Cool poems for a medal gift. Jubilee medal “60 years of the armed forces of the USSR

The medal was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 28, 1978 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

1. The anniversary medal “60 years of the USSR Armed Forces” is awarded to:

officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen who were on active duty by February 23, 1978 military service V Soviet army, Navy, troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, troops and bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR;
former Red Guards, military personnel who took part in military operations to protect Soviet Motherland in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, partisans of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945;
persons transferred from active military service to the reserve or retired, who served in the Soviet Army, Navy, troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, troops and bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for 20 years or more in calendar terms or who were awarded during their service active military service with the orders of the USSR or medals “For Courage”, Ushakov, “For Military Merit”, “For Distinction in Protecting the State Border of the USSR”, Nakhimov, “For Distinction in Military Service”.

2. The presentation of the anniversary medal “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” is carried out on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by commanders of military units, formations, heads of institutions, establishments, military commissariats of union, autonomous republics, regional, regional, district, district and city military commissariats.

Along with the anniversary medal, the recipients are presented with a certificate of the established form.

3. Jubilee medal“60 Years of the USSR Armed Forces” is awarded to those awarded on the basis of lists compiled and approved by:
for military personnel - commanders of military units, formations and heads of institutions, establishments;
for persons discharged from active military service, former Red Guards, partisans of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 - military commissars of the union, autonomous republics, regional, regional, district, district.

Lists of persons (except military personnel) awarded the anniversary medal “60 Years of the USSR Armed Forces” are compiled on the basis of documents confirming service in the Red Guard detachments, participation in military operations to defend the Soviet Motherland in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces, the partisan movement, 20 years length of service in calendar terms in the Soviet Army, Navy, troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, troops and bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR or awarded during active military service with orders or medals of the USSR named in Article 1 of these Regulations.
A corresponding entry is made in the list of awardees about the presentation of the anniversary medal.

4. The anniversary medal “60 years of the USSR Armed Forces” is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the anniversary medal “50 years of the USSR Armed Forces”.

The medal "60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" is made of brass and has the shape of a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm.

On the front side of the medal, against the backdrop of skyward rockets and flying combat aircraft, there is an image of a Soviet Army soldier with a machine gun. To the right of the soldier’s figure on the sea horizon is a submarine, above which the dates “1918” and “1978” are located in two lines.

On the reverse side of the medal around the circumference are the inscriptions “Sixty children” and. "Armed Forces of the USSR", separated by asterisks. In the center is an image of a five-pointed star with a hammer and a plow in the middle, superimposed on a crossed rifle and saber.

All images and inscriptions on the medal are convex.

The edges of the medal are bordered by a border.

The medal, using an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moire ribbon gray 24 mm wide. The edges of the tape are edged with a red stripe 5 mm wide. In the middle of the tape there is a longitudinal strip of golden color 1 mm wide.

We give you a medal
We don't feel sorry for her at all.
For you, for dear one,
Golden man.
For your warmth, kindness,
Friendship, loyalty, warmth.
We can't list everything,
This list is numerous.
Let there be a place for her
On your big chest.

We present you with a medal
Rightfully deserved.
For your achievements
We will shout loudly: “Bravo!”

Always be a leader and know
Not everyone gets a medal
Let there be happiness in your soul
And the song flows in the heart!

Success, joy, warmth
And new achievements.
Medal - victory is a good sign
And an incentive for promotion!

To the best man in the world,
Give me the whole world not sorry,
For sensitivity, kindness,
For friendship and loyalty
I want you today
I'll give you a medal.
I want your merits
Can't count on your fingers
And good deeds
Yours cannot be counted,
I give you a medal
I present it with the words:
Thank you for being in the world
I have you.

For wisdom, patience,
For strength and zeal,
For work and courage,

Because your merits are all priceless,
For making good use of your time.
We present the medal to the sounds of fanfare.
We solemnly congratulate you on the holiday!

We present you with a medal,
As the highest sign of recognition,
We wish you with all our hearts
Goodness and prosperity.

Let the reward be skillful
Your suit decorates
And a feeling of respect
Calls out to people you meet.

There is a very important detail:
For a great achievement
You are entitled to a medal
And not just congratulations!

You can be proud of yourself
But you know, don't relax
After all, we need to strive for better
And achieve new goals!

I give you a medal
Honestly deserved
Let it be worthy on your chest
There will be a place for her.

my gift to you
I want to be proud
Not everyone in life
It was such an honor.

Keep the medal as a memory,
As a particularly important sign,
Now you have a medal
Let everyone be jealous.

Unfortunately, it's not possible
Give people happiness.
We wish it for you,
And we want to present you with a medal.

Let her remind
About success, about friends.
And makes sure that the owner
Didn't stay on the beans!

Award you a medal
On this holiday we decided
We looked for her for a long time,
Well, we finally bought it,
If you wear it,
We will be very glad to see you all,
You deserve happiness
And, of course, awards!

We reward you with a medal,
And please wear it with pride!
We present it personally,
She should only be with you!

And we wish you a lot of praise,
Various successes, and in everything.
We cordially congratulate you,
May there be happiness every day!

The anniversary medal “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 28, 1977. The same Decree approved the Regulations on the medal and its description.

The medal regulations say:

"1. The anniversary medal “60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” is awarded to:

officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen who, by February 23, 1978, were in active military service in the Soviet Army, Navy, internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, troops and bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

former Red Guards, military personnel who took part in military operations to defend the Soviet Motherland in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces, partisans of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945;

persons transferred from active military service to the reserve or retired, who served in the Soviet Army, Navy, troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, troops and bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for 20 years or more in calendar terms or who were awarded during their service active military service with the orders of the USSR or medals “For Courage”, Ushakov, “For Military Merit”, “For Distinction in Protecting the State Border of the USSR”, Nakhimov, “For Distinction in Military Service”.

2. The presentation of the anniversary medal “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” is carried out on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by commanders of military units, formations, heads of institutions, establishments, military commissars of union, autonomous republics, regional, regional, district, district and city military commissars.

Along with the anniversary medal, the recipients are presented with a certificate of the established form.

3. The anniversary medal “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” is awarded to those awarded on the basis of lists compiled and approved by:

for military personnel - commanders of military units, formations and heads of institutions, establishments;

for persons discharged from active military service, former Red Guards, partisans of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. - military commissars of union, autonomous republics, regional, regional, district, district and city military commissars at the place of work of the awarded recipients, and for non-working awarded recipients - at their place of residence.

Lists of persons (except military personnel) awarded the anniversary medal “60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” are compiled on the basis of documents confirming service in the Red Guard detachments, participation in military operations to defend the Soviet Motherland as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the partisan movement, 20 years length of service in the Armed Forces of the USSR in calendar terms or awarding orders and medals of the USSR.

4. A corresponding entry is made in the list of awardees about the presentation of the anniversary medal.

5. The anniversary medal “60 years of the USSR Armed Forces” is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the anniversary medal “50 years of the USSR Armed Forces”.

6. In case of loss of the anniversary medal “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” or the certificate for it, the recipient has the right to wear a bar with a ribbon for the medal of the established type. Duplicates of medals and certificates are not issued.”

The medal “60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” is made of brass and has the shape of a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm. On the front side of the medal, against the backdrop of skyward rockets, flying combat aircraft and a submarine, there is an image of a Soviet Army soldier with a machine gun and the dates “1918” and “1978”, arranged in two lines. On the reverse side of the medal there are inscriptions along the circumference: in the upper part - “Sixty Years”, in the lower part - “Armed Forces of the USSR”, separated by asterisks. In the center is an image of a five-pointed star with a hammer and a plow in the middle, superimposed on a crossed rifle and saber. All images and inscriptions on the medal are convex. The medal is edged. Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a gray silk moire ribbon 24 mm wide. The edges of the tape are edged with a red stripe 5 mm wide. In the middle of the tape there is a longitudinal strip of golden color 1 mm wide.

Of course, there are many new and interesting congratulations for the hero of the day, but the presentation of gold is well rooted, comic medal for the hero of the day. The presentation of a comic award medal can be played up and made into a whole show, amusing the guests and moving the hero of the occasion to tears.

Award medals are easy to make, a master class and step-by-step instructions are shown.

Comic congratulatory medals, as well as reminders for comic award medals. They also add variety to any holiday or anniversary. And very interesting medals for competitions, awarding guests in competitions.

The host announces "Dancing"! And he warns that couples will be selected who dance with their souls and show original movements.
The entire team participates in this competition. The main condition of this competition is to choose the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. After everyone has danced and taken their seats, the presenter announces the nomination and the team immediately tries to choose a nominee.
The nominee is awarded a medal, everyone claps.
So, let's announce our nominees!
Comic medals for the "Competition - nomination - corporation"
1. Nomination "Young - Green". The medal is awarded to the youngest participant in the corporate event.
2. Nomination "My years are my wealth." The medal is awarded to the oldest person in the team.
3. Nomination "Cup of Wisdom". The medal is awarded to the wisest person in our team.
4. The girl with the most big breasts becomes the winner in the "Women's Pride" nomination
5. A man who has the most big size legs, becomes the winner in the category "Chief Skipirich"
6. The most thrifty person is awarded a medal. Nomination "Plyushkin" - for a man, for a woman - "Mrs. Box....

In order to be able to celebrate the merits of military veterans and provide them with due attention, new insignia are being established. Among them is the anniversary medal “60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR”. It appeared on January 28, 1978 after the signing of the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Armed Forces Soviet Union.

Who was awarded the medal?

The medal “60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” was awarded to the following categories of persons:

  • To officers, warrant officers of the Armed Forces, midshipmen of the Navy, who as of February 23, 1978 were on active military service in the SA, Navy, as well as the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee. A separate category included military personnel who had previously been awarded state awards.
  • Persons who fought in the ranks of the Red Guard, as well as people who served in the spacecraft and defended the country.
  • Members partisan detachments Civil War and WWII.
  • People who have retired or are in reserve, but who previously served in the SA, Navy, as well as the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee for at least 20 years, or during their service became the owners of some Soviet awards.

The rules required wearing the medal “60 years of the USSR Armed Forces” on the left. The senior badge in the hierarchy was the medal “50 years of the USSR Armed Forces”.

According to information at the beginning of 1995, the badge was issued to more than 10.7 million people.

Sign design

The design of the award badge was designed by the artist L. Pipetko. The medal is brass, made in the form of a disk. On the front, you can see missiles pointing upward, carried by combat aircraft. Below are the ocean waves along which the submarine floats. In front is an SA soldier holding a machine gun in his hands. To the right of it, directly above the submarine, the years “1918” and “1978” are engraved in 2 rows.

On the back side there are two inscriptions along the perimeter near the edge. Top: “Sixty years.” Bottom: " Armed Forces THE USSR". They are separated from each other by asterisks. In the middle there is a 5-pointed star, in the field of which there is a plow and a hammer. Behind the asterisk is a saber and a rifle. There is a collar on both sides of the sign.

The block, which has a 5-gonal shape, is wrapped in a gray ribbon. There is a 5mm scarlet stripe along both edges. In the center of the ribbon there is a 1 mm stripe of a golden hue.

During the existence of the USSR, its armed forces had to take part in several wars. Here are some of them.

Soviet-Polish War

This armed conflict began when our country was still in Civil War. Until the 13th century, Western Ukraine and Belarus were owned by the Rurikovichs. Afterwards, the Lithuanian state appeared on these lands. However, the Russian tsars considered the territory theirs. As a result of the division of Poland, part of the lands became part of the Republic of Ingushetia.

At the end of 1917, Poland became independent, after which its government set out to restore the 1772 borders and control Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania. On January 1, 1919, units of the Polish army occupied Vilna. A few days later, units of the Red Army drove out the invaders. Soon the Poles attacked Belarus and won a number of victories.

On April 25, 1920, Polish troops attacked the Red Army along the entire border with Ukraine. The enemy had an almost twofold advantage in numbers. A few days later he reached Pripyat and the Dnieper. On May 7, Kyiv was occupied. Soon the spacecraft offensive began under the command of Tukhachevsky, but at the end of May it foundered and the Poles launched a counteroffensive.

Reinforcements arrived on the Southwestern Front - the 1st Cavalry Army under the command of Budyonny, and the situation changed. On June 10, the Poles left Kyiv. On July 10, Rivne was captured. Soon ours reached the border with Poland. The decision was made to march on Warsaw. However, as a result, the 1st Cavalry found itself at a great distance from the supply units, face to face with superior enemy forces.

The Poles inflicted great damage on the spacecraft, which was forced to retreat. Subsequently, it was decided to place the blame for this decision on M. Tukhachevsky. Negotiations began in the fall. After 5 months they ended with the signing of the Riga Peace Treaty. According to it, the territories of Western Ukraine and Belarus were transferred to Poland.

Polish campaign of the spacecraft 1939

In Poland, these events of 1939 are called the Soviet invasion. This operation of the Red Army was carried out from September 17 to September 29, 1939. After the start of World War II, that is, from the moment the Nazis invaded Poland, the leadership of the USSR considered that it had ceased to exist as a state and, therefore, the Treaty of Riga lost force.

England and France, who were Polish allies, were inactive, the Wehrmacht troops very quickly advanced into the interior of the country. Therefore, wanting to help the Ukrainian and to the Belarusian people, parts of the Belarusian and Ukrainian Military Districts crossed the Polish border. They were given orders to take protection Western Ukraine and Belarus, whose territories were torn away from our country in 1920. Our fighters encountered practically no resistance to the spacecraft from the Polish military.

On September 19, a shootout took place near Lvov between the Germans and our fighters. In the following days, negotiations took place between these parties, as a result of which a demarcation line was established. The division of Polish territory between the USSR and Germany ended on September 28. On this day the Treaty of Friendship and Borders was signed.

As a result, 196 thousand m2 of land passed to the Soviet Union. 13 million people lived there. In November of the same year, these territories were accepted into the Ukrainian and Byelorussian SSR. Such actions of the spacecraft made it possible to significantly strengthen the defense capability of the USSR.

Soviet-Finnish War

At the end of 1917, the Bolsheviks recognized the independence of Finland. However, this country soon started a war, which ended with the signing of the Treaty of Yuryev, according to which the border began to pass on the Sestra River. Some territories were transferred to Finland.

Finland feared an attack by the USSR and entered into a non-aggression pact with it. Negotiations began in 1938. Our country tried to obtain a promise that if Germany tried to attack our country through Finland, Finland would not allow this. But the negotiations ended without results.

At the negotiations that began in the fall of 1939, the issue of the proximity of the border to Leningrad was raised; it was proposed to move the border 90 km from it. An exchange of territories was expected. However, Finland did not make any concessions, although various options were proposed.

The USSR began to prepare for war. The Finns too, large-scale military exercises were held, and the “Mannerheim Line” was built at a rapid pace. On November 26, Soviet territory was shelled from the Finnish side. This became the reason for the termination of the non-aggression treaty. On November 30, the spacecraft received the order to attack. The Soviet Union decided to do by military means what could not be done peacefully - to move the border from Leningrad so that the enemy could not capture it in the first hours after the attack.

The Soviet command assumed that the war would become quick. It was planned to capture Helsinki and occupy the entire country within 3 weeks. However, the plans were not destined to come true. The obstacle was the “Mannerheim Line,” which was a perfectly fortified line of defensive structures. Our management's information about them was incomplete. In addition, the Finnish army actually turned out to be much stronger. As a result, our troops were stuck on the Karelian Isthmus.

The success was that, having occupied the Rybachy and Sredniy islands, the spacecraft managed to block the enemy’s access to Barents Sea. European countries began to provide active assistance to Finland. 11 thousand volunteers came to it. By the end of December there was relative calm at the front. Our command, taking into account the mistakes made, reorganized the troops.

Only on February 1, the spacecraft operations were resumed. The general offensive began on February 11. The most powerful artillery preparation was carried out for 10 days. After they began to attack, the Mannerheim line was overcome after 3 days. Soviet troops developed success by taking one locality after another. On March 13, the spacecraft entered Vyborg.

Aware of the danger that if the spacecraft continues fighting, it will occupy all of Finland and it can be annexed to the USSR, the Finnish government proposed to negotiate peace. The signing of the peace treaty took place on March 12, in Moscow. Despite the fact that, according to its terms, hostilities were to cease at noon next day, and Vyborg was retreating to the USSR, ours considered it necessary to storm it.

All conditions of the Soviet Union were met. Leningrad was well defended. For these actions, the USSR was expelled from the League of Nations.

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