Poplar fluff what year. Ivanushki International group

Ivanushki International- Russian musical group, founded in 1995 by producer Igor Matvienko.The composition of the group "IVANUSHKI international" since 2013: Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov (in the group since 1995), Kirill Andreev (in the group since 1995), Kirill Turichenko (in the group since 2013).
Initially, the group did not have its own name and they performed under various pseudonyms "Soyuz-Apollo" and others. Only six months later did the final name "Ivanushki International" appear.
Conceptually, Igor Matvienko wanted to combine in his new project best traditions Russian folk music, Soviet pop and popular foreign dance styles(disco, trance, etc.) This concept was reflected in the name of the group. In 1996 Ivanushki released their first studio album"Of course He is." It included three cover versions of the songs of groups and performers of the late 80s "Universe", in addition, the album also included other songs that later became cult "Clouds", "Ring", "Somewhere".In 1998, Ivanushek released one of the best works, the song "Poplar fluff".In 2007, when the winter Olympic Games 2014 was entrusted to Sochi, "Ivanushki" took part in a gala concert at Theater Square Sochi, where there was a live broadcast from the voting of the members of the International Olympic Committee.November 13, 2010 Ivanushki International got together in CROCUS CITY HALL in honor of the band's 15th anniversary.On November 19, 2010, the First Channel showed the release of the show “Property of the Republic”, dedicated to Igor Matvienko. The program included 10 songs by the composer, including four songs from the Ivanushki repertoire, and the Ivanushki themselves sang Poplar Fluff.The group took part in the filming of documentaries in 2010: “Igor Matvienko. Maestro in jeans” and “Vladimir Shainsky: suddenly a magician will arrive…”.
November 27, 2015, at Crocus City Hall hosted the anniversary concert "Ivanushki International". The team celebrated its 20th anniversary creative activity on the stage. The singers presented to the public a video for their new song"Dance while dancing!" You can order Ivanushka's group for a performance for a holiday or invite you to participate in a concert on the official website of the vipartist. On the site it is possible to get acquainted with the biography, photo and video of the group, and by the indicated contact numbers invite with concert program to the event. To find out the terms of the invitation to the holiday, call the numbers posted on the website of the concert agent of the Ivanushki group. Information about the fee and concert schedule will be given to you so that you can invite Ivanushka's group to an event or order a performance for an anniversary and a party. Please check and book free performance dates in advance!

The love theme of the songs and the appearance of handsome men in the late nineties could not but attract the attention of young people to the Ivanushki International group. However, the work of the boy band is still popular. AiF.ru recalls the history of one of the most successful Russian pop groups.

"Third Internatantseval"

One of the most popular Russian pop groups could be called Soyuz-Apollo, Sunflowers, Don Hip-Hop and Sancho Dancer, Pencils, and even Third Internatantseval. “For a long time we could not pick up a name for the team,” recalled the soloist Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov.“I still have a notebook somewhere, covered with hundreds of names.”

Only six months later, the final name of the group appeared: "Ivanushki International". Songwriter Herman Witke suggested calling the guys "Ivanushki", and producer Igor Matvienko added "International" to reflect creative task collective (the musicians tried to combine the best traditions of Russian folk music, Soviet pop music and popular foreign dance styles).

Initially, Matvienko planned to produce not a boyish trio, but a group of five people: three guys and two girls in the images of a “hooligan” and a “Cinderella”. "Cinderella" was also looked for in modeling agencies and clubs, but they were not found, and the "hooligan" ran away two days after the casting. They didn’t take any more risks, so they settled on a participant in the musical “Metro” Igor Sorine, the star of the Sochi Fashion Theater Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov and the fashion model of the fashion house Vyacheslav Zaitsev Kirill Andreev.

The first composition of the Ivanushki International group: Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, Igor Sorin, Kirill Andreev. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

For a long time, the guys were preparing for big stage: engaged in vocals, solfeggio, dance, recorded songs at the Mosfilm studio. Only towards the end of 1995 did they begin solo performances in Moscow clubs and the first video for the song "Universe" was shot.

The first video did not bring success, so Matvienko even thought about disbanding the team, but decided to give the guys one last chance. The video for the song "Clouds" turned out to be a ticket to a happy future: the unpretentious composition immediately topped the music charts, and the guys were wildly popular.

Grigoriev-Appolonov later recalled the triumph of the group as follows: “Sochi, I wake up, turn on the TV - the program“ Hot Ten ”. And there: “And in the first place we have an unknown young group with the original name“ Ivanushki International ”. And they turn on "Clouds" - but I myself have not seen the video yet. Then I go out to the beach - and people start jumping on me. I really woke up famous, just in one second.

success dot ru

The guys attracted with their spontaneity, relaxedness and good dance training, so they were very soon recorded among the idols of the youth. And the band’s repertoire did not disappoint: “Doll”, “Ring”, “Alyoshkina Love”, “Younger Sister”, “Clouds” - hits began to come out one after another.

By the end of the nineties, thousands of fans were already making "pilgrimages" to the musicians' houses, which caused problems for the guys. “We had a rather tough relationship with our neighbors because of the fans who filled our entire entrance with love messages addressed to Igor,” said the mother of one of the soloists. Svetlana Sorina.- All floors and elevators were full of tearful appeals to him. We got tired of it, and I took out a bucket of powder to these crazy girls and said that if they respect Igor, they should wash all the floors. Washed up."

The first major changes took place in the group in early 1998, when the girls' favorite Igor Sorin said: "I'm tired of singing the same thing every day." Popular Artist, despite the persuasion of his colleagues in the group, decided to take up solo career.

Unfortunately, Igor did not succeed in realizing his dreams: the ex-"Ivanushka" died while recording a solo record. There is still no consensus about what happened during a smoke break in the recording studio on September 1, 1998. Official version the consequences are prolonged depression and suicide. But relatives and fans of the pop star do not believe in suicide, believing that it was a planned murder.

Meanwhile, the life of Ivanushki International continued: Sorin was replaced by Oleg Yakovlev, previously starred in the video "Doll" as one of the actors. The band's fans did not immediately accept the replacement: the short blond did not fit the role of a macho, but over time, the singer managed to win over even Sorin's most devoted fans.

A year after the appearance in the Yakovlev team, Ivanushki International released the album Fragments of Life. The participants decided to dedicate this disc to the memory of Sorin, especially since some of her songs were written on his poems. Then came the famous albums “I will scream about this all night”, “Wait for me”, “Oleg, Andrey, Kirill” with the songs “Bullfinches”, “Revy”, “Boat”, “Hopelessness dot ru” and a dozen more pop songs. hits of its time.

Every year the group gained momentum, and the videos for the songs "Ivanushki" were shot not by anyone, but by the most eminent directors: Philip Yankovsky("Hopelessness dot ru"), Fedor Bondarchuk("Ticket to the cinema").

22 years for five

Only by the second half of the 2000s, the popularity of Ivanushki International began to decline. Some attributed the failure of the team to the creative crisis of Matvienko, who stopped writing hits, but the decline in interest in the boy band is a completely natural phenomenon. The soloists themselves are not shy about saying that for the most part, fans fell in love not with their music, but with their body: charming young men.

By 2012, the boy band had already released 13 music albums, and Oleg Yakovlev thought about a solo career. “You know, I’m probably more worried about Ivanushki than for myself. I'm absolutely not afraid. I'm confident. I have a wonderful material that any artist would envy. I think on my solo creative way there will be no barriers,” the singer said in an interview.

Oleg was replaced former employee Odessa Comedy Theater Kirill Turichenko, who fit in perfectly with the team. On November 27, 2015, he spoke at anniversary concert"Ivanushki International", dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the creative activity of the group. That evening, the presentation of the video for the new song “Dance while dancing!” took place. To date, this is the last hit of Ivanushki International.

Perhaps the most popular group in the country. The army of her fans is several million girls around the world. Perhaps no other Russian group can not boast of such a number of admirers. November 1994 is considered the official founding date of the group. 1994 November 10, the birthday of Igor Sorin, producer and composer Igor Matvienko appointed a general viewing: Igor Sorin (GITIS graduate, former member the musical "Metro" on Broadway), Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov ( former director Sochi Fashion Theatre) and Kirill Andreev (magazine cover star) got together for the first time. All three of them wanted to sing in a group so much that they did something unimaginable at the audition.

“For a long time we could not choose a name for the new team,” says Andrey. “I still have a notebook somewhere, covered with hundreds of names.” Therefore, the first appearances on the stage were carried out under working names - "Soyuz Apollo", "Pencils", etc. And then one day the songwriter Herman Vitke suggested calling the guys "Ivanushki". And then I thought and added "international". Began tedious rehearsals, recording songs. The guys in their project wanted to combine the best traditions of Russian folk music, Soviet pop music and popular foreign dance styles (disco, trance, etc.). This concept was reflected in the name of the group.

In 1996, Ivanushki released their first studio album, Of Course He. It includes three cover versions of songs by groups and performers of the late 80s (“Universe”, originally performed by Alexander Ivanov and VIA “Rondo”, “Etazhi” and “Malina” performed by the group “Class”). In addition, the album also included other songs that later became cult (“Clouds”, “Ring”, “Somewhere”). In early 1997 the band released their next album "Of course it's remixed". The creators of the remixes were sound designer and co-producer of the band Igor Polonsky, keyboardist of the Moral Code band Konstantin Smirnov and DJ Maxim Milyutenko. In addition to remixes for existing songs, Ivanushki also released their future hit - the song "Doll" and a cover version of the song by the Lyube group "Dusya".

The second numbered album "Your Letters", which was also released in 1997, included 11 songs. As in the first two albums, the third did not do without cover versions of the hits of past years (“Alyoshkina Love”, “Younger Sister”, “Girl-Girl”). In addition to the music tracks, the album included audio mail from the band members.

In the second half of 1997, there were changes in the composition of the group. Igor Sorin leaves her, having decided to pursue a solo career. His place is taken by Oleg Yakovlev. The debut of Oleg Yakovlev took place in the video "Doll". The fate of Sorin was tragic: on September 1, 1998, he committed suicide by jumping out of the window of his apartment. In 1998, Ivanushek released one of his best works, the song "Poplar Fluff". In the summer of 1998, the video for this song was widely rotated on the air of Russian channels, and the song took first place in the Russian Radio chart.

In 1999, the disc "Fragments of Life" was released, dedicated to memory Igor Sorin. This album contains unique recordings: Igor's poems performed by him, his first songs recorded before he became "Ivanushka". The CD also includes Ivanushki's songs to Igor Sorin's verses and their new, never before published, song dedicated to Igor Sorin - "I will never forget you".

In April 1999, the group "Ivanushki International" released their new, third numbered album "I'll be screaming about this all night" - this is the name of the title song of the disc, which is performed by the brightest red-haired "Ivanushka" - Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov . This is the first album in which Oleg Yakovlev took part as a full-fledged soloist. Work on the disc was carried out from August to November last year. Mixing and mastering was done in recording studio Cinema Concern "Mosfilm" The album "I'll be screaming about this all night" includes ten new songs, among which there are already famous compositions- “Poplar fluff”, which flooded the airs of music radio stations and TV channels at the end of the summer of 1998, and the song “Next to you”, included in the album “Fragments of Life” in memory of Igor Sorin called “I will never forget you”.

Ivanushki plans to release a DVD, shoot a new video and record new songs. In addition to the constant songwriters of Ivanushki - Alexander Shaganov and Mikhail Andreev, the songs for the new album were written by Konstantin Arsenev and Herman Witke, who had previously put a pen to the song "Millions of Lights" for the debut album of the team. The disc itself, in addition to musical content, for the first time includes a multimedia track, on which the clip "Bullfinches" and a mini-film about the filming of this clip, as well as fragments of concert performances are recorded.

The circulation of this version of the album is limited. The next album of "Ivanushki" was the disc "Wait for me", followed by "Oleg, Andrey, Kirill", released in 2002. It included such hits of the group as "Golden Clouds", "Beznadega.ru", "Drop of Light" . This album was the band's last commercially successful project at the time of this writing. The last album of the group "10 Years in the Universe", released in 2005, consists entirely of songs of past years, covers of Ivanushki songs performed by other performers ("Factory", "Roots", "Kuba", etc.), and a remix of the song "Poplar Fluff" from the project Vengerov & Fedoroff. The song "Oriole", released in 2006, remained unnoticed.

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov

Date of birth: July 26, 1970.
Place of birth: Sochi city, Krasnodar region.
Parents: mother - administrator of the Sochi Winter Theater, father - surgeon, chief physician of the children's hospital.
Education: piano music school, Sochi Pedagogical College, Russian Academy Theater Arts- pop department.
As a child, he collected stamps and, as the owner of the best collection, was awarded a certificate of honor and a ticket to Artek. At school he played table tennis, becoming a candidate for master of sports. After school, he became a teacher lower grades where he worked for about 3 months. From the age of 16 he participated in shows of the Sochi Theater of Mode, and at 20 he became its director. At 22 as a winner creative competition left for two years in the United States - to perform in a Broadway musical.
Works in the group "Ivanushki International" from the day of its foundation.
In early 2002, Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov tried his hand at a new field - as a TV presenter of the program "12 Evil Spectators" on MTV. In 2003-2005 - host of the TV game “Polundra!” (STS-ATV).

Oleg Yakovlev

Date of birth: November 18, 1970.
Place of birth: was born in the Mongolian city of Choibolsan, where his parents were on a business trip.
Parents: mother - teacher of Russian language and literature
Education: unfinished music school in piano, GITIS. After finishing first grade, he returned to Russia. Together with his parents and sisters he lived in Irkutsk. Engaged in sports section athletics, candidate master of sports. He sang in the choir of the Palace of Pioneers. After school he moved to Moscow. Entered GITIS as an actor drama theater and cinema, where he studied acting skills at Kasatkina. Before joining the group, he worked in the theater of his teacher Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. He was busy in performances: Cossacks, Twelfth Night, Lev Gurych Sinichkin. He worked on the radio, recorded commercials. Until he got a call and was invited to audition.
Works in the Ivanushki International group since March 1998.

Kirill Andreev

Date of birth: April 6, 1971
Place of birth: Moscow.
Education: Moscow secondary school 468, technical school, American school of advertising and fashion models.
Parents: mother - printing engineer; father is a builder.
From 1989 to 1991 he served in the artillery troops in Vladimir region, in the city of Kovrovo. Then he entered the school of photo models Slava Zaitsev. For a while he worked as a model. He continued his studies at the New York School of Models. Before Ivanushki, he was never fond of music.
Works in the group "Ivanushki International" - from the day of its foundation.
Since 2003, he has been performing in parallel with a 40-minute solo program of 10 songs.

Ivanushki International is one of the most popular bands in our country. During their 20-year history of existence, these guys were able to gain popularity and love of millions of Russian girls. The composition of the Ivanushki International group has changed several times. Who are its participants today? You will learn about this from the article.

History of the group

The official date of foundation of Ivanushki International is November 10, 1994. The band didn't get its name right away. At first, the guys performed as a Soyuz-Apollo trio. The first composition of the Ivanushki International group is Igor Sorin, Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev. At that time, their songs were not popular, and the fans did not line up in crowds in front of the entrance to the concert hall.

Six months after the formation of the trio, the sonorous name "Ivanushki International" appeared. The poet Herman Vitke helped the children with this. He came up with only the first part of the name, and the author of the second part is producer Igor Matvienko.


The composition of the Ivanushki International group announced above has started work. 2 years after the creation of the trio released debut album dubbed "Of course he is". It included the songs "Ringlet", "Somewhere" and "Clouds", which later became hits and brought the group unprecedented popularity. These compositions were played in discos throughout the country.

The second album, Your Letters, was released in 1997. It included author's compositions, as well as cover versions of songs that were popular in previous years. Among them are "Younger Sister", "Aleshka's Love" and so on.

In 1998, the composition of the Ivanushki International group changed. Photos of Andrey, Kirill and Igor on the posters of the fan were no longer seen. Sorin decided to develop a solo career. But this did not mean that Ivanushki International ceased to exist. The composition of the group has not changed from a trio to a duet. The place of Igor Sorin was taken by a fair-haired guy of short stature Oleg Yakovlev. At that time, the song "Poplar Fluff" appeared in the group's repertoire, which subsequently repeatedly occupied the first line in the Russian Radio chart. At first, the fans did not want to accept Oleg, they demanded the return of Igor Sorin, who fell in love with him. But the sweet and handsome guy still managed to melt their hearts.

"Golden" composition of the group "Ivanushki International"

A year after the appearance of Oleg Yakovlev, the trio released the album "Fragments of Life". The participants decided to dedicate it to the memory of Igor Sorin, who fell to his death. Some songs were written on the verses of the former soloist.

In April 1999, Andrei, Kirill and Oleg released their third disc, which was called "I'll be screaming about this all night." The song of the same name was performed by the red-haired "Ivanushka".

In the period from 1999 to 2005, two more albums were released containing new compositions and cover versions of favorite songs.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov

The red-haired soloist of Ivanushki International was born on July 26, 1970 in the sunny city of Sochi. His father is a surgeon, and his mother was the administrator of the winter theater.

At school, Andrei was seriously fond of table tennis. He participated in competitions and often won prizes. Years later, our hero even became a tennis player. But Grigoriev-Apollonov always considered music to be his main passion. From childhood he visited music school where he studied piano.

Behind Andrey's training at the academy is work as a fashion model and director of theatrical performances for children. In 1992, the red-haired "Ivanushka" went to the USA, where he lived for 2 years, performing in a musical on Broadway. He soon returned to Russia and became a member of a youth group.

Kirill Andreev

The dark-haired soloist of Ivanushki was born on April 6, 1971 in Moscow. His father worked as a builder, and his mother received Cyril's childhood took place in Kuzminki. There he went to a regular school, and then to a technical school. In 1989, the guy was taken into the army. Andreev returned home two years later. The guy immediately signed up for the kickboxing section. In a short time, Cyril managed to create an excellent athletic figure. This allowed him to build a successful modeling career. In 1993, Natalya Vetlitskaya introduced him to producer Igor Matvienko.

Oleg Yakovlev

The blond from Ivanushki International was born on November 18, 1969 in the Mongolian city of Choibalsan. His parents went there on a business trip. The family returned to Russia when Oleg graduated from first grade. The Yakovlevs settled in Irkutsk. In this city, our hero went to a regular school and attended a music school (piano class) several times a week.

Having received a diploma of graduation from Irkutsk theater school, Oleg went to Moscow. In the capital, Yakovlev submitted a document to GITIS. According to the distribution, he got on the course to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

In 1998, the producer of the Ivanushki International trio became interested in him. The composition of the group changed at that time. Oleg was suitable in all respects: fair-haired, small in stature, with a pleasant voice and musical education.

Continuing a career

In 2005, Andrey, Oleg and Kirill finished work on the creation of the album "10 Years in the Universe". The sales volume of the disc did not justify the hopes of the producer and the musicians themselves. Unfortunately, the career of "Ivanushki" began to decline. But there is nothing to be surprised here. After all, on Russian stage a lot of groups appeared, the soloists of which are young, beautiful and talented guys.

In 2010 it was released documentary, telling about the history of the emergence of "Ivanushki International", as well as the group's path to success. The picture covered only creative moments. And the details of the personal life of the soloists were revealed in the program "Star Relatives", released on Channel One.

By 2012, the group's creative piggy bank included 13 released albums, dozens of hits and hundreds of concerts. Photos of Andrei, Oleg and Kirill adorned the pages of popular magazines. But in the same year, Yakovlev announced his retirement and the beginning of a solo career.

"Ivanushki International": the new composition of the group

Fans were very upset because of the departure of Oleg Yakovlev. But that is his decision. In 2012, the composition of the Ivanushki International group changed again. Kirill Turichenko is the name of the new soloist. He was born on January 13, 1983 in Odessa. FROM early years the guy attended the music and theater school. In 2002, Kirill got a job in Odessa theater comedy. Turichenko was involved in more than 500 performances and musicals.

In 2006, his solo career began. The guy participated in Eurovision and performed at various festivals. In his native Ukraine, he released several solo albums and starred in a dozen clips. In 2012 he moved to Moscow and was invited to the Ivanushki International group. He took the place of Oleg Yakovlev, who voluntarily terminated the contract.


Now you know current composition group "Ivanushki International". We wish the guys creative success and prosperity!

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Doctors could not save Oleg Yakovlev, who was hospitalized a few days ago with bilateral pneumonia. He was in intensive care, but the specialists could not help the singer. His death was announced by the civil wife of the artist, Alexander Kutsevol.

In one of the capital's hospitals, the ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group Oleg Yakovlev died. The musician was 47 years old. The day before, Oleg was admitted to the hospital with bilateral pneumonia. Yakovlev was in intensive care in critical condition. Then the singer was connected to a ventilator. The tragic news about the death of Oleg was announced by his fiancee Alexandra Kutsevol.

“He died in intensive care. Last night we went to see him, and in the morning, at 7 am, I got a call from the hospital. Doctors reported that the lungs failed. While the exact cause of death they do not name. Maybe it was the heart. We will definitely organize a farewell to Oleg for his friends and fans. So far, we don’t understand anything, ”said Alexandra.

In addition, the common-law wife of Yakovlev left a post on the social network, in which she touchingly said goodbye to her beloved.

“Today at 7:05 the main man of my life, my angel, my happiness, was gone. How am I now without you? Fly, Oleg! I am always with you, ”Alexandra wrote on her Instagram page.

As Sasha said, Oleg was treated at home for a long time, since his cough did not go away. The singer did not even think that he was seriously ill. According to the common-law wife, everything happened unexpectedly. In addition, as it became known, the artist was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. Doctors later determined that the cause of death was pulmonary edema. Friends and fans cannot believe what happened and leave words of condolences to the musician's relatives.

Yakovlev's former colleague in the Ivanushki International team, Kirill Andreev, said that he learned the tragic news at 7 in the morning, when he was on duty in the church.

“Olezhka was gone today at seven in the morning. I contacted Sasha, she told me. I saw him last time a month and a half ago, there was a very warm meeting. We discussed his new song and video. The news that he was in intensive care for about a week was a real shock for me. We had 15 years life together on the road. A family member has died. Our big creative family", - said Cyril.

Later, Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov wrote a condolence post on the social network. Oleg Yakovlev has died. My Yasha… Our “little” Olezhka… Fly, bullfinch, your voice and songs are in our hearts forever,” Oleg’s former colleague wrote.

Some relatives and friends of Yakovlev suggest that the cause of the deterioration in health was bad habits pepper. Oleg smoked from the age of 20, and in recent times he made frequent visits to the doctors.

It turned out that the musician was being cremated. Sasha promised to announce the date of farewell separately.

“We will not forget you, Olezhka. Kind and bright, everything is so fast and so little, ”said Ksenia Novikova.

“Oleg, Olezhka Yakovlev, why are you doing this to me, why did you leave me?! My fragile, bright friend… I’m sorry… I can’t cope with such losses,” Otar Kushanashvili wrote, posting a picture of the singer.

It is known that Oleg Yakovlev joined the Ivanushki International team in 1998, replacing Igor Sorin. Together with the group, the soloist performed for 15 years, but later decided to start solo career. As it turned out, Alexandra Kutsevol, with whom he lived in a civil marriage, at that time was very supportive of her lover. civil wife was engaged in the management of Yakovlev and helped him promote new songs and videos.

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