"The friend left": the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev died. The death of Oleg Yakovlev - a disease or a curse "Ivanushek Igor Yakovlev Ivanushki what happened

Now, it is probably difficult to imagine the excitement around the Ivanushki International group. In the late 90s, they were the real gods of our stage, and, in the absence of instagrams and paparazzi in those days, they were practically inaccessible, which made the forbidden fruit even sweeter. The first shock happened to the fans when Igor Sorin left the group in 1998 - he was quickly replaced by a new "little Ivanushka" - Oleg Yakovlev. Shortly after his departure, Igor Sorin died tragically - he fell from the balcony of the 6th floor. For many years, his fans blamed everyone for the death of their idol and staged a real cult of his personality.

Meanwhile, Oleg Yakovlev was slowly settling in the group. His position was not easy - as soon as he joined the group, his predecessor died under strange circumstances. And, of course, the public did not caress the "replacement". Many then agreed - nice, not at all like Sorin in appearance (except for height) - white, deliberately carelessly highlighted hair, wide Buryat cheekbones inherited from his mother. But Oleg did not "stick out" and just did his job.

A talented guy, he came to Moscow from Irkutsk. He studied at GITIS with Lyudmila Kasatkina. Then Armen Dzhigarkhanyan took him to his theater. Armen Borisovich later admitted that he would take Oleg back with great pleasure: the guy is talented. And Yakovlev considered the artistic director his second father. There were not easy times in his life - in order to hold out in the capital, he worked as a janitor. And now, it seemed, fate gave him such a lucky ticket - participation in one of the most popular domestic groups.

Sorin's shadow always hovered somewhere nearby - at first Oleg was even forced to copy him. Fans for a long time did not want to perceive him as a full-fledged member of the group, although he was a member of it for more than 15 years and, in fact, saved her after Igor's death. In addition, he was still a professional actor, not a singer, which is why it was not very easy for the other two soloists of the group, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and Kirill Andreev.

But in 2012, Oleg ceased to be "Ivanushka". He left the group and in an interview he did not hide his joy - finally he is alone, does not divide life (and, apparently, fame) into three parts. And the shadow of Sorin no longer hovers over him.

Oleg's eyes were burning then - a cool author-poet was found, plus Igor Matvienko, the creator of "Ivanushki", approved his solo work. Yakovlev shot a video for the song "Dance with your eyes closed", recorded a few more songs. But his career has faltered. At that time, Sasha Kutsevol appeared next to the guy, who tried her best to promote the former Ivanushka. At first she was his press agent, and then she became a common-law wife. And she helped her artist a lot. But, unfortunately, such a period began on our stage, when young talents began to multiply like mushrooms, the competition was off the charts, there was not enough money because of the crisis. Plus, Oleg behaved decently and quietly, so he did not give much reason to the press for publications. And he didn't get any major hits. It was said that Oleg began to abuse alcohol - these rumors could well be true, given all the difficulties that arose on his way. He left the band when he was 43 - at that age, of course, it's good to have some kind of life stability that he didn't have.

Even when he left the group, Kirill Andreev, in an interview, explained Yakovlev's decision by alcohol abuse. Apparently, due to his modest nature, we never saw Oleg in a state of intoxication - he was not one of those who were weird at the party, going overboard. But he himself admitted that he likes to drink wine, with friends - tequila. Now they write that he had cirrhosis of the liver. The official cause of death is pulmonary edema due to heart failure. Our expert says that Yakovlev had a serious chronic illness. What diseases do pop people usually have?...

It is difficult, of course, not to think about a terrible, mystical coincidence - two people leave Ivanushki, and then from life. But it is unlikely that anyone will delve into the history of the rise and death of Oleg Yakovlev for a long time, as they once did with Sorin - times are completely different now.

The main thing that you lose with age is the ability to die young, ”Oleg Yakovlev said in a radio interview about a year ago.

But 47 years is still very early. We will miss him.


Stanislav Sadalsky: "Ivanushki" should be sung in a duet - the third place in the group is damned

Prepared by Yulia KHOZHATELEVA

The famous actor believes that the tragic death of Oleg Yakovlev is not accidental.

This is some kind of fatal place in "Ivanushki", - the famous actor Stanislav Sadalsky believes. - The very death of Oleg Yakovlev at just 47 years old suggests these thoughts. Remember, first Igor Sorin died, Yakovlev was taken in his place - now he is gone too. And it doesn’t matter what he died of, what diagnosis, it is important that a person’s life is over. The death of one singer from Ivanushki International may be a tragic accident, the death of two singers is already a pattern. If I were Kirill Turichenko (he was taken into the group after Oleg Yakovlev left it - ed.), I would have thought hard. But in general, "Ivanushki International" needs to become a duet - just in case, in order to stop this pattern.


Ivanushki soloist Kirill Andreev on the death of Oleg Yakovlev: A close friend has left

Oleg Yakovlev passed away on the morning of Thursday, June 29. He died in a Moscow hospital without regaining consciousness from a severe form of pneumonia.

The soloist of the Ivanushki International musical group Kirill Andreev said that his former colleague was a kind and open person

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov about Oleg Yakovlev: "This is a ridiculous death"

The soloist of "Ivanushki International" said that he still can't get over the shock

This week it became known that the singer, ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group, is in intensive care with a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia. The musician was connected to a ventilator, and his condition was assessed as serious. He died on the night of Thursday, June 29th. The death of Yakovlev was reported by a friend of the singer Alexander Kutsevol.

“Today at 7:05 am, the main man of my life, my angel, my happiness, was gone .... How am I now without you? .. Fly, Oleg! I am always with you, ”she wrote on her Instagram page.

A post shared by Alexandra Kutsevol (@sashakutsevol) on Jun 28, 2017 at 10:22pm PDT

Oleg Yakovlev was born in Ulaanbaatar, graduated from the theater institute in Irkutsk, moved to Moscow and played in the Theater, which he called "the second dad", and the site - "home".

An unusual combination of genes (the artist's father is Uzbek, and his mother is Buryat) provided the artist with a memorable appearance. It is interesting that, while still a very young actor, he starred in one episode of one of the most resonant perestroika films - “One Hundred Days Before the Order” based on the book.

And in 1998, he starred in the video "Ivanushki" for the song "Doll" - together with Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, and.

Well, Yakovlev became a full-fledged soloist a little later.

An ominous paradox lies in the fact that Yakovlev came to Ivanushki just in place of Sorin, an incredibly talented (and beloved by fans) soloist who worked in the group for only three years, and in 1998 tragically passed away, but forever remained in memory fans. The only difference is that at the time of Sorin's death, the group was very popular, and now it has a more "archival status", and Yakovlev has not taken part in its activities for about four years.

In 1998, the production project was at the peak of its fame. The young guys at that time had their own army of fans (or rather, fans who called themselves "alyonushki" and fought to the death with "agats" - fans of "Agatha Christie"), which appeared after the song "Clouds". In the summer of 1998, the composition "Poplar Fluff" becomes very popular - which, it seems, still begins to sound in my head, as soon as summer comes.

Oleg Yakovlev worked with the group for 15 long years, shared with his comrades all the glory and awards that fell upon them.

He recorded five albums with "Ivanushki" (not counting the "In Memory of Igor Sorin" released in 1999), was noted many times at various Russian music awards, performed in the Kremlin, and even starred in films again - they appeared in "Election Day" in the ironic form of the Ivan and Ushki group. In general, it is worth noting that he and his comrades were characterized by humor and irony - unlike many of their colleagues in the shop.

Yakovlev left Ivanushki in 2013 - officially. But informally announced the beginning of a solo career a year earlier after the success of the hit "Dance with your eyes closed." Unfortunately, it can be stated that the talented artist had a solo career - and was not the most successful. He released a few more videos - for the songs "The Blue Sea", for example, and for "New Year's" (on which he himself was the director), but he no longer achieved the same success, and remained for the fans a member of the Ivanushki International group, which now why sang alone. And, apparently, it will remain so - both for the grown-up Alyonushki, who already have their own children, and for the peers of his arrival in the group, who are finishing their first year this year.

The soloist of "Ivanushki" Kirill Andreev said that the news of the death of Oleg Yakovlev came as a shock to him.

“We have been touring for so many years. A member of the creative family has died. He was a good little man, kind, open, so it's very sad that it's so early. Very sorry. He will forever remain in my heart, ”NSN quotes the words of Yakovlev’s colleague in the group.

As already noted, the cause of the singer's death was bilateral pneumonia. Yakovlev's body, weakened by an additional factor (liver cirrhosis), could not resist the course of the disease. The singer developed pulmonary edema, and on the night of June 29 he died.

How am I now without you?

Alexandra Kutsevol, who previously reported that Oleg was in intensive care in the hospital and connected to a ventilator, today, June 29, announced the sad news. Yakovlev died in the hospital. She did this by posting on Instagram:

“Today at 7:05 am, the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness was gone .... How am I now without you? .. Fly, Oleg! I am always with you." (Orff. And paragraph. Author saved, approx. Ed.).

Later, the Super edition contacted Sasha, and she named the cause of Yakovlev's death. Moreover, the woman noted that no one expected that everything would happen so quickly and no one raised a panic:

“The cause of death was bilateral pneumonia, so he was connected to the machine all this time. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. There was an advanced stage, he was treated at home himself. We didn't call an ambulance before, you know, cough and cough. It all happened too fast, none of us had time to come to our senses.”

The 47-year-old singer passed away due to pulmonary edema. Complications arose on the background of cirrhosis of the liver.

The eminent singer Oleg Yakovlev, who became famous throughout the country for his performances in the Ivanushki International group, died a few days ago under seemingly strange circumstances. The fact is that the death of the performer turned out to be completely unexpected, since he had not previously complained publicly about his health.

For this reason, a large amount of unverified information continues to appear on social networks, from which it follows that alcoholism could become the cause of Yakovlev's death. At the same time, one of the ill-wishers spread rumors about such an ailment that no one wants to publicly name. Only with the help of representatives of the late artist can we conclude the true cause of death of the untimely deceased Oleg Yakovlev.

The death of the 47-year-old ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group, 47-year-old Oleg Yakovlev, came as a shock to his friends and colleagues on the stage. Today, many believe that the gifted artist was ruined by alcohol. While still a member of Ivanushki, Oleg became addicted to alcohol.

The director of the t.A.T.u group, Leonid Dzyunik, says that Yakovlev was almost constantly tipsy, and while the artists tried to sleep during a long flight, Oleg slowly sipped either champagne or cognac.

When the artist left the group and started a solo career, his popularity almost vanished, this fact further exacerbated his addiction to alcohol. Despite the fact that the artist was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, he continued to drink, and this is what led him to an early death.

The civil wife and manager of the artist Alexander Kutsevol says: “He tried to keep up, as he used to in Ivanushki: the temperature is not the temperature, it doesn’t matter what happened in life, but you have to go on stage. He performed in any condition. And he did it until the last day. I was sick, coughing, I thought it was a cold. He self-medicated - he drank cough pills. And it turned out that he had bilateral pneumonia. Launched. They put him on a ventilator, but it didn't help."

At the moment, with a certain degree of certainty, we can say that the cause of death of the former soloist of the Ivanushki group, Oleg Yakovlev, was a serious illness - bilateral pneumonia, which developed in his body for several years. The relevant data was provided by the beloved singer Alexander Kutsevol.

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that the numerous reports that Yakovlev died from some other ailment are completely untrue. In addition, it is necessary to refute the allegations of some representatives of show business who accused Yakovlev of abusing alcohol, against which he developed cirrhosis of the liver.

On the ninth day after the death of the former soloist of the Ivanushki International group Oleg Yakovlev, his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol told reporters the details of the singer's life. According to her, she met the artist in the city of Nefteyugansk, where the girl lived at that time.

"Ivanushki" came there on tour. I worked on television, and it was then that I met Oleg - I interviewed for my author's program. Then we met many times already in Moscow, when I worked on a music channel, ”said the girl, who also admitted that it was not important for her to get married with Yakovlev, while they were planning children.

Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where his parents were on a business trip. From childhood he studied music, studied at a music school.

Recall that Oleg Yakovlev joined the Ivanushki International group in 1997, replacing the deceased Igor Sorin. Together with Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev, Oleg Yakovlev recorded the song "Poplar Fluff", which instantly soared to the top of the charts. In 2013, the artist decided to leave the group and concentrate on his solo career.

9 days have passed since the death of the ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group Oleg Yakovlev. After the departure of the artist, a lot was said. But absolutely everyone kept saying one thing: "Only Yakovlev's wife knew the whole truth," he writes.

Alexandra Kutsevol was silent all these days. She asked journalists not to disturb the memory of a loved one. On the eve of the mourning date, the girl decided to have a frank conversation with our publication.

- Alexandra, Oleg has been talked about differently lately. Which of the above is true, only you can clarify. Let's start with the history of your acquaintance. Were you a fan of Oleg?
- I lived in Nefteyugansk, worked as a journalist on a local TV channel, writes readweb.org. Of course, I knew about the existence of the Ivanushki group. I was 15-16 years old when their songs sounded from every kettle. Naturally, I went to concerts.

As a journalist, I was quite popular in the city. But in life she remained a black sheep. Like Oleg. Maybe that's why we got along with him?

I come from an ordinary family: my father is a driver, my mother is a salesman. And in life she achieved everything herself. There were no influential acquaintances, no connections.

I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism in St. Petersburg. I'm a perfectionist - either hit or miss. No middle ground. In general, she studied by correspondence, continued to work on television. I interviewed the stars of show business.

The first meeting with Ivanushki took place in 2001. Oleg was just nice to me, like all the guys from the group. But for this meeting to be the beginning of beginnings, this did not happen. We met a little closer in St. Petersburg, where their big concert took place. I got a ticket to the party to see everything from the inside. I was interested to know the backstage "kitchen" of the artists. And that's when Oleg and I exchanged phone numbers.

- Only with Oleg?

- Only with him. Oleg and I immediately coincided on some energy level. This is when you look at a person and you understand - he is. Although I guessed that Oleg was complex and closed. His colleagues told me in chorus: "It is useless to count on relations with Yakovlev."

- Outwardly, he gave the impression of a very light person ...

- This is a misleading impression. Oleg did not let anyone into his heart. I don't know what a person had to do to get through to him. I am amazed that after his death, many people began to say that they knew him well, distribute comments, write their memoirs on social networks. How can they? Oleg's relatives could be counted on a finger. You have never even heard their names .. Among the stars of show business, Oleg had no friends. He was friends with many, but nothing more.

- Oleg did not suffer from the fact that he fell out of show business?

- Didn't suffer. Oleg avoided noisy parties, he was comfortable alone with himself. I am the same. I have been on my own since childhood. When, at the age of 15, everyone hung out in the porches and lit up at parties, I watched Walt Disney cartoons, loved to spend time alone, did not need company. In this respect, we agree with him.

We were both born in the year of the Rooster, he is Scorpio, I am Virgo. And all Oleg's close friends are also according to the Virgo horoscope. This is probably the only zodiac sign that can get along with Scorpio...

After graduation, I moved to Moscow. I got a job on a music channel. We began to cross paths with Oleg more often on the set, talked more, I came to visit him. Thus, a friendship was born between us, which gradually grew into something more.

"Complexed because of appearance"

- Yakovlev, after all, also came from another city to the capital. Did you live alone in Moscow?

- Oleg came to Moscow alone. His mother stayed in Irkutsk. In the capital, he entered all possible theater schools. He was wondering if the competition would pass, because he was very complex because of his Asian appearance. As a result, he entered all the universities where he applied.

Did you know his mother?

“His mother has been gone for a long time. In my opinion, she never caught the moment when Oleg came to Ivanushki. Why she was gone, he never told. He spoke little about his family. He did not know his father, he was a late child.

Oleg did everything himself from childhood. He told how in his youth he worked as a janitor, dragging cast-iron bathtubs. And he was not ashamed, he was not ashamed of his past, on the contrary, he was proud. And respect the people who work.

I remember we were standing at a traffic light, a boy ran up and started wiping the windows of the car. Oleg shed a tear: “How I respect such people. The guy works, but didn’t go to steal, beg.” He respected representatives of any profession. When he came to a restaurant, he always greeted the waiters.

I learned this from him. Oleg never asked anyone for a penny in his entire life. Many artists do not hesitate to be popular, they live at the expense of businessmen, oligarchs. Oleg is not from this opera.

He never allowed himself to be paid for, even when he came to business meetings. In restaurants, he always “struggled” to pay the bill himself, no matter what the financial situation was at the moment.

Oleg was a generous person. For example, one day he accidentally found out that one of his acquaintances dreamed of a smartphone, but could not afford to buy it. Oleg went and bought it for him. And it was not his close friend.

And when Oleg was given gifts, he put some aside: “Let's give the present to another person, he needs it more.” Therefore, all these questions - why we did not ask anyone for help - are not his story. Oleg would not ask, even if he needed.

- None of those who undertook to comment on the death of Oleg Yakovlev said that he was a scoundrel, a scoundrel. Everyone discussed his lifestyle, claimed that the artist was ruined by alcohol. In particular, Kirill's wife from "Ivanushki" Lola spoke about this.

- Lola has not communicated with Oleg for the past five years. She last saw him a few years ago at Kirill's birthday party. And at funerals. Why does she make such statements? I'm sorry, but this is weird to me.

- There was a talk show dedicated to Oleg. At the program, many of the audience also spoke about the musician's alcoholism ...

- I was told about it. I basically decided not to watch the program. I would destroy her if possible. On the day of Oleg's death, journalists called me and invited me to broadcast. Do you understand how I felt at that moment?

I wonder why people don't say good things about Yakovlev. After all, he didn’t do anything bad to anyone, he didn’t offend anyone, he didn’t insult anyone. With all until the last day he maintained friendly relations. He easily agreed to interviews with journalists, he always showered his interlocutor with compliments, treated him to coffee - and suddenly, after his death, he was treated like that. For me, this is an inexplicable story. I sincerely don't understand.

- There was even a version that Oleg had AIDS.

- And later there was a version that he had oncology. And people claimed it.

That is why I decided to tell you how it really happened. Many condemn me, they think that I have no right to give interviews, but should sit and suffer. I'm not going to prove anything to anyone, but at some point I realized that if I don't speak up, I won't stop the flow of dirt.

People must know the truth. And do not believe what it is not clear who said. The same Yuri Loza allowed himself to comment on the death of Oleg. Even though they didn't even know each other. Oleg does not have his name in his notebook. For me, it's over the edge. And I needed to speak up. Although after such interviews, it only gets worse for me.

“The fact that Oleg will be taken into a medically induced coma was not reported to us”

- Oleg really felt bad lately?

- If he was seriously ill, then in mid-June he would not have worked out a concert. But he didn't cough for a long time. Oleg was treated as best he could: he drank tea with lemon and honey, swallowed pills.

Oleg always made his own decisions. Pressing him was useless. I couldn't get him to go to the hospital. He always said: "I'll figure it out myself, this is my life, my health."

Only when complications began, it became difficult for him to breathe, he took an x-ray. And then he agreed to go to the hospital.

As for the fact of death, the doctors stated heart failure. Oleg did not die from some kind of illness, what happened in his body was fixable, curable, everything could be restored.

It so happened that he started coughing. After all, he did not lie at home, was not treated, but continued to perform. When they told him about the transfer to the intensive care unit, he was horrified: “Let me go home.” He could not bear the state of helplessness.

When Oleg was transported to intensive care, he went into shock. Like this? He asked: “So what? Will my phone and computer be taken away from me? How will I watch the news? And you can't smoke?" He was not interested in what happened to him, but was afraid that he would be left without communication. Such childish immediacy. He was a little childish throughout his life. Many were surprised that he hit 47. He could have been given 20 with a ponytail.

- Oleg until the last did not understand that things were bad?

Nobody understood. We had no doubt that he would get better.

When did he fall into a coma?

- Oleg was in intensive care for several days. Who didn't he fall into? He was put into medicated sleep. His blood pressure began to go off scale, his heart rhythm was disturbed against the background of general malaise. We were not warned about this. The doctors made their own decisions. I learned about it from journalists. But I didn't believe it was the end.

When we met with the doctor, I asked: “Does it happen that a person gets out?” In response, I heard: “It happens, one percent out of a hundred.” I was delighted: "This is our percentage." I believed that now Oleg would have a little rest, his heart would be treated, we would finish the course of treatment and everything would be all right. Moreover, Oleg and I discussed shortly before this the schedule of concerts, photo shoots. Doctors were still surprised: “Where are you in such a hurry? Let the man rest."

- Did Oleg talk to you before he was put into drug sleep?

“He didn’t have a phone in intensive care. He got worse at night. The doctors didn't tell anyone.

- That is, nothing foreshadowed a tragic end?

— Nothing. Oleg was going to rest, made plans for the summer. He planned the release of a new song, he thought about making a film, he wrote the script. He was invited to voice cartoons. We proposed to one TV channel a draft of an author's program about travel. The plans were full.

On the eve of his death, Oleg's condition improved, his indicators returned to normal. As we were later explained, this often happens before death. I was happy then, I told the doctors: “You see, everything will be fine.”

And yet, while he was in the hospital, I went to churches every day and prayed. Sati Casanova wanted to help me get to the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker. I planned for the next few days. But Oleg was gone.

I didn’t have a tantrum, they say, I don’t believe this can’t be. I immediately accepted the fact of his departure. We lived together for five years, we have known each other for about 20 years. Oleg always wanted me to be strong, like him. And I did it.

I've never buried anyone in my life. As a child, my parents protected me from the funeral, did not drag me to the cemetery, for which I thank them very much. And I never thought that the first person I would see off would be Oleg.

- Were there any bad feelings?

“My heart was calm.

How did you find out about his death?

- The head of the department called me exactly 5 minutes after Oleg's heart stopped. At 7.10 am Oleg was gone.

I thought that the journalists were calling. That day I woke up early, going to the monastery. I picked up the phone and heard that Oleg was no more. I was alone at home. I had no one to fall on my chest, no one to call.

“He directly said: cremate me”

Oleg was cremated. Was it his request?

- We have repeatedly talked with Oleg about this. We discussed in between. We generally calmly talked about death. Oleg was so wise that he did not consider this topic taboo. Once he said bluntly: "If I die, cremate me."

“But you were persuaded to bury him?”

- They wrote messages to me: they say, do not try to cremate. I didn't even read it. I know what Oleg wanted, and it doesn't matter to me what others want. We are not wild people, we live in the 21st century. This body, it is mortal, what does it matter how it will disappear? This is Oleg's choice. It is not worth judging or advising. Oleg was buried, and the priest was not against cremation.

- It seemed to me that very few people from the world of show business gathered at parting.

- Oleg was not in the party. He attended events exclusively for work. Otherwise, I wouldn't go to parties at all. But he needed to glow, so he stepped over himself.

Oleg did not know how to fawn, he did not succeed. If he didn’t like a person, he couldn’t rush to him with hugs and kisses, and hiss “bastard” behind his back through his teeth. Therefore, he was not friends with the artists, he maintained partnerships with everyone.

Everything happened quickly. We did not delay, we decided to do everything, as expected, on the third day. I didn’t want to make a pompous story out of a tragedy, notify the whole country and wait for everyone to buy tickets for the funeral.

But Igor Matvienko came, which is important. At the ceremony, he said: “It feels like this is another presentation of Oleg. It seems that he will now come around the corner and say to everyone: "Hello."

I didn't feel goodbye either. Oleg always left in English. The concert ended, he went into the dressing room, a few minutes - and Oleg's trace caught a cold. He left now in English, without saying anything to anyone. I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone. He doesn't even seem to understand what happened.

I am often asked what the last words Oleg said. There was no such thing.

The last time we talked with him on the topic of concerts, said goodbye, said to each other "see you tomorrow." No "goodbye, sorry, I want to say this and that." Oleg lived to the last and burned with work. He also did not want to grow old, and fantasized about this: “If I grow old, I would like to be like Takeshi Kitano, just as beautiful.”

“He looked good from the outside.

He didn't even have wrinkles. Oleg was indignant: “I am a grown man, I will soon have fifty dollars, and everyone calls me “Olezhek”. By the way, I have it in my phone - Olezhek. Red has too.

- Yes. he could cook any dish out of nothing. He could hammer a nail, screw in a light bulb, saw something off, nail it down. Only with technology was on "you". For a long time I could not understand what social networks are and why they are needed. It was from another test.

And Oleg was educated, well-read. He blamed me: “How can you not know this actress? Have you read this author?

Why didn't you get married?

- There was no such task. Oleg and I are two urban lunatics. The history of our relations is not standard. When they ask me how many years we have been together, I can’t even remember, there is no point of reference. I can’t say that on a particular day that same meeting took place, there was the same date on which he confessed his love to me ...

We had an independent relationship. We have always said: if a person is good, then just fine. And the stamp in the passport is a relic of the past. Probably, if we had children, we would formalize the relationship.

Why didn't they have children?

“Children come into this world to teach their parents something. I am convinced of this. Maybe Oleg and I had nothing to teach, we all knew.

“Suffocated in the group“ Ivanushki ”

- According to rumors, after leaving Ivanushki, Oleg was depressed. This is true?

- Not this way. Oleg is a creative person, in recent years he was suffocating in a group and it was noticeable.

- The parents of the former soloist of the group Igor Sorin say that it was not easy for Yakovlev - he was forced to sing to the soundtrack of their son for a long time.

- Apparently, Sorin's parents are going crazy because of the loss of their son - this is normal. His mother really thinks that Oleg sang to the soundtrack of Igor. She did not even realize that when the song “Doll” was recorded, Sorin had already flatly refused to sing for the group. And Oleg replaced him. Matvienko, when he first heard Oleg's voice, did not believe his ears: "Yes, this is Sorin." At the funeral, Ryzhiy said: "Thank you, Oleg, for saving the group."

- And why did Yakovlev leave the group?

- In the group for many years everything went according to knurled, and Oleg became bored, he wanted to develop. Andrey and Kirill had enough of such a role, and they got high, and Oleg needed variety, he wanted to be realized. He started writing songs two years before leaving the band. Naturally, at first it was difficult, Oleg and I were left alone and were left to our own devices. But we all succeeded. We shot video clips, wrote songs, arranged presentations, organized concerts. .

- But did Oleg lose money?

- He began to earn more than when he was in Ivanushki. I was happy about it and proud of it. And for Oleg, the opinion of Igor Matvienko has always been important. After all, he always sent his songs to the producer and rejoiced when he answered. He showed me messages from Matvienko and was happy like a child: “Igor answered me that it was a cool song.”

On the 20th anniversary of the group, Igor personally invited Oleg and asked him to perform his own song. So all these years without "Ivanushki" Oleg was happy. He got what he wanted out of life. The love that he gave to people returned to him. Even in the hospital, Oleg managed to charm the entire department. When the misfortune happened, all the doctors cried.

- And yet he never thought about returning to the group?

- When Oleg was just leaving, Matvienko said: “Let's see how it will be without Oleg. Suddenly he wants to come back. I remember how Oleg resisted this moment. And when later it was said that people wanted to see the original composition of Ivanushki at concerts, Oleg was indignant: “Why do I need this? What are you? I'm an independent artist." He's changed a lot since leaving the band. Fears are gone, he has become more confident. I believe that Oleg flourished when he left the team.

Did you miss the touring life?

He's had enough touring. Only now Oleg belonged to himself. He didn't have to conform to anyone. And he enjoyed being in charge of his own time. For the last four years he has lived as he wished.

- Do you now live in the same apartment where you were with Oleg?

- Yes. It’s hard to be there alone, so my friends are always with me. But I don't let anyone into the room where Oleg liked to spend time alone. I myself go there every morning and talk with Oleg, as if he were alive.

Did he leave a will?

I don't want to bring up this topic. It will take six months, and everything will be clear. I never thought about such things, material history is not important to me. I consider myself happy only because I was able to feel true love, from which I was afraid to suffocate. I always thought, why do people lose passion over time, but I only grow?

Oleg was very fond of peonies. And I always gave him these flowers. Girls aren't supposed to give flowers to boys, but I loved a man so much that I didn't have any rules. When he was sick, I also bought a bouquet.

People are afraid of their emotions, and then they regret all their lives that they didn’t do something, didn’t finish something. I do not regret anything. I expressed my love to Oleg until the last day.

- And he?

- Of course. Only he was more stingy with words, compliments. His actions spoke volumes. To protect me, he could go for broke, or ruin relations with employers, so as not to offend a loved one. It consisted of actions.

Now they reassure me: time will pass, the pain will subside, and you will meet another. I don't believe. Oleg was the love of my life. I know that nothing is over. Our meeting will definitely take place. He just completed his mission early.


At the end of the first month of summer, terrible news shook the whole country - the singer Oleg Yakovlev was taken to the hospital, and his condition was critical. Soon, after unsuccessful attempts by doctors to save him, the artist's heart stopped beating. Oleg Yakovlev passed away, and the cause of death is rather ambiguous. What did Oleg Yakovlev die from?

The life path and work of the singer

Oleg Yakovlev was born in Mongolia, where his parents were sent on a business trip. They went with their two daughters, and after a while they returned with five of them. Subsequently, after returning to the USSR, the singer converted to Orthodoxy, although his parents were committed to Buddhism and Islam. In Mongolia, after the birth of their son, they lived for 7 years, and after Oleg graduated from the first class, they returned to their homeland, to the city of Irkutsk. The boy was interested in music since childhood, he was a student of the music school in the choir class, but graduated from it. After graduating from a secondary school, Oleg Yakovlev entered the city theater school, and graduated with honors.

After a young resident of Irkutsk went to conquer Moscow, where he entered the Russian Institute of Theater Arts GITIS, and chose Lyudmila Kasatkina as a mentor, and later became part of the theater, directed by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. There was not enough money, and Oleg was looking for any part-time jobs, worked as a janitor and recorded voice acting for the radio.

The beginning of a career can be considered participation in the Ivanushki International group, where, according to Oleg's stories, he got by chance, sending a recording of songs performed by him. The producers liked the voice of the young singer, and they decided to accept him into the group to replace the former member of Ivanushki, Igor Sorin, who tragically died. It was not easy, because the fans flatly refused to accept the newcomer and missed Igor, who had left them. But after the group recorded and released several songs, among which the famous "Poplar Fluff", he was received with open arms.

After the time had elapsed, when the guys had already ceased to kindle a fire in the hearts of the fans like that, there were few concerts, and the fees were getting lower, the group decided to disperse. After much deliberation, they discarded this decision, but Oleg had already made his own. Without hesitation, Oleg Yakovlev began a solo career, recording songs, and after a while he began to travel around the cities with tours. His career continued, if not at the same level as during his participation in Ivanushki International, then still successfully. He was well known, and in 2013 he released a whole album, and later videos for songs from it.

In his place, young Kirill Turichenko came to Ivanushka's group, but the popularity that they enjoyed with Oleg can no longer be returned.

Singer's personal life

A successful member of a popular youth group was surrounded by a crowd of female fans who would all give a drop of attention to the artist, he did not. The expectation of true love gave him strength, and he waited for it. The chosen one of Oleg Yakovlev was a young journalist, Alexandra Kutsevol, whom he met in St. Petersburg. But despite the fact that the couple had been living together for a long time, they were in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. On account of this, Yakovlev said that the stamp in the passport and the ring on the finger are absolutely not needed in order to be happy.

After some time, the chosen one of the singer decided to leave her career as a journalist and started producing the work of a common-law husband. It was said that Alexandra insisted that Oleg leave the team, and he listened to her, leaving and breaking off relations with Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov.

Death of a famous artist

Cause of death of soloist Ivanushek International Oleg Yakovlev according to the primary data available to the media, there was a cardiac arrest due to complications from pneumonia of the lungs. But later everyone found out that the singer was sick AIDS, and the cause of death of Yakovlev Oleg Zhamsaraevich was a complication of the immunodeficiency virus. The family of the deceased does not comment on the situation, but it is clear that the common-law wife was aware of health problems. Oleg Yakovlev died in 2017, at the age of 47. Fans can't deal with the death of Oleg Yakovlev from Ivanushki because he was young, successful and happy. The artist's common-law wife knew about the disease, but for relatives, friends and colleagues it was a shock, as well as for the public and the Russian stage. sudden death of Oleg Yakovlev left a mark on the history of music. For family, friends and fans of creativity, the former soloist of Ivanushek International will remain as cheerful, sweet, kind and mischievous. He loved life, and the eternal love of his admirers will be just as great. There, where Oleg Yakovlev is buried , hundreds of people came to say goodbye to him.

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