of nature is depicted, for example, in the play “Spring”, familiar to you. (Snippet sounds.)

There is so much impetuosity, joyful excitement in it. But sometimes nature wakes up gradually. What tender, airy, affectionate play about spring do you remember?

Children. "Spring" by S. Maykapar. (Snippet sounds.)

Educator. In the spring, the first snowdrop flowers appear. They are so small, tender, defenseless; I can’t even believe that when there is nothing else in the forest besides snow - neither grass nor flowers, they are the first to boldly break through the cold snow.

Russian composer Alexander Tikhonovich Grechaninov wrote the song "Snowdrop". It conveys different moods caused by the picture of spring nature. Listen to her. (Performs a song.) What kind of music is in character?

Children. Tender, excited, joyful.

Educator: Please note that in the intro and the beginning of the song, the noise of the forest, forest rustles and roll calls seem to be heard. Everything breathes with a joyful feeling of renewal, spring fuss. (Performs a fragment.)

In this song, the music is closely connected with the words, with the text of the poem. She very subtly expresses and depicts what is told in the verses.

In the forest, where the birches crowded in a crowd,
A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.
First, little by little, he put out a green leg,
Then he stretched with all his little strength and quietly asked:
“I see the weather is clear and warm.
Tell me, is it really spring?

So, the melody that sounds to the words “The blue eye looked at the snowdrop” all the time returns to the same bright sound, flickers like the eye of a delicate flower peering through the snow. (Performs bars 8-12.)

When it is sung “First, little by little, he put out his green leg, then he stretched out with all his little strength”, timid, as if trembling chords sound in the accompaniment (performs 13-16th measures), and the melody seems to stretch: from the same sound it is with every repetition, as if with difficulty, gradually, trying to rise higher and higher, to catch up. Finally she reaches the top. (Measures 17-21 are played.) As if the flower finally stretched out and looked out from under the snow with curiosity! The accompaniment chords sound uncertain, interrogative (performs bars 22-27).

When it is sung, “I see the weather is clear and warm. Tell me, is it true that this is spring, is it true that this is spring? ”, The music sounds warm, impetuous, light, festive. It seems to be blooming, the murmur of streams, the rustles of spring nature are heard in the accompaniment. The melody becomes free, joyful, wide. The poem ends with a question, and the music has an upward interrogative intonation. (The final part of the song is performed.) At the end of the song, the hubbub of birds is heard again, the noise of spring foliage. (The song is played in its entirety.)

3rd lesson

Software content. To teach children to compare works with the same names, to distinguish between the figurativeness of music, the means of musical expression.

Lesson progress:

P e d a g o g. You got acquainted with the song of the composer A. Grechaninov “Snowdrop”. Snowdrops usually bloom in April, when winter is already beginning to recede.


The snow is melting and the sun is bright
Shines at noon over the fields;
Moist wind in the sunshine
Walks through the woods and fields.
But the fields are still empty
But the forests are still silent;
Only pines, like harps,
They sing in the same tone.
And under their indistinct melody,
In the reserved thickets of boron,
Sweetly sleeps spring princess
In a white sarcophagus.
Asleep - and soon in the valleys
The sun will melt the white snow
And the streams will rage
Through valleys and ravines.
Birds of the forest will fly
The rooks will make noise, and with them -
Bloom, turn green
Forests and groves will come to life.
And April will come
From overseas countries far away
At dawn, when in the valleys
Blue fogs are melting
At dawn, when from the sun
The forest smells of green needles,
Smells like warm earth
And April flowers...
I. Bunin

Delicate flowers of snowdrops reach for the sun (A. Grechaninov's song sounds). Now you will hear another work with the same name - “April. Snowdrop "- A play by P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle" The Seasons ". There are 12 plays in this cycle - as many as there are months in a year. There is a poem before each piece, but the pieces themselves are not sung, they are written for the piano. it instrumental music, in which there are no words, unlike vocal works, for example, A. Grechaninov's songs with the same name - "Snowdrop".

Before the play "April. Snowdrop” by P. Tchaikovsky is a poem by Apollon Nikolaevich Maikov.

Pigeon, clean
snowdrop flower,
And near the see-through
Last snow.
Last tears
About the grief of the past
And the first dreams
About other happiness...
A. Maikov.

(Reads a poem. Then a play by P. Tchaikovsky sounds.) How does music tell about nature, what is it like?

Children. Gentle, sometimes agitated.

Educator Yes, this play is quivering, spring-like excited. Although there are no words in this music, it very expressively tells us about spring, about the gentle April snowdrop. Listen, the melody, as in A. Grechaninov's song, rushes up (fragments sound). But in the song by A. Grechaninov it is more impetuous, impulsive, and in the play by P. Tchaikovsky it is timid, timid, affectionate (fragments sound repeatedly). The snowdrop reaches for the sun, and the melody rises higher and higher. (The 1-8th measures of the play by P. Tchaikovsky and the 17-21st measures of the song by A. Grechaninov are performed.)

The melody in P. Tchaikovsky's piece sounds either light, in a high register, or more disturbing, in the middle and low. The music says that the sun still does not always shine, that it can still be cold, dark and rainy (plays bars 9-24).

There is also another melody in this piece - very beautiful, excited, quivering, light, like a breath of breeze (performs bars 25-32). The melody is gentle, directed upwards, flying, as if a snowdrop flower is swaying in the wind. What dance is this piece like?

Children. To the waltz

Educator: That's right, waltz is clearly felt here. Let's conduct, conveying the nature of the music with hand movements, and then we will dance, move, expressing an excited, a little sad, restless, affectionate mood, depict how flower heads rise towards the sun, how they sway in the wind, spin around in a spring meadow. Listen to some poems about early spring flowers. The first was written by Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, and the other two, about spring lilies of the valley, by Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

Now the last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth
And the blue jar is blooming,
And the cranes call each other.
Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Warm thunderstorms are impatiently waiting,
All springs are warmed by breath,
All around and loves and sings.
A. Tolstoy

Spring Thoughts

Again the birds fly from afar
To the shores that break the ice
The warm sun is high
And the fragrant lily of the valley is waiting.
A. Fet

First lily of the valley

O first lily of the valley! From under the snow
You ask for sunbeams;
What a virgin bliss
In your fragrant purity!
Like the first ray of spring is bright!
What dreams descend in it!
How captivating you are, a gift
Flaming Spring!

(Sounds "Snowdrop" by P. Tchaikovsky.)

Draw spring meadows with flowers at home, remembering the music of P. Tchaikovsky or A. Grechaninov. (Reproductions of paintings depicting spring nature, echoing the mood of the music, can be used in the lesson.)

4th lesson

Software content. Introduce children to the music of A. Vivaldi's concert "Spring" (first part). To teach children to distinguish between mood changes, the figurativeness of music.

Lesson progress:

Educator: You are already familiar with the concerts "The Seasons". Now you will hear the first part of the concert "Spring". What is the nature of the music? (Record sounds.)

Children. Cheerful, joyful, solemn, spring.

Educator Yes, this music is festive, even solemn at the beginning, then it sounds quiet, like an echo, secretly, enthusiastically. You can hear the spring sounds of nature in it - the murmur of streams, the iridescent singing of birds, their hubbub. Birds frolic, call to each other ... Nature is happy about spring!

Listen to this music again and say if its character changes in the middle part (recording sounds).

Children. Yes, the music becomes loud, fast, disturbing, mysterious, as if a strong wind has blown.

Educator: In nature, there is usually a calm before a bad weather. So in this music, everything calms down before the middle part, alertness appears. And suddenly we hear the impetuous rises of the melody, loud, alarmed, as if a hurricane suddenly flew in, everything went dark, the howling of the wind is heard, the birds rush about and cry plaintively. (A fragment of the middle part sounds.)

But now the storm has passed. Again the music brightened up, sounded solemnly, proudly, festively.

He wrote the following verses for this part of his concerto:

Spring has come, birds welcome it
Cheerful singing in the thick of spring crowns.
The stream boils, hastening to merge with the river,
His breath refreshes the wind.
Sometimes clouds of gloomy strings
A hood is put on in the air.
Fugitive lightning does not disappear.
And again the bird chime is heard ...

(The first part of the concert "Spring" sounds.)


1. Presentation - 17 slides, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
P. Tchaikovsky. Spring, mp3;
A. Grechaninov. Snowdrop, mp3;
P. Tchaikovsky. April. Snowdrop - Seasons, mp3;
A. Vivaldi. Seasons. "Spring", mp3;
S. Maykapar. Spring, mp3;
E. Grieg. Spring, mp3;
3. Accompanying article - abstract of the lesson, docx;
4. Notes for independent performance by the teacher, jpg.

As an artist describes nature with colors, a composer and musician describes nature with music. From the great composers we got whole collections of works from the cycle "Seasons". The music of spring nature makes it possible to feel the real breath and thrill of spring.

A. Vivaldi "The Seasons". Spring.

Written in 1723, the four-concert cycle "Four Seasons" is Antonio Vivaldi's most famous work and one of the most popular pieces of Baroque music. "Spring" is the first concert from the "Seasons" cycle. In the first part of the Four Seasons concerts, the famous composer expressed the full power of spring, accompanying three works with a poetic sonnet, colorfully describing natural phenomena. Vivaldi's sonnet was also divided into three parts: in the first part, nature appears, freeing itself from winter captivity, in the second, the shepherd sleeps peacefully, and in the third, the shepherd dances with the nymphs under the cover of Spring.

Concert No. 1 in E major "Spring"

As planned by Vivaldi, each season corresponds to a certain region of Italy, and for spring it is romantic Venice and the shores of the Adriatic, where seascapes and sunrise over the Earth awakening from hibernation are especially beautiful.

Spring is coming! And joyful song

Full of nature. Sun and warmth

Streams murmur. And holiday news

Zephyr spreads like magic.

Suddenly velvet clouds roll in

Like a blasphemy, heavenly thunder sounds.

But the mighty whirlwind quickly dries up,

And twitter again floats in the blue space.

The breath of flowers, the rustle of herbs,

The nature of dreams is full.

The shepherd is sleeping, tired for the day,

And the dog barks a little audibly.

Shepherd's bagpipe sound

Buzzing over the meadows,

And the nymphs dancing the magic circle

Spring is colored with marvelous rays.

Not only the old baroque form of the musical concert “Spring” is interesting, but also the solo sound of the instruments: the gentle sounds of the violin are replaced by an anxious oboe, the basses enter gradually, superimposed on the melody where “lightning” and “thunder” are depicted. The melody in the first part of the spring cycle is Allegro, it often changes rhythm, breaks up, “voices and trills of birds”, “murmur of a stream”, lightness of the breeze are clearly audible. The second part - Largo, melodic, during the sound of the music there is a three-layer texture. The upper layer is a melodic violin solo, melodiousness and sadness. The middle layer of the texture imitates the quiet rustle of leaves and grass, the sounds are monotonous and go well with the basses of the third layer - rhythmic, depicting a barely audible “yelping of a dog”. The third part of the cycle resembles the first one in terms of tempo and sound dynamics, but there is noticeable rhythmic braking at the end of each melodic wave. Vivaldi chose the solo violin as the protagonist of the "Spring" cycle, dividing each "month" into three stages: exposition, development and reprise.

P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons". Spring

"Song of the Lark". March

"The field is shaking with flowers,

Waves of light are pouring in the sky.

spring larks singing

The blue abysses are full

A.N. Maiko

The first piece from the spring cycle is dedicated to March, when delicate and fragile flowers break out from under the snow, return from the warm edges of the bird, and a lark chirps on the thawed patches in the forest, warmed by the gentle rays of the sun. The singing of a lark symbolizes spring, so the lyrical and unhurried melody resembles the call of birds, free flight over native expanses and creates a light, slightly sad and dreamy mood. Light trills gradually subside, night falls in the forest, and everything freezes in anticipation of the next day. As an epigraph to this play, the composer used a poem by the poet Apollon Maykov, which tells about the flight of a lark in the sky, joyfully singing praises of spring, blooming flowers and the generous sun.

"Snowdrop". April

"Dove clean

Snowdrop: flower,

And near the see-through

Last snow.

Last tears

About the grief of the past

And the first dreams

About other happiness."

A.N. Maikov

As soon as the snow melts from the fields and forest glades, and green grass begins to break through from under the old leaves and needles in the glades, snowdrops appear. Nature is awakening, sending her first messengers to the light. Like the snowdrop flower, the month of April is very loved by the Russian people, especially by women, poets dedicate poems to it, emphasizing the whiteness and transparency of the bells, reminiscent of the fact that spring has finally come into its own. The beginning of Tchaikovsky's play "March" is permeated with touching motifs, similar to a quiet, dizzying waltz, which is replaced by emotional chords, and then muffled-sounding major notes. At the beginning of the first section, the piece is more airy, towards the middle the game becomes more emotional and descends to the lower octaves, and then returns to a light and sensual waltz again. This piece of music is also dedicated to one of the poems by A.N. Maykov, in which the snowdrop is compared with hope, and almost melted snow with forgotten sorrows and anxiety.

"White Nights ". May

"What a night! What bliss is on everything!

Thank you, native midnight land!

From the realm of ice, from the realm of blizzards and snow

How fresh and clean your May flies out!

Pyotr Tchaikovsky lived in St. Petersburg for many years, so he dedicated one of his plays to the famous "white nights" that begin at the end of May. The freshness of the night, when it is light outside, almost like daytime, the languid bliss of the last days of spring, followed by heat, the warm sun - all this is reflected in the iridescent and flowing piano music, full of contradictions. Then the melody rushes up, forcing you to experience sublime feelings and delight, then drops by several octaves, betraying the soul with heavy thoughts. The work consists of several sections, short, lyrical digressions, joyful chords, short reprises and a calm, slow finale, presenting the viewer with a bright sky and strict northern beauty.

Astor Piazzolla "The Seasons" Spring

The composer's talent lies in the ability to express those feelings and emotions that the writer conveys with the help of words, and the artist paints pictures that reflect the state of his inner world, sometimes contradicting the surrounding reality. One of the brilliant musicians of the 20th century was the Argentine musician Astor Piazzolla, who created his own and inimitable musical style. Astor Piazzolla turned the whole idea of ​​how real voluptuous music should sound if you mix all three genres of different forms into one cocktail. Thus was born an incomparable style - an amazing style of play. It is based on several directions: tango, jazz and classical music.

This part of the Four Seasons in Buenos Aires cycle is more like a classical tango, with an emotional rush, an incendiary rhythm and a fast tempo set by the accordion. The performance of this work can be heard in the interpretation of many orchestras, but the interest of music critics is not so much a new presentation of tango music, but a sharp change in the melody in the middle and lyricism, which is replaced by passion from the very first chords of the accordionist's solo.

J. Haydn Oratorio "The Seasons". 1st part: Spring

The 1st part opens with the instrumental introduction "Transition from winter to spring". The composition of the overture is double: the intro of a heavy bass with forcing atmosphere is replaced by a soft, light, tonal-stable motif. Each part of The Seasons has an instrumental introduction, but only the first of them performs the function of an overture to the entire cycle. The main task is to tune the listener to the desired emotional tone, to lead him from the gloomy winter covered with cold darkness to life itself - a cloudless and joyful spring. A peasant recitative is superimposed on the finale of the overture - this is how the transition from the introduction to the main part is carried out. The color of the music is brightened by the change of the main voices: from Simon's heavy bass to Luka's tenor, and from him to Hanna's gentle soprano. The end of the introduction and the finale of the first segment coincide in the chorus of the tillers welcoming the spring. The choir includes 4 voices, male and female, they do not join the party at the same time. The transition of the violin and flute begins, after which the dominant moves to the choir. The song is lyrical, it answers the motives folk music. The choir gives way to Simon's heavy, powerful bass, which lifts off the solo section of The Four Seasons. A clear rhythm, a square structure and a commitment to folk singing bring the listener closer to the life of a cheerful plowman, whose role is played by Simon. The general tone towards the end of "Spring" rises. And the choral song becomes the peak, with which the spring part of the oratorio ends.

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